lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

Can someone explain the Enthusiasm for "Grit" to me?

I continue to be deeply puzzled by the enthusiasm that many educators seem to still feel for "grit" in light of what we have learned about about the construct from those two recent large-scale studies of grit (both published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology - one of them a meta-analysis). To recap what we now know:

  1. It does not make any demonstrated sense to average two different constructs (perseverance and passion) to form a new construct.

  2. Grit scores don't predict success and performance very well at all.

  3. Grit appears to simply be a new label for conscientiousness (a personality trait).

  4. Conscientiousness does not respond well to interventions/treatments.

  5. Angela Duckworth made serious statistical errors in her work and appears to continuously misrepresent her own research findings. That is, her own work often shows grit to be a very poor predictor of performance and success but she keeps insisting that it is a great predictor.

In any other scientific field these findings would spell the end of the road for an idea but grit enthusiasts seem to be impervious to data. Can someone fill me on what is going on?

Submitted October 02, 2017 at 12:49PM by algreco17

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