Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018
@EducacionFutura : Según el titular de la SEP, Otto Granados, la política educativa tiene avances innegables y asignaturas pendientes
@EducacionFutura : Hablando del libro “Las pieles que vestimos”. Corporeidad y prácticas de belleza en jóvenes chiapanecas
Giá Trị Chứng Chỉ Nấu Ăn Tại Hocnauan.Edu.Vn
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 06:51PM by hocnauaneduvn
Why is there an SAT Math level 1 Test?
I have been browsing the requirements of many colleges and have found no college that lists the test as important, and I don't want to tell a student I have no answer to what should be a simple question
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 06:36PM by lord_patriot
@INEEmx: De acuerdo a #Cívica2016, un alto porcentaje de jóvenes mexicanos opinan que el reconocimiento y la valoración de la diversidad fortalecen la democracia. 69% México 65% Promedio internacional Consulta más información: #CifrasINEE
Online education startup idea , I need your reviews please .
Hello all of you , for of all excuse my English it's my 3rd language .
I am developing a platform where a student can do a practical exam and send it to a teacher of his choice (based on other students reviews) to check it for him and give him detailed reviews about the question in case it was wrong or right .
My question is if this platform can be beneficial for students who're preparing for exams in general .
The reason I am asking here is that my friend told me it's not a good idea and he don't think it's going to work .
Thank you .
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 05:38PM by Entre_p
@EducacionFutura : La indefendible defensa del SNTE / El nuevo análisis de @AbelardoCarro
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - "Nuestra política está llena de validaciones por la vía de las fotografías. Los políticos pueden probar su cercanía con el poder mostrando una foto, la foto con el poderoso..."
NJ Letter to Education Secretary DeVos - Demanding compliance
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 02:41PM by DeathByEducation
@EducacionFutura : #VozDelProfe - "La evaluación docente de noviembre para efectos de la permanencia de los profesores mexicanos en su empleo puede y debe cancelarse"
Handshake, high-five, fist bump or hug? Cute preschoolers choose which fun way they will greet each other every morning
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 01:18PM by rieslingatkos
@INEEmx: #SabíasQue la escolaridad media de la población de 15 años o más es de 9.2 grados, lo equivalente a poco más de tercero de secundaria. Conoce más indicadores sobre contexto social en nuestro micrositio de indicadores:
3 Reasons Why Most Entrepreneurs FAIL. Here's your weekly nuggets of wisdom from the FourPercent Entrepreneur Show by Vick Strizheus. Must watch if you want to be successful and dominate the online world. If this resonates with you go to "JOIN" on the right hand corner to create a free account and
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 12:31PM by hsebastian67
@EducacionFutura : ¿Por qué a nadie nos gusta ser evaluados? / No te pierdas el nuevo análisis de @lamalaeducacion
What is a Good ACT Score? Answers From the Best
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 11:48AM by bsmcgee
@EducacionFutura : Los gobernadores aprovecharon los foros educativos para plantear sus asuntos que se resumen en dos: más dinero y menos responsabilidad: Carlos Ornelas
@ManuelGilAnton : En torno a la cuestión sindical en el magisterio
Help with Uni
what is secular indoctrination?
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 09:26AM by ISuckBlackHoles
America Can’t Seem to Kick its Racist Costume Habit
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 09:29AM by dwaxe
7 Ways Schools can Use the Canva Graphic Tools to a Benefit
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 07:56AM by Chisabez78
Do employers look down on online degrees?
I'm changing colleges for financial reasons, and for the first time am looking at online colleges. They seem very financially reasonable, but I have also seen that employers are less likely to take them seriously. Is this true? I am going for a copy/technical writing degree, and feel as though having a 'campus experience' isn't too important in that area.
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 08:05AM by PandaBearPandaSquare
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La división entre maestros como recurso político / Un texto de @rrgonzaga23
@INEEmx: De acuerdo a #Cívica2016, el porcentaje de jóvenes en México que considera nocivo criticar al gobierno es mayor que en otros países. 24% Promedio internacional 38% México Consulta más información: #CifrasINEE
Education philanthropy: why the billions spent aren’t working
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 04:56AM by UmamiTofu
Which is the best video tutorials for learn LMS…?
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 03:15AM by linajulie
How to Get Admission in B.Tech Computer Science? Computer science is one of the most desired branch of studies, not just for the wide stretch of technical studies it offers, but also for the high paying lucrative career choices CS graduates get to opt after graduation. Read More
Submitted October 31, 2018 at 12:14AM by Yaminiyamini
martes, 30 de octubre de 2018
I already shared this to another subreddit:
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 09:19PM by JoeTheAntiGoAnimator
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre la Reforma Educativa...
@INEEmx: De acuerdo a #Cívica2016, en México el porcentaje de jóvenes que considera nocivo para la democracia que una empresa o un gobierno sea propietario de todos los periódicos es menor que en otros países: 52% Promedio internacional 47% COL 42% PER 42% DOM 37% MEX #CifrasINEE
@EducacionFutura : Por corte de agua, IPN suspenderá clases del 31 de octubre al 2 de noviembre
What is the difference between mental imagery and perception?
I’m having a hard time understanding this.
