So, it all began when I first started Kindergarten and, they put me in special ed. Because I was just a tad bit on the Autism spectrum. I just went ahead and, dealt with it for five years I knew even back then it wasn't healthy to start talking about teachers and, how the school could actually teach and, help me but, I was never invited to any of the meetings I never wanted to go to the principals office (Mostly because, I was taught it was a very bad thing to go there.) Then there was the counselor the school basically restricted that option from me because I was a bit pudgy. Thus I was stuck in special ed sure it gave me some time to get homework done but, things sort of clashed as every minute I was in there I would hear someone getting in trouble. Thus, I really did not get much work done so, the school system did the next best thing put me in another tier of special ed. Which meant more screaming and, yelling. Now on to my personality, I'm the student that doesn't really socialize and, focuses more on working on projects and, studying the arts. That's how I have always been. The students at my school were more focused on running and, playing and, me well you would see me sitting at the very top of the play ground thinking of ideas. Now I'm not saying I rejected playing with anyone in this stage of my life. If someone asked me if they wanted to play a game I said "Sure." Then, I would spend my time doing what they wanted to do. If anyone wanted to talk about, what it was like at school I would listen and, talk with them. It was very hard to focus back in that time because, of the teachers screaming and, such. The teaching was very straight forward and, it didn't feel like someone was teaching. Up to Middle school by this point, I was doing ok. Nothing was really wrong until Middle school really started. Let's just start with P.E, I loved P.E before, Middle school it was just fun horse play. Now it was more screaming and, back stabbing. The teachers were even worse or, uh, trainers or, P.E teachers (It's your preference.) The screaming and, the pressure was cranked up to eleven. The next thing was the choir, oh, boy this one oh, this one.....was awful, You lower your pitch one dB and, you get written up. I actually got detention from this class because I came to class late because I needed to use my inhaler for my asthma. Let me get to why I couldn't tell a counselor or, the principal about any of this well, I did and, nothing, nothing happened so, that was awful. Now let's get to the teachers I worked with both my reading teachers were excellent they were teaching at, a pace that can be relatable to most people. My second reading teacher was different from most kids as my first reading teacher (The one from 6th grade) Noticed that I was really into acting and, that I would always do performances if we had the time. So, I got signed for something different the school was trying to do an acting class that had some reading elements with it. This had to have been my favorite class. We would all do performances. My English teachers both of them were alright because, I got to express creativity but, there were some flaws. Math.......I don't even want to dwell on it. Science my first teacher had a great personality. The second, however, well most of my teachers did their jobs wonderfully. It was my next point which I shall discuss now the students....where to begin most of them did not really wish to work with me which was quite saddening and, instead of actually talking with their mouths they used a little silver screen they have in their pocket aka a look at me I could technically be called a swiss army phone. Yeah, some of the things that they would joke about were just.....akward. One kid during class would randomly moan. One would shout out the names of things I'm not going to go into detail with :. Most of them considered me the weird kid because I actually knew some Shakespearian tales. Now grades I always got C's and, F's only one A. Special Ed. The class was even worse all the screaming was back again and, the teacher treated me like I was a baby or, someone's dog. It frustrated me so, much that this time I whined and, tried my hardest to get out of there I did but, they sent a second math teacher this one was.....I really don't want to say bad as I consider all my teacher's people who have lives and, family but, this person still treated me and, everyone in this special class like a dog. So, how did I change all this because my grades now are almost straight A's, stay tuned? It all started when I was fed up with school I researched and found another school it is an online school so, I went to go see how much it was. It wasn't a dime so, I begged to go there and, I made it. (I'm pretty sure most of you have been to college?) It was like making into your favorite college. I started learning there the teachers were very nice and, there was still social interaction I found where everyone who was like me was at and, so, I began learning here I helped students who have things such as anxieties, fears, emotionally distressed. I'm kind of considered the schools 2nd counselor. Special ed was handled differently they actually listened to my concerns. Did something about them instead of saying sure. My math grade improved tremorously. I swear it's because I changed my learning environment. Everything is so, much calmer. So, if you listened and, finished reading all of this I applaud you! Thank you for taking the time to hear me out. If you did agree or, disagreed with my opinion let me know. I will be happy to get back to you ciao - Mike.
Submitted July 18, 2017 at 08:43PM by MikeyCreeps
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