martes, 31 de diciembre de 2019

Future Education Plans

I just graduated with a BS in Modern Language and Linguistics, World Languages with a minor in Creative Writing. I plan on getting an MFA in Creative Writing. With my degree, I also have certificates in Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. With my qualifications, what are other MAs do you recommend?

Submitted January 01, 2020 at 12:08AM by Stitch_Fan

Sample Paper Class 10 Maths 2019 - 2020

If you are confused about how your maths paper would be? Then solving these Sample Paper for Class 10 Maths 2019-20 before your exam would be the best way to kick start your preparation. Get the best class 10 maths practice test paper designed by NTSE Guru experts, solving which will boost your confidence and give you clarity on the pattern of the exam.

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 11:10PM by NTSE_Guru

How should I send an email to a professor about my excitement for their class and my interest in reading anything that may relate to the class without sounding ungenuine and like Im sucking upto the professor?

No text found

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 10:34PM by saintmode16

New hires in education

Are all education jobs in public/private schools contracts for like a year or two until you get tenure?

And besides the obvious summer and holidays off, do you get a good amount of PTO?

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 07:58PM by jkatt1202

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de Educación Futura les desea un extraordinario 2020

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de Educación Futura les desea un extraordinario 2020 (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @MonLedezma Por ahí anduve... Abrazo

@ManuelGilAnton : @MonLedezma Por ahí anduve... Abrazo (via Twitter

Ohio allows students to graduate without passing state tests, if they join the military. Do you think this is ethical?

I have very conflicting feelings on this and I was curious what others would think. For context, in the past 5-6 years, Ohio switched to a state testing system that made it much more difficult for many students to graduate. They’ve used a lot of band-aid solutions over the past few years so most kids have still been able to get their diploma, but earlier this year they have released their “permanent requirements” which says that students can pass the regular state tests, career tech tests, college classes, or join the military. There is also another “alternative pathway” that is very complicated and would require a lot of community service/internship hours.

In the US, I know it’s very common for disadvantaged high school students to be heavily recruited for the military and it’s seen by many as a pathway to a better life that would not otherwise be available to those students. But, I can’t help feeling weird about the state giving a student a diploma in exchange for (potentially life-threatening) military service.

What do you think?

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 12:54PM by CalcULater42

@ManuelGilAnton : Sí existieron, los usábamos para hablar por teléfono cuando era chico...

@ManuelGilAnton : Sí existieron, los usábamos para hablar por teléfono cuando era chico... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Abrazos!

@ManuelGilAnton : Abrazos! (via Twitter

How to study a single subject and get credentials

I want to study grade 12 mathematics only without going to school.

Is there any organisation which conducts examinations and give credentials for any subject you want?

Actually i already completed highschool but didn't had mathematics in grade 11 and 12 but the undergrad which im interested in prerequisite highschool level maths. Obviously i don't want to repeat highschool so i need some way of getting credentials in mathmatics equal to grade 12 level.

Please help out!


Submitted December 31, 2019 at 06:09AM by foscor70

In your opinion, what’s the easiest major that provides an extremely high paying job?

When I say extremely I’m talking ($70k-$100k, $200k/year, etc.)

Submitted December 31, 2019 at 02:25AM by airpod4840

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2019

Safest Colleges in America - 2019

College years can be the most magical time in one’s life. From parties, falling in love, and changing majors to the experience of stress and pressure that ensures friends for life, celebrating successes, and learning from failures - having a safe environment to do this is of the utmost importance.

And for parents sending their children off to college, safety is usually a top concern. It is often the first time that their kids are on their own, living independently outside of the home. Choosing a school with a solid reputation for security and low potential for dangerous threats allows moms and dads to breathe easier once their kids ship off to earn a higher education.

​With this thought in mind, we compiled our list of the Safest Colleges in America.

Due to the many different variables in play such as campus size, location, and culture, coming up with an accurate and fair ranking is a challenge. Some might say that campuses that rank high on a safety list have better PR in place instead of actually being safer. While these are valid concerns (and we certainly advise students and their parents to visit the colleges to see and feel the campuses for themselves), we do believe that we have been able to rank fairly and objectively. Not only have we taken data submitted to the FBI, we have also reviewed this data relative to the surrounding area of the campus. We have not taken any publications by the respective college into consideration for our list thus refuting the PR argument.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 11:02AM by thinkB4WeSpeak

I want to apply for a Master at a US University

Currently I'm a Bachelor student it's my last year and I want to apply for a master in advance and I want to know the process of application. Ps: I'm a foreigner and I don't have US citizenship.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 04:03AM by Y0U223F

How To get the Admission MIT?

If anyone knows how to get admission to the MIT PG course then share it with me, please.

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 02:14AM by alleyjohn

Why do education systems that do not teach critical thinking still produce so many scientists and engineers?

In many Asian countries, critical thinking is not taught in schools because it isn't culturally valued. But paradoxically, these are also countries where culturally stem is valued more highly, from an education perspective, than the arts.

Does this mean that critical thinking just isn't that important to science, such that you can go without it, in some of the most populated countries on Earth?

Submitted December 30, 2019 at 12:51AM by psojo

domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2019

Why are some functionally illiterate students allowed to graduate from high school?

