martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Why don't school districts allocate funds to schools according to how many students attend instead of unequal by performance(typically benefits more Affluent areas)?

I know a little bit of how funds are currently allocated just was thinking a strict policy of funding schools by population could boost schools in low income areas. Its seems to decrease necessary funding of schools that fail reguraly in lower income neighborhoods because they are largely composed of a population that may not prioritize education because of poverty. Unlike in richer areas that constantly have more educated and affluent population schools that get a's and b's and get better funding. Wouldn't this require administrators to be held accountable instead of making test a large factor in public school funding.

If I'm ignorant just let me know was just currious.

Submitted November 29, 2016 at 11:28AM by bottleflick

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