sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Dr Boghossian made it out the other side scathed but it could have been much worse

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 04:58PM by knockingsparks https://ift.tt/2PuUg4i

What are some skills that all high school students should graduate being able to do?

No text found

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 02:53PM by teacherofderp https://ift.tt/2UmTPaV

Affective domain!

Can anyone tell me each area's important in learning?

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 10:38AM by rawrenzu https://ift.tt/2HEx1yy

What are jobs you are prohibited from practicing in society without formal college education and credentials?

I am asking to know which jobs you simply cannot practice by being self-taught and starting your own companies (not being hired). I already know this is the case for doctors and civil engineers.

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 09:43AM by Hamdoulillah https://ift.tt/2zDXNT9

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Para reflexionar el fin de semana (y mes)... https://t.co/Yjw3OE8fef @inclan66 @MaurroJarquin @ManuelGilAnton @levmx666 @flores_crespo @canalesa99 @sociobservermex @lhan55 @REobservatorio @SergioDunstan @arceliambordon @julioastillero @EducaHistorica @angeldiazbarrig

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Para reflexionar el fin de semana (y mes)... https://t.co/Yjw3OE8fef @inclan66 @MaurroJarquin @ManuelGilAnton @levmx666 @flores_crespo @canalesa99 @sociobservermex @lhan55 @REobservatorio @SergioDunstan @arceliambordon @julioastillero @EducaHistorica @angeldiazbarrig (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1167792331744931842)

How to avoid that pesky student loan. Why more americans dont do this?!

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 05:28AM by knockingsparks https://ift.tt/2Px58yO

Any opinions on pedagogy of the oppressed?

I got the recommendation for this soon before making this post, so I ordered it, not only because of that, it also sounded cool. I watched an interview with Paulo Freire and I feel like the book could reach deep with me.

I am still not sure tho, whether I should trust this impulse, so if you have read it, or not, idk, I would be happy to read some feedback, maybe a review, maybe a unique perspective.

Submitted August 31, 2019 at 04:59AM by ksapatupov https://ift.tt/2ZylgDT

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

(USA) My friend's parents haven't enrolled my friend in high school yet. How can I help him?

My friend is supposed to be a freshman in high school, but his parents are lazy and don't care about him. He told me that he wants to do online high school because he has social anxiety and he is small for his age.

I showed him Primavera, an online high school, and told him to tell his parents to enroll him. He still isn't enrolled.

Is there any way for my friend to enroll himself in a free online high school? What can I do to help without calling police or child protective services?

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 04:12PM by pingin107 https://ift.tt/2UlQYz5

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto Publican en Gaceta Parlamentaria iniciativa de Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros. Descarga el documento aquí https://t.co/4Rh4HZE25l https://t.co/jdP4Udm45s

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto Publican en Gaceta Parlamentaria iniciativa de Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros. Descarga el documento aquí https://t.co/4Rh4HZE25l https://t.co/jdP4Udm45s (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167480710623629313)

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la jornada del día 2 de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/WRfjPujJpv

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la jornada del día 2 de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/WRfjPujJpv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167465375572709378)

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la jornada del día 2 de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí desde el @INIDEdelaUIA https://t.co/gsgiDr8xXS

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la jornada del día 2 de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí desde el @INIDEdelaUIA https://t.co/gsgiDr8xXS (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167456942710808576)

Jesuit education - anyone here have expertise?

Looking to understand jesuits educational philosophy and practice.

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 07:53AM by Atreyawise https://ift.tt/2Zx7KAp

The benefits of combining music and studying.

In my experience (and there are also quiet a few studies pointing in that direction) listening to relaxing and calm music while reading/studying can have a positive effect on your ability to concentrate and stay focused. The thesis is that if you also stimulate the creative half of the brain (music) it will also have positive effect on the logical side. How do you use music in your educational environment? Here is a playlist I created with 8h+ of top quality contemporary acoustic guitar and piano music, no drums or vocals.https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1opAhw6FfByeFYZtGM7F5n?si=wJMebZwVRIWcQUYwt01Mdw

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 05:14AM by dromedarmedia https://ift.tt/2UehYQY

Can I do a dual degree Masters?

