sábado, 30 de octubre de 2021

Wanted to ask

Hey there being new to here I wanted to ask about the research on my school assignment. Its " Effect of carbonated beverages ( soft drink ) on human body " so for this I created a simple survey , so , will I be able to post it here or somewhere else where I can get a decent response

Submitted October 31, 2021 at 12:05AM by Velric_San_OTAKU https://ift.tt/3EvQA6X

Which education path leads to more opportunity and pay?

(1) Computer science degree (work as a software developer)

(2) Accounting degree (get CPA and work as CPA)

Which will result in more opportunities and pay in Canada?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 10:56PM by GrandKnightMaster https://ift.tt/3nMtguW

Not interested in school

I only in the 10th grade and I can’t find myself to be interested in school, I struggle a lot when it comes to it to, I take Honors and AP classes and pass but I can keep myself focused into it. I only enjoy science. My mother keeps getting mad and asks why I’m missing or why I have 70 in classes. I have to tell her I’m sorry, that I’ll work on it. My teachers just give me a paper and say good luck basically. I wished I could learn my own way or find a way to be more focused.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 05:16PM by MasonC2000 https://ift.tt/3nPn0mu

Wanting to start college

Hello, I'm a 26 male who's been out of school since 2013. I recently have been wanting to start college but I'm worried since I've forgotten a lot of school stuff since it's been almost 10 years. I was looking into medical fields and I have been looking into MRI tech recently but I'm scared if I start college I might end up messing up a lot since it's been a long time. What do you guys recommend that I can do or are there any classes that I can take that would prepare me for college?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 12:52PM by brushed123 https://ift.tt/3CuGT8n

So what's new?

What are you doing differently now as a teacher compared to what you did when you first started out?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 11:12AM by liart_h https://ift.tt/2ZC9H0E

Admin Ethics - Should I report this situation?

Hello all, this is going to be a long post so I'm sorry in advance for wordiness. I'll hop right into explaining the situation, then provide my thoughts at the bottom.


We have a new executive principal this year who used to work in the junior high, but now works in the high school. He is strict, a bit of a micro-manager, but if you do your job well and do what you're supposed to you never hear from him and he leaves you alone. He's great at enforcing discipline and rules, but seems to have taken it to an extreme at times... at least, in my opinion. We also have a new SPED teacher who just graduated from college and is not familiar with policies, the building, or how to handle certain situations, as she is a brand-new first year teacher.

Earlier in the year, we had a custodian who was always late to work. As the custodians are the only ones with keys to the bathrooms, that meant that all the bathrooms in that wing of the building were locked until she got there. One morning, our SPED teacher had one of her students come up to her asking what restroom to use. He had some medical issues and was taking laxatives suggested by the doctor every morning, and really needed to go but the bathrooms were locked. She walked him to some of the other bathrooms in the wing, but they were all locked. Next, she went to the office to try and ask someone in there what to do/where to go, but nobody was in there. However, the principal's bathroom was there and open, so the student just asked if he could use this one. She said he looked very uncomfortable and upset, so she said yes and let him use it.

The secretary walks in and asks what's happening, when the teacher tells her she starts making a huge deal and saying how she can't do that, students aren't allowed in there, there is no reason for this to happen, etc. Once the student comes out, the secretary was walking past him and made a grossed out "ugh" noise and very blatantly pulled away like she was avoiding touching him as she walked past. Again, the teacher said the student looked very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Later, the new principal comes down and pulls the teacher out of her classroom to chastise her for letting a student use the restroom. Even given the circumstances, she said he didn't care and was telling her there are rules and policies for a reason and that under no circumstances are students allowed in those restrooms. After he chastises her strictly enough that she said he made her cry (which admittedly could have also been due to high stress of this year and being a first-year teacher in SPED), he then proceeds to pull the student out of class and chastise him in the hallway for going into those restrooms and using them. Basically reiterating the rules and how he's not allowed to do any of that, despite the circumstances, then mentioned how there were bathrooms available in the other wings of the school.

A few days later, once everything had calmed down, he found out that this was happening due to the custodian being late to work and apparently talked to her and told her she has to be here for work at start time, not an hour later than everyone else, since she's the one to unlock the bathrooms.


First question I have, is this a normal policy? I know that sometimes there are weird policies that are put in place for a reason, such as maybe keeping adults and children out of the same bathroom or something. So is there some official precedent that makes this incredibly important and that's why he was so adamant?

Second, should I report this? Assuming the first question is yes and there was a valid reason for acting this way, I *cannot* under any means rationalize him pulling the kid who is already mortified out of class to chastise him. The student did exactly what he was supposed to do and asked a teacher for guidance, even though it was a medically induced problem, and did exactly what he was supposed to. If *anybody* was to get in trouble in that situation, it should be the teacher. Now, in the future that student will definitely not ask that teacher for support or guidance anymore, because the last time he did was an incredibly mortifying and embarrassing situation. I don't want to seem overly sensitive about this, it just really sits the wrong way with me that he put this student through this and probably ruined a teacher-student relationship in the SPED department.

I've talked around with other teachers a bit in just a chit-chat way, and it seems like most people know about this and everyone thinks it's wrong but looked the other way because they're intimidated by the new principal. I'm just so unsure what to do or if this is normal. I'm pursuing a career in admin, eventually, and I just don't know if I can do it and turn my head if this is a normal expectation. Any help/advice is appreciated.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 10:35AM by Theexilez https://ift.tt/3Cv5mKT

Help Navigating a Research Database.

I am have been tasked with the following:

Use Academic Search Complete to find a recent newspaper article--one that's available in full-text--about Joe Biden's German Shepherd "Major." Write an MLA-correct bibliographic citation for that article.

For the life of me, I can't find an article meeting the criteria. Can someone help?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 09:57AM by Artaxe https://ift.tt/3bs5QoV

Work Integrated Learning - Do you think you could build entire school around it?

I've found myself question the effectiveness of the high school system lately (I'm a teacher in the system btw) and I've been thinking about what could be done to make it better.

One of the flaws I see is that it doesn't adequately (I think teachers might do a lot on an individual level, but systemically this is a flaw) prepare students for the future.

I have found that Work Integrated Learning would be something I'd like to see more of at the high school system. Imagine that there is some form of co-op or internship associated with every course that a student takes in high school, rather than just one or two courses (which are always electives).

Do you think this idea would be feasible? What would be some major obstacles or flaws (beyond the legal side and buy-in from employers)?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 08:32AM by ExcellentPartyOnDude https://ift.tt/3pQmerP

Questioning Future

I’m a fourth grade teacher and have ten years of experience. I have two bachelors and masters degree. The k-12 public education system is broken and insulting to professionals. Teachers are NOT treated professionally, paid for their expertise, compensated for their time, respected by families and more. What other options do I have for careers? I want to feel that I have purpose and that I can continue to grow and have that be valued.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 05:51AM by doughnutask https://ift.tt/3EwToAK

Is this okay? Or am I just lazy

So, in high school I soared educational wise. I was the president of multiple clubs, I was the Secretary of NHS, I managed multiple events, I was in the year book committee, I even created a few clubs that still stand to this day. Bottom line, I'm looking back educational wise and I soared. Granted I had emotional, mental, and unhealthy stress... if you would call it that. But at least I did good.

Now, I kinda failed college 2 semesters in a row, from 2 different colleges. Before, the only reason the I succeeded was because fear to be physically beaten by my parents drove me to do better. If I got anything lower than an "A" then I would get beaten. Not Black and blue beaten, they would just grab something like a belt, a shoe, a spatula, basically anything that could hurt and smack my arms and legs really hard. They did this until I graduated high school, but they don't do that anymore.

