lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

Looking to take Electronic & Electrical Engineering at uni. What other subjects should I consider?taking this year? (Scotland)

So this year I am taking Higher History, Higher Computing Science, Higher Chemistry, Higher Maths and Higher English.

I am staying till 6th year to get higher physics (Got an A in National 5 but since we pick our subjects before we get our results, my teacher told me i would fail so I didn't take it).

I am aiming for Strathclyde, so I am curious of what other subjects would help me with Electronic & Electrical Engineering? I was thinking Advanced higher maths would help.

(We are only aloud to take 4 subjects, or 3 advanced highers)

Any replies are appreciated

Submitted January 29, 2018 at 02:15PM by TheMetalLED

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