lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Intellectual curiosity and confidence made children more adept to take on math and reading than diligence and perseverance, suggesting that children’s personalities may influence how they perform in math and reading, according to a new study.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 08:40PM by Fraser761

A Black Teacher Manifesto

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 06:29PM by AdvocateAndEmpower

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de @EducacionFutura les agradece el habernos acompañado durante el 2018, comprometiéndonos a seguir trabajando objetivamente durante el 2019. Les deseamos lo mejor y deseamos que el próximo año sea de muchos aprendizajes y alegrías. #Feliz2019

@EducacionFutura : Todo el equipo de @EducacionFutura les agradece el habernos acompañado durante el 2018, comprometiéndonos a seguir trabajando objetivamente durante el 2019. Les deseamos lo mejor y deseamos que el próximo año sea de muchos aprendizajes y alegrías. #Feliz2019 (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - 2018: qué hicimos y en qué quedamos

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - 2018: qué hicimos y en qué quedamos (via Twitter

Postscript: His Name Was Daniel. He Was My Student. He Was Killed at 29.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 11:55AM by joeleisenberg64

@INEEmx: Los institutos latinoamericanos de evaluación educativa se han convertido en observadores imparciales que han transformado sus esfuerzos en recomendaciones de mejora para la educación de sus países. Conoce más en: #INEEAutónomo

A Year of Miseducation

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 09:36AM by dwaxe

'Circle through 3 points'

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 07:41AM by SuperbReflection5

Teachers quit their jobs in record numbers during 2018

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 12:23AM by jsalsman

domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

Between Discipline and Chaos

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 08:58PM by Barking_at_the_Moon

Forbes 30 under 30 Millionaire Chris Kelsey Reveals "My Biggest Scams"

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 09:34PM by Immulate

Within Stone Walls: The Breeding of Teacher Apathy and Student Violence.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 02:27PM by joeleisenberg64

Teachers Quit Jobs at Highest Rate on Record

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 01:51PM by wewewawa

Part 1: What Do You Mean When You Say “Student Agency”?

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 11:57AM by achievegap

Anybody have experience with Guild Education?

Looking to attend classes in the spring semester through my employer's education reimbursement program. Now I have never been involved with Guild Education before, so I'm wondering if you are required to do one of these kick-off calls before classes start? Also, do you constantly have to update them with information regarding your courses as you go along? I've already been through college before and never had to worry about updating anybody on how things were going, since I managed to stay focused on my own without help or advice. Thanks ahead for any answers.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 11:05AM by mysterygamer0690

@INEEmx: La comunidad del INEE lamenta el fallecimiento de la Sra. María Teresa Piñera Romero, madre de Bernardo Naranjo Piñera (@bnaranjoedu), consejero de la Junta de Gobierno de nuestro Instituto. Nuestras más sentidas condolencias a sus familiares y amigos.

New Years Book Reading Resolutions for Educators?

What inspirational or informational education books are on your to read list for 2019?

I want to reread Fires in The Bathroom

And I am looking for a book about effective questioning for my personal professional development.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 06:06AM by Obsidian_MS

Humble Help request

Hello everyone :) To all people with the will and the means to help. Do you know, any place or a platform or a course for learning English online. For adults. The more the merrier. I need something that actually tackles grammar and phonics and the logic of learning it. All answers are welcome. Thank you in advance and I am sorry if this is the wrong reddit. If so please direct me to where to go. Also, happy new year.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 01:09AM by baksterstokmanzzz

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018

16-year-old Kansas boy is set to graduate in the spring from high school — and Harvard University

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 08:30PM by rollotomasi07071

@ManuelGilAnton : Igual que Luis, gracias por ponerme en la lista.

@ManuelGilAnton : Igual que Luis, gracias por ponerme en la lista. (via Twitter

'Ellipse Collision'

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 01:06PM by SuperbReflection5

@INEEmx: ¿Por qué el #INEE es un #OrganismoAutónomo? Porque se requiere una institución que, sin ser juez y parte, brinde información objetiva y técnicamente sólida para apoyar las decisiones de las autoridades educativas a nivel federal y local. #INEEAutónomo

@EducacionFutura : El balance del 2018 en educación: La agenda pendiente por atender

@EducacionFutura : El balance del 2018 en educación: La agenda pendiente por atender (via Twitter

Thucydides a Classical Realist

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 09:00AM by worldhistory1

@ManuelGilAnton : Cada quien su Roma. Y para todos, el diálogo por Roma.

@ManuelGilAnton : Cada quien su Roma. Y para todos, el diálogo por Roma. (via Twitter

Trauma Is The Norm For Many New Orleans Kids. This School Was Made For Them.

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 07:35AM by cmehigh

Gotta Give 'Em Credit: State and District Variation in Credit Recovery Participation Rates

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 05:39AM by punkthesystem

Why did D.A.R.E. get defunded?

Okay so obviously it didn’t keep people from doing drugs but did it do nothing to curb the effect? If so why was it so ineffective? I was in school as it was being phased out and the programs that replaced it felt equally ineffective and I’m just wondering why.

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 01:28AM by yagooba

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

"The School of Trust"

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 09:54PM by throwa2934

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - En el marco de la toma de protesta de AMLO, el nuevo titular de la SEP, Esteban Moctezuma , aseguró que no habrá “evaluación punitiva ligada a lo laboral”, sino un esquema de valoración del trabajo magisterial ligada a su capacitación.

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - En el marco de la toma de protesta de AMLO, el nuevo titular de la SEP, Esteban Moctezuma , aseguró que no habrá “evaluación punitiva ligada a lo laboral”, sino un esquema de valoración del trabajo magisterial ligada a su capacitación. (via Twitter

Thank You.

I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my article yesterday, "His Name Was Daniel." That very personal story was very difficult to write. Nearly 2000 readers in the last 24 hours, and the response has been overwhelming. I will respond to all messages, but what's most important to me is Daniel Carver, my ex-student, is remembered not for how he died, but for how he tried. His is a cautionary tale that I hope others can learn from.

Thank you, everyone.

