Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
martes, 31 de octubre de 2017
Education NGO Faces Backlash from Academics After Retracting Essay Citing Intelligence Research - Quillette
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 07:59PM by ineedmoresleep
@EducacionFutura : El gobierno del sistema educativo / Un texto de Gilberto Guevara Niebla
@EducacionFutura : La CNTE, a la reconquista del IEEPO / Un texto de Carlos Ornelas
@EducacionFutura : Consulta el programa completo del Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa
'I think I can do it': Middle school girls learn to build a computer at Webster University
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 02:36PM by jms1225
SAMR 101: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 08:43AM by Dogsanddogs
Evaluating the Relationship Between VST Score and Lexical Diversity in Written Production Among Asian Learners of English
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 06:28AM by dwaxe
Giving back to teaching its former glory
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 07:10AM by akanoxx
Get Research Help| Is it worthy to Spend on College Education?
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 05:22AM by daisyfaith
Is it worthy to Spend on College Education?
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 02:53AM by daisyfaith
Learning To Spot Fake News: Start With A Gut Check
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 03:03AM by dwaxe
Dubbed as a 'Creative Entrepreneur Leadership' school, KaosPilot is an alternative business school based in Denmark & Switzerland offering a novel and unique approach to education.
Submitted October 31, 2017 at 03:14AM by afifmf
One elementary school in Wyoming exceeded state benchmarks in two of the past three years and met them the other year
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 10:05PM by UtahAffairsMan
lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 04:41PM by aidanconk7
@EducacionFutura : Lo electorero del nuevo modelo educativo / La opinión de @Lalocoche
New Report Finds Tech Inequality Persists, Proposes Solutions
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 03:30PM by PugCommander
@EducacionFutura : Hay tiempo suficiente para salvar el año escolar: Nuño
When Will the ‘Harvey Effect’ Reach Academia?
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 12:35PM by dwaxe
@EducacionFutura : Recuerda que este 1 de noviembre transmitiremos en vivo la celebración del XV aniversario del INIDE - Ibero
This article says public schools score better than public schools. Is it true? Comments welcomed
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 12:09PM by ivanwhiz
Survey says teachers' mental health declining
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 12:13PM by theflamingskull
@EducacionFutura : Compartimos la Invitación del XIII Foro Latinoamericano de Instituciones Políticas y Educación: Interculturalidad,…
Stop using brain equal depression?
I have always studied at school and university til I graduated. I been working casual non brain type jobs and find I’m very depressed and thinking lotsa crazy stuff and unable to wind down at night, how can one wind down if they haven’t wound up first though lol.
I was contemplating this is due to my lack of using my brain?
Perhaps if I start studying again and get a professional job where my mind is hard at work I’ll be able to relax again?
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 11:38AM by Zappawhappa
@EducacionFutura : UAQ: Entre la presión externa y el cambio genuino / Un análisis de @flores_crespo sobre las elecciones en la @UAQmx
Do you think that teaching science without experiments would be productive?
Do you think that teaching science without experiments would be productive?
In some countries like Turkey -mine- students don't even see lab property in their school life. We're learning science on whiteboard. I never cut a frog or a bird before. We never examined a microscopic creature under microscope, we just have some photos or colored paintings in our student books. We never done chemical experiment. I learned lots of chemical but if you show me one in real life, I can't recognise what it is. We never done physics experiments before, if you show me a stroboscope i would ask if it's a hairdryer.
During -science- tests, I try to imagine what it asks to me, yet, I can't deduce what to do because I have never seen a demonstration before... In school, we don't learn science. We learn varieties of questions that may appear in the university exam. My classmates don't seem to have a problem with this but... I feel like I'll be lack of something when I'll begin to work. Like, I want to do my job successfully but in school, we don't even do experiments which can only prepare us to life early and make everything easier. I don't know if I have a problem because as I said, my classmates, schoolmates seem ok with everything...
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 08:40AM by siniftakiteksolak
Education Dept. could scale back help on loans
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 07:47AM by Bemuzed
Need help in deciding a university . Some help and guidance needed badly.
Hi, I am looking at doing 'Masters of Property ' in RMIT or 'Masters of Property Development and Investment' in University of Technology Sydney , better known as UTS. , the country I am trying for is Australia as I am thinking about a permanent residency in the future. My doubt is which course should i do ? : 1. Masters of Property in RMIT 2. Masters of Property investment and development in UTS.
