martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Semi-Rant: Parent Emails and Self-Advocacy!

I spend hours reading and providing feedback for my 7th grade students on all of their writing assignments that they turn in online, and I just received an email from a parent:

K turned in the wk 3 assignment. I’m assuming all the answers were wrong. Can he redo the assignment?

Two things:

  1. I left a hefty amount of feedback on the actual assignment explaining why he received no credit and how he can fix the issue.
  2. Why isn't the student emailing me if there are issues?

This is the umpteenth time that I've received an email from a parent concerned with their child's grade. All they are doing is setting their kids up for failure if they don't allow their kids to advocate for themselves! This is a great kid that struggled in my English class and not once during the year has he approached me about how he can improve. It has always been his mother! How do I respond to this email without seeming like a dick?

Also, if I'm spending hours on reading and thoughtfully providing feedback to students and all they do is look at the grade and move on, should I even be providing feedback? What the hell do I do?

Our kids are coddled WAY TOO MUCH and once they get to college they fall apart because their parents aren't there to keep them afloat. This has been a huge problem IMO for so many kids and has become normalized in our society.

Submitted May 19, 2020 at 10:02AM by PathologicalLearner

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