Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
domingo, 30 de junio de 2019
@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Ponen en marcha la Red de Investigación en Gestión Cultural https://t.co/jHKjgK7brt

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Toulouseyt: Compañeros, les pido su apoyo para encontrar trabajo. Soy Lic. en Psicología con experiencia en adicciones. Tengo 46 años. He trabajado en sector salud por más de 20 años. Estuve de ama de casa por cinco años pero la necesidad me rebasa. Mil gracias por su Rt o alguna información

@ManuelGilAnton : @macbenlliure Que maravilla!!!

Bret Weinstein: Evergreen, Project Veritas, & Censorship with Benjamin Boyce
Submitted June 30, 2019 at 02:57PM by knockingsparks https://ift.tt/2FH4OpE
Not sure where to start.
Hey i am looking to get back into education (and sort my life out) but I'm not really sure what the most efficient way to do that is.
When i was in secondary school i didn't really focus so i am left with mostly D's on my GCSE's apart from a B in Maths that stands out.
My friends mentioned that there is a way for me to get into university with what i have but i couldn't really find anything (they mentioned there are university courses that catch you up to the university level).
I always had a passion for programming and working on circuits since i was 11(I'm 20 now) and I know that the knowledge i have is decently high but I have no paper(grades) to prove it, I don't meet the 4x C grades that most colleges require for a Level 3 course so I'm wondering if the only way for me to progress is through a Level 2 course.
Most of the circuits and programs I worked on over the years as a hobby I lost due to hard-drive failure (No backups) and I only have a few that I can present at the interview, so I'm also wondering if I am able to display my knowledge I can get into something higher.
I put myself in a really bad spot and i just hope i can get out of this somehow (I am completely motivated to fix my past mistakes), I know i can do so much better and the path I'm going down right now will only lead me to a factory job which is completely off at a tangent to what i would like to do.
I'm in the UK (East Midlands) if that helps. Thank you.
Submitted June 30, 2019 at 12:10PM by TheRadiantHeart https://ift.tt/302ow77
Teaching computer programming as an alternative to using a calculator?
Do you think we should start teaching younger generations the basics of computer programming to help replace the use of a calculator in class rooms ?
Should we start this at a young age (Middle school math ) or older (High school or College level math ) ?
Submitted June 30, 2019 at 11:10AM by TheGuyovertheRaunbow https://ift.tt/2FUGNMb
Do your think that with the rise of students shortened attention span due to technology, this leads to less critical thinking with reading and writing assignments?
Submitted June 30, 2019 at 11:05AM by Johndope2402 https://ift.tt/2Yq9WGa
@ManuelGilAnton : Es muy serio el asunto del humor... no es lo mismo la inteligencia aguda que el pastelazo previsible... y ese abismo no es trivial. https://t.co/tCXwtVGwVb

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019
How can we defend our children against the electronic monsters (The electronic devices)
Submitted June 29, 2019 at 08:25PM by sphinxpharaohs https://ift.tt/2XHIrdX
@ManuelGilAnton : Juana, desde pequeña, en la marcha por el orgullo de ser como cada quién lo quiera. https://t.co/qA0jPqrU0L

Seems like this is the REAL cause of the pay gap. How do we fix it?
Submitted June 29, 2019 at 12:45PM by anonoman925 https://ift.tt/2NkKMHS
Can anyone recommend a good site that writes papers for you?
In need of a good website that writes papers for you.
Submitted June 29, 2019 at 09:35AM by Labs4life https://ift.tt/2IWzaXe
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @BrunoPriego: @ManuelGilAnton @Univ_Opinion @El_Universal_Mx Acá un ejemplo de esa diversidad de escuelas, contextos, estudiantes, maestros y familias. https://t.co/YbTPzSQU7T

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Asomarse a la ventana o salir por la puerta de la SEP y andar los caminos hacia las escuelas diversas y complejas, con problemas, soluciones, talento y escollos, esas, las que no se ven desde las alturas? https://t.co/t1vROz7d5j @Univ_Opinion @El_Universal_Mx
chapeau for Algerian Supporters who cleaned the stadium after the match of Algeria and Senegal in African Cup
Submitted June 29, 2019 at 04:02AM by sphinxpharaohs https://ift.tt/2RHr9s9
@ManuelGilAnton : Un texto muy interesante de Roberto Rodríguez @blogroberto https://t.co/6ZO3SWKPls

@ManuelGilAnton : Opciones para ingresar a la formación en la la tarea más importante en el país: la docencia. https://t.co/m6BaAJEcrl

viernes, 28 de junio de 2019
Looking for advice
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I'm considering going back to school for a degree in English education. I graduated with a B.A. in psychology a few years ago, but found out partway through my program I wasn't cut out for the field. I'd always considered teaching as a possibility, but never seriously pursued it for reasons I'll chalk up to being young and dumb.
Are there any resources you could recommend for someone in my position? Or at least places I could go on and off Reddit to get an idea of what it means to attempt to enter the education field after starting somewhere else? Anything would be appreciated.
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 08:43PM by wolfnibblets https://ift.tt/2IV7bqU
I got my report card back- I'm on the verge of tears.
I just finished my first year of high school. My mental health has begun to get really bad and took an absolute turn for the worst, I was more depressed than I've ever been this year and I've skipped a lot of school because of it. Both semesters my midterm marks have been amazing, then finals hits, the stress comes, my motivation slips... and they turn for the absolute worst. I ended up getting a 65 in math and a 57 in science where all of my other credits are in the 80s to 90s range. I don't know what to do. I got the credits, but my marks have suffered severely. I'm afraid that I won't be able to pull my marks up for the rest of my high school career. What do I do? I'm freaking out.
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 07:58PM by DifficultDrama0 https://ift.tt/2xklr6c
Question about double majoring Computer Science/ Statistics
Hi I have a question. So I’m majoring in computer science. I also want to do a double major in statistics. My counselor said since most of the credits overlap it would only take an extra year not including summer classes. I wanted to know if this would be a good idea because I want to go into data science or machine learning or working with A.I so I was wondering would be a good idea and why type of careers could I do with a degree in computer science and statistics. Thanks for listening
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 04:03PM by Abyz963 https://ift.tt/2Ymj5iO
Is the NSHSS a scam?
I guess I got the letter sometime over the last week while I was on vacation, so I only found out about it just now. I read through the whole letter, and any letter I get recognizing my “achievements” that doesn’t come from my high school I’m immediately suspicious of. I did some research online and pretty much all of what I read said that it’s a scam, so I’m coming here as my last check on this before I just go ahead and throw it out. So is it a scam like I think it is and not worth my time and (my mother’s) money at all, or are there any real benefits at all to joining it (and there’d have to be quite a few for me to care enough to do it)?
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 04:11PM by Comrade-Thanos https://ift.tt/2FEJEbV
I need help. Getting dark thoughts
I got my report card back a few minutes ago and I excelled in most subjects but math. I need to get atleast an 80% to be in the Chem n Physics program next year (Im grade 10). However, I got a 78. I did well in my sciences but I’m not sure if Im going to be put in this program. I told my mother im doing well in school especially math, but I kind of lied for her not to be mad. I knew I was doing terrible in math, but I thought i would make up those bad marks with my final exam, but apparently i didnt do as well as i thought. Anyway my mom will be coming soon and she will see these marks and Im EXTREMELLYYYYY scared and anxious. Shes going to call me a failure for not exceeding that path and yell at me til I cry. Im emotionally sensitive so she even does a single yell ill be very scared and sad. Im thinking of running away or maybe even harming myself to evade this situation from happening. Please tell me what to do im panicking and Im scared for my life!
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 10:26AM by woopie76 https://ift.tt/2KM7O8g
@EducacionFutura : Apoya al periodismo independiente; apoya a Educación Futura https://t.co/w0T4DGVNtn https://t.co/B6wzgJ37se

