martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

Using AR/VR as learning tool in classroom?

Are there any teachers/professors and school officials here? If so, what do you think about the use of technology such as augmented reality and virtual reality as a learning tool in classrooms? I'm no longer a student, but I do believe that it can be a great tool to teach students quickly and more efficiently. Obviously, it's not gonna be applicable to all subjects, but I can see it being used in several, like Science, Mathematics, History or Physical Education. I asked because I saw this video today about the use of AR & VR in classrooms and immediately thought how lucky students are for having this technology because this will help them learn faster and focus on the lessons better because, let's face it, it can be boring to sit in class for an hour or more listening to the teacher in front of you. If you're a teacher/professor or school official, do you think AR and VR will revolutionize the education system?

Submitted August 22, 2018 at 12:00AM by applesnbluebird

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