jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

Friend of mine has recently been falsely accused by a student. in short it's been a shit time for him. here's a decent Writeup I found On How We Can Avoid It.


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:15PM by MathALetics http://ift.tt/2eJd4YO

My student teaching supervisor referred to me as a "slave" in front of my mentor teacher during a joint meeting today.

Granted, I don't think my MT is actually going to treat me like a slave during my student teaching, but it was a rather low point in an otherwise decent conversation. Felt rather insulted right after the supervisor said that. Am I just being too sensitive about this?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:14PM by jedijoe92 http://ift.tt/2gtC6Pi

AP Economics advice needed

My teacher is from New York City and spent the first whole week doing the following

Complaining about Trump

Spent a whole day on respecting others

First assignment is a growth mindset essay

Says don't be racist, is racist towards whites...

Me any many friends are considering dropping the class. Many took it for the previous teacher who ended up getting promoted to supervisor for freshman teachers since apparently almost 100 incoming freshman didn't pass a single junior high class.

I'm not sure how much this lady will be able to teach us since she's never taught Econ before, yet alone AP Econ!

What would you do?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:18PM by voyager14 http://ift.tt/2gug7YL

The Myth of American Universities as Inequality-Fighters: Colleges aren’t doing nearly as much to expand economic opportunity as most people think


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:15PM by CommonsCarnival http://ift.tt/2eJ6sK0

@INEEmx: ¿Por qué leer la #GacetaINEE?, los consejeros de la junta de gobierno del INEE cuentan las novedades de esta edició… https://t.co/hUEhg62UU0


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Cada artículo incluye un apartado para tus comentarios, déjanos saber tu opinión y enriquece esta publicación… https://t.co/8rlF9MLBQ1


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Además esta publicación incluye textos traducidos al otomí de la Sierra de #Hidalgo y al tojolobal de #Chiapas… https://t.co/zY0VoSpfQJ


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: La Gaceta de la Política Nacional de Evaluación Educativa de México tiene nueva edición. Aquí la versión digital… https://t.co/glWpBqxoRi


@EducacionFutura : Noticias a modo / El nuevo texto de @Meny_n https://t.co/nE8fwzu7FR

@EducacionFutura : Noticias a modo / El nuevo texto de @Meny_n https://t.co/nE8fwzu7FR (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903390727916453888)

@INEEmx: @AlexFerrelo Te sugerimos consultar a la CNSPD a través de los datos de contacto que comparte en su portal… https://t.co/SgzbNtYUxh


@INEEmx: @AlexFerrelo Dortman, el INEE no es la instancia responsable de publicar resultados derivados de los procesos de ev… https://t.co/Qi4mCHbzdL


How a 3D clitoris will help teach French schoolchildren about sex (2016)


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 03:21PM by testing78378 http://ift.tt/2vNmnwB

@INEEmx: El INEE realizará un seminario sobre la #ReformaEducativa. Cada miércoles a partir del 13 de septiembre con transmi… https://t.co/eN0JuPEEbn


My absolute favorite quote on teaching EVER. I just find it hard to describe how beautiful I find it.


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 02:25PM by MathALetics http://ift.tt/2vvjtkJ

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Presume SEP “recuperación de la rectoría del Estado” ante embajadores iberoamericanos https://t.co/AR0Wbe7srU

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Presume SEP “recuperación de la rectoría del Estado” ante embajadores iberoamericanos https://t.co/AR0Wbe7srU (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903346977278189569)

@INEEmx: Nuevas publicaciones, artículos de opinión y nuestras noticias más destacadas en #ActualidadINEE… https://t.co/mt6I0fNoIX


@EducacionFutura : El rezago educativo, el rostro olvidado de la Reforma Educativa /Texto de Claudio Escobedo https://t.co/QxSIxc7eki https://t.co/6ANyB4EKcD

@EducacionFutura : El rezago educativo, el rostro olvidado de la Reforma Educativa /Texto de Claudio Escobedo https://t.co/QxSIxc7eki https://t.co/6ANyB4EKcD (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903324102823432193)

The Myth of American Universities as Inequality-Fighters


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 11:31AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2vIMtlc

@EducacionFutura : Estrategia de Autonomía Curricular / El análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/MdX7Us3x04

@EducacionFutura : Estrategia de Autonomía Curricular / El análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/MdX7Us3x04 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903301553804771332)

What a New Trump Administration Hire Could Mean for For-Profit Colleges


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:45AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2eszH6Z

@INEEmx: "El sistema se mueve", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del #INEE, publicado hoy en @Campusmilenio… https://t.co/GulyVdFysO


Do Banks Sell Stamps? List Of Banks That Sell Stamps


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:56AM by FaizanAmjad http://ift.tt/2grOIq2

Educational Technology

I'm in a pk-12 instructional technology class and I was curious how pervasive devices like iPads and computer access for students is amongst schools. I'm sure it varies district to district, but I imagine the wealthy schools have all the computers and the poorest schools have none and there is no middle ground. Am I off base?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:07AM by echoisacat http://ift.tt/2esmT0y

Dear teachers, it's time to go back to school!


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:11AM by akanoxx http://ift.tt/2glxJCh

Microsoft Excel Solutions


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:24AM by MSExcelTrainer http://ift.tt/2glzNu5

The Student Who Broke My Heart


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:25AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2elSQ71

American U. Expels 18 Students for Involvement in Rogue Frat


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:57AM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2glAlzQ

@INEEmx: @GrisOlivares Estimada Gris, te compartimos el dato solicitado: Teléfono: 771 107 0363 Buen día.


@EducacionFutura : Convoca INEE al Seminario “La Reforma Educativa: Avances y Desafíos” https://t.co/2cQ98H4sgI https://t.co/7Tx9dR00Yr

@EducacionFutura : Convoca INEE al Seminario “La Reforma Educativa: Avances y Desafíos” https://t.co/2cQ98H4sgI https://t.co/7Tx9dR00Yr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903277510472949761)

@INEEmx: #PublicacionesINEE Una valoración del diseño e implementación de la política educativa dirigida a la niñez indígena… https://t.co/EclSy9JChT


Trump administration selects former DeVry official to lead college enforcement unit


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 07:58AM by BlackMilk23 http://ift.tt/2glkuBw

A university professor suggested Harvey was karma for Texas Republicans. Then, he was fired.


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:04AM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2esj0su

@INEEmx: @JornadaSanLuis Esta es la cuenta del Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación. Para temas electorales… https://t.co/ljAoimvdJY


@EducacionFutura : Calidad educativa: la necesidad de una reforma sistémica / El nuevo análisis de @BlancaHerediaR https://t.co/ztf6GXqTpv

@EducacionFutura : Calidad educativa: la necesidad de una reforma sistémica / El nuevo análisis de @BlancaHerediaR https://t.co/ztf6GXqTpv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903256322396782595)

IES Master Online Test Series for Success in ESE 2018 Prelims


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 07:11AM by IES-Master http://ift.tt/2xAbC2T

Curriculum mapping templates for individual courses in connection with the overall program curriculum: any place I could find these?

No text found

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 04:28AM by Napkin_whore http://ift.tt/2vHXza3

Trump and DeVos fuel a for-profit college comeback: Scrutiny of fraud fades as feds go lax on an industry that Obama targeted


Submitted August 31, 2017 at 04:30AM by rollotomasi07071 http://ift.tt/2x8sZtV

[Question]Weighted GPA and moving

If i was recommended honors classes in a weighted GPA school, move to a non-weighted school that does not offer that (core) class in honors, then move to a school with honors and weighted GPA; will it affect my GPA since I wont be have the honors class because i didnt take it the previous year?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 01:41AM by Hawksource- http://ift.tt/2wUSyPs

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Overwhelming % of Americans Think Public School Teachers Are Underappreciated And Underpaid (Do you think they'll ever increase our pay to something reflective of the work we do? - discuss in comments)


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:29PM by MathALetics http://ift.tt/2gqLa7A

@EducacionFutura : #RumboASanLuisPotosí Toma en cuenta todos los detalles del XIV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa… https://t.co/WwHQR4jhnX

@EducacionFutura : #RumboASanLuisPotosí Toma en cuenta todos los detalles del XIV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa… https://t.co/WwHQR4jhnX (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903076149881970689)

@INEEmx: Para mejorar los resultados del sistema educativo es necesario diseñar políticas públicas con base en evidencia. Te… https://t.co/pKX7ZwDD4Z


@INEEmx: @elcolmex @el_BID Participan como comentaristas la consejera del #INEE Teresa Bracho González, @BlancaHerediaR del… https://t.co/EGBspWYRfk


@INEEmx: Esta tarde @elcolmex y @el_BID presentan el Informe Insignia Desarrollo en Las Américas 2017 en El Colegio de Méxic… https://t.co/KH2hommqfU


@INEEmx: @krlin_65 Carlos, las conferencias se realizarán cada miércoles a las 17:00 hrs y podrás verlas #EnVivo a través de nuestras redes sociales.


