martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Does somebody know a Cinema course to take during quarentine?

Hi guys.

So, some people have been giving free courses because of this situation. I love watching films, and i would love to study the art of movies. So does someone have access to a paid now free course?

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 07:43PM by DavidMarvel

If you are frustrated by our current centralized education in the face of an international crisis, I believe I have the answers...

To whom it may concern,

Education sucks.

Me and my colleagues are seeking concerned citizens possessing growth mindsets

and a desire to change the direction of this country's stagnant education system.

We are a group of educators and learners who believe that our schools should strive

to help others seek Truth. Humans seek truth experientially, through DOING. We

believe the current centralized education system in this country is failing to meet

that expectation. We seek action. We seek knowledge and don't believe our

centralized education system is facilitating that appropriately, or even adequately.

We fear instead, that our centralized education system has strayed from the

purpose of a reasonable education. Education should be about having

experiences and collaborating in a meaningful way. These things help us seek

deeper understanding and unlock greater mysterious about ourselves and universe

around us.

So, then, instead, what is it that our group envisions?

Grades only serve to make school competitive and drive students to resent learning.

And so, for this reason, we believe grades are nothing more than a sophisticated

form of child abuse, driving students away from an experiential education. Society

has dictated the need for grades to incentivize students to participate and attend

school. School should be pleasure to attend. School should the most interesting to

be because there are so many things to experience and learn. School should be

rich with learning opportunities. Not notes or lectures.

We believe that school should not be a place where student anxiety is not exacerbated

by tests and quizzes and formal modes of assessment. Instead, school should be a

place we are excited to go to be cause we know there are people that love us and

care for our well-being, not just our numbers on the page.

Additionally, many other elements of the centralized education system we seek to change, including the arbitrary division of students by 'date of manufacture', otherwise known as grade levels. Students should be free to experience and grow alongside those they feel a deep bond with, not forced together based on the year they were born. The arbitrary division of learning by specific subjects we find draconian at best and otherwise actively harmful. We strive to make education a mix of subjects and content areas that more fully mirrors the rich, blended experience of real life. We seek verisimilitude. The projects we strive to complete should feel real, they should, in essence BE real to the point that is safe and meaningful.

All of these things, and more, we seek to overturn, but we need support to start.

If you feel let down by the centralized education system in this country, here are the

first steps you can take:


In order to fix what is broken about the centralized education system, many things

will need to happen.

  1. Gather support. Your support in this movement will be paramount to its traction

  2. Gather supplies. We need your help sourcing supplies and materials in order tof facilitate learning of this quality.

  3. Gather ideas. We need your ideas and your diverse points of view in order to make this movement successful.

  4. Gather Truth. The point of all this is to learn, so the more expertise we can find, the better our group can be.

If you have people in your life who believe that education could be more than the sum of its parts, Please write and please join the conversation below. I am sick and tired of all the crap about education. Let's hash out the answers right now!

We are building an experiential learning community and we want you to be a part of


Thank you for reading. Hope to hear from you soon.

-Mr. Warden

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 04:20PM by xombie25

Can a school make us retake the whole year again

So my mom said that there’s a possibility that they make us retake the grade, I am 15 year old in freshmen year and I was born premature. I was in the hospital for a year so I am fearful to lose my ability to play football. I don’t want to be a 17 year freshman so is this legal. Btw I am in NJ

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 03:41PM by Prayandhope4me

Startup for Research! Might be of interest to those in the research/participation space :)

Hey great people of r/education Participate in online research studies while you're at home! Research Stream is a startup from Ontario, Canada that connects participants with research studies in their communities. Online studies accessible to everyone across Canada during COVID-19! Check it out here:

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 03:59PM by throwbird112

@EducacionFutura : ¿Y si no regresamos a clases por el Coronavirus?

@EducacionFutura : ¿Y si no regresamos a clases por el Coronavirus? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo @SergioDunstan @elErickJuarez @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 Igual, abrazo...

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo @SergioDunstan @elErickJuarez @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 Igual, abrazo... (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Inconvenientes para que el “Quédate en casa” funcione en México

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Inconvenientes para que el “Quédate en casa” funcione en México (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo @SergioDunstan @elErickJuarez @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 Pedro. No es, o será igual, la educación después del virus, ni lo está siendo el periodo de receso en casa, justo por la brutal inequidad del contexto socioeconómico. No todo, pero casi todo, depende de eso, incluso el tipo de escuela disponible. Eso creo.

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo @SergioDunstan @elErickJuarez @inclan66 @lhan55 @HugoCasanovaC @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex @REobservatorio @marco_fdezm @almaldo2 @CarlosOrnelasN @etsandov @jcma23 @InsurgenciaM @AlbertoArnaut @AbelardoCarro @TeresaBrachoG @levmx666 Pedro. No es, o será igual, la educación después del virus, ni lo está siendo el periodo de receso en casa, justo por la brutal inequidad del contexto socioeconómico. No todo, pero casi todo, depende de eso, incluso el tipo de escuela disponible. Eso creo. (via Twitter

Art Classes Over Zoom?-- I need advice


I'm an 18 y/o who volunteers at a local non-profit to teach art to Hispanic youth. We had classes scheduled during April, but they got cancelled because of COVID-19. Having stayed in touch with the parents, my coordinator says that we should get online classes going to give the kids something to look forward to; apparently a lot of them have gotten fairly depressed. I'm really excited to see them again when we trial-run these online classes, but I'm more of a hands-on teacher. Are there any art teachers out there who can recommend easy-to-follow-along lesson plans that I can use over Zoom? The kids also lack fancy art supplies, so I'll probably have them grab some paper and pencils from inside their houses somewhere. What lessons should I go for? Do you guys have any advice?