The Indian EdTech Market — 240+ Startups that are Building the Future of Education
I analyzed over 240+ Indian Edtech startup to help you understand what is happening in the industry, look beyond unicorns, paint the industry landscape, find market gaps and call out innovative startups. Here's the link - https://link.medium.com/sIJb7u9RSX
Please let me know what you think of it. Thanks!
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 06:51AM by commonman123 https://ift.tt/2KJwNsV
jueves, 27 de junio de 2019
I keep on failing at one test
So I have been studying Japanese for almost 2 years (self-taught). It's been on and off. I need Nat4 which is like JLPT4 to be able to graduate. I have to study English as a second language (my major) and then this. It is a bit too much.
But I tried, and tried and I failed this Japanese test twice. I feel a bit hopeless right now. I know I'm ranting but besides this, I don't know what to do anymore. Anyway, thank you for those who stop by and read.
Submitted June 28, 2019 at 12:17AM by mydarobin https://ift.tt/2JaKQER
I have a question about my major.
Good afternoon guys. So my major is computer science with a concentration in cyber security but I also want to have a double major in statistics. I was wondering would this be profitable and a lot of the math courses and electives would overlap but if I wanted to be a data science would this be good. I don’t think it would be hard due to be actually like learning stats. However I would like others opinions on this double major.
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 06:35PM by Abyz963 https://ift.tt/2IS0Mg8
@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Senadores han dado a conocer las listas de candidatos idóneos que pretenden ocupar un puesto en la Junta Directiva y Consejo Técnico del nuevo Organismo para la Mejora Continua de la Educación https://t.co/xY6dkAxgLi

Prestige of uni vs course content?
I am planning to apply for a masters degree in the uk in statistics with finance, what do you guys think is more important, the prestige of the university or the course content and skills coming out of the masters?
I pretty much have a place at The university of kent, the modules are everything I need to learn what I need for data science, I am only hesitant as to if I should apply for a London university with more of a name eg kings college London but their course isn’t as specific for what I want to do after.
I am leaning towards the more specific course at Kent right now obviously but a part of me is hesitant.
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 04:37PM by randomperson3333 https://ift.tt/2FCpNdp
Should more schools, especially those in the inner cities have boxing and wrestling classes as electives to keep the peace?
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 05:10PM by sajahet25 https://ift.tt/2Yi6Fsm
The Future Simple
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 03:42PM by sphinxpharaohs https://ift.tt/2YfJCOZ
Do old computer games from the DOS era still offer good education today?
I was gonna share a video of gameplay to Sierra On Line's 1987 classic Mixed Up Mother Goose, but since this sub only allows text-only posts, this is why I gotta make this statement before sharing a URL to it.
Any other DOS games that would offer good education to youngsters today?
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 01:53PM by SupremoZanne https://ift.tt/2Nsp0Sm
Does any one have advanced Study tips to maximize learning?
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 12:15PM by KingOfTheMadLads https://ift.tt/2ZSo1MI
The Future off Work Based learning in Denver
With all that’s happening currently I think it’s important to highlight the successes of the DENVER public schools career connect program. Within 5 years they have transformed career and technical education into something the WHOLE city is getting behind.
The program at its core is Work based learning. Getting students out of the classroom and into high paying industries through PAID internships and specific coarse work.
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 12:36PM by Kingjoker2000 https://ift.tt/2FCO7vr
Second bachelor or Master?
Hello everyone. I graduated from university 2 days ago. My profession is Aviation Meteorology. And now I have dilemma about continuing my education. Change my career other direction with choosing another profession and study bachelor again or I should continue on master degree with my current progression. What should I do?
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 10:45AM by MeteoNihad https://ift.tt/2NhqSxs
Can't afford to replace my GCSE certificates
I lost my GCSE certificates. I can't afford to replace them as I'm struggling to pay for my car each month, I just don't have 150 quid to set aside. I can barely afford to eat proper food. I previously attended a college and I'm sure they made photocopies of my certificates. If I asked them if they still had them would I be able to use the photocopies and give them to my new college? I live in the UK.
Submitted June 27, 2019 at 12:36AM by skkrtgod https://ift.tt/2JbEwN7
miércoles, 26 de junio de 2019
Audio Engineering vs. Acoustic Engineering
What is the difference between the two?
If I earn a degree in Audio Engineering next year, would I be eligible to go to a Master's program for Acoustic Engineering?
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 08:06PM by Gkorast https://ift.tt/2Ygg2ZA
Do you think Social Virtual Reality would be useful for education/tutoring?
Hi! Me and some friends are working on creating a social Virtual Reality learning environment. We are targeting this towards education/tutoring and wanted to get feedback to see if it’d actually be useful.
What we see as the benefits:
- Our platform is social, so you can interact with your student from inside the virtual world.
- It would be a way to differentiate yourself from other tutors.
- We would provide the standalone VR headsets (No computer needed. Can move around and use hands in VR).
- VR prevents distractions for students, can engage them better, and can explain concepts from the real 3D world better.
- Its fun!
Here’s some example uses:
- Physics
- Electric fields / Electrostatics
- Kenematics
- Astronomy
- Math
- 3D drawing together to visualize math problems that are in 3D space (ex: Multivariable Calculus)
- Biology and Chemistry
- 3D representations of organs
- Show interactions and biological systems in 3D
- Etc. Anything from the real world that is 3D can be visualized better in VR
What educational material do you think would work well with this?
Do you think you’d find this useful for yourself?
- If yes, what do you think a reasonable monthly price would be?
- If no, why not?
Thanks for your time!
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 08:38PM by ahomentc https://ift.tt/31VdTEK
News articles for writing practice: rhetorical analysis and arguments
Hi all,
I'm tutoring a high school sophomore to practice writing. We want to improve her ability to construct arguments as well as analyze devices in writing. She has a lot of trouble with writing focused, purposeful sentences. So far, we've been reading opinion/op-ed news articles and making arguments based on those topics. However, I'm running out of resources fast. If anyone has links to articles/passages that your students have found engaging, please share them! Thanks. Also, if you have other tips for helping my student improve her writing, feel free to let me know.
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 11:43AM by evacuatethepremises https://ift.tt/2YeQJqP
@ManuelGilAnton : No se vale, en ningún lado, y más cala que sea en México. https://t.co/RRgomjFZc1