@EducacionFutura : Educación y profesiones en la renegociación del TLCAN 3. México / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/vtM2CSAt6L

@EducacionFutura : Educación y profesiones en la renegociación del TLCAN 3. México / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/vtM2CSAt6L (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/903027090232102912)

@INEEmx: Personal de las áreas estatales de evaluación y planeación en actividades de la jornada de evaluación educativa 201… https://t.co/1xKS3nEFfy


Houston School Superintendent Says A Lot Of Work Ahead To Open Schools


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 02:58PM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2vsWOWk

@INEEmx: Lo que debes saber sobre el Estudio Internacional de Educación Cívica y Ciudadana #Cívica2016… https://t.co/K5M0zmSlzB


1,300 Catholic Educators to Trump: Preserve DACA


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 02:23PM by BlackMilk23 http://ift.tt/2xzidKH

@EducacionFutura : Comunidades escolares determinarán 20% de la currícula educativa https://t.co/A1DIkiJzT4 https://t.co/R3JXYeXueq

@EducacionFutura : Comunidades escolares determinarán 20% de la currícula educativa https://t.co/A1DIkiJzT4 https://t.co/R3JXYeXueq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902981798556250113)

Innovate with Google for Education


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 12:56PM by electronics_hobby http://ift.tt/2xyACas

Should You Do Online Schooling?


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 01:22PM by RealZacharyWilliams http://ift.tt/2wjnzLP

@INEEmx: Seminario de la reforma educativa: un punto de partida para definir, en grandes trazos, la evaluación futura de la… https://t.co/F5o4MJIBea


U.S. Cellular's Most Valuable Co


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 11:37AM by OutBoxComm2 http://ift.tt/2wozlmf

Houston Students Will Receive Free Meals This School Year


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:57AM by DSomers2616 http://ift.tt/2x5qk49

@INEEmx: Docentes, directivos, supervisores y ATP en el taller "Sistematización de #PrácticasInnovadoras sobre evaluación ed… https://t.co/46lXnny7DP


@EducacionFutura : #VoxDelProfe - Algunos elementos para políticas desde la convergencia de dos programas becarios federales https://t.co/3UJgfacLpg

@EducacionFutura : #VoxDelProfe - Algunos elementos para políticas desde la convergencia de dos programas becarios federales https://t.co/3UJgfacLpg (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902935271028785152)

Budget burden falls on teachers when districts can't afford supplies


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:08AM by eod9416 http://ift.tt/2wou12j

@EducacionFutura : Las cuotas escolares: entre la gratuidad y la obligatoriedad / El nuevo análisis de @Lalocoche https://t.co/oENjM9zoYE

@EducacionFutura : Las cuotas escolares: entre la gratuidad y la obligatoriedad / El nuevo análisis de @Lalocoche https://t.co/oENjM9zoYE (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902917632101421056)

@INEEmx: 2º día de las jornadas sobre evaluación educativa en #Chihuahua #Ahora mesa de trabajo "Evaluación de los servici… https://t.co/qDlMNoqA25


The Junk Science Behind 'Smarter Lunchrooms'


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:01AM by punkthesystem http://ift.tt/2xNbJHH

Ivy League Scholars Urge Students: 'Think for Yourself'


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:02AM by Learnings_a_lifeline http://ift.tt/2wSZhJY

IL kids forced to find other ways to be involved in the performing arts after state cuts funding


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:13AM by eod9416 http://ift.tt/2vsnVRd

@INEEmx: ¿Sabes cuántos alumnos, docentes y escuelas de educación obligatoria hay en tu estado? Descúbrelo en este mapa… https://t.co/sWU1PrbV76


@EducacionFutura : No se ha logrado universalizar la educación básica: Sylvia Schmelkes https://t.co/ZDKpC72lnp

@EducacionFutura : No se ha logrado universalizar la educación básica: Sylvia Schmelkes https://t.co/ZDKpC72lnp (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902895033006907393)

Less degrees and More tradespeople required?


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:24AM by Learnings_a_lifeline http://ift.tt/2wScItx

How Schoolchildren Will Cope With Hurricane Harvey


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:25AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2xMwbsb

[Math] - IOS app that can generate math problems.

Hi Redditors,

I and my wife were working on this ios app which can generate math problems to various topics as well as check for correctness.

We're planning to add more complex topics. First, we would like to get some feedback from you.

Math Infinite Problems

Let me know your opinions,


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:29AM by madiyar http://ift.tt/2wJf6Cw

I Am planning to apply for a master degree in education for 2018- Any reading list recommendation?

Or any essential informations / basics I should know before I apply?

I've had teachers trainning before but that is mostly teaching method and lesson planning, what advanced skills or knowledge should I posses if I wanted a master degree in education?

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:53AM by brabroke http://ift.tt/2vIPZLF

What Would My Role Model Do?


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:23AM by KudosWall http://ift.tt/2vJ1LFy

A School Counselor Takes To The Floodwaters To Rescue His Students And Their Families


Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:08AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2vrpU8A

Citrix 1Y0-301 Practice Test Questions Answers with 1Y0-301 PDF Dumps


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 10:26PM by davidalan12 http://ift.tt/2xw8ncL

martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

@EducacionFutura : La reforma tiene activos pero no posee todas las virtudes que le marca el secretario Nuño: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/0huVzMPbyI

@EducacionFutura : La reforma tiene activos pero no posee todas las virtudes que le marca el secretario Nuño: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/0huVzMPbyI (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902748911428927488)

@INEEmx: #Ahora se desarrolla la mesa de trabajo "Marcos de referencia del Proyecto Nacional de Evaluación y Mejora Educativ… https://t.co/nnT2xMn4M1


@INEEmx: Supervisores y jefes de sector de #Chihuahua participan en el taller "Directrices para mejora la atención de educat… https://t.co/rxOPdYPDBl


@EducacionFutura : Visitará Malala Yousafzai México por primera vez; busca interacción con comunidad académica en el @TecdeMonterrey https://t.co/yLlKRaORmw

@EducacionFutura : Visitará Malala Yousafzai México por primera vez; busca interacción con comunidad académica en el @TecdeMonterrey https://t.co/yLlKRaORmw (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902663449251078146)

Abstinence-Only: The Abstinence of Essential Information


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 03:15PM by kcmill12 http://ift.tt/2vCdBCs

Trauma and transitions: How San Diego grapples with educating refugees


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 03:34PM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2x24rCN

@INEEmx: Jornadas de evaluación educativa 2017 en #Chihuahua: Taller "Uso de resultados de evaluación para la mejora educati… https://t.co/CfWRSk5x0K


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Fomentamos la construcción de estrategias para incentivar el uso de la información institucional en proyectos local… https://t.co/isEnT5eHWY


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Estas jornadas se enfocan en promover un mejor entendimiento de los resultados de las evaluaciones y sobre todo de… https://t.co/tP0SB9YbtS


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Hoy y mañana estaremos desarrollando las jornadas de evaluación educativa 2017 en #Chihuahua, con el apoyo de la @SEyC_Chih


[Math] - IOS app that can generate math problems.

Hi Redditors,

I and my wife were working on this ios app which can generate math problems to various topics as well as check for correctness.

We're planning to add more complex topics. First, we would like to get some feedback from you.

Math Infinite Problems

Let me know your opinions,


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 02:33PM by madiyar http://ift.tt/2xKwjrS

Education Dept. lost track of $84M for disabled student services


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 01:55PM by LMGagne http://ift.tt/2vHkiC8

Oklahoma isn't working. Can anyone fix this failing American state? (The Guardian)


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 01:56PM by czechyerself http://ift.tt/2vpbO7L

The Myth of the American Public School Is Crumbling


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 01:58PM by Silverseren http://ift.tt/2vpPDOz

Their son may have been slapped by a bus driver. They want the Surveillance video for answers.


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 01:45PM by eod9416 http://ift.tt/2xvuujd

@EducacionFutura : Educación y profesiones en la renegociación del TLC 2. Canadá / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/0n5ASB6QVv

@EducacionFutura : Educación y profesiones en la renegociación del TLC 2. Canadá / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/0n5ASB6QVv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902619418945052672)

@INEEmx: Inauguran en #Chihuahua las Jornadas sobre evaluación educativa 2017 https://t.co/vqZY6R6j5J https://t.co/Lcg6mWxGKc


@INEEmx: ¿Hacia dónde va la reforma educativa? Un recuento de sus resultados y los retos por enfrentar. Sigue #EnVivo las co… https://t.co/F8S0azQq0w


Ivy League Scholars Urge Students: 'Think for Yourself'


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 12:09PM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2xuTtn5

@EducacionFutura : Educación y empleo en el México del siglo XXI / El nuevo texto de Eduardo Backhoff https://t.co/vtVpuAWC3x

@EducacionFutura : Educación y empleo en el México del siglo XXI / El nuevo texto de Eduardo Backhoff https://t.co/vtVpuAWC3x (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902599399238504448)

@ManuelGilAnton : La desigualdad... https://t.co/mWcEK4Lcan

@ManuelGilAnton : La desigualdad... https://t.co/mWcEK4Lcan (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/902593895112077312)

What is an individual College's incentive to Use the Common Application instead of its Own?

I can see the benefits from the applicant's perspective, but what are the benefits for universities and colleges to use the Common Application?

