domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

The Knowledge Infinite Thread — Let's Debate

Submission Statement: All links included in this article are for reference purposes ONLY, and are all in context with the views and subjects discussed on this thread.

Hey All,

I decided to start this thread based upon much of my personal thoughts, research, aspirations, conversations, experiences and various understandings of education, psychology, education funding, teaching, learning through play, learning through experience, sensory learning, skill mastery, career choice, career progression, the skill gap, technology, AI, Machine Learning, IT, big data, struggling communities, learning difficulties, troubled youth, youth services, youth gangs, exclusion from education, access to education, qualifications, accreditation, student debt, education standards and education policies. (Be aware this is still a non-exhaustive list of knowledge related subjects/topics)

I will not be going too in depth with everything on this one post, as i hope to, and hope that other threads will be created and/or sighted in relation to each part of the total subject matter here.

So, what is the actual subject?

The subject of this thread is intended to revolve around the acquisition, understanding, use and value of knowledge itself when applied to an individual, taking into consideration the study of collective consciousness, learning, skills, employment, history and future (including IT, AI and ML).

Starting from the top, we will firstly be looking at how we acquire and in coordination, process knowledge, which will lead us to the subject of understanding.

Before we can start to look at knowledge acquisition at all, we must firat look at WHEN we begin to actually acquire knowledge, and why. As, i said earlier, I wont go too in depth, but rather sight some studies connected with this particular area of research.

Looking at the human learning curve/experience, it would probably, likely widely agreed that we all begin learning at the moment we are born into this world, and there are studies far and wide, detailing research into this. However, there are also just as many, and more often the same studies, looking at our knowledge acquisition starting far before this, within the last 10 weeks of our mothers pregnancy, while we developing in the womb.

The point here is to prove that we, as humans (and also most living beings) consistently learn, even with severe disablement, as our first and only everlasting involuntary action.

To put it more into context, I have an old, but favourite riddle that i throw into conversations from time to time...

"What is the only thing, that we as humans ALWAYS are doing, even involuntarily, as long as we are alive?"

Now, when i ask this i am normally met with the common perception, answer seeking, suggestions of 'Seeing?', 'Breathing?', and 'Living?' among many other good, close, but not as accurate actions. Interestingly, the answer 'Living' is quite true, as there are many debates and studies related to the definitions of the word.

Taking the above into account, I'm sure that you too have heard the phrase, "You live and you learn" before, and whilst the phrase rings true, it also could be said that 'You live AS you learn', or 'You learn AS you live'.

Switching around the use of the words 'and' 'as'... don't they all just amount to the same reasoning?!

If you believe yes, then wouldn't it be fair to say that 'living' (in the context of ) is actually learning?

Given that you can agree with the above, or the most part of it, could we not agree that knowledge, is the sum of learning?

Even further to this, whilst learning an individual will also gain WISDOM (from long term repetitive problem solving) and also EXPERIENCE (failure/success), but doubly both in sum of and by product of themselves AND all of the above?

I may be going a little off topic here...or am I? 🤔

Once we've acquired the above, we process this learning...into well SKILLS. Actually if we look at the 10,000 hour rule (taking into consideration DELIBERATE learning hours), we actuality would display APPLIED skills, in whatever we have learned.

Our bodies would have learned to adjust to what our brains have been processing, just as with human evolution/development.

The next question is how do we measure, and then value our knowledge?

Well, it could be argued that knowledge is valued through the need of others for skills, advice and/or information. The saying 'each one, teach one' ties into this heavily, as for everything that one person learns, they must teach, as not only will they give, but they will also gain knowledge in the process.

Everything from a persons reactions, to their responses will be 'new knowledge' to the person who GAVE knowledge/skill, even if they 'knew' how the person would react. In actuality, they only made at best an 'informed' guess, as to what the reaction would be. Only AFTER the individual reacts can they LEARN something from the knowledge they have just given...

Hopefully you're still with me here...but my understanding is, in essence knowledge and skills are valued by those who require it along with those who possess it...

Currently employment and education economies are represented by a skewed valuation of these things, as consensus on the valuations all depends on many factors, but mostly regional location, subject and the prior knowledge accessible. I say this because different parts of the world and different initiatives, projects etc.. need different amonut of skills, knowledge or skilled people. This along with a culmination of prior 'common' and specific knowledge, enables the learning needed for said skill and skill level justification. This again is still given attribute, on the basis of the accreditable standard within said region.

Now, if we look at that from what we would call a 'collective consciousness' angle, given we could all tap into that collective or 'shared' resource purposefully and at will, then we have a greater level of consensus globally for skill/knowledge levels, accreditation and finally value.

I'd imagine this to be a kind of 'real time' 'accreditation, self-valuation and value by trial' all-in-one, as you would be born and immediately able to draw from a vast library of history and information, which humanly you would process by consensus. I say this, as the most probable answers to any question would be backed up by all knowledge that came before your PERCEPTION. I say perception, instead of conception, as your pre-birth learning curve would have only been from the point of RECEIVING stimulus and PERCEIVING the identity, frequency etc of that stimulus.

Question for thought...What if these consensuses could be actualised, agrred on and shared in real time?!

I've been slowly typing this for a while, as i wanted to get a lot out and have lots more theories and research to speak on, also Im not really one for the limelight.

However, now that ive posted it, I hope to invoke some healthy discussion, debate and progressive thought/actions.

If any of what I have written is really interesting to you as a study, then please reply, or message me, as I am always interested in this conversation and wish to collaborate with others who have a similar train of thought.

I will be back with a continuation of thoughts soon...

Thank You.



When do Babies begin to learn?

While in womb, babies begin learning language from their mothers

Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: a two‐country study

Can Dead Brains Be Brought Back to Life? First Human Study to Find Out


Learning Curve

Collective Consciousness

Morphic Resonance

Knowledge (Definition)

Submitted December 08, 2019 at 09:36AM by g1ne

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