No text found

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 03:17PM by ghared-ishaqa

Principals/Vice principals of Reddit, how much do you make?

I read that in Los Angeles you can make up to $180k/year. I’m still in Highschool and I have a big interest in pursuing a career in education.

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 03:23PM by airpod4840

Is there a way you can live out of state and still pay in state tuition

Hi there is this school that has an out of state tuition of 30k a year however when talking to my friend who goes there she says that they don’t count out of state tuition. Can schools just do that or does my friend have no idea what she is talking about?

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 12:32PM by reddituser1011123425

Check out this history class parody!

We'd love your thoughts and feedback on our latest comedy sketch, which is a parody of a high school history class where the teacher can't get through his lesson plan. Let us know if you've ever had a student similar to those in our video. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 09:00AM by ShotforShotFilms

Don’t know what to study for my major in the future

Well I’m still in high school and I plan to either study in the US or Canada(for personal reasons) but the problem is I don’t really know what I should study and make a career out of, I’ve tried some career tests and all the sorts but am not really sure if it’s really suitable for me, if there are any advices on how to deal with this problem and also about affording the tuition fees which I probably can’t afford without any sort of financial aid. Thanks for all the help!

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 05:09AM by randomsadlonelyguy

Do things like Triller and Tik-Tok make our generation the worst?

I see every second person in my city using Tik Tok app , this is terrifying

Submitted December 29, 2019 at 02:57AM by thablockisveryhot

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2019

America's overall education system

I always hear about how broken America's education system is compared to most developed nations out there. Whether it discrimination, lack of funding for school, little pay for teachers etc. Also the subject matter that is being taught in school. I wish they had classes on taxes, how to budget, taking out a loan, cooking, proper diets, and the importance of mental health.

There are enough subjects that are taught in high school that we don't ever use. One would think that having a robust and effective/practical approach to educating kids so they are set up for success is obvious. But the states are not doing it.

I just want to hear as many perspectives and opinions on this topic. The questions: 1. Why haven't we revamped our education system giving the information we have now to help decide what to do? 2. Why aren't teachers getting paid more? 3. Isn't educating the younger generation one of the best steps to take to better the future? Shouldn't it be a top priority? 4. Why is education not taken seriously in the US?

Any articles you have in mind to further explain your point works.

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 08:28PM by Chango-the-burrito

80-year-old HBCU Graduate Proves that It's Never too Late to Pursue Education - Black Enterprise

No text found

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 03:58PM by bigced

Parents are choosing charters, or charters taking students?

Entering into what is going to be an interesting 2020 for educational politics. I thought this article clarifies a hot phrase that is going to be thrown around, “charter schools steal students from districts”. Although it serves its emotional/political purposes, this statement is far from true. Parental ability to remove their children from educational systems that are failing to meet their academic needs is what is “stealing” students.

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 02:56PM by zingdad

[HELP] Will you be so kind to fill this survey? (2 mins, 5 questions, 5 clicks) (helping my SO)

Hi everyone!

I was hoping if you could fill this survey (it's a google form) (2 mins, 4 questions) to collect some data on how much attention is devoted to the vocabulary used in science during lessons. I'm helping my SO with her study.

There is no sign-in required so that it is easier to submit the survey; so I urge everyone to please respond only once. If possible please share this post or the link to the survey where you can.

Thank you,because you are awesome!

ps: This is not a very scientific survey TBH and I have been told that there is some existing literature around this topic. This survey is mostly to quickly gather some crude up to date data on just this specific topic.

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 12:35PM by adityasharat

@ManuelGilAnton : Un balance inicial de lo que ha pasado en educación en 2019, el primer año de gobierno de la administración actual, y una posdata necesaria. @El_Universal_Mx @Univ_Opinion

@ManuelGilAnton : Un balance inicial de lo que ha pasado en educación en 2019, el primer año de gobierno de la administración actual, y una posdata necesaria. @El_Universal_Mx @Univ_Opinion (via Twitter

viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019

Next steps for teacher?

What are some leadership options for a teacher, still in public service---that are not straight-up administration?

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 02:53PM by Zansponytail

@EducacionFutura : Educación rural sin recursos suficientes para combatir desigualdad: Diego Juárez de la Red Temática de Investigación en Educación Rural y el @INIDEdelaUIA

@EducacionFutura : Educación rural sin recursos suficientes para combatir desigualdad: Diego Juárez de la Red Temática de Investigación en Educación Rural y el @INIDEdelaUIA (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @Patriciomonero Oye, puse Minero en lugar de Monero... Perdona.

@ManuelGilAnton : @Patriciomonero Oye, puse Minero en lugar de Monero... Perdona. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @Patriciomonero Feliz día!

@ManuelGilAnton : @Patriciomonero Feliz día! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Casi, casi es Inocente... Felicidades Patricio Minero @Patriciomonero

@ManuelGilAnton : Casi, casi es Inocente... Felicidades Patricio Minero @Patriciomonero (via Twitter

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @rivasovich: Hola, me pueden ayudar por favor a compartir la siguiente foto de mi mascota. Se llama Bongo y se extravió el día de hoy en la Laguna Tlalnepantla de baz. RT 🙏🏻

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @rivasovich: Hola, me pueden ayudar por favor a compartir la siguiente foto de mi mascota. Se llama Bongo y se extravió el día de hoy en la Laguna Tlalnepantla de baz. RT 🙏🏻 (via Twitter

I am a student, and am having an issue.