I'm interested in both Data Science and Cloud Computing. Are there any Masters courses in the US that would allow me to pursue both of them, with maybe one as a minor degree maybe?

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 04:16AM by RatataUbuntu https://ift.tt/2L8mygH

Why has my daughter been taught not to trust Wikipedia, but to trust state-sponsored news?

Is this recommendation on the UK Primary School curriculum - that we teach our kids to trust the BBC but not to trust Wikipedia? Wouldn't it be better to teach young people to contribute to Wikipedia as a common good? This advice smells of rotten eggs to me.

Submitted August 30, 2019 at 04:42AM by Gordon_Glass https://ift.tt/2ZCGYmi

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Panel “Avances y retos en la creación de espacios para investigadores jóvenes”, desde la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/9HJotlO9wo

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Panel “Avances y retos en la creación de espacios para investigadores jóvenes”, desde la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/9HJotlO9wo (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167168873197658113)

US Textbook Publishers Racing to Purge Mann's Debunked 'Hockey Stick' From STEM Curriculum

With a Canadian Court's ruling this week against Michael Mann, debunking his 'hockey stick' hypothesis after Mann failed, following eight years of deliberate delay, to produce either the Data, the Calculations or the Model to support his claim, we might expect US textbook publishers are racing to purge the debunked 'hockey stick' from CCSS Science curriculum.

Or, is it since US textbook publishers are controlled by IPCC EU environmental scientism, will they chose instead to leave Mann's unsupported claim untouched? As a former environmental scientist, transitioned to a now retired HS-CC teacher, and now curriculum writer, I'm puzzled why there's nothing in the education press. How should I write 2020-21 Science curriculum and lesson plans? Use the 'AGW Is Settled Science' fallback, to ensure that I get a payday for my publishing?

This is pivotal to education. As a (US) teacher, what is your position going forward? Will you 'teach to the text' as CCSS suggests, even if you're forced to teach your students a debunked claim? Will you risk using the word 'theory' to describe AGW, now the 'hockey stick' is debunked? Or is it 'not up to me', and you'll remain an Instructor of the Given Wisdom?

Use the thread to discuss issues you have with teaching curriculum that's debunked, obsolete or deliberately politicized.

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 08:45AM by Transmogrifacy https://ift.tt/2ZB7ZGy

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Conferencia de @SRinconGallardo desde la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí. Transmisión en vivo en https://t.co/RYJI7bh3Ms https://t.co/82bn96pjuB

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Conferencia de @SRinconGallardo desde la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí. Transmisión en vivo en https://t.co/RYJI7bh3Ms https://t.co/82bn96pjuB (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167105274328600576)

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/E9T0UoDe7Z

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/E9T0UoDe7Z (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167093775518375936)

Is a college prep diploma from highschool accepted in foreign countries college? Specifically foreign transfer programs or can I do it with a general diploma?

No text found

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 08:36AM by yunosukee https://ift.tt/2MGfZnH

@EducacionFutura : Colores para los niños / Un artículo de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/40ZcEy9Rv8

@EducacionFutura : Colores para los niños / Un artículo de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/40ZcEy9Rv8 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1167074634732396544)

@ManuelGilAnton : @asilascosasw Enhorabuena por los primeros 3 años de un espacio inteligente, plural y divertido. Y gracias por la generosidad de sus conductores. #asilascosas3aniversario

@ManuelGilAnton : @asilascosasw Enhorabuena por los primeros 3 años de un espacio inteligente, plural y divertido. Y gracias por la generosidad de sus conductores. #asilascosas3aniversario (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1167058510695280642)

Schools are a conformist, have mostly irrelevant curriculum.

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 02:24AM by zingiersky https://ift.tt/2MJTn5Q

Counter arguments to Least Restrictive Environment

What are disqualifying factors to this policy/law?

What resources are out there for parents of students who are being restricted by students placed in LRE from frequent outburst and majority of classrooms education being hindered altered during the frequent outburst

Is there a point where parents of non LRE can debate the determination for LRE placement when the result is a more restrictive environment for everyone but the LRE student

I followed a situation when my child was not in the school system yet and w/o bias my child has for each school day when asked about her favorite part and least favorite part of each day expressed the loud screaming, crying,outburst of a LRE student as the only negative each day.

