I can't even handle this job anymore. I'm a special education administrator. It's not a fun job, but I didn't think it would be. Lots of paperwork and IEP meetings and teacher evaluations... But that's fine. It's all part of the job. What shouldn't be part of the job, is being yelled at constantly. I have a student who is out of control. I'm trying to support the teacher by taking him when he is throwing a tantrum. He YELLS in my face for over 30 minutes. He hits other kids. He is seriously out of control. Today parent came in to yell at me because even though she signed consent for me to send his IEP out of district, she refuses to send him. So she just sat and yelled at me for about 30 minutes. When I tell my boss that this parent is refusing, I'm told "too bad, we can't meet his needs". And while I agree with the sentiment, I want to scream a big "F you" to her because damnit it's not like I can force a parent to send their kid somewhere else. I'm so done! This is the second time this week (2 separate families) and I don't think I can be yelled at by one more person. Honestly, if one more teacher yells at me that a kid "can't read" and I'm doing nothing to help them because I won't give them an IEP (because now I'm the keeper of disability labels and I'm in the business of hording them)...I'm going to run into a wall repeatedly until they commit me. If you made it this far, thank you for letting me vent before I walk in my house. I will now go drink a glass of wine, hug my 6 month old and kiss my hubby as he goes off to work for the weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend and you aren't stuck inside grading too many papers.
Submitted October 21, 2016 at 04:07PM by HaroldBearLee http://ift.tt/2dVXeYx
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