sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

Elementary Teachers I need your help!

Hi everyone, I am currently working on my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Nova Southeastern University. I work with many school teachers assisting them with providing interventions in the classroom and I believe mental health and education are so important. I also provide group therapy in the school system so I work very close with educators and staff and have a tremendous amount of respect for you all. We are seeking elementary school teachers (kindergarten to 5th grade) to participate in a brief online study (about 10 minutes). We believe teachers play an important role in children’s lives so it is important for us to work with and communicate with teachers.

The purpose of the study is to identify the different expectations and attitudes teachers may have towards children.

No personally identifying information will be asked of you.


Have a happy summer! Thank you for your help :)

Submitted June 08, 2019 at 07:00PM by jessgil04 http://bit.ly/2WQkwsx

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