sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

Canvas Instructure Notifications & SMS Settings

This video is released just few minutes ago. This explains Canvas Instructure Notifications & SMS Settings for those Educators who use this learning Management System.

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 10:07PM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub https://ift.tt/3ef3o5L

Lazyfox.io: An Amazing Budding Community

New, Sleek and Promising.

Hop in and check out Lazyfox.io. Submit that troubling question to the Lazyfox community for swift answers, test your knowledge on-the-go and earn BCH for solving simple tasks/questions.

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 08:50PM by jvsephii https://ift.tt/3oLBSC0

I'm afraid to go into high school I want to get a good career, but my average in elementary school was a C.

Gosh, it was only in the past few months that I actually begun to work hard on my school work. My work is around a B now (because I have really bad sleep habits and make stupid mistakes on tasks) Wheneve i talk to my friends they usually have 100 or 90 percent on tests and I'm the only one who has a C. I dont rlly care about other ppl but I'm just afraid that I will fail in high school. I do extra homework every day, but whenever I hit something hard my mind would go blank and I would get distracted. Help? If I cant even get an a in elementary I'll probably never be a doctor or something.

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:55PM by UsurperOfTime https://ift.tt/3jFPyuo

American Education System: Why?

Why is the American education system so flawed? It’s not just me that feels that way. Many people have been comparing it to systems overseas and showing that countries in Europe and Asia, for example, are spending less hours teaching and have better job satisfactions. It also seems that the attitude in America towards learning is, in general, a lot lower when compared to the rest of the developed world. We can’t even begin to mention the cost of college tuitions. It’s ridiculous that Americans go in to so much debt just to land jobs they hate or not have many skills, compared to higher education in other countries. What drives this phenomenon in the US (I’m a student who was born and raised here who still struggles to find this answer)? The answer isn’t simple, but does anyone have any ideas on why the education culture is so horrible in the States?

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 11:24AM by symmbowL https://ift.tt/3oJrNoR

@ManuelGilAnton : Murió Sean Connery... de esas personas que, sin ningún derecho, pero de corazón, uno siente que se le fue un amigo. Hasta luego!!!

@ManuelGilAnton : Murió Sean Connery... de esas personas que, sin ningún derecho, pero de corazón, uno siente que se le fue un amigo. Hasta luego!!! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1322581484775985152)

Hi my educational apps are now free for halloween i hope someone will find interesting and help with your kids to learn with fun.

These apps are educational apps for kids, so i will be happy if you give it a try and leave a feedback, thank you all

Greek Gods https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kookoonut.greekgods

Planetarium https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kookoonut.planetarium

Scientists https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kookoonut.scientists

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 07:19AM by therealsvaba https://ift.tt/31XVGYS

Ken Robinson Creativity Schools (nyc or anywhere)

One of the few millions that was inspired by the TED talk. Where are these schools?

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:13AM by m3kster https://ift.tt/37W9kzt

The Myth of Learning Styles

I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to make a series of videos that are based on rigorously peer reviewed research in education. I’d like to try to get this information out more broadly to the teaching community. I feel like so much misinformation is out there but there is never any talk about what has been proven to really work and how we can use it in teaching.

This is my first try. Future ideas include memory and how understanding its mechanism in the brain can help us in the classroom. The misconception of engagement equals learning. Retrieval practice and the testing effect. The problem with growth mindset and its application into the classroom and more. I’m open to ideas too.

Here is the link to The Myth of Learning Styles. I already know do a few mistakes but still happy with what I have so far. More feedback is appreciated.

I hope this content can be help inform, enlighten, and engage.

The Myth of Learning Styles

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:18AM by rmurphe https://ift.tt/3223vgl

Reading materials for upper grades, lower reading levels.

I am a Resource & RTI teacher at a small school. I have a number of middle school (6-8 grades) students who are at much much lower reading levels than their grade levels. I am struggling to find materials within their reading levels (think 2.2-3.2 for a 14yo 8th grader)that are 1. Of any interest level 2. Don’t really highlight the point that the students reading level is so much lower than his grade level. For instance if books within his reading level are Amelia Bedelia, books about puppies, etc... so he has no interest in reading them. And then it makes him not want to read during spare time bc he feels like other students know he’s reading “baby books”. Any advice? Is there a resource out there that I’m missing? We are trying to hit IEP goals, and our very first hurdle is just FINDING something to read. Help!

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 05:28AM by kaayyybeeee https://ift.tt/3jJmrGw

AI-powered Language Apps are the Natural Evolution of E-learning

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Submitted October 31, 2020 at 03:12AM by analyticsinsight https://ift.tt/3mxXhMS

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

Do you believe the nature of teaching is remedial or foundational?

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Submitted October 30, 2020 at 05:40PM by munchymoneyboi https://ift.tt/2HGVary

Please help!

Hey, thank you so much for checking this post. I'm a senior in high school and I am kind of freaking out, I have 6 external exams in may, 3 AP and 3 IGCSE, I am feeling so depressed lately and my parents keep pushing and pushing and whenever I do anything that makes me happy they shout and punish me, even if I was watching a video or movie for 30 mins. Tbh I do have suicidal thoughts every now and then and I do want to stop them but they haunt me at night and I cry myself to sleep almost everyday. Every study plan I make fails and I honestly feel like I am a failure. Can someone give me advice or some plan, before I either fall into some deeper depression or kill myself.

