martes, 31 de julio de 2018

anybody have experience w/ research in education? Need help!

Need help distributing an exam to 30 participants. Each participant will get two sets of exams, one set given at a different time. How can we do this and keep the validity of the exam?

A brief overview of my project is we are comparing how well residents can diagnose diseases using a traditional glass slide versus a digital image they would see on the computer. We wanted to split up these two sets of quizzes (traditional glass slides and digital images) into two days to keep validity since a traditional glass slide pertaining a disease will have a corresponding digital image pertaining to that same disease, and we would not want them to memorize. I've looked up other research on this and there are very few. It seems like people randomized the slides and only gave half? I'm not too sure why they did what they did. 

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 10:05AM by marysblog

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