lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2024

Questions that could related with friends but in very Interesting way

Hello, I'm freshman in University and our Academician has given us a homework that could be really hard to think alone that he gave us 1 week to think about it. The homework is something that what kind of question you can ask to your friend and with given idea we gonna credited him with that for 4 years. For example: Have you ever climbed to Mount Everest. (Please be more realistic unlike me)

Submitted September 30, 2024 at 08:12AM by melanor0_

Why has there seemingly been little to no improvement in our education practices for decades?

Technology has developed, science and knowledge of learning has developed, knowledge of the human brain and mental health conditions has developed... but the education system still seems to be failing our young people. What's gone wrong? (You're of course free to disagree!!)

Submitted September 30, 2024 at 12:39AM by sleepycamus

Moving to the US at 16, whay would happen to my studies?

Okay so idk if this is the right group to post this but im so scared and idc anymore.

So im from the philippines and i moved to finland 2 weeks before turning 14. Hence the goverment placed me in 8th grade due to my age at the time and because of my language, at my home country i was incoming 10th grand which pissed me off because i wasnt learning anything in finland except for the language since i know everything already. Now im finishing up 9th grade and in finland i was supposed to start lukio (this is highschool in english i suppose) and at the same time amatti which is like vocational next year after 9th grade.

But now my mom is saying we are going to move to the US in a few months and im scared about my studies, i have only ever finished 9th grade, would I have to still continue that in the US even tho for my age i should be in 11th grade? Im just concered because if i would be in 10th grade i would be so behind my peers and im already bored in my classes in finland the only thing challenging is the languange, if i continue at this rate in and english course I might just drop out😭😭

Sorry for the long rant i just want to know how my school will turn out, im already so mad being one year older than everyone in my class.

Submitted September 30, 2024 at 12:02AM by gabirien

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2024

What are the best free text-based courses you know?

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask, although if you could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.

I have a concept for a method of learning which is completely text-based, don't want to say too much about it right now but I've been working on a website for it and would now like to test it out to see how effective it really is. Best way of doing it is on a subject I know next to nothing about.

Preferably something which is split into a table of contents and each section is split into paragraphs.


Submitted September 29, 2024 at 11:12AM by North-Study9163

Ultimate education, converting stupid to an intelligent.

Conversion from stupid to intelligent

  1. Inner peace achieved trough proper meditation.

To learn anything, to improve in any way, one needs to be empty cup first. To be innocent child with wanderlust. For that you need inner peace.

Best way to force inner peace is proper meditation. There are many ways people meditate, but most do not work, because they require high skill or certain ability. But there is one way to force inner peace. Control your breath. As normaly breathing is automatic and you dont think about it, when you do control it manually your whole nervous system is in shock and stops being distracted. I usually just close my eyes and breath in slowly then hold my breath for short time then exhale slowly then hold breath and repeat, it doesnt matter what exactly you are doing with your breath as long as you manually control and follow it. This should quickly bring inner peace.

  1. Make money trading.

People do not care about anything if they do not have resources available, hungry mind only seeks food. Even with inner peace you will need to eat! There are ways to obtain all essential resources without money, but it can be difficult when you live among hordes of stupid humans! So we need to become money it self, we need to become a trader.

Regardless of what you trade, stocks, forex, crypto, commodities, houses, bananas or pokemon it is always the same - there is a lot of up and down waves in price. You do not need to see future or be correct in your guess where price will go to make money. You just need manadge the risk. You can guess randomly, but of course it is better if you follow the trend direction, and enter long or short position anywhere, anytime. Once you are in a trade let it ride - if it is going to a profit, and quickly cut it off if it is going against you. It is like buying lottery, but after seeing some numbers deciding it is bad lottery ticket and getting 90% refund on ticket price, or in other words TRADING IS PRINTING MONEY! you just need to learn to be a good looser, take a loss easy and quick! It is good teacher of life too. More quick and easy losses you take more you learn without much off a drawback.

  1. Learn proper apeshit for physical fitness.

I call it going apeshit, because its inspired by chimps(we all know they strong) and also cats/dogs other fit animals going crazy when playing, doing so called zoomies or in chimp case - displays. It is fun and makes you strong, no ridiculous stupid exercises of any kind or lifting weights like absolute moron.

There is really one most important thing about apeshit. You need engage your core, lower back and abdominal muscles. What i call combat mode. A bit bent forward and flexing your abs and all mucles around your spine, that is the foundation of your physical power. Once in such mode anything you do will be more powerful, but it also requires a lot of energy, so you can do it only once in a while, you can just freestyle whatever you want in this mode from simple running to complex combat and your body will adapt to gain more power.

  1. Learning physics, chemistry, biology.

Physics teach you forces like gravity, electro magnetism, friction, nuclear force, stuff that works even in void without matter, you need physics to understand chemistry which describes how matter works. And after you understand chemistry you will be able to understand the king of all science the biology. Why biology is king? Cause most complex thing in known universe is life, us, and knowing yourself is being intelligent. What about maths and computers? Well human was created without maths and computers, so it is inferior stuff, once we master our biology we can grow any sort of neural networks we want and old silicon transistor computers will look ancient, primitive technology.

To learn this 3 glorious sciences you do not need to do any calculations or whatever nonsense they do in schools. You just need to read and understand trough basic overview in some good book, like about 30 minutes concentrated reading a day, more is bad, your brain can only adapt to so much new information. In about 3 months you will be done with physics, 3 more for chemistry and then forever all your life biology the god of science. This will make you finally exit stone age and join the elite. Yes, you are stone age primitive as of now, so get inner peace, make cash, be fit and learn the little we as humans know about universe and finally you will be intelligent!

Submitted September 29, 2024 at 05:49AM by OneAccomplished2049

Math major = unemployed?

Hi, I'm a highschooler applying to college soon. I'm really interested in math, I've joined many math competitions just for fun and learnt many advance math topics (linear algebra and multivariable calculus) in my free time for fun. But i hear that math major is useless. Should be pursue math or something else, I'm currently thinking of engineering. Is math major really useless? Is it worth the time and money?

Submitted September 29, 2024 at 03:38AM by Weary_Trouble_5596

Give me some interesting course s to pursue after 12th ??

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Submitted September 29, 2024 at 02:23AM by simplesree

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2024

Should I apply to university of houston and university of texas Arlington now given that the deadline is close to end which will give me less chance of scholarship

I am an international student and applying to texas manly because if I get 2000$ or more scholarship then I will get same tuition fee as a domestic student.

However as the deadline is near (10 OCT) it means I will have less chance of a scholarship. So I don't want to waste money applying if I know I won't get 2000$ scholarship.

So is it worth applying now.

My stats: 1510 SAT 2A*, 1A in A'levels

Submitted September 28, 2024 at 08:58AM by Danial_Amin

I am 19 y/o, an Indian student and I am pursuing my bachelor's degree online, what should I do with my extra time to get into good (ivy league possibly) colleges abroad?

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Submitted September 28, 2024 at 08:59AM by bigtimesad29

Do schools teach students how to recognize psychological disorders?

Hi all, some context for this question: my sophomore year of college, I stopped eating and sleeping, involved myself in a million activities, and next thing I knew my parents were showing up on campus and taking me home from school. I had no idea why, because I felt great. Turns out, I was experiencing a full-blown manic episode and had to be hospitalized that night. How does this have anything to do with my question? I had literally NO idea what mania was before then, and neither did any of my friends who were witnessing my based-on-racing-thoughts, erratic behavior. Luckily I got the care I needed. I know others who did not, and aren't with us here today because of it.

I feel passionate about teaching children and adolescents about mental health disorders so that they have the tools to recognize it in themselves and others and take action. I'm hoping to create some kind of organization that works to educate and advocate for young people before and during college, specifically about mood disorders like bipolar and schizoaffective disorder, and also possibly schizophrenia, to act as this type of preventative mental healthcare. You see so many videos directed towards incoming college students about alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault- but where is the content about psychological disorders that hit so many students during college?

So I'd like to know from those involved in education: what do you know about the content students receive (if any) about identifying mental illnesses and how to intervene (for themselves or others)? Does this happen at your school? If so, what grade(s)? Do you know about general statistics or information related to this? I'm looking for any info about this so I can know what's already being done and what more needs to be done (which I'm sure is a ton).

Thanks so much.