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 11:56AM by ZMH10 https://ift.tt/3jCigwg

How To Do Machine Learning WITHOUT Any Programming Language Using WEKA

We are going to show you how to launch WEKA, and how to start using it, what each of the components means, and help you decide if it is the right tool for your needs. In the end, we are going to discuss if WEKA is going to change the traditional way of doing Machine Learning and is it sufficient enough to allow us to do Machine Learning without any programming language. Read more at: https://laconicml.com/machine-learning-weka/

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 11:34AM by argothecat https://ift.tt/3648K0j

Taking Notes [For Students & professionals]

This video is released today which explains tips & strategies for Taking Notes

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 09:06AM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub https://ift.tt/35HhCZe

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Por qué la problemática educativa no genera más preocupación en la sociedad?Quizá porque parece que no ha pasado nada, que todo sigue"bajo control"y el curso 2020-2021 va viento en popa.Tal vez.¿Qué opina usted?Ayer, a "bote pronto", ese fue el tema: https://t.co/tn1VJadUEj

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Por qué la problemática educativa no genera más preocupación en la sociedad?Quizá porque parece que no ha pasado nada, que todo sigue"bajo control"y el curso 2020-2021 va viento en popa.Tal vez.¿Qué opina usted?Ayer, a "bote pronto", ese fue el tema: https://t.co/tn1VJadUEj (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1322185663354003456)

@ManuelGilAnton : @blogroberto @chavitaprepa82 Quizá valga la pena recordar un refrán que le oí a mi abuelo Eusebio: "preveer es difícil, sobre todo si se trata del futuro". Saludos y allá nos vemos.

@ManuelGilAnton : @blogroberto @chavitaprepa82 Quizá valga la pena recordar un refrán que le oí a mi abuelo Eusebio: "preveer es difícil, sobre todo si se trata del futuro". Saludos y allá nos vemos. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1322170153090445312)

@ManuelGilAnton : Decía mi abuelo, Mayra: "¡A vivir, que son tres días!". Y, pues sí... https://t.co/j8PLYYpAdw

@ManuelGilAnton : Decía mi abuelo, Mayra: "¡A vivir, que son tres días!". Y, pues sí... https://t.co/j8PLYYpAdw (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1322168507241410561)

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Mañana! https://t.co/KdhaIA7JXs

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Mañana! https://t.co/KdhaIA7JXs (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321943935875485705)

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana a las 5pm. Argentina y Chile: Curso interinstitucional de la educación superior, UNAM. Enlace para ingresar: https://t.co/PAUTI1wjGQ

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana a las 5pm. Argentina y Chile: Curso interinstitucional de la educación superior, UNAM. Enlace para ingresar: https://t.co/PAUTI1wjGQ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321941704434348033)

A levels as an adult

Is it possible to take A levels online as an adult when living abroad? I am considering moving back to Poland, would it still be possible to take the course (I would be able to come to the UK for any exams).

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 01:47PM by Kot124 https://ift.tt/37Ryj7d

I’m a Special Needs Teacher and People Have No Idea How Hard It Is

I’ve been working as a special needs teacher for almost three years and it’s probably one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had. I teach kids, teens and adults and wow, the adults. At times it can get violent, disgusting, frustrating and very emotionally exhausting. But I love all my students and everyday is kind of like a video game. I was interviewed about my experience here and it definitely maps out how crazy things can get.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 11:51AM by bully_supporter https://ift.tt/37STLZy

Rec a School Planner/Calendar app that can handle 6-day week, skipping Weekends. If Mon is day1 and Tues day2, then next Mon is day6 and Tues day1

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Submitted October 29, 2020 at 12:04PM by ladybelle85 https://ift.tt/3jB6GRT

Comprehensive Pre-school/Pre-K Math Lesson Book?

I'm looking for a book to teach math to my 4 year old, preferably arranged in lessons that I can cover with him sequentially.

I don't have a very good intuition for how to judge the books I find on Amazon or other online stores, but I'm pretty sure I don't need just a pamphlet that abstractly describes what concepts to discuss with a child, nor a workbook with a long list of puzzles or simple arithmetic questions to complete. I have plenty of these already at home and while they seem to have helped my son reason in a mathematical way and he can solve equations like "3+2=" it doesn't feel like there's a curriculum that's building towards anything.

For teaching my son to read, I used the book Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and I loved the structure of it. Once we had finished all the lessons my son moved on to reading beginner books as his daily reading lesson without any problems. Now I just have to keep a steady supply of level-appropriate books and he gets practice and incremental progress every day.

My ideal would be the math equivalent of Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Is there something like that which anyone would recommend? Any help in sorting through math/numeracy materials for this age group would be greatly appreciated!

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 10:36AM by nbilling https://ift.tt/3kARQMC

@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión de Roberto Rodríguez sobre el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. https://t.co/cYn7neSrDI

@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión de Roberto Rodríguez sobre el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. https://t.co/cYn7neSrDI (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321860664193765381)

@ManuelGilAnton : Les comparto una conversación sobre "La casa como simulación en la escuela", a la que ayer los colegas de Otras Voces en Educación @ovemundo me convidaron. Por si quieren echarle un ojo. Saludos. https://t.co/p6TkjNyFbT

@ManuelGilAnton : Les comparto una conversación sobre "La casa como simulación en la escuela", a la que ayer los colegas de Otras Voces en Educación @ovemundo me convidaron. Por si quieren echarle un ojo. Saludos. https://t.co/p6TkjNyFbT (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321855613844901889)

Educator channels on Youtube!

Hey can anyone in this sub reddit recommend some youtube channels for an aspiring late in life teacher, 41m

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 09:48AM by capn_kirkl https://ift.tt/3oxpBRk

@ManuelGilAnton : Acá, de nuevo, el aporte del Profe Rogelio. https://t.co/JeslsDUTt0

@ManuelGilAnton : Acá, de nuevo, el aporte del Profe Rogelio. https://t.co/JeslsDUTt0 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321846759283322881)

@ManuelGilAnton : El Profe Rogelio @proferoger85 nos comparte su reflexión sobre el retorno a clases propuesto por TV Azteca... https://t.co/gKUTdjaQKA

@ManuelGilAnton : El Profe Rogelio @proferoger85 nos comparte su reflexión sobre el retorno a clases propuesto por TV Azteca... https://t.co/gKUTdjaQKA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321846607411699713)

Who to follow in social media for professional learning?