I have failed all my subjects except for ITD (Information Technologies Digital) and Math for semester 2 of 2019. (Australian, so semester 1 is jan-june, semester 2 is july-december), and those are the only subjects I enjoy, I have trouble even caring about any subject that I am not enjoying. All the topics I do really care about aren't available until year 9 (I'm year 7, high school is year 7-12). I also barely passed math because I ignore homework to do my own things at home.

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 09:06PM by RainbowYoshii

@EducacionFutura : Las evaluaciones punitivas desmotivan a los docentes: Carlos Rodríguez Solera del @INIDEdelaUIA

@EducacionFutura : Las evaluaciones punitivas desmotivan a los docentes: Carlos Rodríguez Solera del @INIDEdelaUIA (via Twitter

Female educators caught having sex with students more frequently, experts say

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 06:41PM by deabeatdad

@EducacionFutura : #RecuentoCOMIE - La educación debería permitirnos salir de la pobreza: Rosa Wolpert

@EducacionFutura : #RecuentoCOMIE - La educación debería permitirnos salir de la pobreza: Rosa Wolpert (via Twitter

I liked the New Math

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 11:27AM by randerson2001

Learn Physics Mechanics Viia Google Clasroom

Welcome fellow teachers and students, I am here to invite you to the google classroom, It is a project that I am working on with the intent of teaching the students all the Physics Mechanics there is. It will be a powerful curriculum where once the students are finished, they will able to understand there Physics which will help them progress through school and in life. If your interested in learning, sign up on discord and send me a pm. I will direct you to proper information.

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 11:52AM by mathprofessor101

The slippery slope taught in schools

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 07:05AM by DuncanIdahos5thClone

ज्ञान का महत्त्व ( Importance of Knowledge ) |ParnassiansCafe

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 06:24AM by amitkg412

WaPo article & 30 tweets about a report that: Many schools in the US, including Syracuse U., track students' phones to monitor class attendance, as some worry it desensitizes students to 24/7 surveillance

Scroll down to the 3 main post here to see a curated selection of tweets about it. Do you support or oppose the use of such technology?

Submitted December 26, 2019 at 06:09AM by tellman1257

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Melzavala02: Amigos me acabo de encontrar una cartera en HEB de Plaza Bella y quiero devolverla, apóyenme dándole RT RT para encontrar a la dueña, se siente horrible perder todo :(

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Melzavala02: Amigos me acabo de encontrar una cartera en HEB de Plaza Bella y quiero devolverla, apóyenme dándole RT RT para encontrar a la dueña, se siente horrible perder todo :( (via Twitter

After School Program Grants

I’m overwhelmed! I’m trying to find a grant to help me with buying technology equipment for an after school program for next year. They’re so much information it’s overwhelming and I’m not exactly finding what I’m looking for. Anyone have any leads on grants???

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 07:06PM by cyw0207

@ManuelGilAnton : Para leer en vacaciones...

@ManuelGilAnton : Para leer en vacaciones... (via Twitter

Educational System Failed Me

I've always had trouble doing math. But, now that I'm in college, I've chosen an easy degree (political science) because I took college algebra and I got a B- (which is just below my standards).

I think the reason for this is because I was never taught long division or multiplication in school. I don't have a single memory of learning long division/multiplication. I've tried learning myself to prepare myself for the SAT, but never was motivated enough to really learn it, only enough to get by and not fail. I scored a 1090 and 1100 on the SAT.

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 11:33AM by ElijahGames

Other ways to spend Pitt chancellor's $600,000+ raise and bonus

For a second consecutive year, top executives at the University of Pittsburgh received pay raises, especially Chancellor Patrick Gallagher.

In 2019, Gallagher was compensated with more than $1 million. His base salary for 2020 was raised to $669,738 a year, up from $555,000 — a difference of about $114,000.

This is a combination of a 2.5% raise and $100,000 no longer being deferred annually from his salary. In 2019, he also received a $500,000 bonus in deferred salary after a five-year probationary period.

Between the announced bonus and his new raise, Gallagher has either received or will receive by the end of next year about $614,000 extra compensation compared to his 2019 base salary.

In addition to his salary, Pitt requires the chancellor to live in the Chancellor’s Residence, a university-owned property located in Shadyside. This means the acting chancellor doesn’t have to pay for mortgage or housing costs, unless they would elect to purchase another residence.

Considering the well-documented financial struggles of Pitt students, faculty and staff, Pittsburgh City Paper calculated some more equitable ways the $614,000 could be spent.

Raise the minimum wage for student workers

The minimum wage for Pitt student workers is currently $7.25 an hour, same as the federal minimum wage. Student workers can work a maximum of 20 hours a week through the university, typically earning wages between $7.25 to $10 an hour.

At maximum, $614,000 would be enough to give 438 student workers a $5 hourly raise or 730 students a $3 raise for 20 hours a week, over the course of 14 weeks. Assuming that all student workers are making the $7.25 minimum, this would increase wages to somewhere between $10 to $12 an hour, which is much closer to the calculated living wage for Pittsburgh.