Which one of them is better than the other ? and I would appreciate if you can help me out with the reasoning of the same.
Thank you for going through my post, and I would be really glad if I get out of this confusion.
Submitted October 30, 2017 at 05:21AM by teddy266
domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017
Bogus Teacher Ed: This is what Gates' funding Does to Education
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 09:03PM by dgodon
Whiteness/race in schools
How do schools and/or education in general, reproduce whiteness? How do predominately white campuses reinforce hegemonic constructions of minorities? Focusing on the prevalence of race and racism within education despite schools promoting an “inclusive learning environment” - how are misrepresentations of minorities perpetuated on predominately white campuses?
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 04:02PM by Getreckless
@EducacionFutura : Sociedad exige mayor rendición de cuentas y participación en las decisiones públicas: Eduardo Backhoff
Switching To Middle School Can Be Hard On Kids, But There Are Ways To Make It Better
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 12:38PM by conuly
Florida private schools get nearly $1 billion in state scholarships with little oversight, Sentinel finds
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 12:11PM by BlankVerse
Is The F-Word Ever OK In The Classroom?
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 12:29PM by conuly
Trump admin may reverse Obama rule erasing debt of students at fraudulent for-profit colleges
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 09:01AM by rollotomasi07071
A look at Pell Grant recipients' graduation rates
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 08:27AM by 15mgSodium
How to Drop Out of College (With No Risk)
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 07:03AM by bobbys_worlds
We Need Cellphones In School Because They're Distracting
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 04:20AM by acampbell99
Is The F-Word Ever OK In The Classroom?
Submitted October 29, 2017 at 03:13AM by dwaxe
sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017
Rapport may be a silver bullet but it's what you do with it that can make a profound difference.
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 03:17PM by WheeledPedestrian
Do you know these 20 facts about different scientific inventions
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 03:44PM by gistergram
Scale of the Universe (neat instrument for students)
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 02:29PM by RiverwoodHood
Trump Admin Won’t Forgive All Debt For Students Defrauded By For-Profit Schools
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 01:23PM by DoremusJessup
Favorite book/Article about Problematizing Deficit language about students
I need some ideas for pieces about challenging deficit language about students. I really would pieces for lay people- parents, community members, future teachers.
The more accessible to a broad audience, the better.
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 11:14AM by DrKittens
Online Resume Builder for Students - Class Tech Tips
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 09:42AM by KudosWall
viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017
New Mexico backtracks on dropping evolution in classrooms
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 08:58PM by stepsinstereo
@EducacionFutura : Educación: Se buscan responsables / Un análisis de @DavidResortera de @Mexicanos1o
What are the top skills for the near future?
We are on the way to understand the human brain, build quantum computers, are about to stop the illness called aging and are going to colonize the galaxy.
Directly integrating the expanded lifespan to this question:
What are your (or the general) top priority skills for the future, sorted by importance?
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 04:44PM by ProphetOfProsperity
@EducacionFutura : Presencia del Estado ha desdibujado la participación de la sociedad en la educación: Gilberto Guevara Niebla
Every $1 spent on early childhood education pays back $6 later, report finds
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 12:08PM by davidreiss666
@EducacionFutura : Dilemas en la gobernanza del sistema educativo ¿Gobernanza o parte de guerra? / La nueva crónica de @ManuelGilAnton
[Advice] Action research - technology in the music classroom
So I'm supposed to start writing the first chapter of my action research project (my master's thesis), and I know that I would like to focus on how technology negatively or positively effects student learning in music classrooms. Problem is, I don't know exactly what I want to prove with my research.
I've been thinking about whether or not classroom technology would be too distracting for students to learn properly, but so far I haven't found anything suggesting that to be the case. What are your thoughts on the topic? Should I even keep pursuing it, or choose something else a bit more quantifiable? Help!
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 09:14AM by jedijoe92
The Advantages Of Mobility In The Education Industry
In the past the education analysts, research organizations had already predicted that the use of mobile applications is going to play a significant role in the growth of the education as an industry per say.
Talking about the small education institutes such as schools, coaching classes are already coming up with customized mobile applications that are enabled by cloud systems which provides premium enterprise solutions which not only caters to the information management systems of the education industry but also plays a vital role in taking the quality of the educations system to the next level.
