viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Canadian Children Brainwashed by Gender-Neutral Extremist Ideology? Senate Should Reject Bill C-16. [Opinion video]

Controversial Bill C-16 will get it's final vote in the Canadian Senate as early as Tuesday, May 30.

Here is a disturbing video about Bill C-16:

Canadian Children Brainwashed by Gender-Neutral Extremist Ideology? Senate Should Reject Bill C-16.


This video discusses possible adverse consequences of Bill C-16. It includes an emphatic warning from the American College of Pediatricians that "Gender Ideology Harms Children". It features various video clips from Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Jared Brown, and Theryn Meyer.

Here is the link to the American College of Pediatricians' warning:

Web page:

Here is a related video, which is equally disturbing:

Prison For Refusing Gender Pronouns? Lawyer Explains Bill C-16, Compelled Speech, to Canadian Senate


In this video, lawyer Jared Brown explains how you could be imprisoned for refusing to use invented gender pronouns, once Bill C-16 is passed by the Canadian Senate.

One crucial point he makes is that what we see is NOT what we'll get. He is paraphrased in the video like this:

"We start with Bill C-16 as a vaguely-worded law that initially seems fairly harmless. But after it's passed, the vagueness of the law will allow the Minister of Justice to attach whatever specific policies suit her radical agenda. Given that Ontario is the model for this law, we should expect that gender-neutral pronouns will be enforced Canada-wide. In addition, men will be allowed to use women's washrooms and change rooms. The law will also enable those who want to impose a confusing, gender-neutral curriculum on all school children. If you resist the law, you could be accused of a hate crime, and be brought before the federal Human Rights Tribunal. If you don't obey the Tribunal, you would be held in contempt of court, and probably imprisoned."

Submitted May 26, 2017 at 05:45PM by VacationOnPluto

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