Submitted August 29, 2017 at 10:54AM by chirau http://ift.tt/2xJUmaF

Florida's education system — the one Betsy DeVos cites as a model — is in chaos


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 10:52AM by Bemuzed http://ift.tt/2wQfiQS

@INEEmx: "El SNTE en la formación docente", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del #INEE, en @lacronicadehoy https://t.co/Kpils4QBc0


@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Lo efímero del Nuevo Modelo Educativo https://t.co/lP70MKZsFs

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Lo efímero del Nuevo Modelo Educativo https://t.co/lP70MKZsFs (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902574120780619776)

On the spreading epidemic of misinformation | Podcast


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 10:27AM by StraightTalkMD http://ift.tt/2xuBxJ4

@INEEmx: Dando inicio a las actividades de esta jornada, @EduardoBackhoff presenta el estado que guarda la educación obligat… https://t.co/vijsi7dHg4


Benefit of the Doubt. How Portland Public schools helped an educator evade sexual misconduct allegations


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 09:11AM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2wGr6EZ

I am looking for professionals in the STEAM fields who would be willing to discuss their work for a podcast to connect school learning with real world?

No text found

Submitted August 29, 2017 at 09:41AM by coffeechug http://ift.tt/2wlE9sL

Teachers are not motivated in same way as sales reps

Submitted August 29, 2017 at 09:47AM by NadaDjordjevich http://ift.tt/2x0FKGy

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿De veras llegará la reforma educativa ahí donde se necesita lo más elemental? No basta la tele. https://t.co/47SSOARXR7

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿De veras llegará la reforma educativa ahí donde se necesita lo más elemental? No basta la tele. https://t.co/47SSOARXR7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/902543643193602053)

@INEEmx: Evaluación es herramienta indispensable para mejorar enseñanza en Chihuahua, de ahí la importancia de seguir coordi… https://t.co/01jjpYVkQ3


@INEEmx: La evaluación es de utilidad si sus resultados son difundidos y utilizados para mejorar la calidad de la educación.… https://t.co/TDKPmzh0e6


@INEEmx: El consejero presidente @EduardoBackhoff acompañado de @pcuaron, titular de la @SEyC_Chih, inauguran las jornadas d… https://t.co/DhZdx6Y7M0


@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Ser crítico de la reforma no es estar en contra de México: sí lo es manipular datos y torcer la lógica: https://t.co/w6W6jmUv8a

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Ser crítico de la reforma no es estar en contra de México: sí lo es manipular datos y torcer la lógica: https://t.co/w6W6jmUv8a (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902555250791510016)

@INEEmx: Este 29 y 30 de agosto el INEE llevará a cabo las jornadas sobre evaluación educativa 2017. https://t.co/k3XgpE8hCJ


How do Children Develop as Writers?


Submitted August 29, 2017 at 08:07AM by teacherarticles http://ift.tt/2voGW74

@INEEmx: Reflexiones y convicciones que guían el trabajo diario de los miembros de la Junta de Gobierno… https://t.co/cDbmN4M7xq


@EducacionFutura : Estudiantes del CONALEP ganan el tercer lugar mundial en Corea por desarrollo de aplicaciones… https://t.co/kbfi21YuD0

@EducacionFutura : Estudiantes del CONALEP ganan el tercer lugar mundial en Corea por desarrollo de aplicaciones… https://t.co/kbfi21YuD0 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902535163367784452)



Submitted August 28, 2017 at 10:00PM by TakeBackYourSex http://ift.tt/2we88EB

Get yourself a top self paced course for ten bucks

Consider looking at Udemy's $10 event and get yourself a top course..

If you don't know already, here's a little heads up on Udemy:

  • 50,000+ online courses
  • 140+ topics
  • 15 million plus users
  • 20,000+ instructors
  • Affordable self paced courses

This event brings a great opportunity for learners to enroll in any Udemy course for $10..


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 11:16PM by LostMyCharm http://ift.tt/2wOy4YS

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

@INEEmx: Con esta estrategia los padres de familia podrán involucrarse activamente en la mejora del desempeño de sus hijos… https://t.co/NotnGQgZ44


Details on Berkeley Free-Speech Event Are Hazy, but Campus Readies for Another Fight


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 04:53PM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2wNMKaK

@INEEmx: ¿Cuál es el sentido y el alcance de los estudios internacionales en los que México participa? Descúbrelo aquí… https://t.co/7nIeGeGEvl


TIL Americans Are Spending More on Education and Getting Less.


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 02:42PM by shwiftyget http://ift.tt/2wjhHAz

Download Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition By Steve Oualline - Computer Engineering Books


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 02:33PM by javed234 http://ift.tt/2gkGdND

@INEEmx: El INEE realizará el Seminario La Reforma Educativa: Avances y Desafíos https://t.co/VGdB4ya64z https://t.co/6LuX2z4LFF


@ManuelGilAnton : Ningún niño tiene palabra (dicen). No se le puede creer (dicen)¿Pero a los de los comerciales de la SEP sí? https://t.co/hXUXpwEiH7

@ManuelGilAnton : Ningún niño tiene palabra (dicen). No se le puede creer (dicen)¿Pero a los de los comerciales de la SEP sí? https://t.co/hXUXpwEiH7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/902244467306057728)

@EducacionFutura : Preocupa la tendencia de privatización del conocimiento: Sylvia Schmelkes https://t.co/yAfWfBQLrM

@EducacionFutura : Preocupa la tendencia de privatización del conocimiento: Sylvia Schmelkes https://t.co/yAfWfBQLrM (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902221862385700865)

@INEEmx: ¿Ya te registraste para asistir a esta presentación?⬇️ 6 de septiembre, 18 hrs, auditorio del #INEE. Regístrate e… https://t.co/wXfTg4CIws


How To Counter Back-To-School Anxiety


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 10:30AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2vDrjUA

@INEEmx: @La_eskizofrenia Profesional Docente https://t.co/AjUf9uc3Yv


@INEEmx: @La_eskizofrenia Sher, te sugerimos acercarte a tu autoridad educativa estatal, así como presentar el caso ante la… https://t.co/QX2OtduZ7m


@INEEmx: "Educación y empleo en el México del siglo XXI", artículo de @EduardoBackhoff, consejero del #INEE, @El_Universal_Mx https://t.co/bN6RFheRRp


What Trump's Generation Learned About the Civil War


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 07:49AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2vwugqW

@EducacionFutura : Incrementó 300% inversión en infraestructura: SEP https://t.co/5pmvLXoF7B

@EducacionFutura : Incrementó 300% inversión en infraestructura: SEP https://t.co/5pmvLXoF7B (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/902147333051310080)

The advantages of team teaching


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 05:45AM by akanoxx http://ift.tt/2vCgFgS

Own your Curiosity With Udemy Courses for $10 until 31st of August


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 05:01AM by loveitfresh http://ift.tt/2vw3S0n

Duval County parents say principal's Facebook posts are racist


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 04:38AM by jfshay http://ift.tt/2wLPllB

We need discovery more than education


Submitted August 28, 2017 at 03:57AM by capex98 http://ift.tt/2whypA1

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Must-Read Young Adult Books for Fall 2017


Submitted August 27, 2017 at 08:55PM by KudosWall http://ift.tt/2wacSen

@INEEmx: Experiencias nacionales e internacionales de evaluación y su contribución a la mejora educativa… https://t.co/OHiSvRnHWq


Estoy Aprendiendo English: Una Historieta En Dos Idiomas


Submitted August 27, 2017 at 10:30AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2xnXTMt

@EducacionFutura : Crear, crecer y cuidar: Una alternativa para transformar la educación básica https://t.co/714G1u0JEk

@EducacionFutura : Crear, crecer y cuidar: Una alternativa para transformar la educación básica https://t.co/714G1u0JEk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/901843255251390464)

What are your top apps for parents/home use?

Hey guys, I just wanted to pick your brains on this. I have a grade 4 student who is struggling with English (it's not his first language) and Science. The parents are wondering what they can do at home to help. In particular they are looking for some websites/apps / interactive learning for him to do at home.

I was wondering if there are any sites/apps you could recommend. They are willing to spend money too.

Thanks all in advance!

Submitted August 27, 2017 at 07:57AM by Kenshin_D84 http://ift.tt/2vzYx7f

Are 'Telomeres' the key to unlocking eternal youth? They exist in our DNA and cause our cells to die

http://ift.tt/2vAkHGA youth-They-exist-in-our-DNA-and-cause-our-cells-to-die-every-time-they-replicate-but-they-also-regenerate-our-bodies

Submitted August 27, 2017 at 06:32AM by ACSpeed http://ift.tt/2vhNyUX

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Contra México o en contra de "su" México, que retrata bien en la tele? https://t.co/tI75eSTmVz

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Contra México o en contra de "su" México, que retrata bien en la tele? https://t.co/tI75eSTmVz (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/901722537033428992)

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Is the problem with US Education really the Education System or is it a greater systemic Problem?

Education is always a highly contested issue that is important to both conservatives and liberals alike. While there is some partisanship about issues such as charter schools, common core standards, etc. I'd say that generally people are pretty stumped as to the best solution for resolving our education problems in the US.

Something I've noticed is that higher performing countries, according to the PISA, tend to have lower income inequality (excluding those countries with overall lower GDPs). Along with lower income inequality, many of those countries have better social programs than the US with programs such as universal healthcare, paid paternity leave, housing allowances, etc.

