sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

15 fun social distancing ways to say Hello

I’ve compiled 15 fun ways for kids to greet each other while social distancing. Let me know if anyone thinks of another one to add to the list:

15 Social Distancing Greetings Choices

here are the ones included in the list:

  1. Hello Bow

  2. Pirate Arr!

  3. Hand-in-Heart

  4. Telephone Hand (shaka)

  5. Peace Sign

  6. Vulcan Sign

  7. Astronaut Salute

  8. Air High-Five

  9. Air Fist bump

  10. Elbow Bump

  11. Jazz Hands!

  12. Namaste

  13. Smile

  14. Wave

  15. Sparkly Fingers

I designed a Greetings choices poster to go with it if anyone wants to use it in a classroom.

I hope this is useful for other teachers like myself👍

EDIT: Hello bow instead of Samurai bow to prevent misinterpretations of the term

Submitted June 27, 2020 at 02:59PM by boxofideas https://ift.tt/3g8hVAb

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