Confused and found next to nothing on the internet.
What is the application process in universities of Netherlands, UK, Germany, Sweden, etc if you are aiming for a masters in English Literature? How do you get scholarships and stuff? What do you do first, like how does the process exactly goes? I live in South Aisa btw.
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 08:17AM by DarthNahsi https://ift.tt/2ZP48q0
Blog Ideas
Our organization has a blog on education where we address topics to help parents, students, and the community. Recently we ran a 4 part series on evaluating a school for your child, and single posts on the importance of summer reading, and gifted designations for students. Does anyone have any ideas for future posts?
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 05:55AM by CREATE_Conservatory https://ift.tt/2X1qym5
ODYSSEA project: Med summer school on oceanography and fisheries in Alonissos
EU-funded ODYSSEA Project will hold its second summer school, focusing on Oceanography and Fisheries in the Mediterranean, September 2–6, 2019, on the Greek island of Alonissos, Greece.
Submitted June 26, 2019 at 02:27AM by boazon https://ift.tt/2ZNm840
martes, 25 de junio de 2019
Made a forum for lifelong learners to gather educational sources that nurture curiosity, and to share the love of learning. I'd love to find other philomaths.
I think Reddit is great and all. But I miss the community feeling that old-school forums used to have. And since I haven't found such a forum for philomaths, or people who love learning, I decided to make one myself.
Learning is much more fun with others. Also, it helps to keep doing mental effort when you know others are doing the same. There are so many educational sources on the internet, but so few places to learn together with others. Once you're out of school, it's hard to find a place that feels like school. I want to have a Hogwarts in my life. I haven't the money to start my own school yet, so I hope others can join me on this forum: http://philomath.network/. Bye!
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 01:24AM by ScienceRecruit https://ift.tt/2KAVBTX
Every Element Discovered Throughout The History
Do you know Copper was discovered 11,000 years ago?
The elements carbon, sulfur, iron, tin, lead, mercury, silver, and gold are known to humans since centuries.
But, the discoveries of the elements in contemporary history started in 1769 when German physician Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus.
Here is the discovery of all the elements throughout the history of time.
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 07:14AM by WorthApricot https://ift.tt/2J06iMs
I need help...
Hello! I’m a middle school student (eighth grade) I live in Canada, and live in an area which uses a number system when it comes to grading. 1 meaning below grade expectations. 2 means that you’re work is grade level and overall ok. 3 means above grade expectations, and that your work is pretty good. Last but certainly not least, we have a 4. This means that your work is excellent and above, above grade level. I’ve always wanted to become a doctor ever since I entered elementary and am currently working towards that. However, there are 2 main high schools that I live close too. One being okay and the other being pretty good. I of course want to go to the good school. Here’s the problem, I don’t live in this schools district and have to participate in the IB program fully. I have no option of doing partial IB. I managed to get a glimpse of my report card and was generally pleased. All 4’s however there were two 3’s. My mother said that because of these two 3’s I would not be accepted into the IB school. Apparently they only accept the, “best if the best” and that the 3’s I received won’t let me get into this school. This school is very full. I can tell my mother is disappointed in me for getting two 3’s on the report card (may get a couple more) To end of, I would like it if someone could tell me if these two 3’s will ruin my dreams? Can they actually be the deciding factor in if I go the IB school or not? Keeping in mind the rest of the card is mostly 4’s. Thank you.
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 06:04PM by DaddyBanky https://ift.tt/2X8h0dL
Should I completer either a Master degree or a Bachelor Degree
I was wondering should i complete a second bachelor degree or just completely study a master degree level if Eligible. I believe if i complete a master degree is still the same as someone completing a bachelor level but hire and more chance getting employed.
Trying to enter IT directly by completing a master degree then just completing a bachelor degree all over again. Just recently completed a bachelor degree in business.
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 04:58PM by j123457 https://ift.tt/2WZXYkR
I want to support better education in the US, including K-12 and college. What can I do?
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 01:53PM by yondermeadow http://bit.ly/2xfotIQ
Do we need universities?
any real reasons for the universities to be alive?
You can just find a specialist and give him money to teach you real stuff instead of paying shit for the useless university
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 12:18PM by Alien_Sandals http://bit.ly/3242yCC
@EducacionFutura : Aquí las dos transmisiones de las comparecencias de candidatos para el nuevo organismo educativo - Mesa 1 https://t.co/vqAYjAzy6h -Mesa 2 https://t.co/SNHSJhwZ09

@EducacionFutura : Aquí las dos transmisiones de las comparecencias de candidatos para el nuevo organismo educativo - Mesa 1 https://t.co/vqAYjAzy6h -Mesa 2 https://t.co/SNHSJhwZ09

@EducacionFutura : Aquí puedes ver las dos transmisiones de las comparecencias de candidatos para el nuevo organismo educativo - Mesa 1 https://t.co/vqAYjAzy6h -Mesa 2 https://t.co/SNHSJhwZ09

@ManuelGilAnton : Un conjunto de propuestas para la Ley... https://t.co/O7IEj0ylvo

Is a masters in statistical modelling/ stats with finance doable with no previous knowledge (uk)
Was asked to do a masters in statistical modelling/ stats with finance, modules include: linear regression, financial econometrics, machine learning using R, bayesian stats.
The problem is I've not done stats or economics In 4 years, if I took on the masters I'd of course grind and spend all of my time on it, would this realistically be something that's achievable in my situation?
Submitted June 25, 2019 at 02:43AM by randomperson3333 http://bit.ly/2RAuatX
lunes, 24 de junio de 2019
@EducacionFutura : El Senado ha elegido un total del 52 aspirantes para ocupar un puesto en la Junta Directiva del nuevo Organismo Educativo. A continuación presentamos una pequeña síntesis curricular de cada uno de ellos https://t.co/eAbv4LWMMt

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - La Cámara de Senadores ha dado a conocer la lista de las y los nuevos candidatos que pretenden integrar la Junta Directiva y Consejo Técnico del nuevo Organismo Educativo, así como la metodología y horarios para sus comparecencias. https://t.co/jhRKrblbQY

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Comparto la colaboración de hoy... https://t.co/uJbwSzhwRa @flores_crespo @canalesa99 @arceliambordon @REobservatorio @lhan55 @ManuelGilAnton @LuisaAlcalde @inclan66 @AbelardoCarro @MaurroJarquin @sociobservermex

@EducacionFutura : Desafíos para el bachillerato en la 4T / Un análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco https://t.co/i3PkE43Nwr

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Concluyamos la etapa de los programas de pago por mérito a los académicos https://t.co/hSR03ej4Kq

@ManuelGilAnton : Una reflexión sobre el sistema de Pago por Mérito en la educación superior. Muy interesante https://t.co/0AB2FhXFRZ
@EducacionFutura : 16 propuestas para la Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros https://t.co/8qqVIVQ9KV