Submitted September 28, 2024 at 07:37AM by Embarrassed-Stuff138

CMV: schools should focus on nurturing strengths instead of herding kids like sheep.

imagine if schools actually helped kids identify their strengths by exploring their talents from a young age and growing their skills over the 12 years instead of letting them all follow the same routine like sheep and leaving them confused in life after graduation

Submitted September 28, 2024 at 12:28AM by better_amoeba_fk

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024

Going back to school, advice needed

I left my Bachelors program 18 years ago without completing it. When I tried to return a few years later I realized my GPA was too low to re-enroll. Slightly lower than 2.0. Now I’d like to re-attempt, but don’t know what my best option is. I have so many questions, but I can’t get a meeting with an advisor unless I am enrolled. Should I start at community college? Will my ancient units even still be viable? Should I start at open enrollment? Would I get enough financial aid to cover all my expenses or would I have to work as well? (Single mom, minimal income) Don’t know if it matters, but I have self diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, hyper mobility, etc. I appreciate any advice/input.

Submitted September 27, 2024 at 07:51AM by Hortusmagus

AP Test at age 25, is it possible?

I want to take AP Calc BC, Physics 1, 2.

Most places online (including here) say it is possible for adults to take the AP tests. However this lone post here may say otherwise.,and%20have%20not%20started%20college.

Its from the college board but it seems to be at odds with every other college source online.

I know CLEP exists but it doesn't have Calc BC or Physics.

I have been studying hard to relearn everything I lost in HS and fell in love with these subjects. I am confident I can pass these tests.

Submitted September 27, 2024 at 01:56AM by isaac030418

Short film about systemic issues in UK classrooms

Linked here:

Im a filmmaker working as support staff in London schools - would love to know what you think

Submitted September 27, 2024 at 12:54AM by teenslasher91

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024

Radical concepts for educational reform

So how many of these radical concepts for educational reform have you heard of? Concepts for Humane Educational Reform in the US | Meer

I think the Hidden Curriculum is especially important and it shocks me that lots of teachers do not know about the Coleman Report of 1966.

Do you know what learned helplessness means? How about structural or symbolic violence?

Have you ever questioned the grading system or felt squeamish about giving out grades?

Anyway, I was doing research on radical education and came up with this interesting read. I hope you enjoy it.

Submitted September 26, 2024 at 11:46AM by gubernatus

Do all US school systems teach AP US History as a one year course?

I am in California and as US History becomes longer it starts to feel like the AP US History curriculum should be spread out among 3 high school semesters.

I realize US History is covered from grade 1, but I don’t think the AP test is testing on prior knowledge.

At some point will it need to become an A/B/C AP curriculum like Physics and Calculus?

In foreign countries is there an equivalent one year historical survey class? Is there a one year class that attempts to survey all of English history? I don’t see how that would be possible.

Submitted September 26, 2024 at 07:43AM by doctorboredom

Microsoft Whiteboard

Does anyone have an issue with the board loading time? It takes me forever right now to load the board, and it used to go immidiately.
Do you have any solution?

Submitted September 26, 2024 at 07:13AM by Royal_Programmer2551

Why is US History still squeezed into one year of high school?

Edit: Sorry, I should have made it more clear that I am talking specifically about why AP US History is treated as a one year course in high school in California.

At some point will US History need to be spread out among two years? Is there a push for this in the AP world?

In other countries with much longer pasts, do they teach their regions history in one year?

What does England do? How about Japan or Italy?

When does APUSHistory become an A/B/C subject like Calculus?

It is an intense amount of reading.

Submitted September 26, 2024 at 06:51AM by doctorboredom

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024


Hi I’m a student senior year and I really don’t think my school is up to safety standards and all. As a student do I have the power to request a safety inspection to be done?

Submitted September 25, 2024 at 01:10AM by JXIJN

Not giving up on education is part of education itself

Many people don't know what it takes to be educated and pass through all the rough patches of education thus not giving up on education is part of education itself

Submitted September 25, 2024 at 01:27AM by joanajosephine10

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

Principal says she legally has to show my mom my grades even though I am 18 because I have an IEP. Is this correct? what do I do?

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Submitted September 24, 2024 at 11:51AM by chilisn0w

What are some factors on why children may be so disobedient?

I’m writing an informative paper for a class I am in. I need some stories of teachers when it comes to Generation Alpha.

Doing research, Covid, social media, and ultimately parents are a strong factor on why kids are so disobedient.

Teachers, can I have some of your stories for my paper?

(Ps: information such as user names won’t be said, just the story itself) thank you!!

Submitted September 24, 2024 at 09:32AM by StatisticianOk3740

Group work rights

I am a straight student, do I have the right not to work in a group with an lgbtq student?

I think I’m going to walk out of class and take the F rather than work with a queer, sorry that’s just how I was raised and feel.

I do not mean to offend anyone, I would just like to keep my distance from these types of people.

Submitted September 24, 2024 at 09:22AM by Low-Inside-5951

Can you list 5 problems in education in your country?

Hi, I am preparing a presentation on education, which is the 4th article of the sustainable development goals of the UN. Can you list 5 problems in education in your country? I want to evaluate the common problems and conflicting differences of different cultures education systems.

I'm also curious about your suggestions, developments on this subject, and your views on what major or unnoticed questions the lack of education creates in your country.

Thank you.

Submitted September 24, 2024 at 08:36AM by Weak_Impress218

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024

Inspirational story to tell 5th/6th graders before going to bed at a residential science camp?

I work at a residential science camp where 5th/6th graders stay from Monday to Friday. We have a campfire program on the 1st night where we do silly songs/skits and roast marshmallows. Usually between 130 to 200 kids.

I would like to tell a story to them as a wind down activity before bed time. I usually do a "Rain" activity where we make it sound like it's raining. It works well but I would rather have a story since it is more of a campfire activity. Something inspirational. I could save the Rain activity for Thursday night instead.

There was one I knew of a bunch of starfish on the beach but I'd like to hear some others ones people have used. No longer than 7 to 10 minutes preferably. TIA!

Submitted September 23, 2024 at 10:52AM by No-Fly-5116

Young professionals are struggling to socially adapt in the workplace – educators can help

This article describes how students are struggling, and includes some concrete suggestions on what educators can do to help.

Submitted September 23, 2024 at 07:34AM by ILikeNeurons

New Career Pathway

I am currently on my 2nd semester back at my local community college in California. I’m taking only Business/Accounting courses to get my AA in accounting.

So far, I’m actually really enjoying the courses. It’s hard work, but it just makes sense in my brain and I like getting into how accounting works.

However, I’m a bit lost at where I should stop this journey. I currently have a BA in History from a few years back and obviously the two fields don’t overlap in any coursework, so this is all new to me. I know that I can get the AA in accounting by completing the coursework at the college I’m at. However, if I want a better/high position in the future, I would, ideally, like to have a BA or MA, but don’t know how to go about this.

I’ve researched and pretty much none of the CSUs and UCs would allow for me to transfer and get a second BA. On the other hand, I’ve never applied for an MA and would have no idea how that would work and what I would need to do in order to do this. Any suggestions on where? I’m currently in Los Angeles, btw.

If anyone out there has completed a BA and completely changed course later on, please let me know how to proceed from here.

Submitted September 23, 2024 at 03:02AM by Potledomfan

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2024

Cybersecurity Community Outreach Project for Schools

Hello everyone!

I am a high-school student coming from a middle-to-low-income area. While I'm very grateful to be able to have supportive parents who allow me to do what I love, that's not the case for many students in my area. Therefore, I'm starting a community service project that aims to bring cybersecurity opportunities to middle and high school students here!

The idea is to create a program that is accessible for these kids to learn cybersecurity techniques. They would go directly through schools, requiring less commitment or outside travel. After a 5-week course, students can choose to participate in an online district-wide "capture-the-flag" event. Each completed challenge will award students with a flag that collects points. Students will compete with peers from their school or district, and the event can be completed either from home or in the classroom (similar to NCL and USCyber games if anyone is familiar). All challenges will be open for a week, allowing flexibility. Each concept will be easy to grasp and understand, hooking the minds of these students to pursue this career field further.

Now for the rising question: why post to Reddit?

I'm seeking help coordinating concepts, gathering resources, moderating, etc. I am meeting with my district on the 30th to discuss any limitations. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for beginner resources, what topics should be covered, possible grants, or anything in between! This will be a community effort; right now, it's just me. Any and all help is much appreciated :)

Submitted September 22, 2024 at 09:54PM by Alternative_Set4996

what transfer programs associate degree to get into law school eventually? associate in arts at local community college ?

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Submitted September 22, 2024 at 04:12PM by black-rain5407

Online college?

Hello, I am really wanting to go to college for either child development, medical coding/billing, OR video game designer. What online colleges/classes do y'all recommend for any of those? (preferably somewhere in Texas, but if not that okay)

Thank you!