If anyone is wondering I have instructed my child to first maintain her safety then to maintain her focus, she is to not speak about this other child in any negative way to any other child and I have explained the student is emotionally different and thus handles situations differently and to stop focusing on what this student is outbursting about and understand that they have trouble handling some emotions situations and gave her examples of when she has handled situations well and not well so she can understand and relate

This post is in no way to be a personal attack on anyone and is merely for my own informational purposes as I am not well educated in this area(or most areas lol)

The non BS take from my POV..this has been going on since last year..it doesnt seem to be changing, the admin doesnt seem to be properly handling almost any sitaution(If you only seen some of the headlines from last year 5/6 yr olds) it seems to me that maybe least restrictive here would be better served under a more specialized setting then the general classroom..while I grasp the spirit of the law/policy not only for schoolpurposes but society as a whole I am not sure how I fully feel asking 5/6 year olds to handle outburst we as adults deem as a society as unacceptable and don't integrate into our daily life...if someone is creating an outburst regardless of emtional/mental capabilities we all don't leave a room while they calm down..in fact we remove them sometimes forcefully so I as a parent don't understand why we ask children so young to do the opposite

mods if I broke any rules sorry please LMK what I need to do to allow post I am eager to review discussion


Submitted August 29, 2019 at 02:38AM by time4line https://ift.tt/2NF2ZhY

Why can’t anything higher than grade 9 math be optional ???!

Months of studying can’t even do a single question in the exam.Seriously? I’m done.

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 01:10AM by just-some-dumbkid https://ift.tt/2Plrymu

Baby education?

My baby is 8 weeks old. I need recommendations of programs or classes to take her to to give her the best head start. I’ve heard of children starting to read at the age of 4, and this is what I have in mind, but not even sure where to start

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 12:38AM by XvanderM https://ift.tt/2UdP4R3

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

@EducacionFutura : ¿Para qué un sistema de educación público y nacional? / No te pierdas el análisis de Blanca Heredia https://t.co/ar00jzhqEx

@EducacionFutura : ¿Para qué un sistema de educación público y nacional? / No te pierdas el análisis de Blanca Heredia https://t.co/ar00jzhqEx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166923518686240769)

@EducacionFutura : ¡Qué bien que la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación no haya cumplido su amenaza de huelgas! Al menos no todavía. Pero hay broncas en Baja California, Guerrero y otras partes por “falta de pagos”: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/1hJyPUlMlC

@EducacionFutura : ¡Qué bien que la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación no haya cumplido su amenaza de huelgas! Al menos no todavía. Pero hay broncas en Baja California, Guerrero y otras partes por “falta de pagos”: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/1hJyPUlMlC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166902051399446528)

Would Someone Be Willing To Answer A Brief Case Study About Two Students and Their Consequences

I can send the case scenario along with the questions

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 07:02PM by spunkygirly95 https://ift.tt/2LdIqq3

@ManuelGilAnton : Ahora resulta que el SNTE, que apoyó hasta la ignominia la Reforma del Pacto (Peña et. alio), es adalid de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana (?) y del Acuerdo Educativo (?)... ¿Qué horas son? Las que usted diga, Señor Presidente. https://t.co/iCydHl7u2n

@ManuelGilAnton : Ahora resulta que el SNTE, que apoyó hasta la ignominia la Reforma del Pacto (Peña et. alio), es adalid de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana (?) y del Acuerdo Educativo (?)... ¿Qué horas son? Las que usted diga, Señor Presidente. https://t.co/iCydHl7u2n (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166875697220136960)

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - El posible programa de incentivos para los maestros https://t.co/Dj8VBEsmqI

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - El posible programa de incentivos para los maestros https://t.co/Dj8VBEsmqI (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166871850665816064)

@ManuelGilAnton : Un teórico lúcido al que necesitamos leer y pensar con sus propuestas la práctica educativa. https://t.co/E64ff2y5G1

@ManuelGilAnton : Un teórico lúcido al que necesitamos leer y pensar con sus propuestas la práctica educativa. https://t.co/E64ff2y5G1 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166845061826514945)

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - La pedagogía de la ignorancia en México / Un texto de José Carlos Buenaventura https://t.co/jftcmNZHOw

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - La pedagogía de la ignorancia en México / Un texto de José Carlos Buenaventura https://t.co/jftcmNZHOw (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166841671226667013)

4 new studies bolster the case: More money for schools helps low-income students

We already knew this, but it is always nice to get confirmation.

