2key Network’s Smart Link technology is the most advanced means to draw exposure and growth for any operation. A key aspect of Smart Links is to enable not just businesses, but even non-profits to supercharge their conversions. Presently, common advertising services charge fees to most non-profits and charities; this forces money, which would have otherwise been used for supportive causes, to be funneled towards advertisers’ profits.
2key’s Smart Links offer charities a radical alternative in sourcing exposure and growth. As charities and non-profits rely on supportive communities to operate, they are an optimal user of Smart Links, a technology that enables operations to cement fans, supporters, customers, donors, etc. while allowing this base to also be rewarded for driving growth.
A Smart Link binds smart contracts into normal web links. This enables the creator of the Smart Link to gain multi-step tracking of the Smart Link’s shares and subsequently reward those who shared the link whenever a conversion happens. Thus, Smart Links have the potential to enable growth campaigns that can perpetually fund themselves.
What is Code to Inspire?
Code to Inspire is a charitable cause that is educating troubled girls in Afghanistan. The cause aims to enable these girls to become talented software developers so that they may enter the workforce and offer valuable services to their society. Graduates and students of Code to Inspire are able to develop games, applications, and software, enabling them to become in-demand participants of the labor force.
Smart Links for Code to Inspire
2key Network’s Smart Links will be made accessible to Code to Inspire to enable the charity to not only boost its funding, but also source jobs for its graduates.
Supporters of charitable causes and existing donors or fans of Code to Inspire will have the ability to share a Smart Link-bound webpage, media, or any other link-delivered content associated with Code to Inspire. Whenever these shares would lead to a conversion, sharers will receive a conversion reward, which they could hold on to, offer back to Code to Inspire as their own donation, or direct the reward to a different charity of their preference. Thus, Smart Links strengthen the non-profit community while enabling a means to source exposure to Code to Inspire’s cause while ensuring donated funds have the opportunity to be funneled back to the cause.
Additionally, Smart Links can even be used to source recruitment offers for the graduates of Code to Inspire. The project is led by a Computer Science professor and thus is drawing talented graduates. By sharing Smart Link-bound recruitment offers, traditional headhunters have the opportunity to claim their fees whenever a conversion happens, and supporters of charitable causes have the opportunity to not only help graduates get a job, but also donate the conversion reward back to this cause.
Click a Smart Link. Join the decentralized web.
What do you think about it?
Submitted December 03, 2019 at 12:51AM by icocatapult https://ift.tt/2rMEjLq
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