Submitted September 22, 2024 at 02:19PM by Mysterious-Bid6653

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2024

BioTechnology or Microbiology?

which one should I pursue for my undergrad? which has better career prospects????

Submitted September 21, 2024 at 08:12AM by Puzzleheaded-Gap2331

Unlocking Academic Excellence AI Mentors With the complex Prompt

—-Start from the Prompt—-

**Role-Playing Scenario:**

**You are [RabbitronLab]**, a highly experienced, friendly, and knowledgeable mentor with expertise in **[Put Course Name here ]**. Your goal is to assist a student in understanding, designing, and completing their assignment. Focus on enhancing the student's comprehension, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to help them achieve an A+ grade ethically.

**Instructions for the Mentor ([RabbitronLab])**


Guide the student through a collaborative, step-by-step process to understand and complete their assignment effectively. Ensure the student comprehends each concept thoroughly and develops the necessary skills for academic excellence.

**Guidance Steps**

**Step 1: Warm Welcome and Information Gathering**

* **Greet the Student Warmly:**

  - "Hello! I'm excited to work with you on your assignment in **[Put Course Name here]**. How can I assist you today?"

* **Gather Assignment Details:**

  1. **Confirm the Subject or Course:**

  • "Could you please confirm the subject or course this assignment is for?"

  2. **Request Assignment Details:**

  • "Can you provide me with the specific details and objectives of your assignment, including any guidelines or requirements?"

  3. **Ask About Initial Thoughts and Challenges:**

  • "Do you have any initial ideas or areas where you're experiencing difficulties that you'd like to discuss?"

* **Identify Learning Preferences:**

  - "How do you prefer to learn? Do you find visual aids, discussions, or hands-on activities more effective?"

* **Organize the Conversation:**

  - Number your questions to keep the interaction structured.

**Step 2: Understanding and Clarifying the Assignment**

* **Paraphrase the Assignment to Confirm Understanding:**

  - "So, your assignment involves **[paraphrase the assignment requirements]**. Is that correct?"

* **Clarify Any Ambiguities:**

  - "Could you elaborate on **[specific aspect or area]**? I want to ensure we have a clear understanding of what's expected."

* **Break Down the Assignment:**

  - Divide the assignment into manageable parts or milestones.

* **Discuss Grading Criteria:**

  - "Let's look at what's required to achieve an A+ grade. Are there specific criteria or a grading rubric provided?"

* **Check for Understanding:**

  - "Can you summarize what we've discussed so far to ensure everything is clear?"

**Step 3: Designing a Suitable Solution**

* **Brainstorm with the Student:**

  - Encourage them to share their ideas first.

  - Ask open-ended questions to stimulate thinking:

  • "What approaches have you considered so far?"

  • "How do you think **[concept/method]** applies to your assignment?"

* **Tailor to Learning Preferences:**

  - "Based on your preference for **[learning style]**, would you like to incorporate any specific types of resources or activities?"

* **Guide the Development of a Plan:**

  - Help outline the structure of the assignment.

  - Discuss relevant theories, concepts, or methodologies.

* **Suggest Diverse Resources:**

  - Recommend credible books, articles, videos, or interactive modules.

  - Encourage the use of academic sources for deeper understanding.

**Step 4: Collaborating on the Assignment**

* **Work Through Each Section:**

  - Address each part of the assignment sequentially.

  - Discuss key points and arguments to include.

  - Provide the answer or solution to the student step by step after receiving feedback from the student.

* **Ask Probing Questions:**

  - "What evidence supports this point?"

  - "How does **[theory/concept]** relate to this aspect?"

* **Provide Constructive Feedback:**

  - Highlight strengths in their approach.

  - Suggest areas for deeper analysis or improvement.

* **Encourage Self-Explanation:**

  - "Can you explain this section in your own words to ensure you've grasped the concept?"

**Step 5: Reviewing and Refining**

* **Review Against Requirements and Grading Criteria:**

  - Ensure all assignment criteria are met.

  - Discuss any gaps or areas needing further development.

* **Suggest Enhancements:**

  - Offer ideas for improving clarity, depth, and originality.

* **Emphasize Academic Integrity:**

  - Remind the student to cite all sources properly.

  - Encourage original thought and expression.

* **Conduct a Self-Assessment:**

  - "How confident do you feel about each section of your assignment? Are there areas you'd like to revisit?"

**Step 6: Final Feedback and Encouragement**

* **Provide Positive Reinforcement:**

  - Acknowledge the student's hard work and progress.

  - Highlight specific areas where they excelled.

* **Offer Final Advice:**

  - Share tips on final proofreading and submission.

  - Encourage them to reflect on what they've learned.

* **Discuss Time Management:**

  - "Do you feel prepared to meet your submission deadline? Would you like help creating a final checklist?"

* **Invite Further Questions:**

  - "Do you have any other questions or concerns before wrapping up?"

**Step 7: Wrap Up**

* **Summarize Key Takeaways:**

  - Recap the main points discussed and the plan moving forward.

* **Encourage Ongoing Learning:**

  - Suggest ways to apply these skills in future assignments.

* **Express Confidence in Their Abilities:**

  - "I'm confident that with your dedication, you'll achieve an A+ on this assignment."

* **Provide Resources for Continued Support:**

  - "Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or have more questions in the future."

**Tone and Style Guidelines**

* **Supportive and Encouraging:**

  - Maintain a positive and motivating tone throughout the interaction.

* **Professionalism:**

  - Use clear, academic language suitable for higher education.

* **Active Engagement:**

  - Encourage the student to participate actively and think critically.

* **Adaptability:**

  - Be flexible in your approach based on the student's responses and needs.

**Educational Ethics**

* **Do Not Provide Direct Answers or Full Solutions:**

  - Guide the student to develop solutions on their own.

* **Ensure Understanding:**

  - Regularly check for comprehension and encourage questions.

* **Uphold Academic Integrity:**

  - Emphasize the importance of originality and proper citation.

**Placeholder Instructions**

* **[RabbitronLabEdu]:** Replace with the desired name for the mentor character.

* **[Project Management]:** Replace with the specific subject or course name.

* **[paraphrase the assignment requirements]:** Summarize the assignment details provided by the student.

* **[concept/method]:** Insert relevant concepts or methods applicable to the assignment.

* **[specific aspect]:** Identify any part of the assignment that needs clarification.

* **[learning style]:** Insert the student's preferred learning style (e.g., visual, auditory).

**Example Interaction**

**Mentor:** "Hello! I'm excited to work with you on your assignment in **[Project Management]**. How can I assist you today?

  1. Could you please confirm the subject or course this assignment is for?

  2. Can you provide me with the specific details and objectives of your assignment, including any guidelines or requirements?

  3. Do you have any initial ideas or areas where you're experiencing difficulties that you'd like to discuss?

  4. How do you prefer to learn? Do you find visual aids, discussions, or hands-on activities more effective?"


By implementing these enhancements, your prompt will:

* **Address Diverse Learning Needs:** Cater to different learning styles, making the mentoring process more personalized and effective.

* **Enhance Interaction and Engagement:** Foster a more interactive dialogue with periodic check-ins and self-explanation opportunities.

* **Promote Critical Thinking and Reflection:** Encourage the student to engage in metacognitive practices, deepening their understanding.

* **Ensure Flexibility and Adaptability:** Allow the mentor to adjust strategies based on the student's progress and feedback.

* **Expand Resource Utilization:** Provide a broader range of resources to support varied learning preferences.

* **Strengthen Motivation and Time Management:** Help students stay motivated and manage their time efficiently, contributing to their overall academic success.

* **Maintain Clarity and Professionalism:** Ensure instructions are clear and the tone remains supportive and professional throughout the interaction.

**Remember:** The goal is to empower the student to succeed independently while maintaining academic integrity and fostering a supportive and adaptable learning environment. These enhancements aim to create a more dynamic and responsive mentoring experience that can cater to individual student needs more effectively.

—-End of the Prompt—-

Submitted September 21, 2024 at 07:30AM by Miniere

Going back to school

I have my BA in sociology and my AA in criminology. I'm thinking of going to grad school but I don't know what for. My job is a call center based job and I refuse to go back to school without a path/goal so I don't end up in the same situation (a lot of debt, minimal pay). Does anyone have any tips or opinions on going to grad school versus getting certifications? Also, any good career paths + the corresponding degree path ideas would be great so I can maybe hear about options I'm not familiar with. Thank you all ♥️

Submitted September 21, 2024 at 03:38AM by Traditional_Dig_9453

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024

Educators, hear me out

I think if professors/teachers were to implement this idea into the classroom the results would speak for themselves. 2-3 or however many weeks into the semester, randomly choose an assignment in which you will award all students who turned it in on time extra credit points that scale based on how many days before the due date they submitted the assignment. Might not work as well in lower level education settings, but for people like me who struggle with procrastination, I know if my professor did this it would be sufficient motivation to do the work ahead of time.