Four new studies from different parts of the country have come to similar conclusions. In Texas and in Wisconsin, researchers found that spending more translated to higher test scores and boosted college enrollment. Two other studies — one looking at California and another looking across seven states — found that spending more money didn’t affect test scores in more affluent areas, but did boost test scores in higher-poverty districts.


Submitted August 28, 2019 at 03:58PM by philnotfil https://ift.tt/2ZjvloW

Do I need another bachelors degree?

I have a Bachelors in communications with an emphasis on advertising and public relations, graduated back in 2012. I have been working in marketing for almost 8 years and I HATE IT. I hate dealing with money and trying to persuade people to buy things and pipeline meetings!

After a few years of thinking about it, I am interested in a career as a Fish and Game Warden. I am originally from Idaho but now living in beautiful Oregon and I have dreamed of being a game warden for years but was deterred from it because I was told I wouldn't make money. Now that I am a little older, I have learned that my happiness doesn't come from money.

Everything I read about becoming a game warden says I need a degree in one of the following fields:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Wildlife Management
  • Biology
  • Law Enforcement
  • Land Management
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Natural Sciences

But the thought of doing 4 more years and student loans is frightening. I still have student debt from my first degree.

Any advice?

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 03:06PM by kristinlf https://ift.tt/2UcnZxx

Good resource for free worksheets generators For pre-K to 5 grade.

You can download or print a unlimited amount of worksheets 100% free and I’m currently adding games. freeclasstools

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 03:50PM by ed-r-2087 https://ift.tt/2ZylYNo

@EducacionFutura : Instituciones educativas deben buscar reducir brechas de desigualdad: rector de Universidad Iberoamericana https://t.co/y6ZBSdOzl2

@EducacionFutura : Instituciones educativas deben buscar reducir brechas de desigualdad: rector de Universidad Iberoamericana https://t.co/y6ZBSdOzl2 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166811467997483010)

@EducacionFutura : La compleja Nueva Escuela Mexicana / Un análisis de Ángel Díaz Barriga https://t.co/maYtVS1QSp

@EducacionFutura : La compleja Nueva Escuela Mexicana / Un análisis de Ángel Díaz Barriga https://t.co/maYtVS1QSp (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166781261660217347)

5th grader not eligible for homebound with debilitating anxiety?

My children and I moved to Oklahoma from a domestic violence shelter about 18 months ago. I homeschooled them last year and so this year is the first year at their new school. My daughter (10 yrs) went for a week and had some problems with a teacher who really triggered her anxiety. She has severe anxiety and PTSD. She had an anxiety attack and threw up and so I took her home. That was yesterday. The principle was quite hateful, telling me "you need to take her home, it's time for school." The look on this womans face, it was like she was disgusted with my daughter for sobbing uncontrollably (we were in the hallway). Anyway, I spoke to my daughters outside counselor and she told me to ask about the homebound program. So, I called the hateful principle and inquired about it. I was told that homebound wasn't for "what my daughter had" (btw, she hasn't even asked "what she has."), it was for children who have severe physical problems that keep them from attending school, such as cancer or a broken back. However, I looked on the website and emotional problems are one of the listed reasons.

My reasons to want her to be in the homebound program are so she can still be involved in extracurricular activities when she is able. She is very social but just has had her PTSD triggered by this one teacher (very strong personality, loud voice). However, I dont want her to be labeled a problem child. Also, I dont know if she can be accepted into this program. And how would I pursue fighting this principle on this issue if she was able to be homebound?

I'm overwhelmed and sick today to top it all off. I cant think straight. I want what's best for my child and I'm tired of people dismissing her because she doesn't perceive the world in a way that is convenient for them.