K-12 education is scrutinized for providing equal education for all, however, higher education does not get as much scrutiny for the lack of equal education.
Submitted June 24, 2019 at 11:09AM by suertedeirish http://bit.ly/2Y9pMoj
@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Sistema para la carrera docente: ¿avance o retroceso? https://t.co/sBflGxclW4

Can someone read what I talked about and give me advice? Like im serious.
All I got was a downvote and no comments on this topic. Smh.
Submitted June 24, 2019 at 07:14AM by noobnoobhoneymaster http://bit.ly/2FuypCB
What degree can I study if I have a diploma in mass communications ?
I currently have a diploma in mass communications.
The 2 degrees I am interested in is visual communications and political science. I am unsure if I am eligible to get a degree in either of these 2 options.
What degrees are available for me to study if I have a diploma in mass communications ?
Submitted June 24, 2019 at 12:58AM by houseofwolves2901 http://bit.ly/2XtbB0u
domingo, 23 de junio de 2019
SURVEY: Do school books nowadays lack creativity and have little to no graphic design elements?
Hi everyone in this sub-reddit,
I am doing the final year project of my graphic design course. I am currently doing a project proposal which proposes a new approach to school books by using graphic design such as simplifying the layout, better visual hierarchy and typography - making information easier to deliver to student by using the power of graphic design.
The way that I see most school-book editions in most school and university lacks the integration of graphic design elements. In my country, Vietnam, the school books here are terrible at engaging students to study. Most of them have boring chart and huge block of text that only serve one purpose: contents sit there to be read, not to be understood.
The reason I want to do this survey is to further explore my knowledge about school books in other countries and collect other people opinions about books in education in general, and how graphic designers can improve educational books ?
Submitted June 24, 2019 at 12:16AM by DatDanielDang http://bit.ly/2xd0rhn
Place to take online classes just to learn without getting a degree?
I have a bachelor's degree but due to a year of abusing substances I have forgotten nearly everything I learned in school. Is there a place online where I can retake basic classes like math, English and science? I used to be a straight A student and want to relearn pretty much everything.
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 08:32PM by throwitallawayyy- http://bit.ly/2KxFFlp
Going to university after fully online schooling…
I have done two years of my bachelor’s degree online so far, but am transitioning to a non-online university this fall in the UK (I am from the USA). My online studies have been pretty easy to say the least. Sure, I have done a significant amount of work, but exams were always “open book” and I never really had to study much. I have a difficult time remembering details (hence the reason I took online classes, so that my exams were open book), so I am especially worried about passing exams. My GPA was 3.8/4, but I don’t think it accurately represents my intelligence (it was too high imo). Should I be concerned?
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 07:21PM by safflowergro http://bit.ly/2Xn2G0z
Black history
Hey guys, I just published my book "thoughts from a young black woman" by Kristy Archer. Growing up I didn't learn about black history until I was 13 years old, and I think that needs to change. I wrote the book to show teens that oppression, racism, abuse and loneliness still happens to this day. I personally feel like black history is being swept under the rug and I can't have that happen. I want to give these kids a platform to relate and grow on. I hope you enjoy my literature, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me anything.❣️❣️
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 02:38PM by FreakMisfits http://bit.ly/2N7z8A4
HOw do we stop transwomen running in races with bio-women?
I feel bad for that one girl in CT....
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 11:32AM by MikeHuntSpicySauce http://bit.ly/2xjYlN3
Has education ruined the love of learning and reading for recreation?
The other day I ran into into a former student who graduated (College) and asked how they were doing. This person had mentioned that she was just relaxing and just glad that she would never have to read a book again. She had graduated and landed a great Full time position making an above market entry level salary. Which made start think more deeply:
The more education that people acquire, the more I have started to notice that people tend to not one to learn for recreation or read just to relax. They view it as a traumatizing experience or a memory that they were forced to read and study extensively for classes that left them physically, mentally, and overall emotionally fatigued.
So my question is does anyone have any ideas how we could combat this ideology or stigma attached to learning, reading? At this point even settle for watching an informative documentary. Or am I crazy and this seems like an isolated incident?
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 10:45AM by Johndope2402 http://bit.ly/2x9jLMz
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Beloyru: Agradeceremos rt @PelonGomis @albertodre @FinisimaPersona @lajornadaonline @SoyLadyCorrales @leogarciamx @abogadamediatic @Gaiteru @_elan_ https://t.co/5XHNgO7pQR

Submitted June 23, 2019 at 03:50AM by MikeHuntSpicySauce http://bit.ly/2RthsNL
GED or adult night highschool, or maybe something else?
Hi reddit. I'm 17 years old. when i was 14 i had to drop out of highschool because i had to take care of my grandmother. now with my life in a better place i've realized now would be a perfect time to start up school again. the only thing is that i'm very, very confused on what to do. i don't think going back to highschool would be good for me. i dont know how i can make up any credits. i've thought about ged or night adult highschools, but are there any altnernatives? are there any online ged schools that aren't scams? i just dont know where to go to get my questions answered. I live in the united states if that helps with anything. thank you.
Submitted June 23, 2019 at 02:42AM by pickledcockroach http://bit.ly/2XAN8q8
sábado, 22 de junio de 2019
I want to go back to school to finish my degree but I’m worried I won’t be able to handle it all because of my current job and to be honest I’m having a hard time organizing myself and creating a plan .. I need help/advice .
Well, it’s been a rough road the one I’ve had to endure with my education. Long story short I come from immigrant parents and had struggled as a result from my parents constantly moving first when I first came here when I was eight legally btw . Then we moved back to my birth country when I was 12 y/o and then back to the US when I was 15. The years we lived here we pretty much moved houses annually and my parents never owned a home and at some point we even lived in a trailer when I was 10. So my upbringing was unstable and not staying long enough in any schools to even make meaningful friendships and/or had an opportunity to even involve myself in extracurricular activities . Then , fast forward when we moved back and I had to go to Highschool i was already a junior and was playing catch-up with my high school credits and I practically begged my teachers to sign the the forms to allow me to take honor classes so that was so stressful on its own and then trying to take the SAT exam and ACT , everything going so fast at the same time . Finally when I graduated Highschool I enrolled in community college planning on transferring after finishing my associates degree . I didn’t qualify for financial aid because I shot myself in the foot by working since I was 16 while in Highschool and then working full time after Highschool and apparently I didn’t qualify because of my parents earnings and mine even though we always struggled with even paying rent and constantly not having enough money to even pay our electric bill at times . I was barely in my first year of college when my dad was put in jail when he went back to our country to try and sell some land we own because apparently we were about to get confiscated by the government and instead my dad was put in prison because of this for two whole years w/o even a trial. I had to work double to even be able to help my mom with the bills and with my younger siblings all while trying to pay for my classes as well and stay in school. My mom then decided to move back when we didn’t make enough to even cover rent and I made the decision to stay here to be able to help her and my younger siblings . Some semesters I wasn’t able to pay for more than two to three classes all while working full time and also hit my real estate license as well so I’ve tried the best I can but I couldn’t stay afloat on my own while paying for school that I had to drop out . Now I’m 27 y/o and working as a store manager for a designer boutique and am handling both a store and their online store . Even though I haven’t finished my education , I’ve been able to get ahead by experience and hard work but I can’t help but feel inferior because of not having my bachelors degree . I’ve done the best I can considering my struggles . Every time I couldn’t pay for my classes and kept getting denied for financial aid and just loans alone couldn’t cover it and I didn’t want to bury myself in debt knowing that I also had to pay for my rent, car, insurance , food , utilities, left me in tears time and time again . So I did the best I could by paying for the classes that I could afford even if that meant cutting down my groceries and whatever I could think of to save money . Now I’m trying to create a plan to go back to school but Im struggling to organize myself and create a plan that’s attainable . It’s not as if I didn’t value my education, I just have had to go through problems that were beyond my control.
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 09:20PM by Taggart1991 http://bit.ly/2IAycQj
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 07:29PM by MikeHuntSpicySauce http://bit.ly/2Y7oPNd
Career passion
I don't know what I want to work as and I'm getting older working in a call center with 20 year old crack heads. I need to find a path to take that won't take too long. I don't know what major to get in I feel hopeless it's causing me depression.
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 06:17PM by Violet545 http://bit.ly/2IBylTM
Do I buy an iPad or a laptop for school
I have a desktop so I am wondering if an iPad and an apple pen will do for note taking or would a laptop be a better choice
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 03:33PM by water1225 http://bit.ly/31OCJ9f
A six-year-old girl became confused about her identity after an Ottawa teacher taught her class that 'girls are not real and boys are not real'
A six-year-old girl became confused about her identity after an Ottawa teacher taught her class that 'girls are not real and boys are not real'
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 11:49AM by knockingsparks http://bit.ly/2L9HtR0
@ManuelGilAnton : Conoce los relatos de proyectos que parecían no ser posibles, y ahora lo son. Y si sabes de alguno que importe conocer y apoyar, ve la convocatoria y danos sus datos. https://t.co/tEZVT3ZL62