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 07:35AM by Wensosolutions
Education Lounge: Share/Rant/Discussion Fridays - October 27, 2017
Share your rants and thoughts here! Also, see full past discussions here
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 07:06AM by AutoModerator
Learning How Bullying Happens In Order To Prevent It
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 04:17AM by dwaxe
Government Record-Keeping on College Students
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 04:08AM by Learnings_a_lifeline
Overhaul of university admission welcome, but let’s stop the education cuts
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 04:16AM by Opie036
jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017
@ManuelGilAnton : Ni un peso le vale, ni un peso le cuesta: lleve, lleve la crónica de la sesión en el INEE sobre "gobernanza".
@EducacionFutura : RT @ManuelGilAnton: Ni un peso le vale, ni un peso le cuesta: lleve, lleve la crónica de la sesión en el INEE sobre "gobernanza".
Currently teaching 10th graders about The Big Bang and related concepts. Best-practice advice.
I teach a skills based learning class, and currently, we are learning about the Big Bang.
I LOVE SCIENCE, and want to answer all my students’ questions!
But I find that a lot of times my answers are too much. The students do not have the appropriate background for my answers to make sense.
I really hate to give them the answer of “I encourage you to look it up!,” or something else like that, because I don’t have the time (or probably ability) to explain some of their questions.
A lot of times their ideas and questions are so phenomenally ‘our there,’ that I spend a lot of time trying to help them understand their questions.
I have been resorting to the answer of “write that question down and see if you can answer it, yourself, at the end of the unit!”
I am wondering what some other teacher think best-practice would I:
1) spend a lot of time and energy answering questions? 2) let ignorant (non-derogatory) questions propagate?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 07:58PM by ghpkhg
What Are My Chances So Far at a top 20 college?
I'm about to finish my first freshman semester of HS. I have the following classes and grades:
Leadership I - 100%
Algebra II/Trig - 90.3%
AS English I - 89.4%
CTE Adv CS, Structures and Interpretations - 100%
Biology - 100%
Life Skills (History) - 94%
Physical Education I - 100%
How am I looking? Tips? Career choices?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 09:15PM by BrenaTRON
Teachers say more students are anxious, distracted and offensive under Donald Trump
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 08:50PM by SumpTrucks2
@EducacionFutura : Modelo institucional / Texto de @Meny_n
Please help turn out sad corner into a calming area
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 05:39PM by kimnieb
@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - El próximo 1 de noviembre se realizará el evento de celebración de los XV años del INIDE
The Ladder Runs the Wrong Way: Changing How We Incentivize Teaching Careers
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 04:31PM by huron223
Taking up an Industrial Relations course.
So I'm 19 and I'm going to be heading to college in a few months. I've done quite a bit of research and I'm planning to take up a B.A. course in Industrial Relations and economics. What I came across was how similar IR is to Human Resource. So I was wondering if the jobs I would be eligible for would be quite similar to HR jobs? Or would they be completely different? If different then can you please let me know what kind of jobs they would be. Your answers are highly appreciated.
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 03:12PM by workaholikkk
@EducacionFutura : La reforma educativa en la globalización (y IV) / Un análisis de Carlos Ornelas
Is Personalized Learning Worth It?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 01:40PM by last_alchemyst
The Hidden Meaning of Kids' Shapes and Scribbles
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 09:54AM by Learnings_a_lifeline
Enrollment In Wisconsin Voucher Programs Increases Nearly 8 Percent. DPI: 36,249 Students Receive Vouchers In Wisconsin For 2017-18 School Year
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 10:04AM by jms1225
@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿En qué momento termina una reforma?
Teaching kids why saying "Triggered!" Isn't funny
When something happened today that he didn't like, one of my seventh graders shouted out, "triggered!" I paused class for a moment to explain that this isn't something we joke about in my classroom because it disrespects others' traumatic experiences. I think they still don't understand why they shouldn't say it, though. How have others helped middle school students understand why this kind of joke is damaging to the classroom community?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 09:05AM by Jakemccar
Predatory conferences ‘now outnumber official scholarly events’
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 08:17AM by Aleksandr_Netsuke
Radical Math Teacher Believes Mathematics Perpetuates "White Privilege"
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 08:21AM by olpt41
GCSE Conflict Poetry: Ozymandias Analysis
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 07:37AM by danfromiRevise
Freshman Year: Top Five Keys to Success
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 05:01AM by KudosWall
Why do people swear all day everyday?
