martes, 30 de junio de 2020

Should i study for a year to attend the best university or attend to whatever university now (this summer), even if it is bad/mediocre?

I'm not sure if it's the right place to ask such a question, redirect me if i'm wrong


I'm 21 years old male, i have no education yet besides school.

First time i attended nuclear thermophysics, but dropped out 8 months later , because it was mediocre university and i felt that nuclear thermophysics and power station job is not really for me (i had no problems with studying there).

Now my parents push me to attend to whatever university and learn whatever profession, no matter what because "it's too late and the time is ticking".

Now i want to attend to faculty of mechanics and mathematics / computational mathematics and cybernetics in one of the top universities in my country, not only just for a diploma, but for professors, community and other resources. And I feel that if I will be trying to study all the heavy stuff, starting side projects etc. in mediocre university in addition to it's must-have work (classes etc.), i will quickly burnout and lose another 3-10 years, and mediocre university itself will be waste of time.

Also i have some fears related to all of this: i fear that it's actually too late, that i've lost starting time and won't succeed in career or science or research etc. and because of this i'm not firmly convinced that other education/jobs field are not more suitable. Also my groupmates will be 18-19 years old, while i will be 21-22. Maybe these fears and thoughts are irrational and infantile, i don't know, but i'd appreciate if you give your advice/opinion on it.

What should i do?

Thanks in advance
And sorry for my English if it's bad, it's not my native language

Submitted July 01, 2020 at 12:10AM by Skeltal_in_Tophat

how can someone help third world country kids attend school?

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Submitted June 30, 2020 at 11:58PM by fulltimevampire

Summer School course (MHF4U)

I want to take MFH4U course during summer school in 24 days. Is this a good idea. Please advice.

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 10:43PM by FRS1111

@ManuelGilAnton : @pavker75a @marianamf84 Yo creo que sanitizar merece un lugar, estando ahí, con nosotros, hace siglos, sanear.

@ManuelGilAnton : @pavker75a @marianamf84 Yo creo que sanitizar merece un lugar, estando ahí, con nosotros, hace siglos, sanear. (via Twitter

Speech to text

I record all of my lectures on my ipad and then go back and listen and type out all of my notes but it is taking up the free time that i do have that i could be using for studying. Any speech to text apps or devices that anyone would recommend??

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 09:03PM by squidnee-09

@ManuelGilAnton : @marianamf84 Y ofertar en vez del precioso ofrecer! Y en su caso, poner en oferta... Bien por la pelea por la belleza del idioma!

@ManuelGilAnton : @marianamf84 Y ofertar en vez del precioso ofrecer! Y en su caso, poner en oferta... Bien por la pelea por la belleza del idioma! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : No vaya a ser!

@ManuelGilAnton : No vaya a ser! (via Twitter

What does it mean when a school says they don't accept "U.S undergraduate student loans"?

Does that mean they won't accept fafsa? The cost of the program is 50k and I definitely don't have that type of money laying around. What are my options? Do I need to finish an undergraduate major first and then fafsa would be able to help me or? are there other types of loans I could get?

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 06:46PM by Cowlicks2206

U.S. Supreme Court allows public money for religious schools in major ruling

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 02:07PM by Ephoenix6

Witnesses of the programmed obsolescence

Hello Redditors,

I'm a student from Catalonia, Spain and I'm working on an important research project. I want to know if you have witnessed an example of any type of programmed obsolescence. I appreciate anything you can contribute and if its useful I will ask you if I can use your example in my project.


Submitted June 30, 2020 at 01:42PM by Mapacheto

KWL chart is it B.S.?

My boss told me how all the studies conclude using this chart is beneficial to students memory, however all I remember is my teacher wasting my time.

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 01:07PM by antonimusprime888

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Este jueves 2 de julio a las 5 pm debatiremos sobre el Sindicalismo Magisterial en la 4T. Para debatir estaremos Julia Smith Coyoli, Liz Palma, Carlos Ornelas, @SergioDunstan , @EurixRole, Cristobal Esteban y @elErickJuarez. Facebook Live de @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Este jueves 2 de julio a las 5 pm debatiremos sobre el Sindicalismo Magisterial en la 4T. Para debatir estaremos Julia Smith Coyoli, Liz Palma, Carlos Ornelas, @SergioDunstan , @EurixRole, Cristobal Esteban y @elErickJuarez. Facebook Live de @EducacionFutura (via Twitter

Duolingo for science?

PhD chemist turned developer / data scientist here.

I've been thinking a lot about science education lately (for obvious reasons). I love the duolingo style of learning, and I'm curious if there exists such an app for the sciences.

I've used khan academy and a few other such apps, and there are certainly some great options out there. But I was absolutely horrible at sticking with foreign language learning prior to duolingo, so that style of app holds a special place in my heart for getting me more engaged in my Spanish learning.

I'm also open to hearing "That's a a stupid idea because XYZ".

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 11:24AM by thekannman

Has anyone taken the CPACE? What kind of preparation/materials did you work with? What was your experience?

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Submitted June 30, 2020 at 11:07AM by SweeptheKnee

Pursuing Higher Education

Hi All, I want to get opinions both personal and professional. Im on my path to earn my Bachelors in Information, Sciences, and Technology or IST I start this fall. Now I'm wondering, currently I'm a 25 year old IT professional in Pittsburgh, pursuing a Bachelors Degree while working full-time. I know some pursue getting a masters and doctorate, but I'm conflicted, in my line of work as an IT professional, is it worth getting anything past a Bachelors Degree?

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 08:13AM by RandomDude10006

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @GoliatBJ: En una acción cobarde golpea a una persona de la tercera edad Vamos a buscarlo ayúdenme por favor 💙🧡

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @GoliatBJ: En una acción cobarde golpea a una persona de la tercera edad Vamos a buscarlo ayúdenme por favor 💙🧡 (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Información clara, como cada día. Gracias de nuevo @mario_campa

@ManuelGilAnton : Información clara, como cada día. Gracias de nuevo @mario_campa (via Twitter

The New Normal: Adapting to Virtual Learning amidst COVID-19

MERU Virtual eSchool is a digital learning platform designed to offer interactive learning resources to liberate learners. The platform furnishes learners a unique opportunity to learn, albeit remotely.  

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 04:12AM by Lakshmitadipatri

175 questions & only 1.5 hr....Is that fair and enough time??

My professor is tripping yo! How can I finish a 175 questioned exam in 1hr and 30mins??? That only give me like 0.5s per question. There isn’t enough to think or even read the question...

Plus the grades are based on the class average.. I’m thinking the professor wants us to fail and ranked us on a curved....

Submitted June 30, 2020 at 03:34AM by heyhihello44

lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Asteroid Day LIVE: The international day of awareness and education about asteroids airs Tuesday, June 30th at 12:00 CEST

Happy Asteroid Day.

Asteroid Day LIVE airs Tuesday, June 30th at 12:00 CEST

The broadcast premiers with a one hour special ESA program, followed by Asteroid Day LIVE Digital from Luxembourg at 13:00.

Click here for full schedule or satellite instructions.

Join this celebration of asteroid science and exploration.

Click here to see the program.

Asteroid Day is a dynamic awareness and educational program to inspire  the world about asteroids –

  • their role in the formation of our solar system,

  • how we can use their resources,

  • how asteroids can pave the way for future exploration and

  • finally how we can protect our planet from asteroid impacts.

Asteroid Day events are held on 30 June each year to mark the anniversary of the 1908 Tunguska impact.

Asteroid Day events are largely independently organized around the world for people of all ages and are mostly free-of-charge.

Asteroid Day is a program run by the Asteroid Foundation, a Luxembourg nonprofit organization.

Asteroid Day was co-founded in 2014, by Dr. Brian May, astrophysicist and lead guitarist of QUEEN, together with Danica Remy, President of B612 Foundation, Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut, and filmmaker Grig Richters.

In 2016, the United Nations officially designated Asteroid Day as the international day of awareness and education about asteroids.

Together with the United Nations, space agencies, schools and universities Asteroid Day is organized by networks of supporters who host events worldwide on 30, June and any other day of the year that the independent groups determine.


Asteroid Foundation Mission

ESA astronaut Tim Peake talks about Asteroid Day.

*100x Asteroid Declaration: The 100x is an aspirational goal. Current asteroid survey projects are finding about 1500 asteroids per year that can come near the Earth. It is not likely that we will detect 100 times this number of asteroids per year with our current capabilities.

Happy Asteroid Day.

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 10:53PM by reddit007user

Motivating kids?

This question is for teachers, mentors, coaches etc.... For your students who have no interest in attending college, how do you continue to motivate them and encourage them to work hard in the classroom and strive for the best grades possible?

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 08:25PM by ignitionshot8682

@ManuelGilAnton : Hay que leerlo con mucha atención.

@ManuelGilAnton : Hay que leerlo con mucha atención. (via Twitter

Designing a better school/education system: How do you know if someone's needs are worth caring about?