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 03:44PM by joeleisenberg64

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - Andrés Manuel López Obrador y el titular de la SEP, @emoctezumab anunciaron la propuesta de cancelación de la reforma educativa y la desaparición del INEE

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - Andrés Manuel López Obrador y el titular de la SEP, @emoctezumab anunciaron la propuesta de cancelación de la reforma educativa y la desaparición del INEE (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Un listado de columnistas sobre educación en México. Hay que incluir a @jcma23 y @Profelandia y @VNormalistas

@ManuelGilAnton : Un listado de columnistas sobre educación en México. Hay que incluir a @jcma23 y @Profelandia y @VNormalistas (via Twitter

Teachers in America quitting jobs at record rate

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 11:18AM by DoremusJessup

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - Desaparecer las funciones y la autonomía del INEE: ¿qué perdemos?

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVistoDel2018 - Desaparecer las funciones y la autonomía del INEE: ¿qué perdemos? (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Mediante un comunicado, el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE) advirtió que existe un deseo explícito extinguir al Instituto, manifestando que la decisión de reducir su presupuesto es unilateral, irracional y sin sustento.

@EducacionFutura : Mediante un comunicado, el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE) advirtió que existe un deseo explícito extinguir al Instituto, manifestando que la decisión de reducir su presupuesto es unilateral, irracional y sin sustento. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: El profesor Salvador Ruiz Cerillo, docente de #bachillerato en León #Guanajuato, utilizó la realidad aumentada con un fin didáctico para lograr los aprendizajes esperados en el área de ciencias de la salud. Te compartimos su #PrácticaInnovadora:

[Article] Spanish academic gets €1.5m EU grant to rescue 'women's writing' | World news

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 06:43AM by NYMinuteMagazine

What is your opinion on the IB Diploma Programme? Is the IB diploma worth it?

No text found

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 06:03AM by hatecraverz

Beware Silicon Valley’s Gifts to Our Schools: Students Are an Afterthought. "After three years, there is no proof that Apple’s, Google’s, and Microsoft’s infiltration of the classroom is producing actual academic improvement & results."

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 06:13AM by IntnsRed

Immanuel wallerstein World System Theory

Submitted December 28, 2018 at 04:22AM by worldhistory1

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Today, I learned through this link. Why is physical education important? I was very pleased

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 10:01PM by Mokshprajapati

how do I get real-time answer to a question I pose to three different teams without the teams overhearing each other's answers? Preferrable an online website that the teams can access via their cell phone / computer?

No text found

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 06:47PM by joseJasper

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy se fue a disfrutar nuestro idioma, y otros, por rumbos desconocidos, la Maestra Martha Elena Venier, del Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios de El Colmex. La echaremos mucho de menos nosotros y el piano. Hasta luego, Maestra.

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy se fue a disfrutar nuestro idioma, y otros, por rumbos desconocidos, la Maestra Martha Elena Venier, del Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios de El Colmex. La echaremos mucho de menos nosotros y el piano. Hasta luego, Maestra. (via Twitter

School Pays Male Student $47,000 After It Punished Him Based On Nothing More Than An Accusation.

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 02:47PM by ElegantCyclist

'Lissajous Visualizer'

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 02:22PM by SuperbReflection5

@INEEmx: ¿Qué hace el #INEE como #OrganismoAutónomo? Evalúa los componentes, procesos y resultados de la educación obligatoria y genera información confiable para la sociedad y las autoridades educativas sobre el estado que guarda la educación. #INEEAutónomo

@ManuelGilAnton : Azorado

@ManuelGilAnton : Azorado (via Twitter

The Year the Gun Conversation Changed

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 11:44AM by dwaxe

His Name Was Daniel. He Was My Student. He Died At 29 Years Old.

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 11:33AM by joeleisenberg64

@INEEmx: ¿Qué hace el #INEE como #OrganismoAutónomo? Evalúa los componentes, procesos y resultados de la educación obligatoria, y de genera información confiable para la sociedad y las autoridades educativas sobre el estado que guarda la educación. #INEEAutónomo

When School Choice Means School’s Choice

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 07:44AM by dwaxe

More than 41,000 public service workers sought federal student loan forgiveness. The government approved just 206

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 07:47AM by trot-trot

Great Free Learning Resources For You!

Hello! I have loved this website, and I am sure that many people loved it too. You are coming in with us next! I am here presenting, the best website on the internet, which provides free books, worksheets, and stories. It is I suggest visiting the website.

(Please note that I am not affiliated with the website, nor getting paid to do this post.)

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 05:58AM by Ben_Marshall_2019

Engineer School ?

Hey so I'm currently doing a DUT("Diplome Universitaire de Technologie" ,It's called like that in France) and I don't know the equivalence but it can be translated as a "Two year University Diploma" and I have two possibility at the end of this diploma , either I stop and go seek employment or I continue my studies and so go to an Engineer School but I have a few question :

I have good grades but I really feel dumb , I have no idea how I get good grades ,I learn something for the exam and then one month after I remember near nothing maybe five percent of what I have learned , is it normal or am i too dumb ?

Another question is : Can i pretend to an employment less qualified if I am overqualified ? Because some teacher said that going to an engineer school wasn't that good because there is too much people like this on the market and so they lack technicians but since I did my two year Diploma I could pretend to a technicians job even if I finish my engineer school no ?

Thanks you in advance and sorry if I am on the wrong sub reddit , I have no idea where I could post that and education was the only one I could think

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 04:05AM by BloodLab

"Scared to death": More than 4 million children endured lockdowns last school year.

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 04:52AM by zsreport

Alternative Education for Refugees

Hi all

im looking for open source alternative education curriculums for refugee children .

any recommedations will be highly appreciated <3

Submitted December 27, 2018 at 02:54AM by Hammamrj

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018

8 things you should think about after graduation

Submitted December 26, 2018 at 10:44PM by CoolguyLondon

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Se termina 2018 y se hace pertinente revisar lo ocurrido con el SNTE

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Se termina 2018 y se hace pertinente revisar lo ocurrido con el SNTE (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Presupuesto al normalismo: que sea otro error de dedo

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Presupuesto al normalismo: que sea otro error de dedo (via Twitter

5 Ways to Explore Skype in the Classroom

Submitted December 26, 2018 at 03:42PM by Chisabez78


Submitted December 26, 2018 at 11:06AM by KellyHKnight

@INEEmx: El consejero @bnaranjoedu invita a padres de familia, maestros y directivos de las escuelas que participaron en #Planea2018 a conocer el #ReporteEscolar con los principales resultados de esta evaluación. Consúltalo en ➡️ #INEEAutónomo

Difference between Republic and Democracy

Submitted December 26, 2018 at 05:09AM by sophia94700

Teaching Touch Typing Still Important for our Children

Submitted December 26, 2018 at 01:45AM by lykaremeticado

martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018

Is a master's degree in Australia worth persuing without a PR?