Unlike Chancellor Gallagher, student workers are likely covering the cost of housing in addition to tuition, books, and food. If assuming rent is around $500 dollars, then working one semester at 20 hours a week for $12.25 an hour could pay for six months of rent (plus a whole lot of groceries).

Opening a grocery store (a real one)

The old 7-Eleven in Oakland was not a real grocery store, but neither is the new Forbes Street Market. The university-owned Forbes Street Market — the closest “grocery” store for individuals living on or near Pitt’s campus — is known for unreasonably high prices and a limited selection. Pitt has recognized food insecurity is a present issue for both graduate and undergraduate students, and operates a food pantry to assist those students. But, instead of choosing to profit off of students further by operating an overpriced grocery store, Pitt could have considered investing in a non-affiliated grocery store.

According to their website, the total start up cost of opening a Save-A-Lot discount grocery store ranges between $700,000 to $1.15 million. If the Chancellor were to continue to defer his $100,000 for five more years, or if the $614,000 was invested in the grocery store to begin with, Pitt could be more than halfway to producing a long term solution for helping students struggling to afford food. It would also create jobs and potentially revenue of its own that could be beneficial to non-student residents and community members.

Eliminate Pitt graduate’s student debt

The average amount of debt for students leaving Pitt is approximately $38,000. Students in Pennsylvania, including at Pitt, have the highest rates of student debt in the entire country.

$614,00 could eliminate the debt of 16 Pitt graduates. Gallagher's former salary from a few years ago was $525,000 a year. If he were to keep that salary, then every year moving forward, the university could just wipe the debt of more than three graduates yearly.

Raise the minimum wage for Pitt staff

Last December, Pitt Dean Kenyon Bonner said raising the student minimum wage to $15 an hour would mean less student jobs would be available. Vice President of the University Senate, Robin Kear, also pointed out that some Pitt staff don’t even make $15 an hour.

That being said, why not improve staff salaries to ensure all staff, full-time, and part-time employees make at least $15 an hour? Pitt has 7,848 staff members, making a range of salaries, some on par with senior level faculty and chancellors.

$614,000 dollars could create about 20 new positions paying $15 dollars an hour, but could also provide about 100 full-time staff a $3-an-hour raise.

Hire more female professors (and pay them equally)

Only 124 out of 480, or 26% of full professors at Pitt are female. Full professors are among the highest compensated teaching faculty at most universities.

According to The Pitt News, Pitt board chair Eva Tansky Blum commented that Gallagher’s most recent pay raise was meant to set him on par with other AAU executives. And on the levels of executive pay and professor pay, Pitt is competitive with other public AAU schools.

The issue is positions where women are most highly employed — assistant professors, lecturers, and instructors — are making less than average salaries compared to schools of similar caliber. Women account for around 52% of assistant professors and 56% of lecturers and instructors at Pitt. While Pitt ranks 16 out of 34 in public AAU professor compensation, they rank 27 in compensation of assistant professors, 28 for lecturers, and 17 for instructors. There are also large disparities across subject area.

$614,000 is about four years of salary for a full-time professor at Pitt, which could be spent closing the hiring gap between male and female professors. But $614,000 could also be used to give all assistant professors a $1,200 raise, a $3,800 raise for all instructors, or a $2,600 raise for all lecturers, regardless of gender. Or, since overall women faculty make 79% compared to their male counterparts at Pitt, the university could directly invest the $614,000 to end the nominal pay gap.

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 10:26AM by MountainsMan55

martes, 24 de diciembre de 2019

शिक्षा का अर्थ एवं परिभाषा ( Meaning and Definition of Education )

Submitted December 24, 2019 at 08:30PM by amitkg412

Ontario sex-ed teaches students how to be a sex worker

Submitted December 24, 2019 at 08:12PM by DuncanIdahos5thClone

@ManuelGilAnton : El profe Rogelio...

@ManuelGilAnton : El profe Rogelio... (via Twitter

Media Literacy Projects for Kids/Teens

Hey everyone,

As a part of my Politics and the Media course, I am writing a policy brief where I need to find some good worldwide examples where governments or NGOs are trying to increase media literacy among children. For example, so far I have found a website called Admongo, which is an "online game in which users navigate everyday settings, searching for hidden advertisements". Could you please let me know if you have seen some similar initiatives around the world?

Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Submitted December 24, 2019 at 03:15PM by oladeepo

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AbelardoCarro: Deseándoles unas bellas fiestas🎄; les comparto la última de este 2019. Gracias!! @ManuelGilAnton. @lhan55. @Meny_n. @SergioDunstan. @angeldiazbarrig. @inclan66. @HugoCasanovaC. @blogroberto. @levmx666. @REobservatorio. @DOCENTESPRIMERO. @SnteNacional. @SEP_mx. @lopezobrador_

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AbelardoCarro: Deseándoles unas bellas fiestas🎄; les comparto la última de este 2019. Gracias!! @ManuelGilAnton. @lhan55. @Meny_n. @SergioDunstan. @angeldiazbarrig. @inclan66. @HugoCasanovaC. @blogroberto. @levmx666. @REobservatorio. @DOCENTESPRIMERO. @SnteNacional. @SEP_mx. @lopezobrador_ (via Twitter

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2019

Should I take geometry next year if my school jammed Algebra and 8th grade math together in one year?

