jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Newton's First Law || Inertia

No text found

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 10:43PM by win10024 https://ift.tt/2yjlp2r

Newton's First Law || Inertia

No text found

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 10:44PM by win10024 https://ift.tt/3d2KzRC

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AraizaYazmina: @lhan55 @HLGatell @SEP_mx Descolocado Moctezuma, la SEP sigue sin ser dirigida por un docente.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AraizaYazmina: @lhan55 @HLGatell @SEP_mx Descolocado Moctezuma, la SEP sigue sin ser dirigida por un docente. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1256086934725615616)

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué gran verdad! https://t.co/YYOK4wDfjr

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué gran verdad! https://t.co/YYOK4wDfjr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1256086857760178177)

Crystals formed?!?

How are crystals formed?! In 2nd-5th grade language please.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 09:48PM by writeon12 https://ift.tt/2xoJHaJ

How to train your brain to remember what you read:

You will need text, paper and a pen. When you read a sentence try to rewrite it identically on your sheet. The most important thing is that you can only read the sentence once. Regardless of whether you succeeded or not, proceed to the next sentence and move on. This will force your brain to remember everything that is read (this exercise improves the quality of your reading). With the daily practice of 20-40 minutes for two weeks, you will have an automated reading, which will not only remember what has just been read, but will also remember a sequence of sentences. I deeply believe that if done for a year, a person would be perfectly able to read a page only once, and reproduce it without needing to consult it.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 10:03PM by kudummie https://ift.tt/3aUBLLY

Can getting the same information from different sources be useful in memorizing it?

Like if you watch a YouTube video teaching you about something and then later you watch a different YouTube video from another Channel teaching you the same thing? Getting the same information just being told in a different way?

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 08:48PM by KNOWER_OF_STUFF https://ift.tt/3aTslQQ

see ya later

I'm a video production teacher and they are stopping my pathway next fall. I am being terminated and given an unsatisfactory performance review ultimately killing my chances of getting another job in the district. The bureaucracy, the pettiness of the admin, the apathy and entitlement of the students. Not gonna miss public education any time soon. What a soul-crushing experience.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 06:45PM by itisman2 https://ift.tt/2YhwiMO

How can i be an auto didact? I dont want to go to high school.

Im currently in 8th grade and i live in NYC. I find school to be very boring and I dread all the assignments which kills any enthusiasm i have. I feel like my experience while learning on my own is much better and I get much more done. How can I leave the school system and learn on my own at home? What requirements most I fulfill?

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 04:35PM by scutis https://ift.tt/2Sltcni

Is it better to take online college classes?

I will be a freshmen August to major in History to become a history teacher.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 04:58PM by d5074 https://ift.tt/2xrPYma

@ManuelGilAnton : Por ti...

@ManuelGilAnton : Por ti... (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255995586685177857)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @maRiia9493: Por favor si alguien sabe algo, contácteme! Es mi hermano 😭 https://t.co/yQgzovW46Y

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @maRiia9493: Por favor si alguien sabe algo, contácteme! Es mi hermano 😭 https://t.co/yQgzovW46Y (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255995254282416128)

Bad Education on HBO... let’s talk about this

First, amazing moving. Oscar quality overall work and acting by Jackman and Janney. Pretty much a must watch if you are a teacher or in education from school board down to a parent.

Second, this is not a completely anti-education movie. It took some subtle, yet very strong, swipes at our educational community. I wonder if others saw what I saw?

Third, for this level of crime, there needs to be a level of negligence and stupidity going on. The school board, while portrayed as wanting to help the kids, were not qualified for those positions. Heck, 50% of school board members in America are not qualified for that position.

Fourth, shame on anyone who complains about journalism. What that student was doing was real journalism. Fox News and CNBC are entertainment channels.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 04:12PM by 93devil https://ift.tt/2YjRx0s

What is the logic behind European countries not having campus placements at their universities?

Don't companies require employees? Don't they have vacancies? Would it not be easier for companies to approach universities and sort out their desired candidates from a large set of students? Isn't it a needlessly roundabout way in which the student must apply to a hundred different companies and the companies as well have to wait for people to apply for a position?

Campus placement is a system where a company approaches the university every year to fill in their vacancies

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 03:40PM by Dizzy-Traffic https://ift.tt/2yUiVYm

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AnwartDeAnda: Hola a todxs. A raíz de #COVID__19 las ventas en la librería de mi papá son muy bajas y está en riesgo de cerrar, solicito de corazón el apoyo de todxs para que no ocurra, está en Manuel Acuña 317A GDL. Si busca un libro llámele (3322027048 Sr.Alvaro) MILLÓN DE GRACIAS POR DAR RT https://t.co/SYAcmzmHEa

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AnwartDeAnda: Hola a todxs. A raíz de #COVID__19 las ventas en la librería de mi papá son muy bajas y está en riesgo de cerrar, solicito de corazón el apoyo de todxs para que no ocurra, está en Manuel Acuña 317A GDL. Si busca un libro llámele (3322027048 Sr.Alvaro) MILLÓN DE GRACIAS POR DAR RT https://t.co/SYAcmzmHEa (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255950205595205633)

@ManuelGilAnton : Inaceptable. No fue el cambio para semejante barbaridad. https://t.co/nLDg9Kzm5p

@ManuelGilAnton : Inaceptable. No fue el cambio para semejante barbaridad. https://t.co/nLDg9Kzm5p (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255943128642551809)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SergioDunstan: https://t.co/JgjElsuC9o @elErickJuarez @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @flores_crespo @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @SergioDunstan: https://t.co/JgjElsuC9o @elErickJuarez @ManuelGilAnton @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @flores_crespo @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255942209821528064)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Visión de las y los estudiantes: https://t.co/cT07iwVQRg @EurixRole @AbelardoCarro @EducaHistorica @ManuelGilAnton @sociobservermex @arceliambordon @miguelangelphd @minerva630909 @levmx666 @MaurroJarquin @lhan55 @flores_crespo @REobservatorio @BlancaHerediaR @inclan66 @VanuelosA

