martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Looking for a Multiple Choice App

Hello everyone :) I'm having a reeeally hard time learning all the stuff I need to know as a Pharmacist (but never really learned as a student, because no Professor ever demanded it ... and if I'm totally honest I was always doing the minimum to pass the tests :/) and now I'm looking for some kind of app I could use to test myself. During my university life I used flashcard apps, but now I'd need something that could create multiple choice tests. I need to learn the name of a LOT of substances (and their respective classes), so the app should be able to create its own questions (otherwise I'd just learn certain combinations, and that wouldn't really help in that case). Do any of you know an app that would be able to do that? So far I haven't found anything T_T

Thanks for your help! Have a nice day :)

Submitted March 28, 2017 at 09:12AM by Bowl0f0ranges

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