Light your eyes with beautiful gallery - African Cup Opening in Egypt 2019
Submitted June 22, 2019 at 01:09AM by sphinxpharaohs http://bit.ly/2XZRT9v
viernes, 21 de junio de 2019
Juvenile justice educator
I have been in public education for the last 4 years. I have wanted to get into the juvenile justice system as far as education. I came from an awful family. I was on probation, went to rehab for alcohol when I was 13, went to jail at 14, and was abused all of my childhood/adolescent life... and the students i have had that lived a similar life have confided in me and strived to be more. I now have a master's degree in education, teach, and have a career. I have been thinking about going into that sector of education but don't know how... suggestions??
Submitted June 21, 2019 at 09:47PM by sheinz0121 http://bit.ly/2WVJ1QT
Does anyone know all of the textbooks one would use in Harvard Business School?
I'm not sure if they're different, but as I am in high school I would love to get myself familiar with the best learning materials of the topic I love!
Submitted June 21, 2019 at 10:08PM by whoisdravenlol http://bit.ly/2Iy8R9E
@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - La digitalización y las pantallas son un gran complemento no un sustituto. La respuesta no es No a las pantallas, sino cómo y con qué supervisión y conocimiento se deben usar: @EduardoAndere https://t.co/yBUdenaH3C

@EducacionFutura : Cambios en los planes de estudio en educación básica: ¿hacia dónde vamos? Un análisis de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/PWQRNYdvOJ

@EducacionFutura : Innovación educativa: El neuroneoliberalismo pedagógico político https://t.co/U90OzbaPgI

Decision on Hampshire College accreditation expected in mid-June
Submitted June 21, 2019 at 01:10PM by knockingsparks http://bit.ly/2WYIWk9
@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Cinco retos de la Reforma Educativa 2019 https://t.co/B1ULwEry1d

@EducacionFutura : ¿Qué será de la educación cuando amanezcamos mañana? En contra del Pragmatismo Pedagógico https://t.co/TWjhud6WCo

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @ClaraMigoya: ¡Enorme!: la organización de diez municipios para cuidar la vida en la cuenca del río Ayuquila. Gran historia escrita por @viogu y @manfoto23 para @AlboraMx. Échenle ojo. https://t.co/uhGtysuW9n

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Derecho a la educación en contextos migratorios: narrativa biográfica (2/3) https://t.co/BuNmXHRh2R

Seeking Principal for Cambridge Primary School
Hello. We are a boutique Cambridge school based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with a little over 100 students from preschool to sixth grade. We're looking for an experienced teacher to join us as a Principal. The ideal candidate should have at least 7 years experience teaching or leading a Primary school, be extremely familiar with the Cambridge curriculum, and be willing to relocate. For details, please send me a PM.
Submitted June 21, 2019 at 07:21AM by satchupira http://bit.ly/2L73T5B
@ManuelGilAnton : Una gran historia. Que lo que aparta nos una es un esfuerzo que vale mucho la pena conocer y apoyar. https://t.co/3G0vs3u5Sp

@ManuelGilAnton : Para comprender los ingresos en la academia. https://t.co/aDPNemkROs

jueves, 20 de junio de 2019
Are the classes of mixed-grade better or worse for learning process?
Well, in most of the schools, students are being placed in a single-grade class based on their age...however, some of the situations they are being placed as mixed grade. So, does it effect the academic achievements of the learners?
Submitted June 20, 2019 at 11:04PM by ACT2019 http://bit.ly/2FlASPS
How do I go about finding textbooks used in other countries?
For example in the USA we have textbooks for US History, English. I want find similar but for example Italy History, England history ect.
Submitted June 20, 2019 at 06:12PM by nikkolearcucci http://bit.ly/2x5ANer
A guide to "Hood Niggas"
Submitted June 20, 2019 at 01:00PM by Slitherybastard http://bit.ly/2J30HFw
Husband and wife team would love to chat with K-6 teachers
Hi all, we're Sid and Tosha, a husband and wife team looking using growth mindset and personal mythology to bring creative solutions to teacher's classrooms. We'd love to chat with teachers in the K-6 range.
- What kind of charts, trackers, activity sheets, posters, or other printable resources have been the most helpful in your classroom?
- Are there any kind of printable resources you are having trouble finding?
- What are some of the hardest issues to deal with in the classroom (e.g: behavior, sharing, etc)?
- Should identity, self discovery, and/or empowerment be an important part of teaching young children? For instance, favorite colors and why, favorite animals and why.
- How do you feel about using stories to teach good behavior? For instance telling children that candy contains sugar bugs who eat your teeth and so you must brush.
Submitted June 20, 2019 at 11:58AM by sidianmsjones http://bit.ly/2XZAPjS
4 Things About Life After Graduation That Students Should Know
College is a joyous time in everyone’s lives. People normally have the best time of their life when they are in college, oblivious of the various duties and responsibilities that are about to be entrusted on their shoulders later. But whatever it may be, college life is fun or may vary from people to people. But like every good thing, it comes to an end at one point.
Submitted June 20, 2019 at 01:31AM by AlexaCurtis http://bit.ly/31JfoG9
What is more important?
Well, we all know the importance of English in today's world...isn't it? We all try to speak in English in most of the cases and situations like in office, workplace, in schools, colleges and universities...and many more situations. However, we have seen that sometimes people do get conscious about their grammatical skills more than their speaking skills. We wonder which one is more significant...speaking fluently and confidently or grammatical correction?
Just a random thought!
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 11:15PM by ACT2019 http://bit.ly/2IqFbeC
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019
I don’t really know where else to post this, but reading to kids at a young age is so important. Having amazing teachers helps tremendously as well!!
We’ve always had an excess of books in our house. Most from my youth, more when my first born came along, and the collection keeps growing. Here are her 2nd grade year’s reading scores. Thank you teachers, for always challenging the kids who are already doing well, and for continuing to guide the kids who are behind. From one parent to all of you, thank you for all of your time and effort. It is not unnoticed.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 08:57PM by Jocnkal http://bit.ly/2Y0zutc
@EducacionFutura : Ahora que el Senado ha decidido reponer el proceso para elegir integrantes del nuevo Organismo Educativo, se ha emitido una nueva convocatoria para buscar a nuevos candidatos, la cual cierra el 23 de junio. Consulta aquí los detalles https://t.co/DnkQdWc9br https://t.co/sPwolCX723