Thank you in advance :)

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 10:18AM by mayoraei

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @proferoger85: ¿Y SI NO REGRESAMOS A CLASES POR EL CORONAVIRUS? Posibles escenarios para la escuela mexicana ante la fase crítica de propagación del coronavirus. @REobservatorio @ManuelGilAnton @AbelardoCarro @blogroberto @levmx666 @lhan55 @inclan66 @SergioDunstan

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @proferoger85: ¿Y SI NO REGRESAMOS A CLASES POR EL CORONAVIRUS? Posibles escenarios para la escuela mexicana ante la fase crítica de propagación del coronavirus. @REobservatorio @ManuelGilAnton @AbelardoCarro @blogroberto @levmx666 @lhan55 @inclan66 @SergioDunstan (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Para leer hoy

@ManuelGilAnton : Para leer hoy (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy merecido, ¡gran libro!

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy merecido, ¡gran libro! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Y si no regresamos a clases?

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Y si no regresamos a clases? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Así, así mero!

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Así, así mero! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @kmiret Hoy, a los 64. Siempre se aprende algo. Gracias

@ManuelGilAnton : @kmiret Hoy, a los 64. Siempre se aprende algo. Gracias (via Twitter

How many hours for students doing school work at home?

I'm seeing different schools assigning wildly different amounts of work (some friends are reporting their kids only have an hour a day and want more, some are reporting their kids are being given 8 hours a day of work and feel overwhelmed).

Obviously they don't need a full school day worth of work, there is a lot of time at school that isn't spent in schoolwork. Are their published guidelines for how much work should be assigned to students?

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 05:42AM by philnotfil

Do you know about digital marketing, let's come to know??

Best Digital marketing institute in Dwarka introduces you to different types of digital marketing and gives you deep knowledge from basics so that you can choose your particular field according to your interest.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 11:11PM by king-classes

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : SNTE, ¡responde!

@ManuelGilAnton : SNTE, ¡responde! (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Suspensión de clases se amplía hasta el 30 de abril

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Suspensión de clases se amplía hasta el 30 de abril (via Twitter

An informative piece on how to create engaging and effective webinars

This piece is especially helpful for those making the sudden transition to teaching online. Check out the post here.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 08:14PM by inkedlj

With everything that's going on right now, does anyone else feel like shutting down?

I'm working toward my Elementary Education degree and was set to student teach in the fall. Right now I feel totally lost. I thought I was stressed out taking 10 credits and working 50 hours a week as a nanny but now with the coronavirus shutting down schools I am working more and my classes are online. I got an extra week of spring break which I desperately needed, but now that I am set to continue school online, I am completely shutting down. I have about a million things I need to complete for school and I am staring at a blank word document and I just cannot do it. I've been coming home crying almost everyday since the outbreak really became a nationwide issue, I have had to stop watching the news because everyday there is a new horrible news story. All I want to do is disassociate into animal crossing and trash reality tv but I'm so close to completing school that it pisses me off that I can't get shit done. I've had a 3.8 gpa cumulative and I am fucking tanking it this semester. I don't know, I feel so incredibly stressed out. Thanks for reading this vent.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 06:58PM by ChromaChimary

If you are self taught and really knowledgeable on a subject is there any way you can get a degree by taking a test without doing courses?

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Submitted March 30, 2020 at 07:45PM by KNOWER_OF_STUFF

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - El Estado venezolano vulnera el Derecho a la Educación

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - El Estado venezolano vulnera el Derecho a la Educación (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - México, ¿un Estado fallido en seguridad pública y educación? Primero formar ciudadanos, después lectores y escritores (2/3)

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - México, ¿un Estado fallido en seguridad pública y educación? Primero formar ciudadanos, después lectores y escritores (2/3) (via Twitter

Fulfilling requirements in online school

With everything going on in the world I’m feeling a little lost about continuing my education. I’m studying to be a social studies teach in secondary ed, and I’m finishing my last semester at community college before transferring to a university. My school is currently online and is planned to continue online at least throughout the summer session. If this continues, how would I be able to fulfill my observations and student teaching if we have to remain online? I haven’t even taken the PAPA/PRAXIS yet. I would love to hear how others are accommodating for this.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 02:42PM by venusx41

Name three high school courses that do not currently exist in your country, that your society desperately needs.

My top three:

  1. Health education and selfcare (physical, mental, sexual, nutrition, exercise)

  2. Financial literacy (personal finance, banking, taxes)

  3. Life skills (household skills, career exploration and planning, parenting basics/child development)

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 02:08PM by l0r3mipsum

Early intervention school for people with down Sydrome

With the recent unfortunate events relating to coronavirus, the schools have been shut down and it has been difficult finding a way to give lessons to people with down syndrome. (virtual classes are not possible, private classes are not possible)

School with 100 plus people with different types of down syndrome.

Age: 2 months to 15 years

What are possible ways to provide the necessary lessons?

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 01:47PM by cctvbit

@EducacionFutura : El virus viejo / No te pierdas el análisis de @ManuelGilAnton

@EducacionFutura : El virus viejo / No te pierdas el análisis de @ManuelGilAnton (via Twitter

A Remote Learning Chemistry Resource for High School

Hello fellow chemists and teachers in various subreddits.

In this time of remote learning, I wanted to share a resource that I am starting to create. My YouTube Channel contains some lessons for high school level chemistry, some practice problems and walkthroughs, some drawings of penguins, and some living environment (biology lite) lessons. If you or anyone/any community you know could benefit from viewing this channel, please share it around!

I am always looking for feedback so please tell me how I could make this better and more useful!


Mr. M

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 12:25PM by Redino987

@ManuelGilAnton : Sí

@ManuelGilAnton : Sí (via Twitter

COVID-19: Supporting Educators and Students

What is the best way of reaching out to High School and College educators? I want to turn their online lectures into motion graphics, animated videos for free. Covering any subject (history, math, economics, science,...) tailored to their class teachings while abiding by the curriculum.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 11:25AM by jjones295



Submitted March 30, 2020 at 10:37AM by csgomaster2006

Reaching students through podcasting

Hello, I’d like to start by saying I appreciate all of you for all the work you’re doing right now. Thank you for the things you do.