So my middle school jammed 8th grade math with algebra 1 all in one year of school. I’m doing pretty good but I’m actually not understanding anything of the things they are teaching. I was wondering should I take Geometry next year and get to Ap Calc or should I just retake algebra 1 freshman year.

Submitted December 23, 2019 at 06:03PM by CrispyTman

How Do Special Ed. Teachers Determine If a Student Has a Learning Disability or Just Doesn't Care About Academics?

Pretty much the title.

I read about a student who hated math. He didn't do the homework and didn't pay attention in class because he didn't see the value of math. Because of this he was assigned an IEP. Yet when he tried to learn math and do well on tests he did average. In spite of this he had been diagnosed with ADHD (in about 2005). Purportedly he had no trouble standing in a line for 8 hours while waiting to go to some event he was interested in.

Thus I'm left wondering- How Do Special Ed. Teachers Determine If a Student Has a Learning Disability or is simply disinterested?

Submitted December 23, 2019 at 02:58PM by J0E_Blow

Early childhood education majors, what are your tricks to working with kids?

I’m currently majoring in early childhood education. Mine is to treat the kids like friends, not just students, because they’re so young and usually energetic and outgoing.

Submitted December 23, 2019 at 08:06AM by Primary_Possible

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: Mauricio y Marina ya aparecieron. Muchas gracias x su apoyo. RT para informarlo también, por favor.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: Mauricio y Marina ya aparecieron. Muchas gracias x su apoyo. RT para informarlo también, por favor. (via Twitter

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2019

Jobs in Education?

Hello everyone. I’m currently kind of in the job hunt, and I was wondering if there was anything, besides being a teacher, that I could do. I have my bachelor’s in Humanities (General Studies), I’m somewhat bilingual (I’m solid but i dont want to oversell myself), and I’m in the San Diego area. Anything I could do? Even being a teacher if that was an option would be great. Need something full time for sure. Sorry if this isn’t really the right place. I just want to be a teacher in the future but I still need to go back to school for that (i think?).

Submitted December 22, 2019 at 11:07PM by CodyMavrick

Uni students/IB alumni giving back to the learning community

I am an IB alumni 2019 and for months I have been thinking about how I can give back to the learning community. and i thought of creating a website for IB business students since I got a really high score in my business subject!

Upon months of development, it finally live!!

I would just like to share this site with you guys, and also encouraging that if we are able to give back to the learning community, we always should.

Here is the link:

I hope that this post doesn't violate any rules, if so, mods u are welcome to remove it but i just want to share this with u lovely people.

See u!


Submitted December 22, 2019 at 09:48AM by RealDav1d

Importance of Education

शिक्षा मानव विकास का मूल साधन है । इसके द्वारा मनुष्य की जन्मजात शक्तियों का विकास , उसके ज्ञान एवं कला - कौशल में वृद्धि एवं व्यवहार में परिवर्तन किया जाता है और उस सभ्य , सुसंस्कृत एवं योग्य नागरिक बनाया जाता है । और यह कार्य मनुष्य के जन्म से ही प्रारंभ हो जाता है । बच्चे के जन्म के कुछ दिन बाद ही उसके माता - पिता एवं परिवार के अन्य सदस्य उसे सुनना और बोलना सिखाने लगते हैं । जब बच्चा कुछ बड़ा होता है तो उसे उठने - बैठने , चलने - फिरने , खाने - पीने तथा सामाजिक आचरण की विधियाँ ..........Read More on : ParnassiansCafe

Submitted December 22, 2019 at 02:20AM by amitkg412

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: ¿Pueden ayudar compartiendo, por favor? RT para encontrarles. @warkentin @anafvega @PatyOlamendi @flaviafrei @MConstruyendo @RNRoficial @RedPolitologas @conectadas_mx @arelyfeminista @LeonardoCurzio @YuririaSierra @mariocampos @LKourchenko @gloriaalcocer @LasConstiCDMX

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: ¿Pueden ayudar compartiendo, por favor? RT para encontrarles. @warkentin @anafvega @PatyOlamendi @flaviafrei @MConstruyendo @RNRoficial @RedPolitologas @conectadas_mx @arelyfeminista @LeonardoCurzio @YuririaSierra @mariocampos @LKourchenko @gloriaalcocer @LasConstiCDMX (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Un balance inicial...

@ManuelGilAnton : Un balance inicial... (via Twitter

Good online schools for Full Time Worker?

Hello first off sorry for the weird format since this is off mobile.

I am currently a 18 year old that is working full time. Sadly due to a turn of events in my life I had to drop out and continue to support myself on my own. I want to get my general education out of the way but how can I do so online? Does anyone know of any good schools that you can take your time with?

Submitted December 21, 2019 at 06:35PM by Skittyz

Cheating Situation On Campus

Hello everyone,

I would love some advice. I work at a middle school and another teacher caught several students cheating. One student got a copy of a final test somehow and wrote copies for other students. Students also figured ways to verbally get students answers. Several of the students are a part of leadership and parents are active on campus. The principal has been made aware, but has decided a retest after the break will be sufficient punishment.