@EducacionFutura : La convocatoria señala que para la Junta Directiva y el Consejo Técnico, el Senado recibirá las nuevas solicitudes a través de la página del Senado de las 8 horas del día 20 de junio hasta las 8 horas del día 23 de junio. Descarga aquí los documentos https://t.co/3jJAVqswTI

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Cancela Senado proceso para elección de integrantes de nuevo Organismo Educativo; emiten nuevas convocatorias https://t.co/jSFVbZBuYX

Helping a disengaged student become engaged again?
I'm an ESO at a primary school, at the school I work at I have one yr 5 boy who avoids class and often ends up wondering the school, or going into the prep classroom (which, of course, isn't ideal). I have tried a lot of things to get him in there, but nothing seems to be working. I've tried behaviour contracts, walking him up, visual timetables, offering rewards and breaks, among a number of other things.
So now I turn to Reddit, I'm after some other strategies to help me get this kid back into class!!
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 04:56PM by georgia-kate http://bit.ly/2WTWWqK
Returning to School After Being Extorted [Serious, Give Advice]
Right now, I don’t know what I’m doing with myself - and I feel like I could use some advice. I'm sorry if this is the wrong sub to post it in.
So, this post requires a lot of context and there’s a TL;DR at the bottom.
I was a model student in high school… sort of. My lowest grade was an 85 and I graduated 6th - but I slept through most of my classes and only put in enough effort to never have homework / not have much to do most evenings. I’m in Canada, and our province’s public education system is extremely underfunded; HS was boring for me, so I would often seek our guidance counselor (my parents were domineering and didn’t understand).
He wouldn’t help. In my senior year, he even had the gall to say “If you were a junior, I could do something for you - but you’re not.” This is despite my going to him at least twice a year, so I knew it was a lie.
I had a few teachers that bullied me or fucked me over, too - to the point that other students would ask me “Why does X hate you?” Another teacher, who once tried to show me that I didn’t know everything, got his facts wrong and wouldn’t accept the correct answer; he later said “you’re not so smart and you don’t deserve to attend (a thing for my uni’s top applicants).” to my face.
Despite that, a lot of people would say things like “university was made for guys like you.” That was a lie.
I have it on good authority that, if things had gone my way (if I’d skipped grades early - which my parents said they wouldn’t let me do for social reasons) and high school had been helpful, I could’ve been the youngest attorney in my country’s history. I’m very bitter about that, but it gets worse.
When I went to university - that great Mecca for people like me? I was screwed over and extorted.
In my second year, I worked three jobs (freelance writer / editor, campus security supervisor, and Copy Editor for a newspaper). Many classes at the university have attendance policies, which more or less hold your grades hostage. One English prof in particular was going to turn my A+ level work into an F, despite my explaining why I couldn’t attend. Her policy was that if you missed 4 classes, she would chop your final grade by one third of a letter (an A+ would be an A); the department, meanwhile, had a policy that if you missed 50% of classroom days, you’d get an F.
To be honest, I’m opposed to these things on a philosophical level. The argument of “the workplace doesn’t work this way” doesn’t hold water when all of my work is done on time and better than people who show up, in addition to my reason for not attending BEING work. I know that these places see you as a number and their pay remains the same, but I felt like it was handicapping me for being talented enough to do the work well (despite everything) and penalizing me for, quote: "not putting my a** in a chair."
I spoke to two different academic advisors who didn’t help. One of them kicked me out of her office one day, when all I wanted to do was see what alternatives were available (I did say “this is disingenuous” - and her response, despite it being within her normal office hours, was “I have some disingenuous mid-terms to mark. Get out.”)
Thus, I dropped out - and ended up with two zeroes on my transcript. Due to mental and physical health issues in second term, first year, my grades dipped from the 4.3 I entered uni with to a 3.5 (end of first year), and finally settled at a 2.8 (zeroes after first term, second year).
I tried going back in January, but the wounds were still pretty fresh. I dropped out in February and that’s when the extortion began.
To be fair, I dropped out after the final date for a pro-rated refund, but their payment plan is more or less illegal (signed under duress because of two jobs being through the uni, signed without being informed of other terms and conditions or these dates - therefore by error - and only being made aware of these dates / policies AFTER I dropped out, which could constitute intentional malpractice on their part in the interest of money).
I paid them to keep them quiet, despite my principles.
Then in September, I went back again. This time, they tried charging me a late fee despite my having a payment plan; I nearly exploded, but did the rational thing and sent them a copy of my documents - then dropped out.
This time, I was within the dates for a refund… but didn’t receive much of one due to other terms and conditions that I was, again, not aware of until they became relevant to the uni / them getting my money.
I didn’t fight back. I just paid them.
Then, I applied for an online uni per my academic advisor’s recommendation.
I started my program on 1 June, but I’m having issues. The schoolwork seems really easy, but there’s a lot of it. I feel anxious and depressed; because of my previous abuses, I feel like I don’t have a future - and I’m worried that my dream (becoming a prosecutor) won’t be worth all the abuse or hassle I’ve suffered thus far.
To be honest, I describe it as “a r*pe victim going into their first real relationship after being r*ped.” I know that’s a bit extreme, but it really sums up the way I feel about everything.
I’ve considered my options pretty thoroughly, but I don’t feel like any of them are good. I’m tired of putting my future on hold, so dropping out doesn’t feel like an option; entering the workforce is hard in this province (I can’t even get a fast food job) - and I have a few vision problems, so anything with a license is automatically out.
I could move and go to a different school, but then I’m back to square one. I signed up for therapy, but there’s a huge waiting list. I don’t know if they can help, because it was noted that I’m still bitter about everything even though it’s been almost two years (since it started) and one since I separated from my former uni.
I also went so far as to consider going back to the school that extorted me and attending classes, but tbh I don’t want to give them another dime. I was subsidized and had a student loan, but still owed them cash.
TL;DR: Have been thoroughly abused by the education system despite being extremely bright. Just started a new program and am not sure how to continue due to depression and anxiety. I've weighed my options and none of them seem good. Please, I need some advice and I don't know where to go.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 01:27PM by LongwinterCipher http://bit.ly/2XntCNn
STEM Exams and Notes
I'm curious how many people where allowed to use notes in STEM classes (particularly math).
I did most of my higher division math courses at a community college. They resented notes because they argued it was a luxury not offered at four year institutions. After transferring to UCLA, the few math courses I had left allowed me to use notes. Ever since, its really made me reflect on how archaic that policy is in this day and age.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 11:10AM by AmbientEngineer http://bit.ly/31HQkPW
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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis http://bit.ly/2IqyL07
Career for woman in her 40sc
As a older woman in her 40s I don't know what career path to take. I currently work in a call center making 12 dollars an hour. I don't feel happy working there, it's tough when you constantly call people and they hang the phone up on your face. Most of my coworkers are younger than me because they're probably in school. I have my associates in business but it hasn't opened any job opportunities for me. I'm not a smart math person so I'm thinking IT or bookkeeping isn't for me. I have no idea what I want and what I can do. I get angry when someone tells me the call center is a good job because I don't feel good at all there. I just hate every minute of it. Also, I feel depressed too and I think this job isn't helping with my mood either. People there are not even friendly I haven't made one good friend since I started in March.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 08:21AM by Violet545 http://bit.ly/2L0OrrB
Who would I write to about state tests?
Just a thought, and I am prepared/expect that most of what I write won't be considered, but I wanted to practice voicing dissent in letter form instead of bitching on social media. It would be an exercise for me in many respects.
However, I am not sure how/to whom/where I would even address such letters. Essentially a couple pages of "Dear [whoever], this state test is bullshit and needs to be reworked in order to be considered valuable/effective/etc."
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 08:36AM by BuckyDuran http://bit.ly/2FkpWSD
What do you think about chatbots participating in education?
Thanks to artificial intelligence and bots, the way of serving students is changing. Because of this, nowadays chatbots also participate in education. The institutes and universities that rely on chatbots are already experiencing amazing results.
79% of university students surveyed by Statista believe that DLTs help teachers and their assistants to be more effective and efficient during classes. On the other hand, 78% think that these instruments allow the balance between personal and academic life. Finally, 81% believe that technologies help improve grades.
So, what makes chatbots ideal for this task?
- They adapt to students' lifestyle
- They answer a wide range of questions
- They are useful for traditional and online education!
- They work on digital channels everyone knows
- They reduce costs and optimize resources
What do you think about this? Have you implemented chatbots in your institutions?
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 08:50AM by gabymado http://bit.ly/2Rlw6Xi
@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez Dormir!