I’m trying to reach out to students using podcasts on my campus. I’ve interviewed a couple students and put it together for them, as well as parents, teachers, and admin. I listen to a lot of podcasts, but I’m new to creating them. I would love for people to listen and give me any feedback, tips, or critiques. Thank you for your time!

Nick Knack Podcast Ep. 1

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 10:29AM by ncardet9

Teacher Survey

Hello, I am a graduate student at the University of Memphis and have a final project survey regarding knowledge of an unusual disorder seen by teachers. It’ll only take about 5 minutes. If you guys don’t mind that would be awesome. The link is in the comments.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 09:16AM by BoneWingedBird

Some ideas for remote teaching. Trial and error to figure what works best for you.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 07:19AM by SweeptheKnee

@ManuelGilAnton : @SRE_mx @m_ebrard ¿Y nuestros compatriotas en Costa Rica? Son más de 100. Ayuda, es urgente, las líneas aéreas mexicanas les cancelan vuelos ya pagados. URGE!!!!

@ManuelGilAnton : @SRE_mx @m_ebrard ¿Y nuestros compatriotas en Costa Rica? Son más de 100. Ayuda, es urgente, las líneas aéreas mexicanas les cancelan vuelos ya pagados. URGE!!!! (via Twitter

Fully Funded Government Scholarships 2020 for International Students

There are so many Fully Funded Government Scholarships 2020 for international is open, however, getting the right scope for international is not easy. Today, we will share the top 15 fully-funded awards for international students in 2020. I hope, you will love it.

Normally funds provide a lot of facilities for the award winners, for example, tuition fees facilities, accommodation services, book purchases facilities, airfares and so on.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 04:40AM by mariaculver24

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

request for American Teachers

I need to get results for my survey on the perception of the usefulness of teaching fluency for my thesis reading fluency

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 10:23PM by panda_elephant

A podcast for students & anyone else!

I am a teacher/coach and began a podcast nearly a year ago to provide life lessons for my students. I am in a 1:1 district and can share links to episodes in order to try and mold them for their futures. Now the shows been heard by over 3k listeners worldwide! Please check it out, and if you feel it could help your students please share it with them as well.

YouTube Channel (Please Subscribe)

click here for podcast (please leave 5⭐️ rating)

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 06:06PM by PCTartan

@ManuelGilAnton : Ayudemos a que sean atendidos. RT por favor #SOSmexicanosvarados

@ManuelGilAnton : Ayudemos a que sean atendidos. RT por favor #SOSmexicanosvarados (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @m_ebrard @SRE_mx Señor Marcelo Ebrard.En la conferencia sobre el Covid-19 del 28 de marzo, usted dijo que estaban repatriando a mexicanos en el extranjero.Hay más de 100 mexicanos varados en Costa Rica.En su nombre, le pido que los atienda. Por favor,RT para que los auxilien.

@ManuelGilAnton : @m_ebrard @SRE_mx Señor Marcelo Ebrard.En la conferencia sobre el Covid-19 del 28 de marzo, usted dijo que estaban repatriando a mexicanos en el extranjero.Hay más de 100 mexicanos varados en Costa Rica.En su nombre, le pido que los atienda. Por favor,RT para que los auxilien. (via Twitter

Contemplating Dropping Out

Howdy. I am a senior in my last semester of high school. Due to an extremely stressful home life (addicts in the family) and needing to get 2 jobs to support myself and my family I had to transfer from the early college I was at to the alternative school near me (all the schoolwork is online), the only other option was dropping out. The school uses a very dated system called A+LS that shows you a picture of a bus or something saying "good job" every time I answer correctly and a lot of the information it tries to teach me is either blatantly biased or oversimplified and it makes me feel like a dunce. The alternative school isn't difficult but it's still very time-consuming and due to coronavirus one of my 2 workplaces is closed so I've had to work more at my other job to make ends meet. The workload for my school hasn't changed and at this point I'm really contemplating dropping out. I'm tired. I mean I understand that getting my GED isn't quite as good as a diploma but I'm really just done with having to come home after work every day and doing school work just to be told I did a good job by some stupid bus.

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 04:14PM by Riverjonas

@EducacionFutura : Un acuerdo por consenso / No te pierdas este texto de Miguel Casillas y Marisol Silva

@EducacionFutura : Un acuerdo por consenso / No te pierdas este texto de Miguel Casillas y Marisol Silva (via Twitter

If you didn't go to college, how has life been for you?

I'm a freshman in college. I'm almost 19 and am dealing with a lot of mental health issues. I also most likely will not be able to afford college next semester (or will switch to community college) because I left my emotionally abusive family, who uses their financial support as a way to trap me. The last few years I've always had this goal-to eventually open my own biotechnology lab. With me having to forego treatment due to COVID, my mh is rapidly deteriorating and I'm not sure what the future looks like. I still want to open my biotech lab, but without any financial support I don't know it's possible. I make $1500 a year through work study and have virtually nothing in savings because my parents would never let me get a job (financial control). My father didn't go to school (dropped out in 7th grade) and wants me to go to college to live vicariously. I am starting to lose sight of myself and what I want. I can't tell if this education is me setting myself on fire for others or genuinely something I want. I have lots of passions that don't make a lot of money, like art and music (though I'm decent in them). I'm almost fluent in Spanish and am a very quick learner if I have a passion for it.

So with all of that in mind, I wanted to see what everyone's life experiences are if you didn't go to college. Any and all responses are appreciated :)

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 01:43PM by helpmeplease2023

@EducacionFutura : Ante la crisis de COVID-19, el Grupo de Investigación sobre la Educación Superior realiza un estudio donde pretende dar voz a los docentes de educación superior acerca de la manera en que están viviendo esta experiencia de virtualidad educativa “forzada”.