While teachers play an important role, so much of education takes place in the home. In the US we have mass segregation in our public and private education systems and we don't fund all public school districts the same. On top of that, some of our students are homeless. Some of our students have parents who are too busy working multiple jobs to be able to help their kids. Some of our students know that as an undocumented immigrant, it will be near impossible for them to obtain a white collar job. Some of our students have to take time off of work to help work to provide money for the family. Some of our students have parents who are incarcerated for drug abuse rather than rehabilitated. We have so many other societal factors at play that I don't think we can just simply look at the education system and say it's broke. If they really want to change the education system in America, they need to start by changing the American welfare model as a whole.

These are only my thoughts based on correlations I've noticed and anecdotal evidence from my own experiences, but I'm wondering what you guys might think. What do you think are some of the greatest issues with our education system? And are those issues really the education system itself or greater societal issues that need to be resolved?

http://ift.tt/1lKGNMy http://ift.tt/WlIHbI http://ift.tt/1eAw1dn

Submitted August 27, 2017 at 12:01AM by geriatrictoddler http://ift.tt/2wSf5Mh

Comey takes lecture post at Howard University


Submitted August 26, 2017 at 07:33PM by BlackMilk23 http://ift.tt/2vyTYdE

@INEEmx: My week on Twitter 🎉: 107 New Followers, 166 Mentions, 2.18M Mention Reach, 648 Favorited, 48 Tweets. See yours with https://t.co/1BcobgmggW


What do you look for when buying a "teacher version" or "school version"

I am the founder of an educational games company and although we make learning games, we do not yet offer a "teacher version" for our apps. Some teachers will gladly purchase our apps as is, but we wanted to hear from you what kind of features are most important for a teacher version? What makes you most compelled to adopt a paid software/app/website product in your classroom (besides the content itself?)

Is it per-student tracking and assessment? Is it something else?

Submitted August 26, 2017 at 02:55PM by dyarosla http://ift.tt/2wR7Y6Q

Schools giving more attention to 'soft skills' as a way to head off behavior problems


Submitted August 26, 2017 at 12:57PM by theflamingskull http://ift.tt/2wHNqOD



Submitted August 26, 2017 at 12:09PM by bppopkin http://ift.tt/2wyrPrv

If you could purchase any one science/math/STEM-related thing for your classroom (money is not an issue), what would it be?

I have been charged purchasing STEM kits for a few test classrooms in our school system and we are all making a wish list of materials. What would you put on your list?

Submitted August 26, 2017 at 10:01AM by WithTheFrizz http://ift.tt/2wQvqB5

@INEEmx: "El Ejército entra en escena", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del INEE, publicado en @lacronicadehoy https://t.co/sak3EcSwCn


New Mental Health Website Designed for Students!


Submitted August 26, 2017 at 07:16AM by BlackDogOwnersManual http://ift.tt/2wHdqKi

Most Americans say K-12 schools have a lot of responsibility in workforce preparation


Submitted August 26, 2017 at 07:03AM by Lightfiend http://ift.tt/2xBifkL

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

Demanding Kinder Classrooms Doesn’t Make You a Snowflake


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 09:56PM by conuly http://ift.tt/2wGxJHN

The Urban-Education Stigma and School Segregation


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:00PM by conuly http://ift.tt/2xAxaLR

Canadian Children's Dietary Intake Suffers Over the Course of the School Day (based on a new study). Canada Remains the Only G8 Country Without a National School Meal Program.


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:12PM by dohiit http://ift.tt/2wGbpxN

Civil War lessons often depend on where the classroom is


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 08:42PM by conuly http://ift.tt/2veRwxu

Abstinence-Only Education is Totally Ineffective, Report Says


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 07:44PM by kcmill12 http://ift.tt/2xAoh4W

@ManuelGilAnton : Meade:qué guapo,Luis. Videgaray:qué galán,José.Aurelio, ¿y tu óleo en la Sep?Ya pronto,los espero. Gabinete de cuarta. Narciso se espanta.

@ManuelGilAnton : Meade:qué guapo,Luis. Videgaray:qué galán,José.Aurelio, ¿y tu óleo en la Sep?Ya pronto,los espero. Gabinete de cuarta. Narciso se espanta. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/901222903995346946)

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto. No se puede aprender sin memoria: se olvidaría lo aprendido. https://t.co/ie2PZhxcPs

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto. No se puede aprender sin memoria: se olvidaría lo aprendido. https://t.co/ie2PZhxcPs (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/901217062630064128)

@INEEmx: RT @GobAgs: El gobernador @MartinOrozcoAgs firmó un convenio de colaboración entre Gobierno del Estado y el @INEEmx https://t.co/MIxV7p3FZW


John Legend pens a passionate essay in response to the NAACP’s recent moratorium on charter public schools.


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 03:04PM by BBQCopter http://ift.tt/2gdylgI

Keep the federal government out of school choice


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 03:13PM by punkthesystem http://ift.tt/2wFpP12

@INEEmx: RT @INEEmx: Motivar para aprender. Una estrategia implementada con alumnos de #secundaria en la asignatura de #química… https://t.co/oDEZotjFUB


Principal says leggings should not be worn 'unless you are a size zero or two'


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 12:44PM by bobbyw24 http://ift.tt/2gcrtAu

@INEEmx: #INEE y gobierno de #Aguascalientes unen esfuerzos para garantizar educación de calidad https://t.co/Ko3ZuzGD5R https://t.co/HbCX5XmH1g


@INEEmx: Motivar para aprender. Una estrategia implementada con alumnos de #secundaria en la asignatura de #química… https://t.co/oDEZotjFUB


@INEEmx: .@EduardoBackhoff dicta conferencia "Contexto y aprendizaje en México" ante autoridades y estudiantes de escuelas n… https://t.co/z3g3d3gWmk


The NAACP Has Called for a Moratorium on Expanding Charter Schools


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:11AM by DoremusJessup http://ift.tt/2vcznQS

Peru: Police Crackdown on Lima Protest by Striking Teachers


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:27AM by dgodon http://ift.tt/2vdlHoN

What are the best resources for researching masters degrees, career paths, and funding.

I'm 32, sorta poor, with narrow job experience. I would love to get a masters degree and take on more challenging/interesting work, I have a bachelors in architectural technology. I know I might not necessarily need a masters degree, but my work experience feels so limited that I'm starting to think that further education might be my best bet to "breaking out" of my career track. Plus the idea of going back to school, learning something new in a focused environment, is very appealing to me.

However, as I say, I'm sorta poor, but have no outstanding debt or car payments (woohoo!). So id like to keep loans to a minimum or non existent if funding or working for a university was an option.

I just have NO connections/knowledge of how to navigate these types of questions, I just know I occasionally hear of people doing these sorts of things.

Are there public resources to learn about these things and what grants/funding options exist?

Submitted August 25, 2017 at 11:08AM by eggs-benedict http://ift.tt/2vdePYD

Imagining a Better Democratic Populism


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:17AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2gchR8M

@INEEmx: Para atender brechas educativas de #Aguascalientes se pondrán en marcha 2 Proyectos de Evaluación y Mejora Educativ… https://t.co/M8QxwObk7y


@INEEmx: En el marco de la firma de convenio, se presenta el Programa Estatal de Evaluación y Mejora Educativa #PEEME de la… https://t.co/kFyHU807Az


@INEEmx: Firman el convenio @EduardoBackhoff, consejero presidente del #INEE y @MartinOrozcoAgs, gobernador del estado de… https://t.co/BRBPUxrxpP


Mathematical mystery of ancient Babylonian clay tablet solved: "UNSW scientists have discovered the purpose of a famous 3700-year old Babylonian clay tablet [Plimpton 322], revealing it is the world's oldest and most accurate trigonometric table."


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 10:00AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/2vnKCC4

@INEEmx: Este convenio de colaboración entre el #INEE y @GobAgs tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad educativa de la entid… https://t.co/CqdG5XABjR


@INEEmx: Entre los objetivos de este convenio está el de promover proyectos conjuntos que fomenten la cultura de la evaluaci… https://t.co/u8PghdRX61


@INEEmx: Los conocimientos del #INEE y @GobAgs fortalecerán los procesos de evaluación de los sistemas educativos nacional y… https://t.co/8PN4Ot2HKo


@INEEmx: Este día el #INEE y el gobierno de #Aguascalientes ratifican convenio de colaboración en materia de evaluación educ… https://t.co/LT5mfqMi89


@INEEmx: #TodosInvitados a la presentación del libro ¿Cómo mejorar la evaluación en el aula? Regístrate en… https://t.co/79pmQSmTHI


@INEEmx: #TodosInvitados a la presentación del libro ¿Cómo mejorar la evaluación en el aula?. Regístrate… https://t.co/MtWaWgcQ5t


Education Lounge: Share/Rant/Discussion Fridays - August 25, 2017

Share your rants and thoughts here! Also, see full past discussions here

Submitted August 25, 2017 at 07:07AM by AutoModerator http://ift.tt/2vn9FoQ

[Audio] 'People Helped You, Whether You Knew It Or Not'


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 05:50AM by zsreport http://ift.tt/2vmNu1X

The Urban-School Stigma


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 05:06AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2wEfp1Q

GCSE English Literature: Macbeth Exam Questions Answered


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 03:45AM by danfromiRevise http://ift.tt/2wDCul6

Need Assignment Help


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 01:50AM by walterscott807 http://ift.tt/2vunAJ8

Eligibility for Indian Railways (All the information)


Submitted August 25, 2017 at 01:22AM by karni007 http://ift.tt/2iwwlAT

Teachers of reddit have you been bullied by another teacher or sports coaches and how did you confront it ?

