Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020
@ManuelGilAnton : Ahí estaremos https://t.co/dJU9H0t4p7

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Profelandia: 'Si cae la Escuela —Bueno, es un decir...' Por: @ManuelGilAnton https://t.co/4bdj9zE7zY

Stupid Question
Do not ever say "that is a dumb question" in my presence. I am a TEACHER and refuse to let my students think there is a such thing as a "dumb question".
It is THAT very mentality that limited your mind.
Submitted May 31, 2020 at 07:38PM by GideonManning https://ift.tt/2XkgI1V
World’s first app screen for Dyslexia using AI
Submitted May 31, 2020 at 04:25PM by hugoric https://ift.tt/2ZU4I8Z
What do School Leaving Exams look like around the world?
I'd be really interested to find out what different types of School Leaving Exams there are around the world. (Meaning leaving secondary school/high school)
I know in the UK and some associated they have the A Levels, the French have le bac and different forms "Maturita" are popular throughout Europe. Could anyone describe the school leaving exam where you're from?
Submitted May 31, 2020 at 10:12AM by yunoletmewin https://ift.tt/3eysFXE
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Patriciomonero: Me piden publicar la foto de estos canes, que andan perdidos por el rumbo de Rancho Viejo y Briones ( Veracruz). Si alguien los reconoce, avise a sus dueños, por favor. https://t.co/6sfMZ2w6Z9

@ManuelGilAnton : Este tipo de artículos, reflexivos, puede no "gustar' pero (creo) ayuda a pensar. https://t.co/BmmbtcJ8ry
PPE vs Law for public policy/government advisory roles?
Hi, for context I have previous qualifications in environmental science, so for the sake of my hecs debt I would like to get the his degree right. If I had it all over again I would do a dual degree.
I'm 25 and returning to uni next semester. I have a keen interest in politics/economics and policy. Ideally, I would find a role in government (state or local) in a policy or advisory capacity.
I recently found out about the existence of policy, philosophy and economics. I'm now second guessing my law degree. It sounds like perfect blend of my interests. However, I live in Australia and PPE isn't a very common degree at all. Plus I'm concerned my math skills won't be strong enough for some of the eco units. I'm indifferent to philosophy, it's more the politics and eco units I'm interested in.
The way I see it, I could move into policy/gov roles with law. I'm not really sure about PPE. I'm not keen on doing honours or master, as I already have masters in sustainable management.
With my first lot of qualifications I didn't follow my passion, and thats how I ended up in this position. However, if I study PPE I'm concerned it won't lead me to a job, and law is kind of the 'middle ground'.
Does anyone have experience with PPE? Any advice would be appreciated
Submitted May 31, 2020 at 05:07AM by maralyy https://ift.tt/3ckQvon
@ManuelGilAnton : @flacabarrera Gracias a ti. Abrazo

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020
A Teacher’s Learning from an Ocean Liner
The experiences onboard and off-board the cruise ship affirm my belief that long gone are the days that learning, in a more general sense of the word, is constrained within established, conventional approaches to education.
"As an educator myself, these recent experiences are a welcome proof that not all classrooms have four walls. Most of the time, the most enduring life lessons that one could possibly acquire to get by to and even succeed in today’s increasingly complicated and exacting affairs are practically everywhere, right in front of our very eyes."
Submitted May 31, 2020 at 12:09AM by squeezeph https://ift.tt/3gGvI1G
@ManuelGilAnton : @lhan55 Pink Floyd es gran pedagogía y extraordinaria música. Que bueno que nos tocó estar acá para escucharlos.

How would one get a GED in Canada?
Submitted May 30, 2020 at 03:38PM by IwfHQ https://ift.tt/36J7Vtw
@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias, Luis. https://t.co/5MXNHZlsqO

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Univ_Opinion: Si cae la Escuela —Bueno, es un decir... #Opinión de @ManuelGilAnton https://t.co/jb5A6EYYdi https://t.co/sdu6bXoad3

Education Podcasts
Hi all,
I am a student who is starting an education podcast about education policy in the country and within different states. I would love to hear about what people you would want interviewed on our show and also some topics you would want to hear about on a show like ours.
Submitted May 30, 2020 at 10:38AM by rm28289 https://ift.tt/3cm2npT
Why does it seem like people value watered down education for job placement over actual education nowadays?
It seems like it is becoming more and more common for people to attend diploma mills. It seems like all people care about is fast tracking for job placement after high school, disregarding education outside of one’s job. How can we get the US to start to value and fund higher education like it used to a few decades ago?
Submitted May 30, 2020 at 10:40AM by alamar1 https://ift.tt/36KGHTj
@ManuelGilAnton : @oropelayo67 Gilberto, gracias por tu comentario. Ojalá me equivoque en la precaución.