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Visión de las y los estudiantes: https://t.co/cT07iwVQRg @EurixRole @AbelardoCarro @EducaHistorica @ManuelGilAnton @sociobservermex @arceliambordon @miguelangelphd @minerva630909 @levmx666 @MaurroJarquin @lhan55 @flores_crespo @REobservatorio @BlancaHerediaR @inclan66 @VanuelosA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255942184475389952)

Solidarity and Subsidiarity: Homeschooling Isn't All Risk

This is the history and philosophy behind the debates over homeschooling from a Catholic Social Teaching perspective. It doesn't seem like much of this material has come up in recent debates. Am I and the author wrong?

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 11:29AM by pan78cogito https://ift.tt/35gWzwe

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's program-- "Futures for Frontliners" --will be available to essential workers without a college degree

As a Way to Say THANK YOU, Michigan governor announces tuition-free educational program for essential workers

Many news outlets have covered this historic act...

The program will be offered not only to those working in hospitals or nursing homes, but also to grocery store employees, child care workers, sanitation workers and those who deliver supplies.

Now, other states should follow with this simple but powerfilled policy to help those who are in the essential worker field risking their lives (and their families') during this pandemic.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 11:07AM by blackeducator https://ift.tt/3f8Ctsi

Maybe you could go to college this fall, but should you?

May 1 is the traditional deadline for paying a deposit for the fall semester’s tuition. These are my thoughts for the students facing the decision about whether to enroll.

Higher education leaders are in a terrible situation as they plan for the fall. They’re bleeding cash from lost tuition, grants, and state support. With every school facing the prospect of collapsing budgets – and an unknown number on the brink of closing down – presidents, provosts, and deans are trying to make the most important decisions of their careers without the basic information they need even about the very near future. And they’re doing it from home in Zoom meetings with colleagues in their pajamas, apple sauce stuck to their laptop camera lenses, and kids screaming in the background.

Pulling off a 2020-2021 academic school year will take billions of emergency dollars, brilliant logistics, and heroic public health efforts. And most of the public is pulling for them. As Christina Paxson, the president of Brown University, wrote the other day, “The reopening of college and university campuses in the fall should be a national priority.”

They may still make it possible for students to at least start the school year this fall. Heck, at the University of Maryland, where I work, they may need to come back in the fall just to get their belongings, which have been locked up since the university abruptly canceled their move-out plans and closed up the dorms after spring break.

But for students, the question isn’t so much will campus be open, but should they go even if it is? Higher education’s famously high opinion of itself (which I sometimes share), is remarkably resilient to assaults from reality. President Paxson wrote, “If they can’t come back to campus, some students may choose — or be forced by circumstances — to forgo starting college or delay completing their degrees.” To which students might be wise to reply, “And?”

We need to be square with students on some hard questions. First and foremost, will you and your family get your money’s worth attending school this fall? Paxson says universities must maintain “the continuity of their core academic functions.” But a lot of what students get out of college results from social interaction – in labs, classrooms, gyms, stadiums, student groups, and – yes – parties. What is college worth without all that? If it’s reduced to recorded lectures and stilted online seminars, the value starts to fall towards that of a public library card (which is of course very high, but it’s also free). But the price is the same.

Practically speaking, students need to ask, if the contact tracing app beeps and I’m told to spend two weeks isolated in my dorm room because someone in my class is infected, will I get my tuition back? What if it happens more than once? What if classes move back online altogether? What is my protection if I’m kicked out of my dorm and stranded far from home?

And students also should consider their alternatives, which, contrary to the aspirational assertions of some higher education leaders, do exist. What if they stay home this fall?

They could attend a community college, which at a fraction of the cost might provide a smoother online instruction experience (and transfer the credits later).

They could take advantage of the voluminous, and expanding, array of free online lectures and instructional videos (I post the lectures for my students on YouTube, because why not?)

They could do vitally needed local (or remote) volunteer work, helping the members of their communities who are unemployed, homeless, hungry, at risk, or themselves struggling in school.

They could engage in the make-or-break effort to save democracy in the elections this fall, maybe at least slowing the country’s accelerating slide into oligarchy – and increasing the odds that we come out of this crisis moving in the right direction as we confront our health care crisis, climate change, and the rising tide of nationalism. With mandatory social distancing, campus political campaigns might not be where their efforts are best placed.

They might have a better chance of working a paid job to help support their families, including laid off parents and dependent relatives.

The people who make the most of this disastrous year will be disciplined and focused on their own wellbeing as well as the greater good, working in coordination with supportive community members and close social networks. In the best of times, a great college experience helps train people to do just that, and provides the social context in which those skills can blossom. But in the coming disarray, there may well be better, more cost effective, strategies for students.

You will have to be self-disciplined and highly motivated to make it work, but that will probably be the case more than ever at school as well in the coming year. Normally I would extol the virtues of learning together as one of the advantages of attending school, but the comparative advantage of the on-campus experience this year may be drastically reduced.

We all want a successful higher education system, and with luck we may end up with one. But let’s not put this on students, not this year. Saving higher education is not your job.