So I have a master's degree in computer application and I'm currently working in the IT security team fixing vulnerabilities in the code. I also have admit for a "master's in information technology" course at University of Melbourne. Since I don't have a PR, is it worth spending almost 100,000AUD for the course. I am an Indian and have been working for just a year.

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 10:44PM by parabvidit

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down System

I attend a trades school in Canada.

For decades, after final examinations, students were told if they passed or failed on the spot. A proctor would use a transulcent mark sheet to grade the test to let the student know if they passed their provincially regulated exam and go drink or had to take a rewrite and hit the books.

This changed after an incident where a student was shamed by the classmates after getting a 'thumbs down'. There are many versions as to what actually happened with the student feeling shamed, but nonetheless the thumbs up/thumbs down program was cancelled. Now we have to log into a government website and check our marks.

Chaser: I wrote my test on Friday and the provincial offices are closed for the holidays. I don't get to find my mark until after January 1st!

I'm not stressing because I studied hard and did well, but I think this new policy is doing more harm than good. Also, this is trades school... if you just fell off a turnip truck and put some effort in over 8 weeks given, you'll pass 🙄

What are your thoughts?

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 07:38PM by vlooj

The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 11:17AM by ineedmoresleep

@EducacionFutura : Los desafíos educativos para la Cuarta Transformación

@EducacionFutura : Los desafíos educativos para la Cuarta Transformación (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Preguntas: ¿estará el gobierno dispuesto a pagar los costos políticos y sociales de la medida? Aparentemente sí, aunque todavía hay espacio para una rectificación.

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Preguntas: ¿estará el gobierno dispuesto a pagar los costos políticos y sociales de la medida? Aparentemente sí, aunque todavía hay espacio para una rectificación. (via Twitter

Hans.J.Morgenthau six principles of Realism

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 06:56AM by worldhistory1

Opinion | Trump’s school safety commission goes after black children instead of the NRA

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 07:00AM by philnotfil

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

I have never been to school or received any education at home but i am beginning to take interest in math and physics and need somewhere online (preferably free) to learn these things

Recently I have been really interested in outer space and how space shuttles are designed and function and so I decided to take it upon myself to figure out how all these things work, how the world works and all that. The only problem is I have no idea where to start, I taught myself to read and I am currently teaching myself a few programming languages but that's about all I know how to do.

So, having no prior experience with any of these subjects (or at least not in any sort of learning environment) I need somewhere to learn the absolute basics, a website, app, some YouTube videos, anything, but the thing is that it has to be free, I don't have a source of income at the moment. Any advice or links to places where I can learn these things would be greatly appreciated, all I want is to be able to function like a normal person and not freeze up whenever someone asks anything that requires the most basic of math skills.

...sorry for the long post, probably could have made it a bit shorter

Submitted December 25, 2018 at 12:21AM by 50storms

Charter Schools Stack Up Well

Submitted December 24, 2018 at 05:56PM by BBQCopter

@EducacionFutura : El contexto político es favorable al Presidente y a su partido. Sin embargo, cambiar la Constitución demanda de dos terceras partes de los votos en el Congreso. Hay dudas acerca de que los pueda conseguir: Carlos Ornelas

@EducacionFutura : El contexto político es favorable al Presidente y a su partido. Sin embargo, cambiar la Constitución demanda de dos terceras partes de los votos en el Congreso. Hay dudas acerca de que los pueda conseguir: Carlos Ornelas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La iniciativa para cancelar "la mal llamada reforma educativa" poco tiene que ver con una preocupación seria sobre el desempeño del sistema educativo mexicano

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La iniciativa para cancelar "la mal llamada reforma educativa" poco tiene que ver con una preocupación seria sobre el desempeño del sistema educativo mexicano (via Twitter

@INEEmx: El INEE manifiesta su más amplio rechazo al recorte presupuestal de más del 50 por ciento con respecto al del 2018 #Presupuesto2019 #PEF2019 #INEEAutónomo

Walmart heirs promote charter schools among black community

Submitted December 24, 2018 at 01:59PM by DoremusJessup

@EducacionFutura : La “Nueva Escuela Mexicana” / Un nuevo análisis de Eduardo Gurría B

@EducacionFutura : La “Nueva Escuela Mexicana” / Un nuevo análisis de Eduardo Gurría B (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La reforma del Artículo Tercero Constitucional… en suspenso / Un texto de Sergio Martínez Dunstan

@EducacionFutura : La reforma del Artículo Tercero Constitucional… en suspenso / Un texto de Sergio Martínez Dunstan (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Destacan estudiantes mexicanos en concurso internacional de robótica

@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Destacan estudiantes mexicanos en concurso internacional de robótica (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Reinventar la política educativa: maldición sexenal / Un análisis de @marco_fdezm y @Lau_Herre_ra de @mexevalua

@EducacionFutura : Reinventar la política educativa: maldición sexenal / Un análisis de @marco_fdezm y @Lau_Herre_ra de @mexevalua (via Twitter

@INEEmx: En 2018 #PanoramaINEE cumplió 15 años de generar información de los componentes, procesos y resultados de la #EducaciónObligatoria. Conoce con qué eficacia se están alcanzando los objetivos y metas del Sistema Educativo Nacional en: #PublicacionesINEE

@EducacionFutura : Para el nuevo director del @IISUE_UNAM , Hugo Casanova, el anterior gobierno de @EPN dejó grandes descuidos educativos

@EducacionFutura : Para el nuevo director del @IISUE_UNAM , Hugo Casanova, el anterior gobierno de @EPN dejó grandes descuidos educativos (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Para reflexionar sobre el presupuesto...

