martes, 30 de abril de 2019

im in trouble

i juat found out my school requires at least 4 hors of work logged on the website (online school) witch means my attendance is like 10 % cause i can do the work fast mt parents are letting me of the hook beacause nobody knew about the 4 hour rule

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:02PM by duke150

@EducacionFutura : Atora Senado Reforma Educativa y regresa a diputados para modificaciones

@EducacionFutura : Atora Senado Reforma Educativa y regresa a diputados para modificaciones (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #últimominuto / Se atora #ReformaEducativa en Senado. Regresa a Diputados para modificaciones

@EducacionFutura : #últimominuto / Se atora #ReformaEducativa en Senado. Regresa a Diputados para modificaciones (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : "El Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación e Investigación Educativa busca que el tema de la educación 4.0 y la educación desde el enfoque STEM sean incorporados al aula y prácticas de los docentes"

@EducacionFutura : "El Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación e Investigación Educativa busca que el tema de la educación 4.0 y la educación desde el enfoque STEM sean incorporados al aula y prácticas de los docentes" (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Aunque la tasa de asistencia en educación #primaria es prácticamente universal, el Sistema Educativo Nacional aún enfrenta el reto de lograr que todos los niños de entre 3 y 5 años de edad asistan al #preescolar. #DíadelNiño

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Aprueba Senado en lo general, nueva Reforma Educativa. Aún sigue la discusión en lo particular con más de 30 reservas

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Aprueba Senado en lo general, nueva Reforma Educativa. Aún sigue la discusión en lo particular con más de 30 reservas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / Aprueba @senadomexicano en lo general #ReformaEducativa con 95 votos a favor, 25 en contra y 2 abstenciones.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / Aprueba @senadomexicano en lo general #ReformaEducativa con 95 votos a favor, 25 en contra y 2 abstenciones. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Universidad y Reforma Educativa / El nuevo análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

@EducacionFutura : Universidad y Reforma Educativa / El nuevo análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Con base en resultados de evaluaciones y estudios, el INEE identifica y genera propuestas de política educativa para atender los problemas prioritarios del sistema educativo. Conoce nuestra serie de breviarios de #PolíticaEducativaINEE:

Is good or bba?

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Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:50PM by varys18

@EducacionFutura : En su discurso final, Teresa Bracho lamentó que el nuevo gobierno desaparezca al INEE

@EducacionFutura : En su discurso final, Teresa Bracho lamentó que el nuevo gobierno desaparezca al INEE (via Twitter

Activities for The Outsiders

Hello, wonderful teachers!

I will be starting The Outsiders with my 8th graders soon and I was wondering what interesting activities you may use or know of to help bring the book and reading to life? My students are often very disengaged and find reading "boring", "stupid", and "useless" because they will never "need it later in life."

I am especially interested in teaching the kids about empathy and consequences, but anything is welcome.

Thank you!

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:17PM by bigpray73

@EducacionFutura : Avanza #ReformaEducativa en el Senado. El dictamen será discutido y votado en la sesión ordinaria de este 30 de abril.

@EducacionFutura : Avanza #ReformaEducativa en el Senado. El dictamen será discutido y votado en la sesión ordinaria de este 30 de abril. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: En México la edad idónea para cursar el #preescolar es de 3 a 5 años, mientras que la edad para cursar la #primaria es de 6 a 11 años. En esta infografía te decimos cuántos niños y niñas cursaron el preescolar y la primaria en el ciclo escolar 2017-2018. #DíadelNiño

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de Educación Futura les desea feliz día de la niña y el niño

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de Educación Futura les desea feliz día de la niña y el niño (via Twitter

Myself and Me

 Myself and Me. Myself and Me both find ourselves in a flase place, where the ground drifts away, the air fades, the desk are empty, the chalkboard blank. How did this come to be. Life places me here because of who I am. When I’m happy, I’m not productive, because what’s considered productive things interest me. Oh I envy those who enjoy those things, math, science, reading. I wish society would count my things. Instead of being forced to learn about things that don't matter to me. I'm quiet in this place not because I want but because of one, there's no one to talk to and two, I've been taught to be quiet. “If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all” There is nothing nice about descension. Don’t complain that your bored. Just do your work and shut up. Because of this I know no one who really knows me and no one truly like me. I’m an outcast in a sea of strangers wherever I go. 

It makes me think who else is like me. Are there others who suffer in silence out of love for others. Because you know of people speak of these things more will feel sad, and so silence is a sacrifice for the joy of others. There is also pressure from society to not complain. There is a false narrative that those who are bad in Stem fields are dumb. This is only true if there's one type of genius which their is not. I try to move on and get through life without complaining too much, do the work and not think about it that much, but I keep finding myself in this desperate place. I think it's becuase you can’t ignore the things you love. It's not like what I do has no value. Art is everywhere, but nobody cares about, everyone just takes it for grantie. Creativity is just if not more important than counting numbers, but no why would society let you become a man of art when they can just make you a man of mathematical things. I’ve learned to think on my own, be my own self, but school wants me to just know things, memorize my way through life. Maybe someone wants to live as the model school moles them into but not me. I want to live not as a machine as a man. And so I write, I will not let myself go silently into the night. The school system is broken and outdated, it's based off the false assumption that knowledge will come from a rigid order of numbers. In reality knowledge or at least the first of its kind, new inventions and discoveries, need to be continually created. In schools all across the country the humanities are steamrolled by Stem, and it drives kids like me insane. If a kid doesn't like a class why make them take. Why waste your time and their time teaching them something they don't need or want. If I never had to take math or science in high school my gpa would be far better. I've done good in every class that I wanted to take. And so I say this with hope that their will be change for the future. Dear world, give students their freedom because then Myself and Me could finally leave this place.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:49AM by Rembercabost

What is the U.S. government doing to change the education system for the better and fight corruption?

Well reddit I'm going to be honest. When I get home I'm going to do some research on whether or not anything in happening with the US education Department. This idea came from me sitting here reading a textbook (private learning purposes) and talking to a girl on ifunny. Personally I never plan on going to college, because I fabricated a idea to make myself successful without going to college. However I feel sorry for my freinds and family that have no choice but to make themselves miserable by throwing themselves into a corrupt system. College prices are at a all time high, their are few textbook companies that slowly increase prices every year as if it is not noticeable, and people inside (and outside) the education system set themselves up to accept bribes robbing truly gifted kids of a opportunity they should have gotten!

I am starting my own business in the e-commerce feild and sat back for a second, thinking if I am successful I should advacte for SOMETHING. What can I possible do, well I sat back and thought if my dream comes true maybe I should fight to make sure others have the same chance. Our own goverment is selling itself out to big companies and stack the odds against our own freinds/family.