Submitted September 20, 2024 at 04:40PM by Resident-Rhubarb5034

UK medical school

Hey, so if there are any uk based people in here I wanted to ask a question. I don’t really know where else could help and I think speaking to people rather than reading text off websites would help me not spiral.

I did my UCAT admissions exam yesterday and scored 2620 and band 2 in situational judgement which to my understanding is a very average, nothing special kind of score and I’m really disappointed in myself, I crumbled under the pressure but I want to try and push through it and pick up the pieces. Growing up through my school like i was raised by a really psychologically unwell mum and whilst she tried her hardest to raise us (love you mum) my schooling and overall development socially was really stunted, she was involved in a prevalent news case and my advisors at school told me they will mention it in my references because it reflects a lot about me. In my A-Levels I got AAB and an A* in EPQ (a mini dissertation kind of thing) but in my year of doing A-Levels the grades were really deflated and so this ultimately isn’t a bad set of grades. I’m resitting some exams as I believe I can really get A*’s in at at least 2 maybe 1 of them. My GCSEs are all 8s too. I’m not a bad student but I went to university for a first year of chemical engineering and hated it but I achieved all 1:1 (top marks) in my modules but decided it wasn’t for me.

I’m worried that me crumbling in my UCAT as thrown chances for me but I’m not sure.

Am I over reacting and should pull myself together?

I’m 19 and I know that’s young but it’s difficult seeing my friends loving uni and their courses and I’m left behind.

Submitted September 20, 2024 at 10:57AM by aaaassddff

If Math is so Important, How Come There are so Many BAD Math Teachers?

Interested to know why so many schools believe math is important, while having bad and terrible math teachers?

Submitted September 20, 2024 at 07:03AM by ayhme

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

Adult Education credential in California

Hello all. I am interested in teaching adults in California, but I am having trouble figuring out how to obtain a Designated Subject Credential in Adult Education. Anyone out there have some intel on the process and/or programs?

Submitted September 19, 2024 at 10:25AM by PristineEnthusiasm

Hello I was given the topic "scripted and non-scripted performances" in speech and theater.

I want my presentation to be interactive and long. But google gives me only a few and brief definition about it. What sub topics should I include to make my presentation meaningful?

Submitted September 19, 2024 at 04:52AM by CockroachAntique3440

Most schools neglect the humane development of students and focus on academic standards; how do we change this?

So I came across an excellent 5-minute play about a teacher who wished to use art education to help develop a sense of compassion and responsibility in students in a non-coercive manner. The Hooghly Review - "Art is Not English" by Daniel Gauss

In the very short play, the teacher is humiliated and attacked by administrators.

Do you also feel that we have neglected the humane development of our students in our attempt to cover every single American Common Core Standard in existence?

Can we talk about what each of us can do to bring humanity and compassion and love into a classroom?

Can you give examples of kindness and love and concern just breaking out in your classroom despite the attention given to purely academic standards?

Is there a way we can codify this, is there a way we can put compassion into the curriculum?

Submitted September 19, 2024 at 01:29AM by gubernatus

Curriculum interview

I have to prepare an hour long presentation for a head of curriculum job interview. I am trying to think of some interactive ideas to start the presentation. I have some thoughts but I would love any extra ideas please.

Submitted September 18, 2024 at 11:35PM by Defiant-Voice-8278

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024

Formative Assessment ideas needed!

I am looking for tangible (can take to my PLC) formative assessment ideas for grades chemistry and geometry grades 9-12. I don’t need actual assessments (unless you’re willing to share) just ideas and descriptions.

Submitted September 18, 2024 at 09:01AM by local2852

Parent teacher relationships

Hello! My child development course requires I interview a teacher about their opinions, thoughts, & ideas on parent involvement- Only two questions proposed below!! Both positive and negative feedback on the topic encouraged! Unfortunately, my observations haven’t started yet & I don’t know any teachers aside from college professors, so I’m hoping some of you could provide me with some insight. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  1. In your experience, what have you learned and gained from building strong working relationships with parents.

  2. Based on the group of parents at your school or whom you’ve worked with, what potential resources could these parents offer to better support the school and your teaching efforts?

Submitted September 18, 2024 at 07:41AM by PippinPew

Need Advice on My BA in Accounting and Finance vs. BSc Dilemma

Hey everyone,

I’m a student at the University of Derby, about to start my Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance. I previously completed a diploma in Business and Finance Management, allowing me to top up to my degree in about 1.5 years. I’ve already paid my tuition, and classes are set to begin in just five days.

Recently, I mentioned my degree to some friends, and their reaction really threw me off. They argued that a BA in Accounting and Finance is less valuable than a BSc, saying it might even be “worthless” for my career. They’ve suggested that I might be wasting my money and time on this path. Some friends have encouraged me to switch to the BSc in Business and Management, which is the only other option available at my university.

I’ve been trying to change my course for the past week, but I haven’t heard back from the university, and I’m worried I might be too late to make this change.

So, I’m reaching out for your advice:

  1. Is a BA in Accounting and Finance really considered less valuable in the job market?
  2. Will it impact my job prospects in accounting or finance?
  3. Should I stick with the BA, or should I try harder to switch to the BSc?

I’d really appreciate any insights or experiences you can share. Thank you so much for your help!

Submitted September 18, 2024 at 03:31AM by Standard_Feature2135

I am lost

Hi , I made some stupid mistakes in my early life , I used to be quite good in maths and science and I was planning on taking my stream as science but due to financial situations and pressure from relatives , my parents kind of forced me to take commerce, and now after doing degree in commerce, I just can't do this anymore its not that i am bad or my result is poor, its quite good and now my parents are kind of pushing me for high education but Its killing me from inside , i just dont understand commerce nor I never liked it. And now I am at point of life where I am lost , I don't see any future here, I want to go back but with all the hope that my parents have on me , I can't break their hope I Just don't know anymore, so what should I do now ? Should I live the way I am now ?

Submitted September 18, 2024 at 12:57AM by Wide-Payment-9491

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024

Best Websites for 1st Graders

Mt husband and I volunteered to be the computer helpers in our kids first grade. The teacher has programs for reading and math, but would like some more fun learning sites.

I would love some recommendations to check out!


Submitted September 17, 2024 at 02:11PM by stinkters

In English class, should students be taught how to write an entire novel based on their plot outlines using ChatGPT?

Students would need to exercise their creativity to come up with their own original plot lines.

Submitted September 17, 2024 at 10:01AM by amichail

I forgot how to learn (teach myself something). Need help.

I was good at school and was learning during the class times from the teachers i had, but during the last year of high school i started taking extra classes for the exam of admission at Uni. Now getting into my final Uni year I realised that beacuse of the lack of quality education at uni i forgot how to learn. I started trying methods like: simply reading, summarising, listening or other methods i don't t remember rn. The best methods were practical and i still have a good memory. What should I do? I consider myself a lazy person who has bursts of trying to learn a lot at times. How could I help myself cus I think that i jeopardise my future by being like that.

Submitted September 17, 2024 at 10:06AM by bengosu16

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Why does college just expect you to know how computers work?

Not everyone is good with computers. It baffles me that they don't have classes or tutors for this and instead they just make you get a laptop and somehow know how to work with it with no experience. The "native digital" shit is just infuriating.

Submitted September 16, 2024 at 10:38AM by 99999887890

Standardized testing

So I’m doing an informative speech on standardized testing, and had to research academic articles in support and disagreement. Tell me why I can’t find any that actually, 100% support standardized testing that weren’t published like 30 years ago! Idk what research the government is using to justify it but I sure can’t fuckin find it

Submitted September 16, 2024 at 08:52AM by weatherman999

Question: What methods are used to teach girls to code in Africa?

I'm wondering what methods, techniques were used to teach girls to code in Africa.

I know they used robotics, games, web pages, etc.

I'm wondering more about the educational methods.

Are there any good resources where I can learn more about it?


Submitted September 16, 2024 at 02:59AM by zardon0

Are too many students going to College?

Okay so hear me out here. I'm aware there's far too many students who should be going to college who can't because of their background. There's a lot of disadvantage. I don't want to overlook this, but why has college become the height of young people's aspirations? I think it'd be far better if it was just as ambitious to get straight into business, learn a trade etc etc. Academia isn't for everyone.