@ManuelGilAnton : Para reflexionar sobre el presupuesto... (via Twitter

How can I improve my vocabulary and knowledge? I feel as if I lack in vocabulary and do not know basic history, science, etc?

(Have completed HS and 2 years of college so far)

Submitted December 24, 2018 at 03:36AM by peggycat7

domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2018

@EducacionFutura : Comunicado de los investigadores del @cinvestav y @DIE_CINVESTAV sobre las implicaciones del proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación para 2019

@EducacionFutura : Comunicado de los investigadores del @cinvestav y @DIE_CINVESTAV sobre las implicaciones del proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación para 2019 (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Las prioridades educativas y su espejo presupuestal en la Cuarta transformación / Un análisis de @marco_fdezm y @Lau_Herre_ra de @mexevalua

@EducacionFutura : Las prioridades educativas y su espejo presupuestal en la Cuarta transformación / Un análisis de @marco_fdezm y @Lau_Herre_ra de @mexevalua (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AbelardoCarro: Por favor, apoyemos a su familia y amigos. Gracias! @ManuelGilAnton. @CarlosLoret. @SergioSarmiento. @DeniseMaerker. @lopezdoriga.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AbelardoCarro: Por favor, apoyemos a su familia y amigos. Gracias! @ManuelGilAnton. @CarlosLoret. @SergioSarmiento. @DeniseMaerker. @lopezdoriga. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: RT @TeresaBrachoG: Al @INEEmx de un plumazo, le recortan un tercio, sobre un presupuesto que ya había recortado 23% en relación al 2018. Se pone en riesgo la evaluación del sistema educativo en todos sus renglones: alumnos, políticas educativas, escuelas...

@INEEmx: #Presupuesto2019 #PEF2019 #INEEAutónomo

@INEEmx: #Presupuesto2019 #PEF2019 #INEEAutónomo #AsíNO

'Angle Study'

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 02:14PM by SuperbReflection5

You can now try Pear Deck for Chrome & Chromebook, perfect for teachers looking to connect with students

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 12:50PM by *polhold00214

Danish university now forcing students to share IP addresses with Google Inc - is it a GDPR breach?

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 11:08AM by rucrefugee

Racism and school suspensions: An analysis

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 12:11PM by 489031573147892

Would you travel to a different country for a application interview?

It’s pretty clear though, if a university invites you for a application interview whether you are eligible or not. What would you do?

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 12:36PM by e-kohen

Student debt, declining graduation rate plague public colleges

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 09:49AM by thinkB4WeSpeak

Good sources/websites/books for studying for (subject) SAT and AP tests

Does anyone have any good sources, websites, books, or book series to study for SAT or AP tests?

Specifically maths, physics, and normal SAT.

And Physics, Calculus, Economics, Europeon or American history, and German for APs.

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 09:12AM by BlueDunk

@INEEmx: ¿Qué hace el INEE y qué hace la autoridad educativa? El INEE evalúa los aprendizajes e informa a la sociedad y a las autoridades educativas. La autoridad educativa revisa planes y programas, prácticas de enseñanza, entre otros. Conócenos #INEEAutónomo

Principle of Fascism

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 05:49AM by worldhistory1

My secondary school was extremely biased with giving grades

When I was in secondary school I noticed that between years 7 and 10 there were a couple of examples of teachers giving higher grades in certain subjects to students for no reason other than that student being viewed as more gifted or as a top student

Here are a couple:

I was put into the lowest set for PE and we did a entire term of work on leadership and creating our own group activities. I worked extremely hard and my teacher was very impressed with the work i did and told me I had a gift for it. I got the highest grade in my class which was a 5c. In the set above mine there were 30 students and the lowest anyone got was a 5b and most got level 6s (5b is better than 5c). The kid who got a 5b refused to do his final task properly and just pissed about and turned up to only 2 lessons and somehow he got higher than an entire class beneath him that turned up and did all the work

In drama we got put into several groups and these were made according to our expected grades. My group was the third group who were all expected to get level 4s, where as the top group were expected to get level 6s

In the end we made a 10 minute long performance in my group which our teacher said was her favourite performance and the head teacher who came to watch them all said it was her favourite too. The top group did a 4 minute long performance that was okay but didn’t get as good a reaction.

In the end our group got all low level fours whereas the top group still got level 6s, including a guy who literally had 3 lines in his whole performance and spent the whole thing pretending to drive a bus

Dunno if it’s just me but this all seems dodgy as fuck

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 03:34AM by Jacobisbatman123

Federal shutdown includes agencies that are key supporters of university research

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 03:40AM by thinkB4WeSpeak

New "Smart" Uniforms for Students in China

Submitted December 23, 2018 at 03:32AM by TechRetox

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2018

More than 40,000 people have applied for public service loan forgiveness — 206 were approved

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 10:17PM by cybersecp

Top 5 Most Expensive Universities In Nigeria

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 04:03PM by chinweron

I'm not sure what to think about Standards-based grading VS GPA

I have two young kids in the early grades of school. We moved to a new state a while back and I just got my child's first report card and instead of A's & B's, it's a Proficiency-Based grading system, with all the areas listed and "BEG", "DEV" and "PRO" (Beginning, Developing and Proficient) listed as results for each area.

I wasn't too concerned because I assumed this was just for 4K and maybe first or second grade or something; but then I found out that both the elementary and high-school are adapting to this new system and now I'm trying to educate myself as much as I can.

I don't want to be someone who is always stuck in the old ways of doing things without any tolerance for changes for improvement, but as this is a change to part of a system, there will obviously be varying degrees of positive and negative effects and impact on people and the various parts of the education system. For example, if there are no more letter grades or GPAs being calculated, how will this effect how colleges evaluate students and consider them for acceptance and/or scholarships, etc?

Here is the article I am looking at, but as someone with quite low intelligence and unfamiliar with the basics of education, I don't really know how to take all of this in.

What are the other concerns for this? Are a lot of other schools going after this change? Are colleges on board? What are the opinions on this on a more national scale?