@EducacionFutura : Ante la crisis de COVID-19, el Grupo de Investigación sobre la Educación Superior realiza un estudio donde pretende dar voz a los docentes de educación superior acerca de la manera en que están viviendo esta experiencia de virtualidad educativa “forzada”. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Convoca SEP a ingresar al nivel superior en modalidad Abierta y a Distancia

@EducacionFutura : Convoca SEP a ingresar al nivel superior en modalidad Abierta y a Distancia (via Twitter

Technology Teachers - what kind of activities are you doing for students in grades K-2? Having a hard time thinking of things for them that aren't too hard but aren't just playing games. Looking for inspiration.

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Submitted March 29, 2020 at 11:14AM by ag425

@ManuelGilAnton : Apoyemos a los que no pueden guarecerse, pero no salgamos de casa sin necesidad, argumentando que hay muchos que salen sin chance de quedarse.

@ManuelGilAnton : Apoyemos a los que no pueden guarecerse, pero no salgamos de casa sin necesidad, argumentando que hay muchos que salen sin chance de quedarse. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @ovemundo: La Gran Estafa. De cómo el SNTE roba a sus jubilados No solo se lucha contra ese virus invisible a nuestros ojos, sino contra la muy visible corrupción y opacidad en el SNTE. #CODVID19 #Mexico @ManuelGilAnton @levmx666 @MaurroJarquin @SergioDunstan

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @ovemundo: La Gran Estafa. De cómo el SNTE roba a sus jubilados No solo se lucha contra ese virus invisible a nuestros ojos, sino contra la muy visible corrupción y opacidad en el SNTE. #CODVID19 #Mexico @ManuelGilAnton @levmx666 @MaurroJarquin @SergioDunstan (via Twitter

Do you teach French or Spanish?

High school French and Spanish teacher here. Are you teaching online? Are you coming up with new assignments or just using your book? You want to share ideas? Let's chat.

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 07:17AM by mpw321

0 to 100 Random Numbers Counting | Learn to Recognize Numbers 0 to 100

These are good for kids to practice the numbers from 0 to 100. These are random numbers for children to practice.

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 12:04AM by fullypak

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

Any1 got any zoom meetings I can go f around in? Send the link

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Submitted March 28, 2020 at 08:36PM by redragonail

Brand New Discord Server

Join like minded people and talk about business ideas

Submitted March 28, 2020 at 06:59PM by theprince24kmagic

@ManuelGilAnton : @mercmerk Gracias a ti, Mercedes.

@ManuelGilAnton : @mercmerk Gracias a ti, Mercedes. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Pero hubo un seminario de educación y futuro muy interesante, por eso hago la broma de que es domingo... Sé muy bien que es martes ...

@ManuelGilAnton : Pero hubo un seminario de educación y futuro muy interesante, por eso hago la broma de que es domingo... Sé muy bien que es martes ... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Enorme texto. Gracias René.

@ManuelGilAnton : Enorme texto. Gracias René. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @BlancaHerediaR @DiplomadoPIPE @jcma23 @Jimena_HdezFdez Gracias por invitarnos. Hoy fue domingo de gusto y aprendizaje...

@ManuelGilAnton : @BlancaHerediaR @DiplomadoPIPE @jcma23 @Jimena_HdezFdez Gracias por invitarnos. Hoy fue domingo de gusto y aprendizaje... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias Alejandro, y ya ves, por la fuerza y símbolo de su acción, la foto no para de ser compartida. Ojalá hagamos lo mismo en todos lados. Abrazo

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias Alejandro, y ya ves, por la fuerza y símbolo de su acción, la foto no para de ser compartida. Ojalá hagamos lo mismo en todos lados. Abrazo (via Twitter

Do you think that the way we teach is corrupt?

The formulation of early science was augmented toward 'overcoming' nature. This was both social and technocratic. First, feudal societies were battling against their corrupt rulers and overcoming the religious influence that made their rein so powerful and longlasting. Scientific thinking eroded religious rulings because it created the realm of objective validity where a community of experts could reach the same conclusions about various subject matter, rather than appeal to authority. Secondly, science itself showed incredible progress in controlling and changing nature for the benefit of civilization. Industry popped up almost overnight and took over entire countries -- our entire way of being was forever changed by the quick advances made by science.

Synonymous with this discovery was the appeal to human 'reason', which was closely related to the sciences: humans possessed an innate ability that was, according to Kant, innately good and sanctified. Our picture of 'reason' was generated at the same time we began to advance further in the sciences.

My question is: Is modern education enveloped in the idea of 'man overcoming nature', an explicit feature of the sciences; and if so, do you think this view could help understand how we've exploited the world for all of its resources to the point of impending catastrophe (global warming)?

Here's my example: we are not taught to respect nature; we are taught that nature is our resources, our tool. Instead of inspecting the frog, we dissect it.

Submitted March 28, 2020 at 09:23AM by Paradisity

Is Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Worth?

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Submitted March 28, 2020 at 03:52AM by affiliatebay

Scholarship for International students

Intending to support the education of outstanding candidates in the UK, the University of Liverpool is granting the International College (UoLIC) Liverpool University Merit Scholarship.

The Liverpool University Merit Scholarship will receive£1,000 off tuition fees for Year 1 of their (non-clinical) degree at the University of Liverpool. (more)

Submitted March 28, 2020 at 01:00AM by mariaculver24

How is a Ukranian degree regarded in the USA?

Hi guys! I'm curious about how USA regards foreign educational degrees, in this case, from Ukraine.

My girlfriend was born in, and lives in Kiev, Ukraine. We're planning on getting her a Fiancé visa and living in the US eventually.

She has a bachelor's in economics, and is getting her Master's in psychology. The Master's program is fully in English, and she also works full time as an HR People Person/Operations at a tech company, where correspondence is most often in English, so she knows the language fairly well.