I've recently begun interest in a framework for developing solutions to problems called Design Thinking. Essentially you follow approx 5 steps in non-linear order to design a solution for all the people involved in your product or process.

The first step is Empathize (and this will the the step that's relevant for this post), but I'm having difficulty understanding how to actually do this step. If someone claims to have a problem, how do you empathize with it even if you disagree or are not sure that it is a problem worth solving? If someone has a positive experience, how do you know if that positive experience is worth implementing in your design solution?

If many students say something like, "I wish I had all the time in the world to do my homework", how do you interpret that data? Supposing that you got this feedback from a survey about the school experience. We don't know for sure whether we should eliminate all due dates on homework even if many students claim to want it.

My solution to this problem is instead of taking people's feedback at face value, I break down people's feedback to create a palette of definitions that serve as a mental model for creating a solution. Taking the student survey example, we can make a list of words that have occurred frequently after surveying:

  • homework
  • time
  • student

No longer are we necessarily believing that students should be able to delay turning in homework indefinitely, but we do know that students care about these listed topics a lot and that our new schooling system should eliminate the problem of time, homework, and students, or if that's not possible, prioritize those points.

Do you have any suggestions on how to process survey feedback when looking for a new design for the school/education system? Note that I haven't even started doing any surveying and I'm ignoring that step for now.

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 06:07PM by SJ_the_changer

Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’ is Harmful Towards Constructive Conversations about Race in Schools

In the spirit of social justice during these divisive times, my building sent out an optional reading list for the staff. DiAngelo’s book was one of the titles listed. Because of its rising popularity and presence in plenty of racial dialogue, I considered it to be a potentially helpful read to shed light on some of the reasoning behind the political conflict we see erupting across the US. I was incorrect. Not only does this book gloss over essential issues of race relations in American history, it also seeks to generalize human history into some insidious binary that points the finger at white people to explain racism entirely. It’s absurd, counterproductive, and frightening.

It’s appalling to realize DiAngelo traces her roots to Education, for her book could not possibly pass any test of rigor as a unified body of academic work. Her argument obnoxiously relies on anecdotal evidence and baseless assertions, constructed so that the mere disagreement with any portion of her thesis further proves her claim that white people are the sole force driving racism. I feel like it’s necessary that I clarify I am not a white person, DiAngelo’s supposed audience. I am in fact biracial, an identity that is essentially (and conveniently) ignored in this book overall.

The overwhelming praise of this book makes me think that I’m going against the grain by saying this. DiAngelo suggests that “whites” are to look to people of color to verify the tenacity of their fight against racism, so if I at all qualify at a POC under her standards, is it valid for me to say that I don’t live a life oppressed by white people? Can I acknowledge ongoing issues with racial injustice while maintaining that we do not live underneath the umbrella of nation-wide white supremacy? There is an incredible amount of work to do to understand race within the setting of our society, let alone our schools. I simply suggest reading this book and calling out its damaging hypocrisy land somewhere on our to-do list.

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 02:51PM by seeleeburtee

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Este próximo jueves 2 de julio debatiremos sobre la revalorización docente. Para platicar tendremos a @RCampuzano , Sofía Gutiérrez Larios, @SergioDunstan , @AbelardoCarro , @proferoger85 y @elErickJuarez de @EducacionFutura . La cita es a las 12 horas por @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Este próximo jueves 2 de julio debatiremos sobre la revalorización docente. Para platicar tendremos a @RCampuzano , Sofía Gutiérrez Larios, @SergioDunstan , @AbelardoCarro , @proferoger85 y @elErickJuarez de @EducacionFutura . La cita es a las 12 horas por @EducacionFutura (via Twitter

Free Creative Writing Course!

Hi! I'm Ahmed El-Naas, a soon to be senior student studying in Qatar. I'm a fluent English speaker (I'm Canadian!), and I love to read, write, and teach! I've devoted myself to reading and writing short stories and novels ever since I was... 9?

Anyways, enough about me.

Creative writing is my favorite hobby (which i take very seriously), and I wish to help others get a taste of its wonder.

So, I created a free creative writing course on 'Canvas' that will hopefully start on the 5th of July!

New content is uploaded every week (every Monday). This allows you to plan your time in any way: you could finish the week's activities in one day, or segment them over many days. The course is flexible, so complete it in the way that suits you.

This course's content consists of various parts:

  • text pages talking about various aspects, with some explanations and examples.
  • activities (assignments) which allow you to practice and experience various tasks.

Anyone is welcome, whether you're new to creative writing or even a professional!

So if you're interested, send a private message to me that includes your email so that I can add you to the course!

Here is the course preview. (You can't sign up here.)

TLDR: Free creative writing course, which involves reading text pages, and writing assignments. Send me your email so that I can add you.

PS: If anyone wants a preview of my works:

Slowly, by Ahmed El-Naas

The Writer, by Ahmed El-Naas

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 10:29AM by RiftofDawn

Educative applications

Are there any good educative apps about plants for kids, and if so can you tell me some that are simple ?

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 10:33AM by whatduumean

@EducacionFutura : Educación Futura en radio. Escucha @OtraEducacionMx 97.3 fm. Conduce @elErickJuarez

@EducacionFutura : Educación Futura en radio. Escucha @OtraEducacionMx 97.3 fm. Conduce @elErickJuarez (via Twitter

New Mortarboard Podcast Listener Question Video

Podcast listeners ask: If most students are still going back to schools, why are schools so worried about finances? Although international enrollment will probably decline, and schools may not ultimately have students take in-person classes, Dr. Daniel Barwick addresses the elephant in the room: that much of what a student pays to a college isn't for education. Click here to watch!

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 07:27AM by Mortarboardpodcast

Is there a website/tool to find international scholarships?

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Submitted June 29, 2020 at 05:27AM by I_mInfinite

Interdisciplinary studies BA to counseling Master's.

My degree is in interdisciplinary studies, and I would like to become a counselor. Is this possible within 2-3 years? I've been out of school for 2 years, and I've let the grind of life halt my ambition to further my education. I never spoke with my counselor about the details, and what we did speak about is quite hazy. I appreciate any and all help.

Submitted June 29, 2020 at 01:46AM by MercyJerk

domingo, 28 de junio de 2020

Demand shifters of Gasoline

What are the biggest demand shifters of gasoline?

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 09:51PM by random-questions123

Online Camp Ideas

I am leading activities over Zoom for elementary aged children this summer. I am looking for ideas for social studies, STEM, art, no-bake and writing/reading projects to fill up an hour.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 08:10PM by syd-pry

What are your favorite commencement speeches?

I've seen a lot of commencement speeches. A lot of them are trite. Rehash the same thing. Follow your dreams. My life was a random series of events, and it worked with hard work and luck. Yada yada yada

But some just stick with me. Here are my personal favorites. What are yours?

David Foster Wallaces' Kenyon

  1. Jim Carrey's Maharishi
  2. Steve Jobs' Stanford
  3. Aaron Sorkin's Syracuse
  4. Charlie Day's Merrimack

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 04:31PM by SwamiRamayya

@EducacionFutura : El apoyo socioafectivo en el ámbito educativo por vía digital

@EducacionFutura : El apoyo socioafectivo en el ámbito educativo por vía digital (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Universidad Crítica / Un análisis de Pedro Flores Crespo

@EducacionFutura : Universidad Crítica / Un análisis de Pedro Flores Crespo (via Twitter

What is Bachelor of Arts in Communication?

I need to know more about Bachelor of Arts in Communication. What jobs can you take? What do you study in this course? What are your experience or thoughts about this course. What should I expect? Is it a good course to take? Tell me all your advice, opinions and stories.

Here's some background. I am 17 years old and I just finished senior highschool here in the Philippines. The main course I took in senior high was about computer programming. It was a hasty decision to study it because I was rushed and pressured to pick a course from a school with limited courses to pick from. (My family is not that rich to be able to afford other schools and some good affordable universities are really really far away from where I live so I have to stick with this crappy school nearby.) From the available three courses, I thought programming was the best choice because I am not interested with the other choices: business and culinary. But then, I was terrible at programming and I regret studying it for two years.

Now I have to apply for college but I don't know what course I should take. Because of the pandemic, I can only apply online to another branch of my previous school. I looked through their available courses and the only thing I considered was "Bachelor of Arts in Communication." Ofcourse, I read and searched about it. But I personally want to know more information from people with information and experience about this. I don't want to regret taking a course again.

Sadly, I don't have a passion. But I used to enjoy writing and drawing. Although I'm not very good at it, but most of my high grades from school are from art related stuff like drawing and writing activities. I also considered taking Arts and Design but people told me that I won't make money from it so I decided not to. I want to be practical about this. I want to have a financially career in the future. If you have any other recommendations, alternatives or advice, please tell me. I really don't know what to do. I feel so lost.

Thank you for your time.

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 11:05AM by chieminanami

Happiest College Majors

I've spent a bit of time trying to find out what college majors have led folks to being happier or more satisfied in life, but I've mostly found articles / lists with the majors that have the best return on investment. Is it simply that earning more will lead to a more comfortable and happier life?