So my question to people that are already involved in the issue is... Where do we start and how do I help?

(Sidenote- I submitted this for proofreading please dont kill me with the dreadful red pin)

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:01PM by cm10634

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Piden alumnos y académicos fin a la huelga en la UAM

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Piden alumnos y académicos fin a la huelga en la UAM (via Twitter

Does anyone know a free whiteboard software for Windows (to be used for YouTube videos)?

Basically what the title says, I am planning on doing some pre-recorded YouTube tutorials, mainly subjects like physics, mechanics and statics, and I need a Windows whiteboard software (and I guess some screen and audio recorder software) in order to make these videos. I also have the Wacom pen tablet so I plan to combine some basic pre-drawn sketches with handwriting.

Does anyone have experience with these kind of tutorials? Do you have any advice on things I may be missing?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:47AM by pijaca

@EducacionFutura : La mejor herramienta para clavar un clavo es un martillo y si no hay martillo, se puede usar una piedra, un mazo, un zapato o cualquier otra cosa que pueda sustituirlo pero, lo que jamás podrá cambiarse será a la persona que lo ponga

@EducacionFutura : La mejor herramienta para clavar un clavo es un martillo y si no hay martillo, se puede usar una piedra, un mazo, un zapato o cualquier otra cosa que pueda sustituirlo pero, lo que jamás podrá cambiarse será a la persona que lo ponga (via Twitter

Meditation in my Classroom

Hello all,

I'm looking for a bit of guidance regarding my classroom meditation practice.

I am a high school teacher who teaches AP World History and AP US History. About four years ago, during the stressful time of preparing for AP Exams, I began to introduce meditation as an opening activity to start my class. I used and did their 12-minute, guided, "Introduction to Meditation" program, and it went well. Students found peace in a time of tremendous stress. I did some research over that summer, was amazed by the scientifically proven cognitive benefits, and decided that I would open my class with meditation. I have done so for the last three years. Students adore the practice, and it has become a hallmark of my classroom.

In general, I begin each school year with that same "Introduction To Meditation" for the first week of school and then spend the rest of the year doing a short (4 to 6 minute) breathing meditation that is self-guided with a bell that chimes each minute to remind students to come back to the breath. This is my classroom practice in its current form. I am considering two changes and would really appreciate feedback on these changes.

Regular to Weekly - I am changing schools next year and the schedule is different. I meet with students every single day, for about 50 minutes. I see two options - I can either do a 4-minute meditation every day or I can do a Meditation Monday where we do a longer extend meditation. I think regularity is nice, but I really can't afford more than 4 minutes per day and I wonder if they are receiving the benefits of meditation within that short time. When we do a longer meditation, students seem more visible impacted by the practice at the end.

Unguided to Guided - It's hard to know the inner workings of students minds, but it seems that they do better with guided practices. They seem to fidget less, open their eyes less, and in general, stay focused on the breath with more ease. I get the impression that unguided meditation is contributing to students engaging in mindlessness instead of mindfulness. I am leaning towards guided practices, but I can't seem to find any short guided programs. Both and Headspace seem to average about 10 minutes per guided session. If I switch to weekly, this isn't a problem, but I don't see a way to do daily guided.

These are two big changes for me in my classroom. I want to make sure I am going in the right direction. My ultimate goal of this practice is to provide my students with the tools necessary to provide them with a clear and focused mind while contributing to their mental wellbeing. Any advice you could give on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:07AM by Prazeres

@INEEmx: Patricia Vázquez del Mercado presenta renuncia al cargo de consejera del INEE

@INEEmx: Los materiales educativos pueden clasificarse en curriculares y didácticos, siendo estos últimos los que apoyan la implementación del currículo. Conoce con cuántos de estos recursos operan los distintos niveles de la #EducaciónObligatoria: #InformeINEE2019

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Una reforma educativa que invisibiliza a los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Una reforma educativa que invisibiliza a los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes (via Twitter

Using “scholars” instead of “students” when referring to children in schools.

Those of you who work in schools that demand the use of the word “scholars” when talking about kids in schools, can you explain where and when the switch from “students” to “scholars” occurred?

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:08AM by tofuhoagie

'My Kids Are In Survival Mode': A Chat With 2019's Teacher Of The Year

NPR's David Greene talks to Rodney Robinson, the 2019 National Teacher of the Year. Robinson, who's been in education for nearly 20 years, teaches at a juvenile detention center in Richmond, Va.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:48AM by zsreport

@EducacionFutura : El titular de la SEP rechazó que vaya a persistir la doble negociación con las autoridades educativas locales en la asignación de plazas, y dijo que para todo lo que no esté definido en el Artículo 3 Constitucional se resolverá con el Apartado B del 123

@EducacionFutura : El titular de la SEP rechazó que vaya a persistir la doble negociación con las autoridades educativas locales en la asignación de plazas, y dijo que para todo lo que no esté definido en el Artículo 3 Constitucional se resolverá con el Apartado B del 123 (via Twitter

@INEEmx: No hay mejor forma de asegurar un mejor futuro para los niños y niñas de nuestro país que garantizar su derecho a tener una educación de calidad con equidad. #DíadelNiño #FelizDíadelNiño

What is FERPA?

Hey r/education! This is my first post here, but I am loving the discussions I've been lurking in. I am an IEC that spent a few years working in several college admissions offices before going independent.

To better help my students and the world as a whole, I make youtube videos and podcasts about college amd career selection topics.

I recently released a new video about FERPA or the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act". Given my background, I looked at it through the lens of "college admissions", but I know that doesn't do the full scope of the law justice. I would love to make another video where I tackle the K-12 side of the law. I'd even be interested in having a guest host or writer for that episode if any of you are interested!

I would appreciate your feedback and hope you find the video informative and useful if you aren't already well versed on FERPA.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:25AM by letsgotocollege1

I Can't Answer These Texas Standardized Test Questions About My Own Poems

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:22AM by zecg

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

@EducacionFutura : Piden académicos de @RMx2019 que nueva reforma transparente asignación de plazas magisteriales

@EducacionFutura : Piden académicos de @RMx2019 que nueva reforma transparente asignación de plazas magisteriales (via Twitter

How can I implement differentiated instruction in an elementary classroom full of diverse writers?

I am a soon to be educator finishing up my last few courses and I chose to take to social media for one of my final assignments. I formed this question myself and look forward to hearing your opinions and personal experiences.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:07PM by cam0379

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre el maldito y la manzana.