I now realize that there's no physical punishment if I get bad grades and I seemed to not only lack motivation, but I jist don't see the point anymore. Now, I know its my fault for failing, but is it possible that my parents punishments had anything to remotely do with this? I think its a possibility, but I don't trust myself, so yeah.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 05:08AM by Vegetable-Goat6602 https://ift.tt/3Cze8Y8

22 and confused

I just wanna know, is it possible to survive in the states without a degree? I mean, I wanna go to school, but I'm not really in the right mindset to do it and am currently trying to find the motivation for what I wanna do in the future. So... is it possible to survive by myself in the states? Or jist in general

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 05:13AM by Vegetable-Goat6602 https://ift.tt/3w62FNh

16 and depressed

I found this forum and wanted to share my story. I’m 16 years old and have never really had trouble making friends. I’ve never had a best friend or a close friend however that never really bothered me that much until this year when I lost all my friends and have felt so lonely. Im too nice of a person to take up for myself and let people walk right over me and call me names and i don’t do anything about it. I have always had trouble learning in school because I have adhd and learning disabilities which makes school very difficult. This stresses me out because I have never gotten good grades even if I try my hardest so it’s gotten to the point where I don’t try anymore. My grades are too bad and I feel like it’s too late to fix them. Since my grades have been so poor I feel like have no future ahead of me. The teachers have called me names like idiot, moron, worthless, and a failure. This took place at a private Christian school where people think nothing bad happens there. When I was there it was filled with bad influences. School got so stressful for me that I ran away from home and my parents ended up calling the police on me about this. I’ve always felt like a failure because I’ve never had a girlfriend and I have never really accomplished anything huge. I’m not very shy but I’m a very awkward person. There was this one girl at my school that I would talk to every day and I liked her for 3 years. I would go home and think about her all day. After 3 years I decided to make the decision to tell her I like her. After I did that she said she wanted to stay friends and I was fine with that. The next day I came to school her friends were making fun of me and she never talked to me since. After all these events happening I fell into depression and it has ruined my life. I lost all my friends because I don’t even talk to anyone anymore. I have switched schools and it has just gotten me more stressed out and I don’t see me making friends with anyone there because it’s a very small school. I am now taking medicine for this depression I have and it seems to only make me feel worse. I don’t know what to do about this anymore I sure hope I’m not the only one facing stuff like this.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 03:02AM by gaden541 https://ift.tt/3nEu4SN

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021

If top schools really wanted to show they’re the best

One thing I have an issue with in education is sadly too many students are forgotten and not lifted up to their potential. But the biggest thing is you have these top Ivy League colleges with billions of dollars and endowments . They only take the top 1% of students and use their money , resources and reputations to get them so when they graduate with success they give back to them making them more important and wealthy. But those students were already the top 1% of their schools anyways. They already had straight A’s and would’ve gotten them no matter where they went. Like yeah they got a 4.0 at Harvard but they would’ve gotten a 4.0 at the community college down the street anyways. It’s not impressive . What would really show these are good colleges is if they took struggling students and made them into successes. That is would show they are good colleges with good professors and that they can make an impact educationally and change students lives. Like not even the bottom of the class but even just average students and make them better . But if they could make a 2.0 high school student who’s motivated for this opportunity into a 4.0 college graduate that would be impressive and that would be showing they’re a top school.

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 08:51PM by hatefulone851 https://ift.tt/3q5tjFh

Resources for parents of kids who were kicked out of school

I have a friends whos kid age 10 was kicked out of school for bad verbal and physical behavior. She now has learned he has ADHD, DMDD, Tourette's and maybe Autistic (Waiting on a test) What resources do parents have and do schools reconsider letting the kid back to school after diagnosis? What are her other options? I don't think the district offers home schooling anymore.

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 11:34AM by gaz2600 https://ift.tt/3jKr1ao

How do you study for the New York Content Speciality Test's Multi Subject Test, Math and English language Arts?

How do you study for the New York Content Speciality Test's Multi Subject Test, Math and English language Arts?

I am an aspiring teacher, hoping to get some insight and assistance with regards to the exams I have to take. I was able to knock some out, via a textbook. But now I'm stuck on the big one, which is the content speciality tests. For me, since I'm pursuing a special education degree, that'll be the multi subject tests, which is mathematics and English language arts. I'm a bit confused with how I should study. I'm used to studying with a textbook, but these tests demonstrate a wide range of information that students I'll be teaching in high school should cover, from grades 7 to 12. So it's a content test, as opposed to a knowledge. I need to essentially have a foundational knowledge of 6 years of schooling in both subjects, but be prepared to take it in less than 3 months and pass.

Does anyone have any resources or tips for passing on the first try?

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 10:41AM by 10pumpsclassic https://ift.tt/3bstz8o

art teachers

do art rooms still have guillotine trimmers?

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 08:48AM by innocentxv https://ift.tt/3EqwN95

Can a highschool student use multiple scholarships?

I'm thinking about applying for three scholarships.

If I get the scholarships accepted, does it mean that I can use the resources that the three scholarships provide?

Or can a person use only one?

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 07:40AM by AndroFeth https://ift.tt/3vUmPK2

Study Methods

I've recently joined Alevels and take science subjects. I have had 2 chemistry tests thus far and have scored incredibly low. Are there any study methods that anyone could suggest, especially for ALevels?


Submitted October 29, 2021 at 05:32AM by dancemacabrekitkat https://ift.tt/3Brjt2f

Can a rocket deliver the mail? 🚀

I have come across a great Science and Engineering channel on YouTube this week! It has great content about facts and information that you never would have thought about. This was one of the first clips I saw asking if a rocket can deliver the mail. Here is the link if you would like to see it too - youtube.com/watch?v=bwP8nGaBppw 🚀

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 03:32AM by rachelkitcat https://ift.tt/3jO6JN7

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021

What was your motivation in pursing a higher education?


Submitted October 28, 2021 at 09:14PM by college_2022 https://ift.tt/3Cu6lLk

Upon graduation, do you ever call your former educators by their first name?

Upon graduation, do you ever call your former educators by their first name?

As an aspiring teacher, it seems odd to be called by my last name. But I know once I'm in the classroom this will be the norm. I'm usually quick to turn wit if I hear my first name. How long was that adjustment to getting used to being called Mr. Last name? Additionally, if you graduated from high school, or university, do you ever find it appropriate to call your former educator, or teacher by their first name?

Submitted October 28, 2021 at 03:26PM by 10pumpsclassic https://ift.tt/3jM5QVu

Is it possible for me to get school accommodations?

I've always struggled with school a lot, especially when it comes to comprehension. It's to the point where not only did I not finish a single section (especially the reading section), but earlier this year I had to stop reading a book because I added up how long it was taking me to read, and it took me at least three hours to read only 50 pages!

The reason I'm really interested in getting accommodations for school is that I've done significantly above average in all of my required standardized testings. But now that everything is becoming more complicated, I'm needing more and more time to process what I'm supposed to do. So while I have the potential to do better at school, I can't as easily since my mind is just really slow. I'm always the last person to finish a test, besides with math at least, and I need to take much more time out of my day to study and do homework than all of my peers.

If you'll have any advice on what I should do about this, it would be greatly appreciated. And if ya know any other places where I should post this, that would be very useful too. thx c:

Submitted October 28, 2021 at 02:07PM by AshShay519 https://ift.tt/3nAkVdX

*need help* student seeking to order ~$10K of electronics/robotics goods for a college

My professor asked me to help him order a bunch of “stuff” (toys) for our electronics/robotics lab. We have already ordered just about everything worthwhile from Sparkfun + Adafruit and have a bunch of money left over.