I understand that happiness is subjective, but I'd be curious to hear your perspectives as well, especially with regards to a degree you hold!

(Sorry if this is a duplicate post; I can remove if so)

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 09:59AM by MTM_Rogue

Which university is very easy to apply and get into online? The course, place, the level of quality or attainment dosent matter, I just want to have a +1 in my number of accepted colleges.

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Submitted June 28, 2020 at 08:47AM by zekerosh

@ManuelGilAnton : Información serena. Se agradece.

@ManuelGilAnton : Información serena. Se agradece. (via Twitter

Does your school teach climate change?

I’m currently in the process of developing a nonprofit that aims to teach kids about climate change, especially in low income areas.

Through my article research, it seems that climate change is not on the curriculum for most schools, mainly in the US. The reason being is that it’s “political”, but the reality of it is that it’s science and really anything can be political.

So, please let me know, does your school system teach it? Do you have any critiques regarding this idea?

I’m not sure yet how I plan on approaching the teaching whether I will reach out to schools for a guest day or form a gathering at say a public library or the YMCA.

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 08:20AM by jdizzle59

@ManuelGilAnton : @HERZOHN Muchas gracias, se lo comunicaré al autor, el profesor @AbelardoCarro Saludos

@ManuelGilAnton : @HERZOHN Muchas gracias, se lo comunicaré al autor, el profesor @AbelardoCarro Saludos (via Twitter

What is the oldest thing at your school?

With low funding, schools get renovated once about every 50 years (if we are lucky). That means in every classroom, back room, storage closet, Etc there are a bunch of old things hidden away.

The high school I went to was around for almost 100 years. There were yearbook photos on the wall of the graduating class going all the way back to the 50s or 60s.

But I want to talk about the oldest thing you found. when I was in high school (2009), I found a pencil case, protractor set, and a yearbook from the 70s.

More recently, I found a storage room filled with IBM computers from the 80s (they were IBM 486's as far as I could tell).

What was the oldest thing you found at the school?

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 04:32AM by RichardATravels

What are some things I can do to guaranteed I can get a job as a teacher?

I heard that there's always a lot of competition when applying to be a teacher. (Los Angeles) I'm just a highschool graduate, what are some things I can do to stand out? Go to a UC? Have a high GPA? Get a masters?

Submitted June 28, 2020 at 12:51AM by trumpprogressive

sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : Abelardo nos comparte...

@ManuelGilAnton : Abelardo nos comparte... (via Twitter

US university presidents and chancellors, enough already.

It’s time to end the consensual hallucination between university leadership, parents, and students that in-person classes will resume in the fall. While the virus continues to rage, our classrooms are only as safe as our weakest links

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 06:52PM by eggmaker

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El aprendizaje en línea es más que una videoconferencia

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El aprendizaje en línea es más que una videoconferencia (via Twitter

Pursuing a Master's degree (postgraduates)?

So a year ago I got a bachelor's degree in aircraft engineering. Was dead set on a master's straight after but found a job, which I no longer have. I'm wanting opinions on whether a master's degree is worth it, and should I pursue it with this ongoing Covid19 Pandemic? I would probably choose to do a master's degree in something related planes/space engineering. I'm in the UK. I'm not sure whether I should float on this path or just keep looking for work.

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 04:11PM by planeoldsiraj

15 fun social distancing ways to say Hello

I’ve compiled 15 fun ways for kids to greet each other while social distancing. Let me know if anyone thinks of another one to add to the list:

15 Social Distancing Greetings Choices

here are the ones included in the list:

  1. Hello Bow

  2. Pirate Arr!

  3. Hand-in-Heart

  4. Telephone Hand (shaka)

  5. Peace Sign

  6. Vulcan Sign

  7. Astronaut Salute

  8. Air High-Five

  9. Air Fist bump

  10. Elbow Bump

  11. Jazz Hands!

  12. Namaste

  13. Smile

  14. Wave

  15. Sparkly Fingers

I designed a Greetings choices poster to go with it if anyone wants to use it in a classroom.

I hope this is useful for other teachers like myself👍

EDIT: Hello bow instead of Samurai bow to prevent misinterpretations of the term

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 02:59PM by boxofideas

Extended Diploma Question

I’m doing a course for a Level 3 Extended Diploma in General Engineering which is a 2 year course. If I only complete 1 year will I get a Level 3 Diploma in General Engineering? I don’t want the extended one anymore, Im about to finish my first year

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 03:07PM by WirelessBread

@EducacionFutura : El silencio democratizador del SNTE / El nuevo texto de Abelardo Carro Nava

@EducacionFutura : El silencio democratizador del SNTE / El nuevo texto de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

10 Principles to Higher Mathematical Learning

An illustrated, somewhat-controversial guide to scaling mathematical learning beyond institutional pedagogy:

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 01:58PM by miaumee

@EducacionFutura : Escuelas locales, efectos globales: Los retos de México hacia el cumplimiento del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4

@EducacionFutura : Escuelas locales, efectos globales: Los retos de México hacia el cumplimiento del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4 (via Twitter

College Student here: would any teachers/educators be willing to complete a survey about remote learning for me?

I'm currently working on a research project about the transition to remote learning for elementary/middle school students. If anyone can provide any input for the survey, that would be immensely appreciated! Most of the questions aren't required, so feel free to answer as much/as little as you want.

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 12:08PM by danish_guard

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Mucho éxito al camarada @flores_crespo con su nueva columna en El Universal Querétaro, titulada "Universidad Crítica." Siempre bienvenido, también, en @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: Mucho éxito al camarada @flores_crespo con su nueva columna en El Universal Querétaro, titulada "Universidad Crítica." Siempre bienvenido, también, en @EducacionFutura (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : 3.5% de aumento al salario, apoyo de $40 para material didáctico y $1.6 por hora, los «logros» del SNTE

@EducacionFutura : 3.5% de aumento al salario, apoyo de $40 para material didáctico y $1.6 por hora, los «logros» del SNTE (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Reflexiones de un educador en tiempos del coronavirus

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Reflexiones de un educador en tiempos del coronavirus (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Qué es el SIPINNA y cuál es su importancia? / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : ¿Qué es el SIPINNA y cuál es su importancia? / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Cuando estando cerca domina la distancia, y en la distancia se genera cercanía. ¿Paradoja? @Univ_Opinion El otro lado de la distancia a través de @El_Universal_Mx

@ManuelGilAnton : Cuando estando cerca domina la distancia, y en la distancia se genera cercanía. ¿Paradoja? @Univ_Opinion El otro lado de la distancia a través de @El_Universal_Mx (via Twitter

What education should i chose when learning is hard?

I don't know if this is the right place to post, if not let me know.

As the title suggests, I'm having a hard time learning new things. For the past few years I have been attending a vocational school/technical school. Learning something technical/vocatinal has been really hard for me. That involved electrical, programming etc. I'm not good at theory either, but at least I got good grades when I set my mind up to it. My alternatives are either working low wage without education, or to start another education programme. My question is, what education should i attend with my low skill set?

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 07:41AM by popcornandsweets

Looking for resources in all subjects similar to the "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy"

Anything that's a collation of resources and information, aside from Wikipedia, developed by credible agencies such as universities, or experts in a field.

another example is the old "Iron Chariots - Wiki" which has now been taken down, with all different logical arguments, for and against religion and complete breakdowns of each argument and related information.

Note, even if its unofficial and may not be something peer-reviewed etc, I'm still interested in seeing it. It may still be useful.

All help is appreciated.

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 06:19AM by ShuttrSydney

Rethinking American Education Systems in the face of American Refusal to Deal with Covid-19.

Many remote learning situations were more or less thrown together last year, and though schools are prepping better for that over summer, it has a bad taste to the general population.

I’d love to get input on what rethinking on site education could successfully looks like.

Classes sizes? Year round? Remote supplement? Standardized testing? Specials teachers? IEP? On staff subs? Rotate student population?

You can’t ask teachers to go risk death, perhaps mandatory retirement at 60?

Even if just a thought experiment - if the US leadership fails to control the virus and the population is just forced to live with it, what can/does a successful school in America look like?

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 01:52AM by Merthrandir

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

@EducacionFutura : Hugo Casanova Cardiel en conferencia organizada por Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO)

@EducacionFutura : Hugo Casanova Cardiel en conferencia organizada por Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO) (via Twitter

Where do I buy school books you can get in high school?

Social studies, history, math, etc.

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 09:48PM by subwayjack

@EducacionFutura : Francisco J. Múgica: el héroe educativo olvidado / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz

@EducacionFutura : Francisco J. Múgica: el héroe educativo olvidado / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz (via Twitter

Teachers who work at a district with an LMS

Which one do you use? Would you recommend it? What are the positive and negatives?