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre el maldito y la manzana. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : "Grave error desaparecer la autonomía constitucional que actualmente ostenta el INEE", señala su Junta de Gobierno

@EducacionFutura : "Grave error desaparecer la autonomía constitucional que actualmente ostenta el INEE", señala su Junta de Gobierno (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Alumna del CCH Oriente de la UNAM fue herida con arma de fuego dentro de la institución, falleciendo minutos después en un hospital cercano. Alumnos reportaron que durante días pasados se encontraron sospechosos mensajes con la fecha de hoy

@EducacionFutura : Alumna del CCH Oriente de la UNAM fue herida con arma de fuego dentro de la institución, falleciendo minutos después en un hospital cercano. Alumnos reportaron que durante días pasados se encontraron sospechosos mensajes con la fecha de hoy (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Esta #PublicacionINEE es una valoración del diseño e implementación de la política educativa dirigida a la niñez indígena. Te invitamos a consultarla:📚

@INEEmx: ¿Cuáles son los conocimientos que adquieren los alumnos de secundaria en educación cívica y ciudadana al concluir el nivel educativo? Consulta los resultados de la evaluación #Cívica2016 en:

@INEEmx: Se deja un Instituto que trabaja por el bien de la educación, con un proyecto latinoamericano en marcha para conocer el nivel de aprendizaje de los alumnos (#ERCE) en el que México participará junto con otros 16 países, organizado por la @UNESCOSantiago.

@ManuelGilAnton : @HdezGarciadieg Creo que Othón... ya es brumoso el pasado... abrazo

@ManuelGilAnton : @HdezGarciadieg Creo que Othón... ya es brumoso el pasado... abrazo (via Twitter

@INEEmx: El INEE ha enfrentado grandes retos técnicos a los que se suman los de la arena política. La función de este Instituto no ha sido plenamente comprendida ni valorada por lo que algunos piensan que se puede prescindir de él. @TeresaBrachoG

@EducacionFutura : SEP: las zancadillas de Tomás Chávez Nava al presidente

@EducacionFutura : SEP: las zancadillas de Tomás Chávez Nava al presidente (via Twitter

@INEEmx: El mayor reto que tuvo el INEE fue la concurrencia de acciones con la SEP y con las autoridades educativas estatales, en espacios tan amplios y diversos como el Servicio Profesional Docente y la Política Nacional de Evaluación Educativa. @TeresaBrachoG

@ManuelGilAnton : Aunque no recuerdo la frase exacta, y por eso la cita no es textual, recuerdo que un maestro de filosofía nos dijo que Albert Camus expresó que lo que había aprendido de moral (o de ética), había sido en el futbol. Fue portero.

@ManuelGilAnton : Aunque no recuerdo la frase exacta, y por eso la cita no es textual, recuerdo que un maestro de filosofía nos dijo que Albert Camus expresó que lo que había aprendido de moral (o de ética), había sido en el futbol. Fue portero. (via Twitter

Artificial Intelligence Enhances The Learning Process: How Is That Possible?

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Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:59PM by RobertDiBacco

@INEEmx: Teresa Bracho González termina gestión al frente del INEE

@EducacionFutura : La contrarreforma educativa: razones para su rechazo / Un análisis de Eduardo Backhoff

@EducacionFutura : La contrarreforma educativa: razones para su rechazo / Un análisis de Eduardo Backhoff (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Manuel Gil Antón afirmó que esta reforma es mejor sintéticamente, ya que se llegó a ella tras 136 días desde su propuesta inicial, tiempo en el que se desarrolló una discusión con participación de distintas voces, a diferencia de la reforma de Peña Nieto

@EducacionFutura : Manuel Gil Antón afirmó que esta reforma es mejor sintéticamente, ya que se llegó a ella tras 136 días desde su propuesta inicial, tiempo en el que se desarrolló una discusión con participación de distintas voces, a diferencia de la reforma de Peña Nieto (via Twitter

@INEEmx: RT @TeresaBrachoG: Hoy concluyo mi mandato como Consejera y Consejera Presidenta del INEE. Gracias al Senado de la República por la distinción conferida, a mis colegas consejeros por la confianza y al personal del Instituto por su compromiso y dedicación con la mejora de la educación.

@INEEmx: A través de esta infografía conoce como la Infraestructura Física Educativa influye en el desarrollo de los estudiantes y fortalece los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Consulta más información en el #InformeINEE2019

Six IGCSEs is too few, isn't it?

I'm only doing six IGCSEs. The three sciences, math, English and Arabic.

I'm afraid I'll be at a disadvantage in University or Sixth Form applications because of this. (I want to go to uni in england).

It's too late now to take another one (exams next year, can't make up a whole year's worth of studying for a subject).. I regret having not taken a seventh option, but our school doesn't have much in the way of options. French, ICT and Art are what we can take in addition to the six I'm doing.

Art is rubbish and useless & hard, ICT has classes after school meaning you've got to stay in school for an hour and a half after the day's done, and French.. well, I wanted to do French. My parents made me drop it out of fear that it would "hinder my performance on the other ones" as if such a concept makes even a lick of sense.

Anyway, am I in trouble? Is this going to affect me much when pursuing higher education?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 09:20AM by MarsBars4Lyfe

Any book recommendations

Hi, I'm interested in reading up on law and was wondering If anyone has any decent recommendations on a book I should buy?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 08:38AM by highlands95

@INEEmx: Esta semana te presentaremos los datos más destacados del capítulo 2 del #InformeINEE2019, para que conozcas cuál es la calidad de los servicios educativos que imparte el estado. Consulta más datos en el #InformeINEE2019:

Fake News Antidote MONDAY George W. Bush also made statements stating that 'Moslems" have replaced Communism. “We must not hide ourselves when we talk about s...

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Submitted April 29, 2019 at 02:31AM by drdej19

I'm a UX Researcher working on research for an educational game. Need help!

Hi, I've developed a product for children till K-5. It's a math game which is aligned with the Common Core Standards (USA). Over some months, I have looked at famous math-game websites like SplashMath, IXL, etc. So, if I could find children, parents, teachers or any others (who have used or use such products) who can help me by filling a google form or talking in general, I'd be really thankful!

Here are some of the questions I want to cover:

  1. Why would you pay for any edtech product?

  2. If you pay/paid for it - what's the biggest utility for you?

  3. Which product did you use? What could be made better about it? If the improvements you suggested was made available in a product, would you buy it? How much would you be ready to pay for it?