Submitted September 16, 2024 at 01:34AM by sleepycamus

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Which should I choose: B.Tech in Food Technology at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, Bachelor of Optometry at a West Bengal state university, or BBA at Pondicherry University?

No text found

Submitted September 15, 2024 at 08:09AM by dulha_mia

Why aren't different philosophies being taught in my highschool?

Im just now learning about all this stuff online and im genuinely curious because this seems a lot more meaningful than half of the bullshit classes i take 😡


Submitted September 15, 2024 at 06:15AM by mincraftcookie

Reading app that uses AI to turn stories into games- Looking for feedback!

Hi everyone,

I’m a teacher developing a platform designed to make reading as fun as your child’s favorite game!

With our app kids can create fantasy characters, read stories about their characters and watch as they come to life in video games.

We’re looking for families with kids ages 6-14 to test it out and give us feedback. The app supports a wide range of reading levels from 1st to 10th grade.

If you’re interested, you can check it out here:

Thank you!

Submitted September 15, 2024 at 05:42AM by SwordfishOk8998

Educational video site

As a parent I’m looking for video website that has just educational content. While YouTube is great, we find that it has too many distractions that interfere with homework.

Submitted September 15, 2024 at 03:15AM by Toobrish

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024

What are my chances of applying a master's degree in interdisciplinary biology?

Hello everyone! I apologize for the long text, but I have a difficult situation. I'm dreaming of applying a master's program in one of interdisciplinary specialities related with biology and medicine. I know math, CS and physics well, but currently I'm AMCS bachelor student. So answer please few my questions.

1) are courses I'll get suitable for bioinformatics and such interdisciplinary specialties as biophysics, mathematical biology, systems biology, bioengineering, neuroinformatics? 2) how high are the chances that my dream of becoming a world-class scientist will be destroyed because I am Russian? 3) where can I find out about this on my own? I think my situation is quite rare. 4) since I will receive a Bachelor's degree, will my diploma be accepted as well as any other European one?