(Archived on familyinequality.com)

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 09:41AM by pncohen https://ift.tt/3bR7y1Z

How do you find someone on LinkedIn? - Various scenarios explained with diagrams step by step

It is a broad question to answer how do you fund someone on LinkedIn? Its simple and easy when you know the exact name of that person but not so straightforward when you know just a part of the name and other attributes such as location, company, qualification etc. But what when you don't know the first name, last name or not the name at all. This is particularly useful to learn and know the simple steps outlined below with various scenarios because you will need them to find super targeted leads for your business or employers and recruiters for your next big job. You will need a LinkedIn account and you can use either their website www.linkedin.com or their android , iPhone and other apps. I have explained below with screenshots from the Android app of LinkedIn. Process is similar for their website or other apps. Happy reading my blog "LinkedIn Mastering Tactics"! Read more here https://linkedinstrategies.blogspot.com/2020/04/how-to-find-someone-on-linkedin.html

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 08:34AM by madhu1980 https://ift.tt/2Whkk2W

@EducacionFutura : Mi reino por un niño feliz / No te pierdas el análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan https://t.co/jh5w4BoNX8

@EducacionFutura : Mi reino por un niño feliz / No te pierdas el análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan https://t.co/jh5w4BoNX8 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255870203952607234)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology offers BTech programme in different streams. Visit here to know more about Department of Computer Science and Engineering and all details like placements, faculty, and programme etc.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 07:52AM by kunalkapooor https://ift.tt/3d2IWU6

@EducacionFutura : Nunca dejen de ser niños https://t.co/jw0Ml1etAT

@EducacionFutura : Nunca dejen de ser niños https://t.co/jw0Ml1etAT (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255856956121759744)

What do you think about collections for teaching and learning?

Hey everyone,

I am not sure is it the right place to share. In short me and my co-founder identify ourselves as infinite learners, but it was hard to find high quality resources to learn a topic. When you're beginner, it is even harder to know what to learn for master the given subject.

Therefore we think of a place where you can follow and share collection of different resources all over the web. For instance, if you want to learn Behavioral Economics you could easily follow a list about the topics instead of searching.

We created a software to create a collection of links to different resources for a given topic and we curate couple of list. We thought it might be helpful for these self-isolation days. It's totally free and you can curate list for your students to master the given topics.

Here's what we have build: Jooseph, Playlists for learning!

Do you guys think it could be useful for you? Let us know.

I hope it helps

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 06:13AM by NoFunnyMan https://ift.tt/35hN0wY

Online remediation and counseling services available in Pakistan.

Hello Everyone,
I am an Educational Consultant and I have over 9 years of international experience in the field of teaching and education. I am providing an individualized sessions for clients (ages 7-20) diagnosed with learning disabilities/differences or having reading and writing difficulties.
I am familiar with Orton-Gillingham approach to teach phonics and reading for Dyslexics. I can also provide person-centered approach to counseling clients with behavioral challenges.
I can also provide a casual and calm communicative platform for clients who are in lockdown due to the COVID 19.
Please message me if interested.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 04:22AM by Asadshinigami https://ift.tt/2ySpUB4

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Reforming the education system

Interested in politics, journalism, or web design? Or just looking for some cool extracurriculars during this mandatory stay at home? Hi! I’m Cloe, and my passion is the law as well as advocacy. And for a long time, I’ve wanted to make a change in the current American Public School Education system, so recently I formed a small organization, Education Fix, with a friend of mine. We are a group of student activists that want to advocate for student concerns in our current education system. Education Fix strives to unite diverse student communities into a movement that pushes for legislative change in education. In local, state, and maybe even the national government. We’d love to expand and would love to offer some remote positions during this time. Interested? Please keep reading! We’d love to have some web designer(s), social media director/manager, as well as article journalists, and a bunch of other positions listed in the application. On our website, we want to portray issues relating to the current American public schooling system. As well as public relations, for both media attention as well as finding current/past students who want to share their stories, opinions, and issues with the current American Public Schooling System as a Hear Our Voices feature on the website. Nothing is fully determined and permanent, and we have a bunch of ideas, so if you have any of your own, there is an option on the application to share your ideas, and feel free to DM me with any questions! Anyways, here’s the application. Thanks for reading, I look forward to possibly working with you!


Submitted April 29, 2020 at 01:08PM by thecluelessclarinet https://ift.tt/2zCEpZT

Grant Opportunities in Texas for Elementary Education?

Hey everyone,

I am currently completing a project for my Masters of Education program and I am needing to find 10 grants that are relevant to my campus improvement plan. I will use the grants to create a supplemental budget to try and help fund my campus goals. Does anyone have any experience with writing grants? Does anyone know of any that could be useful for a school in Texas working to close the achievement gap? I have searched using some different search engines online, but I thought I would also reach out to those of you who have experience actually applying for them. Thanks for the help!

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 12:46PM by daviesa https://ift.tt/3d29q7U

@ManuelGilAnton : Yo también quiero saber. https://t.co/ZBLaQVnB0m

@ManuelGilAnton : Yo también quiero saber. https://t.co/ZBLaQVnB0m (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255575268732755968)

Is it possible to withdraw from school for a semester to become an exchange student?

I am in high school, and am currently planning an exchange trip for my junior or senior year. However, I attended a charter school, and I wont be able to study abroad if I am enrolled in the school. So is there any repercussions I could face, legal or otherwise, if I unenroll in my current school to study abroad a semester? The program I am traveling with would provide me with a transcript and class credit, and I would enroll back into my school after my semester abroad. If you have any info on this lmk :) thanks.

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 10:07AM by afishandaduck https://ift.tt/3c0hc2p

What degree should I get next...?

I am itching for a new degree, but I cannot decide what to get it in. I have a Bachelors of Music Education and a Masters of Early Child Education. I am considering Music Therapy, OR Play Therapy, OR Special Education, OR the big one...ADMINISTRATION.

I guess I just want to know about any positive experiences you have had with any of these degrees and which online programs you have had positive experiences with.

I hope you are all doing well.

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 09:44AM by rachelnichol87 https://ift.tt/3f4ffnt

I need some advice on technology to help our learning-disabled son during the pandemic

Our 13 year old son has some learning issues, including dyslexia, and has trouble with math as well. He is behind most of his peers. He has an IEP at school and they spend lots of extra time helping him to the best of his abilities. Now comes COVID and the quarantine.