No text found

Submitted August 25, 2017 at 12:03AM by Mercuryman34 http://ift.tt/2wLDbbh

jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

Riverbed 199-01 Practice Test Questions Dumps


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 10:52PM by davidalan12 http://ift.tt/2vbUHWH

@INEEmx: El INEE felicita a Sylvia Irene Schmelkes del Valle, quien fue galardonada con el Doctorado Honoris Causa por parte… https://t.co/cUNt5zQa9K


@INEEmx: @VladimirSantosk Vladimir, en la convocatoria puedes consultar el proceso de registro para que realices tu postulac… https://t.co/6Lmk9CJj8q


@INEEmx: Contamos con una plaza vacante en la Dirección General de Lineamientos para las Evaluaciones. Más detalles en… https://t.co/4yI42pCwxQ


@INEEmx: Las universidades deben contribuir a construir un país intercultural en el que impere la justicia: Sylvia Schmelkes… https://t.co/3i71IXnuFj


Test Scores Don’t Lie: Charter Schools Are Transformative


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 02:27PM by Barking_at_the_Moon http://ift.tt/2vaQhPK

@INEEmx: Es un orgullo recibir esta distinción de la @UABC_Mx , espero portarla honrando las virtudes de quien me la otorga.… https://t.co/6or1sJGfe6


@INEEmx: La responsabilidad universitaria supone consolidar la formación de ciudadanos que asuman la democracia como forma d… https://t.co/LlLGLPhAax


@INEEmx: La educación superior es a la vez causa y receptora de los grandes cambios que experimentan las sociedades actuales. Sylvia Schmelkes


@INEEmx: El grado de doctora me coloca en el espacio universitario al que he dedicado importantes años de mi vida. Sylvia Sc… https://t.co/RyAgYV2OMW


@INEEmx: De manos de @RectorOcegueda, Sylvia Schmelkes es galardonada con el más alto reconocimiento que otorga la @UABC_Mx:… https://t.co/6PyfrvWfc3


@INEEmx: Sigue #EnVivo la entrega del grado Doctor Honoris Causa a Sylvia Schmelkes del Valle por parte de la @UABC_Mx https://t.co/ZpItWQOYxh


How Academic Calendars Shape the Economy


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 11:46AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2xgPFps

@EducacionFutura : Las normales rurales / Un análisis de Gilberto Guevara Niebla https://t.co/0pUwSHZYGG

@EducacionFutura : Las normales rurales / Un análisis de Gilberto Guevara Niebla https://t.co/0pUwSHZYGG (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900781662639972352)

Best Room Heaters in India


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 11:17AM by bestforyourhome http://ift.tt/2w8J1kO

Word Jazz - Podcast about everyday expression origins!


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 10:43AM by askinthesam http://ift.tt/2wBMCL7

The Power of Visual Math [video]


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 10:48AM by CalliW http://ift.tt/2xwiUnt

Artificial intelligence learned to predict the future.


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 10:58AM by gauravnayal http://ift.tt/2xwhqJW

Fuel Your Future – The Gurukul way


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 11:06AM by gurukuls http://ift.tt/2wCaf6z

@INEEmx: "Las normales rurales", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del #INEE, publicado hoy en @Campusmilenio… https://t.co/FPgdlrDzVG


Student Psychological Profiling in Public Schools


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 09:53AM by olpt41 http://ift.tt/2wJbJex

Presidential politics and public schools


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 09:10AM by NadaDjordjevich http://ift.tt/2vsaImM

More than 500 DFW-area school principals earned $100K last year. Here's who made the most


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 08:54AM by tildodildo http://ift.tt/2iu7LAJ

@INEEmx: Te presentamos la edición no. 8 de la Gaceta de la Política Nacional de Evaluación Educativa de México, ¡conócela!… https://t.co/PdXJN9l3jd


Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 06:49AM by zsreport http://ift.tt/2iugyTo

@ManuelGilAnton : Interesante recurso... https://t.co/zwSXgES2e0

@ManuelGilAnton : Interesante recurso... https://t.co/zwSXgES2e0 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/900674471715119104)

What You Should Know About The New Summer SAT


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 04:09AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2irP5Sf

Online Logical Reasoning Test | Logical Reasoning Test for IBPS PO


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 01:39AM by eabhyasa http://ift.tt/2wAGClQ

4 Simple Ways to Get Better at e-Learning


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 01:07AM by anjelannu9 http://ift.tt/2vqMDga

Imagine if teachers addressed their own negative mindset (before lecturing students about improving theirs).


Submitted August 24, 2017 at 01:17AM by WheeledPedestrian http://ift.tt/2vr9lVe

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Student Voice: The Impact of Extracurricular Activities


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 05:26PM by KudosWall http://ift.tt/2xtFmgY

@INEEmx: Estrategia que promueve la sana convivencia entre la comunidad escolar para favorecer los aprendizajes #secundaria… https://t.co/ZdrRCJDft0


@INEEmx: La educación debe ayudar a dejar atrás la discriminación y el racismo: Sylvia Schmelkes https://t.co/ocvelttPoK https://t.co/WngL5sWI24


@INEEmx: Palabras de Sylvia Schmelkes, consejera del #INEE, en el foro "Educación para un desarrollo sostenible: la reforma… https://t.co/zRBBp2ZRV4


@INEEmx: Estos objetivos son un llamado a construir un país que valore su diversidad, dejando atrás la discriminación y el r… https://t.co/85p87Khn9j


@INEEmx: Queremos una educación de calidad y para todos, lo que implica atender la inequidad. Sylvia Schmelkes, consejera de… https://t.co/0ZXabCuJFJ


@INEEmx: Anteriormente los objetivos eran cuantitativos, enfocados a la matrícula. Hoy se habla de educación de calidad con… https://t.co/6Ic95LA98L


@INEEmx: Sylvia Schmelkes, consejera del #INEE, participa en el foro "Educación para el desarrollo sostenible: la reforma ne… https://t.co/VZYxIn2rFl


How Student Internships Saved a Chicago School


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 09:58AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2wnIfms

@INEEmx: @alexdom1 @Nacion321 Esta es la cuenta del Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación. Para temas electo… https://t.co/3fzPK9oDhi


Back To School


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 08:17AM by KatieCurling http://ift.tt/2wnbNR3

@INEEmx: Un documento base que permite definir avances y estrategias en materia de evaluación de la educación… https://t.co/bpmPyLAMad


@EducacionFutura : Evaluación educativa debe abrirse a la discusión colectiva: INEE https://t.co/3dLjvvQ7Mv

@EducacionFutura : Evaluación educativa debe abrirse a la discusión colectiva: INEE https://t.co/3dLjvvQ7Mv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900357153499820032)

Back to school tips from a teacher


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 06:35AM by middleeastnewsman http://ift.tt/2veBEXJ

20 Greenest Colleges and Universities in America


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 06:28AM by SW_Green-Classifieds http://ift.tt/2xcyq8K

UVA's Ugly Past


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 05:13AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2g4MoVL

All MIT courses free to follow in 2021?

A philosopher who is working with MIT came to our school today and told us that all courses from MIT will be free to follow online by at last 2021 and we are going to be able to take the exams all over the world. Intrigued I was just searching for some news articles and information, but couldn't find any. Does somebody have some links for me?

Submitted August 23, 2017 at 05:48AM by meesg586 http://ift.tt/2wDXJTj

An Air Force Cadet At 25: A Sign Of The Times In Higher Education


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 04:07AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2wn7pSd

In ‘Campus Confidential,’ a Professor Laments That Teaching Is Not the Priority of Teachers


Submitted August 23, 2017 at 03:22AM by Barking_at_the_Moon http://ift.tt/2vob4KX

Why gender-neutral Swedish preschools could make children more successful


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 09:54PM by AhmedF http://ift.tt/2wwM1dY

Federal Judge Finds Racism Behind Arizona Law Banning Ethnic Studies


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 10:42PM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2g3StC5

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

@INEEmx: La evaluación educativa debe discutirse y abrirse a la reflexión compartida: @INEEmx https://t.co/ZOdKlkaHDE https://t.co/bmYLInyOzl


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Estamos convencidos de que la evaluación educativa debe discutirse, reflexionarse, construir en conjunto una cultur… https://t.co/vO1jNqxYvE


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Hoy se abre la DINEE Ciudad de México. Proponemos que esta dirección sea un espacio de encuentro con instituciones… https://t.co/63T7yickIY


Texas boy sent home from school because of long hair


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 04:50PM by Scrimshawmud http://ift.tt/2g3nQgb

Stossel: Government-Run Schools Crush Innovation


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 04:53PM by airbornesurfer http://ift.tt/2ioJBaJ