Any ideas, thought or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 10:27AM by evadantic https://ift.tt/32jKFiz

@EducacionFutura : ¿Por qué “deben aprender” eso y no otra cosa? ¿Por qué así y no de otra manera? https://t.co/cOLIu8Kmw6

@EducacionFutura : ¿Por qué “deben aprender” eso y no otra cosa? ¿Por qué así y no de otra manera? https://t.co/cOLIu8Kmw6 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166743577646522368)

RESEARCH: 2019 College Study Habits

Original research from Course Hero provides new data about how college students study and the challenges that affect nontraditional students.

You can find the full article here. I would love to get peoples thoughts on this. Do you believe study habits have changed? Since many students hold some sort of job, does it impact their study habits? If you are a student, do you feel this report is accurate?

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 08:56AM by golodnykhmonster https://ift.tt/2HtyabS

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por la lección de alegría, ironía, inteligencia y humor crítico que me dieron. https://t.co/1NkccsyGLs

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por la lección de alegría, ironía, inteligencia y humor crítico que me dieron. https://t.co/1NkccsyGLs (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166717084069486593)

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Las preguntas de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana (NEM) https://t.co/AUoH6iJSX2

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Las preguntas de la Nueva Escuela Mexicana (NEM) https://t.co/AUoH6iJSX2 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166713360840306688)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: Esta hermosura estaba perdida en la Colonia del Valle. Cualquier informe, favor de contactar a @abassegoda Rt x favor. @anafvega @Proyecto_Nenuki @arelyfeminista @MundoPatitas @MascotasSismo @Tango_BME https://t.co/LjjegpHDw2

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @LaClau: Esta hermosura estaba perdida en la Colonia del Valle. Cualquier informe, favor de contactar a @abassegoda Rt x favor. @anafvega @Proyecto_Nenuki @arelyfeminista @MundoPatitas @MascotasSismo @Tango_BME https://t.co/LjjegpHDw2 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166670587634339841)

@ManuelGilAnton : Los caricaturistas de El Chamuco @El_Chamuco van a clase. Una plática sobre reformas y educación. https://t.co/T5jCy78jKD

@ManuelGilAnton : Los caricaturistas de El Chamuco @El_Chamuco van a clase. Una plática sobre reformas y educación. https://t.co/T5jCy78jKD (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166662285172936705)

"Kids on tiktok are organizing a general strike in solidarity with their teachers"

Submitted August 28, 2019 at 01:05AM by jsalsman https://ift.tt/2NCahTF

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

@EducacionFutura : La Secretaría de Educación Pública quisiera una comisión para administrar el Sistema Nacional de Mejora Continua de la Educación; diputados de la CNTE, dentro de Morena, defienden sus parcelas y se oponen: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/Keb9Ah6mRD

@EducacionFutura : La Secretaría de Educación Pública quisiera una comisión para administrar el Sistema Nacional de Mejora Continua de la Educación; diputados de la CNTE, dentro de Morena, defienden sus parcelas y se oponen: Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/Keb9Ah6mRD (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166546045939195905)

@EducacionFutura : La complejidad del currículum y sus complicaciones / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan https://t.co/gAWN3bvOhk

@EducacionFutura : La complejidad del currículum y sus complicaciones / Un análisis de Sergio Martínez Dunstan https://t.co/gAWN3bvOhk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166530988681379840)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @anatuiranmusic: ¡Buenas tardes! Reiniciamos la solicitud de donadores de plaquetas O+ para @rtuiran esta semana. Muchas gracias!

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @anatuiranmusic: ¡Buenas tardes! Reiniciamos la solicitud de donadores de plaquetas O+ para @rtuiran esta semana. Muchas gracias! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166513831067246600)

@ManuelGilAnton : Apoyemos esta petición. https://t.co/PcnOOyeQUr

@ManuelGilAnton : Apoyemos esta petición. https://t.co/PcnOOyeQUr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166512495982518272)

@EducacionFutura : Es de un fanfarrón insufrible que –para algo de verdad relevante– alguien se declare plenamente preparado: David Calderón https://t.co/0IsfLxSfzj

@EducacionFutura : Es de un fanfarrón insufrible que –para algo de verdad relevante– alguien se declare plenamente preparado: David Calderón https://t.co/0IsfLxSfzj (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166500847527833600)

@EducacionFutura : Agenda magisterial en marcha / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/yEZGsTlz62

@EducacionFutura : Agenda magisterial en marcha / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/yEZGsTlz62 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166440393879236608)

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis https://ift.tt/2U26iDx

How do you fix severe drug addiction among students?