Given where she's at with her acamedics/experience, how will her academic degrees be taken in the US? Will they be disregarded?

On a separate note, would a foreign degree affect her likelihood of landing a good job/career?

We just don't want her to have to repeat school twice over...

Any insights are appreciated!

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 11:49PM by gusoslavkin

Conversation Thread: Impacts to Brick & Mortar education during quarantine. This quarantine has shed a light on potential new ways of learning. Open to all takes.

As a college senior I can only think what this is like for younger students who are taking virtual classes. Would like to hear what you think of it, how efficient it is, or in general a pro and con analysis.

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 11:56PM by shoota32

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AdrianaTovarRi1: @elErickJuarez @AbelardoCarro @ManuelGilAnton Excelente análisis de la realidad que vivimos los jubilados y pensionados de la Secc.42 Snte Chihuahua @aristeguicnn @julioastiIIero @JohnMAckerman @epigmenioibarra @SnteNacional @lopezobrador_ @patriciamayorg6

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @AdrianaTovarRi1: @elErickJuarez @AbelardoCarro @ManuelGilAnton Excelente análisis de la realidad que vivimos los jubilados y pensionados de la Secc.42 Snte Chihuahua @aristeguicnn @julioastiIIero @JohnMAckerman @epigmenioibarra @SnteNacional @lopezobrador_ @patriciamayorg6 (via Twitter

Universities in New York for international students

Yes, the traveling is almost stopped in the whole world due to coronavirus. But if you want to pursue your further studies in the most popular state in USA, New York, this is the time you can do the research about the universities and colleges there. and start preparation by being at home.

Here I have listed few universities where international students can pursue their studies.

  • Cornell University, New York
  • Columbia University, New York
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Yeshiva University
  • Fordham University
  • The State University of New York(SUNY)

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 10:06PM by Jeduka

3-Question Survey for Part-time College Students I'm Conducting for My Statistics Class. (Really Quick, I Promise)

Hey guys, I'm doing a quick 30-second survey for my statistics class at the University of Houston. I'm doing a study between Full-time and Part-time students. So far I mainly got Full-time student responses and a few part-time. In order to have equal data, I'm looking for more part-time. So, if you have some free time on your hands and happen to be a part-time student then please feel free to fill out the form. I promise It's super quick and also last thing, stay safe out there. The link will be below. Thanks in advance.

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 09:43PM by lilloudawg

@ManuelGilAnton : @GustavoVela71 Yo digo que cero

@ManuelGilAnton : @GustavoVela71 Yo digo que cero (via Twitter

4:15 PM Free Educational Materials for Homeschooling/Covid-19 (Coronavirus) for Independent Study

Hello parents and others in this age of School Closures and Covid-19. Are you interested in locating high quality, free, and interesting internet materials for your kids/ children that you are responsible for? This post is regarding an Educational Website designed by an  educational psychology student / primary grades teacher with more than 20 years of experience in public school settings. A large collection of educational resources are listed (Mostly K-6- but many sites may be of interest to older students as well). All sites listed within are child appropriate. No ads, spyware, or cookies are on the site. Offered as a non-profit / public service/ Gratis. We welcome comments and suggestions. A Teacher/ Parent guide  is included.

Site is at

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 05:37PM by seth3dusk

@ManuelGilAnton : @1alteno_mas @Mberue @MtroCejaBernal Chispas, perdona...

@ManuelGilAnton : @1alteno_mas @Mberue @MtroCejaBernal Chispas, perdona... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Esta es otra opción!

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Esta es otra opción! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Hay que leerlo no porque me haya tocado escribirlo, sino por lo que relata: una pelea contra lo peor: robar a los jubilados.

@ManuelGilAnton : Hay que leerlo no porque me haya tocado escribirlo, sino por lo que relata: una pelea contra lo peor: robar a los jubilados. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Miguel Ángel Aguilar me mandó este escrito de Caparrós. (No sé si lleva tilde, perdón si no...) pero es muy útil para entender (nos).

@ManuelGilAnton : Miguel Ángel Aguilar me mandó este escrito de Caparrós. (No sé si lleva tilde, perdón si no...) pero es muy útil para entender (nos). (via Twitter

Homeschool Science Day 10: Circuits & Engineering - Make an LED Paper Airplane!

Starting Day 10 of Science! I can't believe we're still sane. Today we're making LED paper airplanes, fun to throw, fun to make light up, fun to play with.

11:30am PST

Come join us for the show or do it on your own later!

Lesson Description Our paper circuit Fridays are back! We have a few options this week to practice and challenge our circuit making skills. Beginning circuit creators and younger hands can make a spinning helicopter.

More confident builders can try one of our three paper circuit airplane templates, we have a glider, Nakamura, and dart!

We will also learn a little bit about the Ozobot, my absolute favorite little robot on the market. Each week I have a programming activity with the Ozobot available and want to show kids how to use these if they have one at home!

Supplies: Paper airplane printout of your choice (all but the helicopter need to be printed double sided) CR2032 battery LED (1 for the helicopter, 2 for the other plane types) Copper tape Scotch or masking tape Ebay links for paper circuit supplies

Copper tape LEDs CR2032 batteries We can't wait to fly with you!

Dr. Erica and Evan

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 11:24AM by RosieResearchDrErica

@EducacionFutura : La Gran Estafa. De cómo el SNTE roba a sus jubilados / No te pierdas este texto de @ManuelGilAnton exclusivo para @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : La Gran Estafa. De cómo el SNTE roba a sus jubilados / No te pierdas este texto de @ManuelGilAnton exclusivo para @EducacionFutura (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @mivenri @MtroCejaBernal Esa es la respuesta, gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : @mivenri @MtroCejaBernal Esa es la respuesta, gracias! (via Twitter

Are there any tools to help a kid slow down their talking?