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas no se nutren con investigación especializada: Marisol Silva, Comité Científico CNIE @comiemx https://t.co/vtNNDIXQmO

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas no se nutren con investigación especializada: Marisol Silva, Comité Científico CNIE @comiemx https://t.co/vtNNDIXQmO (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900130669036228614)

@INEEmx: Es necesario avanzar hacia la evidencia de que la evaluación educativa puede contribuir en mejoras concretas.… https://t.co/mZJzXVIJfP


@INEEmx: La Dirección del INEE en la #CDMX abre sus puertas para aproximar al instituto a los docentes y escuelas de esta ci… https://t.co/tHeLiQ2h0e


@INEEmx: Con este motivo la #DINEE realiza un conversatorio sobre la educación en la #CDMX con participación de autoridades… https://t.co/DqVqjH1tOo


@INEEmx: El día de hoy la Dirección del Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación en la Ciudad de México inaugur… https://t.co/KzDWhdB5GE


@EducacionFutura : Nuño: la pasión por la política / El nuevo análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/93syq5di4z

@EducacionFutura : Nuño: la pasión por la política / El nuevo análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/93syq5di4z (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900089004338679809)

My problems with the school system

Recently I've been thinking about how bad the school system really is. A lot of it is outdated or useless facts I will NEVER need. Tell me one time knowing shakespeare actually helped you IRL Or how about the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell? Yeah, maybe if your a scientist it could help you, but a very , very large majority of the students in school will never need to know this information. You know what I might need to know though, how about the laws of my country. I have no idea what the laws of Canada are besides obvious ones like don't kill or rape. Did you know in Toronto it is illegal to swear on a public park? I didn't until I searched Canadian laws a few hours ago. I live in Toronto, so you think that this would be helpful knowledge would it not. I also don't know my HUMAN RIGHTS. Do you realize how utterly insane that is. I DON'T KNOW MY OWN RIGHTS AS A HUMAN BEING. I've had people tell me to search it up on the internet, but if I'm at school for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 15 years (not including college/university) why is this not something I'm taught? Where does money come from? I don't know. I have no clue how the thing that motivates the world came to be or how it's made. I also don't know how to trade stocks or manage a company if I want to start one, but I do know mental math. Even though the same device I would use to call 911 has a calculator. How come we always learn through textbooks. Not all students learn like that. Not everyone can read and remember from just reading. Albert Einstein once said "Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid." This is exactly what school does. Why was school invented in the first place? To train people to work in a factory, that's why. Don't believe me, then why do we have to be in nice neat rows, sit still, don't speak, do nothing but listen for 6 hours, only allowed a lunch break. We also have grade A or grade A meat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTwDDTjb6g Who know who has the best education system. Finland. They start school later (age 7) and longer breaks, but this helps education. Finland's teachers actually give a crap about there students. Teachers there are required to have between 5 - 7 years of university education. Teachers though, are under payed. They have one of the MOST important jobs. 20% of the population are students, but 100% of students are the future. A teacher can inspire a student to do something great. Another thing that annoys me is that a lot of teachers say that the kids aren't the problem, it's the parents, but if you taught the kids how to parent that's the problem.

Sorry this was a bit rambly. I just had to rant about how bullshit the school system is.

Submitted August 22, 2017 at 12:34PM by 14Skeeter1 http://ift.tt/2xqkLKx

@INEEmx: "1968 y la democracia", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del #INEE, en @lacronicadehoy https://t.co/LoRdizr1P8


@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La escuela en tiempos turbulentos donde lo importante es la evaluación estandarizada https://t.co/cIIuQyGRnm

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La escuela en tiempos turbulentos donde lo importante es la evaluación estandarizada https://t.co/cIIuQyGRnm (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900057539504635904)

@ManuelGilAnton : Decir astróloga en lugar de astrónoma no es un "detalle simpático"de Aurelio Nuño.Es una vergüenza dado su cargo.Of… https://t.co/lXIyhLOuOH

@ManuelGilAnton : Decir astróloga en lugar de astrónoma no es un "detalle simpático"de Aurelio Nuño.Es una vergüenza dado su cargo.Of… https://t.co/lXIyhLOuOH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/900029241936322561)

‘Hotter,’ ‘lesbian,’ ‘feminazi’: How some economists discuss their female colleagues


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 11:03AM by Albion_Tourgee http://ift.tt/2vma21Y

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Es idóneo el examen de oposición? / Un texto de Alberto Sebastián Barragán https://t.co/z1nru92CgV

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Es idóneo el examen de oposición? / Un texto de Alberto Sebastián Barragán https://t.co/z1nru92CgV (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900036155558813696)

@INEEmx: 6 acciones trascendentales en favor de la educación dirigida a la niñez de familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes… https://t.co/uVifk6IjEk


@EducacionFutura : El INEE: sin forma ni fondo / Un análisis de @Lalocoche https://t.co/OLcvoERfNk

@EducacionFutura : El INEE: sin forma ni fondo / Un análisis de @Lalocoche https://t.co/OLcvoERfNk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/900023564916621312)

@INEEmx: Con la evaluación docente contribuimos a la construcción de una educación sólida y de calidad #EvaluarEsParaMejorar https://t.co/KcpETsyzUm


New York City Hopes To Cut 'Rubber Room' Teacher Ranks by Half


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 07:26AM by zsreport http://ift.tt/2vlfl1I

@EducacionFutura : 100% de escuelas en el país iniciaron clases: Nuño https://t.co/euTHOaGHsw https://t.co/UpURhBmTnP

@EducacionFutura : 100% de escuelas en el país iniciaron clases: Nuño https://t.co/euTHOaGHsw https://t.co/UpURhBmTnP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899994847599349760)

Single Center ON Figure - Successful routine of Center ON figure Prize B...


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 06:50AM by Prizebond_Guess_Guru http://ift.tt/2wAPPKl

@ManuelGilAnton : "Los frutos de la Reforma Educativa los verán cuando sean adultos mayores". Esto dijo EPN ayer a los niños de primaria. Falta poco...

@ManuelGilAnton : "Los frutos de la Reforma Educativa los verán cuando sean adultos mayores". Esto dijo EPN ayer a los niños de primaria. Falta poco... (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/899960957727789059)

@ManuelGilAnton : En el nuevo Modelo Educativo los eclipses los explica el horóscopo: la Astrología, propone el Maestro Nuño... https://t.co/B7bT9Rdunn

@ManuelGilAnton : En el nuevo Modelo Educativo los eclipses los explica el horóscopo: la Astrología, propone el Maestro Nuño... https://t.co/B7bT9Rdunn (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/899958975432609796)

Các thí sinh đổ xô đăng ký học Cao đẳng Dược TPHCM năm 2017


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 03:22AM by yduocpasteur http://ift.tt/2wjSGHT

Is Laptop Repair Course in Delhi The Most Trending Thing Now?


Submitted August 22, 2017 at 02:06AM by monu777 http://ift.tt/2iokNQu

lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

HP HPE0-S37 Practice Test Questions Dumps with HPE0-S37 PDF Dumps


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 10:23PM by davidalan12 http://ift.tt/2vjDExd

the conversation about Standards in education needs to be about pedagogy, not ideology.


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 11:23PM by WheeledPedestrian http://ift.tt/2wyYKvH

@EducacionFutura : Abre SEP cuarta convocatoria de Prepa en Línea https://t.co/zp1S2tecsP

@EducacionFutura : Abre SEP cuarta convocatoria de Prepa en Línea https://t.co/zp1S2tecsP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899831004952743936)

State funds to address unmet ‘time bomb’ maintenance needs for University of Arizona


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 05:22PM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2wrZ0xk

Early Childhood Education and homework

I recently witnessed my cousin helping his seven year-old son with his homework. It was a worksheet on the eclipse, essentially a fill in the blank.

My cousin preceded to give him the words and spell them without asking him to think about the answer or try to remember it.

Do teachers teach about a subject before sending homework home? Do parents not realize that's not learning when they hand it to them?

I'm not trying to be sarcastic or snide or ironic, I am just honestly distressed by what I saw.

P.S. To this day (as a 28-year-old) I still think homework is the absolutely stupidest concept. But that has nothing to do with my questions.

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 05:24PM by SpecimenBiscuit http://ift.tt/2wsrruZ

A University President's Message To Students About Charlottesville


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 04:27PM by paullemley http://ift.tt/2v8DZn9

Where do you get the right education?