Last couple of weeks I have been going around villages around my home city Sofia to explore the quality of the education there and I found a district, in which the main thing hindering the learning process from being successful was drug addiction among the kids. Around 90% were regular users. I want to just note that the children were between the classes of 1 and 7.

It's obvious that basic Drug Ed isn't the answer. Should we analyse the problem on the level of society? Do we distract them from it? What do we need to change in the school culture?

Submitted August 27, 2019 at 12:34PM by ksapatupov https://ift.tt/2NxS6ya

@ManuelGilAnton : A leer, sin "ler"... https://t.co/GPA73r804b

@ManuelGilAnton : A leer, sin "ler"... https://t.co/GPA73r804b (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166413344544309254)

@ManuelGilAnton : Una síntesis de lo que platicamos el lunes 25 de agosto, el primer día de clases de este periodo. https://t.co/RJPgbkTCS9

@ManuelGilAnton : Una síntesis de lo que platicamos el lunes 25 de agosto, el primer día de clases de este periodo. https://t.co/RJPgbkTCS9 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166413099261411328)

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Replantearnos las concepciones que tenemos sobre educación en la teoría y en la práctica de los y las docentes https://t.co/bhu3hOk6nc

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Replantearnos las concepciones que tenemos sobre educación en la teoría y en la práctica de los y las docentes https://t.co/bhu3hOk6nc (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166410289555881985)


Im in 9th grade so obviously were done with simile and metaphors, but my teacher wanted us to make a simile on english for our introduction. Do y’all have any witty answers or just anything that’ll help. Thanks!

Submitted August 27, 2019 at 09:53AM by noneof_theabove https://ift.tt/2UhTuGR

Serious question regarding masters' degree.


I will begin my final year at an Electronics Uni in Romania. My specialization is Microelectronics & Nanotechnologies.

I am thinking about going to Netherlands at DELFT (been recommended there) or about any other GOOD Universities in other countries with focus on Electronics, sub-categories: Design, Embedded Systems and maybe even Testing.

GPA is around 9/10.

Thing is: if I do not get a scholarship, would it be worth it to still go to another Uni in another country?

I do not know what to think about masters in Romania, I'll ask more professors once the year begins but for now I want to find out more opinions regarding this matter.

I need advice, my parents are willing to support the costs.

Submitted August 27, 2019 at 10:58AM by TreiDoiUnuZero https://ift.tt/2L9UgRN

@EducacionFutura : Autonomía universitaria y órganos internos de control ¿Fallos contradictorios en la SCJN? / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/D3eKl3gfGa

@EducacionFutura : Autonomía universitaria y órganos internos de control ¿Fallos contradictorios en la SCJN? / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/D3eKl3gfGa (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166380088360939520)

@EducacionFutura : Diamantina en la escuela mexicana / No te pierdas el análisis de Manuel Gil Antón https://t.co/1RTl4Ll5pE

@EducacionFutura : Diamantina en la escuela mexicana / No te pierdas el análisis de Manuel Gil Antón https://t.co/1RTl4Ll5pE (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166349921127215104)

Instead of having a history textbook there are assignments for the class to read material from different authors in order to explore context and the actual historical documents

I have come to believe that a two-page explanation in the textbooks could not be enough to explore the rich record and ideas that are all tangled up in every period of human history.

I suppose such an "exploration" would be very time-consuming. That's why this could be for people who chose to give up components of some other classes so they could focus on their interest in history.

With this, I believe, there is a smaller risk that propaganda and at least a certain viewpoint (because you inevitably need a viewpoint if you write anything at all) get sold to kids' impressionable minds.