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 09:16PM by scrantonicity-dos

Can a student from an average background adapt to an elite school? (personal question)

Yesterday I got my admission letter to a prestigious high school (in Europe.) I was naturally overjoyed. This school could allow me to reach a whole new level and work in a demanding and therefore stimulating space. That is what I have always yearned for, as I felt my teacher were not pushing me towards the best of my abilities. I cannot regret my decision now, and I'm glad I have been accepted despite not being from an influential or powerful family (whose children make a consequential part of the student body.) However, even if my grades and achievements were deemed high enough for the school, it does not mean I will excel in it. I have read a lot about my future classmates and I fear most of them are far ahead of me in terms of knowledge, mastery of the methods and even standing in society. This will be my senior year of high school, a year which will shape my future studies, and I fear (even if it seems ridiculous) I will be the "stupidest" of my grade. For instance, I love Latin, and I want to study that language in the future. I thus work a lot, and dedicate a lot of my leisure time to this language (which is rewarding but also quite hard.) On the other hand, students of this school are known for their level in Latin. They have teachers who are influential scholars in those fields and might be able to speak, write verses and translate classical authors easily. This ought to be an amazing opportunity for me to learn, however I am nowhere near that level yet and the school is very competitive. I am ready to work a lot and let go of my free time, however so does (or is supposed to do) the average student of that school.

I though that seeking the help of educators here would help. How - according to you - can I quickly compete with the students who have been in this school for years? And, how can an "outsider" adapt to an "elite" school? Thank you very much, and excuse my English (which I am working on at the moment.)

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 07:42PM by PaienMystique

@EducacionFutura : La nueva normalidad será una situación con la que tendremos que vivir. Ahora, ¿tenemos que asumirla tal cual? ¿O cabe un margen de maniobra?

@EducacionFutura : La nueva normalidad será una situación con la que tendremos que vivir. Ahora, ¿tenemos que asumirla tal cual? ¿O cabe un margen de maniobra? (via Twitter

Is it possible to propose a STEM educational program to my former high school?

As I’m approaching the last year of my Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) degree, I’ve been thinking a lot about giving back to my high school as a way support my community back home. The high school I attended is fairly new (established around 2010) so alumni support is not really something I’m too familiar with and don’t know the extent to which I can propose ideas to a school.

Although I’m not sure teaching is the career route I want to take, I’m passionate about being able to help the youth of my community be more prepared for STEM in college (or just explore engineering fields) as I wish I was.

What would be the next steps for me after attaining my degree to be able to put my self in a position to propose this idea to the school? Sorry if it’s not that simple, I legitimately don’t know and am sizing up what I would need to do now. Thanks in advance!

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 05:37PM by OFO1018

@EducacionFutura : De la muerte del debate público / Un texto de Miguel Andrés Brenner

@EducacionFutura : De la muerte del debate público / Un texto de Miguel Andrés Brenner (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Morir en el magisterio poblano (Parte I) / Un análisis de Miguel Ángel Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : Morir en el magisterio poblano (Parte I) / Un análisis de Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (via Twitter

Unnecessary regurgitation

People are obligated to memorize a lot of information, for some stupid tests, forgetting it shortly after because it is information they won't need. Someone help.

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 02:56PM by ZutCracker385

What do the experts think of school vouchers?

Are there mixed opinions? There is this Brookings article that claims that vouchers lowered test scores drastically, but the funding for that voucher was about half per student that a public school would get. But I doubt that experts would look over this, so what exactly am I missing here?

Is there a way for school choice to be implemented without failing? If they do always fail, why is that?

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 11:39AM by bobthe360noscowper

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por invitarme, y allá nos vemos.

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por invitarme, y allá nos vemos. (via Twitter

Do y'all have a Discord server?

If so, would someone should me the link?

If not, would folks be interested in having one? An official Reddit Education Network Discord server could be an excellent community space for educators.

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 11:17AM by ZedHensleigh

@EducacionFutura : Al menos 800 mil estudiantes abandonarán estudios en el próximo ciclo escolar

@EducacionFutura : Al menos 800 mil estudiantes abandonarán estudios en el próximo ciclo escolar (via Twitter

Confirmation bias in the digital age of information

Our education system has been slow to adapt to technology and its influence on how people consume information.

Social media and behavior-based recommendation algorithms create echo chambers and encourage narrow-minded thinking via confirmation bias. This is cancerous to society.

We should encourage a more scientific approach that seeks to challenge and falsify our beliefs, values, and information in general - not merely confirm them.

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 09:56AM by Dano216

Major Cities Wrestle With Proposals to End School Policing

School boards across the U.S. are considering proposals to get rid of school resource officers (SROs), police officers assigned to patrol public schools.

San Francisco became the largest school district so far to move toward defunding its SRO program yesterday, as the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution to end its memorandum of understanding with the San Francisco Police Department. Across the bay, the Oakland school board also voted unanimously yesterday to eliminate the district's police department and shift its $2.5 million budget to student support services. Minneapolis, Portland, Denver, Seattle, and Charlottesville have also ended or suspended relationships with local police departments in recent weeks.

Link to Full Article

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 09:19AM by punkthesystem

Questions for educators

I have some general questions for all you educators out there. To preface this I have gotten into politics heavily recently, and I was interested in how teachers feel about their job in general.

So what got you into teaching and at what level(grade) and area(like state/country)? What do you still enjoy about it? What major flaws do you see in the system for education and what might help alleviate those problems? Do your classes have more of a free form feeling or a more rigid class structure? Lastly, standardized testing are we doing too much of it, or are we not doing enough? Are you seeing any adverse effects because of it?

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 09:22AM by LCSpartan

Free Virtual SAT tutoring prep in July / August

Hi everyone, I just started a Free SAT tutoring program for students who are struggling to find help during the lockdown. If you are interested or have a question check us out at

All prep will be administered using video-conferencing solutions, and we will provide you with a tailored studying plan (based on your strength's/weaknesses).

Submitted June 26, 2020 at 01:51AM by Jonahlevine15

jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Mathematic talent is closely linked to Autism. This data should be exploited to determine carreer choice.

Mathematical ability is closely linked to autism (1). The prevalence of scientists with autism disorder is also disproportionally high.

This is data that is not used to determine career choice.

It is the most concrete and most robust data we have to predict success in higher education. This data should be exploited to its fullest to determine who will succeed in science and who will succeed in other fields.

(1) Mathematical Talent Is Linked to Autism (Cambridge University, Department of Psychiatry)

A total of 378 mathematics undergraduates (selected for being strong at "systemizing") and 414 students in other (control) disciplines at Cambridge University were surveyed with two questions: (1) Do you have a diagnosed autism spectrum condition? (2) How many relatives in your immediate family have a diagnosed autism spectrum condition? Results showed seven cases of autism in the math group (or 1.85%) vs one case of autism in the control group (or 0.24%), a ninefold difference that is significant. Controlling for sex and general population sampling, this represents a three- to sevenfold increase for autism spectrum conditions among the mathematicians. There were 7 of 1,405 (or 0.5%) cases of autism in the immediate families of the math group vs 2 of 1,669 (or 0.1%) cases in the immediate families of the control group, which again is a significant difference. These results confirm a link between autism and systemizing, and they suggest this link is genetic given the association between autism and first-degree relatives of mathematicians.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 11:37PM by Alarming_Ad9023

Schooling equivalents?


When i lurk around some of the science subs and check the posts related to schooling, whether it is about the cost, the length, or if it is worth it, i always end up being lost trying to understand how their posts would translate to mine since it seems the levels i am accustomed to are very different to what i see here (not from the US). Is there some tool out there to find where X amount of schoing in X country would equate to if you were to compare it to Y country?

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 10:33PM by Tilph

Worried about future options for my career (university)

(Sorry if anything gets confusing this is my first real reddit post)

I (17 m) live in a small town (UK) with a fairly low standard of education as most people just end up doing manual labour for a living.

I’m really trying to do well for myself and go on to university but I get very little help or information from teachers at my college.

A lot of learning resources get put into an A-level college building in my town. However there are very little learning resources in my building which specialises in things like: engineering, welding, robotics and other industrial related professions

(I chose electrical and mechanical engineering (mechatronics) level 3 BTEC for my course)

I’m just going on to my second year now and the teachers did things such as giving us the answers for coursework so we get full marks and things such as that in the first year.

Some of my friends in A-levels are already applying for university courses and I haven’t heard a word about it from my tutors. So I messaged them asking about it only to receive very vague information like even they don’t know what’s happening

I’m really worried I’m going to end up failing my course because of things like this and not be able to get into a university. It means a lot to my parents that I do well and I think they would be very disappointed

I’m basically just wondering what I can do to give me the best chances of having a successful future.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 07:39PM by JT20020

@EducacionFutura : RT @OtraEducacionMx: La Otra educación 97.3 fm. Las Noticias educativas más importantes al momento. Conduce Erick Juárez Pineda Emisión del 22 de junio de 2020

@EducacionFutura : RT @OtraEducacionMx: La Otra educación 97.3 fm. Las Noticias educativas más importantes al momento. Conduce Erick Juárez Pineda Emisión del 22 de junio de 2020 (via Twitter

Free way to check for plagiarism?