Other articles:

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 01:58PM by commentsurfer

Books/websites to study for (Subject)SATs and APs

Does anyone have any good sources, websites, books, or book series to study for SAT or AP tests?

Specifically maths, physics, and normal SAT.

And Physics, Calculus, Economics, Europeon or American history, and German for APs.

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 10:34AM by BlueDunk

@INEEmx: ¿Quieres saber cómo le fue a la escuela donde laboras o en la que estudian tus hijos en la prueba #Planea2018? El consejero @bnaranjoedu describe e invita a consultar el reporte escolar de las #primarias que participaron en esta evaluación. Consúltalo en:

Are there any legitimate online universities that aren't scammy and don't look bad? Can you double major at online schools?

Like the title says. This next year or two I will be working twice as much as I do now and I'd still like to get a degree somehow. Going to college online would be perfect for me, if I can find a legit one that isn't scammy and doesn't look bad to employers. Also wondering if you can double major at these places too?

Thanks so much in advance! :)

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 07:39AM by samandraaa

The Five-Paragraph Essay Must Die

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 07:28AM by LawAndMortar

I am looking for advice/suggestions from teachers and students who have been involved in a flipped classroom setting.

A brief bit of background: I am not a teacher. My mom teaches several subjects, because her classes are for GED prep and college prep at a community college. She is re-writing all of her lessons to begin using the flipped classroom approach for her classes in the Spring semester. She has enlisted my help, and I am trying to learn everything I can to help make this a smooth transition for both my mom and her students.

If you are or were a student who has experienced one or more “flipped classrooms”—where the lecture and/or reading is assigned for outside of class, and assignments or projects or discussions are held in class—I would love to hear your perspective on the experience. What was effective? What was not? How do you compare it to other learning environments you’ve experienced?

For teachers who have implemented flipped classrooms, I would be glad to hear your perspectives on any or all of the following questions:

· How do you keep students attending? It seems like a lot of students might easily assume that if the learning is occurring outside the classroom anyway, then the classroom aspect may be superfluous. Do you allow them to make up assignments for missed classes? Do you draw a line, allowing it under some conditions but not in every case? Where do you draw the line? Is attendance even a problem for you?

· Along those same lines: how do you approach creating assignments/projects for class, to keep it effective and engaging? Do you include class discussion? How do you balance assignments/projects with discussion?

· If you have a high ratio of students to teachers, how do you keep the learning individualized in the classroom?

· On the homework front—how do you teach outside the classroom? Is it all videos? Do you use a combination of recorded lectures and assigned reading? How do you keep your videos concise, and still offer all the information the students will need? I know this will vary from subject to subject, but I’d be glad to hear your different approaches.

· How do you keep students accountable for doing their homework/learning outside the classroom?

· For those teaching in high-poverty areas, how do you ensure that students have access to the devices and Internet that the students will need for outside learning? Do you consider school library and computer labs which are accessible to students at lunch and after school to satisfy that need? My concern with this is that it puts a time and scheduling constraint on poorer students that more well-to-do students don’t need to worry about. Do you use apps that are accessible on smart phones? Are there grants or other resources you know of for obtaining laptops or tablets which students could “check out” from the classroom?

· For those teaching in a college or university setting, how do you address the gap in technical ability your students may have? Many of your students will be younger generation who are fully knowledgeable about their devices and how to use them, but some returning to higher education after getting their GEDs or graduating high school decades ago will be less knowledgeable. How do you make sure your less technically adept students have the skills and tools they need, while avoiding redundancy for other students?

· Both outside of class and in terms of class attendance, there is a higher level of self-accountability for students. How do you get the less-engaged students invested? I understand that this is a question that teachers face in any classroom setting, but it seems like a different question in a flipped classroom.

· Are there subjects for which the flipped classroom approach is less effective? What are the drawbacks? Do you feel that flipped classrooms are advantageous enough to be worth getting around these drawbacks? If so, what to you do to make it more workable in spite of the drawbacks, or how do you get around them?

Thanks for taking the time to read, and my mom and I both would really appreciate whatever thoughts or suggestions you all might have.

Submitted December 22, 2018 at 02:14AM by Coyotes_fan_19

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @aceloruiz: Estamos a sólo una semana de concluir la campaña de financiamiento de "Oblatos, el vuelo que surcó la noche". Sólo con tu ayuda podemos llegar a la meta. RT hasta que este mensaje llegue a alguien que quiera patrocinar este documental. 👇🏾

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @aceloruiz: Estamos a sólo una semana de concluir la campaña de financiamiento de "Oblatos, el vuelo que surcó la noche". Sólo con tu ayuda podemos llegar a la meta. RT hasta que este mensaje llegue a alguien que quiera patrocinar este documental. 👇🏾 (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Un análisis del presupuesto en educación

@ManuelGilAnton : Un análisis del presupuesto en educación (via Twitter

On 'Teachers Pay Teachers,' Some Sellers Are Profiting From Stolen Work

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 06:52PM by savedabol

@INEEmx: El INEE analizó el Proyecto de Presupuesto de Egresos 2019 y presenta propuestas para fortalecer la equidad y la mejora educativa

Start from zero

I'm (21Y,M) and I've started to realize how much of my ideas, perceptions, views are not mine at all, well I know that we are a sum of our society, but... I start to have ideas and views fighting with one another because I don't truly understand why I belive that or that, or think in that way and why not the other.

I want to start to educate myself from the beginnings but is hard for me to order all the informations, to start with what and continue to what. I want to re-learn all the fields and really comprehend why that is that. Thank you for your time, waiting for your suggestions! 😁

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 04:08PM by emazio

Year long 4 day school week, why not?

4 day work weeks improve prductivity and employee moral, so why not do this with public education?

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 03:02PM by TorranceS33

@ManuelGilAnton : Es importante revisar los rubros que señala David Calderón en este texto, y la reducción del 40% para Normales que advierte Alma Maldonado.