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 04:29PM by pkumar2007 http://ift.tt/2v99MUW

@INEEmx: Una publicación en la que podrás consultar y descargar las principales cifras del ciclo escolar 2015-2016… https://t.co/aCV2D24tzs


Coaching Players for Life


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:13PM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2v8EPQI

What's next for Kansas high school students whose story led to principal's ouster


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:01PM by jms1225 http://ift.tt/2wy2m0T

@EducacionFutura : Visita la página del XIV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa https://t.co/F8vEKwUbin

@EducacionFutura : Visita la página del XIV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa https://t.co/F8vEKwUbin (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899722965805412361)

@INEEmx: Si eres padre de familia y quieres saber en qué consisten las pruebas #Planea, este curso te puede interesar 👉🏼… https://t.co/C3fiyA5Po7


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: 30 millones de estudiantes, 1.5 millones de docentes y más de 250 mil planteles de educación obligatoria hoy inicia… https://t.co/WUP1uxX4A0


Why Universities Are Phasing Out Luxury Dorms


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 10:43AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2v7HJ8u

@EducacionFutura : Un millón 704 mil estudiantes de educación básica de la CDMX iniciarán clases este lunes https://t.co/h3zo14TYIY

@EducacionFutura : Un millón 704 mil estudiantes de educación básica de la CDMX iniciarán clases este lunes https://t.co/h3zo14TYIY (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899675033999732736)

@INEEmx: Se abren espacios laborales en nuestras oficinas centrales ubicadas en la #CDMX. Consulta detalles y postúlate… https://t.co/vlUOpK3RrF


Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 09:55AM by jonfla http://ift.tt/2x6s8r8

Du học ngành Y tại Mỹ – Điều kiện và chương trình đào tạo


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 10:18AM by DinhCuDuHocAZ2017 http://ift.tt/2x62fYt

What I Have Learned Since I Defended My Dissertation


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 08:35AM by KatieCurling http://ift.tt/2vhKpQc

@INEEmx: Más de 30 millones de estudiantes y cerca de 1 millón y medio de docentes de educación obligatoria inician hoy un n… https://t.co/jvOJE03Hyp


@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - El consejo técnico escolar: un espacio potencial de autonomía y de desarrollo profesional docente https://t.co/MvMBR9shQ7

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - El consejo técnico escolar: un espacio potencial de autonomía y de desarrollo profesional docente https://t.co/MvMBR9shQ7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899632556060143616)

Accounting Internship


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 06:51AM by danny05rhodes http://ift.tt/2uYktO9

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 07:10AM by nisha414 http://ift.tt/2vgZBwT

Learning to overcome obstacles through project-based pedagogy


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 06:10AM by akanoxx http://ift.tt/2fYRYJm

Seo company in Hyderabad - Ardent Digital


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 04:55AM by ArdentDigital http://ift.tt/2wgItM2

Why mock tests are important for competitive exams?


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 05:36AM by mamtaakumari83 http://ift.tt/2xjxhLR

Du học nghề Hàn Quốc - Du học nghề tại Hàn Quốc 2017


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 04:02AM by HALOphuonganh http://ift.tt/2fYgMkM

How To Create A School Admissions Essay For College Of North Carolina


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:14AM by ameliaer http://ift.tt/2worpV1

Cambridge University Press blocks readers in China from articles: "Academics and contributors dismayed after hundreds of CUP articles in China Quarterly become inaccessible in country"


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:21AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/2woZNPv

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:36AM by Forward9860 http://ift.tt/2xiLhFt

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:32AM by gtabe http://ift.tt/2xinSUG

Physics Books for IIT JEE | IIT Physics Books


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:21AM by garimapatientcare http://ift.tt/2vgBa2q

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:28AM by minhhuyen2017 http://ift.tt/2x5nDgu

new spoken English batch starts from Monday


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:29AM by 3dottechnology http://ift.tt/2x56NOD

Do You Want To Be A Expert Essay Author?


Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:50AM by ameliaer http://ift.tt/2x4X0s1

Why have organisations selected Salesforce? Is it the Value?

Salesforce Brand

Built on 17 years of high revenue growth, the Salesforce brand is very strong. It is known to be a market leader in various CRM and platform categories, commands a long list of passionate customer evangelists and fosters an enviable community spirit amongst Salesforce, its customers and partners as well. While Brand Value and strength may not by itself add tangible value to successful implementation, or save costs in any way, it will, however, reassure the customers of a quality product and that it will as a vendor company overcome any issues faced by its customers, or any technological hurdles that may crop up.

The long-term, sustainable brand that Salesforce has is because they have consistently shown –

Success as an enterprise through business results; Success with customers so they progressively renew their services and receive value Spirit of collectiveness with customers and all stakeholders to shift the industry and the world forward for the betterment of everyone involved The strong brand possessed by Salesforce means that it is often on lists that state successful enterprises under multiple metrics.


Customers of Salesforce usually purchase the product not just because of what Salesforce can deliver today, but also four years from now. The reason for this is the innovation that it brings out in its line of products and versions of the same. It is important to remember that the metric for innovation is not just vision statements from the vendor (in this case the vendor is Salesforce) but also the way the vendor company operates, or the values that are ingrained in the vendor’s organizational DNA. Innovation should be measured based on a track record of introducing innovations to the market over a period of time.


Conversely, something similar can be said about its customers (IT product and service companies). Only when the customer companies come out with new products and services in their own domain will Salesforce be able to innovate on the lines of the newly established product or service.

Want to Know More about Salesforce? Click here

Salesforce is known to have a really robust track record for innovation:

Salesforce is known for launching the first cloud-based CRM product offering when established vendors along with a few analysts thought they would never go beyond SMB customers. When Salesforce came out with Force.com it established the Platform as a Service (Paas) market at a time when everyone from conventional application development platforms and CRM vendors and analysts were highly skeptical about a cloud-based development environment ever supporting the creation of real-world applications. TouchForce which has now evolved into Salesforce1 was the first iPhone CRM app that was launched. The launch came at a time when vendors were struggling to grapple with the idea of a CRM app. Salesforce also was responsible for the first Social Collaboration app called Chatter with regard to a CRM application at a time when established vendors and analysts were highly doubtful of social technology being brought into enterprise CRM The rules concerning PaaS were changed when Salesforce launched AppBuilder which is a fully integrated no code – low code – code development environment. Trailhead is a game-changing educational tool that was launched by Salesforce which aims to close the supply gap concerned with highly needed development resources in the IT industry. The AI layer introduced to the Salesforce platform ensured that each product of Salesforce’s Cloud Offerings will be able to leverage all customer interactions into smarter ones, eventually bringing the benefit of AI to the masses. Force.com-Platform

The main takeaway from all the developments mentioned above is that Salesforce has pioneered all the said products, being the first to innovate with such impressive ideas. While Salesforce competitors initially criticized such ideas, they ultimately ended up implementing all of Salesforces product ideas a couple of years later. But it is worth noting that customers had access to such products way before Salesforce competitors.

Technology has been coupled with distinct Ignite and Spark services (being business innovation engagements) add to the complete innovation package that is presented to the customer. Such services are conducted before the initiation of any contract amongst customers in order for them to think in alternative ways for business transformation in their respective organizations. It’s not just about what is possible as an organization alone, but what is possible WITH salesforce. To sum up innovation, the measurement of such innovation is in terms of vendor track record and also with an adequate vision to unravel value for the customer.

Trust and Reliability

The trust and reliability component of Salesforce products is not as one would expect – coming from its availability and uptime, but it is more due to the seamless upgrades that are included in the product. Such upgrades are of great significance in the on-premise world since there is some amount of difficulty involved in upgrading software products which become a bigger problem for cloud application vendors. Cloud computing by itself is not able to solve upgrade problems as vendors providing cloud computing or versions of the same can still by bothered by upgrade issues.


Consistent and predictable release cycles are Salesforce’s unique contribution to its customers who can get upgraded to the latest version available in a really small time frame. They also have the ability to take on new features in an on-demand basis. Such new releases also won’t alter APIs or even customer customizations. Salesforce meets all the said requirements and more. Customers usually factor in the expenses involved with upgrades, and since Salesforce brings about considerable savings when it comes to upgrades, this will be included in the calculations for the Total Cost of Ownership for Salesforce products.

Customers are also known to appreciate that Salesforce adoption does not break an implementation from a customer perspective. This means that while the adoption of Salesforce by various organizations is not without minor hiccups, the real triumph for Salesforce is the fact that the level of regression during a release cycle for Salesforce implementation is either minimal or non-existent altogether. This is very impressive when compared to the competitors of Salesforce. Also as a metric for upgrade management, Salesforce is said to have an impeccable track record. This turns even more impressive considering the fact that there are three releases every year brought out by Salesforce.


In today’s market scenario, the focus is completely on the customer with the information and connections flowing in being rich and highly complex. This will need organizations to rehash how customer apps are delivered since the focus is not just on the functionality of the app itself, but the delivery of unparalleled customer experiences with every app release. And the release cycle these days is in terms of weeks and not months, as it previously was. Salesforce takes pride in their slogan of “Make the Complex, Simple, and Make the Impossible, Possible”. This is precisely what draws customers to the products of Salesforce.

The three key components customers would frequently state as Salesforce platform advantages:

Meta-data model No Code to Low Code to Code Development Tools Mobility Salesforce as a platform has an innovative meta-data model at its epicenter which most of its competitors have failed to do. At its simplest, nobody would want to deal with low-level database calls and interactions if there is no requirement to do so. Metadata allows for benefits such as accelerated time-to-market, and seamless upgrades. There are a few vendors who provide upgrade compatibility tools to ease the pain points in upgrading software products. This is totally eliminated in Salesforce products since the upgrades are seamlessly executed.

From a pure development tools perspective, Salesforce customers have consistently felt the stress on a range of development capabilities from low-code to no-code to code. This can, in turn, lead to an expansion of the collection of resources needed to develop and build applications that are highly valued aimed at helping to connect to the customer in a better manner.