  4. How often would your child use it in a month? How long was a single session?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:19AM by captainhungrycat

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019

@INEEmx: Esta publicación muestra un panorama sobre las condiciones en que se ofrece el servicio de educación #preescolar en nuestro país. Conócelo: #PublicacionesINEE

I have a dream. A dream to establish a liberal college that does not enforce uniform curriculum and without selecting students with a uniform entrance examination. “I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.” -steve

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Submitted April 28, 2019 at 03:43PM by soohgangho

@INEEmx: Esta semana realizamos nuestro cuarto #ForoVirtualINEE en el que hablamos sobre las Concreciones para las aulas #multigrado (#PEEME Guanajuato). Si te lo perdiste, puedes ver este y todos nuestros foros virtuales aquí ➡️

@INEEmx: En este Caso por caso, de #RevistaRed, te compartimos dos experiencias de escuelas en las que el apoyo de los padres de familia ha jugado un papel importante en el desarrollo académico de los estudiantes. Te invitamos a conocerlas:

The deadly side of entrance exams: 19 youth commit suicide over grading mistakes on exams in India

"“The rank war and subsequent stress induced by college managements and parents led students to commit suicides in the past. This time, it is the blunders of the software firm that left a trail of suicides,” says Reddy."

"Rajani, mother of a Class-12 student, complains, “My daughter scored 85 percent in all the subjects in the second year, but failed in Mathematics”. The rules will not permit her to seek improvement by appearing for supplementary exams as she has failed in a subject. Her pleas for revaluation, which will enable her to take the national level entrance tests for admission, go unheard in the BOIE office."

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:06AM by Asclepias_metis

sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @MaurroJarquin: Mi texto de hoy en @lajornadaonline. Reforma educativa de la 4t mete freno a privatización de oferta educativa, pero privatiza la toma de decisiones. @lhan55 @REobservatorio @levmx666 @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @jcma23 @VergerAntoni @AnaCastellani1

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @MaurroJarquin: Mi texto de hoy en @lajornadaonline. Reforma educativa de la 4t mete freno a privatización de oferta educativa, pero privatiza la toma de decisiones. @lhan55 @REobservatorio @levmx666 @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @jcma23 @VergerAntoni @AnaCastellani1 (via Twitter

Capacity of our brain is 2500 terabyte (2500000gb)

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 07:31PM by KartikeyaTyagi

@INEEmx: En colaboración con @CES_COLMEX, el INEE presenta en esta publicación un análisis centrado en la dinámica escolar y laboral de los jóvenes de entre 18 y 29 años de la Ciudad de México #PublicacionesINEE

I have a bachelor's of English. I want to pursue a doctorate of Psychology. Shpuld I apply for a Psych master's or do I need to get another bachelor's in Psych first?

I assume I'll have to take classes before I'd be able to qualify, as I only had basic Psych courses for my English degree. But should I go back for a Psych bachelor's or simply sign up for the classes I need to qualify?

I would rather pursue psychiatry than English. Helping people is my passion, but I'm more interested in science and therapy than classrooms.


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 05:01PM by Lich_Aspirant

An attempt to change the school system to attempt to help guide the future generations of America

Ok guys this was just an idea I thought of one day. What if the US school system had a psychologist or someone at each middle school who were to give the kids a test to determine their strengths and weaknesses on the given subjects math English science and history. On top of that give them a personality type test to determine how their brains work and what they would best be suited for. Get those results sent home for the parents to see as a recommendation rather than a (you have to do what you’re best suited for.) High schools then would be converted into institutions that specifically would have subjects and classes suited for a type of field that you would like to choose at that age. (I understand that most people don’t know what they’d like to do especially in middle school but maybe it would throw them in a more successful direction.) once they choose what type of high school they would like to go to they would have majors and minors such as for a school in mathematics they would take mostly math courses algebra trig geometry calc 1 2 3, courses for engineering etc, with minors such as reading, writing, basic knowledge that everyone must learn. By the time they would get to college they would be so prepped for the type of degree they would like to earn they would be able to fly through their curriculum which would ultimately secure their futures. What do you guys think? Even adding ideas would be awesome!

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 02:22PM by Bonker75

@INEEmx: Esta semana te presentamos datos del #InformeINEE2019 sobre el acceso, permanencia y conclusión de los niveles de la educación obligatoria. Consulta la información más destacados en estas infografías. Consulta más información en el #EInformeINEE2019:

@EducacionFutura : La reforma educativa de López Obrador: lo que está pendiente por hablarse y escribirse

@EducacionFutura : La reforma educativa de López Obrador: lo que está pendiente por hablarse y escribirse (via Twitter

@INEEmx: ¿Cuál es la experiencia de #Italia con el uso de los resultados de las evaluaciones para la mejora educativa? @Pat_Falzetti, directora del Departamento de estadística del @Invalsi_social, nos lo cuenta en entrevista para la #GacetaINEE

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

Competency-based online university for international students? WGU wouldn't accept international students

Hey everyone! Was excited to start studying at WGU. Unfortunately, they don't accept international students. So I'm looking for alternatives: a very flexible (competency-based) fully online university or program that would accept international students. Any suggestions?

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 08:46PM by teachamax

@EducacionFutura : Estos son los puntos más relevantes que se aprobaron en la nueva Reforma Educativa

@EducacionFutura : Estos son los puntos más relevantes que se aprobaron en la nueva Reforma Educativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : "La reprobación tiene un severo impacto en la permanencia; los alumnos reprobados tienen una probabilidad mucho más alta que sus compañeros de dejar la escuela." David Calderón

@EducacionFutura : "La reprobación tiene un severo impacto en la permanencia; los alumnos reprobados tienen una probabilidad mucho más alta que sus compañeros de dejar la escuela." David Calderón (via Twitter

@INEEmx: ¿Sabes cuántos niños y jóvenes se matriculan en educación básica o media superior? Esta y más información puedes consultarla en nuestro micrositio de indicadores

@ManuelGilAnton : Perdón: ¿es el mismo @SnteNacional que abandonó al magisterio a su suerte en los años de la reforma de Peña? ¿El que recibió dinero a pasto para apoyar la pérdida de derechos adquiridos? Si ellos no quieren recordar ni reconocerlo, nosotros no hemos de olvidar. Miserables.

@ManuelGilAnton : Perdón: ¿es el mismo @SnteNacional que abandonó al magisterio a su suerte en los años de la reforma de Peña? ¿El que recibió dinero a pasto para apoyar la pérdida de derechos adquiridos? Si ellos no quieren recordar ni reconocerlo, nosotros no hemos de olvidar. Miserables. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Es ridículo reprobar a los niños? El Acuerdo 11/03/19 / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro

@EducacionFutura : ¿Es ridículo reprobar a los niños? El Acuerdo 11/03/19 / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro (via Twitter

@INEEmx: A través de evaluaciones, estudios, voces de especialistas, docentes, autoridades y padres de familia diseñamos recomendaciones para mejorar las acciones de gobierno en materia educativa llamadas #DirectricesINEE Conócelas:

@EducacionFutura : Civismo y el Humanismo serán dos de las materias que regirán la matrícula de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, asegura la SEP

@EducacionFutura : Civismo y el Humanismo serán dos de las materias que regirán la matrícula de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana, asegura la SEP (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La austeridad republicana en educación superior / Un texto de César García

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La austeridad republicana en educación superior / Un texto de César García (via Twitter

@INEEmx: La desaparición del INEE representaría un retroceso en el Sistema Educativo Nacional

@EducacionFutura : ¿Dónde quedaron los maestros, dónde quedaron las maestras?