I am presenting PD next week on a couple things, I would love to hear from you knowledgeable educators!

  1. I so greatly benefit from groups like this one, what social media groups/ people do you know of that I can share with my 5th-8th teachers to follow for professional learning?

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 08:23AM by arielton https://ift.tt/37TMU22

Help with finishing college

Hey guys, due to unfortunate circumstances (mainly the college being shady af), I haven't finished my degree. I have finished all courses and seminars but the thesis and finals. Now, I'm thinking of somehow getting the degree maybe at another, even online, college. I don't care about the quality as I already have the knowledge, I just want a paper for additional job opportunities. I was majoring in English for Business (bachelor) in Europe and any suggestions are more than welcome.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 01:30AM by Tomichann https://ift.tt/3myjwSO

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : Un gran abrazo, Raúl! https://t.co/XgFCmD2dkP

@ManuelGilAnton : Un gran abrazo, Raúl! https://t.co/XgFCmD2dkP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321689911532158976)

Returning to school

High school Health and Pe teacher here. It’s going to be so strange going back to school and meeting my students in person for the first time. Kids are not required to turn on their cameras in my district and no matter how much I encourage them to, I get about 60ish% to do it.

We’re resuming in person school next week and I’m only going to know kids by their avator. Scooby Doo, Beyoncé eating pizza, Patrick Star, etc. Anyone else having the same experience?

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 07:42PM by VeryTiredDad https://ift.tt/31RCTyq

science education fundraiser - science olympiad doublegood fundraiser ENDS IN TWO DAYS! get your donations in now!!!

hello friends! i hope you all are well! i wanted to ask a quick favor and that is for any of you who are popcorn lovers. if you don't mind spending a few bucks on some popcorn for my schools science olympiad team, feel free to donate to the cause below!


all donations are appreciated!!! thank you so much!

a bit more on science olympiad-

science olympiad is a non profit organization that strives to integrate creative and innovative enrichment programs within STEM fields. across the country (and soon hopefully to be the world), students come together with their schools team to learn about tons of science topics. they compete in various level competitions outside of school across some of the best teams in the country. ages range from an elementary level through high school and even involvement at a university level. to learn more, visit sonic.org

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 07:53PM by rubbishduck22 https://ift.tt/3oErHig

Which is better online school or physical school? And why?

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Submitted October 28, 2020 at 06:28PM by Bubby2509 https://ift.tt/3oLY2Ea

Why am I bullied by teachers?

I have been bullied by teachers throughout my time as a student. I am an adult doing my second undergrad degree and am wondering 'why me and not other students'? Currently, I am being treated unfairly by a college professor but this just brings up multiple memories of being bullied by teachers.

I know reddit wouldn't be a place where a bully lurks but maybe the teachers here can shed some light. What would make a teacher dislike a student to the point of treating them differently than other student? To the point of verbal abuse or humiliation in front of the entire class.

I don't want to go into the details, but I have basically either just taken it and gotten As in their classes, or had to get higher authorities involved and switch out of that teacher's class. This has happened to me with at least 10 different teachers. I used to think they might be racist but these people (males and females) were of a variety of races. I also used to think maybe I reminded the male teachers of an ex girlfriend.

These incidents happened in metro parts of FL and am a female SE Asian minority. I am pretty logical but am clueless why this keeps happening and what I can do about it. Thank you.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 05:49PM by b3achbumm58 https://ift.tt/2J96fBO

@ManuelGilAnton : Con mucho respeto, de veras: aprender en la casa tiene procedimientos posibles que no se usaron, a cambio de simular que había escuela en la casa. Ese es mi punto... Si se aprende en casa, el año no se pierde: si se simula la escuela, sí, a mi entender. Saludos https://t.co/WcW8U8avjb

@ManuelGilAnton : Con mucho respeto, de veras: aprender en la casa tiene procedimientos posibles que no se usaron, a cambio de simular que había escuela en la casa. Ese es mi punto... Si se aprende en casa, el año no se pierde: si se simula la escuela, sí, a mi entender. Saludos https://t.co/WcW8U8avjb (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321510730072354817)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @flores_crespo: Gracias a @EducacionFutura por reproducir mi artículo publicado originalmente en @universalqro Por una nueva política de evaluación universitaria (IV) https://t.co/dEzJXw0PLI via @EducacionFutura

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @flores_crespo: Gracias a @EducacionFutura por reproducir mi artículo publicado originalmente en @universalqro Por una nueva política de evaluación universitaria (IV) https://t.co/dEzJXw0PLI via @EducacionFutura (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321510110099726336)

First Year Teacher - What is “enough”?

As a first year teacher in a mostly virtual setting, I feel like I’m lacking a teacher community. The collaboration is gone and the quick questions that I used to be able to ask other teachers during student teaching, I now have to figure out on my own. So, maybe you can help me answer one or a few of the questions that have been weighing on me. I’d really appreciate it.

  1. Is it normal to feel like you’re failing all the time? Is that okay? Any ways to deal with the stress of feeling like you’re not doing enough?

  2. How do you balance the urgency of keeping kids on track this year (with less instructional time and online, in my case), and being kind to yourself during a first-year-of-teaching-in-a-pandemic?

  3. Does the sense of dread you feel about getting everything done go away with time? Can you tell me about your experience with teaching getting better over time?

