sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

Should I stick with my major, or give in to peer pressure?

I am an undergraduate student studying marine biology at the university of Hawaii for instate tuition. When i recently wen't to talk to my advisor they put in their notes that I was still undecided on my major. I am not. I have wanted to study biology for my entire life and am interested in the ocean and its processes. The problem is that whenever i talk to people with graduate degrees, graduate students, or even my dentist, they tell me that i still have time to "figure it out". I get exceptional grades and don't have to worry about money for various reasons. I like going outside, snorkeling and being on boats, but I am also interested in lab work and open to wherever research might lead me. Generally, these are the things i would associate with a potential marine biology career. The negativity from my advisors and others is really turning me off of this major. Are they telling me that i shouldn't be going for this major? That it's not worth it? would some other biology or environmental science major be more useful in a future career?

I turned my life around a few years ago after working as a fry cook after high school and am willing to do whatever it takes to get a degree that I care about and can use to "help save the world" (stupid I know). Right now i have credits for all of the intro math, chem, and bio courses excluding O-Chem, and am wondering if i should consider switching majors. I really think I could do well in this field because I have a good work ethic and my interest in the topic grows the more I learn.

What i really want to know is if there is something I'm missing and not taking into consideration. I know i wont make very much money. I know that my career could end up anywhere from teaching to research to lab work. I am okay with these things, i just want to learn more about the world and try to protect it with that knowledge. But, if there is some big reason that everybody seems to know except me to not continue with this major please tell me so I have the opportunity to switch before it's too late. (To make explicitly clear I don't WANT to switch majors, but I feel like there might be a reason that I SHOULD that I don't know about.)

TLDR: should i switch majors? is marine biology really that bad of a thing to want to study?

Any advice would be appreciated

Submitted October 24, 2020 at 10:10PM by 53nd__nud3s https://ift.tt/3juamVD

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