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 03:23PM by throwawayaccounttoas
50-Plus Questions You Need to Ask When Visiting Colleges
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 03:28PM by bsmcgee
@INEEmx: Te invitamos a capacitarte con "Inform@-T de la evaluación educativa y su difusión", un curso gratuito y en línea en el que aprenderás estrategias para desarrollar y difundir el uso de las evaluaciones y de sus resultados. Inscríbete en: #MOOC #MéxicoX
@EducacionFutura : La otra caravana de migrantes / Un análisis de @soyyanez
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - Adiós al INEE, adiós a la reforma / Un nuevo análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez
@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión de Abelardo Carro sobre el SNTE... @AbelardoCarro
@EducacionFutura : En México no se está usando a la educación como el mecanismo igualador por excelencia y, en algunos casos, exacerba la desigualdad social, destacó la consejera Sylvia Schmelkes
Kids' apps may have a lot more ads than you think
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 11:30AM by KanataCitizen
How College Promise scholarship programs can revitalize distressed communities
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 12:08PM by UpjohnInstitute
@EducacionFutura : Colegios electorales para el @SnteNacional / Un texto de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez
@INEEmx: Conoce en este video el testimonio de maestros y directivos de la escuela Profesor Jerónimo Ahumada Armenta, de Baja California Sur, sobre los procesos de inclusión a la vida escolar de niños con autismo, ceguera, hipoacusia e incluso leucemia:
The Overlooked Reason One in Five Teens Struggles With Homework
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 10:02AM by dwaxe
The Truth about Education in Uganda
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 08:56AM by paradynexus
@EducacionFutura : El fin de la filosofía: ¿Será? 17 No te pierdas el análisis de @EduardoAndere
What Jewish Schools Are Telling Students About the Pittsburgh Shooting
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 07:22AM by dwaxe
3 Evidence-Based Tips for Educators to Help Reduce the Shortage of Women in STEM
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 08:17AM by asburyw
@INEEmx: El porcentaje de jóvenes que considera el nepotismo como un mal para la democracia es menor en los países de #AL que en otros. De acuerdo a #Cívica2016: 44% Promedio internacional 29% México 28% Perú 21% Colombia 13% Rep. Dominicana + info #CifrasINEE
@EducacionFutura : Ciencia y tecnología: la disputa en la transición / Un análisis de Ana Beatriz Pérez Díaz y @abuendia0531, presidenta del @comiemx
Tips & Tricks Best Exam Revision Techniques
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 06:42AM by vermarajan
Is this a swollen battery?
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 06:49AM by wewewawa
My girlfriend doesn't have the grades to transition onto the course she wants to do at university (scotland). What are her options?
As the title says, my girlfriend is doing Psychology at the moment because her parents wanted her to do it. She wants to transition to do computer arts but doesn't have the Higher grades to be eligible. She just got out of a meeting with the course leader for Computer Arts and he said she would need to go back to college for 2 years and get an HNC then apply for second-year entry. She doesn't want to do this because it would mean she has to move away. I suggested looking to see if there are any online higher courses she can do but I'm at a loss.
edit: She's also tried applying for other courses at this uni but got turned away for the same reason.
What are her options? What can I do to help her? She hates her current course. Thanks for reading
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 05:53AM by AngusDale_
Martha Nussbaum; Not for Profit
Has anyone here read it? If you have, do you agree with her arguements?
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 06:06AM by Rulifaxen
John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018): Remembering America's Most Courageous Teacher
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 06:24AM by punkthesystem
Research shows that mixed practice (i.e. interleaving) leads to better learning outcomes in a variety of contexts, in comparison with traditional blocked practice.
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 05:56AM by randomusefulbits
Reasons Why Never Seek Admission In The Episcopal School Of Dallas For Your Child!
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 03:22AM by ninajomes
Why You Need To Know About The ESD Dallas Scandal?
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 03:36AM by ninajomes
Reasons That Makes A Terrible Meredith Cole Headmaster!
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 03:46AM by ninajomes
Impact Of College Ranking On Admission Trends- If modern education trends are to be believed, a major portion of student population prefers to survey online college rankings before considering a college admission. Read More
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 04:45AM by Yaminiyamini
5 Successful Women Engineers
Submitted October 30, 2018 at 01:16AM by nitin27rao
@EducacionFutura : #VozDelProfe - ¿Quiénes son los responsables del rezago educativo?
Some Seattle school PTAs can afford extra teachers. Should they spread the wealth? (xpost /r/SeattleWA)
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 09:34PM by iraftery
Teachers: What Swag would you actually use in your classroom?
Having received a ton of pens, pamphlets, and USB sticks at conferences. I'm wondering what useful swag teachers actually use in their classrooms.
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 10:38PM by paradynexus
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018
Does anyone have a grammarly premium account I can borrow?
I really need to use it & I dont want to pay $11 for a 1 time thing.
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 06:53PM by rosecupid
@EducacionFutura : #Innovación - Prepara @TecdeMonterrey quinto Congreso Internacional @InnovacionEdTec
@INEEmx: No te pierdas a las 20 hrs. en @Canal22 el capítulo 3 de la serie #PensarLaEducación, que tratará sobre las condiciones materiales en el Sistema Educativo Nacional y en el que participa la consejera @patvazher. Conduce @LKourchenko
Russian Held as Agent Was Probing Cyberdefenses of US Nonprofits
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 04:36PM by democracychronicles
Question about my rights?