I have a 7 year old IEP kid with some speech development issues. He's about 75% of where he needs to be. One of the big problems is he talks so quick that his words get jumbled together and are near impossible to understand unless you know him. We've tried the "slow down." "slow down!" and it doesn't help.

Are there any metronomes or anything that help pace speech? Or....if I did use a metronome app, what duration should the beats be set to?

I'm worried that if he does something like this and it's too slow, it will turn into a bad habit and when he's 40

I'm probably going to start with single words and then move into sentences.

So... uh, any advice?

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 10:27AM by eerfree

@ManuelGilAnton : @MtroCejaBernal Ahora averiguo...

@ManuelGilAnton : @MtroCejaBernal Ahora averiguo... (via Twitter

Online Tutoring by Cornell Students

Hi! I hope everyone is managing through this health pandemic. I started a new company that provides online tutoring at a price that every parent can afford. Along with many other Cornell students, we are offering tutoring for grades K-12 for every academic class, AP test, college exam, and more. If you are looking for tutoring, please give 20/20 Tutors a try!


Submitted March 27, 2020 at 09:01AM by adelesmolansky

Looking for a online Grade 1 Program!

School has been cancelled for the rest of the year and I am wondering if there are any online programs I can enrol my child in. I've searched around and it's very overwhelming. Everything seems very Math or English focused but I am more so looking for a WHOLE curriculum. Math, English, Science, Art ect.

I am open to all suggestions and am also willing to pay for the best available.

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 08:20AM by -work-account

@ManuelGilAnton : Una iniciativa más. Solidaridad creativa.

@ManuelGilAnton : Una iniciativa más. Solidaridad creativa. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @JaimeRa08535836 @warkentin @SimonLevyMx @MexicoCovid191 Lo haré, gracias.

@ManuelGilAnton : @JaimeRa08535836 @warkentin @SimonLevyMx @MexicoCovid191 Lo haré, gracias. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En un super de Colima. Qué gran idea!

@ManuelGilAnton : En un super de Colima. Qué gran idea! (via Twitter

Why do people get bachelor of arts in scientific fields?

I was just wondering. What would be the reason to study a bachelor of arts in fields like physics, chemistry, math, etc. How different are the career paths between a B.A and B.S in the same topic? Wouldn't the courseload of a B.A in a field like physics limit your understanding in that science?

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 07:31AM by jesusoro17

@ManuelGilAnton : Es así...

@ManuelGilAnton : Es así... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Pongamos el hombro para empujar la esperanza.

@ManuelGilAnton : Pongamos el hombro para empujar la esperanza. (via Twitter

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Coronavirus: ‘Universities will be changed forever’, says Sir Anthony Seldon

In an opinion piece for the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) published on  23rd March 2020, Sir Anthony Seldon vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham, says: “Universities will be changed forever by the coronavirus crisis and its aftermath"

There is an opportunity to emerge with 'moral authority' and 'popular respect”. Also added that the crisis will evaluate their universities and their leadership to the hilt.

Here are five proposals for the UK university sector over the next year given by Sir Anthony Seldon, vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham.

  1. Universities will be required to lay competition aside and support each other through the crisis. Partnerships between challenged and strong universities should now be developed.
  2. An unexpected consequence of the emergency is that universities could come out with their public reputation restored. Vice-chancellors have a responsibility to rally around universities of UK’s lead, to support their actions in public and private as well to ensure that they have enough resources to coordinate sector-wide efforts.
  3. Universities can set the agenda to uphold that education goes far beyond income earning potential. They need to go further and embrace positive psychology, which builds the capacity of students and staff to bloom and to come through adversity on top.
  4. Universities in the UK need to build on the opportunities that the crisis has provided to show that every university is a Civic University.
  5. Finally, An agreement to freeze pay increases for the next two years might be a start for vice-chancellor. It is written not because of any personal issues but to heal the present situation

The crisis will test the universities and their leadership to the hilt. They should not let go of this opportunity. The prize is coming out of it with more moral authority, popular respect and national leadership than ever before.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 10:31PM by Jeduka

We Can Do This – TOGETHER

It sounds easier than it is to stay at home. Everyone is finding something to do and some are getting quite creative. If you have children at home you might be looking for unique activities, new ideas, or recycled activities. This has become the new focus of I AM My Best.

I will post one article a day providing activities to stimulate learning.I suppose going I am back to my roots because teaching is what I do best so I might as well use this gift for others. Not to mention my daughters (both teachers) are feeding me ideas. 

Libraries are closed. We are out of books. What are the options? Today’s focus is on reading. Avid readers probably already have a system in place to read on-line. However, many rely on the public library, bookstore, school. The list below provides book resources to old and young.

Newspapers Can Substitute as Textbooks. Today we will explore strategies to use the newspaper to engage kids in learning. This resource is available when self-isolating without risk; they can be delivered, purchased from a machine, and probably rummaged from a corner of the house. One paper can provide days of learning opportunities and the best part is it does not have to be current. 

Thinking Outside the Box – Day 6. Yesterday, a moving truck parked next door, unloaded cargo and three men unpacked boxes causing me to flash back in time. I loved boxes as a kid. As a mother, boxes are my go-to toy. Everyone remembers those Christmas and birthday presents that got discarded by children who chose to play with the box instead. So, yes, I did scream across the yard to request some boxes. Boxes, boxes everywhere. Grab a box or boxes and let kids go. Check out these ideas to provide inspiration. 

#parenting #homeschooling #teaching

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 07:37PM by WTMMahler

District administrators: what type of tasks are you asking your employees to take care of remotely during your district's closure due to coronavirus?

We know that teachers are busy with a whole host of online teaching responsibilities right now, but are there tasks that you're having teachers or other employees do remotely during the school closure. It just seems like there are always those type of tasks that no one ever has time to get to during the school year that can now be completed given the situation. Things like updating your employee and student handbooks come to mind.