@ManuelGilAnton : Es importante revisar los rubros que señala David Calderón en este texto, y la reducción del 40% para Normales que advierte Alma Maldonado. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @letty_sp Mándala a

@ManuelGilAnton : @letty_sp Mándala a (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Universidades públicas y transformación de México / Un análisis de Imanol Ordorika

@EducacionFutura : Universidades públicas y transformación de México / Un análisis de Imanol Ordorika (via Twitter

Reflections on the Midwest Clinic

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 10:23AM by 4TheMusicEducator

@INEEmx: #VocesdelaEvaluación es una serie para reflexionar sobre el Sistema Educativo Nacional, cómo reducir las brechas de inequidad, así como plantear soluciones para mejorar la calidad de la educación en México. Ve aquí los programas que conforman esta serie:

Teacher Ugly Christmas

Teacher Ugly Christmas

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 08:02AM by OkHeart7

Grant to keep technology in the classroom working properly

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 02:24AM by thesteve1

20th, DECEMBER, what happened in History

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 12:53AM by worldhistory1

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

What are some issues you have with the education system? Large scale Issues? small scale Issues? Anything.

What Are Some Issues You Have With The Education System? Large Scale Ones? Small Scale Ones? Anything.

I will provide some I saw in my time obtaining a Bachelor's degree.

  1. Tenure system makes professors untouchable, they play God. A professor has to sexually assault a student to be fired. Because of this I have heard some of the most unprofessional statements uttered in the college setting by college professors because they could say/do anything without represussion. "I am going to ruin your life by failing you and there is nothing you can do about it"

  2. You can spend $100-200k to make $30k a year. This does not really need a description, but here goes. If NBA/NFL teams have salary caps, why do education systems not have tuition caps? Who determines why at Random State University you need to pay $100-200k to learn there?

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 10:40PM by JediMasterApex

Flawed Technology

This semester, I was looking at classes I can take next semester. This past semester, I took two electives classes that fulfills the Advertising and Marketing Communications major. The next semester, I was supposed to take two classes that require the Advertising and Marketing Communications foundation class as a prerequisite. I swapped an evening class for a class that fulfills the Marketing Analytics major to balance my General Marketing major classes.

After swapping classes, I saw that Degreeworks, a software that audits student's classes to see whether the classes are considered electives or not. On the program, I saw that the class that fulfills the Marketing Analytics major was considered an "elective class not accepted" instead of a major elective class.

Today, I went to the Academic Advisement office and showed the advisor that the class is considered to be a major elective class. She went to the Zicklin site and saw that it was an elective class for my major. Turns out I am not alone. There were other students who have the same situation where they registered for classes that comply with their majors but Degreeworks did not recognize it. The advisor then made a note of it. Now, I have to wait to see if it gets updated.

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 09:07PM by Gregheff

Tutoring advice

If you have a kid that barely talks that needs tutoring but it seems like they don’t really even care what do you do. I’m a kid tutoring not a teacher btw. Apparently this kid just sits there and when you explain they just nod but they don’t do anything. Do I confront them directly about being rude and wasting time, do I play the friendly card that could be awkward, or what?

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 03:46PM by NicElTaco

Unused GoMath adopted curriculum. The district also pays for and uses SWUN math, but the school board has not approved it so we have keep these on our shelves for the Williams Act auditors.We will never use them. Our school cannot afford to have a full time counselor, but we can somehow afford this.

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 02:18PM by crookedfingerz

'A Moving Minimum-Spanning Tree'

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 03:10PM by SuperbReflection5

@ManuelGilAnton : Estimado Gerardo. Desde mi punto de vista, si la fracción establece que el INEE establezca la forma de evaluar a las autoridades (se sujetarán a lo que el INEE diga que es correcto), participa de las evaluaciones que tienen consecuencias laborales. Ese es el error.

@ManuelGilAnton : Estimado Gerardo. Desde mi punto de vista, si la fracción establece que el INEE establezca la forma de evaluar a las autoridades (se sujetarán a lo que el INEE diga que es correcto), participa de las evaluaciones que tienen consecuencias laborales. Ese es el error. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Para favorecer la #AutonomíaEscolar, te presentamos una metodología propuesta por el INEE para utilizar los resultados de las evaluaciones, junto con información de la escuela, para favorecer el aprendizaje de los alumnos: #PublicacionesINEE

Masters Degree

Hello Reddit,

I currently have a Bachelors degree in Business Management a degree I never wanted. My passion is for art history and archaeology. It would be impossible for me to pursue a career in these fields without a masters degree but for that I would need a bachelors first. Should I take the risk? I am 31 no kids so I have the time. My concerns are the job market and loans but I think it might be worth it to do something I am passionate about. Anyone experience this change in careers or have any advice? Thanks!

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 12:09PM by srsblk83

@ManuelGilAnton : Me permito discrepar:en el inciso b)Fracción IX del 3o.Constitucional,se mandata al INEE a"Expedir los lineamientos a los que se SUJETARÁN las aut.educ. federales y locales para llevar a cabo las funciones de evaluación que les corresponden"Es decir:ingreso,desempeño y promoción.

@ManuelGilAnton : Me permito discrepar:en el inciso b)Fracción IX del 3o.Constitucional,se mandata al INEE a"Expedir los lineamientos a los que se SUJETARÁN las aut.educ. federales y locales para llevar a cabo las funciones de evaluación que les corresponden"Es decir:ingreso,desempeño y promoción. (via Twitter

'Controversial ideas' journal where academics can publish under pseudonyms for fear of backlash

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 11:55AM by WarOfNoise

She was denied public service loan forgiveness, so she filed a lawsuit

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 10:26AM by DeathByEducation

Public School Failll

If anyone knows of any organizations or people that are interested in sponsoring or helping with tuition to Montessori school for a very smart 6 year old kindergartener, please let me know. I have a child who can write an entire algebra problem, can rewire electrical, can build successful large scale catapults with no assistance, who can successfully just figure out how things work, but because in public school he can't spell Hippopotamus they want to consider him below level and possibly special needs. Anyone that knows Memphis knows how super smart he is. He can write sentences. They may not have everything spelled correctly, but he is in kindergarten. Why beat a kid like this down daily is my question? It has started affecting his self esteem. After talking to teachers and staff, here is the exact response given:

The Indiana Kindergarten Standards are set by the state and are what I must follow to ensure that a student is prepared and able to move on to 1st grade. The curriculum is then provided to me by the district which is what I must follow and teach to each child. The benchmarks are set to guide where a student should be at specific times in the school year. The benchmarks are national benchmarks.