(!!!) I only consider the best universities. (top 1-50)

~~~~~~~ MATHEMATICS: * Introduction to Bioinformatics - 3 ECTS * Mathematical Modeling in Medicine - 3 ECTS * Mathematical Modeling in the Chemical Industry - 3 ECTS * Mathematical Analysis - 20 ECTS * Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry - 14 ECTS * Discrete Mathematics - 5 ECTS * Mathematical Logic and Algorithm Theory - 3 ECTS * Differential and Difference Equations - 2 ECTS * Probability Theory - 5 ECTS * Stochastic Processes - 3 ECTS * Mathematical Statistics - 4 ECTS * Optimization Methods - 4 ECTS * Numerical Methods - 7 ECTS * Markov Queuing Systems - 2 ECTS * Simulation Modeling - 3 ECTS * Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling - 3 ECTS * Applied Systems Analysis - 2 ECTS * Optimal Control Theory - 4 ECTS * Queuing Theory - 3 ECTS * Testable Design of Logical Networks - 4 ECTS ~~~~~~~ NEXT ~~~~~~~ COMPUTER SCIENCE: * Introduction to Data Mining - 3 ECTS * Statistical Methods of Machine Learning - 4 ECTS * Neural Networks - 4 ECTS * High-Performance Big Data Processing Technologies - 3 ECTS * Operating Systems - 4 ECTS * Computer Architecture - 2 ECTS * Computer Networks - 4 ECTS * Computer Science - 8 ECTS * Algorithms and Data Structures - 5 ECTS * Databases - 4 ECTS * Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - 3 ECTS * Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - 3 ECTS * Introduction to Software Engineering - 2 ECTS * Industry Digitalization Technologies - 2 ECTS * Structural Design - 3 ECTS * Parallel Programming - 3 ECTS * Web Technologies - 4 ECTS * Compilation Methods - 3 ECTS * Computational Complexity Theory - 2 ECTS * Programming Languages - 4 ECTS * Mobile Platform Application Development - 2 ECTS * Requirements Development and Analysis - 4 ECTS * UNIX Operating System - 3 ECTS * Virtualization and Containerization Systems - 4 ECTS * DevOps Engineering - 4 ECTS * Software Implementation and Testing - 3 ECTS ~~~~~~~ NEXT ~~~~~~~ GENERAL DEVELOPMENT: * Physical Culture and Sports - 2 ECTS * History of Russia - 4 ECTS * Life Safety - 2 ECTS * Philosophy - 3 ECTS * English Language - 10 ECTS * Law - 2 ECTS * Economics - 3 ECTS * Entrepreneurship - 2 ECTS * Fundamentals of Russian Statehood - 2 ECTS ~~~~~~~ NEXT ~~~~~~~ Core Disciplines Unrelated to Other Fields: * Data-Driven Management - 4 ECTS * Emotional Intelligence and Communication - 2 ECTS * IT Industry Management - 4 ECTS * Startup Industry Economics - 3 ECTS * Computational Linguistics - 3 ECTS * Critical Thinking and Writing - 2 ECTS * Physics - 3 ECTS * Complex Analysis - 2 ECTS ~~~~~~~ NEXT ~~~~~~~ PRACTICE: * Research Work (Acquiring Primary Research Skills) - 6 ECTS * Research Work - 8 ECTS * Practice in Acquiring Primary Professional Skills - 2 ECTS * Practice in Acquiring Primary Professional Skills: Simulation Modeling - 2 ECTS * Technological (Project and Technological) Practice: NIPI Oil - 2 ECTS * Completion and Defense of the Final Qualifying Work - 9 ECTS


My university is TSU, Russia. I entered University in 2023 and I'll graduate as Bachelor in 2027, I'm currently 18 y.o. I am very afraid that another country (Germany, China, USA, Canada etc (with good lvl of education)) will not accept me for a master's degree program related to biology (or in particular bioinformatics) because I am Russian. But my university is top 2-5 in Russia, and I plan to transfer to Moscow State University next year.

Submitted September 14, 2024 at 10:32AM by Sergiorius_Terrible

How to get ahead

So currently I am taking my districts non-advanced, basic 8th grade pre-alg class. But, this sets me on track to take alg1 in 9th, geometry in 10th, and alg2 in 11th. Taking alg2 in eleventh means I am not fully prepared for the PSAT. I could probably switch to algebra 1 for my 8th grade year, but I fear that in my current situation I would not be prepared for the class and would likely not learn a lot of things from pre-algebra which i’m scared could set me behind even further than I already am. I haven’t researched summer classes, or after school tutoring. What if my best option were

Submitted September 14, 2024 at 08:18AM by HumanAssignment2036

I heard a clear explanation of what the problem with education is these days—is it true?

I heard this fascinating explanation of why education is failing kids and from everything I've learned and seen about this topic it feels spot on, but I'd like to get others' viewpoints on it. It basically went, "10-20 years ago, it was the parent/student's job to keep up with the one teacher's curriculum, now it's the teacher's job to keep up with each and every student's own speed/style of learning." So the responsibility has shifted from the student/parent entirely onto the teacher, but since one single teacher obviously can't keep up with 30-40 individual kid's learning, they've all been left behind. What do you think about this explanation?

Submitted September 14, 2024 at 07:10AM by Gurrgurrburr

How to teach English if I am not a teacher?

Since my English is good, I am helping some neighbors and friends improve their English. However, I haven't improved my English through any organized courses or even in school. it's been an accumulation of years and years of reading and searching for everything I need in English.

Movies have also played a pivotal role in improving my language skills.

Now, while I am trying to help others improve their English, I feel distracted about which plan I should follow with them. How can I harness my proper English to teach others the language with an organized plan?

Submitted September 14, 2024 at 02:36AM by optmstcnihilist

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

Looking to change engineering degree

Hi. I'm a recent Chemical Engineering Graduate. I have been looking for a job for almost 8 months and still haven't got a job. I have already changed my CV to be "more appealing" to employers, which made me being called for more interviews, but still not being hired. I only have job experience working for the university; I also tried freelancing in coding and still got nothing. In retrospect, I did like my college degree, but I always wanted to work in automation technology; my college didn't offer any classes about it except for basic controls (Process Control and Dynamics I). I got an offer to do a master's degree in AI in Chemical Engineering at my college, but I think I'll get further away from what I really want. I talked to my parents and they told me they'll allow me to study a second bachelor's in Mechatronics Engineering if I so desire. Then, besides the student privileges (free MS, scholarships, studying abroad for a semester, health insurance), I can also apply to internships easier, instead of trainee positions. However, in my country, I think I'll have to study the entire degree, including basic and weed-out classes. It is kind of discouraging to see all my acquaintances and friends already working, and my family needs a higher income. I would still try to find a job, even if I'd have to put my second bachelor's on hold. What do you think?

Submitted September 13, 2024 at 11:12AM by LeatherBike74

a level options + post school

hi! so i need to pic my a level options rn and i'm so confused omd. ik i wanna go like somewhere in tech but that's all ik 😭😭 so i kinda wanna do smth that will keep my options available for a leve options also should i go uni or do an apprentineship?

Submitted September 13, 2024 at 09:26AM by Routine-Back-4135

Practical vs ideal education based new curriculums based of hands on experience and project based learning

Hi everyone:
According to you, one approach would be the approach for kids to their curriculum slowly, like adding moral science to the curriculum to make them understand what is right and wrong with stories, adding new techniques to the Singaporean curriculum for Singaporean maths also someone recommended adding the Vedic maths in the curriculum for quick calculations of mathematics equations and calculations.
What else can be added to kids ' schooling curriculum which less unheard of or is getting popular in other parts of the world?
How would teach introduce spiritual aspects of working toward ego dissolution and innovation aspects?

Submitted September 13, 2024 at 08:06AM by Glittering-State3563

Why teach history in depth?

I’m curious about this in general, and I’m also in my 12th year of homeschooling my kids. I grew up going to public school and pretty much hated history because of having to memorize dates, names, battle locations, etc. although I have found history much more interesting while teaching it to my children, I don’t quite understand why it’s taught in such depth, even in elementary school. And curriculum that I use, or in public schools, I come across history being taught with wrote memorization and a focus on analysisand depth. To me, it seems it would be more beneficial to focus on a general overview, maybe highlighting stories of important figures. (please excuse errors as I’m using voice text and my phone won’t allow me to edit for some reason) We live in Virginia and I remember going to Mount Vernon and finding George Washington’s life really fascinating. That is how history should be taught to kids! Another example of this is my son who is currently taking general education classes at community college and wants to pursue a career in biomedical engineering. His history class is quite intense and I really don’t agree with him having to go through all of that when he’s going to forget 90% of it and it has no relevance to his chosen career. I suppose this argument could be made for other general Ed subjects but I’m just wondering about history. Even in society… Why do we have all of this focus on the past? I mean, it’s huge… There are books, historical sites, discussions, analysis, people who spend their careers focused on it. Is there another argument in favor of this other than “so we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past“? I’d love to hear thoughts on this because I feel like I must be missing something. Again, I’m not saying history should not be taught at all, I am just confused as to why it is studied in such depth or why kids/college students are required to learn it in detail. (also why do people in greater society obsess about it so much?)

Submitted September 13, 2024 at 04:13AM by FactorNo4347

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

Question for European colleges/schools - Do you know of any colleges/schools/institutions that teach Critical Thinking as an explicit subject?

Would appreciate the grade of the students it's taught to, the name of the school and the country. Thanks :)

Submitted September 12, 2024 at 12:41PM by alwaysroomforcake

How long are school records keep? School has no school records of our kids attendance.

Our daughter should have graduated in 2020. She dropped out of school in 2019 because she was sick and nobody cared, turns out she had mono and the doctor didn’t tell us. Anyway I got curious what records they had so I called the school the other day to obtain her school records. They have no school records of her attendance there. I’m confused, I thought they had to keep them until they were requested, am I wrong?

Submitted September 12, 2024 at 11:56AM by 14kinikia

Slowly but Surely, U.S. School Buses Are Starting to Electrify

U.S. school districts are starting to switch from diesel to electric buses, boosted by a $5 billion federal grant program. There is urgency to phasing out diesel, experts say, as children are highly vulnerable to air pollution. A recent study found districts that phased out older diesel buses saw a boost in attendance and test scores. Read more.

Submitted September 12, 2024 at 04:17AM by YaleE360

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

[Survey] Help shape the future of AI in K-12 education! Parents' perspectives needed (10 min survey)

Hello Parents!

We're a team of UX design students at the University of North Texas, and we need your help! We're researching how AI technology can support communication between parents and teachers in K-12 education.

We're specifically looking for parents of K-12 students to take our quick 10-minute survey.
Our survey explores:

  • Your current involvement in your child's education
  • Preferred communication methods with teachers
  • Your comfort level with AI and online tools in education
  • Ideas for improving parent-teacher communication

Even if you don't have K-12 kids, we'd love your opinion on using AI in education!
[Survey Link]

Your responses are completely anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes.
Thank you for your time and insights! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

Submitted September 11, 2024 at 01:53PM by duncman_

Hello! Can someone tell me if Cengage Unlimited is Worth It?

I have one class, Econ Micro that uses Cengage with MindTap . I have two other classes that don't use it but I saw that Cenage has test prep material for those classes. I have a learning disability and I could use all the help I can receive. Is Cenage Unlimited worth the $129.99 just for what I described? The other two classes are Managerial Accounting and Marketing if that matters,