@EducacionFutura : ¿Dónde quedaron los maestros, dónde quedaron las maestras? (via Twitter

Parenting Doesn’t Matter (Or Not As Much As You Think)

This is a great discussion with Stuart Ritchie (Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, KCL), Robert Plomin ( Professor of Behavioural Genetics at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, KCL. Author of the book Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are), Susan Pawlby (Developmental Clinical Psychologist), Ann Pleshette Murphy (Therapist, parenting counsellor and advocate for young children and their families. Author of the book The Secret of Play: How to Raise Smart, Healthy, Caring Kids from Birth to Age 12), and Dr Xand van Tulleken (Medical doctor and broadcaster with the BBC and Channel 4).

Read more about the panelists here:

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 09:57AM by ineedmoresleep

@INEEmx: ¿Cuáles son los conocimientos que adquieren los alumnos en educación cívica y ciudadana al concluir la secundaria? Consúltalo en la siguiente liga:

@INEEmx: Conocer cuántos de los jóvenes de entre 20 y 24 años completan la educación básica y #MediaSuperior permite monitorear el avance de la obligatoriedad gradual de la educación. Conoce más en el #InformeINEE2019:

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez Ánimo Señora Eu... todo pasa y pronto estarás como jarana de contenta.

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez Ánimo Señora Eu... todo pasa y pronto estarás como jarana de contenta. (via Twitter

Largest Producers of Crude Oil from 1965-2017 | Global Oil Production by countries

Link -\_CDcXvOU

These countries have had the highest production of Crude Oil since 1960s. To no surprise, many of the top countries which are producers of crude oil are Gulf Countries, but America has always been on top of the list for a long time and is also currently the largest producer, followed by Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iraq, Kuwait  and so on. The statistics are also dependent on size of the countries. The different crisis and incidents which have took can also be seen in the production of oils by the countries. Some of you will notice.

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Link to last video on Global Affairs -

Do Share, Like and SUBSCRIBE, more and better content in production. Good Day!

#statistics #dataliteracy #datamining #dataviz #analytics #oilindustry #oilandgas

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 05:58AM by data_scientists

What is meant by "Grade Transcripts"?

I want to sign up for an event at a company where I can get to know them better and hopefully maybe land a job with them.

I have to sign up online for their event on their website and in the process, the website is asking me to upload my CV as a file as well as "Grade Transcripts".

It doesn't elaborate what this is exactly, so I'm a bit unsure if they want me to upload a file containing all my grades from my master's degree? Or do they just want me to upload my diploma for having received my degree? Or is it something else?

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 04:29AM by N64Gamer

jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

San Francisco Had an Ambitious Plan to Tackle School Segregation. It Made It Worse.

San Francisco Had an Ambitious Plan to Tackle School Segregation. It Made It Worse.

SAN FRANCISCO — Like many parents in San Francisco, Melvin Canas and Delfina Ramirez described applying to public kindergarten as a part-time job. They researched schools all over the city for their daughter, Cinthya; took unpaid hours off their jobs as cooks to tour over a dozen; and ultimately ranked 15 of them on her application.

San Francisco allows parents to apply to any elementary school in the district, having done away with traditional school zoning 18 years ago in an effort to desegregate its classrooms. Give parents more choices, the thinking was, and low-income and working-class students of color like Cinthya would fill more seats at the city’s most coveted schools.

But last month, Cinthya’s parents, who are Hispanic, found out she had been admitted to their second-to-last choice, a school where less than a third of students met standards on state reading and math tests last year. Only 3 percent were white.

Results like these have soured many on the city’s school enrollment plan, which is known here as “the lottery” and was once considered a national model.

“Our current system is broken,” said Stevon Cook, president of the district Board of Education, which, late last year, passed a resolution to overhaul the process. “We’ve inadvertently made the schools more segregated.”

For decades, the education mantra from presidential campaign trails to local school board elections has been the same: Your ZIP code should not determine the quality of your school. Few cities have gone further in trying to make that ideal a reality than San Francisco.

But as education leaders from New York to Dallas to San Antonio vow to integrate schools, and as presidential candidates like Joseph R. Biden Jr. are being asked to answer for their records on school segregation, San Francisco’s ambitious plan offers a cautionary tale.

Image Melvin Canas, with his daughter, Cinthya, described applying to public-school kindergarten as a part-time job. Melvin Canas, with his daughter, Cinthya, described applying to public-school kindergarten as a part-time job.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times Parental choice has not been the leveler of educational opportunity it was made out to be. Affluent parents are able to take advantage of the system in ways low-income parents cannot, or they opt out of public schools altogether. What happened in San Francisco suggests that without remedies like wide-scale busing, or school zones drawn deliberately to integrate, school desegregation will remain out of reach.

After families submit their kindergarten applications, ranking as many school choices as they like across the city, a computer algorithm makes assignments. Those from neighborhoods where students have scored low on state tests get first dibs at their top-ranked programs. Each child gets an address-based priority at one school, but it is considered only after those with test-score priority are offered seats.

The district had previously used busing to try to desegregate schools, under a 1983 agreement with the N.A.A.C.P. But a group of Chinese-American families sued in the 1990s, saying their children were being denied seats at elite campuses. The city settled the case by devising a choice-based enrollment process meant to be race-neutral but still achieve integration.

Research shows that desegregation can drive learning gains for students of all races. And on paper, San Francisco’s system showed promise. In recent years, it succeeded in breaking up racial concentrations at a handful of schools.

But over all, many parents and city leaders consider it a disappointment. The district’s schools were more racially segregated in 2015 than they were in 1990, even though the city’s neighborhoods have become more integrated, research shows. That pattern holds true in many of the nation’s largest cities, according to an analysis by Ryan W. Coughlan, an assistant professor of sociology at Guttman Community College in New York.

Segregation looks different in San Francisco than in other parts of the country. The district is one of the most diverse in the nation: 35 percent of students are Asian, 27 percent are Hispanic, 15 percent are white and 7 percent are African-American. Schools here are not racially monolithic. But over the past several decades, white, Asian and Hispanic students, on average, have been clustered in schools with more children of their own races.