Honestly, I’m getting sick of it. Anytime I walk into a store or catch a train, I can’t avoid hearing ‘F**’ or ‘Sht’. Vulgarity has been institutionalised to the extend of young pupils practicing it. I would understand if such words were uttered under particular circumstances, but ALL THE TIME? Don’t people realise how unacceptable those words and phrases are? I believe the English language has far more than sufficient words to replace those intolerable terms. I think I may be the only one at university who never swears. What do you guys think of this whole thing?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 05:23AM by Mahdy_123
2 Years After 'Opt Out,' Are Students Taking Fewer Tests?
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 04:07AM by dwaxe
Teachers Report Stressed, Anxious Students In The 'Age Of Trump'
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 04:07AM by dwaxe
Inspiring Education for Sustainable Development - Part 1 & 2
Submitted October 25, 2017 at 10:44PM by jaymak1
A southwestern Wyoming girl with her shoulders showing was cornered by her principal and assistant principal and a police officer. There wasn't a policy against her manner of dress, either
Submitted October 25, 2017 at 11:36PM by UtahAffairsMan
miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017
@ManuelGilAnton : Creo que me he equivocado... es un seminario de ortodoncia: se habla de dientes. Dientes para los consejos de participación... ¿morder?
@ManuelGilAnton : Pues sí, el SNTE y su diversidad. Así es mejor
@ManuelGilAnton : Guevara: Dos problemas: burocracia y sindicato. Las autoridades educativas son designadas, no electas. Sin participación de la sociedad
@ManuelGilAnton : Guevara inicia felicitando a los funcionarios porque es un acto de sinceridad inusitado en nuestro medio. Es REFORMA ESTRUCTURAL.
@ManuelGilAnton : Ornelas: comparar con el pasado: es mucho lo que ha cambiado... pero el SNTE es el verdadero peligro... no la CNTE...
@ManuelGilAnton : Ornelas: Se está regresando a la 22 retomando el ieepo... les sugiero ver la grabación: habla de sí mismo... hasta de su reloj.
@ManuelGilAnton : Hay ventajas de hacer reformas profundas desde la cúspide del poder... Ornelas: desde el Pacto. ¿Y el legislativo? A manotazos!
@ManuelGilAnton : Hay reformas profundas y superficiales. Esa propuesta de Ornelas es genial. Hay que tener paciencia, colegas...
@ManuelGilAnton : Ornelas. Lo común es que las reformas tienen propósitos: avisa que hace otra tipología: tecnología del poder y dialéctica de quién sabe...
@ManuelGilAnton : Ornelas. Critica gobernanza, gestión e implementar... Gobernación, administración y ejecución
@ManuelGilAnton : Ornelas: nos avisa que ha estado ocupado en hacer un libro... chale... Pero es sobre la Reforma...
@ManuelGilAnton : Después de todo lo dicho, que excluye a los maestros (como el seminario) un llamado a cooperar.
@ManuelGilAnton : Se han ganado todos, casi, todos los amparos ante el poder judicial
@ManuelGilAnton : Hay que darles dientes a los padres de familia... y mejorar la arquitectura administrativa... FONE/ SIGED/ SIGP Contratos, plazas y pagos...
@ManuelGilAnton : Y el modo en que ven a los sindicatos...
@ManuelGilAnton : Y, claro, la lana...
@ManuelGilAnton : Regresa Otto... y dice que los legisladores son fundamentales... ¿olvida que el Pacto los suplantó y solo alzaron l…
@EducacionFutura : Crea SEP Grupo Técnico Asesor para la Reconstrucción de Planteles Educativos
@ManuelGilAnton : La REFORMA va entrando... si Freud estuviera con nosotros... SEP: ¿en guerra o pensando en la educación?
@ManuelGilAnton : La foto de Narro y Peña se coló... ¿casualidad o causalidad de mis torpes dedos?
@ManuelGilAnton : De verdad, no exagero: este señor Dávila está dando un parte de guerra. Y es elogioso de su jefe: el general Otto.…
@ManuelGilAnton : La recuperación del IEEPO.¿Gobernanza es recuperar la rectoría de la educación o la rectoría de la administración de la alianza con SNTE?
@ManuelGilAnton : Mauricio Dávila dice que la Reforma Educativa ha abatido las movilizaciones de la disidencia. Buen indicador de la…
Spy vs. spy: How U.S. universities have become a major arena for international and domestic espionage
Submitted October 25, 2017 at 04:38PM by trot-trot