Dream Documentary for Public Education
If you had unlimited money, access, and time, what’s your dream idea for a documentary on public education in the United States?
Could be a docuseries. Could be something like “Waiting for Superman” or “Bad Kids.”
Give me all the details you can think of that you would want in the doc!
Submitted May 30, 2020 at 07:54AM by jakefake3 https://ift.tt/2TTYP7Z
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre la importancia de la escuela. Ese espacio donde es posible saberse entre los otros. No es el único, ni siempre sucede así, pero mal haríamos en descuidarlo y perderlo. https://t.co/pLtDrmehAO
How to Make an Educational App for Android & iOS?
Today smartphones have become a full-fledged leader that leads the world to a new universe of knowledge. Here we are not discussing the use of specific technologies and the Internet; we talk about the educational apps that completely changed the mode of learning. Currently, these apps are in trending and dominate the app stores lists.
After witnessing the rising demand for these apps, many entrepreneurs are looking to build an educational app for their business.
Submitted May 30, 2020 at 03:11AM by anchalgupt24 https://ift.tt/2XHVoCH
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020
Where to start?
Where to start?
Looking for the advice of you wise and sage teachers... I just got my first teaching job for 20-21 teaching high school ELA. I have 4 preps: English 3 & 4 and Honors 3 & 4. I’m very excited! It’s a very small school district (talking a graduating class of 30 kids).
I have this summer to begin preparing a curriculum. Where do I start?! Also any suggestions for literature are appreciated. I currently have and like 180 Days and Teaching by Design by Smagorinsky.
Thanks in advance for your kindness.
Submitted May 29, 2020 at 11:36PM by major_oof_alert https://ift.tt/36HjKjU
@ManuelGilAnton : Como siempre, el profe Rogelio nos hace pensar. https://t.co/h49UrU3Bky

CALL TO ACTION - help us save our non-profit, community (student-centered) innovative high school in NC
Please - it may only take 10 min to read this Call to Action, fill out our survey and write (or use sample email) to tell the NC CHARTER SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD we only want a DELAY because COVID19 effected our enrollment.
Submitted May 29, 2020 at 08:46PM by janetplanetzz https://ift.tt/2BdnY7b
Difference between Michael Grimmitt's learning from religion and Robert Jackson's edification
Hello r/education!
I'm doing research into religious pedagogical theory and am intrigued by Michael Grimmitt's concept of learning about religion and learning from religion, and how it relates to Robert Jackson's edification theory, as the actual difference doesn't seem that clearcut.
Jackson writes that:
This concept has some features in common with Michael Grimmitt’s idea of ‘learning from’ religion but is not identical to it (see Grimmitt, 1987, p. 225; Jackson, 1997, see pp. 131–132).
(Jackson, 2009, p. 403)
From there he goes on to explain edification but does not explain what differences he is referring to. I was hoping that someone out there would be able to enlighten me about the actual differences between leaning from religion and edification, if possible.
Happy teaching,
As a side note: Is Michael Grimmit still alive? The last publication I could find any information on was in 2000, and aside from that, information about the man is very scarce.
Submitted May 29, 2020 at 04:03PM by Blackinkmindtrap https://ift.tt/3gCNZgj
@ManuelGilAnton : @BarbaraTejedaC Muchas Gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Por una nueva relación Estado – Educación Superior e Investigación / Un análisis de Jesús Francisco Galaz Fontes https://t.co/77wiNiXO1A
@EducacionFutura : La experiencia de los estudiantes universitarios ante la transición ocasionada por el COVID19 https://t.co/QyqQ4fFenR

@EducacionFutura : Los aprendizajes in-esperados en casa para el mundo post Covid19 https://t.co/61PuqWP8Qx

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Regreso a las aulas hasta el 10 de agosto, se evaluará promediando trimestres anteriores y con carpeta de experiencias, se cancela examen de ingreso a la secundaria y hay nuevas fechas para examen de ingreso al bachillerato https://t.co/mYAc314c1G