So, what are you asking your employees to get done remotely during your district's coronavirus closure?

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 06:02PM by I_AM_LAW_SCHOOL

Would you recommend me some free online courses?

I can't get out of my home and i want to do something productive from my computer, i am interested in programming and web design, but if you have an interesting hobby that you learned through internet, i suppose thay's ok too, just take into account the restrictions we all have for the covid-19 virus in all over the world. Youtube videos are ok too.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 05:32PM by Silver-Phrase

@ManuelGilAnton : El derecho al agua, que es de nosotros, ni del gobierno ni del capital voraz o un vecino que agrede...

@ManuelGilAnton : El derecho al agua, que es de nosotros, ni del gobierno ni del capital voraz o un vecino que agrede... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Y si en las mañanas,digamos de 9 a 12,las televisoras hicieran una barra de programas interesantes para niñas y niños?No clases,sino cosas como Plaza Sésamo,películas buenas,teatro,actividades que nutran y apoyen a las familias?Cada una su oferta, y cada quien decida.¿Les late?

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Y si en las mañanas,digamos de 9 a 12,las televisoras hicieran una barra de programas interesantes para niñas y niños?No clases,sino cosas como Plaza Sésamo,películas buenas,teatro,actividades que nutran y apoyen a las familias?Cada una su oferta, y cada quien decida.¿Les late? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Miserable, no hay otro nombre...

@ManuelGilAnton : Miserable, no hay otro nombre... (via Twitter

Day 9 of Homeschool Science: Engineering Greenhouses - How well do you build?

This is an activity to help your kids learn how to engineer a greenhouse that can hold at least one plant and stand on it's own.

Live at 11:30am PST, recording available after

Pull out your recycling bin, dig up your tape, and heat up your glue guns (if you use them) - we're turning into Makers for science class!

Lesson Description

Greenhouses are great tools that help our gardens grow and thrive. They help baby plants stay warm, protect them from pests, and often ensure they have adequate light!

Not all greenhouses are human sized, however, and in our next science class we will be learning about the science of how greenhouses keep plants warm and protected, as well as put on our engineering hats to build our very own pint sized greenhouse!

Kids will be challenged to draw, refine, design, and build a project that stands on its own and has the ability for a plantling to be inserted or taken out! Bonus if a greenhouse can hold more than one plant!

Supplies: - Popsicle sticks - Ziplock bag or plastic wrap - Cardboard - Tape or glue - Plastic yogurt cup or item to be your plant pot - Scissors - Printout and pencil for planning your project

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 03:21PM by RosieResearchDrErica

COVID19 a gamechanger?

My child is in IB1 and school has been closed for almost a month now. They are having online classes.

IB and the Cambridge exams have got cancelled. With no definite timeline on when things will return to normal, schools, parents and students are stressing over the huge loss of teaching time.

Will this uncertain situation be a game changer in the field of education? Will exams go online? Will the pattern of testing change with focus on individual research and content? Can academic honesty be applied in project based learning?

Any thoughts?

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 12:35PM by MayaMayaRao

2 years after leaving school I’ve realised how useless 90% of it was.

I just put on any flair as I just wanted to state to everyone that a lot of it is a bunch of crap. Also I passed in school.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 10:16AM by billy2k01

Blocking external guests in Google Meet

So we are using Google Meet for video lessons. We are on our own .edu-domain, but students are sharing the meeting info to others. Those others join the video meeting and disturb it.

At first those others used their school account, so we could identify those disturbing the meetings. But now they are using random names so they are anonymous. Since all students and staff have own .edu-account I want to block all external users, even if they know the meeting url.

Does anyone know how to block all external users from joining? I have looked through the Meet settings and could not find a solution.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 10:04AM by Ari_Reddit

Online Teaching Platforms Dedicated to Children

I hope everyone is doing well these days,

As you know due to COVID-19 breakout almost all schools and universities are closed and converted to online-teaching by using software such as Zoom, Google Classroom, etc... and the situation is the same in Turkey as well where I live.

My question or what I need your suggestions about is that my friends and me have thought refugee children who has fled to here cuz of the war or crisis in their own countries in a non-profit organization as volunteers before this breakout and now we aren't able to keep it up because the organization is closed and I've searched for such a online-teaching platform that is dedicated to children but I didn't find an interactive platform that helps us.

Something should be mentioned to be clarified:

- the children aren't familiar with technology thus we are looking for easy platform.

- our budget is tight we can't pay for high-cost services but we have educational google mails maybe will be help :).

Thanks a Lot For Helping.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 09:48AM by J1Br

Can we talk about how schools aren't meant to be babysitters. Parents everywhere don't know what to do with their children after closures. How do you not know what do with your kids, this is no one else's problem but yours.

Too many victim cards.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 08:56AM by Santas-Banana

Time during social distancing

Hey all, what would you recommend people to do/learn during these times so you just don't waste your by time by sleeping all day or watching netflix.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 08:56AM by thebeard166

Free online tutoring during COVID-19!

Hi everyone!

I'm a high school senior who's currently been stuck at home due to the pandemic, and I've been lucky enough to go to a school that's well equipped to deal with this. However, I am well aware that many schools across the world are struggling due to a lack of digital infrastructure and that the negative effects of this pandemic will hit underfunded, rural areas the most. Children going to schools in those areas are already unlikely to receive the same quality of education in normal times, and the idea of further suffering because of this unfortunate turn of events does not sit well with me.

Therefore, a couple of friends and I are offering free online tutoring to elementary and middle school students who have Internet access. Please let me know if you know of any children who need extra help because their schools cannot support them at this time, and we will get in contact and do anything we can. Allow us to extend the privileges we've enjoyed to those who need it more.

And if you have comments, suggestions, or questions, feel free to drop them below. Thank you.

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 08:33AM by toomanymochas

How to easily record presentations.