I spend as much one-on-one time with him that I can, but I am interested if there are some good software programs on either an IPAD or Laptop to help him continue to learn in the lock-down. Is there a good brand or series of programs that you would recommend? It would need to be something educational but entertaining relating to math, reading, and sciences. As a bonus, it would be good if it was "age appropriate" - a math program geared toward an 7 or 8 year old would not be appealing to him, but the content should around what they normally teach at that age. What suggestions do people have?
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 08:54AM by barefoot_yank https://ift.tt/2WclPPR

Free children’s books

Free printable children’s books available to download at


Along with read-along videos too!

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 08:06AM by Lfitzer84 https://ift.tt/2SgURW8

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy buen análisis, claro, crudo e inteligente. https://t.co/ThIzBEhyQV

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy buen análisis, claro, crudo e inteligente. https://t.co/ThIzBEhyQV (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255479349677043715)

@ManuelGilAnton : Parece ser esta la liga... https://t.co/t85GHwRn5E

@ManuelGilAnton : Parece ser esta la liga... https://t.co/t85GHwRn5E (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255476785027985410)

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy interesante, habrá que estar y aprender. https://t.co/CP9c66PzJO

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy interesante, habrá que estar y aprender. https://t.co/CP9c66PzJO (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255476706422542336)

What is a linkedin url - Full step by step explanation

A LinkedIn URL is the web address of anything you publish on the LinkedIn platform including your public profile, business or company pages and showcase pages, groups you create, articles and posts you share publicly or in a group as well as all media files uploaded. They all start with a www.linkedIn.com domain address (it varies from country to country e.g. for Australia it is https://linkedIn.com.au or sometimes https://au.linkedIn.com followed by "/" to indicate what it is and its location on the platform. A LinkedIn URL is often commonly known or you might say confused with just the public profile address of your profile but the truth is anything you publish on LinkedIn has its own unique URL. Read more here https://linkedinstrategies.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-is-linkedin-url.html

Submitted April 29, 2020 at 04:23AM by madhu1980 https://ift.tt/2yVbuQo

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : Algunas ideas sobre aprender en nuestros tiempos. Gracias a @azapatah @puigcarlos Los desafíos del aprendizaje a distancia | Bote Pronto https://t.co/fc0PVbd3b4

@ManuelGilAnton : Algunas ideas sobre aprender en nuestros tiempos. Gracias a @azapatah @puigcarlos Los desafíos del aprendizaje a distancia | Bote Pronto https://t.co/fc0PVbd3b4 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255348014606176256)

@ManuelGilAnton : @mariasanzm Gracias, saludos

@ManuelGilAnton : @mariasanzm Gracias, saludos (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255345914165760000)

Folks who have gotten another bachelor after getting their first, in very different fields, how did you go about doing that?

I currently have a bachelor’s in Journalism and Creative Writing, but I’m seriously considering a career in forensic psychology. How did it go with going back for a bachelor’s for you who did it? I know it requires a bachelor’s in psych to do what I want to do, but I’m willing to put in the effort and time.

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 08:15PM by OldPickleInTheFridge https://ift.tt/2YbDdqR

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto. Y grave. https://t.co/IttljFyDpS

@ManuelGilAnton : Cierto. Y grave. https://t.co/IttljFyDpS (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255321170641125376)

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué vergüenza ese nombramiento. @gdehoyoswalther https://t.co/VzagTndWE3

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué vergüenza ese nombramiento. @gdehoyoswalther https://t.co/VzagTndWE3 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255316933831987201)

@EducacionFutura : Educar en la enfermedad / El análisis de Sandra Leticia Reyes Alvarez https://t.co/u9HL9xXCIB

@EducacionFutura : Educar en la enfermedad / El análisis de Sandra Leticia Reyes Alvarez https://t.co/u9HL9xXCIB (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255322167568486405)

@ManuelGilAnton : Es mañana miércoles 29. Perdonen mi error

@ManuelGilAnton : Es mañana miércoles 29. Perdonen mi error (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255304255545708545)

@ManuelGilAnton : @HERZOHN Perdón, es mañana, miércoles. Dispensen el descuido...

@ManuelGilAnton : @HERZOHN Perdón, es mañana, miércoles. Dispensen el descuido... (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255304114965229568)

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana martes 29 de abril del 2020 https://t.co/bluobqPCz7

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana martes 29 de abril del 2020 https://t.co/bluobqPCz7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255297482982068226)

@EducacionFutura : ¿Cómo salvar el ciclo escolar? Las propuestas de ANUIES / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/j3jXUtvfMv

@EducacionFutura : ¿Cómo salvar el ciclo escolar? Las propuestas de ANUIES / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/j3jXUtvfMv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255291974023819265)

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana vamos a conversar sobre el derecho a aprender. @tejiendoredesi @EducacionFutura A las 11 horas de la ciudad de México/las 12 en Bolivia y las13 en Argentina. https://t.co/KOMCbDlWk3

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana vamos a conversar sobre el derecho a aprender. @tejiendoredesi @EducacionFutura A las 11 horas de la ciudad de México/las 12 en Bolivia y las13 en Argentina. https://t.co/KOMCbDlWk3 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255295964052676609)

@ManuelGilAnton : Eso mero... https://t.co/zNvXsesjho

@ManuelGilAnton : Eso mero... https://t.co/zNvXsesjho (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255282519051821057)

@ManuelGilAnton : Ya está circulando... Lleve, lleve... https://t.co/pwNnn7q3qy

@ManuelGilAnton : Ya está circulando... Lleve, lleve... https://t.co/pwNnn7q3qy (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255280689014091780)

Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60.