@ManuelGilAnton : Sergio,es interesante tu aporte, y creo que la pregunta es crucial.¿Qué entienden por felicidad? Otra sería:¿Prefieres estar en la casa sin poder salir, o ir a jugar afuera y a la escuela? Es otra manera de aproximarnos a cómo la están pasando.Por eso mi interés en la pregunta. https://t.co/JsQmlaTRfT

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias Mario, ayuda mucho el orden de tu análisis. Una pregunta: ¿Las defunciones diarias son, en efecto, la cantidad de personas que fallecieron ese día, o el reporte de la cantidad de personas fallecidsd que se reporta ese día, aunque la definición no haya sido en esa fecha? https://t.co/BuEqdzKtGn

@ManuelGilAnton : Pues, ¿cómo habrá sido la pregunta? Misterio... https://t.co/P18Ky2bKDC

@EducacionFutura : Por una nueva relación Estado – Educación Superior e Investigación / Un análisis de Jesús Francisco Galaz Fontes https://t.co/77wiNiXO1A

@ManuelGilAnton : Coincido. Jesús Francisco cuestiona los cimientos. Ojalá se pueda discutir a fondo, para dejar el airado reproche y lograr un debate. ¡Bien, colega! @GalazFontes https://t.co/oPdtd07O1t

@ManuelGilAnton : De los textos que, entre tanto ruido, hacen pensar en la educación superior, la ciencia y las raíces del asunto. https://t.co/VfFvstgwKj
@ManuelGilAnton : Parecen los lápices de un pintor. Quizá lo sean. https://t.co/dQUnpaxLBx