I had an assignment where we were to create a grid of information. The example didn’t cite within each box, just at the end, so I did the same.

Today I found out we are expected to cite inside of each box. I have 12 pages of boxes and about 7 sources (cited in my references).

Is there a way I can run my project through a plagiarism checker so I can see where I should cite my paper properly?


Submitted June 25, 2020 at 05:09PM by mirrorwonderland

DeVos issues new rule ordering more coronavirus relief to private schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has issued a new rule requiring public schools to share more coronavirus relief funds with private schools than federal law currently mandates. Opponents say the change "diverts valuable resources intended for low-income students to serve private school students, regardless of wealth.”

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 03:46PM by hunter_mark

Question for parents who want their kid back in traditional schooling ?

All these parents who are begging for their child to go back to school in person cause you have to work, how on earth do you handle it during summer vacation, Christmas, and before they were 5? What exactly would you do if all teachers up and quit the profession, especially when kids won't wear masks or socially distance because you told them to tell their teacher that "their mama said I don't have to wear a mask if I don't want to"??? People act like they haven't had their kid anywhere but in a school building their whole life watching them... We are educators who should be allowed to teach and develop curriculum and lessons.. not daycare systems or behavioral correctional facilities. This needs to change. Someone else needs to be getting paid to deal with the behavioral problems you've been condoning so that we can actually educate and teach. You want us to be in person to explain, but for your information, this entire time when we have been in person to explain, they want to tune us out, talk to their friends, and be on their phone, just like they do to you at family dinners. Are you going to allow that to keep happening? Or are you going to have a talk with your kid before they go back to school this year??? Cause if you want me to educate and put me and my husband's life on the line, I'd like to... you know.. educate for once this time around like my degree says that's what my job is for ??? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 03:28PM by blueyellowred3838

Does Higher Education Pay Off?

Considering the ⏱️opportunity cost, as well as the 💵 actual cost, of attending classes in hopes of a better future 📊, does higher education actually pay off? Is college worth it? A ✏️ Meta Analysis triennially released by the college board, titled "Education Pays", explores correlates of educational attainment. I have always found these correlates fascinating and explore them in this youtube video I made. Check it out and leave some feedback!

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 02:44PM by Brenden_Diaz

Transitioning from K-8 to High School

I always thought of myself as a high school teacher. For the past ten years, I have taught 7th and 8th grade and enjoyed it a lot. However, I still feel as though I'd like to end up in a high school. I also feel that it's time to move on from my current school if the right opportunity presents itself. Therefore, I've been applying to K-8 schools as well as high schools. I am applying for both administrative jobs (K-8 and high school) and teaching jobs (high school only).

I am on to the second round of interviews to be an assistant principal at a K-8 school, and it sounds like there are only a few candidates remaining.

I am wondering:

  • If I do get offered the job, is this an appropriate move if I ultimately want to work in a high school? (It doesn't have to be right now, obviously, but someday)
  • Am I better off staying where I am until a high school starts showing me more interest?

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 01:50PM by chicagoavocado

Open discussion on Pedagogy of the Oppressed from Paulo Freire starting at 6pm CDT/11pm UTC 06/25/20.

Today the r/TheChessBoardDiscord is hosting an open discussion on the first chapter of Pedagogy of the Oppressed written by Paulo Freire; here is the pdf of the book. Our host will read the first chapter and cover the topics of humanization and dehumanization, the task of oppressed people in the struggle for liberation, sub-oppression and adhesion, fear of freedom, and prescription, along with a few other key points regarding pedagogy. After the chapter has been read members will have the floor to ask questions, offer perspective, and personal insight on the subject. This event will be held at 6pm CDT on our discord server.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 12:51PM by VexxingCat

TEA / Education Explanation

This may be misplaced, but I feel that a large part of the education system that needs overhaul is similar to local and state government. Mainly, there are roles and jobs (which few lay workers understand) that are filled with people who don't have students and education systems in mind.

Does anyone have a working knowledge as what job placements are responsible for what? Surely the Superintendent of a district is not where all the power lies. What are the steps between Betsy DeVoss and my local superintendent? Or principal?

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 11:12AM by Pope_Knapp

Effective teaching

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 10:58AM by isene

Tutoring works

Relevance to policy: British education policy to hire tutors.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 10:56AM by koavf

Speech to text programs for online study

So due to the current situation around the world and Universities and schools moving to an online format I have discovered the use of text to speech programs for my online study.Do you have alot reading to do? Simply put it into a text to speech programs and sit back and relax.It really makes it alot easier to digest all this information.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 09:52AM by ImmortalTurnip

@ManuelGilAnton : Se aprende, se aprende de El Profe Rogelio... @proferoger85

@ManuelGilAnton : Se aprende, se aprende de El Profe Rogelio... @proferoger85 (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Siempre se aprende del trabajo de El Profe Rogelio. Aquí otra muestra. El Profe Rogelio: Francisco J. Múgica: el héroe educativo olvidado.

@ManuelGilAnton : Siempre se aprende del trabajo de El Profe Rogelio. Aquí otra muestra. El Profe Rogelio: Francisco J. Múgica: el héroe educativo olvidado. (via Twitter

स्टेज डेरिंग कैसे बढाये?

Needful education मे आपका स्वागत हैं, आज मै आपको स्टेज डेरिंग कैसे बढाये? इसके बारे मे डिटेल बतानेवाला हू बस आपको पोस्ट अंततक पढना होगा ताकी आपको पूरा समज मे आये l बीच मे बिलकुल स्किप मत किजीयेगा आज टाईम मे किसी को स्टेज डेरिंग होना बहुत जरुरी हैं l

बहुत सारे लोग ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें स्टेज डेरिंग कैसे बढाये? का नाम सुनतेही थोडा बहुत डर लगता हैं l ऐसे बिलकुल नही ये हुशार नही होते, लेकिन इन्होने कभी इसके बारे सोचा ही नही एक दिन इसका आता हैं l ये लोग दिखावा करते हैं यानि यह दिखानेका कोशिश करते हैं हमे भी ये काम आता हैं, लेकिन ऐसा बिलकुल नही हैं

हमे जैसा लगता हैं ऐसा बिलकुल नही हैं स्टेज पे जानेके पहिले हमे इसकी रियाज करना होता हैं l ऐसा देखा जाए तो कोई भी काम रियाज के बिना असफल ही होते हैं l लेकिन जब स्टेज डेरिंग की बात हो हमे रियाज करना ही होता हैं lस्टेज डेरिंग कैसे बढाये? :इजी अँड बेस्ट तरिका.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 03:41AM by suresh63

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Masters in Education: Educational Equity?

Hello. I was wondering if someone could explain what an M.E. in Educational Equity is and how does it progress a teacher's career?

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 07:06PM by jeremiahwat

Pathways to Admin

I will finish my BA in Sociology in December. Recently, I've decided that I would like to pursue some kind of career in education. I'm considering pursuing a Masters of Education in School Counseling. I was wondering if it's possible to eventually advance into administration without having first been a teacher.

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 05:54PM by hykski

What are your opinions of selecting apps for kids 8-14?

With schools closed, parents turn to mobile kids apps to engage their kids in learning. As a kids' app developer, we want to know how we can help. We are doing marketing research to learn how parents select kids’ mobile apps. If you have kids or grandkids age 8-14 and buy educational apps for them, we want to talk with you!

We value your time and help, so please fill out our survey to see if you qualify for our research. 😊

We hope you will allow us to learn more about parents and kids, so we can keep improving! By filling out the survey we can learn more about how educational apps can be improved for kids if you do use them at all:

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 05:08PM by MeltingIce_SS

Free Education Equity Conference Streaming Live

I'm currently watching the 3rd Annual Summer Institute for Education Equity and Justice, which is streaming live, for free due to COVID. All sessions from the week are currently viewable on youtube.

The speakers so far have been FANTASTIC, and I highly recommend joining in if you are interested in critical pedagogy, social justice education, or just helping yourself along your own growth as an anti-racist ally or accomplice.

I would love to see some conversation going about these sessions in the comments section!

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 10:28AM by mousedisease

A Guide to Choose Right MDM for Education (MDM for K-12)

Digital transformation of classrooms has been on the rise in the last decade but in this COVID-19 situation, it has increased tenfold. The upsurge in the use of mobile devices in day to day lives made mobile adoption in classrooms easier. Deploying technology in classrooms has also been incremental in filling the digital divide, making education more accessible and enabling remote learning. With the ever-increasing student population, embracing ed-tech and digital devices to make learning and teaching easier is a choice of schools and educational institutes not just in developed countries but also in developing countries.

But simply procuring and deploying devices for education is not enough. In order to ensure that the devices are used optimally for education, help to curb the low-attention span of students while ensuring no distractions or security threats to students, an MDM solution is imperative. When schools and educational institutions hunt for an MDM solution, they are overwhelmed with the options available and choosing the right MDM tool for K-12 education becomes a tough decision. Remote provisioning, enabling educational resources, eliminating distractions via entertainment apps, remote support and troubleshooting and support for student-owned devices are must-have features of any MDM for K-12.