I think that this article very well shows how unequal the college landscape in America is. Despite frequent claims from colleges that equality and diversity has risen, the article documents that there has been no significant improvement, on the contrary, the economic equality at elite colleges actually has sunken and the 1% make up a larger share than ever.

At 38 colleges and universities in America, including five in the Ivy League – Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale, Penn and Brown – a greater number of students comes from the 1% percent than from the whole bottom 60% percent, as measured by the income of parents.

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 05:05PM by Bakalsed https://ift.tt/3f2qHzF

Should I study social services, early childhood education, or child and youth care

Hi so I applied to three college programs social service worker, early childhood education, and child and youth care. My plan after is to continue my education in that field by studying a bachelors at a university. However, I’m having trouble with choosing which one I want to do. I just need advice on which program is best based on probability of employment, wage etc.

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 04:35PM by ddddiana_ https://ift.tt/2y0Dcvg

Free Resource for AP Social Sciences

Hi there,

My name is Jacob. I recently published a website to help students get used to the new AP testing format. It's called DBQ Prepper, and you can access it here dbqprepper.com. Currently, DBQ Prepper supports students in AP European History, US History, and World History. It serves DBQ prompts from the last four years.

Best of luck!


Submitted April 28, 2020 at 04:20PM by Esperavo_ https://ift.tt/2SksB5g

How do I prioritize my art and school life? (15 yrs)

I attend an early college high school where I take both college classes and high school classes. I have homework from each class every week. I also am starting and developing an art business as an artist and need time to draw and improve, as well as making Youtube videos, posting online, and growing an online fanbase.

I want to do my schoolwork and art equally but have trouble giving both of them the quality they deserve since I'd get burnouts from the tons of work I have. If I do schoolwork more then art, I'll get an art block and the quality of my art severely drops. If I do my art mostly, I obviously won't get my assignments done.

You may be asking why I'm putting art to be equally as important as school, and that is because I live in a corrupt home and want to move out and sustain myself as soon as possible. Art is also the only thing that calms me down in a stressful life I have, and starting an early and successful business in art is my goal. So how do I go about solving this situation?

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 03:44PM by laytakiima https://ift.tt/2YqDNRN

@EducacionFutura : Hacer poco es mucho; pero la SEP no entiende esto / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro Nava https://t.co/9uEnBlgmRC

@EducacionFutura : Hacer poco es mucho; pero la SEP no entiende esto / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro Nava https://t.co/9uEnBlgmRC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255254235941416960)

@EducacionFutura : La educación rural en los tiempos del coronavirus / No te pierdas el análisis de Diego Juárez Bolaños https://t.co/hKTjqldAWL

@EducacionFutura : La educación rural en los tiempos del coronavirus / No te pierdas el análisis de Diego Juárez Bolaños https://t.co/hKTjqldAWL (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1255224034498920450)

Genuine Help Needed

My younger sister is 8 years old and in the second grade. She's having an extremely hard time learning anything, whether it be virtually or physically. In the state of New Jersey, you aren't allowed special education classes, unless you're failing. She's just barely passing by the skin of her teeth, and my mom has been trying to get her extra help for who knows how long. She's a very intelligent person, but there's just some kind of mental block that restricts her learning. Even when she takes the special education tests and quizzes, she passes and is put back where she struggles. She really needs help learning, but we just have no clue how to help her, and the school is doing nothing for us either. Does anyone have suggestions as to what we should do? It's also worth mentioning she has ADHD and is medicated for it.

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 12:22PM by vader123104 https://ift.tt/3bNId8V

@ManuelGilAnton : Un relato, sencillo y hondo, de lo que no alcanzamos a ver... https://t.co/AseQ7SikZj

@ManuelGilAnton : Un relato, sencillo y hondo, de lo que no alcanzamos a ver... https://t.co/AseQ7SikZj (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255174580643041280)

@ManuelGilAnton : Y los que aprendimos a "leer y sentir" al país en su obra, tenemos no poca abollada la esperanza. https://t.co/naRXbdq4o6

@ManuelGilAnton : Y los que aprendimos a "leer y sentir" al país en su obra, tenemos no poca abollada la esperanza. https://t.co/naRXbdq4o6 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1255132075146964992)

What is the future of education with the current COVID-19-lockdown in many parts of the world?

No text found

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 03:54AM by Remote_Slip https://ift.tt/2W827on

Meet BookBuddy (Graduation thesis)

BookBuddy is a co-bot. The co-bot (companion bot) helps you find a book in the category that appeals to you. BookBuddy is part of my graduation thesis. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the use of companion bots is experienced. Please start a conversation on m.me/107088717417616

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 02:02AM by tdjong https://ift.tt/2YbhDCP

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

What remotely proctor?

Does anybody know when you are taking an exam what remotely proctor mean? Has anybody taking and exam that did this?

Submitted April 28, 2020 at 12:10AM by Lucifer23x https://ift.tt/2Sa43M4

@EducacionFutura : Crisis: oportunidad y carencias / No te pierdas el análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco https://t.co/pF7aWZJ4PM

@EducacionFutura : Crisis: oportunidad y carencias / No te pierdas el análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco https://t.co/pF7aWZJ4PM (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254977397415227397)

Ed.D. question

I’m a high school teacher. Years ago, I began an Ed.D. program right after finishing my master’s. I finished all of the coursework, and passed my comprehensive examination. About a year or so into the dissertation process, I decided to switch to an Ed.S. program, earn that degree, and be done with school. I was worn out. As of late, I’ve been contemplating going back to finish the Ed.D. It won’t give me much more on the pay scale for my K-12 school district, but it could possibly help in the part-time adjunct job search. As a side-bar, in addition to teaching in the K-12 sector, I also held a part-time position teaching undergrad for five years. I was let go after course availability decreased, and I haven’t been able to land another adjunct job since then, even though I have an Ed.S. degree. There are a few things that make me apprehensive about attempting round two of an Ed.D. program. I don’t want to start over or take additional classes that I’ve already taken. I can’t pay out of pocket. I’ve already accumulated much student loan debt, and I’m not going to put myself in more debt.
Any thoughts or input would be appreciated. Thanks