traditional(on-campus) VS video/audio (Udemy/YouTube) recorded VS one on one coaching (Zoom/Online) classes. Which do you prefer?
as additional info, traditional classes price range may vary from public to private schools. The recorded classes like in Udemy are cheaper if you get them for $9.99 during days when there are sales. Now the one on one coaching classes tend to be the ones that are really expensive ranging from $1000 to $1500 or more. Why is that?
If anyone has any thoughts on these, that would be highly appreciated and understand why this is the pricing for the recorded and 1-1 classes.
Submitted May 29, 2020 at 05:03AM by vendetta041990 https://ift.tt/2XFpOFA
What is your reaction: Universities become centres for taking exams instead of learning centres.
So i have a hypothetical question. Say instead of going to university to learn a subject, all you do is watch youtube lecture videos on whatever you're learning (eg. Professor Leonard's calculus playlist if you are a math major) and the only thing you do is take a test in the university to prove that you mastered the subject. Of course this would only work if lecture videos of any subject is available on youtube. But assuming if that were the case, would you like this thought? So essentially, you are only paying to take the exams so that people dont feel like higher education is a scam.
Also, for assignments and lab practicals, i think they would still have to be conducted in classes. This question is mostly referring to subjects that are mostly theory based.
Sorry if the flair i used on this post is inappropriate.
Submitted May 29, 2020 at 02:29AM by SeveralScratch https://ift.tt/36HELen
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020
Opinions on standardized testing?
Hello all, I'm researching standardized testing for a college assignment (its educational quality, whether it's effective, how it's impacted teachers, equality/unequal access, how they've been affected recently, etc.) and would like to know your opinions! I've been looking into different articles and if anyone would like to add some below this post I would love to read them!
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 05:02PM by just_vibing https://ift.tt/2AmHY6M
Best paid education apps alternative
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 04:00PM by cergo123 https://ift.tt/3cbYhRl
Can anyone explain Common Core?
I've heard a lot of people mention that either Common Core is a flawed system or that it is beneficial to the entire education system. I don't know much of what Common Core actually is, and I'd like to be informed on both sides of the issue so I can form my own opinion about it and gain a deeper understanding of the American educational system. Can anyone explain to me what exactly Common Core is and why it's useful or detrimental to education?
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 03:22PM by EssaineBlu https://ift.tt/3grvRpT
California to release its plan for reopening schools
California’s draft plan for reopening schools is set to be released Friday. An early look at it appears to predict an unworkable mess of daily symptom checks, students staying in one room all day, staggered start times and masks required for teachers, but not students (?).
Worst of all, the guidelines call for massive spending increases to pull this off, just weeks after the state announced massive cuts to education budgets.
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 02:42PM by CommanderMayDay https://ift.tt/2M7xOd5
Transferring Education From Venezuela
Hello all! My name is Phil and i'm very concerned for my wife. She lived in Venezuela until recently. During her life there she completed her high school and 7 years of college in CUV. The Central University of Venezuela. She was 8 credits short of receiving her Masters in Architecture and Suburban Planning and then came here to escape the crime and corruption. Is there any possibility that her credits can be transferred over to the United States? If so, what measures can we take to begin the process and hopefully receive her degree.
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 02:04PM by P-1415926535 https://ift.tt/2TNJru6
What should I do if I missed online exam?
The due date of the exam suddenly changed without informing us. Now I’ve miss it. If there’s nothing I can do about it. What should I think of to make my self not feel too bad?
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 01:21PM by poohrawitch https://ift.tt/2X9zOrp
Online school made me miss my exam.
I missed my online exam today and i’m sure it’s not my fault. The test was due 23:00 UK time, but then they changed it to 17:00 without informing. Now i missed it and the teachers are responding to the message i sent them. How should I even tell my (Asian) parents. Do I have to get whip by a belt again? If it were you, what would you do if you missed an exam?
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 12:40PM by poohrawitch https://ift.tt/3esiC6l
SOS to all C/O 2020 graduates to help me implement Mental Health Education into schools.
Hi, I'm Mathis Kremer and I'm the salutatorian of Smithfield High School. I'm calling all c/o 2020 student body presidents, salutatorians, and valedictorians to join me in promoting the hashtag #MHE4ME as a means to send the message to the education system that Mental Health Education is NEEDED, NOW.
I believe that mental health education would solve an exceptional amount of problems in today's world that are becoming more prevalent than ever. Even causing protests & instability...
First: school shootings. If students are mentally stable and more compassionate toward each other as a result of being taught the consequences of their words, then they'll be less likely to hold enough hate in themselves to shoot other children.
Second: anxiety in the students that don't know how to deal with the stress that comes with an abundant course load. Mental health education should teach students how to practice habits of both THINKING and DOING in order to stabilize one's mind.
Third: hostile division across the country. Whether it be over politics or whatever, I've noticed a rising amount of hostility between people of differing ideas. Mental health education should educate people on how to control their emotions, keep calm, and look at things in a positive light. In this case, the positive light would be seeing the other person as an opportunity to become educated on differing views.
Fourth: unhappiness. The rising depression and suicide rate.
Fifth: lack of motivation. Teaching students their road to happiness by providing methods of self care will make them more efficient in school and in the long run (at their jobs) by establishing an internal locus of control and a strong mental foundation in students.
During my senior year, my school was threatened to be shot up on social media. Luckily, police were able to raid the suspect's house and confiscate his guns and ammo. What did my school do in case we're not so lucky in the future? Nothing. Simply hope it doesn't happen again.
This is wrong. Giving kids work only to have them become anxious about it is wrong. This country's hostile division is wrong.
Gun laws, giving teachers guns, implementing metal detectors, pasting hopeful quotes on school walls, etc, are simply bandaids to this problem that stems from unhappiness.
I'm proposing a solution, not a bandaid.
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 11:50AM by himaffis https://ift.tt/3gw8MSW
I always fail at school since I was a kid.
I am capable of doing anything except study. I never pass any of my exam now and it getting worst. I think i am a bit too stupid to be in school. I used to try hard but my grades didn’t improve at all, so i give up on it. What should I do?
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 10:51AM by poohrawitch https://ift.tt/3ekBFQ6
@EducacionFutura : El debate ahora, ¿Cuándo regresar a las escuelas? ¿hasta cuándo alargar el encierro y el aislamiento? https://t.co/opqIipKnlY

Evergreen's Precarious Finances
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 09:57AM by DuncanIdahos2ndGhola https://ift.tt/3erQ5hf
When were you taught calculus 2?
Hi! I am from Greece and in a month I am going to graduate from high school. In math during 12th grade we were taught calculus 2 (e.g derivatives, integrals, de L’Hospital rules and more). So, I was wondering, when do you learn these in your country?
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 09:37AM by konstantinoss24 https://ift.tt/2XHlSUV
@EducacionFutura : #Latinoamérica - ¿Estudios a distancia? A propósito de la ley de educación https://t.co/cMtlS8ah4s

