jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

What are some issues you have with the education system? Large scale Issues? small scale Issues? Anything.

What Are Some Issues You Have With The Education System? Large Scale Ones? Small Scale Ones? Anything.

I will provide some I saw in my time obtaining a Bachelor's degree.

  1. Tenure system makes professors untouchable, they play God. A professor has to sexually assault a student to be fired. Because of this I have heard some of the most unprofessional statements uttered in the college setting by college professors because they could say/do anything without represussion. "I am going to ruin your life by failing you and there is nothing you can do about it"

  2. You can spend $100-200k to make $30k a year. This does not really need a description, but here goes. If NBA/NFL teams have salary caps, why do education systems not have tuition caps? Who determines why at Random State University you need to pay $100-200k to learn there?

Submitted December 20, 2018 at 10:40PM by JediMasterApex http://bit.ly/2CrTJI2

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