I don't agree with the decision, but I would love to know what other schools have in place for these kind of situations? The principal cited depositions as a reason to be more lenient. So, what can schools do? Is suspension realistic? Probation?

Thank you for the help.

Submitted December 21, 2019 at 04:38PM by ncardet9

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019

Evergreen Student Warned Not To Speak To Benjamin A Boyce

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 04:51PM by DuncanIdahos5thClone

inspirational stories of learning?

having a rough day at work, so wanted to ask: anyone have any inspirational stories about students (young or old) overcoming challenges and learning new things?

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 09:34AM by pigeon_bird

[WATCH] Liberating the Educational System⁠⁠.

A Virtual Reality universe is knocking at the door. Sooner or later we will get to the stage where we can interact with computers with access to the entire human history, the planetary memory. Everything humanity has ever produced will be on the record, available for us to converse with.

Bitstocks CEO, Michael Hudson, and CTO David Arakelian delve into this new reality, asking “What are the most important educational aspects to prepare us for this ‘Ready Player One world’”?

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 06:51AM by Bitstocks_

Teachers and Coaches interested in improving the classroom

Teachers and Coaches, if you were to change your classroom from 'traditional' to a Flipped, BlendedLearning, PBL, or an Interactive type classroom, what tools, advice, procedures, support, etc would benefit you the most? Thanks guys!

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 06:56AM by xbrdr1

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SorLesbiana: ¡TWEET URGENTE! Mi papá lleva un año desempleado, toda su vida ha sido mecánico automotriz, si alguien de la ciudad de México necesita algún servicio, me pueden mandar DM y yo los puedo contactar con él. Tenemos muchas cuentas pendientes, su RT también sirve.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SorLesbiana: ¡TWEET URGENTE! Mi papá lleva un año desempleado, toda su vida ha sido mecánico automotriz, si alguien de la ciudad de México necesita algún servicio, me pueden mandar DM y yo los puedo contactar con él. Tenemos muchas cuentas pendientes, su RT también sirve. (via Twitter

Education in VFX

Want to study vfx, confused to choose institute, lets read this.

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 05:23AM by raimam276

high school equivalency outside of US?

Does anyone know of any high school equivalency test for EU citizens?

Also, is it necessary to go to community college, to complement the equivalency tests?

Does anyone have experience with dropping out of high school in the EU?

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 01:30AM by UsedPicture2

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @misscherryg: Viri sigue desaparecida, ya van 48hrs, les pido por favor que sigan compartiendo la información, muchas gracias!!! #TeBuscamosViri

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @misscherryg: Viri sigue desaparecida, ya van 48hrs, les pido por favor que sigan compartiendo la información, muchas gracias!!! #TeBuscamosViri (via Twitter

What's the best thing about your school?

No text found

Submitted December 19, 2019 at 10:36PM by ok_jj

If cheating is so common in high school, why don't we punish it more harshly like we do with college?

No text found

Submitted December 19, 2019 at 09:44PM by ghared-ishaqa

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Educar la inteligencia emocional / Un análisis de Sofía Gutiérrez Larios

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Educar la inteligencia emocional / Un análisis de Sofía Gutiérrez Larios (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Claroscuros de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Claroscuros de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El anteproyecto de Ley General de Educación Superior y la deliberación pública

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El anteproyecto de Ley General de Educación Superior y la deliberación pública (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @estelapmolatore Ojalá

@ManuelGilAnton : @estelapmolatore Ojalá (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Retos y desafíos de la formación de docentes, directivos y asesores técnico-pedagógicos en la reforma educativa de la 4T (Parte I)

@EducacionFutura : Retos y desafíos de la formación de docentes, directivos y asesores técnico-pedagógicos en la reforma educativa de la 4T (Parte I) (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Y llega tarde, sí, pero hay que detener su capacidad de daño: Está cerca del equipo de educación actual? Cuidado!!!

@ManuelGilAnton : Y llega tarde, sí, pero hay que detener su capacidad de daño: Está cerca del equipo de educación actual? Cuidado!!! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En un escuela los y las profesoras golpeaban a sus estudiantes. Se rebelaron. Entonces los directivos decidieron mejorar la enfermería para atender mejor a los lastimados.Una pena:lo que hay que parar son los golpes, no tener mejores vendajes y excelentes médicos. Eso creo.

@ManuelGilAnton : En un escuela los y las profesoras golpeaban a sus estudiantes. Se rebelaron. Entonces los directivos decidieron mejorar la enfermería para atender mejor a los lastimados.Una pena:lo que hay que parar son los golpes, no tener mejores vendajes y excelentes médicos. Eso creo. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Lanza UAM campaña “Defendamos nuestro idioma” para preservar y difundir el uso adecuado del español

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Lanza UAM campaña “Defendamos nuestro idioma” para preservar y difundir el uso adecuado del español (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿El pensamiento en decadencia? / Un análisis de Miguel Andrés Brenner

@EducacionFutura : ¿El pensamiento en decadencia? / Un análisis de Miguel Andrés Brenner (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @asilascosasw: Revive la entrevista que tuvimos aquí con los expertos en educación, @ManuelGilAnton y Jorge Martínez Stack Director Académico del IMOEE 🔊

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @asilascosasw: Revive la entrevista que tuvimos aquí con los expertos en educación, @ManuelGilAnton y Jorge Martínez Stack Director Académico del IMOEE 🔊 (via Twitter

Can 3rd party institutions view your ATAR?