I’m 16, I want to have a confidential talk with my school counselor but I don’t want my family to know. If I tell them they can’t tell me family do they have to keep that promise?
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 05:16PM by Dillophead
Not Graduating
Hello i dont know where else to post this, so here we go. First off i just wanted to ask for some advice and i also want to keep things simple as to not reveal too much information. So im a New Mexico highschool senior and when i was doing a reccap of all my credits and tests to find out if i was on track for graduation , my cousler finds out i am missing a credit from two years ago and it will prevent me from graduating. The only explenation she could come up with was that there must have been a error. Two days later i talk to her about it and she tells me that my credit had dissaperead by itself and that since it was 2 years ago it had already been reported to the state so there was nothing they can do to change it.Now im in risk for not graduating over literaly nothing that was in my power. I even passed with an A . Now i assume they will make me take a online class to make up for it but again im not at fault here and its so stressing that they cant do anything about it. [Sorry for format im on mobile] Is there any teachers or school officials out there that can tell me what i can do in order to not repeat the class again? Why cant they just give me the credit?
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 04:27PM by Rszt
@INEEmx: De acuerdo a #Cívica2016, los jóvenes de México están por encima del promedio internacional (PI) en sus expectativas de probable participación electoral en el futuro. PI | México 80% | 88% informarse sobre candidatos 85% | 87% votar en elecciones federales #CifrasINEE
@EducacionFutura : #Empresas - Convocan a jóvenes para Bootcamps de liderazgo de Latin American Leadership Academy
Do Voucher Regulations Reduce Anticipated Voucher Program Participation and School Quality?
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 02:41PM by punkthesystem
@EducacionFutura : @Conacyt_MX : ¿Se reestructurará? / Un texto de @canalesa99
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - INEE: réplica a los defensores / Un texto de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez
@EducacionFutura : Equidad: pendiente educativo / Un análisis de @DavidResortera de @Mexicanos1o
How Gates Foundation's new $450 million education initiative will look
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 12:04PM by jsalsman
Faced with mounting debt, this newly graduated lawyer filed for bankruptcy — and still owes $120K | CBC Radio
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 11:18AM by DeathByEducation
@INEEmx: "La equidad no es solo cuestión de justicia, sino que es la manera más eficiente de mejorar un sistema escolar. Se puede hacer mucho con los recursos que ya se tienen", comenta @bnaranjoedu, quien recibió el premio de excelencia en @StanfordEd
@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - La OCDE pidió al gobierno continuar y fortalecer la Reforma Educativa y "tomar en cuenta los avances logrados"
@INEEmx: Te compartimos un estudio que describe elementos clave de la Estrategia Nacional de Formación Continua y Desarrollo Profesional tomando en cuenta la experiencia internacional sobre políticas de formación continua #PublicacionesINEE
Top 20 Universities / Colleges with the best Hospitality Programs
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 10:34AM by GRITinc
How to make Animated PowerPoint Slide(Video Tutorial)
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 10:35AM by Chisabez78
Virtual Reality in the Classroom: 3 Real-world Applications
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 08:44AM by Filament_Games
Episode 73: Meet the educator that's teaching a class about Anthony Bourdain
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 09:13AM by Southwest_Hiker
Former Microsoft Engineer Brings A Hong Kong Based Education Start-up To Empower Children - Reuters
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 08:25AM by mervik
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - Insisten académicos en fortalecer al INEE / Conoce la lista de los firmantes de la carta dirigida a @lopezobrador_ y @emoctezumab
We Must Help First-Generation Students Master Academe’s ‘Hidden Curriculum’
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 07:19AM by AnotherSolo
@INEEmx: Según los datos de #Cívica2016, para los estudiantes de México una actividad importante de participación cívica en la escuela es votar por representante de grupo o sociedad de alumnos 77% promedio internacional 76% México Más información: #CifrasINEE
The Top 5 Myths About Early College Applications
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 05:58AM by bsmcgee
@ManuelGilAnton : @CasasTFer De nada. Saludos
Online Sources Which Are Providing PTE Practice Test Facilities
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 04:35AM by Janicebingg
How to Do PTE Test Preparation?
Considering this question implies that you have already gone through the requirements of the place you want to move to and decided to appear for PTE. The next step is to know about the test and the way to prepare for it. So, here is a step-wise guide to help you with your preparations.
- Search about the test: The first step is to do a complete in-depth study of the test. From ‘what the test is about?’ to ‘how will the scorecard look?,' search for every question. You need to know even the minute details of the test, since your future is dependent on it. Your friend, Internet will provide you with every detail you want to know and should know. Some important things to search for are:
- the format of the test
- various sections the test is divided into
- different question types
- time allotted (total as well as for individual tasks)
Decide your target: You must know about the minimum score you need to qualify the eligibility criteria of the desired place. Some places may ask for 79+, while others may be satisfied with a 60. Your preparation will depend on your target, so know your target before starting to prepare.