While black children were slightly less racially isolated in 2015 than in 1990, that was largely a result of their lower enrollment in the district, Professor Coughlan said — a change driven by astronomical housing costs.

Image At a tour of Rooftop Elementary, Sofia and Jonathan Perel said they had visited 18 schools. At a tour of Rooftop Elementary, Sofia and Jonathan Perel said they had visited 18 schools.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times Even the school district has acknowledged that a system of geographically zoned schools would most likely create more racial integration than the current, choice-driven approach.

There are several reasons the system has not worked as intended. One is a lack of transportation. Fewer than 4,000 of the district’s 54,000 students ride a bus to school. The city’s busing program was reduced in 2010, during the last recession, and has not been restored.

Shurrin Zeng, vice chairwoman of the district’s English Learners Advisory Committee, said location had been the No. 1 factor in her decision to enroll her 10-year-old daughter in the school closest to their home, which is overwhelmingly Hispanic and Asian, and largely low-income. She is not completely happy with the school, but choice, she said, was not meaningful without “more convenient transportation” to ensure access.

And some parents may not have heard about better, far-flung schools. Not everyone has the time to navigate the complex process of researching, touring and ranking campuses. Families who want a different school from the one they are given can try their luck in three more lottery rounds, filing paperwork and managing waiting lists even past the start of the school year, in some cases.

School tours typically take place between 8 and 10 a.m. — prime commuting and work hours — and some of the most desired schools require parents to sign up weeks in advance.

At Rooftop Elementary in the Twin Peaks neighborhood — Mr. Canas and Ms. Ramirez’s first choice for Cinthya — a tour in December was dominated by professional-class parents with flexible schedules. They took in breathtaking views of the San Francisco Bay and strolled past a climbing wall and gardening plots. Jonathan and Sofia Perel, an IT director and a consultant to nonprofits, said they had visited 18 schools.

In contrast, Kenika Eison, a medical assistant, had to show up at schools unannounced during off hours, hoping a principal would come out to talk to her. She ended up enrolling her son Aaden in a charter school close to the clinic where she works, partly because of the school’s good reputation, but also because she would not need to arrange child care in the mornings.

Image Kenika Eison picked up her son Aaden from his preschool program. For kindergarten, Ms. Eison enrolled Aaden in a charter school close to her work. Kenika Eison picked up her son Aaden from his preschool program. For kindergarten, Ms. Eison enrolled Aaden in a charter school close to her work.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times Since the district uses neighborhood test scores to determine admissions preferences, some students from low-income and working-class families in San Francisco, like Cinthya, do not get an advantage, while a handful of wealthier students, whose parents happen to live in areas with historically lower test scores, do.

The system benefits gentrifiers, in a city where public housing can be tucked beneath hills studded with multimillion-dollar Victorians.

Anne Zimmerman, a stay-at-home parent and writer, had what others call, sometimes derisively, the “golden ticket.” She and her husband, who works in advertising, moved into their two-bedroom rental in the Potrero Hill neighborhood a decade ago, without realizing their address granted them priority in the school lottery.

This year, their daughter, Vera, was offered admission to their first-choice kindergarten, one of the most requested in the city. The school is 37 percent white and 21 percent low-income. Districtwide, 15 percent of students are white and 55 percent are low-income.

“I feel so very conflicted” about getting an advantage, Ms. Zimmerman said. Both she and her husband are white. “The system was developed to equalize the playing field, and I don’t think it really has done it.”

Those who defend the current system point out that 79 percent of black parents, 79 percent of Filipino parents and 61 percent of Hispanic parents received their first-choice kindergarten for next fall, compared with 48 percent of white parents.

Rionda Batiste is a member of the district’s African-American Parent Advisory Council and a resident of the Bayview, a neighborhood with test-score priority in the lottery. She has been thrilled with the system, which allowed her to enroll two of her children in a school of her choice outside the neighborhood.

Image While San Francisco’s school enrollment system was intended to desegregate the district, research shows that schools have become more segregated. While San Francisco’s school enrollment system was intended to desegregate the district, research shows that schools have become more segregated.CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times “Until our schools are being made to have the same resources and quality as the other schools in the other areas, I’m not going to disadvantage her,” Ms. Batiste said of her daughter, Victoria.

But the voices of parents who feel hurt by the lottery hold powerful political sway here. One family of two doctors whose child — like 12 percent of kindergarten applicants — was not admitted to any of the 15 schools they listed, said they would not send their child to the school they were ultimately assigned, which is across the city from their home. The school has struggled with underenrollment and low test scores, and is predominantly black and low-income.

The parents, who are Hispanic and asked not to be named, ended up putting down a deposit for a private school.

About a quarter of the city’s children are enrolled in private school, a higher percentage than in some other major cities, like New York, where it is around 20 percent. The lottery system is thought to be a major reason wealthy parents here opt out of public schools, further worsening segregation.

At the request of the Board of Education, the district is considering how expanded busing could help integrate schools. It is also looking at models in Berkeley, Calif., and Boston, where parents can rank choices from a small group of schools determined by address. San Francisco has already limited choices at the middle-school level, with some success.

Stevon Cook, the board president, said one of the biggest problems with the lottery was “the implicit message that we send” to low-income parents: that schools in their own communities are “inadequate,” and that they should seek to escape them. “We should pour more into those schools to make them attractive,” he said.

The strengths of predominantly black schools, in particular, were often overlooked, said Rachel Norton, a longtime member of the board.

“I don’t want to suggest that every school is of equal quality across the district, but they are closer in quality to each other than people think,” she said.

Mr. Canas, the chef, spoke to teachers at the school where his daughter was admitted, and heard some things he liked about it. But he still hoped Cinthya would be chosen off a waiting list to attend one of the higher-ranked schools on her application, and was bracing for more rounds in the lottery.

Even if the chances of a dream placement remained low, Mr. Canas said, he would exhaust all options. “I can’t really put a price on my daughter’s education

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 09:17PM by johnniewelker

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en @elwesomx sobre la Reforma Educativa. Jueves 25 de abril, 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en @elwesomx sobre la Reforma Educativa. Jueves 25 de abril, 2019 (via Twitter

SC teachers’ walkout May 1

It seems teachers have finally begun to have enough. After protests and strikes around the country, it’s finally reached South Carolina. This is how the governor is responding to the growing number of teachers putting in for substitutes. The number of teachers registered for the march has grown to ~2400 in the few hours following this article.

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 08:14PM by unreadysoup8643

Why College Professors Hate (and Love) April

No text found

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 08:25PM by jcassity64

Survey on Dress Code

Hello everyone,

I'm doing a bit of a research/debate project about dress code (for students) in K-12 schools for my final this year and need a bit of statistical data to present.