Submitted August 27, 2019 at 06:03AM by ksapatupov https://ift.tt/2U9ghEk

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @BerthaHistoria: Por favor, los que sigan despiertos. RT, urge. #NiUnaMenos https://t.co/VoJpULRDcF

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @BerthaHistoria: Por favor, los que sigan despiertos. RT, urge. #NiUnaMenos https://t.co/VoJpULRDcF (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166323539420409857)

@ManuelGilAnton : La ira es un recurso universal. https://t.co/Ma0Wt47R2M

@ManuelGilAnton : La ira es un recurso universal. https://t.co/Ma0Wt47R2M (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166322696746979333)

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Se requiere modelo de vinculación Escuela-padres de familia para la Nueva Escuela Mexicana https://t.co/3lajMlnLug

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Se requiere modelo de vinculación Escuela-padres de familia para la Nueva Escuela Mexicana https://t.co/3lajMlnLug (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166198734981685251)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Capital_21: El investigador de @elcolmex, @ManuelGilAnton platicó con @YonAmador sobre la #ReformaEducativa del #RegresoAClases. ¡Checa aquí #LaEntrevista de #21PorLaTarde! 👉🏻 https://t.co/XDkrYG3p4t https://t.co/SfFdsk3WMj

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @Capital_21: El investigador de @elcolmex, @ManuelGilAnton platicó con @YonAmador sobre la #ReformaEducativa del #RegresoAClases. ¡Checa aquí #LaEntrevista de #21PorLaTarde! 👉🏻 https://t.co/XDkrYG3p4t https://t.co/SfFdsk3WMj (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166185065425993728)

@ManuelGilAnton : Regreso a clases: Quitemos la ortopedia pedagógica y tomemos el tema educativo entre todos https://t.co/7fH2ktrPB0 vía @wradiomexico

@ManuelGilAnton : Regreso a clases: Quitemos la ortopedia pedagógica y tomemos el tema educativo entre todos https://t.co/7fH2ktrPB0 vía @wradiomexico (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166184673006870528)

@ManuelGilAnton : Regreso a clases: Quitemos la ortopedia pedagógica y tomemos el tema educativo entre todos https://t.co/YFghNmmczK vía @WRADIOMexico

@ManuelGilAnton : Regreso a clases: Quitemos la ortopedia pedagógica y tomemos el tema educativo entre todos https://t.co/YFghNmmczK vía @WRADIOMexico (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166183814416060416)

@EducacionFutura : Identifican ausencias y rupturas en proyecto extraoficial de ciencia y tecnología https://t.co/XeANn51I9B

@EducacionFutura : Identifican ausencias y rupturas en proyecto extraoficial de ciencia y tecnología https://t.co/XeANn51I9B (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166178538376110081)

I really hate binders and I want to retire from using them. What are the best alternatives?

Grade 11 is right around the corner for me and I've noticed that since middle school, I have always stopped using my binder half way through the year and have kept all my worksheets in notebooks, which results in an unorganised catastrophe.

Binders are annoying to keep in backpacks, they make too much noise, they get dirty and are anti-left handed.

What are some of the best and most minimalistic ways to stay organized with all your notes and worksheets, that is simple enough that I can stick to it all year?

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 06:57PM by TaddyG https://ift.tt/2PiXMyG

Getting my BA after everyone else

Hi redditors I hope this is ok to post here!

I’m looking into getting my BA in behavioral science my only issue is I’m 23. I didn’t go to college after high school for a few reason. I’m dyslexic and struggled with feeling smart enough for college and I had a little girl shortly after graduating. Not wanting to put all the financial needs on my parents I went straight to work. Then a year later met my husband kept working and supporting our family ect.

My dream is to go off and get a degree in behavioral science and history! My whole life I enjoyed learning the ins and outs of human behaviors and my husbands bought me every book in the matter! Now that we’re in a good position and he feels it’s time for me to start pursuing my dream. I’m so excited to enroll next August but I’ll be 24 and won’t get my degree till at least 28. 6 years after all of my graduating class already got theirs. And then all of a sudden I realize I’ll academically behinds my day peers again in my life and it turns me off

How would u guys go about taking that leap of faith and getting it done!