Sign-up for a course: It is highly recommended to everyone to take coaching even if your primary language is English. This is because PTE contains diverse types of questions, including 20 different task types of varying accents. This coaching can be in a classroom or using an online platform. There are a number of private language schools providing PTE courses for as short as a week to an extended six-months period. A number of online courses are also available where you can learn according to your convenience. Don’t skip this part because coaching is essential to bring the required confidence in you and help you manage the test timings.
Practice: You definitely don’t want to score less and appear for the test again. Also, to be economical, it would be better to spend adequate resources in the form of time and money on practice in the first attempt, than to bear these costs again. Read for at least 30 minutes in a day. Adhere to the guidelines of your coursebook. Take practice tests. Practice for each question type. You can also opt for online scored or unscored PTE practice tests. Scored practice tests are more advantageous, since they provide similar results as the actual test and will let you know your shortcomings.
Practicing in public places is also advisable since you won’t be the only one taking test on that particular day. Actual test conditions are totally different and you don’t want to go blank due to lots of distractions. Learning to work in distractions will help you score well in the actual scenario.
Know your strengths and weaknesses: Now, that you have practiced, you know where you lack and where you master. Work on improving your weaknesses.
Decide the date: You know the rules, you know the test and you have practiced. So, what are you waiting for? Decide a date, book your seat and ace the test.
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 04:46AM by Janicebingg
Im starting college in january and I have no knowledge in maths or anything associated with education
19 F here! I will be enrolling in college in January however, there will be a test called Math assessment. Me personally, I can only multiply numbers and I have no knowledge in math at all. Will it affect my studies in college? If so, will I be able to graduate?
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 01:47AM by Intelligenttooth6
Black Male Teachers
I'm a black male teacher teaching in a predominantly black school. I've noticed many, if not all of the black students give me more disrespect compared to black female and white teachers that are not as, equal, or even more strict than me. Is this a common thing doing many schools? Black students not respecting a black male teacher? I'm probably the first and only black male teacher the kids will ever have their entire time in grade school.
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 11:25PM by jawanaman
domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018
Học Nấu Ăn Nên Bắt Đầu Từ Đâu?
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 06:59PM by hocnauaneduvn
3D printer vs VR
So we are looking at getting either a 3D printer or a class set of VR headsets and software for our primary school. Who’s got experience with either and which would you recommend?
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 07:12PM by turbobazooka
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre el tema del INEE he procurado poner, a consideración de los lectores, los textos y notas que voy conociendo. Las posiciones son diversas y creo que es bueno conocerlas en un debate abierto. Esa ha sido la idea.
Foreign exchange program for my Russian sister - help?
Please let me know if this is the completely wrong place to post this question. I thought r/AskReddit might have been too broad, so decided to go here first.
I'm a US citizen and live in the US. My family lives in Russia and are Russian. My little sister is currently in 10th grade (in Russia) and is showing interest in going through a cultural exchange in the US for 12th grade. So, I'm trying to figure out whether this is possible. After digging around Google for 10 minutes I got intimidated... no sure where to start.
How do I approach this? How do foreign exchange programs work?
Teachers/administrators - are there foreign exchange programs you've had good experiences with?
Some more details:
My sister loves art and design. Her English is decent and she's willing to improve it exponentially until the program starts. My family is in a modest socio-economic class, but I would make sacrifices to make this happen if need be (debt/etc.).
I'm foreseeing the question coming up of whether my family could host someone in return. The answer would probably be no... unless an American student is willing to live in a 600 sq.ft. apartment with 3 other people.
Thank you infinitely in advance - this means a lot.
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 05:21PM by Stantheman1313
1 in 4 Students is an English Language Learner: Are We Leaving Them Behind?
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 03:15PM by snikrepab_
@INEEmx: La consejera del INEE @patvazher participa en el 3° capítulo de la serie #PensarLaEducación, en el que hablará sobre las condiciones materiales del aprendizaje. No te lo pierdas mañana a las 20 hrs., en @Canal22. Aquí puedes ver los capítulos anteriores:
Relationships, not money, key to improving schools - "Study finds social capital has 3-5 times the impact of funding"
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 02:45PM by Lightfiend
Building a Sustainable Culture Through Education
Hello Reddit community! I do not know where to start, so I suppose I'll just jump right to explaining myself. As someone who is very concerned with climate change, I feel more motivated now than ever to do my part in helping curb the problem. Wait, did I just say climate change? What does that have to do with education? Well, I'll get there -- but first, climate change. It's getting bad. Greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut drastically, this includes cutting fossil fuel use by half within the next 15 years. Staple crops are becoming more difficult to grow due to drought so we're looking at massive food shortages unless bioengineered crops take off. And, lets say they do. There's still no telling how affordable those are going to be. Will nutritious food become a luxury for only the rich? Natural disasters are on the rise because with an unstable climate comes increasingly more unpredictable weather. When disasters do strike, they often adversely affect those who have contributed the least to climate change and leave communities like Puerto Rico shattered for extended periods of time with little to no help from "allied" countries who are to greedy to lend a helping hand. This is mirrored in education as we see the linear correlation between low income communities and low quality of education. I believe that if all children had access to a quality education, it would be better for our planet. I'm not going to go into detail on the why's there; but for more of my ideas on the links between education and climate change, i'll link a paper I wrote on the idea.