Yes, every child is different and develops at different times than others their age. As the teacher, I must keep parents informed about their child's progress. This includes if they are above, at grade level, behind, or in need for additional assessments to assess for a learning disability. Hopefully this information answers your questions. My hope is that Memphis will learn, grow, and love everything we do at school.

So every child is different, but still the same. I am not bashing public school. I do think the majority succeed. I have 5 other kids that made it. Memphis is a little different. He did great in Montessori last year. We would have kept him in but the cost is not even near being in our budget. I do think I will be able to get a grant for 1st grade. Our closest school is 45 minutes from our house which I am willing to do.

Please feel free to share this. I just want to see Memphis succeed in his full capacity.

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 07:54AM by flymeinthemix

Help please! I'm conducting research for my masters degree, studying how musicians interact with improvisation. All musicians are encouraged to take this survey. The data collected will inform my research into building communities that facilitate improvisation. All data collected remains anonymous.

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 08:08AM by MindSpaceRecords

@INEEmx: ¿Qué SÍ hace el INEE? ✔️ Genera información técnicamente sólida para contribuir a la toma de decisiones informada para la mejora educativa ¿Qué NO hace el INEE? ✖️ Implementa acciones directas sobre el Sistema Educativo Nacional. +info: #INEEAutónomo

@ManuelGilAnton : Otro punto de vista sobre el INEE que me hace llegar Patricia Vázquez. Lo comparto y agradezco cono el de Héctor Bárcenas. @Porahisinrumbo

@ManuelGilAnton : Otro punto de vista sobre el INEE que me hace llegar Patricia Vázquez. Lo comparto y agradezco cono el de Héctor Bárcenas. @Porahisinrumbo (via Twitter

A good yet affordable universities to study for your Masters in Architecture?

Hi, I'm an architecture graduate (received my degree last month) (B. Arch, University of West England) from a south asian country. I'm hoping to study abroad for my masters. I reserched about TU Delft and University of Struttgard and such, but TU Delft is effing expensive. I want to find my expences and course fees while working. Is there anyone with experience to give me some advice and suggestions? And if you can please add the procedure to apply for the suggested university :) thanks guys!

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 05:57AM by bud154

Dec,19, 1984; It was a day when United Kingdom(UK) Agree and signed the Agreement which popularly called as Sino-British Joint Declaration on the question of to give Hong kong back to People Republic of China which was dominated by Britain in 1842.

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 05:46AM by worldhistory1

Can I teach primary with my PGCE ?

I don't have QTS status currently but was wondering how I could get into teaching at primary level without having to go and do another PGCE

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 02:56AM by Product_of_80s

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

T.M. Landry and the Myth of Meritocracy in Education

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 07:49PM by NicCageKillerBees

Higher education in the US is driven by a lust for glory – David Labaree | Aeon Essays

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 08:11PM by brownlizard

@ManuelGilAnton : La carta que Héctor Bárcenas escribe a la Junta de Gobierno del INEE, y me comparte para que la leamos... mis respetos, y qué pena las palabras del consejero que le responde.

@ManuelGilAnton : La carta que Héctor Bárcenas escribe a la Junta de Gobierno del INEE, y me comparte para que la leamos... mis respetos, y qué pena las palabras del consejero que le responde. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : El Estado debe garantizar el desarrollo de ambientes de aprendizaje eficaces para cada estudiante: @jennodjod

@EducacionFutura : El Estado debe garantizar el desarrollo de ambientes de aprendizaje eficaces para cada estudiante: @jennodjod (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : La carta de un trabajador del INEE a la Junta de Gobierno, muy franca y valiente.

@ManuelGilAnton : La carta de un trabajador del INEE a la Junta de Gobierno, muy franca y valiente. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Con esta #PrácticaInnovadora la primaria 26 de mayo, ubicada en la comunidad Contla de Juan Cuamatzi en #Tlaxcala, recuperó el himno escolar para mejorar los aprendizajes de lectura y escritura en los seis grados de primaria. Te compartimos la estrategia:

@EducacionFutura : Autonomía universitaria, ¿traspié o estrategia? / El nuevo artículo de Carlos Ornelas

@EducacionFutura : Autonomía universitaria, ¿traspié o estrategia? / El nuevo artículo de Carlos Ornelas (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Este estudio brinda información acerca de la implementación de la Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior, específicamente del Marco Curricular Común, para retroalimentar a quienes toman decisiones sobre los procesos y recursos para las escuelas:

I’m here for restorative justice practices until your son punches my daughter at school

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 01:02PM by AdvocateAndEmpower

Great tips for teaching digital citizenship to kids with learning and attention issues

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 01:03PM by EdTech4All

@EducacionFutura : "La Reforma Educativa dará pie a mucho debate. Se desgarrarán las vestiduras." @EduardoAndere

@EducacionFutura : "La Reforma Educativa dará pie a mucho debate. Se desgarrarán las vestiduras." @EduardoAndere (via Twitter

@INEEmx: Para el ciclo escolar 2016-2017, 7,082,134 jóvenes cumplían las características para ingresar a #secundaria. De estos jóvenes se matriculó el 94.8% al inicio del ciclo escolar. Consulta más indicadores sobre trayectoria escolar en:

Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost Her School Job for Refusing to Sign A Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 10:00AM by IntnsRed

DeVos To Rescind Obama-Era Guidance On School Discipline

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 07:42AM by Bemuzed

Teachers can encourage students to build mental models so they can apply various processes/concepts in a variety of settings which ultimately lead to diverse thinking, creativity, and intuitive understanding of a variety of perspectives.

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 08:14AM by Shred77

@EducacionFutura : Iniciativa: luz y sombra / Un análisis de @DavidResortera

@EducacionFutura : Iniciativa: luz y sombra / Un análisis de @DavidResortera (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : La importancia de las universidades públicas y su complejidad. Buen texto de Imanol Ordorika.

