martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

I need advice please

About 5 years ago I started my first year of high school. Now, I'm a senior being sandwiched into making a big decision. I am basically your typical nerdy looking high school student, except for as long as I can remember I have been emotionally and physically abused by my parents, although the physical abuse stopped when I was about 16. Surprise, surprise domestic abuse leads to... you guessed it, depression. What I haven't realized until recently was that I was and still am depressed, which led into me repeating the freshman year twice and then jumping to senior year once I received enough credits. In order to graduate I would need $1000 worth of summer school classes ($200 each) and of course my parents would never provide that kind of money let alone buy me a new sweater. I have basically given up and my absences are way past the limit, so I decided to drop out, and so I did for a day. The next day I came back to school to sign back in. The reason being was that I was going to get kicked out if I didn't return to school, with no money and nowhere to go I would basically be homeless. Now I wanted to get my GED, and then at least get in 2 years of community college to get my associates degree which I know has little worth but it is better than having a GED alone. I have a friend who is offering me a place in his apartment building for $300 (for everything including electricity, water, internet etc.) a month. The apartment will be available for rent in a month from now. There is a good chance that the apartment will be available but he also said to not heavily rely on and to have a plan B. To be honest, I don't see a plan B. I do have a minimum wage job but I haven't had it for long and I've been spending money on things I've needed for a long time, like a phone and clothes for example, it wasn't until I found a job that I finally got a phone (which was 4 months ago). So my question is should I drop out when the apartment is available, or continue to pointlessly attend school even though I have lost credit due to my absences?

Submitted February 27, 2019 at 12:12AM by uuuug

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