My idea for a solution is to create a k-12 homeschooling alternative that would be free and accessible to any person in any country. This would mean an online model and an alternate model comprised of series of books. I know this is a far-fetched sounding idea, but it is just a seedling right now. I'm posting here because I believe there is so much to be done on our planet. Not a single person should be trying to inhabit Mars until every person on Earth is out of poverty; and I think the first step toward that vision is making education available to all. If anyone finds this interesting or is wants to help develop the idea, PLEASE COMMENT. I would love for a team of like-minded people to help me build and launch this idea.
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 01:38PM by cdubo11
These Americans fled the country to escape their giant student debt
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 11:57AM by thinkB4WeSpeak
Client has mental health disorder, what rights does he have as far as his education goes?
I work as a Case Manager. I have a 9-year-old client who has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorder. He has minor behavioral issues (nothing violent or out of control) that now has his school stating they are going to cut his school day down to only 3 hours per day. In the state of Maine, the law states:
"An average instructional day is five hours in length, and each instructional day is a minimum of 3 hours in length. A school need not be in session the same number of hours each day provided that the total amount of instructional time in any two consecutive school weeks is an average of five hours per day."
Does this mean that there can be SOME days in which a 3 hour day is allowed, but the average in a two week span needs to be at least 5? Am I reading this correctly? I have an IEP meeting tomorrow morning at 8 AM to act as an advocate for this child and I just need to know the right things to say, and to understand Maine Education laws in order to properly assist him and his family.
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 10:29AM by ashleylibby
It’s college application season — and it’s not just students looking for the right fit
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 08:06AM by bsmcgee
@INEEmx: Maestro, te compartimos esta #PrácticaInnovadora en donde alumnos de cuarto y quinto grado de #primaria, de organización comunitaria, aprenden de manera divertida el concepto de “fracción” y a resolver problemas con fracciones:
sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018
A key role of a teacher is to not be a barrier to a child’s natural way of learning.
Submitted October 27, 2018 at 04:45PM by WheeledPedestrian
@ManuelGilAnton : La forma de mirar y los argumentos de Hugo Aboites sobre el INEE...
@INEEmx: En el 2° capítulo de la serie #PensarLaEducación, @dj3mb habla sobre el impacto que tienen las condiciones socioeconómicas en el aprendizaje de los niños. Aquí puedes ver los capítulos de la serie: @Canal22 @LKourchenko
@ManuelGilAnton : @tatclouthier @INEEmx Creo que es @INEMexico pues @INEEmx es el que se dedica a evaluar educación. Saludos
@ManuelGilAnton : Y si en la consulta fuera mayoría la opción de Texcoco, ¿dirán también los señores y señoras empresarias que el ejercicio fue inválido y no hay que seguir la obra en esa ubicación? Quizá se diría que los consultados eran, mayoritariamente, muy lúcidos. Quién sabe...
@ManuelGilAnton : Perdón. El nombre del autor de este texto en La Jornada es Mauro Jarquín y no Mario. Lo reenvío ofreciendo disculpas a Mauro y a usted por este error.
@ManuelGilAnton : Y también la opinion de Mario Jarquín sobre el asunto del INEE. Otro punto de vista
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre el INEE, la posición de Eduardo Backhoff. Continúan distintos pareceres y argumentos.
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018
Học Nấu Ăn Có Cần Bằng Cấp Hay Không?
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 11:39PM by hocnauaneduvn
@INEEmx: De acuerdo a #Cívica 2009 y 2016, las mujeres tienen mejor desempeño que los hombres en conocimiento cívico. Mujeres | Hombres 463 puntos en 2009 | 439 puntos en 2009 479 puntos en 2016 | 456 puntos en 200 + info: #CifrasINEE
Sharing videos among students?
Hoping folks here can help. I'm working with kids in an afterschool program and we want to have them create little videos about themselves and share them just with other students and staff in the program (so I think Instagram and YT are out). Ideally, they wouldn't have to have an email address to set up a profile or account. What's the best system that's easy to set up and also supports video communities well? EdModo would work, but submitting videos just sends it to the teacher, I think. Kinda lame and no filters. Just wondering what else is possible. Thanks!
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 04:01PM by parkerMjackson
Harvard’s Hatred of Asian Meritocracy Reveals the Left’s Racist Underbelly
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 02:15PM by NecessaryDiscipline0
Surveys that assess slut shaming?
How do I asses slut shaming? What possible questionnaires could I use to measure slut shaming in women?
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 01:47PM by throwawayaccounttoas
@INEEmx: Con esta #PublicaciónINEE, ponemos a disposición de cualquier persona interesada en la normatividad nacional e internacional sobre igualdad de género aplicable a la educación, las políticas públicas educativas relevantes para este objetivo:
Teachers - What types of coding do you have in your school?
What tools, activities, and/or programs does your school have implemented and is it effective and engaging?, block coding, sphero, MAD-learn, etc...
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 11:09AM by xbrdr1
What Does the Future of College Entrance Exams Looks Like?