We already have both SLA and filament 3D printers, small industrial 6-axis robotic arm, large Kuka arm, sensors (photo + optics, IMUs, all sorts of digital + analog basic sensors, LiDAR), and some actuators (servos, steppers, DC, some pneumatics (not enough), solenoids, some linear actuators), and some building materials/hardware.

I need to order from somewhere that accepts POs (purchase orders) and is a reputable supplier. I also need to order everything from at most 2-3 suppliers.

Aside from that I have a lot of freedom to decide what to get.

Some thoughts are: - building materials (aluminum extrusion, more printer material) - an open sourced robotic arm - open sourced arial drone kits or materials to experiment there - some sort of satellite related kits or components (the program is going to launch a satellite in the next couple years and this could be an opportunity to get learning/starter materials for that project - new and fun sensors - lots of actuators (pneumatic, hydraulic, nice servos, etc) - digital + audio displays - RF equipment - lot of micro controllers - ~20+ RPi 4s

It would be cool to get a bunch of little components and a few bigger more expensive toys.

I’d really appreciate help on where to buy from and any ideas of what to purchase.

(Community college in Southern CA, USA)

Submitted October 28, 2021 at 12:20PM by bskt_ https://ift.tt/3BowVE4


What micro-changes have you made to your teaching practice, and what effects did they have?

Submitted October 28, 2021 at 08:59AM by liart_h https://ift.tt/3jKdbVz

A place for students to study relax chill and discuss about various topics

Hello, fellow scholars. In this pressure of studying/working. We need a place for relaxing/chilling/studying. So, i have created a discord server for students and people interested in discussing various topics. We can relax a bit and discuss about various topics of the world and do debates, you can also help others by solving there study problems and even clear your doubt by others. You can make homies here so.......yes this a study server.

Discord server:- https://discord.gg/tpndjEjNP2

Let's see how many scholars we can get

Will be waiting for you!!

Submitted October 28, 2021 at 05:42AM by sarkar_7788 https://ift.tt/3BpPWG6

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021

How curious are your students?

Would you say your students are curious? If Yes, what type of questions do your students typically ask and how do you answer them? If No, why do you think they are not curious.

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 07:55PM by Longjumping-Bar-7606 https://ift.tt/3vTPy1r

Leaving higher education for private teaching!

With mandates comes decisions and consequences! My decision is that I am leaving higher education to teach online to homeschoolers and people who want to reach higher levels of success in communication and public speaking skills.

My passion for teaching common sense skills and practical application of life skills, rather than just theory, is high! I would love to start a discussion with anyone else who faces dismissal or non-renewal of contracts with universities and colleges due to mandates that make no sense or hold validity.

See you online soon!

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 05:54PM by Professor_Steve https://ift.tt/3vPC7j8

Is there a right to be un-educated?

In my ever shrinking faith in society, I seclude myself to the room, dreaming of a society, searching a society of houses and not of socialized production, of socialized work and of socialized teaching. Not having any degree, any credentials, I reject the offer of being given an education, because I cannot subscribe to the society I live in. Imagining a person call educated, my eyes darken, yet in despair I find out, that the right to be un-educated has ceased to exist. If I refused education, I would live the earth as a dinosaur, an extinguished species, and the thaught scares me. The first modern human I wanted to be, and ended up becoming the last ancient one. I open the map, and the only thing I find, that no country has place for the uneducated man, I despair, read open the book, close it again. Why should I?

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 04:15PM by techniraver https://ift.tt/3nz8qza

What went wrong (since 1910)?

Okay, this started as a comment on another thread, but it ballooned out. I’m going loose-and-fast with education history, so I’d love corrections or additions.

My general question is how did we (US education system) have such promising educational ideas in the early 20th century, but abandon them so thoroughly?

I recently read an interview with one of those award-winning Finns who just shrugged and said, “You all came up with the ideas: we just made sure they got done.”

(I’m paraphrasing into Texan.)

Here’s my thoughts on what happened:

What’s crazy is the US (and the world at large)had the same conversation about project-based education literally a hundred years ago. Folks like Dewey and Montessori (yes, that Montessori) promoted more of a student-led, active education. And there was a surprising amount of buy in!

What went wrong?

Some blame the Russians. Sputnik caused a back-to-basics panic. That same panic still happens to a lesser degree whenever a count state or school drops in the ranking of tests.

Others just say that the expense of student-directed, project-based schooling couldn’t scale up as primary and secondary education became more de facto universal. Kids coming out of the fields and the factories increased the school-going population just as the population began to swell from looser immigration and increased birth rates. The US didn’t keep pace with spending because…Sputnik, really, I guess.

Meanwhile, the wage difference between teachers and non-teachers ballooned. As the US became a globally competitive economic superpower, people simultaneously had access to professions and labor markets that had been excluded. Think about the one-room schoolhouse on the frontier; The school teacher (and maybe the librarian) was the most prestigious and well paid job a woman could hold. But with the rise of the cities and the railroad, now she could go be a secretary or a saleswoman or any number of early 20th-century lady-jobs. The flight was even faster and more pronounced for male teachers.

Even today, the US, compared to other countries, doesn’t actually pay that poorly: but they pay much, much less than other professions. That means that if you teach, especially in fields like science or math, you losing a significant premium against the job you could have. That means the “real world” is mighty tempting and teaching labor is susceptible to mass resignations if they have to put up with crap. (This has recently happened with COVID—record numbers of teachers retiring or changing professions.) The result is a perpetual staffing problem. More than 50% of teachers leave the profession within five years. Most teachers now only have a couple of years of experience. They are over-worked and under compensated and it’s almost impossible for administration and teachers to think about doing project-based learning for 7 periods of 30+ children every day under such conditions.

I think if you asked 100 parents, teachers and administrators if they would rather “drill and kill” or do project-based learning, most of them would like to focus on projects, but with testing expectations and funding pinches, it just doesn’t seem possible.

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 04:09PM by uselessfoster https://ift.tt/2Zt9oV8

Grading your own essays?

Hi everybody! I have a lot of questions, because I'm an International student and I didn't have an "essay culture" as you have.
Do you grade your own essays before handing it to your professor? Do they give the rubric for this assignment?
Any tips for doing that?
Oh, one more — have you ever given your essay to some professional or any service before posting it?
I think, I would like to have some side-professor who will pre-check my works, so I can be confident in my grades, what do you think?

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 01:36PM by nekitonn https://ift.tt/3nyZolF

Black and Latino students did worse in schools with ‘diversity officers’: study

This is an article about a Heritage Foundation study Equity Elementary: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Staff in Public Schools

An analysis of student test-score data shows that employing a chief

diversity officer (CDO) in K–12 school districts does not contribute

to closing achievement gaps and is even likely to exacerbate those

gaps. If CDOs are not accomplishing their stated goals, what is

accomplished by creating these positions? CDOs may be best understood

as political activists who articulate and enforce an ideological

orthodoxy within school districts. They help to mobilize and

strengthen the political influence of one side. The creation of CDOs

tilts the political playing field against parent and teacher efforts

to remove the radical ideology of critical race theory and other

illiberal ideals from school curricula and practices.

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 02:01PM by Beliavsky https://ift.tt/3vUqEz4

Looking for Canadian Educators

Hello everyone,

Myself and a group of other commerce and engineering students from UBC are looking for teachers who would be willing to participate in a quick 15-20 minute interview to help validate some pain points in the teaching industry for our product development course.

If you would be available to participate please contact me or leave a comment! Thanks 🙂

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 10:35AM by jcsteel https://ift.tt/3BrhgEg

The Mass Murderer of Potential

School is like a 100 year old factory, with makeshift repairs, and additions like technology bolted on with tape and nails. Within it there’s an assembly line that moves kids along a converbelt regardless of the circumstances of that kid, dumping dusty books of standardized knowledge, while verbally and psychologically punishing them when they fall behind, socialize at the wrong time, or fail to conform to the rules.