Any help would be appreciated.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 09:46AM by maemarck https://ift.tt/2TBsBxG

@ManuelGilAnton : Ajuste de horario: sólo México cambió, así que14 para México,15 para Panamá y otros,16 Venezuela y otros y17 para Argentina y otros.(Perdón por escribir así, pero hay prisa por comunicarlo) En este cartel ya todo está bien!!! Y la Liga para inscribirse es: https://t.co/CeYrQDzGR0 https://t.co/wiJE7dPINH

@ManuelGilAnton : Ajuste de horario: sólo México cambió, así que14 para México,15 para Panamá y otros,16 Venezuela y otros y17 para Argentina y otros.(Perdón por escribir así, pero hay prisa por comunicarlo) En este cartel ya todo está bien!!! Y la Liga para inscribirse es: https://t.co/CeYrQDzGR0 https://t.co/wiJE7dPINH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321482637731524608)





Sub for Help with EdTech

Someone mentioned this would be a good idea, so I made one. I'm an ed tech coach, and at the very least if you post questions to the subreddit I'll get back to you with ideas/videos/blogs that answer your question.

It's r/edtechhelp

The goal is just to have a positive place (no pressure to be super-heros, but also not a space for venting) that we can ask each other for advice about new tech that helps with our situation or that we have to use in our districts and don't know how to use.

It's also a place to share good ideas you find online.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 07:50AM by ellipsisslipsin https://ift.tt/3kAQDow

was wondering if anyone could answer some questions I have about nc education standards/ncvps/a ucps district school

Hi, was wondering if anyone could describe the difficulty and type of difficulty like is the subject hard or is it just busy hard the subjects im talking about are world history honors and biology honors also what are the core standards of those subjects for nc.

I would also like to know if anyone had been a student or teacher at ncvps if they had could they tell me what their time doing it was like, good bad meh somewhere in between im looking into doing honors math 2

Also I was wondering if anyone here was a student or teacher at union county early college and could tell their experience there ex workload, teacher support, counseling, etc.

Sorry for formatting issues I'm on mobile

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 06:41AM by Salticidae2 https://ift.tt/31LvbpB

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy, miércoles, a las 12, una conversación sobre la educación desde el confinamiento. https://t.co/rthdQnZY7F

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy, miércoles, a las 12, una conversación sobre la educación desde el confinamiento. https://t.co/rthdQnZY7F (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321431869511004161)

martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : No es cualquier cosa, ¡es una aberración! https://t.co/O8dchMvVNK

@ManuelGilAnton : No es cualquier cosa, ¡es una aberración! https://t.co/O8dchMvVNK (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321324548298543104)

I'm a student that would like to speak about my personal opinions about the educational system and if teachers see this and include it that would be amazing.

My personal opinion on today's educational system would be that it needs a lot of change. I would like for a few major changes to occur, I would like to see the removal of grades, homework, and standardized testing, schools starting later, and I would like to see a new system in which some students would be given special attention if they are currently having family or stress-related problems. First I would like to say that the removal of grades, homework, and standardized testing would allow students to blossom. This would allow the massive strain of stress they had lifted which would boost their brain functions and overall allow them to live a healthier lifestyle. People even get a kick out of homes and beaten because of these 3 things. Instead, I believe that the teacher should speak to the students and tell them their recent weaknesses and strengths. I believe that classwork, projects, and fun activities could also measure the student's strengths and weaknesses. Schools starting later means that we would be able to have more time to rest. This always for a healthier lifestyle. It also means most students will be able to eat a more balanced breakfast and will do better in classes since they will not be sleeping through any of their classes normally. Lastly, I would like to see a special program if all these things are not implemented that helps students that are being beaten, threatened, or under massive stress because of school, family, or anything. This will allow them to not worry as much and will give them the much-needed break they need. It will allow them to be happy. It will allow them to be able to talk about their feelings.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 09:58PM by Prestigious-Low-8441 https://ift.tt/2J53IIO

I took a non teaching State Govt job

and it did not work out due to my love of lifelong learning

My past higher education academic pursuits

my knowledge was way advanced for the position and pay that the agency hired me into. I took the job anyway because I needed to work.

But my test results on the weekly's were above avg 98% when only 80 was required

Some people couldnt score 80

I became targeted for pushout during the Covid outbreak. I am middle age. My peers were recent college graduates

It seems as though, as an educated woman who worked in private sectors that I've aged out

I tried a State Govt job thinking that my experience, dedication and advanced education would add value to this employer

It did not. It worked against me.

You cant take a 12th grader and bring them back to 5th grade

But that is what happens out here in the work world. (to some people who may not have the right connections)

Men in higher level positions wont speak with me. They push me down to the junior people in their 20's who are just starting out in their careers.

Its to send a message, "You are not wanted here, we dont care what you know, you are in our age group and got pushed down into poverty, we cant be near that!"

And so I cant work my way out.

I cant just start a business. That requires money and well, as a Finance major, I know what it takes.

And if we could all just start a business, we would.

Many people out here in society neglect to discuss budgets and cost of living. They'll suggest to me "just take any job" as though its sitting on a shelf like a piece of fruit we can pick.

It doesnt work that way

But thats how many people think

That we can all just take and work ANY job no matter how old we are, our financial housing needs costs, healthcare costs...

Experience comes with age.

Not many places want to pay for the experience

The mature people in my age group in the biz sector wont speak with me.

Im not good enough because I dont have a Title. Therefore only their junior person is sent to speak with me. And they are the ones keeping me out of employment

Id love to study for LSATs to apply to law school at night. But that isnt free and I have no income.