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 11:17AM by bsmcgee
Nearly one-in-five teens can’t always finish their homework because of the digital divide
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 10:27AM by Lightfiend
What Happens When a College’s Affirmative Action Policy Is Found Illegal
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 10:49AM by dwaxe
@INEEmx: ¿Cuál es el propósito de las evaluaciones al sistema educativo? Entérate en el 2° capítulo de la serie #PensarLaEducación, conducida por @LKourchenko, en el participa el consejero @bnaranjoedu. Ve el capítulo completo: @Canal22
Faculty at UOG contribute research on Facebook privacy concerns [University of Guam, Territory of Guam, United States of America]
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 09:58AM by trot-trot
VA Dealing With Backlog of GI Bill Benefits
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 08:28AM by thinkB4WeSpeak
When humanity gave up on looking for the lost education, Professor Jones went on a quest to find it.
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 08:19AM by paradynexus
Khashoggi killing spotlights Saudi money flowing to Harvard, MIT
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 08:03AM by 36CC0D7B1F48E3FF
@INEEmx: México es uno de los países que avanzó en conocimiento cívico entre 2009 y 2016. Comparativo 2009-2016: 500 a 517 promedio internacional (avance de 17 puntos) 452 a 467 México (avance de 15 puntos) + info: #CifrasINEE #Cívica2016
Why the evolution from architect to archipreneur is the future?
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 06:07AM by erriravino
Education Innovation Conference on 1-2 February 2019
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 12:48AM by kyakaroon
Share your best tips on writing essays
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 03:45AM by besmart_
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018
Wealth Management Course: Analysis- Wealth Management is a professional and advisory service dealing with the financial aspect of an individual or a company. Read More
Submitted October 26, 2018 at 12:24AM by Yaminiyamini
@ManuelGilAnton : Me consta. Muy buena opción en la gran y única Narvarte!
Could A Ban On Spanking And Other Corporal Punishments For Kids Affect Rates Of Teen Violence?
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 05:15PM by skepticalspectacle1
British college
I'm english, would be in my 2nd year of A levels had I continued them. College is a thing I've been recommended for an apprenticeship, but I just don't understand it. What should I expect?
I am speaking to someone about it soon as well
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 05:33PM by SubatomicSloth
Trump admin requesting destruction of records from national archive (50 years of scientific data)
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 05:38PM by Magicthighs42
@INEEmx: El promedio internacional de la prueba de #Cívica2016 sobre conocimiento cívico es de 517 puntos. Puntaje de países latinoamericanos de acuerdo a la misma: 482 Chile 482 Colombia 467 México 438 Perú 381 República Dominicana Más información: #CifrasINEE
@ManuelGilAnton : Otro texto sobre el INEE.
@ManuelGilAnton : Una propuesta muy importante Una propuesta: Quítenle la “P” a la SEP vía @EducacionFutura
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Chair Fires Back at WVU President E. Gordon Gee
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 04:53PM by thinkB4WeSpeak
@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión de Manuel Navarro.
Where would I start to learn more about the neurobiology of learning under stress?
My background is in psychology, and I do have a basic groundings in neurobiology. I'm particularly interested in understanding the neurobiology of what we call "psychoeducation" when working with people experiencing posttraumatic stress or heightened emotional states. I'm having trouble finding a basic grounding in the neurobiology of learning though, and I hoped this would be a good place to start. If it's not, please direct me elsewhere!
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 03:17PM by carawayandcoriander
Convincing students that learning blue-collar job skills will pay off
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 11:22AM by lleclair
Should i go to a continuation school?
I've been pondering this for a while now. My school had a 504 meeting and said that in core classes I'm doing fine.
But I'm failing my us history and math classes.
They say if I fail any class this year I'd be moved to a continuation school.
Now the reason isnt mainly my core classes. I'm behind by a ton of credits in extra classes. They want me to take extended summer school and summer school.
Now I've been researching into the one they would send me, which goes high reviews, people saying it's cleaner than the school here, and the staff is very educated and nice.
I like the school I'm at, but would it be bad going to a school that is good for people like me? I want to graduate and go to trade school.
Im going to talk to my school counselor today about this and see some of my options.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 11:34AM by QuadWamm
@EducacionFutura : Una propuesta: Quítenle la “P” a la SEP / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de Roberto Rodríguez
@INEEmx: ¿Quiénes deben conocer prioritariamente los resultados de las evaluaciones al sistema educativo? Entérate en el segundo capítulo de la serie #PensarLaEducación en el que participa el consejero del INEE, @bnaranjoedu. Ve el capítulo completo:
@ManuelGilAnton : Cuánta razón maestro Gibrán.
North Carolina’s Subsidized Tuition Is Luring Dropouts Back to College
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 08:19AM by dwaxe
@INEEmx: En el estudio #Cívica2016 participaron: 24 países: 16 de Europa, 6 de Latinoamérica (México entre ellos) y 3 de Asia Se recolectaron datos de: 94,000 estudiantes de octavo grado (2° de secundaria) 37,000 docentes Más información: #CifrasINEE
@INEEmx: #Cívica es el Estudio Internacional de Educación Cívica y Ciudadana en el que México participa. Su objetivo es obtener información sobre los conocimientos cívicos necesarios para asumir la ciudadanía en el s. XXI que tienen los jóvenes de 2° de secundaria
Buying Your Way Into Harvard
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 07:29AM by bsmcgee
What do you think about Hungarian Education, does it have high standard s and is it efficient in the overall run?