I made a very short survey and it would be very helpful if you guys could answer a few questions!


Dress Code Survey

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 07:40PM by coelga0110

@INEEmx: @acmarti_mx Anahi, ponemos a tu disposición nuestro Contacto INEE, una línea 01 800 totalmente gratuita en donde nuestros asesores podrán orientarte al respecto de la duda que nos compartes. Saludos.

@EducacionFutura : La reforma educativa de AMLO es una obra en varios actos: Acto 1. La iniciativa: 12 de diciembre de 2018 Acto 2: El memorándum: 16 de abril de 2019 Acto 3: Aprobación Cámara de Diputados: 25 de abril de 2019 Faltan todavía varios actos más.

@EducacionFutura : La reforma educativa de AMLO es una obra en varios actos: Acto 1. La iniciativa: 12 de diciembre de 2018 Acto 2: El memorándum: 16 de abril de 2019 Acto 3: Aprobación Cámara de Diputados: 25 de abril de 2019 Faltan todavía varios actos más. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: @ansina_soy Hola Abraham. Se presentó una falla técnica y ya se está trabajando para solucionarla. En breve podrás ingresar a nuestro portal. Saludos.

@INEEmx: @pathyva Hola Pathy. Se presentó una falla técnica y ya se está trabajando para solucionarla. En breve podrás consultar la información en nuestro portal. Saludos.

@EducacionFutura : Conoce a los principales conferencistas, talleristas e invitados del Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación e Investigación Educativa

@EducacionFutura : Conoce a los principales conferencistas, talleristas e invitados del Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Lectura de Juan Carlos sobre la "mejora continua"...

@ManuelGilAnton : Lectura de Juan Carlos sobre la "mejora continua"... (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Evaluar es un acierto y permite conocer los niveles de desempeño en ciencias de los jóvenes mexicanos y comparar el sistema educativo mexicano con otros países. Consulta los resultados en la prueba Pisa: En educación #AOscurasNo #EvaluarEsUnAcierto

@EducacionFutura : No tienen lugar cuestiones laborales en el Tercero Constitucional: Manuel Gil Antón durante su participación en el Tercer Congreso Nacional de Investigación sobre Educación Normal (CONISEN)

@EducacionFutura : No tienen lugar cuestiones laborales en el Tercero Constitucional: Manuel Gil Antón durante su participación en el Tercer Congreso Nacional de Investigación sobre Educación Normal (CONISEN) (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Desarrollamos una herramienta para que los docentes, directores, supervisores y padres de familia conozcan cómo le fue a los estudiantes en #Planea2018 #Primaria. Consulta el #ReporteEscolar de las escuelas que participaron en esta prueba:

@EducacionFutura : El documento de Reforma Educativa fue remitido al Senado de la República para sus efectos constitucionales.

@EducacionFutura : El documento de Reforma Educativa fue remitido al Senado de la República para sus efectos constitucionales. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En el espacio de Carlos Loret de Mola, en la mañana, con la conducción de @anafvega y Diego, participé en un diálogo con @azapatah sobre la Reforma Educativa. Agradezco a ambos el espacio.

@ManuelGilAnton : En el espacio de Carlos Loret de Mola, en la mañana, con la conducción de @anafvega y Diego, participé en un diálogo con @azapatah sobre la Reforma Educativa. Agradezco a ambos el espacio. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Después de su ingreso a la escuela, deberían crearse las condiciones para que todos los estudiantes avancen entre grados y niveles educativos de manera regular. Conoce cuántos alumnos abandonan la escuela en #EducaciónBásica y #EMS: #InformeINEE2019

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en @capital21 sobre la Reforma Educativa...

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en @capital21 sobre la Reforma Educativa... (via Twitter

How Can Children Be Taught About Kindness?

Kindness is an attribute that most people do not have in them today. How much disturbing it may sound, the truth is that kindness is slowly taking a back seat and humanity is facing the adversity of intolerance and violence. The increase in inhumane acts and disruption in peace supports this fact and therefore, teachings of kindness and love is now needed more than ever.

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:45AM by AlexaCurtis

Can you take an IB course after senior highschool?

Currently. I am to enroll in a university for my Senior High years and I just found out that the university I wish to enter for college requires an IB diploma. Not knowing what exactly it is, I look it up and find out it's a two year course.

Is it possible that after I finish senior high I take the IB course. And then go to college?

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 05:28AM by KingOfTheNortherners

@ManuelGilAnton : @gcandita Gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : @gcandita Gracias! (via Twitter

- Walkies with Abby

Does Common Core make our students dumber? Uh...duh...

Typically we'd cite resource here, but the evidence is obvious. Even Huff Po (the fakest of leftie-socialist fake news) agrees: Common Core is total failure.

Of course, few dems will admit that this failure is reflective of the whole socialist agenda (spoiler alert: it is.)

Hey look! Dragons!!

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:53AM by StormKatt

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Sigue en vivo la discusión en lo particular de la Reforma Educativa en la Cámara de Diputados

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Sigue en vivo la discusión en lo particular de la Reforma Educativa en la Cámara de Diputados (via Twitter

5 ultimate time management skills

To manage your time is actually difficult but it's a skill that can be learned and I strongly believe that after watching this video it will really help you

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 11:15PM by profcaculus

@EducacionFutura : El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó en lo genera el dictamen de Reforma Educativa con 381 votos a favor, 79 en contra y 2 abstenciones. Actualmente sigue la discusión de las reservas

@EducacionFutura : El Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó en lo genera el dictamen de Reforma Educativa con 381 votos a favor, 79 en contra y 2 abstenciones. Actualmente sigue la discusión de las reservas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Diputados aprobaron el dictamen de la #ReformaEducativa en lo general con 381 votos a favor, 79 en contra y 2 abstenciones.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Diputados aprobaron el dictamen de la #ReformaEducativa en lo general con 381 votos a favor, 79 en contra y 2 abstenciones. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : El texto de Abelardo Carro.

@ManuelGilAnton : El texto de Abelardo Carro. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - En este momento se está discutiendo en el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados la #ReformaEducativa

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - En este momento se está discutiendo en el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados la #ReformaEducativa (via Twitter

@INEEmx: ¿Cómo es el desempeño en lectura de los estudiantes de 15 años en México? La evaluación internacional Pisa brinda información al respecto: #EvaluarEsUnAcierto En educación #AOscurasNo:

How to Get Fired at Duke: Publishing fake history is fine, but don’t make students feel uncomfortable

How to Get Fired at Duke: Publishing fake history is fine, but don’t make students feel uncomfortable..

Another of the many sad statements about the state of intellectual affairs in higher ed today.