Submitted September 11, 2024 at 03:08AM by Darkerthanblack64

Generate quizzes online in one click using AI

You can create quizzes and share it with your students on

Submitted September 11, 2024 at 01:38AM by BotElias

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

I’m a bus monitor. How would I handle an active shooter situation on the bus?

This has been a lingering question with the drivers and monitors way before recently. No one seems to have an answer for us. Any insight or advice would be appreciated. I get extremely anxious about it.

Submitted September 10, 2024 at 11:16AM by ssl0th

Why aren't touch typing classes mandatory in K12 education?

It's not just about typing speed. Looking at the keyboard while typing is a major distraction.

Submitted September 10, 2024 at 07:23AM by amichail

Scholarship Help

Not sure where else to ask this.

I teach an elective for upperclassmen at my school. This year, my course was approved to offer early college credit for students as it fulfills the same requirements as the university 101 level course on the same subject.

Unfortunately, the program fee to earn credit is $300 and many of my students can't afford this. I know the College Board offers waivers for students receiving free or reduced lunch, but since this program is directly through the university, there is no discount available (I asked).

I'm looking to apply for a grant or scholarship that can help my students fund this opportunity, if they're interested. Does anyone have any info on how to go about this or organizations to reach out to?

Submitted September 10, 2024 at 04:41AM by gayaryastark

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2024

People who have taken Online Courses at home: How long did it take for you to finish?

I need to complete 3 grade 12 courses (English, Math/Chem, Biology) in order to complete my High School Diploma and I want to take my courses online (I am 24). I have taken a few courses in the past and actually liked it way more than going into a classroom as I was comfortable in my own home and was able to set my own schedule.

I want to get a job as soon as possible so completing these courses is my main goal. I am confident that my quality of work won't suffer as I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work. Do you think it's possible to complete these courses before mid-2025? Has anyone been able to complete a course in a fast amount of time with good grades?

Submitted September 09, 2024 at 06:26PM by melonwithafelon

Remote Learning

I ,M19, am studying to take my ASVAB. I have test prep book but I find it hard to focus when I try to study. I can sit down in a quiet room with zero distractions and my thoughts still wonder. What are good ways to help keep my focus on the task at hand?

Submitted September 09, 2024 at 03:24PM by Obvious_Enthusiasm56

online my senior year of hs

im trying to figure out the best way to do online school for my senior year, ive been in school for a few weeks and im just over it and ready to be done, i have anxiety and remote learning is just so much easier for me. i only need english 12 and gov to graduate. what program would be my best bet, and will this affect me getting into college ??

Submitted September 09, 2024 at 10:49AM by flushyslush

NPR compares the candidates on the subject near and dear to our hearts

Here is where Trump and Harris stand on 6 education issues

Link in comments

Submitted September 09, 2024 at 07:04AM by theresourcefulKman

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2024

Mathematical aptitude

Hello. Can anyone share career titles that require a solid college level math background which do not have anything to do with the chemistry field?

Submitted September 08, 2024 at 03:31PM by Ok-Instance3418

Women outnumber men in the education systems and why?

I have read some articles that suggest that in more developed regions such as Europe and America, the proportion of women in all levels of educational institutions is increasing. In higher education such as undergraduate and graduate studies, the percentage of women is higher than that of men. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon? What impact will this have on the future workplace?

Submitted September 08, 2024 at 02:33PM by Patient_Tie_3782

My Fiance needs some advice with regards to having a foreign (Philippines) Masteral degree in Administration and Supervision in California

Hi! So I will just ask on behalf of my fiance. I don't know about the complexities of the education system here so please be demure in answering and explaining to me haha

She is now living in the Philippines. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English studies and she's now currently taking her Diploma in Teaching. After she takes the board exam this year, she will become a licensed professional teacher (LPT) and she will become a double degree holder ( Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with a major in English).

While I haven't petitioned her because of my deployments in the US military and other agendas of mine related to my work being a Helicopter Mechanic, she's gonna do some teaching work for about 3-4 years while taking the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) major in Administration and Supervision there in the Philippines.

After having the masteral degree and let's say we're married and she's already in California- can her teaching credentials in the Philippines and her masteral degree in admin and supervision be credited in the US? What are her pathways here? What are the jobs that she can take having those degrees and those credentials?

Thank you in advance for answering and explaining it to me!

Submitted September 08, 2024 at 10:34AM by AdministrationOk8803

I’m scared for my future

I don’t know what to do w my life, im in highschool, and an immigrant i dont have green card and my parents told me i have to do a lot or studying in school to get a greencard so i can get a job that will sponsor me, Im in all on-level classes, no aps, im in 10th grade, im in no sports, no clubs, i havent started studying for sats and I’m worried on my classes and credits i hardly have anything that will help me get credits. i have a 3.1 gpa and i dont know where to start to get anything up higher. I feel so average and like a disappointment i just dont know where to start to help me get somewhere higher in school.

Submitted September 08, 2024 at 09:58AM by incvinerate

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024

Would you consider these books appropriate?

Books for my class

During morning meeting and any spare moments I like to read chapter books or play an audiobook and I was wanting to bring in some of the stories I read as a kid. However just want to make sure that they are appropriate for the kids, I know I read a lot of books at a younger age than what I shouldn't have. My parents were quite lack in that regard so I am struggling to make sure if these books are appropriate/the kids will comprehend them. My kids are in second grade and I was wanting to read to them a couple books. Would these be appropriate for them?

A Series of Unfortunate Events (I like the vocabulary building in it)

Percy Jackson (loved learning more about Greek mythology might be to high for them)

A to Z mysteries

The Bailey School Kids


Judy Moody

And if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear them!

Submitted September 07, 2024 at 10:58AM by Ok_Post8507

Masters degree

Genuine curiosity for people who get their masters. Is it worth it? Did it make a big difference (especially for the job market)? I have been considering getting a master's in civil engineering

Submitted September 07, 2024 at 04:36AM by AalaKash

How is Politecnico di Milano regarded in Europe and USA?

No text found

Submitted September 07, 2024 at 02:34AM by Training-Area6316

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

iPad or laptop for uni? (I already have a nice pc at home)

Hello. I am in grade 12 (senior year) of high school and am looking at universities to attend for mechanical-electrical engineering. My parents told me that I would most likely need a laptop to be able to do many of the things I will have to do in class, however I do already have a really good pc that I just built at home.

Now, with that said, I am looking at an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil to take notes, but if I need to run any programs for my courses, then that is not an option. I do (as mentioned before) have a good pc that can handle anything I throw at it but if I need to do anything during class then I am screwed.

What is your take on this? Any recommendations for what I should buy? Any help and suggestions are welcome.

Submitted September 06, 2024 at 08:54AM by superstuds

Don't move to Oklahoma if you have kids!

Oklahoma's educational system has always been graded poor. And, that is right.

Now the State Education board has banned books, requires teachers to keep a Bible and 10 commandments posted on a wall. And....teach from them.

What happened to separation of religion and and state?

Submitted September 06, 2024 at 05:22AM by wolfen2020

NYC Public Schools Gifted Programs Targeted by Segregation Lawsuit

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Submitted September 06, 2024 at 05:05AM by Dependent_Wafer3866

There needs to be a period; preferably the last of the school day; dedicated to tests and quizzes, such that students can write past time if they need to.

I remember when I used to be a student. Tests would always take me longer to finish than they took most classmates, even though I knew my material better than most classmates. By high school; or at least partway through high school; I was even assigned a separate room in which to start my tests in the first place if only because they knew it'd take so long.

I also remember being a teacher. I hated having to enforce time constraints, but I also hated the fact that students who finished early just had to read ahead in whatever the next section was or do work from other courses, and keeping them from talking while others were writing was an uphill battle, especially in the sorts of towns rife enough with bad parenting that students weren't already respectful enough of each others' need to finish the test in quietly to keep it down if only for each others' sake.

I'll not disclose what I've since switched to, but I don't think these time constraints achieve anything useful as far as teaching students to work quickly goes. I get most of my job work done on time. Somehow I find it easier to work quickly at my present job than grading papers or writing them. Evidently school did a poor job imitating the outside world.

When we assign tests in a lecture's time slot, we are making teachers choose between "make the quiz so short that the rest of class is an uphill battle against talkative early finishers" and "make the test so long that students who take longer than their classmates to finish end up missing lunch and/or the subsequent class." We need something better than this.

My proposal? A dedicated room, and dedicated time slot, at the end of the day, for tests and quizzes. This way, students who finish early can leave to go to the gymnasium or the library, and students who finish late can still stay after school if they need to, therefore missing only the most optional of after school activities. This dedicated room can also be designed in ways that deter cheating and/or catch it.

If this time slot is unused most of the time, it can even double as the physical education time slot, as usually there isn't as much continuity with physical education as with other courses so missing the occasional class isn't as big a deal. And if some student is exempt from physical education for medical reasons, again, they can always go to the library in this time in lieu of the gymnasium.

So what say you, Reddit? Is this a solid proposal or am I missing something here?

Submitted September 06, 2024 at 03:41AM by ShortUsername01

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2024

“Honors” class within regular class?

Apparently my child's high school runs it's "honors" classes within the regular class. So, they will be in bio and three weeks into the school year will have the option to elect into "honors" bio. Where apparently the "honors" students remain in the classroom but do more work (extra papers or extra questions on tests or whatnot).

Honestly, this seems awful to me. The worst possible approach (for the honors kids). Am I wrong? Anyone have experience with this?

Submitted September 05, 2024 at 01:46PM by Plenty-Engine-8929

Criminology major for Forensics???

I’m currently a freshmen college student at James madison university and i’m majoring in biology because i read that a hard science is ideal for a CSI career, but i absolutely hate my bio courses and can’t imagine another 4 years of this. I am planning to switch to a Justice studies major (basically criminal justice/criminology) but i want to know if i’d still be able to get a career in crime scene investigation? I want to work in the field collecting evidence , not the lab. please let me know if this would still be possible or give me alternative career choices.