I don't accept this handling of future people. (United States) Public schools may as well be taking the people of the future, shoving them into white rooms and psychologically torturing them as kids.

I worked as a child care aid at an elementary school, and the totalitarian power dynamic between the kids and faculty devastated my soul everyday. I saw the fear circuits running in their head, the potential, ideas, and dreams of kids being crushed, as they were yelled at to be quiet, stay put, and do your tasks, everyday, without question.

It's more than neglect and mistreatment.

It's psychological abuse.

Nationwide abuse of our future people.

48 Million Kids, right now, are under the daily control of some random people who just played the college game, in a 100 year old factory, with the main focuses of educating being memorization of info (easily found on the internet), compliance, and conformity.

How has this child abuse and destruction of potential remained ignored?

In this country where topics of social justice, fear of authoritarian control, and innovation are such prevalent discussions; why of all things, is the main method trusted to develop minds, still a fucking 100 year old totalitarian factory that abuses kids?

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 09:12AM by BuffaloDippingSauce https://ift.tt/3jDOhGT

[Academic] Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic

Hello everyone! We are gathering data for our research about the implementation of face-to-face or in-person classes during this pandemic. We are looking for 50 participants (particularly some students around the world) to answer our survey. Your cooperation would be helpful to support our study. Thank you and have a nice day!😘❤️

Link to our survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIpNkNGeuCiSpz6kIGXsyzAdu6bci3aRjTR9ayhaJCiEGALw/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3YwmBIFj9Urg-Elruxguvxbnqq6I_RNSVpOvHORESgcsFG_OUD22Gi0F8

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 05:39AM by SnooDoggos4418 https://ift.tt/3pHVWYE

Which schools offer master programs of CS align or CS bridge?

No text found

Submitted October 27, 2021 at 06:21AM by RossJD https://ift.tt/3vRtLI4

martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

Better do Economics/BA or Engineering/Science first?

Within the next 10 years I plan to finish two bachelors and a master. The bachelors will be in Europe and the master in the US most probably.

Would It be better to do the BA/Economics first and get a good analytics job (I have years of workforce coding experience), and then start my second bachelor in Physics or Engineering? Or is it better vice versa?

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 05:00PM by wecandoitall https://ift.tt/2ZxBWgL

Teaching and academics shifting in the near future?

To me, with the recent surge of online teaching and classes, I felt like that the current will eventually "need" to adjust, not that I specifically want that university or whatnot are getting "obsolete", but we are in a such good technological place that we can have teaching for a fraction of the price. Because I guess, why hire a teacher for several years to just repeat his curriculum every 6 months, why pay for such big structural systems where there a lot of job that are not as necessary. Or pay just to even have a physical location. Why such location and "prestige" could impact your life without you knowing it. I am kinda happy to only paying 3k$ in canada or so per semester when I see 20k+$/per year for big US universities. I wondering what are going to be the changes, i think its a huge challenge because most people working for Uni dont want to lose their jobs, and that there more and more students requiring more and more accommodations or special programs. People with autism, adhd or such I feel like the current learning is still stuck with the same mentality and idea from 100 years ago. Its just all about learning specific skill in time, stress management and self discipline with rigid way to test you.

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 01:38PM by siyans https://ift.tt/3nuYBlJ

Has anyone done a assignment where you need to read a nonfiction book and write a newspaper about it if so pm me ill pay if nessisary

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Submitted October 26, 2021 at 12:14PM by Spiritual_Climate912 https://ift.tt/3pF2irL

Should I go to college or university for supply chain management?

Hello everybody, I’m a grade 12 student in Canada. I’m interested in supply chain management like retailing, I’m planning to apply to either York University Bcom, major in supply chain or GBC 3 year supply chain management program with 1 year required work experience. They both take me 4 year to complete, the difference is I’ll get a degree at York, but an advanced diploma at GBC. I know that a degree is worthier than a diploma but smh I feel like a degree is too extra and wasteful for a supply chain management position, especially when I’d have to start off as a small position anyway. Does degree - diploma that much matter? I heard my friend said HR people would prefer a candidate with a degree (assuming all candidates have no work experience) is that true?

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 09:39AM by Few_Mistake_4806 https://ift.tt/3ny1GS6

Student seeking guidance

I'm trying to see if I can create a system of summarizing information that hits the critical information while leaving out things that aren't pivotal to the main text.

Something that is constructed in such a manner that the reader(examiner) would fill out the excess in their head while reading this However I lack the necessary skill to accomplish this so I'm seeking assistance from a professional

Is this possible?

If so, please PM me and I'll give you an example of what I'm trying to summarize

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 09:51AM by Klein_97 https://ift.tt/3met4oM

For students with disabilities, the education system doesn't serve its purpose

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 10:13AM by redditor456789 https://ift.tt/3Bi20th

Made a 1hr video on why our Education System Sucks.

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 06:37AM by Admirable_Abrocoma53 https://ift.tt/3pA0JeN

College credits

I have completed 3 separate 36 week college courses in motor vehicle maintenance, how does that transfer to American *College Credits

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 04:40AM by The2layer https://ift.tt/3mdGiSD

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

Searching for a remote elementary school

I’m searching for a remote elementary school for my 7 year old bilingual (English/Spanish) child. We live in rural Ecuador and the local school isn’t going to cut it. Our current online school has been adequate but they are reverting to in person classes soon and they’re located too far away. Is there a good list of online elementary schools someone could point me towards or any affordable suggestions? Unfortunately, money is an issue.

Submitted October 25, 2021 at 03:11PM by FallofftheMap https://ift.tt/3BeSqHl

How much should I worry about school grades?

Currently in 11th grade and dual enrolling at my local community college. Have a high GPA with taking AP classes and getting A's. My mom always puts a lot of pressure and stress on me to get all A's but is it really that important. Would a B in a few classes really hurt my GPA and chances of getting into a decent college that much? Sometimes the classes just feel useless and I wonder why I am even doing the work.

Submitted October 25, 2021 at 01:04PM by neckbearder33 https://ift.tt/3Ef77Mr

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

Learning is a result of Listening

Learning is a result of listening, which in turn leads to even better listening and attentiveness to the other person. In other words, to learn from the child, we must have empathy, and empathy grows as we learn.

Submitted October 24, 2021 at 11:06PM by kripasarafdelhi https://ift.tt/3m9Gjac

Is there a online teaching platform where the students can't privately message the teacher?

I would like to know if there is a platform for teaching students where the students can't privately message the teacher. They can only ask questions publicly, whether it be on a public post like a forum, a virtual meeting or something along these lines.

Submitted October 24, 2021 at 11:10PM by Far-You3652 https://ift.tt/3m9Gi68

Guys serious question should i stay in lebenon for education but my sister cant go to school or go to iraq and stay there for a year and then go back to Lebanon so we can all go to school but iraqi education is horrible


Submitted October 24, 2021 at 11:38AM by ZainMRstar https://ift.tt/3pz4OA0

The mental exhaustion surrounding education

Hey guys, I don't know if anyone is interested but I started a podcast talking about the mental health surrounding young adults, personally being a student, I wanted to talk about all the burnouts and stress we endure on the daily basis. I speak about depression, anxiety, loneliness, mental exhaustion and positive affirmations. it's helped a lot of people on my campus and I was hoping to spread the message here, here's a link if you will like to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN5SpmvW8aXeZNdC93mZKgg

Submitted October 24, 2021 at 12:00PM by brokenandtired1 https://ift.tt/3b6YXt8

Teaching With Video Games

Hey everyone. I've posted a lot here on reddit over the years about teaching with video games. I'm the founder of Hey Listen Games where I make all of my gaming lesson plans and curriculum available for free. You all have been nothing but supportive in my endeavors and I've heard back from many teachers here on reddit about how they have gone and tried some of my lessons.