@ManuelGilAnton : @MatusOnTuits El lector a domicilio, de Fabio Morábito.

Looking for education tips
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I’d like to have a tip on how to choose a path.
So I have a choice between 2 paths, I’ll mention that I am looking for education, title, and the license. I don’t plan being an employee in these fields.
So the first option is: Financial Advisor/Manager
Time: 2 years Cost: 3k$ for the whole thing What I get: A license to manage clients portfolios, and an option to open my own business/company.
The second option: First degree in finances & accounting
Time: 3-4 years Cost: ~10k$ What I get: well, first degree in finances & accounting
Again, what I am looking for is education and title, I’m not looking not going to look for job as an employee in this field.
What would be the best tip you can give me on how to choose the right path for myself?
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 04:16AM by fittes7 http://bit.ly/31H60D2
Improve in student performance with increase in teachers' salaries?
Would you say that increasing teacher's salaries and would help improve student achievement? Maybe this has been tried and measured somewhere in the world? Has anyone heard of studies or programmes in this direction?
I wonder what would be the effect of a very significant increase in salaries on the quality of the teaching. Would it attract better teachers to the profession that otherwise go to educate and work on higher paying jobs? Let's say theres a way to fund an increase of at least 20-25%, around $10,000 on average. Do you think that would have an impact on students' results?
I read about this initiative by the Gates Foundation and three public school districts that spent $575 million over several years to try to improve student achievement by evaluating who are the best teachers with the students' test scores. The project failed, for reasons not fully clear although this comment by u/fishbulb- points to a possible cause.
In any case, that project makes me think that the needed amount of money for the right programme can be made available. $100 million annually would cover the salary increase for 10,000 teacher positions, it could reach over many many school districts at the same time as a proof of concept.
Submitted June 19, 2019 at 02:56AM by herUltravioletEyes http://bit.ly/2x2qh7Z
martes, 18 de junio de 2019
@EducacionFutura : La Comisión de Educación ha dado a conocer la lista oficial de los integrantes considerados como «idóneos» para ocupar la Junta Directiva y el Consejo Técnico del nuevo Organismo Educativo, incluyendo a Andrea Contreras, acusada de cometer plagio https://t.co/so62wdMjEH

I’m looking for input from Middle and High School Students on this 7 question survey! Thank you so much.
Thank you all.
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 07:27PM by janetplanetz http://bit.ly/2WS7PxX
@ManuelGilAnton : Cuando el río une, y no es frontera-muro. En estos tiempos en que el río Suchiate y el río Bravo marcan barrancos que intenta brincar la pobreza, esta historia que ya viene es, como @AlboraMx busca, esperanza y realidad. https://t.co/p0Hb6lWd8V

Morsi death : the truth from the core
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 01:41PM by sphinxpharaohs http://bit.ly/2IpHTku
Is dumbing-down why graduation rates are up?
Are lower standards appropriate to raise graduation rates?
Is dumbing-down why graduation rates are up? In both high school and college?
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 09:58AM by Theost520 http://bit.ly/2x0XTD5
7 Ways Teachers can Make Money Online creating Digital Contents
Teachers also need more money! But waiting for an increase of salary might never work. Meanwhile, every average teacher has both the knowledge and experience enough to create wealth online by creating digital contents.
Check out this post
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 08:44AM by Chisabez78 http://bit.ly/2KnWFdP
Any suggestions how to improve educational environment!
hi! So now my company started to make STEM courses in private schools. They are also using PBL. we are trying to improve the learning environment somehow, make it more learner-centered and so on. There are some tools that I already found around the web, Like mind-map, making learner identity and so on. but I need some detailed guidelines on how to make the learning process amazing and satisfying for everyone.
especially on these topics:
- metacognition (teaching students how to think)
- cognitive conflict (how to develop cognitive conflict in the student's mind)
- deviant behavior (how to treat it )
- learner identity (how to make them see where they stand between this knowledge)
if you have any relevant papers or websites or guidelines, please help!
any suggestions what would improve the learning process are very helpful!
Thank you!
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 05:12AM by ubikthehuman http://bit.ly/2KXp0a9
Looking for answers and suggestions
Hi friends,
With the time...our educational system is also evolving and changing. We now use new and advanced learning methods to teach and learn. Just a question came to mind about the famous Montessori Method of education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. We know that it is a child-centered educational technique based on the different scientific observations of young learners from birth to adulthood. So, is it still relevant or gradually the method is loosing its space?
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 03:28AM by ACT2019 http://bit.ly/2KUID2R
Learning Math online
I have recently begun to desire to learn how to do math in general and learn and improve on certain concepts in it, like fractions and concentrations to help me work towards getting a better job. Are there any online resources or programs or anything of that sort that I could utilize in my free time? Thank you in advance and I am sorry if this is the wrong place, it seemed like a logical one and I needed some answers
Submitted June 18, 2019 at 12:28AM by McKeon1921 http://bit.ly/2WJEwc8
lunes, 17 de junio de 2019
Arguments against Federalising Education- HMU
Submitted June 17, 2019 at 07:47PM by PrimaryDisguise http://bit.ly/2Xi7qEx
@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Se han dado a conocer dos dictámenes de la Comisión de Educación del Senado con el listado de candidatos que, según ellos, cumplen con los requisitos para integrar la Junta Directiva y el Consejo Técnico del nuevo Organismo Educativo https://t.co/rDseWTOz5n