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 07:43AM by headman22110
@INEEmx: El apoyo en situaciones personales puede evitar que los jóvenes se alejen de la escuela. ¿Quién apoya a estudiantes de Educación #MediaSuperior? En EIC-EMS 2016 los estudiantes reportaron 54.4% un tutor 38.1% un orientador 26% un psicólogo #CifrasINEE
Does anyone else feel they just can't write an essay?
I've always been told that I can write well, and can write fluently when I'm writing in my diary, but when it comes to essay-writing I just sit there and stare at a blank screen and my words just never seem to flow. I hate it! Literally hate, hate writing essays and it's making me feel like I just don't even want to go to university.
Submitted October 25, 2018 at 02:37AM by tjunior1010
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018
Actually, we still need affirmative action for African Americans in college admissions. Here’s why.
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 09:07PM by Bemuzed
Any middle/high school math or science teachers?
Hi everyone! I want to interview a few middle/high school math and science teachers for a project. Won't take more than 10-15 minutes and I would really appreciate your time! Plus, to further show my appreciation for your time - I would give a $20 gift card to every teacher who is interested in speaking with me!
Thank you so much everyone! Just reply to this and I will message you!
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 07:42PM by startup-guy
@EducacionFutura : ¡Atención! Del 31 de octubre al 2 de noviembre, la SEP suspende clases en la CDMX por cortes de agua
Harvard's Recruitment Efforts Prioritized White Students Over High-Achieving Asians
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 02:54PM by BBQCopter
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - No es falta de información, es falta de comprensión y difusión / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de @lamalaeducacion
30 Life Lessons From My 30th College Reunion
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 12:47PM by dwaxe
@INEEmx: Derivado de evaluaciones y estudios, el INEE emitió una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar las políticas de formación y desarrollo profesional de docentes. En #RevistaRed te compartimos reflexiones sobre estas #DirectricesINEE:
Differentiation - how do you embed in your practice?
I'm very interested in the changing narratives regarding differentiation. It seems the conversation is shifting from 'differentiation for differentiation's sake' (ie. making 3 different versions of the same worksheet) to truly adaptive teaching (ie. planning for higher level challenging then scaffolding downwards; using clearer teacher talk). I'd love to know: What are your differentiation strategies? How do you ensure you adapt your teaching to meet the needs of all your students?
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 12:22PM by walkthetractofstars
Fraternities and Sororities Make Students’ Grades Worse
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 10:27AM by dwaxe
What is a FREE legitimate degree?
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 10:39AM by Guardiansaiyan
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - ¡Qué se vayan al diablo con su @INEEmx ! / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan
Higher education chairman questions WVU president Gordon Gee, Blue Ribbon Commission
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 09:26AM by thinkB4WeSpeak
@INEEmx: ¿Qué hacer con la información que producen las evaluaciones? Conócelo a través del curso "Inform@-T. De la evaluación educativa y su difusión". Es gratuito y en línea. Más información y registro en: 📅 Inicio: 30 de octubre #MOOC #MéxicoX
Do you use any particular website for your educative purposes?
Do you use any particular website for your educative business, such as your website with your personal online courses? Was it difficult for you to create it?
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 09:00AM by Ning_platform
@INEEmx: ¿Sabes qué tipo de personal proporciona apoyo o asesoría académica a los estudiantes de #EMS? Con resultados de EIC-EMS 2016: 60.4% de los estudiantes reportó haber recibido apoyo de un tutor 37.2% de un orientador 32.7% de un profesor #CifrasINEE
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - Construyamos una propuesta / Un análisis de Ángel Díaz Barriga
LNMU Result 2018 BCom BA BSc MA MCom Old/ New 1 2 3 Part Results
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 07:29AM by Nidhinids
The Days of Charter Schools and Vouchers Are Numbered
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 07:31AM by reddfeathers
Only four of 48 public elementary schools in Hamilton County offer foreign languge
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 05:31AM by DFPass2017
Kate Brown Appointee Delays Release of School Ratings to Post-Election
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 01:29AM by thetrueshyguy
How To Get Through Engineering Campus Placements
Engineering campus placements is an experience worth having. With a strong backbone of a good college and quality education, it turns out to be a lot more easy and pleasant one. With more and more companies recruiting engineering graduates, it is already a sign of tremendous growth and scope of the IT sector.
Engineering, as the world knows, is the creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes and organizations.
Companies recruit engineering graduates for pretty diversified roles in application and development, program delivery, research and development, network support, security, testing, etc. Here are some of the easy ways to start with, to get through the campus placement procedures: -
- · Academics: - An interest in the chosen subjects help you learn your basics easily and in a “never-to-forget” manner. Looking for practical examples by surfing through the internet, libraries and/or any other accessible arena for information provides an in-depth understanding of the subjects. Once the basics are done right, it creates a strong foundation of knowledge within the mind that helps through the tricky questions that take place in the placement processes.
- · Project Work Emphasis: - Be it major or the mini projects that you take up throughout your course’s tenure, is something that you should choose wisely. No matter what you take up, you should be clear about why you chose a certain topic, what were your interests in choosing a particular topic, and other typical questions that could arise during the placement interviews.