Top 5 points to consider when looking for an MDM for K-121. An MDM solution is tailor-made for your needs -

  • The chosen MDM for K-12 needs to have all the precursors of an MDM where you (the school) get to control the device provisioning, configure the apps to be made available on the devices, enable access control and ensure data privacy and security. 
  • Choose the MDM that offers a comprehensive solution set for all your specific needs, be it diverse device types, ownership types and management modes.
  • Ensure to pick an MDM solution for education that is platform-agnostic since you while currently, you might be using only one OS/device type in your schools but you might later want to change that and your MDM, in this case, should support your move.
  • It is also important to note that several MDM for K-12 might be overloaded with features that you don’t need and never end up using, yet you pay for. Hence, choosing an MDM solution that is cost-effective, where you get everything you need and just that can do the trick.
  1. Available on the cloud -
  • There is an on-going debate about whether to choose an on-premise solution or a cloud-based MDM solution for K-12. You need to weigh the pros and cons against each other and make the choice, but it is important to understand that the on-premise solutions are complex to implement and require technical expertise which a school or an educational institution might not be willing to invest in.
  • Cloud-based solutions are easy to implement, need minimal IT support and a great option if your operations need to be remote since these solutions are accessible via a web-based dashboard.
  1. One that doesn’t make your IT teams sweat -
  • Opting for a tool that has a short learning curve, can be easily dealt with minimum IT help and basically puts the device management on auto-pilot is the one you should choose for.
  1. Has group-level management -
  • In the classroom or learning environment, everything happens in the groups. K-12 classes itself are grouped together based on the student age or subjects they’ve opted for. Individually provisioning devices, sharing educational material and updates is obviously not the right choice here. 
  • Go for an MDM solution that has enhanced group settings that enables you to quickly apply settings for an entire class, where you can create subgroups within the groups based on subjects/lessons picked and achieve a lot more in less time.
  1. Comes with a great support team -
  • Learning is critical and imperative, no matter what happens and then if there are any roadblocks in the device management, especially when the students are learning from home, the MDM solution provider should be easy to reach out to, should have a great support team that’s always available to resolve queries and implementation experts that suggest the best solution to go about device management in schools.
  • Choosing the right solution for K-12 mobility management is an important decision, use these pointers to make the optimal choice and pave the way for streamlined, unhindered education within the classrooms and beyond.

Source - How to Pick the Right MDM for Education

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 09:28AM by nancybatespro

What is not culturally relevant teaching


I recently went on an interview for a middle school teaching position. The school is diverse, so it was understandable that a question was on Culturally Relevant Teaching. I was asked, “How would you make a specific math lesson culturally relevant?”

My Response

I will admit, I am no expert on CRT (Culturally Relevant Teaching). However, I read more about it after the intervew. My response to the question was, “To make a lesson culturally relevant, it depends on the relationship you have with the students. I will see and hear all of my students. I will be aware of their differing experiences with society up to this point and beyond this point of their lives. My students will know that I care about their well-being.” I know that this is not exactly CRT, but it is a large part of it.


I was cut off by the admin interviewing me, “Yes, we know all teachers care about their students. How are you going to change this lesson to be culturally relevant though?” I was taken back by the admin’s response; I wish I had addressed my concerns in the moment. It felt as though they wanted me to say, “I would talk about basketball.” My hope is that is not the case. As a side note; no, not all teachers care about students.

My New Response

My new response was, “No matter the lesson, I will do my best to capture all their attention. For example, in the quadratics unit, I  discuss rocket launches with videos/demos and have a 3-person water-balloon launcher for review. Vocabulary is reviewed and data is collected to determine how high the balloon went. Topics like these are picked, because no matter the student, everyone is excited about space and likes water balloons.” They nodded and said thank you, we moved onto the next question. I know that what I said is not CRT, I have no idea what they thought, and I wish I had asked. My response was on how to engage students in learning. I made no notion of the differences in my students’ life-experiences and what school means to them or how they see school. I treated them all the same.

What is CRT?

Previously, I mention I did some reading after the interview. Below is the most helpful article that was found.

Yes, But How Do We Do it?” By Gloria Ladson-Billings. She is seen as the person who coined the term “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.”

Quotes I Enjoyed

“The first problem teachers confront is believing that successful teaching for poor students of color is primarily about “What to do”. Instead, the problem is rooted in how we think about the social contexts about the students, about the curriculum, and about the instruction.”

“Eventually, the preservice teachers began to see multicultural education and teaching for social justice as less a thing and more an ethical position they need to take in order to ensure that students are getting the education to which they are entitled.”

“Practice culturally relevant pedagogy is one of the ways of being that will inform ways of doing.”

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 08:37AM by mattsnotes

How to conquer the low GPA score to hunt for the Master's degree in Mathematics


I've a B.Sc . in Mathematics from the Faculty of Science since 2004 (With a concentration in Maths). Nowadays, I'm facing big challenges regarding my ability to join many teaching jobs in reputable schools because they started to prefer those with a Master's degree. Unfortunately, I have a low GPA in my B.Sc. degree which doesn't allow vast majority of universities to accept my application so what are my options to remedy this situation, to prove that I'm capable for a Master's degree?

P.S. My low GPA was mostly due to other other emotional factors back in the days & that didn't have any impact on my ability to benefit thousands of students throughout my career so far & I've all the motivation, time, & money to hunt for the Master's degree for the main purpose of securing an adjunct teaching position in any university/college rather than teaching again in schools.

Submitted June 24, 2020 at 08:05AM by gaby7

martes, 23 de junio de 2020

I am so passionate about education, learning and research!

For as long as I can remember, research and education were two of my passions in life, the process of learning a complex matter and simplfying the picture to an audience was my favourite thing to do.

As I grew a bit older and learned a bit more, I wanted to meddle with the school system, I always thought we could do better, I am enamored with the Scandinavian educational system, time has definitely proved its efficiency.

After finishing my masters in strategic management, I unfortunately ended up climbing the corporate ladder, jumping from a country to another during my 20s, I did learn a ton though, but I am nowhere qualified or experienced in education, I am starting my 30s now, and I desperately want to achieve my childhood dream.

Do you have any advice on how to get a job in a university?! Then segue to something that has to do with educational strategies?!

Those are my nightly reflections!

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 11:37PM by Jizagh

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @lhan55: Entrevista de Luis Hernández Navarro al Profr. Pedro Hernández Morales, Secretario General de la Sección 9 Democrática SNTE-CNTE, con el tema: *¿Aprende en casa?* Contracorriente de @RompevientoTV ⁦@seccion9cnte⁩ 23 junio 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @lhan55: Entrevista de Luis Hernández Navarro al Profr. Pedro Hernández Morales, Secretario General de la Sección 9 Democrática SNTE-CNTE, con el tema: *¿Aprende en casa?* Contracorriente de @RompevientoTV ⁦@seccion9cnte⁩ 23 junio 2020 (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @carlosglez21 @MejoreduMX Gracias, Carlos. La revisaré.

@ManuelGilAnton : @carlosglez21 @MejoreduMX Gracias, Carlos. La revisaré. (via Twitter


Today the school decided to shut down all regional alumni clubs around the world starting on July 1st.

For the 50% of USC alums who don't live in LA this is a huge slap in the face and will hurt the value of our degree. I served on the board of the Austin Club and saw first hand what a service this was to alumni and prospective students. I am stunned by this decision by our administration.

If you've benefited from these local volunteer run organizations I'd ask that you also email President Carol Folt to ask her to review USCAA's plans.


Submitted June 23, 2020 at 11:09PM by Single_Needles

Is now the time to move our children to formalized online education?

Like many parents around the globe, the 2019/2020 school year ended with the last few months as in-home school. Our household had a few bumps through the transition. We were largely on our own to navigate through the transition. We fared well all things considered. That being said, I am clearly not a teacher and I do not want to repeat the end of last school at the start this fall.

I won't get into a diatribe but our school and respective district fell very short. They were directionless. They had no clearly mandated path through it. At this point, I have not learned anything to tell me they'll be better positioned in 8 weeks.

I have learned of a for profit, public, online charter school offered in our state. Online, remote learning is their business. Their struggle is figuring out how to replace the face-to-face interactions historically offered with their program.

I'm still researching it. However, my instincts tell me that remote, digital learning is our future. The pandemic is necessitating it but I still see many benefits outside of this period. It is our future.

Thoughts? Is now the time if so?

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 07:52PM by toddnagle

Where can I find resources to learn about "Real Life" - aka the stuff they don't teach you in school?

If I'm looking to learn how to be a better post-college grad, and learn more about taxes, relationships, finances, owning a home, etc. are there any good places to go do that?