Well, I just recently published two books on teaching with video games. The first one, “Teaching With Video Games: A Strategy Guide” is your introduction to game based learning. It contains 27 different lessons and games you can do with your students. The second one, “Teaching With Video Games: An English Language Arts Unit” is a more in depth 30 day unit you can use in your class using the games Edith Finch and Gone Home. It’s my favorite unit each year. Included is a full breakdown of how the unit went in my class.

Here is a link to a breakdown of each book and links to places to buy them if you are interested. If not, no worries at all! Take a look around Hey Listen Games and see if you can find any content on the site itself that may help you. And always feel free to reach out! I love helping teachers get started using video games in their classes.

Submitted October 24, 2021 at 10:04AM by somefuzzypants https://ift.tt/3py1DIA

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2021

Is there a platform to connect with people working in specific industries to ask about the career and what it entails?

I would like to reach out to people in tech, such as software engineers and developers, QA testers, data scientists, etc. to ask about their career paths and what the career/job is like. I know I could ask on a subreddit but I think 1 on 1 conversations have their own advantages as well.

Submitted October 23, 2021 at 11:32PM by asiancury https://ift.tt/3b5m07F

If you didn’t know this already, you can take CLEP exams from your own home now!

CLEP: https://clep.collegeboard.org/register-for-an-exam/registering-remote-proctoring

I took one the other day after studying 10 hours for the college mathematics test and it was super easy. Just have to clear your room so the online test proctor doesn’t ping you for something that could be used to cheat on the exam.

Submitted October 23, 2021 at 06:39PM by MrBeefPrime https://ift.tt/3E9LcXc

How to find articles that have referenced a certain article?

I want to find articles that have cited an article that i have. Is there a website or anything that could help me. Thanks.

Submitted October 23, 2021 at 12:42PM by Deep_Stomach8389 https://ift.tt/3vBVV9P

Any tips for circle geometry.

Hey everyone. I am currently in grade 11 and struggling with circle geometry. Any advice?

Submitted October 23, 2021 at 11:28AM by Membimtsi https://ift.tt/3njPpkd

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021

Turn your Paper Assignments into Digital

Teachermade is an application that you can use to turn paper assignments into digital.

Submitted October 22, 2021 at 09:59PM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub https://ift.tt/3vA8W3D

Do American students spend too much time and effort on school sports?

I have a student who has suffered her fourth concussion. I have had many other students who have had similar injuries in recent years, including one who underwent a personality change with significant cognitive losses. I have students who are excused from class after class to travel long distances for events, meets and games, and who are stressed over falling behind in their academic work. The district spends about 2% of its budget (not counting infrastructure maintenance and transportation) on these and other extracurriculars, even though it is not a majority of secondary students who participate. It all seems a bit too much. Yet I can't even raise the issue without expecting a storm of protest over it.

Submitted October 22, 2021 at 04:07PM by Technical_Hair_4383 https://ift.tt/30N3Gy9

Jobs that don't require a degree

Not sure if this is the right sub for this, if not, I apologize. I am a Behavior Interventionist with a BCAT (I provide Applied Behavior Analysis to kids/teens with Autism) and I am looking at other job possibilities because it is very hard to get consistent hours with ABA. I am wondering if there are any jobs in the school system that don't require a degree/for you to be a teacher that my qualifications and background may be good for. Thank you in advance!

Submitted October 22, 2021 at 02:49PM by thatonechick172 https://ift.tt/3m4Ucq8


Hi guys,

I am looking for some inspirations for my dissertation (Andragogy, MA). I hope you can give me some tips. Thank you so much.

(workplace learning is off for me, because one of my works is about that topic).

Submitted October 22, 2021 at 02:04PM by Spirited_Initial264 https://ift.tt/3E89Qr3

Seeking Higher Ed Women Support Staff with Advanced Degrees for Research Study

Hello, all!

I am a doctoral candidate at Kent State University, and I am conducting my dissertation research study on the career experiences of women support staff in higher education.

Participation includes completion of a brief questionnaire (approximately 5 minutes), one virtual introductory meeting (approximately 30 minutes), one written reflection (approximately 30 – 60 minutes), and one virtual interview (approximately 60 minutes).

Eligible participants:

  1. identify as a woman,
  2. are currently employed at a private 4-year, public 4-year, or public 2-year institution of higher education,
  3. are currently employed in a support staff role whose main functions primarily support professional staff, faculty, and leadership personnel in higher education (e.g., administrative assistant, office clerk, receptionist, secretary, etc.), and
  4. currently hold or be pursuing a master’s degree, professional degree, or doctorate.

Please share this link to the pre-screening questionnaire so potential participants can learn more about the study and sign up to participate. Please feel free to share my contact information for anyone who has questions about the study ([amaher5@kent.edu](mailto:amaher5@kent.edu)).

Kent State University IRB#21-254

Questionnaire Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4flGM18a2xm7hP0a8IqywvpoS-PckNXkdKu3xFySU-TbO8Q/viewform

Thank you,

Ashley Maher, M.Ed.

Doctoral Candidate, Higher Education Administration

Kent State University

Submitted October 22, 2021 at 01:59PM by amaher5 https://ift.tt/3pstnyl

What is the American equivalent to Quebec's math SN and science STE?

I plan on going to university in the USA. I know I can get credited for some of the classes that I have done, but I am not sure if what I have is considered AP classes or honors classes.

I know I chose the hardest option, but I don't know which is the equivalent. Can anyone help me?


Submitted October 22, 2021 at 11:09AM by Galastique https://ift.tt/3jrASBZ

Jak powiedziec po angielsku ze jestes szczesliwy&a

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Submitted October 22, 2021 at 09:08AM by Seductionkumar82 https://ift.tt/3GbMEtI

Everyone Judge you

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Submitted October 22, 2021 at 06:27AM by kripasarafdelhi https://ift.tt/3BbTtYQ

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021

Senior year of high school, clueless on what my future beholds.

Hey y’all, i’m currently a Senior in high school and i’m scared of what my future has in store. I have come to the crumbling realization that my stats from school aren’t good enough for any good college. I fucked up badly, I have an 2.4 Gpa and a 1060 SAT. I regret taking so many AP classes and not working hard enough. What are some steps I can take to go to college and show that I will work my ass off. Please help, thank you.

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 06:35PM by Creative_Ad5044 https://ift.tt/3G9w3ac

Books for 5yo

Hi everyone I was told by my daugters kindergarten teacher that she is reading at a second grade level. I was wondering what books you would recommend to me to help challenge her or what advice you would give to me on how to keep her positively driven.

Thank you for your help.

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 06:07PM by msab79 https://ift.tt/3m108Ra

Help us Understand First-Gen students!

Help us Understand First-Gen students!

I am conducing a research study that is investigating how different mindsets among first-generation college students can influence their success in college and in the workplace. If you are a first-generation college student, you are eligible to participate in the study. By participating in the study, you will have the opportunity to help researchers understand the best ways to prepare first-gen students for success in the classroom and in the workplace after they graduate. The survey should take 15 - 20 minutes to complete and has been approved by the University of Southern Mississippi’s IRB Office (IRB-20-503).


Submitted October 21, 2021 at 06:28PM by Harper_1933 https://ift.tt/2Zfu5nO

Environmental Education Masters Program

Hello! I'm a recent graduate (BA in Environmental Studies) considering getting my master's in Environmental Education. I'd love to know if anyone has a master's degree in this focus area and if so, why you liked your program or didn't. A simple pros/cons list would be so helpful! There are so many universities I'm looking at right now and it's all a bit overwhelming :/

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 10:37AM by AnyEarth254 https://ift.tt/3n9wqJ2

What is the hardest educational problem you have faced?