@ManuelGilAnton : Audiencias en la ámara de las diputadas y diputados para las Leyes Secundarias derivadas de la Reforma Educativa. Va el calendario y cómo participar. https://t.co/3YpMXryec0
Oberlin University fined 44 million Dollars . It was like a daycare center court finds
Submitted June 17, 2019 at 04:26PM by knockingsparks http://bit.ly/2INl0qd
@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Qué pasará con la educación secundaria en los ciclos escolares 2019-2020 y 2020-2021? https://t.co/kVymOzHESX

@EducacionFutura : "Dado el potencial de conflicto, aunque su diseño puede ser racional, correcto y necesario, el destino de las reformas educativas nunca es inevitable. Su proyecto no es una obra de teatro donde el elenco obedece al director para lograr el fin deseado" https://t.co/hWZZMkBc56

What do u think about study a degree at 23-25 age?
I'm 21.
just discharge form the army and i want to study aboard.
but i need alot of money cuz i also want to travle the world before,
so i need to save money and i want to started study at age 23-25.
what do u think about that?
Submitted June 17, 2019 at 12:23PM by AwesomeMaor http://bit.ly/2WQGWWB
Class participation?
I go to a private college in Arizona. I have severe ADHD that has been diagnosed to me by my physician and psychiatrist. Today I was having a rough day because on Father’s Day, yesterday, my dad passed away. Since my head is spinning, I forgot to take my meds this morning, I got 50% on a huge exam we took first thing in her class, so overall it has been a really shit day. My professor asked me to go up to the board and show a pretty lengthy detailed math equation for the class, she asked me if I had found the answer to the equation yet and I said no. Instead of calling on someone else she told me to come up and figure it out up there in front of the class. I’m already shaking and can’t hold onto a thought because I forgot to take my medication and now I’m anxious and my body is going crazy. I couldn’t focus on the class in general let alone this new material that we were covering. I politely and respectively declined and she said “would you like to participate in my class” and I said “at the moment no.” So she calls on somebody else and then right after announced to the class and me, “get ready and make sure you know the next one because you’re doing the next one, class, -my name- is doing the next one. She immediately showed the next problem and gave me less than a minute to work on it before telling me to go up there again. She asked me if I had an answer and I said no and she said “come up and figure it out” and I shook my head no and ignored her because I already said all I needed to say. She walks up to me, sticks the marker in my face and says “you need to go up to the board” and I said no. The whole time this is happening my fellow students kept offering to take over for me, knowing that this was an unusual day for me, and every time time she basically told them to shut up and that this was my problem. After refusing again, she stopped class and pulled me out into the hallway and She asked me what my problem was and told me I don't have a choice in whether I participate or not. I’m pissed off at this point and I told her that I wasn't having a good day and that I didn't want to fucking go up there. She (talking to me like a child) says "oh you're not having a good day? That's not good enough for me, you are required to participate in my class regardless of how 'bad' your day is." i said "sick, I don't give a fuck what's good for you" and she said we all have bad days and that i needed to be more specific for it to mean anything to her. I told her my dad passed away this weekend and That I really didn't even want to be here in general, much less in that situation and me as a student has a right to refuse to participate. She then replied "okay well today I will I will take that into consideration" and basically told me that I needed to tell her that before class started. And I just said "why the fuck would I tell you that? you don't need to know what's going on in my life" and then walked back into class in tears. We are required to wear a uniform which I was out of compliance with today, I was unprepared for class because I forgot my homework and half of my supplies, my laptop was at 2%, and I didn’t even sign the attendance sheet for class like we do every single morning. Today was clearly an off day and she expected me first thing in the morning to walk up to her and be like “ oh hey, this happened to me this weekend/today so if you’re planning on calling on me today, don’t.” What the fuck? I just want to know if she broke any laws and if I am required to participate in general but more specifically under the circumstances. Please and thank you. My fellow students told me she broke a few laws and that I need to talk to someone higher up. I tried to do some research on my own but I just need to go to sleep, I’m in so much pain. I appreciate it.
Submitted June 17, 2019 at 12:27PM by sstevens22 http://bit.ly/2wWFDe0
@EducacionFutura : Falsos dilemas / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan sobre el polémico proceso de designación de los integrantes del nuevo Organismo Educativo https://t.co/UtO0QIE0Zf

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Ya es mañana en la tarde! Allá hay que estar si se puede... https://t.co/EArSpRGu61

@EducacionFutura : La ANUIES, su opacidad presupuestal y su dependencia con la SEP / Un análisis de Adrián de Garay https://t.co/NzYm4X3Xkf

I want to be smarter.
Hi, this is a bit of a rant about myself and a cry for help. I'm a 15 year old and I feel so stupid. I'm a homeschooled student that hasn't received the best education because my parents weren't that involved but I'm not going to blame them throughout this post. This is my responsibility.
It's been getting a bit worse because my mental health hasn't been great and this is affecting my memory and I'm finding it hard to spell simple words. I think I only adapted to many things through instinct and patterns.
With my mental health issues I haven't been interested in reading, focusing on school work, or anything that could benefit me.
My sleep has also been an issue. I'm a caretaker of 10 ten cats and a dog I don't want, but I don't want my mom to suffer from back pain. I also haven't been able to exercise.
I'm a straight A student with a 4.0 GPA, which is shocking. However, I'm not retaining anything. Either I'm not focusing enough or they cram quite a bit.
I'm tired of turning to my friends or to pop music (I'm an avid Gaga fan) just to escape from this, but I want to change. I don't know how, but I surely will.
I just want to know if you guys have some advice. I could use it! Thanks!
Submitted June 17, 2019 at 06:58AM by BornRegular http://bit.ly/2wVTMYU
@ManuelGilAnton : En @AlboraMx seguimos aprendiendo. Habrá opciones muy interesantes para los "alborantes": dícese de quienes ven, en proyectos que maduran desde abajo, horizontes y caminos. Pronto habrá nuevas historias y noticias. https://t.co/vtewOyTXey