I cant get hired anywhere

Substitutes teaching wouldnt work. I need $3000/month min to live

Ive posted in other reddit forums

But any mentioning of my education results in people attacking me or calling me elitist because I need cerebral work.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 09:24PM by Madeline2853 https://ift.tt/35yJiiU

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/ugiRLYgpXf

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/ugiRLYgpXf (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321290175469805573)

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/cmqoune2dA

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/cmqoune2dA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321290094439968770)

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡A escribir, a relatar, a dejar testimonio de estos tiempos escolares tan complicados! Espacio para tu voz, letra e imagen. https://t.co/miwCrFx7uF

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡A escribir, a relatar, a dejar testimonio de estos tiempos escolares tan complicados! Espacio para tu voz, letra e imagen. https://t.co/miwCrFx7uF (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321289943717654531)

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy en El Weso: sobre la posición irresponsable y mezquina de TV Azteca, bendecida por su impresentable "dueño", en torno al retorno presencial a la escuelas cuanto antes para "evitar el atraso". Miserables. @elwesomx @AztecaNoticias @RicardoBSalinas https://t.co/9rqHE3rpO1

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy en El Weso: sobre la posición irresponsable y mezquina de TV Azteca, bendecida por su impresentable "dueño", en torno al retorno presencial a la escuelas cuanto antes para "evitar el atraso". Miserables. @elwesomx @AztecaNoticias @RicardoBSalinas https://t.co/9rqHE3rpO1 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321285426896920579)

@ManuelGilAnton : UN LIBRO MUY IMPORTANTE!!! https://t.co/DPDpTm4zbI

@ManuelGilAnton : UN LIBRO MUY IMPORTANTE!!! https://t.co/DPDpTm4zbI (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321269421147516928)

Teacher vs Admin

This post isn’t what you think it is! ... probably. I’ve been a teacher (secondary ELA, in the US) for the last ten years. The last few years in our small, rural district, we have been struggling with our principal. I have been told a few times by different colleagues that “I wish you were our principal.” And I’m wondering... could administration be in my future? I love my job. I love the kids. And that’s literally why I wake up and go to work every day. I do not enjoy interacting with parents or adults. HOWEVER, I have reached a point of “no fucks given” and have found my voice as far as advocating for myself and what my fellow teachers need. I guess I am a reluctant leader. So, this leads me to my question. Administrators, how would you compare your work load to when you were teaching? Work/life balance? I have always toyed with the idea of stepping out of the classroom eventually, but mainly was thinking more about becoming a media specialist or GT coordinator. But that administrative paycheck $$$ would be nice, too. Plus, after a decade of dealing with incompetent people in administrative positions, my confidence is boosted that maybe just maybe I could do this. Thoughts? Advice? Sorry for the rambling format. I had a bit o Fireball for dinner.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 06:37PM by jeezbeesknees https://ift.tt/34z6v5v

@ManuelGilAnton : @DanielVicHer Buenas noches a ti. Abrazo

@ManuelGilAnton : @DanielVicHer Buenas noches a ti. Abrazo (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321256797567512576)

@ManuelGilAnton : No hay modo más radical y doloroso de extrañar a un amigo, a una amiga, que cuando ha muerto... (Creo que eso fue lo que dije, Daniel, o algo muy parecido) https://t.co/v5rrgrowgy

@ManuelGilAnton : No hay modo más radical y doloroso de extrañar a un amigo, a una amiga, que cuando ha muerto... (Creo que eso fue lo que dije, Daniel, o algo muy parecido) https://t.co/v5rrgrowgy (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321249450367438849)

@ManuelGilAnton : Pongamos el hombro. https://t.co/PxtE7ZDPQQ

@ManuelGilAnton : Pongamos el hombro. https://t.co/PxtE7ZDPQQ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321247990523162624)

@ManuelGilAnton : Salinas Pliego, ¿te das cuenta de la barbaridad de tus propuestas? https://t.co/5HtbvrwMQz

@ManuelGilAnton : Salinas Pliego, ¿te das cuenta de la barbaridad de tus propuestas? https://t.co/5HtbvrwMQz (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321246660102475776)

Teacher with 42 students in one section - HELP

Hello All,

This is for my US (California) high school teachers. I am looking for information about the legality of being given 42 students on one roster. This teacher is a first year teacher and 11 of these students are SPED students. I am looking for resources for her such as appropriate next steps, laws, or even references in LAUHSD. I am also a first and I have no idea how to help but I also know this isn't legal.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 05:01PM by succulentscientist https://ift.tt/3owGc7S

For all my New Yorkers have you heard of the, Culturally Responsive-Sustaining education framework (CR-S)?

CR-S Framework is grounded by 4 principles:

  • Welcoming and Affirming Environment
  • High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction
  • INCLUSIVE Curriculum and Assessment
  • Ongoing Professional Learning

We need to apply pressure on our local legislative representatives to pass the bill, A03648. Passing the bill will:

Establish a culturally responsive education curriculum and standards; requires all school districts, charter schools and private schools to integrate culturally responsive education throughout the education of all students at all grade levels.

Read the CR-S framework here

Track NY Bill A03648 here

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 04:09PM by Positive-Perry https://ift.tt/37MI1I3

@ManuelGilAnton : No olvidemos... https://t.co/5UUbtoZR8w

@ManuelGilAnton : No olvidemos... https://t.co/5UUbtoZR8w (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321189066105212928)

@ManuelGilAnton : Eso es historia... https://t.co/iFEygGBG7L

@ManuelGilAnton : Eso es historia... https://t.co/iFEygGBG7L (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321187654050852864)

How To Get Into A Really Highly Ranked College. **I Am Starting High School Next Year (I know I am thinking way ahead)And Want To Know What To Do?