When considering the subject of quick customer connections, Salesforce got the first crack at mobile facing strategies. This came at the time when the smartphone and tablet market was booming. Customers have also felt with the passage of time that, Salesforce has been in a distinct position in terms of handling both employees facing and customer facing mobile applications off of the same platform. Enhanced agility enabling companies to keep up with the speed of business is what was brought about by Salesforce. This is really important since most customers put a premium value on the same.


Customers comprehend that a single vendor can’t possibly deliver all the capabilities needed for transformation of customer engagement process currently in use or the ones that will be in use at some time in the future. This is an issue which Salesforce has dealt with beautifully by using AppExchange to enable Developer across the globe add to development ideas and actual pieces of development. Salesforce can then take it from raw idea or product and refine it according to user requirement. The range of AppExchange Partners goes from a company with a $10 billion market capitalization to two people offering a utility for free so that others can benefit.


AppExchange has its advantages based on ease of navigation and stability. AppExchange is similar to the Apple’s App store which is a great way to deliver the expansion of the universe that deals with application possibilities.

Know More about Salesforce with Free Live Webinar


Salesforce is a force to be reckoned with, as the name suggests. With seamless upgrades, accelerated time-to-market and overall product quality, Salesforce is definitely worth the price tag that it comes with.

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:55AM by mounicasharma http://ift.tt/2x51COE



Submitted August 21, 2017 at 02:59AM by sreedhars_cce http://ift.tt/2vQUmYc

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:01AM by rajotx http://ift.tt/2vQUlU8


Hello everyone. I jus wanted to ask .How does a curriculum informed by postcolinal theory differ from a Eurocentric curriculum?

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 03:01AM by MorekoTHFC http://ift.tt/2vRlwy9

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 01:28AM by laerehh http://ift.tt/2wgj7hi

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 01:38AM by emjo_green http://ift.tt/2vVUtQx

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 01:40AM by tyrioniam http://ift.tt/2wgfyb7

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 12:23AM by Janshonlie http://ift.tt/2vRkEcS

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 12:42AM by eduwizztrainings http://ift.tt/2x50OJw

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Submitted August 21, 2017 at 12:54AM by mylearningcube http://ift.tt/2v58dHx

domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 10:55PM by jenniferlee1206 http://ift.tt/2vfV6Tb



Submitted August 20, 2017 at 10:55PM by thefreestudy http://ift.tt/2vg2mOM

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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 10:34PM by dianajohn http://ift.tt/2vgHjvG

@EducacionFutura : 25.6 millones de estudiantes de educación básica inician nuevo ciclo escolar https://t.co/4rTcnCFICW

@EducacionFutura : 25.6 millones de estudiantes de educación básica inician nuevo ciclo escolar https://t.co/4rTcnCFICW (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899491271936442368)

@EducacionFutura : Fusión de grupos y cierre de escuelas, reflejo del poco compromiso por la calidad educativa https://t.co/wvUlULGsvH https://t.co/ECiarpWzhk

@EducacionFutura : Fusión de grupos y cierre de escuelas, reflejo del poco compromiso por la calidad educativa https://t.co/wvUlULGsvH https://t.co/ECiarpWzhk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899490010960990208)

@EducacionFutura : 25.6 millones de estudiantes de educación básica inician nuevo ciclo escolar https://t.co/gJxt5gONAS

@EducacionFutura : 25.6 millones de estudiantes de educación básica inician nuevo ciclo escolar https://t.co/gJxt5gONAS (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899482459749920768)

@EducacionFutura : El INEE en tiempos de la posverdad / El nuevo texto de @flores_crespo https://t.co/0cb1qXAhop

@EducacionFutura : El INEE en tiempos de la posverdad / El nuevo texto de @flores_crespo https://t.co/0cb1qXAhop (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899453516980375553)

Greatest astronomical event in the past 50 years and these schools are closing!


Submitted August 20, 2017 at 02:45PM by MaxwellFPowers http://ift.tt/2fWO6J1

@EducacionFutura : Nuevo ciclo escolar inicia con planes piloto del Nuevo Modelo Educativo https://t.co/j1DJVlcXIN

@EducacionFutura : Nuevo ciclo escolar inicia con planes piloto del Nuevo Modelo Educativo https://t.co/j1DJVlcXIN (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/899334223194181632)

@INEEmx: ¿Qué nos dejó la jornada académica "Educación, evaluación y #PueblosIndígenas?, te contamos en #RevistaRed… https://t.co/fS17U2jBpl


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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 08:44AM by Alexsiminoff http://ift.tt/2fWjSWD

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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 06:01AM by SW_Green-Classifieds http://ift.tt/2vdRn8A

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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 05:14AM by arvindswame http://ift.tt/2vUhLqb

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Submitted August 20, 2017 at 05:39AM by ssdntechnologie http://ift.tt/2x2VFlc

sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

GMAT Training in Hyderabad/GMAT Coaching in Hyderabad/ GMAT Institute in Hyderabad


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 09:56PM by sailajaa http://ift.tt/2fVHk6g

@INEEmx: My week on Twitter 🎉: 181 New Followers, 527 Mentions, 731K Mention Reach, 375 Favorited, 43 Replies. See yours with https://t.co/ZgiiNGl9v7


How Free Eyeglasses Are Boosting Test Scores in Baltimore


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 02:34PM by k3rv1n http://ift.tt/2ih4btw

@INEEmx: "Bienvenido el ciclo escolar 2017-2018", artículo de @MZorrillaFierro, consejera del #INEE, en @El_Universal_Mx https://t.co/XGNqfgHQD2


The Prez Child who Attended Public School

A history of the public school attended by Amy Carter and of some of the teachers and students.

Submitted August 19, 2017 at 11:11AM by NadaDjordjevich http://ift.tt/2wjG8R5

@INEEmx: "Estalla la revuelta", artículo de Gilberto Guevara Niebla, consejero del #INEE, publicado hoy en @lacronicadehoy https://t.co/HSZhdv5naJ


Life-long Learners and Educational Self-Starters!


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 07:50AM by JayMerch http://ift.tt/2vNtKr4

Importance Of MBA Program After Graduation


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 06:54AM by TopCollegeInDelhi http://ift.tt/2uS9Zjg

Paul Miller Loved Teaching Math So Much That He Did It For Nearly 80 Years


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 04:41AM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2v0Gjwl

PRT Coaching Institute in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 01:37AM by careerbooster http://ift.tt/2wbmg25

Deputation of School Assistants to work as DIET Lecturers/CTEs wide Rc No 1395


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 11:20PM by sudharecruitment http://ift.tt/2vRckbB

GO MS No 190 Raising Upper Age Limit by 10 years for TSPSC and Other Recruitments in Telangana


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 11:34PM by sudharecruitment http://ift.tt/2uRdDK6

Learn best oracle training institute in Bangalore


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 12:32AM by arvindswame http://ift.tt/2wqs7R0

Do Fewer Walls Make For Better Schools?


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 12:33AM by conuly http://ift.tt/2v00PNA

SAP FIORI ONLINE TRAINING – Join One Among SAP Certified Professionals


Submitted August 19, 2017 at 01:17AM by Trainingsaponline http://ift.tt/2v0sKwZ

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

E-Waste Recycling, the New Hope


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 10:40PM by -E-waste http://ift.tt/2wqyTWE

Meet The Center for Green Schools, accelerating a global green schools movement


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 04:29PM by SW_Green-Classifieds http://ift.tt/2uPR2hg

Former teachers of reddit what was the final straw that made you throw in the towel ?

No text found

Submitted August 18, 2017 at 04:21PM by Mercuryman34 http://ift.tt/2v9cbhz

@INEEmx: Maestra, maestro: en este micrositio contamos con una serie de materiales para apoyar la práctica docente ¡conócela… https://t.co/Nkqt1ZDZsc


@INEEmx: Reflexiones derivadas de la jornada académica "Educación, evaluación y #PueblosIndígenas" http://ift.tt/2wacHAs https://t.co/IUbcDl0yYC


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Los invito a conocer más sobre la educación de #PueblosIndígenas en esta publicación del @INEEmx y @UNICEFMexico… https://t.co/XVForqYv5M


@INEEmx: RT @EduardoBackhoff: Desde 2003 el @INEEmx ha monitoreado el cumplimiento del derecho a una educación obligatoria de calidad de los #PueblosIndígenas


@INEEmx: @Joseisabeles Sugerimos atender a los datos de contacto de la Coordinación Nacional del Servicio Profesional Docente https://t.co/LSxXagLpzT


@INEEmx: Con un clic en el mapa interactivo conoce las principales cifras de educación básica y media superior de tu entidad… https://t.co/klv5YXjzG4


standardized tests are tools of inequality, not equality


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 12:06PM by dwaxe http://ift.tt/2whHcVH

Pork –Recipes & Cooking


Submitted August 18, 2017 at 11:28AM by bngkolkata1 http://ift.tt/2fRpMZ0

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Por la autonomía de la educación? / Un texto de Alfredo Arnaud Bobadilla https://t.co/rVXp4AUqWl

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Por la autonomía de la educación? / Un texto de Alfredo Arnaud Bobadilla https://t.co/rVXp4AUqWl (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/898597957485830144)