sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016

Reading problems- NEED TIPS

i just started a class in college that i'm really enjoying but is reading-heavy. i have a hard time reading/comprehension wise and find it difficult to read large chunks of material and absorb what's going on (i am a total auditory learner). i have been making up for this by reading the assigned chapter and youtubing related videos to summarize key figures/stories/etc mentioned in the reading. for me, listening to people lecture is 1000x easier to comprehend than reading. i have been doing well so far because of this, but i know there will be times when there won't be am educational youtube video or auditory way of learning. so i was wondering if any of you had some tips i could use to strengthen my reading comprehension skills?

Submitted September 24, 2016 at 11:40AM by babyspice69_0 http://ift.tt/2cBoWvp

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