Hello! I am currently in 8th grade and am wondering what I need to do throughout my years in high school to get into a very highly ranked college in the US. I currently am very into math and engineering. I am planning on going to a local magnet school that takes kids from 11th to 12th grade. Thanks for your time!

Also, I know I am thinking about this way too early but I want to get a head-start!

P.S. If you have any questions about anything else please ask!

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 12:45PM by RoboDude21213 https://ift.tt/34wQX20

hi questions about nc standard curriculum for a few classes/ncvps/UCEC

Kinda posted this earlier but I deleted it and refined it to make more sense

Hi, was wondering if anyone could describe the difficulty and type of difficulty like is the subject hard or is it just busy hard the subjects im talking about are world history honors and biology honors also what are the core standards of those subjects for nc.

I would also like to know if anyone had been a student or teacher at ncvps if they had could they tell me what their time doing it was like, good bad meh somewhere in between im looking into doing honors math 2

Also I was wondering if anyone here was a student or teacher at union county early college and could tell their experience there ex workload, teacher support, counseling, etc. Sorry for formatting issues I'm on mobile

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 12:54PM by Salticidae2 https://ift.tt/3oA50fp

Difference between education?

I moved to The Netherlands when I was younger (3) but It was my plan to go back to Australia next year (20), if I decide to stay (in the near future) than the following question is quite important.

What would the Dutch MBO level 3 and or 4 (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs niveau 3/4) equivalent be in Australia? And what comes after it?

I am studying for basic/broad social work right now but I'm planning to study to work in (school) education.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 01:04PM by Vic-Over101 https://ift.tt/31MPFyd

Podcast about deep level processing

I am working on a mastersdegree right now. Its about deep level processing and how teachers can use this as a opposite to surface level processing. Some also use the words deep learning, but I am NOT looking for deep learning that has to do with AI, computer learning and that sort of thing. Anybody have a suggestion?

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 12:21PM by Dealiono https://ift.tt/2J8SByB

How do I convert my Philippine grades to American standard grades?

I recently migrated last January from the Philippines to the US as a sophomore in high school. In the Philippines, I was a B-average student, while here, I am an A-average student. I have noticed that the grading system in the Philippines and the specific school I went to was much more difficult than the American standard grading system. My current school did not convert my grades which has heavily affected my GPA. I am currently a junior.

How am I able to convert my Philippine grades to American grades? If I am unable to, should I mention that on my college application (I’m pretty sure it’s called a Common App)? Anything will help, thank you! :-)

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 10:49AM by lepiidopterodactyl https://ift.tt/3edQuVX

does anyone have experience with the nc education standards/ncvps/school in UCPS district

Hi, was wondering if anyone had any experience on the educational standards on honors classes in nc more specifically world history, English 1 and biology. Also was wondering if anyone had experience with learning part time in the summer or extra classes with ncvps. The last thing I was wondering if anyone had experience going to union county early college Thank you One salty boi

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 09:58AM by Salticidae2 https://ift.tt/3jD9XA5

8-12 year olds with and without brain injury needed for research study

I am a speech language pathology researcher and am recruiting children 8-12 years old to participate in a study on fatigue after brain injury. This study includes the completion of an online set of surveys by parent and child (total participation is less than 1 hour). Please share my contact with families who might be interested- [jxs1654@case.edu](mailto:jxs1654@case.edu)
This study is approved by the Institutional Review Board at Case Western Reserve University.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 10:10AM by JR_braininjury https://ift.tt/34vvfeW

Benefits of HR Analytics

What is HR Analytics? How it can help you as an HR professional?

Here is the best known scientific definition of HR Analytics: HR analytics is the systematic identification and quantification of the people drivers of business outcomes (Heuvel & Bondarouk, 2016)

Everybody wants to go into HR Analytics, and not without good reason. As a skill, it is a huge boost to have on your resume today, especially if you are an HR person. HR Analytics is all the rage today. For decades now, HRs have struggled with supporting decisions with enough data and gaining respect as essential members of the organization.

HR Analytics has put an end to that struggle. Now it's not just possible to get data and find patterns, but also to make predictions using HR data. By using people analytics you don’t have to rely on gut feeling anymore. Analytics enables HR professionals to make data-driven decisions. Furthermore, analytics helps to test the effectiveness of HR policies and different interventions.

So it is not a surprise that I wanted to learn it too.

I found a course on Edu4Sure which helped me learn everything I should know as an HR Analyst. And not just the technical part. The instructors helped me learn how to glean insight from data which I was never able to understand before. Here is the link to their course.

Hope this post helps you realise your potential as an HR professional. Cheers!

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 10:21AM by Abhinav19931 https://ift.tt/2G4sV5d

I'm currently studying my leaving cert (final year school exams) its a two-year cycle and I'm just started, i understand all of the information presented to me and don't find it difficult but I have a problem keeping that information leading to not doing well on test, i am diagnosed with Dyslexia---

I'm currently studying my leaving cert (final year school exams) its a two-year cycle and I'm just started, i understand all of the information presented to me and don't find it difficult but I have a problem keeping that information leading to not doing well on test, i am diagnosed with Dyslexia, dyspraxia and dysgraphia also.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 08:41AM by Pmcdonald16 https://ift.tt/324sv6L

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana, de 4 a 6, segunda sesión del Seminario interno del Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, en coordinación con el Seminario de la Educación Superior de la UNAM. Va a estar muy interesante. va el cartel: https://t.co/FN2pKFVmfL

@ManuelGilAnton : Mañana, de 4 a 6, segunda sesión del Seminario interno del Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, en coordinación con el Seminario de la Educación Superior de la UNAM. Va a estar muy interesante. va el cartel: https://t.co/FN2pKFVmfL (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1321112016954609664)

4 Google drive Tips for Teachers

This video is released few minutes ago. You will learn 4 Google Drive Tips for teachers

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 05:36AM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub https://ift.tt/3oEyJnx

Top 5 Biggest and popular Rainforest in the world

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 06:17AM by Flat_Ad_7046 https://ift.tt/3kzbCbo

If an educational program at a university is offered for both undergraduate and graduate students, what do you call the sections of the program that are geared toward either type of students? For example, one section of the program is for graduate students, and the other section is for undergrads.

