Hello educators at Reddit, I am currently in a tough situation and would absolutely be appreciative to receive some help or insight as to how to move forward in life. I will try to keep my situation simple for convenient, thorough, and quick responses. I currently live in Central Western Canada, and will be entering grade twelve within two weeks from today. During my first two years in high school, grade nine and ten, I had the second highest average out of a class of over 120 students at the same level. Each year my best friend had best me by just a fraction of a percent, above 96 but below 97, and we both enjoy celebrating each others successes.
Throughout my high school journey there were many extreme struggles and sleepless nights in addition to the endless lectures my mother had given myself surrounding educational excellence and financial security. However in grade eleven, my marks had fell into the lower nineties bracket, between 91 and 95, with my mom forcing me to assist her in many difficult tasks that sometimes required to me to stay awake entire nights doing unnecessary activities to bolster her ego, while she would sleep and check on myself to make sure I hadn't fell into a slumber, only to go to school the next morning. I struggled and negotiated on many occasions with my teachers to continue to give me extensions on projects and assignments, to the point that they would be significantly irritated since my other years in secondary education gave off the look that I was a bright hard worker. It has gotten to the point that I apologized to many of my teachers nearing the end of the semesters, and told them that this was not my true self and I really was a hard worker but family issues and circumstances were holding me back from my actual potential.
At the end of the second semester I received my lowest mark ever, an eighty one, in a math course. My mom said that this was disgusting and in addition to the severe physical punishment I received for the course outcome, my mom threatened that I would completely repeat the entire grade over since this kind of behavior was unacceptable in her household. I know that I will still be in the top 10 and most likely top 5 students of our class but my mom has already scheduled to meet with the counselor to reassign my entire year.
I am extremely frightful not of doing more classes, but the fact that I will lose my entire social life, my environmental structures will collapse, my childhood friends that I was raised with since grade 2 will go on to graduate together ( without me ), I will lose most of my connections, and will fall behind in life. By repeating this grade, the fact that I skipped a whole grade in elementary will mean nothing, I will lose a whole year of my life to simply get "higher marks," and will venture off lonely into the world without a social circle. I was one of less than thirty students in our whole school district who had qualified to be placed into the AP math stream, yet myself and one other kid were the only qualifiers who didn't go because my mom refused to sign the paper and the other boy had a mental disorder which made it immensely difficult for him to write anything down. In addition to watching those kids go off to receive prestige for being in the AP courses that I should have also been a part off ( I scored higher than them on the qualification tests ), I am also the only person in my entire class of over 100 that has not been able to get a learners driver license simply because my mother forbid myself. It makes me sad seeing kids two years younger than I and nearly half my size take my place in a drivers program and it utterly embarrasses me and destroys my self esteem, especially since I love vehicles.
While my friends parents celebrate them just barely passing classes with mercy passed marks like 51 - 55 percent, and cheer them on to keep up the good work with some icecream sundaes, I get bloody noses and 13 hour speeches about being worthless for bringing home mid nineties. I have now faced the worst revelation of my life and am about to watch a large portion of my future collapse before my very eyes. While my friends take their sixties and graduate and enjoy the year together and go on to build their lives, I will be in a completely different class environment redoing the same curriculum with a bunch of children that are much more immature than myself.
Not to mention I completely lose any chance I had at receiving academic, leadership, and extracurricular awards in addition to scholarships, and will not even be eligible to run for valedictorian, yet alone salutatorian. Is this even legal, hopefully I am not allowed to repeat since I didn't fail a single course, but if I am and they need my permission, my mom will tell me not to come home if I don't sign the paper and kick me out if I do.
Guys, I am very scared and stressed about these dark times in my life, any given advice I would consider greatly, thank you so much.
Submitted August 25, 2019 at 03:06PM by FaceAndKMS https://ift.tt/2KSJa4S
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