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 09:15PM by Portizzle00 https://ift.tt/2Sh4tAu

@EducacionFutura : Educación a distancia: lo probable, lo posible y lo deseable / No te pierdas el análisis de Claudia Santizo https://t.co/HGPqo5EvwL

@EducacionFutura : Educación a distancia: lo probable, lo posible y lo deseable / No te pierdas el análisis de Claudia Santizo https://t.co/HGPqo5EvwL (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254958528751599617)

@EducacionFutura : La UAM y los medios digitales / Un análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/IIvtPUCTwq

@EducacionFutura : La UAM y los medios digitales / Un análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/IIvtPUCTwq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254928327548317698)

Let's COVID-ly Reconsider College

With university prospects for a traditional in-person experience for the 2020-2021 school year already looking grim, alternative education options for prospective undergraduates are gaining traction. What educational experiences are still available to you? This article discusses the benefits of a structured learning environment and points to some good alternative options: Let's COVID-ly Reconsider College

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 04:27PM by BooEcstatic https://ift.tt/2W9xcZc

@EducacionFutura : Te invitamos a participar en este cuestionario sobre las prácticas académicas en situación de confinamiento pandémico organizado por Sylvie Didou Aupetit del Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas https://t.co/GwkUnbrKQV

@EducacionFutura : Te invitamos a participar en este cuestionario sobre las prácticas académicas en situación de confinamiento pandémico organizado por Sylvie Didou Aupetit del Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas https://t.co/GwkUnbrKQV (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254864669673533450)

Online masters degree- HELP!!!

Hello all,

I am looking into a masters degree online.... I am wondering if anyone has completed an all online master program??? Where? How long??

I want to make sure I am not just signing up for a master program that is bogus. Lol PLEASE HELP

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 10:30AM by michelleraiser https://ift.tt/3eV8Rib

@ManuelGilAnton : Es de sabios reconocer, y de burócratas persistir sin reparar en voces expertas. Aquí hay crítica y propuestas. ¿Escuchará la SEP? https://t.co/St6d2NUQcm

@ManuelGilAnton : Es de sabios reconocer, y de burócratas persistir sin reparar en voces expertas. Aquí hay crítica y propuestas. ¿Escuchará la SEP? https://t.co/St6d2NUQcm (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1254731648295243776)

Can I get into Harvard

Or any other Ivy? I'm an italian high school student and I go to the 2nd year of high school, however I tried a simulation of the SAT online and I got 1250, there were many math questions about things that I haven't studied yet. Do you think I have a chance or is it too impossible?

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 03:13AM by AlfonsoIannicelli https://ift.tt/2S9HgQH

Continuing students education


Sorry to bother you but as a student I have been set homework like many others. However, to complete the work set I need a laptop which I don’t have so If you a bit of spare cash I would appreciate it if you donated a bit of money on my go fund me page. Thanks for reading. [go fund me](gf.me/u/xy4kk9)

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 03:28AM by mollystermolster https://ift.tt/3cPd6tO

Smart kids get benefits while less successful ones have to work harder during adulthood?

Like, if I get this straight, this is the "rich get richer, poor get poorer" version of the educations system, no?

Like, at least in Israel we actually have a school which you can only enter if you were dumb enough during school only to be rediscovered as someone with potential, but still, we belittle adults who have little in life because they weren't smart children and are now locked away from the same success?

I know we want to reach higher extremes, but we did so with money, and that didn't work out in our favor.

Could high intelligence gaps hurt people the same way that monetary gaps do? Should we change just capitalism, or both?

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 02:50AM by Scisense https://ift.tt/2Sb6vCd

Nervous out of my mind IEP meeting Friday idk what to say

I am scared out of my mind I want to take CO next year but I spoke to my case manager and she told me there’s a chance they don’t like that idea. She said they may make me take General again to prove i am ready. Can I tell them no I know I am ready and pick my classes on my own? Or is it like required by law I have to follow what they put for me (NJ). Please not I am not knowledgeable on the subject

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 12:24AM by Prayandhope4me https://ift.tt/2W5ej9L

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Photo coloring for kids


Built it before covid. Might be useful for folks with toddlers and kindergartners

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 09:49PM by lightninfast https://ift.tt/2VEo7bt

What's the difference between the Babylonian and the sumerian cultures?

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Submitted April 26, 2020 at 05:41PM by Ismailblf https://ift.tt/3azkgAU

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural se desarrolla en las aulas https://t.co/L5kbP6GB4n

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural se desarrolla en las aulas https://t.co/L5kbP6GB4n (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254538278646284289)

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué maravilla... https://t.co/W0vwk0Dn8b

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué maravilla... https://t.co/W0vwk0Dn8b (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1254528526469853184)

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy interesante https://t.co/14TUFygeef

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy interesante https://t.co/14TUFygeef (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1254527998432182272)

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Cómo enseñar en los tiempos del COVID19? https://t.co/4LMFovunP9

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Cómo enseñar en los tiempos del COVID19? https://t.co/4LMFovunP9 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254508110892466177)

The perfect pitch and loudness of sound for teaching

I want to make educational video. I wonder which voice properties are essential in comprehensibility of speech. I want to make video as understandable as much. So i will adjust my voice based on your opinions.