Recording a presentation is helpful for many reasons, from wanting to share the presentation with others to having it simply to look back on and refer to. Having a high-quality recording is therefore essential and needs to be done right the first time. There are different ways you can record conference presentations depending on the quality needed, what it will be used for, and whether your presentations are in-person or wholly online. Today's guest post from Katlyn Proctor covers the basics to get you started.


  • Recording Conference Presentations With A Laptop
  • Simple Camera Angles
  • Automatically Record

Submitted March 26, 2020 at 05:10AM by byrd_nick

Impact of COVID-19 on Study abroad

COVID-19  has not only disturbed the whole world but also affected the careers of international students. Let us discuss some of the important Impact which this dangerous virus has caused to students who are on the way to pursue an education abroad:

  • Restrictions on immigration:

Many nations have already restricted entries at their borders, and only nationals or permanent residents are allowed in unless there are any important reasons. How this will exactly affect the international students in autumn 2020 can not be estimated, but you should follow developments closely so you can plan ahead of study abroad

  • No face-to-face teaching or exams in the abroad universities:

To reduce the spread of coronavirus, many universities have cancelled their on-campus activities like lectures. Maximum classes are being held online. Exams and research practices have been postponed or held in different formats, which may delay the completion of the degrees.

  • Eligibility for admission

Actions taken against COVID-19 have made a serious impact on education abroad in a way that has delayed the completion of high school diplomas or degrees. This means when you apply for a study programme, you technically will not be able to meet all the requirements. It is possible that universities will adjust to this scenario because this will affect a large number of first-year students.

  • Admission procedures and application deadlines:

This international emergency is not only affecting teaching, but also administration and the eligibility of applicants, it is possible that universities will make changes in their admissions processes, and extend their application deadlines. Please check the website of your chosen university regularly for new updates.

  • Impact on fall intake

The coronavirus will also impact summer and fall travel and study abroad. If students are researching and applying for summer or fall programs at this time, they should be sure to stay on top of breaking news and seek extra guidance from study abroad advisors on campus.

Submitted March 25, 2020 at 11:51PM by Jeduka

Do you prefer live online teaching or pre-recorded teaching?

Which do you prefer and which method consumes more data?

Submitted March 25, 2020 at 10:56PM by Horu_Ryo

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Home office durante el coronavirus ¿Estás preparado?

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Home office durante el coronavirus ¿Estás preparado? (via Twitter

School is stressful for me as an artist. What do I do?

Everyone has been telling me the same thing, lecturing me and scolding me and telling me that I'm not trying hard enough. However, I have put my uttermost best in all my subjects and all my plans and schedules, I am just too passionate about my art. Every class that I'm in, I think about drawing. I want to be an artist but my parents don't approve, my teachers side-eye me, everyone around me doesn't understand this unexplainable feeling of stress that goes in and out of my life. I have tried and I have asked for help, and all I have gotten is the same thing. I am practically just prone to getting stressed easily. (I go to an early college highschool, where i take both highschool classes and college classes).

My school life is a mess, my home is, everything. I have tried meditation, planning, and scheduling, counseling, praying, sleeping, eating more healthy things, taking medication and vitamins, exercising every day, drinking water, taking cold showers even. It's just that I already know what I want to do, I am trying to start my art business, and I just need my space and time. I just hate that I already know what I want to do, but no one, nothing gives it the attention and space it needs.

I sound a little angry, and that is because I tried so much and nothing worked out because everything is mandatory and I can't completely focus on all my priorities because I will start prioritizing one thing over another, I tried so hard to have everything stabilized, and I also tried to do things step by step. My dad tells me that I don't accomplish anything in life and that I'm just practically useless. I am the "spoiled child". I feel useless, my life is completely useless to me right now. I don't know what to do anymore. All these cliche tips for school and personal life etc. aren't helping me at all, and are just making everything more complex. Sorry if I sound naggy or winey. . .

Submitted March 25, 2020 at 06:24PM by laytakiima

@EducacionFutura : La importancia de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje para la Vida / Un texto de Miguel Ángel Pérez

@EducacionFutura : La importancia de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje para la Vida / Un texto de Miguel Ángel Pérez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : El anacronismo de la SEP en tiempos del COVID-19 / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava

@EducacionFutura : El anacronismo de la SEP en tiempos del COVID-19 / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

labeling students

Is it right to label students as humanitarian(English,History,Religion...etc) and technical?(Physics, Chemistry,Math...etc). In my view, this is a very wrong approach towards education and development itself. You, an educator is placing a student just in a box and tell them, you can only do this(some subject) and you won't be successful in any other subject. In my opinion, even if a person is leaning towards something, It's wrong to put them in a box. what do you think? Even if it's the opposite, your opinion is appreciated.

Submitted March 25, 2020 at 01:56PM by melomaniac_01

Does anyone know how I can offer remote one one/group Music Lessons and Enrichment Programs to students?

As we can all agree, the decision to close schools is unprecedented and unexpected. However, the safety of our children and people is key. The question is, how do you make sure our children have access to music and art programs?

With over 20 years of experience teaching music, and background in psychology, I developed a method and programs that will greatly benefit our children, especially during these difficult times. During this pandemic, we all desire our children to have extracurricular activities needed to develop young minds, build confidence and promote creativity. By doing so through music and art, our children will have a necessary outlet to express themselves and progress in development. All programs are conducted remotely and cater to all ages and levels. In addition, exciting programs are available specifically for students with special needs.

Would love some help on suggestions on how to make these programs available to families and students nationwide. Who are the people I need to get in touch with? Where should I post information about the programs? What specific agencies and organizations would be able to help?

Thank you!!

Submitted March 25, 2020 at 01:33PM by MusicWithWords

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - La educación Venezolana está en crisis. ¿Hay salidas? (Parte II)

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - La educación Venezolana está en crisis. ¿Hay salidas? (Parte II) (via Twitter