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Cursos propedéuticos y diagnósticos sí, remediales, ¿por qué? / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/DZRuaWAgqe
We Need Your Help
JJ Olatunji (KSI) has released his album, dissimulation and everyone is trying to get #1 so ksi will have to go bald. get this 9k upvotes to get the message spreaded. #BALDSKITIME
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 03:28AM by RevolutionaryClock3 https://ift.tt/2yJt5eC
Make A Professional Photos Video in Camtasia Studio | creative studio
Submitted May 28, 2020 at 03:20AM by karanchaudhary24 https://ift.tt/36CQ3jW
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020
@ManuelGilAnton : @Fps91Prez @Solistav @BlancaHerediaR @rafadehoyos @DiplomadoPIPE @emoctezumab @almaldo2 @Jimena_HdezFdez Muchas gracias, la leeré.

@EducacionFutura : Los bienes de las escuelas privadas y su incorporación al Sistema Educativo Nacional: ¿Nuevo patrimonio estatal? https://t.co/R6gZrUA7Pq

How will we ever be safe inside? | A roundup of the latest information on how we believe COVID 19 is spread
To add to the discussion surrounding what to do about reopening schools, I submit this article from The Atlantic. Despite its rather sinister title, it’s actually a very thoughtful look at what scientists now believe are the main ways people get infected with COVID 19 and should be incorporated into any school reopening plan.
Short version:
- Sharing enclosed airspace with someone whose infected seems to be the biggest way the infection is spread
- It’s 19 times more likely you’ll get infected indoors than outside
- it’s starting to look like it’s also pretty hard to get infected after touching a surface that’s got the virus on it
Even shorter version: this is an airborne disease. You get it by having someone infected cough, sneeze, talk or breath close to you. But, it is very contagious. If you’re close by to an infected person or their air, your chance of infection is high.
What’s it mean for schools?
- we need to do distancing, but also find ways to isolate students in classrooms, like barriers of some kind
- if there’s a way to take class outside, we should do it
- classrooms need open windows for ventilation
- masks need to be mandatory
- singing is absolutely out, probably band too
- worries over the virus being transmitted by throwing and catching a ball may be overblown. But, contact sports where there is a lot of breathing going on are out for now
Your thoughts?
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 08:14PM by CommanderMayDay https://ift.tt/2Aaepp7
@EducacionFutura : Conversaciones académicas para trazar la hoja de ruta educativa https://t.co/xTptTtsczF

@EducacionFutura : Cursos propedéuticos y diagnósticos sí, remediales, ¿por qué? / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/DZRuaWAgqe

Indiana colleges have released their plans for the fall. Schools likely follow similar plans.
Two major state colleges (Indiana University and Purdue University) released plans for this fall. My district is looking at a similar plan, likely a common plan throughout the state.
The plan in a nutshell:
Blended learning from August to November with no Fall Break.
Online classes only from November to February.
Blended learning in February to May, no spring break.
Optional complete online courses for students if wanted.
Little to no info on sports etc.
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 04:08PM by Mana-squared https://ift.tt/3ddHcI0
The Problem of Private Schools
Should private schools be banned? This makes a compelling case.
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 03:25PM by psychothumbs https://ift.tt/2TK6SUZ
@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - El COVID-19 y las políticas de becas y estímulos para los académicos de tiempo completo de las IES públicas https://t.co/uMDU7k78jd

What's the harder major in terms of conceptual difficulty, physics or mathematics?
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 02:25PM by absolutefknidiot https://ift.tt/3c9rXhK
Poll shows half of parents hesitant to send kids back to in-person schools without a COVID 19 vaccine
Educational leaders are going to spend most of the summer trying to figure out how to reopen school buildings. But, what if a lot of kids don’t come back?
A survey in Britain found that half of parents are hesitant to send their kids back to buildings until a vaccine is found. The numbers actually get more negative as the age of the child in question goes up.
A USA Today/Ipsos poll found almost 60% of American parents would keep their kids home (headline of the survey is about teachers, the parent/student info is buried a little).
Obviously, schools will need to do a lot of persuading to prove they’re safe places, but even if they succeed in getting 75% of students back, there would be serious repercussions!
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 01:37PM by CommanderMayDay https://ift.tt/2XyoQuN
@EducacionFutura : Más allá de los números. El caso de alumnos hablantes de lenguas indígenas de la UAT / Un texto de Gloria Esther Trigos Reynoso https://t.co/eZCfJVnhQW