There’s a particular irony if Duke is sacking Mr. Charney for offending some students by addressing a topic related to race. Regular readers may recall that this is the same university that employs Nancy MacLean, who published the bogus claim that the late Nobel Prize-winning economist James Buchanan, who contributed to an anti-segregationist newspaper, was the author of a “diabolical” plan to favor rich white people. One of her own colleagues on the Duke faculty called her book containing this smear “a work of speculative historical fiction.”

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 04:17PM by CarboElectricBike

I have a teacher who makes me want to kill myself

I have a language teacher (who I will call S) that makes me want to genuinely die; I don't know what to do about it.

Some background is that I have an Asian upbringing and it is hard to get grades besides an A. The only people that can excel in her class are those that already know the language. In my opinion she is unreasonable.

•She gives us tests on vocabulary she never mentioned, and expects us to know it. She admitted that we would probably get an F and to no surprise, most did.

• Although she does allow most people to pass, it is by what I think is evil means. She is part of a lot of different associations with the language program and etc. so she offers extra credit to those who help her with her programs and other school performances that have no direct effect on the learning of the language. S's participation in these associations are purely based on the culture of the language.

•S plays favorites to the extreme. Although humans have a natural tendency to be bias, S is so extreme in it that she will allow her favorite students to cheat and others to fail. Some will be able to use the bathroom, eat in class, and do what they want while other students that she does not like will fail. A former classmate of mine pointed out to her that someone else was cheating but she merely told him to be quiet. The ONLY student reprimanded was the guy who pointed out that someone was cheating.

•She helps people cheat, and others fail. Two guys did not know the language, and while one tried, the other did not. The one who did not try was the one she liked and she stood behind them and whispered the answers to him. This infuriated me and the person who tried because it seemed to me like disrespect to all the hard work that he put in.

•She talks in the language we are trying to learn and occasionally mixes it with English. Although a mixture of the two can be useful, she does it so much that even the people that are fluent have a hard time understanding her. Additionally, because we are beginners in the language, it would be similar to that of listening to someone speak in a foreign language and you are forced to understand it because she gives directions in that format.

•S is extremely moody. I would like to display human empathy for her as she has had a divorce and her mother and brother has passed away, but I do not believe that classtime is a proper time to tell life stories and grieve for your past. Furthermore, she yells at people in Korean at times. For example, while we were doing nothing and she was talking about her life story, two kids were doing homework from another class so that they could save time (as they have band and other extracurriculars such as musical instruments), but she was infuriated and made them give her their homework and write a note of apology or she would call their parents.

•S also yelled at me in the foreign language after I asked a classmate for a translation of a word that I missed, but because I did not understand the foreign language, she got increasingly angrier and angrier until she grabbed me and repositioned me. While still at the corner of the room, she was apparently mad that I was not facing the front of the classroom. I thought that it was perfectly okay to not be facing the front of the classroom because she told me to face her and she was in the corner. Despite me telling her that I did not understand and that I was merely asking a question to a classmate, she is unable to comprehend that she is wrong and was still mad.

•Building on to my previous point, she can not take things when she is wrong. We all are forced to take pictures as living evidence of her word and actions. She wrote that we had to write 10 sentences and their translations, but the next day she said we had to write 45 sentences and their translations. Even when we proved her wrong, she said that we got her intentions wrong, and EVEN WHEN WE SHOWED HER THE PICTURE, she has the gall to say that we got her intentions wrong.

•We are given a language textbook that has 12 chapters, which is lengthy in each (since they are supposed to be given throughout the year). However, her pacing is a struggle because adding on to her own worksheets and assignments that are well beyond our understanding, occasionally she gives an ENTIRE chapter in ONE day. This should not be something that a teacher should do, unless a year is going to be compressed in a measly 2.5 weeks. Because of this, weekends have been a pain (as I have to do chapters in advance) and I've been struggling to understand concepts because of the lack of time and spaced repetition (the best way to learn) to memorize and understand these things.

•She acts like an angel in front of other adults and teachers. Some teachers come in and she prepares for the day and actually does something that seems like she could become a good teacher. For example, when WASC (an association involved in making sure that schools are actually teaching the students) visited our school, her class was monitored for a while and she acted like a great teacher. She told us what to show them and we had to prepare for that day. But when they are not there, she is very moody. This means that the adults will most definitely have a warped perception of her and that they will think that us teenagers are overreacting. I admit that most students overreact to teachers but I have never disliked a teacher before this class. I have always loved all my teachers and believed that they genuinely cared for them, but I am still unable to see her in this way. I think she is lonely and that this is her way of being able to socialize with people. Although I do want her to get some help, I think I want the school to help the students and remove her.

•Sometimes she can say hurtful things and she calls us lazy and that we don't work hard. I work very hard to maintain all A's because I lack aptitude. I have a video of her yelling at us which is about 30 minutes long because she did not get an apology letter from a student that was long enough to please her.

•Although not entirely educational, sometimes people have to use the bathroom in her class and she says, "After you finish your classwork." We are unable to finish classwork and even if we do, she will give us more to prevent the usage of the bathroom. Some people genuinely have to use the bathroom and do not abuse the system and bring their phone along with them. I think that we have a natural right to use the bathroom, but I am pretty sure that the law allows her to prevent the usage of the bathroom as the school gives the teachers certain rights.

I personally believe that language is a puzzle piece. The vocabulary that you learn is the puzzle piece itself, while the grammar is the way in which you put the pieces together. The problem with S is that it is hard to learn when given vocabulary and not knowing how to put them together, and being expected to put things together when you do not understand the vocabulary nor how to put it together. She makes us translate newspapers and stories when we know neither the vocabulary or how to put it together. This makes it near impossible to translate in the time slot given. I have stayed up countless nights doing these and the lack of sleep coupled with my anger for her lack of empathy has made me genuinely want to kill myself.

Multiple classmates have gone to the office to complain, and yet they are unable to do anything. They know that so many kids and parents have complained, but because she is tied to both the school and multiple associations (which give the school money), it is hard to fire her or get rid of her because it would lead to a loss of money.

I know this must seem like a rant but I want to do something for both me and the students in the next years. The freshman that I know hate her because of how unreasonable she is. I have had her for this year and the last year, and albeit the year is almost over, I want to prevent her from hurting more students. If there is anything I can do or anything I should do, no matter how small, please let me know.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 04:53PM by Dr_BrownBear

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Benefits/Drawbacks of Homeschooling

Hi all. As a college student who homeschooled his whole life (pre-k through high school), I’d love to hear what you all think of homeschooling. Why do you think it’s a good or bad idea?

Personally I couldn’t have asked for a better education, so I’d love to start a discussion and dispel any stereotypes y’all might have.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 09:58AM by TerrorBird256

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