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 06:38PM by Pbfreak422

@ManuelGilAnton : Escuelas de México de acuerdo a su instalaciones para LAVARSE LAS MANOS. Cortesía de @carlosglez21

@ManuelGilAnton : Escuelas de México de acuerdo a su instalaciones para LAVARSE LAS MANOS. Cortesía de @carlosglez21 (via Twitter

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis

If you were given a chance to change education system, what would you want to do

No text found

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 05:26PM by ImnotEinstein019

वेबसाईट स्पीड कैसे बढाये?

Education is everything ब्लॉग वेबसाईट मे आपका स्वागत हैं, आज मै आपको इस पोस्ट मे अपने वेबसाईट का स्पीड कैसे बढाईये इसके बारे मे बताने वाला हू l बस आपको एक काम करना होगा, पोस्ट को आप अंत तक पढे ताकी आपको बराबर समजमे आये l अगर बीच मे छोड दिये तो आपका मेहनत बेकार हो जाएगा l

चालिए बिना समय गवाते सीधा टॉपिक पर आता हू, अगर आपने ब्लॉग बनाया हैं तो आपको ब्लॉग के बारे पूरा समजना होगा l अगर आप सिरीयसली ब्लॉगिंग करना चाहते हो तो, ब्लॉगिंग ऐसा काम हैं जिसमे ब्लॉगर को बहुत सारे प्रॉब्लेमस आते हैं l ब्लॉगर पहिले ऐसे सोचते हैं यह काम बहुत आसान हैं, लेकिन असल उतना आसान नही जितने पहिले सोचते हैं l

नया ब्लॉगर इस फिल्ड सक्सेस होने के लिए समय लगता हैं थोडा वेट करीए पाच छह पोस्ट लिखनके बाद ये कभी मत सोचना की अपने ब्लॉग पोस्ट google मे क्यू नही दिखता ऐसा google मे दिखनेके लिए ब्लॉगर बहुत कुछ करना पढता हैं, जैसे की अच्छी तरीकेसे S.E.O करना, सोसिअल मीडिया फेसबुक, ट्विटर, व्हाट्सअप और reddit आदी मे अपने पोस्ट को शेयर करना इससे अपने पोस्ट google रँक करनेकी चांसेस बढ जाती हैं l

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 04:20PM by suresh63

वेबसाईट स्पीड कैसे बढाये?

Education is everything ब्लॉग वेबसाईट मे आपका स्वागत हैं, आज मै आपको इस पोस्ट मे अपने वेबसाईट का स्पीड कैसे बढाईये इसके बारे मे बताने वाला हू l बस आपको एक काम करना होगा, पोस्ट को आप अंत तक पढे ताकी आपको बराबर समजमे आये l अगर बीच मे छोड दिये तो आपका मेहनत बेकार हो जाएगा l

चालिए बिना समय गवाते सीधा टॉपिक पर आता हू, अगर आपने ब्लॉग बनाया हैं तो आपको ब्लॉग के बारे पूरा समजना होगा l अगर आप सिरीयसली ब्लॉगिंग करना चाहते हो तो, ब्लॉगिंग ऐसा काम हैं जिसमे ब्लॉगर को बहुत सारे प्रॉब्लेमस आते हैं l ब्लॉगर पहिले ऐसे सोचते हैं यह काम बहुत आसान हैं, लेकिन असल उतना आसान नही जितने पहिले सोचते हैं l

नया ब्लॉगर इस फिल्ड सक्सेस होने के लिए समय लगता हैं थोडा वेट करीए पाच छह पोस्ट लिखनके बाद ये कभी मत सोचना की अपने ब्लॉग पोस्ट google मे क्यू नही दिखता ऐसा google मे दिखनेके लिए ब्लॉगर बहुत कुछ करना पढता हैं, जैसे की अच्छी तरीकेसे S.E.O करना, सोसिअल मीडिया फेसबुक, ट्विटर, व्हाट्सअप और reddit आदी मे अपने पोस्ट को शेयर करना इससे अपने पोस्ट google रँक करनेकी चांसेस बढ जाती हैं l

वेबसाईट का स्पीड कैसे बढाये?

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 04:21PM by suresh63

Best Practices For Identifying Student Poverty

Summary: There are 41 states that allocate additional resources to school districts for economically disadvantaged students to account for the unique challenges and difficulties they face. Across the board, states have struggled with correctly identifying, or at least estimating, the prevalence of student poverty within a school.

While eligibility for the federal government’s National School Lunch (NSL) program remains the most widely-used measure, it suffers from a number of issues that reduce its effectiveness in identifying the concentration of poverty.

States are thus increasingly moving towards alternative metrics or using NSL-eligibility in tandem with other criteria to more effectively allocate poverty funding. This commentary examines those approaches, their unique merits and caveats, and their implications for equitable public education funding.

Link: Best Practices For Identifying Student Poverty

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 03:51PM by punkthesystem

@ManuelGilAnton : Órale!

@ManuelGilAnton : Órale! (via Twitter

Looking to create software for schools and the whole education system


My name is Shaun Moore, I've a software developer living in the UK.

I'm looking to make some software based on a whole life at school please if you could read the features below and I'd love to hear feedback by the people who would like to use this!

Many thanks for your time

Overview: OAFS’ will be an all-in-one system for schools to use, our team will go to every single school and help set-up also we will be on 24/7 callout. This is because the safety and security of the children, teachers and our systems are paramount.

This software will be created with the intention that the school only needs to pay for this monthly/one-off and not pay for any other service as we hope to incorporate everything. This will also be done by collecting data on what schools need and when one school needs it, all schools will get it.

OAFS’ will be designed from the ground up working with the DfE (Department for Education) this is so we have all the security concerns in mind when creating this product as student data will have to be strict control. This means anyone we hire there will be an extensive background check and very limited access to data. Data and the web services will be kept remotely, the database will be kept with a host that is very secure, in one place to not risk multiple exploits. The websites will be kept in multiple to ensure they do not have any downtime.

The design will be simple as, so it is easy for the teachers/students to navigate and not spend time learning, it will be role managed so students cannot manage timetables and teachers cannot submit homework. This will be controlled by an admin role and this will be given to the headmaster and who they see fit needs it.


Schedule system:

Student: Students will see their timetables, homework assigned and stats about their attendance. Assignment submission for students to submit online

Teacher: Teachers will be able to set timetables & homework assigned. They can also upload the latest lesson so students can see their past lessons with notes.

Parents: Parents can see their child(ren)’s timetable and keep a close eye on how they are doing at school and what they can do at home.

Virtual Classes: Virtual classes would simply be a built in extension of the system where, if a student couldn’t make it due to being sick or off school, or like we’ve had the pandemic the teacher can display the presentation and voice over the virtual classroom.

Online Collection: This could be for school trips and even dinner services, I would like to possibly partner with a leading EPOS(Electronic point of sales) system that has known success rates in EPOS to provide an EPOS system to the school then the students can pay in cash, card or even an issued card from OAFS that the parents can top-up. The parents can also pre-pay online so the student can always eat.

Live chat with friends & teachers: This feature would let the parents & children talk to the teacher in a supervised manner. This would be very helpful if the student is stuck with some piece of homework or has some questions. This would all be supervised, recorded and a transcript will be sent to both the parent & headteacher.

CV Creator: The main feature we would like to add (relies on lots of schools) we would like or offer automatic CV creation, this would factor in ALL feedback from teachers & would incorporate the tests and results submitted, we would use AI(Artificial intelligence) to automatically write a CV and send the students job/college/university opportunities they might be interested in.

Register: This will sign students into every lesson

File manager: The students & teachers will have an area to submit helpful material to support each other.

Online tests: Online tests, the teacher can create or copy these, and they will be auto marked at the end adding to the profile of the student.

Online Report cards: These will be created by the teachers about the students and vice versa for the students to grade their teacher.

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 01:45PM by prawn185

New Chrome Extension Lets You Get a Degree from Youtube

I’m excited to announce the launch of Prodeus, a free chrome extension that cleverly tracks the time you spend watching educational videos on Youtube so that you can earn a digital degree no matter your financial situation. I built Prodeus because I believe that everyone regardless of wealth, status or nationality deserves equal access to higher education, as it’s the single most important factor in upward social mobility. In these past few years we’ve seen a dramatic rise in remote learning as universities continually raise their prices or close their doors from COVID.

📃 How it works

  1. Add the extension to your Chrome browser

  2. Connect classes from Youtube📺 to the Prodeus library, including the category and difficulty of the class.

  3. Prodeus tracks your time spent watching classes and accrues your hours categorically, allowing you to earn degrees in Art & Design, Computer Science, or Business.

  4. As you accrue more hours, you build up your expertise and level up your ProDegree.

🎓 What’s a ProDegree?

ProDegrees mirror traditional university degrees. For instance a Bachelors degree requires 3600 class hours, whereas the reflective ProDegree ‘Master’ requires 2000 class hours. In this first release of our platform we focus on time watched as an indicator of effort.

We plan on adding more functionality to future releases that will bring more ways to showcase and validate learning, to offer deeper insights into a learner’s educational journey.

