lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

Really think schools should prioritize cooking, cleaning, and exercise

Watching documentary on fast food in third world. Fast food is expensive and flavorless. The main reason to get it is sheer laziness and lack of education (not knowing how to cook). Have to wonder how many health problems could be solved if schools taught everyone how to cook and clean in a thorough and diligent manner. Additionally I am bewildered at the lack of emphasis on fitness in schools. One idea I had was that each class would have to go on a walk once a week in a rotating schedule. Or make an exercise class a required credit for graduation the way languages are in some areas. Definitely I think a school system that every graduate was capable of running a kilometer would produce a much wiser population. Have to wonder why schools think english, math, history, and science are more important than simple fundamentals of life like how to take care of your body. I 100% think I would have had a much more productive, fun, and social experience in school if each day featured an hour of coordinated outdoor exercise and an hour of cooking/housework.

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 10:48PM by Icy_Ad2505

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