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 07:42PM by wow_wow_thisgirl https://ift.tt/2Zsffsu

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias a @jrisco y a @warkentin por esta entrevista. https://t.co/WJtlUeyo85

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias a @jrisco y a @warkentin por esta entrevista. https://t.co/WJtlUeyo85 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166163706574598149)

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en Capital 21, radio. https://t.co/PbBao9J8DF

@ManuelGilAnton : Entrevista en Capital 21, radio. https://t.co/PbBao9J8DF (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1166163005920272384)

@EducacionFutura : Contradicciones y debilidades en proyectos de leyes secundarias https://t.co/1sZa7ZSCjM

@EducacionFutura : Contradicciones y debilidades en proyectos de leyes secundarias https://t.co/1sZa7ZSCjM (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166148344470786056)

@EducacionFutura : @Rodolfo63731423 Está en la sección de videos de nuestro facebook

@EducacionFutura : @Rodolfo63731423 Está en la sección de videos de nuestro facebook (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166133931965583362)

@EducacionFutura : ¿Cómo la tecnología ayuda a mejorar la evaluación educativa? En su nuevo texto, @EduardoBackhoff, presidente de Métrica Educativa, hace un análisis al respecto https://t.co/0jRwNBDkpz

@EducacionFutura : ¿Cómo la tecnología ayuda a mejorar la evaluación educativa? En su nuevo texto, @EduardoBackhoff, presidente de Métrica Educativa, hace un análisis al respecto https://t.co/0jRwNBDkpz (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166123208715702273)

@EducacionFutura : Los sindicatos de las 3T / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/948949HnjX

@EducacionFutura : Los sindicatos de las 3T / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/948949HnjX (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166118144282378247)

How do you know what field to pursue?

Dear fellow Redditors, Am i missing something? seriously? Ive been out of highschool for a year now and I have no idea what to study, its driving me crazy. Everyday i fantasize of a new career i could see myself doing. But, if im being honest, the idea of going to school again scares me. Ive always done pretty well in terms of grades but i hated highschool, and felt i learned nothing of any real value there. That being said, English was always my favorite class, and i think through the years i was always impacted by that class, the discussions, the books...

i dont feel particularly skilled in one area, and am getting depressed about not knowing what to do with myself, and my future. I need a job that feels meaningful to me, but atm nothing feels that meaningful, yknow?

My question is, how did you figure out what you wanted to study? how did you decide you wanted to go to school at ALL?

sincerely, a lost teenager.

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 02:39PM by star_pwr https://ift.tt/30DTnYc

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - Este 29 y 30 de agosto se realizará en el @INIDEdelaUIA la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/T3P1OuZmYH

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - Este 29 y 30 de agosto se realizará en el @INIDEdelaUIA la X edición de la Cátedra Pablo Latapí https://t.co/T3P1OuZmYH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166087946954596353)

I recently found out that my old school district has re-organized their schools, so that the schools are grouped as grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. Is there research regarding this model? What advantages does it have over the K-5, 6-8, 9-12 model?

Links to any articles or academic literature would be much appreciated!

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 01:02PM by Shuwin https://ift.tt/2HtZKps

@EducacionFutura : Inician 25.4 millones de alumnos nuevo ciclo escolar bajo nueva Reforma Educativa. https://t.co/fWd4da3ZVv

@EducacionFutura : Inician 25.4 millones de alumnos nuevo ciclo escolar bajo nueva Reforma Educativa. https://t.co/fWd4da3ZVv (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166067813007667201)

@EducacionFutura : Propuesta de Ley General de Educación tiene rupturas visibles muy importantes: expertos https://t.co/0jeRZpmZAT

@EducacionFutura : Propuesta de Ley General de Educación tiene rupturas visibles muy importantes: expertos https://t.co/0jeRZpmZAT (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166047744634626049)

Why People Don't Read


"There’s a big problem, at least in the United States, revolving around getting people to read books. Most kids start their reading in schools; yet, as they grow up, they never get back into the habit of reading books. So the problem becomes why people aren’t interested in reading after going through primary education. "

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 11:05AM by Astuka https://ift.tt/2L95jL9

@EducacionFutura : Desde Educación Futura les deseamos feliz ciclo escolar 2019-2020 https://t.co/sW8jhBd4Nk

@EducacionFutura : Desde Educación Futura les deseamos feliz ciclo escolar 2019-2020 https://t.co/sW8jhBd4Nk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1166020685254266880)