📚 Learner-Led Education

Studies show that learner-led education yields the best outcomes for students. Prodeus helps you measure your self-education process in a Montessori-style approach, letting you decide what and when to learn. You can choose each individual class you take or you can follow curated pathways from user-generated Courses, collections of classes that can take users on a complete journey through a particular topic, skill or an entire field. As users try and accrue large quantities of time they will be confronted with diverse and unique viewpoints and learn various ways to attack any one skill or task.

🚨 Quality Control

All of the classes on Prodeus require peer reviews which ends up determining the eligibility of that class to provide credit to students. If classes earn below a 3.5 star rating they will not be eligible toprovide credit.

to learn more go visit the Prodeus website at

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 12:38PM by jamesdharr

Quote #3 from My Spiritual Journey (The Dalai Lama)

"True compassion does not stem from the pleasure of feeling close to one person or another, but from the conviction that other people are just like me and want not to suffer but to be happy, and from a commitment to help them overcome what causes them to suffer. I must realize that I can help them suffer less. That is true, well thought-out compassion."

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 10:56AM by Voodooman985

Quote #4 from My Spiritual Journey (The Dalai Lama)

"If we are content just to think that compassion, rationality, and patience are good, that is not actually enough to develop these qualities. Difficulties provide the occasion to put them into practice. Who can make such occasions arise? Certainly not our friends, but our enemies, for they are the ones who pose the most problems. So that if we truly want to progress on the path, we must regard our enemies as our best teachers."

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 11:11AM by Voodooman985

Quote #1 from My Spiritual Journey (The Dalai Lama

"When I speak of kindness and compassion, I am not expressing myself as a Buddhist, or as the Dalai Lama, or as a Tibetan, but rather as a human being. And I hope that you also consider yourselves as human beings, rather than as Americans, westerners, or of one group or another. Such distinctions are secondary. When we speak as human beings, we can touch the essential thing. If i say 'I am a monk', or ' I am a Buddhists, its a question of realities that are temporary in comparison with my human nature. The fact of having been born human is fundamental and will not change until death. The rest, whether or not you are learned, rich, or poor, is secondary."

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 10:36AM by Voodooman985

Quote #2 from My Spiritual Journey (The Dalai Lama

"No matter what part of the world we come from, fundamentally we are all the same human beings. We all seek happiness and want to avoid suffering. We all have essentially the same needs and similar concerns. As human beings, we all want to be free, to have the right to decide our own destiny as individuals as well as the destiny of our people. That is human nature."

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 10:46AM by Voodooman985

Do I need good grades in school to be successful in business?

I failed in Math and Physics by getting worst grade possible, but I want to do stock market trading and binaries.

The problems is my dad is a successful engineer, he started his own construction business and he expects me to be and engineer because he don’t want his business to die out (and he’s asian). So, I am forced to be an engineer.

He told me that I am never going to be successful as he is considering my grades. The thing is, I agree. Trading have a lot of risk and not stable income. But I am just 17 years old trying to learn about trading so I have ideas on starting businesses in future.

But enough about me, I want to hear others opinions so that I can consider what should I study in the future.

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 10:50AM by poohrawitch

Unconventional Approaches to Higher Education

I graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree about five years ago realizing I did not find enough fundamental value in the business side of art of selling paintings in order to make a living. Although painting is of my greatest interest and what I truly love doing, there are no professional occupations I find myself in (gallery/museums, muralist, teaching jobs etc.) in order to cover the basic cost of living.

More recently, I have taken an interest in bird conservation/ornithology as a potential working profession, and would like to go back to school to get my masters but, seeing that most wildlife biology graduate degrees require a BS or BA degree, I'm not quite sure if I want to take that route... I've always been conducive to unconventional ways of learning such as jumping from one topic to another: color theory, the psychology of perfumery, Tibetan buddhism, birds of prey (all having nothing to do with each other) and struggle to commit to one area alone in the conventional academic setting. As a result, I have dedicated my post undergraduate years learning on my own, but working to get by has made it difficult to find the time and energy to dedicate on the things I actually find an interest in.

Here are some questions I have that may apply to members:

How do people overcome this post undergraduate dilemma (or disease)?

Does anyone else struggle with this or something similar?

How did you resolve this? Who did you reach out to (without sounding like a nut job)?

Is there a way around getting into conservation programs with a BFA? such as interdisciplinary studies or special programs in the US that allow you to take undergraduate wildlife biology courses while getting a masters degree?

What are some online resources/schools/programs?

All inputs are welcome.

Thank you

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 09:44AM by bigkidtable42

Reading Logs Make Kids Hate Reading

Reading Logs Make Kids Hate Reading

This is a short (6mins) animated video that I made about this topic that I am super passionate about. I believe reading logs are a massive failure because it makes reading feel like a job and in the video I speak about my own personal experience and an experiment that helps my case. I wanted to share with the educators of Reddit for other possible perspectives.

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 09:13AM by HomelessSheep

What questions do you have about creativity?

Hi All! I’m a middle school computer science teacher. I’m also a creativity consultant.

I find that every educator I know understands the importance of creativity, and most work hard to make creative classrooms.

What I also find is that, most of the time, the best way we have of teaching kids to be creative is just telling them to be creative, or assigning something creative and telling them to “have at it.”

Have you ever had the problem where students don’t know what to do, so you show them an example, and then everything winds up being a copy of the example?

Anyway, I’m starting a blog on my website and I want it to be useful.

So, what are some of your questions about creativity? How creativity works? How to promote and encourage it?

Shoot me some of your questions, and I’ll be as useful as I can!

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 08:38AM by thenascarguy

@ManuelGilAnton : Hace 34 años el futbol se vio a sí mismo, y guardó silencio, y guardó un nombre en su memoria: es su sinónimo.

@ManuelGilAnton : Hace 34 años el futbol se vio a sí mismo, y guardó silencio, y guardó un nombre en su memoria: es su sinónimo. (via Twitter

lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

शिक्षा के प्रकार

Needfull education ब्लॉग वेबसाईट मे आपका स्वागत हैं, आप सही जगहपर आये हैं l मै आपको इस पोस्ट मे शिक्षा के प्रकार कोनसे -कोनसे हैं इसके बारे चर्चा करते हैं l आपको बस पोस्ट को अंततक पढ़नेकी जरुरत हैं l

अपने जीवन मे शिक्षा के महत्व को ध्यान रखकर इस पोस्ट लिखनेकी इच्छा हुई l अपने कमायें हुए संपत्ती की चोरी किया जा सकता हैं, बहुत मेहनत से बनायी हुई बाडी एक दिन हमे साथ देगी लेकिन दोस्त शिक्षा इसके विपरीत हैं l इससे ज्यादा बतानेकी जरुरत नही हैं, अपना आज का टॉपिक हैं शिक्षा प्रकार आईए बिना समय गवा

यह जरूर पढे – what is education? 

शिक्षा के प्रकार 

शिक्षा देने और ग्रहन करनेके विधी के अनुसार इसको तीन वर्गो मे बाट दिया जाता हैं l शिक्षा के प्रकार, इसमे कुछ टॉपिक्स हैं जिन्हें देखकर आप समज सकते हैं l

शिक्षा के प्रकार –

औपचारिक शिक्षा

अनौपचारिक शिक्षा

गैर-औपचारिक शिक्षा

औपचारिक शिक्षा (formal education)

जब शिक्षा की बात आती हैं या फिर शिक्षा प्रकार के बात आती हैं औपचारिक शिक्षा का नाम तो आता ही हैं lऔपचारिक विदियोद्वारा देनेवाली शिक्षा को औपचारिक शिक्षा कहते हैं l औपचारिक शिक्षा मे पहिले से ही सबकुछ कुछ पूर्वनियोजित होता हैं l अध्ययन एवं अध्यापन करनेकी जगह, पाठ्यक्रम, समय और क्षमता आदी l शिक्षक पढानेकेलीए सरकार या फिर किसी ओर पास से अपने तनका के रूप पैसे लेते हैं lशिक्षा के प्रकार

Submitted June 23, 2020 at 12:17AM by suresh63

Ed.D suggestions

I recently received my M.Ed in curriculum and instruction and am looking to get my Ed.D. I’d love to work in the district one day and design the curriculum.

I’d really appreciate any suggestions on schools and/or concentrations. Thank you!

Submitted June 22, 2020 at 11:15PM by arrowbutters

What are some courses available online for free that a teenager should take which will further also help in real life?

I am on Coursera taking some psychology,business/management courses. I took one that was creative and made some projects and designed new products (digitally) and i completed it but this management courses just bore me and I just close the video . Can you please suggest me some courses that'll allow me to be creativite (creative thinking>>>>> physical work) and not bore me with those long definition and workings blah blah. I just need something that'll keep me engage and catch my attention towards it and something I'll love doing instead of overthinking while the video is playing.

Submitted June 22, 2020 at 03:05PM by peekaboo5219