martes, 25 de julio de 2017

So Thankful For The Availability Of Remedial HighSchools

Hi, My name is u/goodbyelulu and here's my education story and why I'm so thankful I can still get my diploma this late. When I was 10 and in the fifth grade I began homeschooling because I was bullied to the point of suicidal thoughts. I've been In my fair share of online programs and it was probably for the best because I moved so frequently until my last year of high school. That's when I started to give up. Having a single mother meant having to own my schooling and be responsible for finishing it myself. I've had to work full time since I was sixteen though and as most teens do I started partying and doing drugs. When I was seventeen and in my last year of high school it became apparent that I wasn't going to graduate. There was no way, I had slacked off way too much. As well in that year I had met the man I'm now very much in love with and Married to. This all sounds so crazy even to me. I was in high school for five years before I had no choice but to drop out with only 2 credits to graduate. I felt so hopeless. I knew I would be hard pressed to get a GED because I felt like I was way too dumb to get through the math section of testing. To be honest I had given up on myself. Working full time, paying rent and married. I'm 18 and adulting without finishing the biggest milestone of youth. That's when hope came into the picture. I learned of a way that struggling students could finish high school with any schedule they needed. McLain High School by RRCC. A ray of light to get me out of entry level employment. I can get my diploma and finish my last two credits in way less than a school year because of them. I'm so full of gratitude that this institution exists. I can very well say that the low enrollment price and willingness to help people has given thousands of struggling people hope. I was so worried that I was going to be a flunky and not have the career that I'm now extremely motivated to achieve. Thanks for reading this. I wanted to spread the word that places like this exist for people like me.

Submitted July 25, 2017 at 06:48PM by GoodbyeLulu

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