1) What is the hardest educational problem you've faced in your career and what was your approach to resolve it?

2) What is the most common educational problem that you've faced in your career and what was your approach to resolve it for the long-term?

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 10:50AM by Possibility_Checker https://ift.tt/3E7xK69

My teachers is making me write a 2 page essay on the importance of listening to teachers.

Can someone please give me some ideas or help. Thanks

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 09:10AM by niallhennessy08 https://ift.tt/3joR4no

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021

Will NYC cancelling its gifted and talented programs improve outcomes overall?

What evidence backs this up?

Submitted October 21, 2021 at 12:11AM by redzeusky https://ift.tt/3prlucr

This my educational channel please subscribe to it!

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 09:21PM by SilentdeadZE https://ift.tt/3aXJADa


Greetings everyone,
I am currently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Higher Education Leadership at Maryville University. The dissertation topic is Workplace Bullying in Higher Education. I will conduct a Qualitative Study by interviewing faculty who were targets in the workplace while working in Higher Education.
I am seeking people who are interested in being a part of my study. I NEED 3 PARTICIPANTS!!
Specifically, participants will need to adhere to the following inclusion criteria:
1. Have earned a Doctorate or Master’s degree.
2. Have worked within higher education as a full or part-time faculty member for at least 3 years.
3. The bullying experience is not ongoing.
4. Agree to participate in this study interview.
Additionally, participants cannot be:
1. Does not have an earned Doctorate or Master’s degree.
2. Has not worked in higher education as a full or part-time faculty member for at least 3 years.
3. Is currently experiencing bullying within higher education.
4. Does not agree to participate in the study.

Please respond to this message if you or someone you know might be interested.

Thank you


Submitted October 20, 2021 at 01:54PM by shervondunn https://ift.tt/3jmAep5

Is Aristolo useful for writing a thesis?

Has anyone subscribed to Aristolo dot com to help with their thesis? Was is worth it?

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 11:01AM by Messisamess https://ift.tt/3DWZ0UL

Concept of Data Binding in Angular

Get acquainted with the concept of Data Binding in Angular, a popular programming language. Learn about the different types of data binding that are used in mobile and desktop application development. Gain an understanding of data binding and develop high-end applications, flawlessly.

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 09:38AM by webskittersacademy https://ift.tt/3m0Eb4s

What are the seminal texts on curriculum/material design?

I am very interested in curriculum and material design both in general and specifically in adult ESL contexts. I have a lot of free time at the moment (I'm not working much due to a chronic health condition flaring up) and so would love to use this time to learn more about curriculum/material design in general. I have several books on the topic that are considered foundational in the ESL world, but I'd like to learn more about the topic in general. Any suggestions?

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 09:58AM by A2naturegirl https://ift.tt/3G2xgzT

There is a governor’s race in Virginia where one candidate is currently championing that he supports parents telling teachers what to teach. This might affect a lot of us, soon.

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Submitted October 20, 2021 at 09:53AM by 93devil https://ift.tt/3pteDz4

Are data walls with student names a FERPA violation?

These data walls or classroom management systems vary by name but typically use points or some kind of classroom currency. If a system like this is used as a consequence for behaviors, and a teacher displays the list of student names along with how many points or bucks they have lost without parental permission, I can't see how this wouldn't be considered student discipline data that should be covered by FERPA. Yet these systems are commonplace, especially in lower grades.

For context, an elementary school in our county (in Georgia, USA) uses a "debit card" that has ten"bucks" starting every Monday. Students lose bucks at a teacher's discretion, and the list of student names with the number of bucks they have left and how many they have lost is shared with the classroom. This effectively displays a ranking of the kids from best to worst for behavior. these bucks are exclusively used punitively. Once a certain number is lost there is a series of consequences ranging from isolation during lunchtime to a hard write-up. There is no tiered or leveled system for consequences. This means that the student who loses ten bucks for talking could have the same consequence as a child who loses an equal number of bucks for being aggressive to other students, or cheating, or any other number of other offenses without distinction. Since there is no standard for how this system is implemented, some teachers don't use it at all, but a strict teacher can result in disciplinary actions that are permanently on a student's record.

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 05:59AM by aprilmay3 https://ift.tt/3m5oxFn

Remote work tools for teachers

A start-up I work for is developing a Zoom add-on app that joins online meetings as a visible participant and organizes them by displaying sections, keeping time, offering tools such as picking a random person or people in order, timer, icebreakers etc. We mostly considered it for business use but recently thought of branching out into the world of teaching. So if any of you are teachers and deal with online classes or workshops, would be interested in something like that, and if so what features would be most useful for you? We aim to eliminate the mundane and trivial details that make you lose focus. I would be grateful for some insight.

Submitted October 20, 2021 at 04:08AM by dawidmp https://ift.tt/3G0kHFr

martes, 19 de octubre de 2021



I'm a Communications major at San Diego State University and I'm doing an interview for one of my major classes. My research question is "How can we integrate Tiktok as an educational tool for students?" I'm looking for middle and high school teachers.

It will take 20-30 minutes and it is completely anonymous. If you would like to participate, please direct message me your email for further instructions.

Submitted October 19, 2021 at 10:56PM by Old-Supermarket-3167 https://ift.tt/3aUqiyE

Looking for research on adult-child power dynamics and attitudes of control in education/mental health settings

For context, I'm working on a project about restraint and seclusion in schools, school resource offices, unequal discipline of racial minorities and students with disabilities, and the school to prison pipeline. What I'm trying to find information on now is cultural attitudes about adults' right to control children and how power dynamics can influence discipline practices, and other research along those lines.

Could anyone suggestion a direction to get me started on researching that topic? I've tried searching stuff like "adultism" and "children's rights movement" but it hasn't yielded much. I specifically do NOT want research about parent-child relationships/discipline -- I'm looking for info about how this plays out in schools. I think I could also use research involving caregivers or direct support professionals in behavioral/mental health treatment facilities as well, since that is the other setting where restraint and seclusion is used.

If anyone has links to research papers or anything I'd appreciate that, but even just some suggestions about search terms I might use as a jumping off point would be super helpful.

Submitted October 19, 2021 at 03:30PM by addyingelbert https://ift.tt/3aUJ1tL

Job Opportunities

Looking for job opportunities and internships? This platform is great for college students especially upper class-men and post graduates. RippleMatch helps early career candidates from all backgrounds find their dream jobs. Its a great resource for college students looking for internships and job opportunities. It also has shown that people who use RippleMatch have a 50% more chance of landing an internship. Just confirm your email and complete your profile to get matching to job and intern opportunities!! https://ripplematch.com/index?r=VsRUec

Submitted October 19, 2021 at 12:06PM by clonewars17 https://ift.tt/3jjPQK5

New Mortarboard podcast episode

New podcast episode - Kallie Clark of Temple University's Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice describes research that encourages students to use more of the tools for success that a college offers. Listen here.

Submitted October 19, 2021 at 10:47AM by Mortarboardpodcast https://ift.tt/3aUjCAq

IEP section question


IN NY state (I don't know if IEP's are consistent across states) we have a section that states Academic, developmental and functional needs of the student, including consideration of student needs that are of concern to the parent " as a section title. In there I have always put the information I have received from the parent. I put anything else "Student is able to complete x with y%, student needs ABC" in the Pleps section to base goals on. However, this year I am on a new team and they put all student details in the section under the section in question.

So, long story short: What goes in the above section - just parent-given information,or do I put all Plep based information there?