Side note: I am also thinking of pursuing a masters possibly in forensic science after my bachelors.

Submitted September 05, 2024 at 01:11PM by RemiTheRat1

Do phone bans help students perform better in school?

Full article


"Millions of children who head back to school this fall will find their phones are now gadgets non grata. Chancellor of New York City public schools David Banks has said that he is considering a ban on classroom phone access that would affect 1.1 million students, though the ban will not be in place at the start of the school year. In June his counterparts in Los Angeles approved a similar crackdown, affecting more than 400,000 students and starting in January 2025. More than a dozen states have now enacted school phone restrictions in the U.S. And the U.K. issued new guidelines for schools on phone bans this past February."

We summarize what the evidence shows about how these phone bans impact student performance and mental health. Read more at the link.

Is your district considering a similar ban? Is there already one in place? If so, how is it going?

Submitted September 05, 2024 at 10:15AM by scientificamerican

What are some challenges you've faced using membership plugins for e-learning platforms?

I'd like to know the common pitfalls or limitations you've encountered while using membership plugins for managing online courses

Submitted September 05, 2024 at 01:23AM by Technical-Rise5819

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2024

What is IEP all about?

Does IEP actually help a kid with ADHD or is it just an easy way out of doing actual normal class work because the child is just lazy? Because a 9 year old learning double digit addition and subtraction should already be a no brainer at that age. Step son was looking at the piece of paper like it was rocket science astrophysics.

Is it lack of discipline for a kid to just sit there and try to understand ? Is it also kids with adhd use adhd as an excuse? I Never had this growing up and i have add.. back then you learn what everyone learns if you fail then study harder!

Submitted September 04, 2024 at 06:07AM by Equivalent_Drop2626

LAND A JOB IN YOUR SLEEP! This AI Tool Applies for You!

Ever feel overwhelmed by the job application process? I just discovered LinkedIn AI Hawk, and its a game changer! This tool automates your LinkedIn job applications, allowing you to apply to multiple positions with personalized applications while you relax.

How does it work? It analyzes your professional background, examines job descriptions, and generates tailored CVs and cover letters for each opportunity. In just a month, I was able to secure around 50 interviews without spending all my time on applications!

AI is reshaping how we approach job hunting, making it easier to stand out. Plus, it helps you navigate the automated screening systems many recruiters use today. If you want to give it a shot, check out the project here: GitHub Project.

What are your thoughts on AI in job applications? Do you think it helps or hinders the hiring process?

Submitted September 04, 2024 at 06:06AM by ChiaPlotting

Which Teaching Assistant Course to start with? (UK)

Hi all!

I want to take an online TA course to help me with more opportunities at the school I currently work for.

Upon googling, many results come up and it's hard to tell which ones are legit and offer a recognised qualification at the end.

I came across one from a site called "Think Employment" that offer a Level 2 TA Course online, no placement required etc but I just want to know if they are legit and a good option? I'll link the page we have been looking at

Thanks in advance

Submitted September 04, 2024 at 06:05AM by Kinger8938

is settling for a GED worse than a diploma?

In my senior year of high school (homeschooled btw) and extremely far behind in my classes. Even my mom thinks I should just wait to get a ged. I plan on going to community college regardless so I'm wondering if a ged is equivalent to a diploma so I either push through now or just wait it out

Submitted September 04, 2024 at 06:24AM by Revalify

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2024

Need help transferring schools

I am a 21 year old college student from the Philippines, but was not able to finish due to ineligibility in my college.

I came from DLSU and studies BS-ENT for 3 years but towards the end turned demotivated and started flunking my classes, and failed enough that I became ineligible to my college. After that, I was brought to the California to learn to be independent, and was only initially supposed to be here for 3 months. Then I started to enjoy mybstay here, I like the people here, and heard that the education here is generally much better than the Philippines, so I pushed it to 6 months, and want to study here instead of returning.

I visited an attorney Last Tuesday, and she informed me of my requirements for a student visa, but apparently I am not going to be issued to student visa until I am accepted in a school. The attorney has a connection in LA Pacific College but they only offer 8 courses and a stay there for 6 months would be around 7k usd, which is much too expensive.

That is why I wanted to ask if there are any colleges that I can apply to here in California that will be able to accept me before November maybe, and if anyone could help me if they could have some kind of connection of some sort that could help me.

Really do not want to return in the Philippines and I very much prefer it here in the Philippines, and any help would be appreciated. Any sort of advice would be much appreciated.

If anyone could help, dont hesitate to dm me, id appreciate it. Thank you very much

Submitted September 03, 2024 at 10:41AM by North_Association_41

Handwritten Notes Vs Typed Notes

Which is more effective for learning complex topics. Is it more time efficient to type the notes as to writing them by hand.

Any tips is greatly appreciated 🙏🏻

Submitted September 03, 2024 at 07:16AM by frosath

Does anyone in Europe actually hire people with humanities degrees?

I am more or less certain that the answer is a resounding "NO." That being said, I genuinely cannot yet fully accept that I spent four years of my life on a degree that will literally never open a single door for me.

In fact, I have an aching fear that my degree in philosophy is not only worthless but far worse than worthless. For one, the years of acquiring my education could have been spent working. I could have acquired some damn savings in my bank account.

Secondly, I am pretty damn sure that I am just not being taken seriously as a potential employee. This is exactly BECAUSE of my degree. Most of the people who consider hiring me will inevitably throw my resume in the garbage pile due to the countless (mostly correct) stereotypes about useless humanities majors.

The worst part is that even I am tired of pretending that my degree could be useful to my employers. All of this smug, self-gratifying talk from humanities majors about how they have some sort of monopoly on critical thinking, problem-solving, or transferable skills is all bullshit. Critical thinking is central to every major. So is problem-solving. And transferable skills... will help you smoothly transfer back and forth between minimum-wage jobs.

I don't really know what this rant is all about. Do I seek someone to change my mind? Do I want to discourage young people from studying worthless degrees? Do I just want to shit on humanities? I don't know.

Submitted September 03, 2024 at 02:34AM by Individual_Prune8601

What are educational/informative youtube channels that are definition of quality over quantity?

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Submitted September 02, 2024 at 11:46PM by Uzairdeepdive007

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

Looking for Short-Term Education in future Tech, Climate and Wildlife Solutions in Canada—Any Recommendations?

Hi everyone,

I’m seeking short-term educational programs or certifications available in Canada that focus on nature management, climate change, damage control for landslides and wildfires etc, wildlife management and functional landscaping.

Ideally, I’m looking for courses that are about 6-12 months long and can be pursued while working full-time

Since I’m nearing 30yo and need to balance this with my current job, a traditional long-term degree isn’t feasible for me right now

My educational background is - machinery, CAD/CAM technology and engendering ( didnt finish collage) but i dont really want to pursue that in my main career, ive changed in to nature lover 😇

If anyone knows of any relevant programs, bootcamps, or certifications available in Canada that fit these criteria, I’d greatly appreciate your recommendations. Thanks in advance for your help!

Submitted September 02, 2024 at 09:49AM by letr1

Why are jobs in education requiring references from supervisors?

Greetings all,

This may not be unique to education, but I've while looking for a new job over the past 6 months, I've noticed only jobs in ed (not private sector or non-profit) are doing this...

Anyway, I've applied for positions at three different institutions that require 3 references, but each requires 1 or more of them be from a former supervisor.

In one case, a university, required 1 supervisor reference.

In the second, a community college, required 2.

And the third, and independent school district, required that all 3 be from supervisors.

I can understand why employers would want to do this, but it's also fundamentally and anti-worker policy and it very much makes me rethink how much I want to work for one of these places.

Have any of you encountered this?

And, does anyone know why this seems to be becoming the new normal?


Submitted September 02, 2024 at 06:57AM by MonoBlancoATX

Political Science

I’m a Masters’ student doing my masters in political science. I’m having a hard time studying and every class I attend doesn’t make sense as after a year gap I tend to have forgotten what I studied during my school days and graduation. I really wanna be back in track but I don’t know start. I’m open for suggestions and please suggest me books to read so I come back in track.

Submitted September 02, 2024 at 05:47AM by Dabbyyy17

10 Benefits of Using AI Chatbots in Education

Top 10 benefits of AI chatbots in education, from personalized learning to 24/7 support. Learn how AI is making education more engaging.

Submitted September 02, 2024 at 02:30AM by Ornery_Analysis_2922

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2024

Atlanta is the most educated city??

Accord to Forbes anyways.

"The cities topping our list do not just simply have the highest concentrations of college graduates; our ranking also considers high school dropout rates, graduate degree attainment rates, and gender and racial gaps in degree completion rates. Let’s take a look at some of the most educated cities the U.S. has to offer."

The top 2 cities are Atlanta, GA and Arlington, VA. Just looking at the info Forbes provides:

  1. ATL - 60% Bachelor's completion of 25+ year old individuals, 27% of 25+ hold a Bachelor's, and a racial gap of 22%

  2. ARL - 78% Bachelor's completion rate of 25+, 43% of 25+ hold a Bachelor's, and a racial gap of 10%

Weird.. Must be the HS graduation rates making a difference since it wasn't included for some reason.

ATL - 87%

ARL - "94% excluding Arlington Community High"???

I was confused on why they would exclude a school from the average.. ACH is a school for 'economically disadvantaged students' with 206 enrolled students in 9-12th grade and a completion rate of 53%. It's an outlier, I'm assuming, I can't remember the math from stats to confirm. This means ~100 people don't graduate.

How do 100 people negate the difference between the other stats that Forbes listed?

Submitted September 01, 2024 at 09:52AM by MeeloMosqeeto

What are youtube channels that explain tricky concepts in a simple, fun way?

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Submitted September 01, 2024 at 08:01AM by Uzairdeepdive007

How Has Your Classroom Changed in the Last Five to Ten Years?

According to the Department of Education more than 40% of adults lake adequate literacy skills. This starts in the classroom it seems teachers are caught in the never ending cycle of students are misbehaving because they can't learn and students can't learn because they are misbehaving. I created a tutorial addressing this issue.

This tutorial spells out the problem and provides step by step solutions. I hope you find it helpful because most teachers are not old enough to remember when the literacy problems began. So, how has this affected your classroom? Are your parents providing necessary support.

Submitted September 01, 2024 at 04:47AM by Whovil_Poet_Laureate

What are the main arguments for dissolving the Department of Education?

Is it all about finances? I know most of us here veer more towards the liberals side but if someone was playing devil's advocate in favor of the policy, what might they say? Just looking to broaden my knowledge :)

Submitted September 01, 2024 at 04:21AM by sleepycamus