@ManuelGilAnton : La importancia de las universidades públicas y su complejidad. Buen texto de Imanol Ordorika. (via Twitter

@INEEmx: ¿Con quién trabaja el INEE? Trabajamos de la mano con #docentes, directivos, supervisores, organizaciones sociales, académicos y autoridades educativas locales y federal, para conocer y aportar a las propuestas de mejora que realiza el INEE #INEEAutónomo

The Scandal That Reveals the Fiction of America’s Educational Meritocracy

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 05:21AM by dwaxe

Are there any ongoing discussions about TECEP/Credit-By-Exam Pursuants?

I am on my third attempt at finishing my college degree, this time via TECEP and other credit-by-exam tests. Its the cheapest, most flexible, and easiest program I've tried so far. But, I'm wondering why it is so hard for me to find other people using this method. I'd love to hear about others' experiences and if it worked out for them in the end. Feel free to redirect me if I'm on the wrong subreddit. I just haven't been able to find anything else on the subject so far on Reddit.

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 05:49AM by ryloriles

Study: 50% of aspiring academic scientists will drop out after 5 years

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 02:54AM by thinkB4WeSpeak

My Kind of Circus – The joys of teaching middle school

Submitted December 19, 2018 at 12:56AM by conuly

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

@EducacionFutura : La caída de la “reforma educativa” Peñista / Un análisis de @AbelardoCarro

@EducacionFutura : La caída de la “reforma educativa” Peñista / Un análisis de @AbelardoCarro (via Twitter

Historic Latino student wave reshapes many colleges. But access is uneven. (Comparison of UC Riverside & UC Berkeley)

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 06:07PM by treyday22

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Aquí puedes ver el video donde AMLO señala que es un error el recorte a universidades. "Sostengo que se va a reparar ese error y se les va a entregar a las universidades lo que les corresponde", explica.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Aquí puedes ver el video donde AMLO señala que es un error el recorte a universidades. "Sostengo que se va a reparar ese error y se les va a entregar a las universidades lo que les corresponde", explica. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / #Video - El presidente @lopezobrador_ señaló que el recorte a universidades que se había presentado en el presupuesto de gastos para el año 2019 fue un error y será corregido.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / #Video - El presidente @lopezobrador_ señaló que el recorte a universidades que se había presentado en el presupuesto de gastos para el año 2019 fue un error y será corregido. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / #Video - El presidente @lopezobrador_ señaló que el recorte a universidades que se había presentado en el presupuesto de gastos para el año 2019 fue un error y será corregido.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto / #Video - El presidente @lopezobrador_ señaló que el recorte a universidades que se había presentado en el presupuesto de gastos para el año 2019 fue un error y será corregido. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Jorge Jiménez Alcaraz, nuevo director del INIFED

@EducacionFutura : Jorge Jiménez Alcaraz, nuevo director del INIFED (via Twitter

@INEEmx: En México los jornaleros agrícolas #migrantes se mueven por todo el país buscando trabajo en los campos de cultivo. En esta entrega de #RevistaRed te hablamos sobre cómo es la educación que reciben sus hijos: #DíaInternacionaldelMigrante

Trump Safety Panel Wants To End Obama Policy Meant To Curb Racial Disparities

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 03:11PM by DoremusJessup

Why do ya'll think that Grammarly has become so popular? Has our grammar gotten better or worse throughout time?

I find it a bit insane that people are paying for a service that checks your grammar errors when you can just proofread what you write. This makes me think people aren't finding existing errors even when they proofread. I've also proofread things for my college educated friends and found that most of them do make a lot of mistakes. I don't know if this is because our education system is more flawed than it was before. Or it could be that this was actually always an issue. I'm happy people are paying more attention to their grammar and how they are presented, but this makes me question if everyone was asleep during English class in elementary school.

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 03:27PM by chasingshoesales

@ManuelGilAnton : El texto de Abelardo Carro sobre la RE de Peña

@ManuelGilAnton : El texto de Abelardo Carro sobre la RE de Peña (via Twitter

Any advices for Global UGRAD Program motivational essay?

I am currently filling my Global UGRAD Program application. I just wanted to see some of the tips that may be useful in writing the essay. I study business administration - finances (plus programming as a minor). What are the good ways to sell myself, what to focus on, emphasize more and so on?

If this may be useful, apart from business, I am pretty good at painting/drawing which is my hobby and I am really into arts. Also I have always wanted to study abroad and I see this one as a pretty good chance for it.

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 02:31PM by MishoCH

@ManuelGilAnton : No más hay una palabra: ¡gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : No más hay una palabra: ¡gracias! (via Twitter

Billionaire Eli Broad Takes Public Education Private

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 01:21PM by madgreenguy

Teacher yells at students for liking PewDiePie. Says liking or retweeting him is racist, anti Semitic and supports genocide. Also tells kids they could be arrested or sued for it.

Submitted December 18, 2018 at 01:26PM by DuncanIdahos8thClone

Did No Child Left Behind have an effect on all US public schools or only schools that received title 1 funding?

I'm American, but I don't really know anything about US education policy. And while I'm aware that No Child Left Behind is no longer on the books, I remember hearing people talk about it a lot while I was growing up, so I'm curious to know more about it.

I didn't realize until very recently that No Child Left Behind was actually an update of an earlier law called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

My understanding of ESEA is very rudimentary - but basically, what I've gathered, is that under Title 1 of the law, schools that have a certain percentage of students from low-income families can qualify for funding from the federal government. And I'm aware that No Child Left Behind tied this funding to standardized test scores.

I'm not entirely sure, but I assume that all public schools in the country, regardless of whether or not they receive Title 1 funding, administer standardized tests and have been doing so since before the days of No Child Left Behind, correct?

So did No Child Left Behind have any impact on schools that don't receive Title 1 funding? Or did No Child Left Behind only have an impact on Title 1 schools?


Submitted December 18, 2018 at 01:39PM by JFox93

@EducacionFutura : La cancelación del INEE: un proceso kafkiano / Un texto de Eduardo Backhoff, ex consejero del @INEEmx

@EducacionFutura : La cancelación del INEE: un proceso kafkiano / Un texto de Eduardo Backhoff, ex consejero del @INEEmx (via Twitter