Atar is a rank given to the australian students after fulfilling thier HSC requirements. I was just wondering if these information (Your Atar) is available for 3rd party companies to see or is given to other institutions by the government, thoughts?

Submitted December 19, 2019 at 05:26AM by SammyRedvil

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : Utopía educativa o sectarismo destructor / El análisis de Martín López Calva

@EducacionFutura : Utopía educativa o sectarismo destructor / El análisis de Martín López Calva (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La rectoría del Estado en la promoción vertical / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan

@EducacionFutura : La rectoría del Estado en la promoción vertical / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan (via Twitter

Research sources website?

Hi! Can I have suggestions on website where I can access researches about the education field for free?

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 08:08PM by pancit_please

@EducacionFutura : "Pueden seguir culpando a la historia, o a lo que gusten, pero los resultados son muy claros: faltan líderes en América Latina, y por eso los tuertos se convierten en guías." Macario Schettino

@EducacionFutura : "Pueden seguir culpando a la historia, o a lo que gusten, pero los resultados son muy claros: faltan líderes en América Latina, y por eso los tuertos se convierten en guías." Macario Schettino (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Qué hacer con PISA? / No te pierdas el texto de Otto Granados, ex secretario de Educación Pública

@EducacionFutura : ¿Qué hacer con PISA? / No te pierdas el texto de Otto Granados, ex secretario de Educación Pública (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SergioDunstan: @elErickJuarez @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @flores_crespo @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SergioDunstan: @elErickJuarez @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @flores_crespo @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Formación docente debe incluir formación socioemocional: Thérèse Perez-Roux en el Congreso del @comiemx

@EducacionFutura : Formación docente debe incluir formación socioemocional: Thérèse Perez-Roux en el Congreso del @comiemx (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Encuentros entre escuelas: ¿Hasta dónde llegarán?

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Encuentros entre escuelas: ¿Hasta dónde llegarán? (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Lo que no se dice del Programa «Escuelas de Tiempo Completo»

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Lo que no se dice del Programa «Escuelas de Tiempo Completo» (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: #Análisis - Lo que no se dice del Programa «Escuelas de Tiempo Completo»

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: #Análisis - Lo que no se dice del Programa «Escuelas de Tiempo Completo» (via Twitter

What else can I put in my personal statement ?

I am applying for automotive engineering courses and currently have 2300 characters and and I need up to 1700 more characters because it’s due tommorow what else should I include ?

I have currently talked about me loving design and improving existing designs my love of cars and wanting to join the industry due to all the sub sectors I could join in automotive a small part about my waiter job as well as why I would be a good fit for the course so what else can I include .

I dunno if reddit has a limit and whether I can include my current statement here for you lot to have a better idea but if I can I will later .

Also may ask for the written parts from here to be proof read

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 10:32AM by espioblade

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : #ITAMDateCuenta

@ManuelGilAnton : #ITAMDateCuenta (via Twitter

University taking so much time ??

I don't know how other universities in US and other countries work, but according to what I've heard, and what I've been told, most university students work part-time jobs and get their fees resolved. I have been told by a person who attended a US university that after lunch is the time you can work part-time jobs, for like half of the day. Lecture sessions are normally at the morning, and after lunch is like with activities, self-study and free times.

But here's my case, I've been attending a local University for Software Engineering Degree, which would take me about 5 years. I just finished the first year, and currently attending the second year. Our university has a very randomly distributed schedule for lectures, spreading through out the day time, some days at morning, and some days at evening. And we usually have around 5 lecture sessions a day, starting from 8:50 am in the morning to the 4:00 pm in the very late evening, which takes about 7.5 hours a day.

7.5 hours a day! I don't know if I am the only one who thinks that's so much time. I've got a part-time job, but I have to move that to only Saturday, because of the schedule. That's not the university life I wished I have one day. It sucks.

I don't know I've got the wrong idea, or if other universities are also the same. But how could people get through this thing? I think I need an opinion.

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 10:17AM by frencojobs

@ManuelGilAnton : Una conversación sobre modelos educativos que de fincan en el miedo, cuando el entusiasmo y la pasión por saber generan mejores resultados... Y otros temas.

@ManuelGilAnton : Una conversación sobre modelos educativos que de fincan en el miedo, cuando el entusiasmo y la pasión por saber generan mejores resultados... Y otros temas. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Claroscuros del anteproyecto de Ley General de Educación Superior / Un artículo de Miguel Casillas

@EducacionFutura : Claroscuros del anteproyecto de Ley General de Educación Superior / Un artículo de Miguel Casillas (via Twitter

Reforms Beyond School Choice: How to Fix The Education System


Excerpt: [A]fter decades of expanding school choice programs, the vast majority of American children still attend traditional public schools. It’s time we think of choice and reform differently.