@EducacionFutura : Sobre la Ley Educativa en Puebla / Análisis de @ManuelGilAnton https://t.co/ffnaq6ldsP

@EducacionFutura : Ley marco, ley de Puebla: confusión y amenaza https://t.co/xNb7mW4nq9

I laughed at what he said. He played roblox and said School 90% are useless. Also he replied that when i said ive got A's and B's. So i thought lets talk about his future xD
Also his friend was a coder at roblox. and The 1st guy (not the coder) Said he will get 100k$. This kid doesn't know the diffrence between a lego game and Modern games.
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 09:37AM by Galact123 https://ift.tt/36C3Fw4
Anti-racism resources
Here is a great set of anti-racism resources, including articles, podcasts, books and more. These would be suitable for many high school classes, and some may be suitable for middle school as well.
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 09:04AM by jfshay https://ift.tt/3d9oX6D
I'm doing research on the role of communities in getting people curious and engaged in learning. I have a feeling a lot of you would love to share your mind on that subject!
There is no doubt that social media changed the world as it is - from the way we talk to friends, find a job, stalk exes, to how we discover events and rent hotels. Honestly, when you step away and think about it, it's mindblowing.
However, one thing that's seemingly unchanging is learning. Mind you - a lot of people tried to force 'social media for learning' - there have been dozens of shitty, downright sad networks, made with 'students' in mind. They were always either 5 years behind in terms of UX and content or talked down to their users and took away their freedom (I can post some WayBackMachine Links in the comments for those interested). Reddit (and maybe Pinterest or discord) is kind of an exception. Kind of. It's not ideal, but, obviously, people do learn and some of them do so more than others.
I'm completely in love with an idea of learning from others - in communities, egalitarian grassroots groups; Just sharing knowledge, solving problems together, motivating each other. I'm researching what enables those communities, what keeps them strong and how can it be applied to just get people interested in learning, science, and self-improvement again.
And I was hoping you guys could help me. I joined a sizable research project on the matter and have some catching up to do; I'd love to have a chat with some of you guys (compensation involved). So if you love talking about education in the social media world, DM me!
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 07:54AM by Never2Busy https://ift.tt/2X50klV
Standardized test
"Other institutions should follow in the University of Chicago’s footsteps..."Standardized test
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 07:10AM by EnriquePerez65 https://ift.tt/2M2Zy2v
Online school is stressful. I developed a website aiming to help students that struggle with certain school assignments! I would appreciate feedback, questions, comments, and for other educators to apply to become a helper! Thank you so much :D My site is www.smartly.page
- Submission Statement -
The website smartly.page is relevant to r/education as it is a technological educational tool that can be of major use during this online schooling period.
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 06:08AM by yccy https://ift.tt/2XwCVZy
Resources for teaching my child music
Hey folks
The school we enrolled at unfortunately doesn't teach music and I really want my child to know about music education. When I was at school we learned about pretty much everything (the woodwind family, crotchets, percussion) but I have completely forgotten everything and for the life of me can't find any PPT's or material. I found some videos on Youtube but I think our child is a kinaesthetic learner and she doesn't seem to be able to concentrate or take anything from the video in. Does anybody know any sites with this kind of material? I have tried all the ESL sites only to find nothing very relevant. Hope everybody is having a wonderful day and staying healthy :)
Submitted May 27, 2020 at 04:27AM by texaspoonhunter https://ift.tt/3d8vcHE
martes, 26 de mayo de 2020
Some Australian universities I work with are hosting live seminars on postgraduate education next week
Submission statement: Australian universities ANU, UNSW, Charles Sturt, Macquarie and others are sending representatives to contribute to a virtual study fair from June 1 - 5. There will be Q&A sessions and presentations on law, computer science, engineering arts and social sciences. This is something I'll be attending myself and thought others in this community may find it useful for learning more about what postgraduate study in various fields entails, even if you don't intend on studying in Australia.
Edit: A link - https://postgradaustralia.com.au/virtual-study-fair-2020
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 11:13PM by Badcopz https://ift.tt/2X4IOhB
Here is the (draft) reopening plan for one of the largest districts in Colorado.
Sorry, I don’t know how to make a nifty blue word link so I will just paste it below.
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 09:14PM by Allanon124 https://ift.tt/2AXJ8Ge
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @tania_molina_r: El fotógrafo Carlos Ramírez Castro falleció. Su familia pide apoyo para los gastos funerarios. Pedimos difusión. @julioastillero @article19mex https://t.co/XwWUwQYaCX

