lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Use of Graphing Calculators in the US

Today I was shocked after seeing my colleague (22, 3rd year at Community college) at work using a graphing calculator to solve a super simple homework problem.

Why are graphing calculators allowed or even mandatory for some classes throughout high school and university level education in the US?

I recently graduated (MSc) from engineering school in Croatia and even though we did pretty advanced math (Calculus) we were NEVER allowed to use a graphing calculator. Casio 991-fx was our best and only friend both at home and on exams. You could solve some basic problems with it but "the math" was left to do it yourself. Graph. calcs were considered sci-fi used only by professional scientists and mathematicians.

Submitted September 26, 2016 at 11:01PM by erikon

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