miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

United Kingdom, NQT advice - leaving a fixed term contract?

Hi, All.

My partner is currently in the third term of her primary NQT year, under a fixed term contract (FTC).

Recently she was informed that her contract would not be renewed, and she would have to interview again for the position.

This has really (really) knocked her confidence, and although her past observations and assessments have been satisfactory, she feels there's a possibility they might fail her, and take away her teacher status.

She's a gentle soul, and as such, the impact has affected her performance at a recent observation, mainly due to overwhelming nerves.

Can she leave her FTC and start over her NQT year somewhere else - if she's informed that she's not meeting expectations?

She loves teaching, and would rather jump ship and try again, than be failed and never teach.

Many thanks.

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:03PM by Ballistic-6 https://ift.tt/2FFp2Aw

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