jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

I'm only passing one class right now and I'm losing hope, and I desperately need advice on how I can get back on track with my grades

I go to a charter highschool in New York city so its pretty different from most public schools in the United States. They're more stricter with the rules, they give more work, and the work can be more challenging. I've been feeling really stressed during this whole online school thing. I got so stressed that I literally didn't do any work for like 2 weeks straight but about a few days ago I decided to just try and get this over with and keep doing my work again. And it's actually made me feel a little bit better about school, but however I was afraid to look at my grades because I knew that they were going to be horrific. But I needed to look at them so I could see which assignments I was missing. So I went to my grade book, and saw that I was only passing one class, which is my Korean class. And the only reason why I'm passing that class was because I submitted a video assignment that was a triple homework grade so it boosted it up. But for all my other classes, I have 60 and below. My lowest class I have a 20%. It made me feel really discouraged because the school year is gonna end soon and I basically have only have a month to try and get my grades up. That means I have to be on top of my work, which I'm not really good at doing. I'm desperately asking for help on how I can bounce back to at least passing maybe 5 or more classes so I dont have to feel so hopeless. If you read this, I really appreciate it

Submitted April 23, 2020 at 09:59PM by au_gold3872 https://ift.tt/2Y7J7t7

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