What Are Some Issues You Have With The Education System? Large Scale Ones? Small Scale Ones? Anything.
I will provide some I saw in my time obtaining a Bachelor's degree.
Tenure system makes professors untouchable, they play God. A professor has to sexually assault a student to be fired. Because of this I have heard some of the most unprofessional statements uttered in the college setting by college professors because they could say/do anything without represussion. "I am going to ruin your life by failing you and there is nothing you can do about it"
You can spend $100-200k to make $30k a year. This does not really need a description, but here goes. If NBA/NFL teams have salary caps, why do education systems not have tuition caps? Who determines why at Random State University you need to pay $100-200k to learn there?
Submitted December 20, 2018 at 10:40PM by JediMasterApex http://bit.ly/2CrTJI2
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