lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Questions about schools NOT in the United States

Hello! I am working on a research project and I have some questions about students and schools in non-US countries. If anyone can help answer these questions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!!

  1. Which country are these answers for?
  2. At 15 years old, is everyone in your country required to be in school?
  3. At any point in their schooling is there a separation of students into different schools with a focus on different content (college prep, vocational, etc.)? If so, at what age?
  4. Is school free for all student? If yes, to what level/age? Are there private schools available as a choice to attend?
  5. Is the curriculum set by the government for all schools at the grade level for 15 year olds? 
  6. Are there national tests that are taken for math? If yes, at what ages?
  7. Is technology considered a big part of education? 
  8. Are programming/coding courses offered in school? At what age? Are they required or elective?

Again, thank you so much!

Submitted May 18, 2020 at 05:56PM by NewTaipeiCity

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