Submitted April 26, 2020 at 01:01PM by metin494 https://ift.tt/2zynMyD

@EducacionFutura : La alfabetización múltiple a través de internet / Un texto de Germán Iván Martínez https://t.co/9vssvDwSbx

@EducacionFutura : La alfabetización múltiple a través de internet / Un texto de Germán Iván Martínez https://t.co/9vssvDwSbx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254477902114062337)

How to Succeed in Your Online Courses

Adjusting to learning in an online format can be challenging if you are not accustomed to that environment. Discipline is key.

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 12:07PM by Rocz3D https://ift.tt/3cQ3Khy

What exactly do teachers do in Self-Directed Learning classes?

Hi everyone, I have a sister who studies at a school with “self-directed learning” classes. I admit that this concept is wholly unfamiliar to me as we did not have this class back then. My question is what exactly is the teachers’ role in this setup? My sister told me that there are sometimes 2-3 teachers in the same class who are answering questions. Wouldn’t that be the same as a regular classroom? Apologies if this has been asked before or if this isn’t the right sub. The SDL classes are quite pricey and I just want to know if it’s worth it.

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 11:27AM by alphardzz https://ift.tt/3eUig9R

Looking for a General Knowledge Quarantine Refresher

I (late 20's/F) in Ontario, Canada and I used to be an okay student when I put my mind to it.

I'm looking for an interactive website, free course/ program for adults that maybe takes you through each topic or class, like a refresher.

I am college educated, but have been in the workforce for years and I haven't written or really used my brain "academically", so to speak for years. I'm looking for something that provides lessons, tests, and feedback/ answers from a Grade 9 to 12 level if that exists. I haven't had any luck with google searches (I am the queen of terrible google searching)

I really need to get back into writing and being disciplined during quarantine, so I thought there might be some educators or redditors with resources that might be able to point me in the right direction.

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 10:45AM by lurker_25111010 https://ift.tt/35emrsE

@EducacionFutura : Acompañamiento escolar, experiencias temporales, sana distancia https://t.co/aLkGcEt9m5

@EducacionFutura : Acompañamiento escolar, experiencias temporales, sana distancia https://t.co/aLkGcEt9m5 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254434614166392835)


is there a cure for people who have a very low IQ?? bc I am one of them 🙂 like seriously I have bad grades and I don't really do well in uni, like no matter how hard I study.. the lessons don't sink in my head ( I do jot down notes and stuff). I spend time to do my assessments and other projects but I still get failing grades. PLUS I aint good at anything like LITERALLY. I just want to be a real student just like my classmates who have good brains. PLUS I don't have any talent at all. sighs. should I try drugs to get smarter?

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 07:58AM by piaxciii https://ift.tt/2xZD9Qb

101 to 200 Random Numbers | Learn Counting Big Numbers 101 to 200

These are 101 t0 200 random numbers with 6 seconds gap for kids to answer.

These 101 to 200 random numbers

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 07:35AM by fullypak https://ift.tt/3eRHEga

Zoom recording

Hey all,

So all of my professors record our zoom lectures and after the lecture, they send us the link and access password for the recording.
But since today, I'm not able to access any of them. The process goes like:

  1. I open the link
  2. The website asks me to sign in to my Zoom account. I sign in.
  3. It does't even ask for the password for the recording and it just displays : 'You cannot view this recording. No Permission'

What do I do?
Pleassse HELP. It's URGENT

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 06:04AM by mishi_mishi https://ift.tt/2xZsBAz

Teacher employment in Canada?

Hi, As it's mentioned in the title, I need information about teacher employment in canada.

•how teacher's are employed •are there other qualifications other than their diplomas •from which channels they are employed throughout •who employs them? Government (local or Federal) or the school administration or both. •how private schools employ them. •information that you find important which is not listed here.

I need this information for an assignment from uni, I did a bit of research, but most of the stuff I came across was; "how to become a teacher in canada", "how to get Canadian visa fast", ads and job listings ETC. I did some research in https://www.educanada.ca and education in Canada wiki page but there wasn't sufficient information on teacher employment.

So I am looking for sources: • information from employed teachers in Canada • state guidelines on teacher employment • or someone can explain the process (on PM or through the comments) • other sources that I can read/watch

Thanks already :)

EDIT: Clarification and grammar.

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 05:18AM by BroadBandLeech https://ift.tt/3aHr7YW

Infinity Learning

Infinity learning is a label I'm choosing to give it. It's the process of learning while continuously improving and condensing the learning material. For some reason, this is how I naturally think. I'm happy to provide an example right here. It can be any topic. I'll choose "How to eliminate latent viruses from the body." There is no current way to do this, so I'm going to learn possible ways of achieving it here on this post in as brief a series of facts as possible. I'll do tons of "rapid" research during this process. Some interaction with people here would be good as well. I tried to do this on another sub but they didn't allow it. Since it involves education, hopefully you'll allow me to show you how I naturally think, as odd as it may seem at first. Thanks. I'll wait a bit to make sure this post survives here so I can proceed.

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 01:59AM by LifeFactors https://ift.tt/3cOEI24

The most effective social ways of learning any given topic

Hello, I mostly learn socially rather than individually. I can learn individually, but without the social input, my mind just kind of wanders randomly rather than on a focused topic. The way a university is set up, with a teacher giving a monologue doesn't work well for me (Note, I finished a masters long ago, but these are observations I took away from the experience). Dialogue is a very rapid way for me to learn - it can be text dialogue or talking or both. The point of this post is to discuss social methods of learning that might exist out there somewhere on the internet.

I don't know exactly how this would work, but it seems like it would be a small group, even just one other learning partner, and together we rapidly learn a topic we are both interested in. It could even be done here on Reddit I guess. Have a place where people look for these learning partners. This could involve mostly text messaging I think, but in some cases maybe audio and talking if it seems appropriate.

Does anything like this exist for people that learn socially? Thanks

Submitted April 26, 2020 at 12:34AM by LifeFactors https://ift.tt/2Y5Oxo9

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Can you use an official affidavit [homeschooled] to apply/get a job?