No text found

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 05:17AM by miliseconds https://ift.tt/2Jba61n

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Is it Too Late to Start a YouTube Channel as an Online Educator?

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 07:26PM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub https://ift.tt/3mti3x0

What is the best course you found in Skillshare?

Title says it all. Any course that helped you in your career or personal life.

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 07:26PM by WorldlyEffect https://ift.tt/3ouAe7A

Higher position

I am planning to be a teach for only a few years after I get my ba. what jobs pay well not related to being a teacher / professor? Also I play to work in la how much is the start up pay in elementary school?

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 06:17PM by 101Rain2020 https://ift.tt/37Jxq0v

Weighted or unweighted gpa

This is my first post so I don’t if it’s the right place to post.Do colleges look at weighted or unweighted gpa?

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 06:29PM by Papygloria https://ift.tt/3jtdG3r

Free online courses for basics?

Looking for a good place to relearn basic Math, English, Science, Social Studies... I want to get myself a refresher before applying to college after 20 years of not being in school.

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 05:34PM by kissAgingerToday https://ift.tt/35BLoyH

Online school

Soooooo I really need help with my online school work I'm very far behind I have 5 classes Marine Science, Psychology, English, Theater, and History I'm in the 11th grade. I'm not really good at tech thingys so i was hoping that i could just give the website and my login information to someone that is willing to help ik ik probably not the smartest thing however I'm very very desperate for help i could maybe pay afterwards or something, also I'm pretty new to reddit idrk the best places to post this.

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 01:24PM by jared35012 https://ift.tt/3e1rO2t

@ManuelGilAnton : Daños colaterales de la educación a distancia en cientos de miles de niñas y niños... adolescentes y jóvenes... familias en todas sus modalidades... magisterio... Nada más medio país si lo sabemos ver como propone Erica Franco Lavín en @EducacionFutura https://t.co/ip1fQ1kvHp

@ManuelGilAnton : Daños colaterales de la educación a distancia en cientos de miles de niñas y niños... adolescentes y jóvenes... familias en todas sus modalidades... magisterio... Nada más medio país si lo sabemos ver como propone Erica Franco Lavín en @EducacionFutura https://t.co/ip1fQ1kvHp (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320759196971798540)

Education Student Question

During your experience as an education student, what is the most difficult subject that you've had to learn?

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 07:36AM by dxxdpxxlrn https://ift.tt/3omGnT8

How do I convince my parents that I want to take A Levels but not IBDP?

I'm in Year 11 right now and I've been telling my parents I want to take A-Levels since a year ago. When they introduced IB to me, I've been pushing it away because I wasn't interested in the course at all.

Today, they brought up the topic again and at this point, I'm really stressed out. I tried telling them that I want to take A-Levels but they believe IB would benefit more.

They're telling me to apply for IB scholarship right now. How should I tell them properly that I'm not interested??

Submitted October 26, 2020 at 03:04AM by comfyyyyyy https://ift.tt/35OFydB

@ManuelGilAnton : Mira Caro @mapuchmex y luego dicen que no hay gente extraordinaria. Abrazo a tu paisana! https://t.co/yZXJtkMu5D

@ManuelGilAnton : Mira Caro @mapuchmex y luego dicen que no hay gente extraordinaria. Abrazo a tu paisana! https://t.co/yZXJtkMu5D (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320604721741131776)

@ManuelGilAnton : @gonzalowinter Gonzalo. Me llamo Manuel, soy mexicano, en 73 lloré de rabia, hoy por la esperanza que se abre. Háganla ancha, que quepa la gente que, todavía, sabe llorar. Abrazo!

@ManuelGilAnton : @gonzalowinter Gonzalo. Me llamo Manuel, soy mexicano, en 73 lloré de rabia, hoy por la esperanza que se abre. Háganla ancha, que quepa la gente que, todavía, sabe llorar. Abrazo! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320602777089966081)

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué gran persona. !!! https://t.co/yZXJtl45ud

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué gran persona. !!! https://t.co/yZXJtl45ud (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320601561865867264)

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex @nanostern Gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex @nanostern Gracias! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320597341934624770)

@ManuelGilAnton : Abrazo, Raúl! https://t.co/AV04Rd0JB2

@ManuelGilAnton : Abrazo, Raúl! https://t.co/AV04Rd0JB2 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320596893127331841)

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex Extraordinaria, Caro. Gracias! ¿Sabes? No sabía que me hacía falta llorar tanto, pero no me detengo... es extraña la alegría. ¿Recuerdas El arado? https://t.co/4XpT0T4Y8D

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex Extraordinaria, Caro. Gracias! ¿Sabes? No sabía que me hacía falta llorar tanto, pero no me detengo... es extraña la alegría. ¿Recuerdas El arado? https://t.co/4XpT0T4Y8D (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320584559545573381)

@ManuelGilAnton : Recordemos... https://t.co/YLQfZdk4Od

@ManuelGilAnton : Recordemos... https://t.co/YLQfZdk4Od (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320577869580435456)

@ManuelGilAnton : Uno llora a ratos sin poder evitarlo. Gracias, Chilenos: hoy el mundo es un poquito mejor, a pesar de tanta pena. https://t.co/Cji7myDMPD

@ManuelGilAnton : Uno llora a ratos sin poder evitarlo. Gracias, Chilenos: hoy el mundo es un poquito mejor, a pesar de tanta pena. https://t.co/Cji7myDMPD (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320577147061170178)

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex ¿Recuerdas esta? https://t.co/xSj6J5Ex64

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex ¿Recuerdas esta? https://t.co/xSj6J5Ex64 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320576553772744705)

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/y0cxAH5tQ4

@ManuelGilAnton : https://t.co/y0cxAH5tQ4 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320567303755296768)

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy, sí sé por qué, querido Víctor Jara, me acordé de Amanda. Y sí, muchachos, se abrirán las grandes alamedas. ¡Se van a abrir!