@ManuelGilAnton : Un diccionario realizado por niños se convirtió en un fenómeno de ventas https://t.co/kh6m1qO9Wc Paz:Cuando uno se perdona(Juan) Soledad:Tristeza que le da a uno a veces(Iván). Tiempo:Algo que pasa para recordar(Jorge). Iglesia: Donde uno va a perdonar a Dios (Natalia). Y así

Quarantine Teacher's YouTube Adventure!
Okay! Made another edu-tainment lesson for my class, what do y’all think?
I was trying to discuss the theory behind international institutions and ground them in real life issues with a narrative style. I was a bit choppy (and my monologuing is still too long) but do y’all think this could engage them better than a standard lecture video?
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 07:33PM by EthanOMcBride https://ift.tt/2TEh5SD
How to learn efficiently
Hi guys, I wrote down a few things about becoming a better learner. Hope it helps someone.
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 09:17AM by tahsinac https://ift.tt/36AprA3
Does an EC/Primary Degree qualify to be an assistant teacher?
I’m considering the duel bachelor as I want my options to be open, however I’m not keen on a leadership teacher role, I just want a bachelor in the field of education.
I’m wondering if this degree gives me the skills to be a kinder assistant as well as a primary or daycare assistant? I want to know that I have the option to have different roles as I have severe anxiety.
I’ve changed majors a lot through uni and I’m considering going into a diploma instead to get more experience in the industry. What should I be going for? I’m 22F.
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 08:00AM by TheSassa https://ift.tt/2ZAe75D
What do you think about learning online in a game format?
Hey guys,
Do you know any successful examples of educational courses involving gaming element? So that you could study new subject through game. How helpful is it when learning online?
Thinking of IT and coding, they should definitely use it. Can you advise?
Just wanted to know your opinion. Thanks!
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 07:14AM by nadzeya_rynkevich https://ift.tt/2LYD7LZ
I can do your homework
I can do your homework for a couple of bucks. Dm me
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 06:27AM by 12345adam123 https://ift.tt/3c5wDoU
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @_robcarrillo: Hola a todos. Con la contingencia el negocio al que normalmente me dedico está detenido. Ahora estoy vendiendo cochinita Pibil por kilo con entrega a domicilio. Algún pedido o rt es muy apreciado. !Gracias! https://t.co/EalStQPAH1

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @ElisaBonilla: Justicia para Diana Carolina Raygoza, estudiante de derecho nayarita, de 21 años, asesinada con arma blanca. Este crimen debe esclarecerse. No a la impunidad. ¡No más feminicidios! #NiUnaMas #NiUnaMenos https://t.co/ZqNFeDAU7D

@ManuelGilAnton : Saludos a ustedes: desde temprano tocó leer y escribir y acá andan, acompañando al Profe Gil. Gracias https://t.co/JIkrqETYJI

Will technology get this much involvement in education ? Or has it already?
Share your thoughts on this tech? Will schools be willing to collaborate on such a large scale for the sake of enhancing the education standards?
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 05:38AM by yaserafriend https://ift.tt/3d3dWDT
I want to do school work at home but I can't!
Please help me, I find it extremely hard to do my work from home, I feel I can only do it at school
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 05:38AM by hc12123 https://ift.tt/2Zy8XXQ
Reopened Montana public school offers peek at what fall might bring
What might school look like if buildings reopen this fall? One small K-12 school in Montana sheds some light on what the future may hold.
While Montana has a very low infection rate and has had less than 500 cases through Memorial Day, Willow Creek Public School is still treating the threat seriously. In-person schooling resumed May 4th. Teachers wear masks and use pool noodles to illustrate 6’ distancing. There was also mention of younger students walking through hallways carrying hula hoops to discourage them from touching things!
The school only enrolls 56 total students and the article briefly touches on nearby schools that chose not to reopen because they couldn’t do it while maintaining distance and cleaning requirements. And these schools had barely 300 in them, total!
A secondary worry is, will the students return, even if schools reopen? At Willow Creek, only 2/3 of students came back.
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 04:11AM by CommanderMayDay https://ift.tt/2ZxSJ0S
What are the biggest differences between mechanical and aeronautical engineering, and what would be a better option in the future?
Submitted May 26, 2020 at 01:44AM by tures1 https://ift.tt/2ZG957B
lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020
@ManuelGilAnton : El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Cancha. (¿Messi?) https://t.co/41uAQYu7OA