Submitted October 19, 2021 at 10:48AM by Feefait https://ift.tt/2Z3DVbW

My cousin was thinking of completing her post graduation from abroad. What are the things that she should take care of first before going ahead?

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Submitted October 19, 2021 at 09:31AM by wanderingagni https://ift.tt/2Z3eQOk

education systems comparison

Hi guys,

Not sure if this is the proper subreddit for my question. I was wondering how different education systems are valued for international job seeking. Coming from the US or UK employers tend to know about the strength of the applicants, but what about other system. How easy is it to get a job abroad if your coming from other education systems, such as Netherlands, Scandinavia, Germany, Japan etc.? How do people see these education systems without big names like Oxford or Harvard? (Ignore any practical experience)

Submitted October 19, 2021 at 06:21AM by Pandaa11 https://ift.tt/3lVUvDI

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

Is an Associate in Arts Degree worth anything career-wise if you don't transfer?

I got out of high school and started off renovating a couple of houses full-time for my friend's Dad, it wasn't serious and lasted about 5 months. I quickly realized that I couldn't keep doing it, and I didn't want to just jump into a low-wage job out of high school that I would never really move out of so I enrolled at a Community College. At first, I was going to get an associate in general education, but I switched my degree to an AA after a semester or two because the only career options that sounded good were being a teacher or musician ( I play the guitar and sing).

The advisors at this CC were pretty shit but I never really put much effort into finding things out myself ngl, the whole thing sort of felt like I was enrolling just to be working towards SOMETHING instead of jumping into a shitty job. Fast forward to now and I've decided I really don't wanna be a teacher, it really hit me when I went to get an auto inspection and saw my old history teacher working as a mechanic over the summer that a salary of around $35,000 was not shit, I also don't want to go through two more years of school while a lot of my friends are already moving out and getting their own apartments. I figured being a CC professor and the $50,000 salary that comes with it might be worth getting a bachelors until I figured out that you need a masters, which is beyond me because I swear I could teach those classes with zero formal education, it seems SO easy. Also learned I could make the same salary working full time for the damn post office which requires practically zero experience.

So is an AA worth anything other than transferring to obtain a bachelors? I assume the only perk is that it might look decent on your resume. I suppose even if I don't get anything out of it, one plus for me is that I'd be the first person in my entire family to earn a degree. At the same time though, my Dad is a general contractor and when the market isn't complete shit he can make like $60,000 in half a year and not do shit for the rest of the year if he wants to. I think I should've just gotten a technical degree and stuck with welding or something.

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 09:01PM by Zempshir https://ift.tt/2YZHP6l

How does bias work? How is or should it be applied when reading into articles etc?

I remember in highschool we were taught to look out for bias to see where the author stands. I tend to look for center bias or scientifically biased things as a way to navigate was is "accurate" i suppose.

I think of it like this:

A customer calls to complain about a restaurant to the corporate officr about their item that was left at this specific location. It was stolen during a break in and they havent been able to reach out and they blame the manager being no help.

Later the manager states the cops were investigating and told both the store and customer that the store is not responsible..something that the customer more than likley intentionally left out for their sake of getting their stolen item paid for.

But idk

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 09:07PM by RavenPhoenix247 https://ift.tt/3n3MNqE

Questions to ask for new school

My partner and I are trying to find a school for our kindergartener. I was wondering if anyone had insight into what questions to ask during informational nights or to other parents that would help us select a great school? Maybe something more expansive than are you happy!

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 05:24PM by NorcalGGMU https://ift.tt/3lQvSbB

Why do schools teach people to use Times New Roman as the default font for anything word processing related?

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Submitted October 18, 2021 at 04:21PM by namudiscowhale https://ift.tt/3BXK2Ny

Question Concerning Math Curriculum

Hello friends!

I am prepping to teach High School math (Algebra and Geometry) and I was wondering if any of my fellow math teachers have curriculum recommendations? I am familiar with EngageNY (which Eurika is based on, I believe) but I have been looking into Illustrative Mathematics.

Is anyone familiar with IM? If not, do you have a favorite curriculum that is rigorous and solid?

Thanks so much.

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 02:39PM by Archetypix https://ift.tt/3BT2DKU

College acceptance

I'm not sure if this is the correct subreddit for this but I'll go ahead and put it in here anyways.

I have questions about getting into college. Right now I go to a high school that offers only honors and above classes(a stem high school). I am a sophomore taking junior and senior level classes. I'm making all A's and have a B in math. I'm worried that I won't get into the college i want. I don't know how much the b in math will affect my chances. If it helps, i could say my sat and act scores. I just really want to get into a good college.

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 01:56PM by Squallingunions https://ift.tt/3jexEkV

Post-classroom jobs?

Looking for suggestions for post-classroom employment. I'm falling apart and need to get out ASAP. Thanks!

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 01:55PM by TimeFourChanges https://ift.tt/3G1B1W8

Please answer my poll about gym class lengths

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 12:45PM by smokey-clown420 https://ift.tt/3BVtWnR

Finland schools in other countries

There are many Finland schools in other countries such as Qatar. Are these schools just as good?

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 09:12AM by abdullahnawaz9 https://ift.tt/3lR6jaa

A fantastic Chrome Extension for student teamwork!

Hi guys!

A free Chrome extension came to me. It’s called Markup. I’ve been using it for a while. Before Markup, I’ve tried Kami as well. Even though Kami is a very helpful application, I have only utilized some of its basic functions. Paying for partial features isn't an ideal way for me. That’s the reason I stick with Markup now.

Markup provides my class and me with a collaborative platform. Mostly, I share additional materials for them to read. My students can also create their own clipboard on Markup, which allows them to share information with others. Markup really keeps our class creative and productive!

I think it's a good way to help students learn how to organize team works without any budget requirement. : )

Submitted October 18, 2021 at 04:46AM by Azai_Boshi https://ift.tt/3ARHf7e

I heard that LGBT is more likely to be admitted to famous universities (such as the University of California). Is that true?

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Submitted October 18, 2021 at 01:37AM by RossJD https://ift.tt/3n5lM68

I heard that LGBT is more likely to be admitted to famous universities (such as the University of California). Is that true?

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Submitted October 18, 2021 at 01:11AM by RossJD https://ift.tt/2Z1t4za

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021

Anyone can please help me I need some money to pay my last year college fees.

Hello there, I'm Harsh Vadhiya, pursuing my Final year in Bachelor's in Technology.

I passed all of my previous year with high CGPA, but due to covid situation I'm not financial able to pay my last year fees.

If I won't pay them fees they could rusticate me, I won't be able to place in a company because of the fees.

Please help me it's for my life. Your help will be your blessings to me, Please dm me who genuinely wants to help a bright student for the future. Thanks.

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 11:25PM by HarshOK https://ift.tt/2Xq2Gii

Why are individuals who decide to attend a college often looked down upon by those who go to a university?

I've noticed this trend oftentimes. It could be different for other counties and places, but particularly where I live this tends to be a thing . . . Being alienated because you go to a college for post-secondary instead of university.

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 09:17PM by EntertainmentNo382 https://ift.tt/3AUksHY

Any advice on utilizing a bachelors in Psych?

I’m currently 3 semesters away from graduation and have pretty shitty advisors. When asking about grad schools and careers tracks for my degree my advisor basically just told me to “figure it out”. I’ve been looking at things like HR, school psychology, and even clinical psych but I’m not sure where to start. Any advice?

I’m also open to non-psych related careers, as long as my degree is still useful. ie, something in cs that doesn’t necessarily need a cs degree, just a degree itself.