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy, sí sé por qué, querido Víctor Jara, me acordé de Amanda. Y sí, muchachos, se abrirán las grandes alamedas. ¡Se van a abrir! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320564626417807360)

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex Un gran abrazo para ti!

@ManuelGilAnton : @mapuchmex Un gran abrazo para ti! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320563925637758976)

@ManuelGilAnton : El 11 de septiembre de 1973 ,tenía17 años. El golpe de estado de Pinochet derrumbó al Presidente Allende en Chile. Hoy 25 de octubre de 2020,casi con 65,quiero salir a gritar: ¡Viva Chile! Viva Allende! Viva la libertad! HABRÁ NUEVA CONSTITUCIÓN, Y LA DE PINOCHET SE VA AL CARAJO!

@ManuelGilAnton : El 11 de septiembre de 1973 ,tenía17 años. El golpe de estado de Pinochet derrumbó al Presidente Allende en Chile. Hoy 25 de octubre de 2020,casi con 65,quiero salir a gritar: ¡Viva Chile! Viva Allende! Viva la libertad! HABRÁ NUEVA CONSTITUCIÓN, Y LA DE PINOCHET SE VA AL CARAJO! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1320561465607122945)

Re-ink markers

Instead of throwing markers out when they are dead, try re-inking them. Sharpies, dry erase and any red, blue, or yellow markers can by easily inked. Ink costs under $3 per 3 pack so it will save you money too.

Submitted October 25, 2020 at 07:55PM by datouclub https://ift.tt/34vqcex

I now know the US education system could be in trouble (story in text)

I was having a discussion with one of my coworkers the other night; a recent HS graduate taking some college courses. We were having a discussion about vacations and countries that we have traveled to. I mention that i went to Havana, Cuba a couple years ago. I told him I wasn’t that impressed with it but one the cool thing I saw was visiting Earnest Hemingway Cuban home.



“Who’s that?”

The Old man and the Sea? A Farewell to arms?

“Never heard of that”

I feel like something is slipping

Submitted October 25, 2020 at 06:16PM by Palidor https://ift.tt/2HAfH0t

I’m trying so hard!

Hey everyone! This is my first post on this sub.

I’m in my last year of HS. Trying to keep a good average because I got conditional acceptance recently.

My problem is that I study so hard and do horrible on tests! Meanwhile my other friends don’t study as hard and get high 90s. Whenever I ask for advice from them it they just say “idk how I do it”.

I apply myself like I’ve been told countless times but I’m not seeing the results. I’m at a loss of ideas and I need to get my sh*t together.

I study in increments of around 50 minutes everyday of the week. Do practice questions Watch videos Spend all my lunches in class studying.

I wish the case was that I’m lazy and don’t try but it’s the opposite and I see no results.

Any help will be appreciated!

Submitted October 25, 2020 at 04:59PM by playboidarky https://ift.tt/37DCEuA

@EducacionFutura : El abandono escolar: Los daños colaterales de la educación a distancia https://t.co/wSp58zc00k

@EducacionFutura : El abandono escolar: Los daños colaterales de la educación a distancia https://t.co/wSp58zc00k (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320514232740388865)

Is the U.S. Education System Adequately Polycentric?

Abstract: Public school districts in the United States have some authority and control over how they operate, but factors such as federal collective-bargaining law constrain what they can do. A full-blown polycentric education system would enjoy major benefits, such as enabling districts to discover better ways to educate students and to customize educational content to better meet the needs of a diverse student body.

Link: Is the U.S. Education System Adequately Polycentric?

Submitted October 25, 2020 at 02:46PM by punkthesystem https://ift.tt/31GZZaY

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Existe un modelo educativo de la pandemia? https://t.co/giWUthnt3T

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Existe un modelo educativo de la pandemia? https://t.co/giWUthnt3T (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320484034749861888)

@EducacionFutura : Conmemoración del 80 aniversario de El Colegio México https://t.co/W0goBvl1M6

@EducacionFutura : Conmemoración del 80 aniversario de El Colegio México https://t.co/W0goBvl1M6 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320466433562808322)

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Exigen diputados de Morena renovación de dirigencias sindicales del SNTE y su democratización https://t.co/5ohSCu0Ehr

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Exigen diputados de Morena renovación de dirigencias sindicales del SNTE y su democratización https://t.co/5ohSCu0Ehr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320446288429780994)

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Convocatoria de colaboración: Educando desde casa. Historias, reflexiones y técnicas de los procesos educativos ante el COVID 19 https://t.co/1VGNUGYGGH

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Convocatoria de colaboración: Educando desde casa. Historias, reflexiones y técnicas de los procesos educativos ante el COVID 19 https://t.co/1VGNUGYGGH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320416089449299969)

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Una mirada a las y los formadores de formadores https://t.co/hk6paXhENC

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Una mirada a las y los formadores de formadores https://t.co/hk6paXhENC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1320400988419854338)