Whether you want to increase funding or not, allocating resources more efficiently and equitably should be a priority. This requires changing state funding formulas so they reallocate more funds to children with additional learning needs and to districts with less local funding. Both sides have something to gain because, in many states, large groups of Democrats and Republicans represent districts that lose out on resources due to state formulas that fail to treat all students equally.

Expanding school choice is a great way to push innovation and change on all these fronts. But that’s not an excuse to be so focused on choice programs that we ignore the policies that impact all schoolchildren.

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 08:40AM by punkthesystem

Lessons in school. What are they?

Hi guys! It's very interesting, what lessons did (or do) you learn in school? Doesn't matter graduation, just interesting if there any lessons, which can prepare you for a real life?

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 07:34AM by Mako4ka13

My principal for over 30 minutes used our monthly meeting to sell MLM products.

This can't be legal right? I'm in California for legal reference. I've been trying to go through the ed code and I can't find anything that explicitly says this isn't allowed.

It was a life insurance company called primerica. They both used a bunch of scare tactics to try and sell us life insurance and tried to recruit us to be representatives. We do have a district/union vetted life insurance company that our district is partners with where we can schedule time to talk to them - this wasn't them. It also felt supper scammy with made up numbers; claims about 12-14% returns a year, guilt trips, story about teachers dying and leaving spouse high and dry, ways to avoid paying taxes, etc.

I honestly have no clue what to do about this, but it felt pretty wrong. Any suggestions?

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 08:16AM by Jon011684 gives students access to education and scholarships in 30 countries by launching its beta, a global degree enrollment, and student employment marketplace, announces the launch of a second phase of the platform which allows students from all over the world search and apply to universities and colleges in 30+ countries and major scholarships. More details here

Submitted December 18, 2019 at 06:00AM by smbale

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @MauNieto: Lleva tres días desaparecida, ¿me ayudan a compartir? Nombre: Karen Elizabeth Ramirez Gómez Sexo: Femenino Edad: 30 años Características: Tes morena clara Cabello largo ondulado, pintado de rosa con negro.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @MauNieto: Lleva tres días desaparecida, ¿me ayudan a compartir? Nombre: Karen Elizabeth Ramirez Gómez Sexo: Femenino Edad: 30 años Características: Tes morena clara Cabello largo ondulado, pintado de rosa con negro. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Lo sustancial de la educación / No te pierdas la opinión de Manuel Navarro

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Lo sustancial de la educación / No te pierdas la opinión de Manuel Navarro (via Twitter

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Can someone help please

Hi I'm from Canada, nova Scotia recently graduated highschool. I was wondering for career ideas for probation officer or law enforcement which program and school would be the best I'm not sure which programs will get me into that specific field.

Submitted December 17, 2019 at 08:48PM by IceTeaDan24

How do I not go to school

im 16 i live in texas and I droped out i just learned i cant get my ged till im 17 what do i do im also im not going back to hs

Submitted December 17, 2019 at 09:18PM by Popinmo

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Conectar conocimientos locales-indígenas y escolares para afrontar la crisis socio-ecológica

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Conectar conocimientos locales-indígenas y escolares para afrontar la crisis socio-ecológica (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Los docentes: un factor para los resultados de PISA / Un texto de Jesús Andriano

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Los docentes: un factor para los resultados de PISA / Un texto de Jesús Andriano (via Twitter

My idea to fix the education system!

I have an idea to fix the current education system we have. You see, the problem with our current educational system is that it is totally incompatible with our modern information age. If a student needs to do homework, for example, then they can simply look up all the answers online and the teacher would be non the wiser. Also, in school students are taught everything, even things that don't match up with their life goals. Thus, students have to wait until collage until they can study about topics their interested in. Which in turn leads to students easily losing interest about a topic they don't like, which leads to their grades suffering.

Heres my plan to fix all that. My plan involves getting rid of all the current public schools we have and instead turn to online. We could have education websites that educate their users in a variety of subjects. Think of it as kinda like skill share on a more wider scale. People could have an account and sign up to make educational content for these websites like videos, graphs, slide shows, and more. The users could then place these videos in topic sections, for example a video about algebra could go in a math section. Instead of waking up and going to school every day, children and adults alike could spend time on these educational websites and learn all the information they need to get their dream carrier. They could even receive a virtual diploma that they can show at a job interview to prove that they are qualified for a specific occupation. "But what would we do with all the teachers, what would they do without jobs?" you might be thinking. Well the teachers can the rehired to work as educators for these websites. Maybe their could even be monetization put in place for these educational users. And unlike Youtube, they could actually make a profit without having to obey some kind of strict moral guide.

This system would not only be beneficial towards the education system, but also make it so that both the people and government could save money by not having to pay for schools and education fees.

How do you like the idea of this system I propose, do you think it could work or do you think it has too many flaws.

Comment down below!

Submitted December 17, 2019 at 05:21PM by Tuyuko

@EducacionFutura : Ley General de Educación Superior: ¿cambios insuficientes? / No te pierdas el texto de Abelardo Carro Nava

@EducacionFutura : Ley General de Educación Superior: ¿cambios insuficientes? / No te pierdas el texto de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Harta sabiduría...

@ManuelGilAnton : Harta sabiduría... (via Twitter