@ManuelGilAnton : @srgsilvac Cien años de Soledad

@ManuelGilAnton : @srgsilvac El ser y la hada

@ManuelGilAnton : El ser y la hada https://t.co/2ay0kZeeQl

@ManuelGilAnton : @nelida_martha Ser parte del sistema es pertenecer a un conjunto que no se define por la propiedad, sino por la función. Ser (en tanto propiedad o usufructo) del gobierno, el estado o de una AC, o un grupo o persona física - particular - es la distinción del sistema por Tipo de Sostenimiento.

@ManuelGilAnton : @patohenandez Perdona, ya lo corregí, lo lamento mucho.

@ManuelGilAnton : @nelida_martha Martha.Hay una posibilidad de que las instalaciones sean parte del sistema:¿Con cuántos salones cuenta el sistema educativo poblano?Pues con los de las públicas y privadas, sumados.Los salones son parte de las instalaciones.Creo que no hay problema. Y está así en la ley general.

Earing extra credits
Is there a way for me to earn 5 extra credits during the summer ?
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 11:20PM by Corey_Huncho https://ift.tt/36vqEIO
Hot get a diploma with an IEP or learning disability
How do you*
My mental health and learning disability prevented me from graduating last year and now this year.
I'm extremely stressed out and it's bothering me. I work at Walmart and I'm with an online program called penn foster but it's waay too hard for me so I haven't done any work in 2 weeks.
Please help me out, what do I do?
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 07:30PM by Sondrick19 https://ift.tt/2ZHRrk5
22F, Australian: Should I study a diploma?
Should I do a diploma of early childhood and start out there? I have severe anxiety and no workforce experience besides being a TA in primary. I got into university like 3 years ago but I’ve changed majors so much. I only have a Cert 3 in Education Support.
I know I want to work with children but I’m probably going to struggle with any leader based roles; I’m happy being an assistant.
I’m thinking of studying the diploma part time and just doing a psychology degree on the side. Should I do this? I need help.
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 07:36PM by TheSassa https://ift.tt/2M0TfMV
What's the best prank a student has pulled on you?
Best prank pulled on me: I have this wooden chicken in my room and throughout the year I ask it random questions/requests like it was my Alexa. When it doesn't respond I would act like the wifi was down. Probably did this bit once a week. Something goofy to break the monotony.
One day in class I said "Alexa, play Despacito" expecting to be disappointed and it started BLARING. There was a stunned moment of amazement with everyone in class...followed by confusion because I didn't know uow to turn it off.
I don't know how long it was there but they hid a real Alexa behind the chicken and played the waiting game.
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 07:48PM by Doogenheim https://ift.tt/3cYaH0l
@ManuelGilAnton : Jeje soy gallego, debe decir pero sus dueños son sus dueños, o la propiedad es de sus dueños... O algo así... Perdón por la imprecisión...

@ManuelGilAnton : Hay inquietud pues se dice que las escuelas particulares en Puebla son parte del sistema educativo de esa entidad. Y sí lo son, parte del sistema, no propiedad del Estado. El ABC es un hospital que es parte del sistema de salud, pero dueño de sus dueños. Calma.

Facing Expulsion for Calling Out University Ties to China's Regime—Drew Pavlou on China Human Rights
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 01:29PM by DuncanIdahos2ndGhola https://ift.tt/2ZA2z2f
@EducacionFutura : Ley marco: centralismo puro / Un análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/fkJV9Nyy3q

What makes Western Education so good?
Indian and Chinese education systems are regarded as among the toughest in the world, and what American students learn in the earlier years of college are, to an extent, what Indian and Chinese students already learn while in high school. However, as hard as it is to enter their top universities, they are nowhere close to being among the best, not even in the top 100 or 200 in the world. For an education system that's not as rigorous as these, what element makes American universities, and their education system as a whole among the best?
Submitted May 25, 2020 at 12:46PM by ahmedhamzah https://ift.tt/2B0xv1s
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @lhan55: Una historia ejemplar por la educación, la salud y la vida, en la pluma de @Dal_air Oaxaca: Docentes organizados alertan sobre semáforo de regreso a clases https://t.co/lCPxK2akpN vía @PdPagina