I spent 3 years doing online shook just to find out the last second I don’t get an diploma and they told me to get my GED instead..it feels like I wasted those 3 years for fucking nothing:/ and I just want to know if showing that paper to my job..will they hire me? Especially my age and having no experience

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 09:59PM by vpdali https://ift.tt/2Soj90P

How do you write a peer review

I need to write a peer review for school on a specific topic. I also need to write a manuscript? How do you write a manuscript for example about forest fires like what do I need to include in the manuscript. How am I suppose to.put it in order?

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 07:49PM by Pitiful-Delay https://ift.tt/3eT0eVt

@EducacionFutura : Hay preocupación por contenidos de Educación Especial en programa Aprende en Casa https://t.co/ll5i3XOCbq

@EducacionFutura : Hay preocupación por contenidos de Educación Especial en programa Aprende en Casa https://t.co/ll5i3XOCbq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254183450581569536)

Bilingual education survey

Hello, due to COVID-19, my research has been very difficult due to teachers’ busy schedules. If you are a bilingual teacher, please fill out this form. It is for my bilingual education class and responses are completely anonymous. Thank you for your time.


Submitted April 25, 2020 at 04:33PM by FlailingTuna https://ift.tt/2x878VE

@EducacionFutura : La Educación Pública en “la nube” / Un análisis de Juan Carlos Miranda Arroyo https://t.co/VaTcLnIaX9

@EducacionFutura : La Educación Pública en “la nube” / Un análisis de Juan Carlos Miranda Arroyo https://t.co/VaTcLnIaX9 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254153266927226880)

What is the best free newsletter app?

No text found

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 01:42PM by Rebeccaissoawesome https://ift.tt/2VDNwly

List of videos from School of Life that cover aspects of everyday life throughout history might be a great way to spend your spare time?

Hello everyone,

During quarantine I have been reading various articles and books and I am finding that this is a great time to read about historical events. The best way to take our minds off the current situation is to read and listen about triumphs in the past. Furthermore, the past can tell us a lot about the future.

Therefore I just watch a couple of short videos about historical topics I am interested in. I found this collection from School of life that covers aspects of daily life throughout history. These videos cover everything from the history of dating to the history of consumerism. I'll attach the link below. I know they sometimes can over simplify things and try to impose their philosophy, but I think you are smart enough to understand that and you can filter out the things. I think this is a great way to spend your spare time, if you don’t have big chunks of time.

Click Here for Everyday History Module

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 12:58PM by NoFunnyMan https://ift.tt/3cPMDvY

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La educación media superior desde los entornos rurales de México en época de pandemia mundial https://t.co/uhCcsYG8KD

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La educación media superior desde los entornos rurales de México en época de pandemia mundial https://t.co/uhCcsYG8KD (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254123073462325248)

@ManuelGilAnton : Aporte de Juan Carlos... Para bajar de la nube.. https://t.co/ipueFvVsLt

@ManuelGilAnton : Aporte de Juan Carlos... Para bajar de la nube.. https://t.co/ipueFvVsLt (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1254120259230920704)

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El derecho a aprender no puede detenerse: Mexicanos Primero https://t.co/LPXKQUmA3E

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El derecho a aprender no puede detenerse: Mexicanos Primero https://t.co/LPXKQUmA3E (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254092925048365056)

Do you think class of 2021 will get a graduation ceremony ?

No text found

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 09:56AM by Corey_Huncho https://ift.tt/2yE5Lyp

@EducacionFutura : Proyecto educativo o improvisación / El análisis de Eduardo Gurría https://t.co/UfMNUIfQXA

@EducacionFutura : Proyecto educativo o improvisación / El análisis de Eduardo Gurría https://t.co/UfMNUIfQXA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1254062747047919617)

2 to 10 Times Table Quiz | Interactive 2 to 10 Multiplication Table

2 to 10 times table quiz or playcards for kids to practice and become perfect in 2 to 10 multiplication tables.

Practice 2 to 10 random multiplication flashcards

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 08:03AM by fullypak https://ift.tt/3eRPJBK

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Dónde queda la casa en que hay que ir a aprender? Buena pregunta @proferoger85 https://t.co/ELruqIlybu

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Dónde queda la casa en que hay que ir a aprender? Buena pregunta @proferoger85 https://t.co/ELruqIlybu (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1254035292467523585)

cute planners for you

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 06:12AM by yassOne123 https://ift.tt/3cPaNqq

What is coronavirus effects on the education

Share your thoughts about the impacts of coronavirus on education

Submitted April 25, 2020 at 03:43AM by alleyjohn https://ift.tt/2KznzgM

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

@EducacionFutura : "Se requiere del buen ánimo, honestidad y buena fe de los adultos, de manera que los niños recuerden este periodo excepcional como tiempo recio pero satisfactorio, y no como un vacío que empobreció sus vidas" @DavidResortera https://t.co/2sBWQ4tPhd

@EducacionFutura : "Se requiere del buen ánimo, honestidad y buena fe de los adultos, de manera que los niños recuerden este periodo excepcional como tiempo recio pero satisfactorio, y no como un vacío que empobreció sus vidas" @DavidResortera https://t.co/2sBWQ4tPhd (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1253891492025978881)

@EducacionFutura : "Con la pandemia descubrimos que no contábamos ni con un modelo para vincular a los padres de familia con la escuela, ni con docentes que estuvieran preparados para manejar las TIC en el aula, mucho menos para impartir clases en línea. https://t.co/WMZH5C2EAm

@EducacionFutura : "Con la pandemia descubrimos que no contábamos ni con un modelo para vincular a los padres de familia con la escuela, ni con docentes que estuvieran preparados para manejar las TIC en el aula, mucho menos para impartir clases en línea. https://t.co/WMZH5C2EAm (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1253867585642299394)