- · Area Of Special Interest: - Most placement questions have questions like, “what is your subject of interest?” or “what is your favorite subject?”. Though during the four-year span, you may most likely end up liking one subject more than the others, if you don’t end up having any, pick up one subject and have a detailed insight into it. However, choose this subject wisely as well, as they might barge up with questions like – “why this subject specifically?”, “what do you think are your opportunities with this subject?”, etc.
- · Hobbies & Communication: - Hobbies can never be mentioned as watching TV, or listening to music as they are past-times, and not hobbies. If you wish to mention some, mention any area where you have gained or earned a certain kind of recognition, or an area that highly interests you. Communication, on the other hand, is very important for getting placed. Fluency of language, clarity of words and expression, are some of the factors that should be noticed and taken care of when going through a placement interview.
- · Technical & HR Interviews: - Technical interviews are basically testing of the engineering skills you possess. For example, being a mechanical engineer, you should be knowing the laws of thermodynamics, IC engines, etc. An HR interview would consist of questions that would cover your areas of interests, hobbies, skills and other personal as well as professional attributes. Being honest in these answers, is one of the best ways to crack them.
- · Have Confidence: - Lastly, believe in your capabilities. Even if you aren’t prepared, be confident about what you speak and how you convey it to the panelists. Honest expression and presence of mind are all that is needed for your thoughts to be conveyed in the right manner.
Education is beautiful, and so are the experiences that come after it. Every experience you get, either brings you something or teaches you something. Take them all along with you.
Submitted October 24, 2018 at 03:19AM by nietnoida123
martes, 23 de octubre de 2018
Platform to learn more efficient and share knowledge.
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 11:59PM by KnowledgeFree
I am on EI. Going Back to school. what is the name of the program i Want to enroll in prior to starting my education for the next 3 years?
Is it the "Fast Forward" program or is there another program I should be looking into?
Any other tips to get THE MOST support possible?
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 10:43PM by iMintoStuff
Will high school matter if I am applying to community colleges then transferring into University?
I'm currently enrolled in the IB program in my junior year of high school, and I would like to know if I can avoid the stress of the last 2 years of high school. I currently have a 4.5 GPA weighted with minimal effort in school(not studying effectively, not doing homework, etc etc), and I am able to cope with stress and high workloads extremely well, so I know I could handle going to a good school, but I would like to save my parents the hassle of paying for University right out of graduation. Is it okay if I stop trying to achieve high marks since colleges wont be able to see my grades, or am I liable to experience some unforeseen repercussions from doing so? Any input of much appreciated.
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 07:13PM by Pelican_Fillet
Autonomous School Bus Shut Down By Safety Agency in Florida - Maybe this is a good thing?
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 08:52PM by ViceroyAutoTrans
Ed.D dissertation Help
Hey, Everyone! My institution is asking that we form ideas for our dissertation a bit earlier than I thought. I was primarily looking at researching more effective teacher evaluation methods or investigating state-mandated assessments' true value to students. Do you have any suggestions or further ideas for problems of our practice that need to be evaluated?
Thanks! Ed. D Curriculum and Instruction Student
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 05:43PM by Strategery_Man
@INEEmx: Las escuelas deben ser espacios seguros e higiénicos. De acuerdo a #ECEA Primaria 2014, 93.7% de las escuelas cuentan con sistema de eliminación de aguas negras o residuales: 50.8% con drenaje 42.9% con fosa séptica Más información: #CifrasINEE
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - "AMLO declaró en Durango que abolirá la Reforma Educativa y sostuvo que desaparecerá al INEE. Al parecer, incumplirá una de sus promesas de campaña: no enmendar la Constitución durante los primeros tres años de su gobierno." Carlos Ornelas
@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - En un video difundido por la organización @PorMaestros , Elba Esther Gordillo asegura ser aún la presidenta del @SnteNacional, advirtiendo que retomará la dirigencia
Will a Student Loan Debt Crisis Sink the U.S. Economy?
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 01:54PM by DeathByEducation
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Perfiles PRODEP y Cuerpos Académicos en el TECNM
@INEEmx: #SabíasQue de cada 100 niños que se inscriben a primer grado de primaria, 87 se inscriben a primero de secundaria seis años después. Consulta más indicadores educativos sobre acceso y trayectoria escolar en:
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE - "Considero que la autocrítica es viable, pero también, los argumentos que lleven a replantear o reconfigurar al @INEEmx que nació alejado de los maestros o… ¿me equivoco?" @AbelardoCarro
@EducacionFutura : #DebateINEE #VozDelProfe - "Así, con un sexenio perdido, sin ningún trabajo hecho al respecto, el INEE, el validador de los agravios a los docentes, puede desaparecer sin tristezas ni lágrimas ni sollozos." Wenceslao Vargas
New Zealand chooses Google Chromebooks over Microsoft Windows 10 for education
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 10:56AM by wewewawa
College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 09:57AM by dwaxe
Schools closing in coal country
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 10:21AM by thinkB4WeSpeak
ACT Scores for Class of 2018 Worst in Decades
Submitted October 23, 2018 at 09:17AM by Summitjunky