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 07:31PM by dali765 https://ift.tt/3lP9RK2

Thinking about Child Life Specialist career instead of teaching

I’m currently an associate preschool teacher who’s in college studying education (20yr old Sophomore), and I’ve seen so many people say that the teaching field is terrible and not worth it, that they’re quitting. I’ve been so conflicted about what I want to do, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher at an elementary but I’ve been looking at some other careers lately just to see my options. Child Life Specialist has caught my eye and seems almost perfect, does anyone know anything/have advice about this field? It seems like something I’d love to do, working with children/families in a hospital. I know it’s very competitive but is it worth it? Is it better than teaching elementary? Would I have to change my major or could I just do Education and Psych? Any advice would be appreciated!

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 02:23PM by 024110 https://ift.tt/3DQHRfi


I currently have a Bachelors degree in community and human services. I’m interested in returning to school for my masters degree. I would really prefer online school as I work full time and have 2 children. I know I don’t want to pursue a social work degree but I’m looking for some reputable online college programs. Any help would be appreciated!

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 08:33AM by QuesoPhreek https://ift.tt/3pfa3o7

#TBT: President Jimmy Carter Creates The Department of Education

42 years ago today, 39th U.S. President Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education.


Submitted October 17, 2021 at 08:18AM by imll99 https://ift.tt/3pcToBE

How to understand Affect Theory applied to education

Hello all, I was hoping someone here might help me. I came across a podcast with the author of "Affect Theory and Comparative Education Discourse", Irving Epstein, and enjoyed hearing about the idea of Affect Theory, though I am left a bit confused. I have read a few explanations but still feel lost. Has anyone read this book, or does anyone understand affect theory in the context of education who can explain it to me?


Submitted October 17, 2021 at 06:47AM by sunshinemurderbanana https://ift.tt/3DOf4Ih

Clean slate

Hello all, I’m a 27 year old male, full time Job.

I graduated high school in 2012. Went to college for 2 years accumulated about 20 credits with a GPA average of below 1.00 due to stupidity and never attending classes. I got academically dismissed twice from community college in 2014.

It’s been nearly 7-10 years since I’ve stepped in a classroom or attended any form of education. My dream has always been to graduate from a University. I’m 1 of 3 children and the only to not finish college which has always led to depression and not feeling good enough and as a disappointment. Both my brother attended IV league colleges.

My question is the following, is there anyway I can apply to college almost nearing my 30s as a fresh, brand new student? Possibly start college with a fresh GPA like new. I don’t know how I can ever recover from a GPA that is under 1.0. Or I feel embarrassed showing any previous educational history. Again mostly due to me just never attending classes and massing a bunch of F’s or ‘not complete’ courses.

I would love to to begin a new journey to a degree and fulfill this shallow empty feeling I’ve always had. It’s been nearly 10 years and I’m a complete different person with motivation and determination to obtain a degree. Thank you for your time.

Submitted October 17, 2021 at 07:16AM by Big-Attempt-3645 https://ift.tt/3vsumQc

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

I want to advocate for teaching students more about sexual assault/abuse, what to do, how to recognize it, etc. I want to keep kids safe or help them navigate and at least be aware it understand things. what can I do? I wish this was taught more. I just want to protect and educate them.

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Submitted October 16, 2021 at 05:51PM by clearmind815 https://ift.tt/3lLVgz1

Question about UK universities foundation year.

Do you still need a portfolio to enter an art related course at uni if you are doing foundation year? Sorry if this is a dumb question haha

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 06:24PM by drbumplum https://ift.tt/3AOhjtk

Risk Communication Exercise

You are Chief Officer of The Milwaukee Board of School Directors. Due to changing demographics, school-age children have declined and will decrease even more in the next ten years. Difficult decisions have to be made regarding the efficient use of public resources. The favoring option is to close a school in one of the city areas and merge it with another, larger school. The larger school has good physical resources and sufficient capacity to accommodate the incoming students but is located within an area of socio-economic deprivation.

Share your opinion on the following:

  • What are the key risk issues that the Board will have to consider when making this decision?
  • How is this decision likely to be perceived by the two school communities?
  • How can the Board facilitate reaching a consensus between those making the decision and those directly affected by it?

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 02:50PM by johngotti https://ift.tt/2YXEu7n

MAT Student seeking Teachers to answer interview questions for assignment

I am a first year Master of Arts in Teaching student at SUNY Empire State College. I have an assignment where I need to interview/survey middle school or high school teachers and compare and contrast the responses to report on how teachers handle typical situations inside the classroom. I figured I would reach out to this subreddit in an attempt to reach more teachers than my local area.

I have posted the questions below. If you are uncomfortable answering the questions publicly in the comments, please DM me. I am looking for honest answers that can help me to get a sense of what the current environment is like inside of schools through the teacher's perspective.

  1. What do/did you teach?
  2. What is the most difficult part of your job?
  3. What is the best part of your job?
  4. Tell me about the curriculum you use. Does the school provide one? Is it comprehensive?
  5. Does high-stakes testing affect your teaching style?
  6. How do you engage students? What is your classroom management practice?
  7. Do you have a supportive administration?
  8. What is the biggest hurdle you faced as a new teacher?
  9. What three things would you change about public education?
  10. How do you involve parents and the community?
  11. Can you please briefly describe your school safety policy and procedures?
  12. What strategies do you find most successful for ELLs?
  13. How do you handle the diversity in your classroom?
  14. Do you think your job would be different if you were teaching in a different district? If yes, how so?
  15. Do you utilize strategies to address students' socio-economic status? Homelessness?

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 02:34PM by Decrypticshadow https://ift.tt/3jbci8i

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis https://ift.tt/2U26iDx

Students being exposed to targeted advertising while using online tools.

My children's schools recently adopted the mandatory chromebooks-for-everyone policy. So naturally there has been a shift towards using online activity platforms.. I've been helping my youngest son through some of his middle school assignments and I'm surprised to see just how many inline targeted ads are just floating around his screen while trying to learn.

Is this commonplace for children in a modern education system?

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 12:10PM by DamionDreggs https://ift.tt/3j5c2r5

Bachelor combining media and IT

Hi. I'm currently in the last year of high school and I'm searching for a bachelor's degree to continue my education.

For some time I was thinking to take computer science studies but now i realised that I would probably not enjoy this course because I think I would't enjoy coding on computer all day long.

I noticed that I really enjoy working with digital media. I like working with cameras and other types of technologies and I love the atmosphere of various events where I work as technical staff and I believe that I'm quite a fast learner in that field. I also sometimes like to use some of the Adobe suite software like Photoshop or After effects.

Do you have any suggestions what bachelor's program could I study? I believe that I should study something involving computers because I'm also really keen on technologies and computer stuff but I wouldn't like for it to be just a "dry" education.

If you have seen some bachelor's courses in EU (for example in the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium ect) that would fit me, I would be really thankful if you would suggest me those.

I don't know if this makes any sense but I would like to hear your opinion.


Submitted October 16, 2021 at 10:06AM by kwakee https://ift.tt/3DLj24l

Publishing a paper after undergraduate degree

Hi guys. Now this might sound absurd but I wish to publish a paper in a field unrelated to my degree in order to improve my chances in bagging a scholarship. I was a CS undergraduate and I graduated in 2021 with a university second rank. Now, the deal is, I realized that working in the CS field is boring to me and I've always had the passion and aptitude for the creative arts field. I never got to pursue an undergraduate degree in art/design because of financial constraints. But, I am planning to pursue a Master's in it if I can land a scholarship. Now, the problem is, due to the fact that I'm switching fields, I feel like my application would be incredibly weak. And the only way I have ahead of me is through publishing a paper. Now hear me out, I'm willing to go through hoops and loops to get it published, and I have a topic in mind too. The only problem is that I don't know where to start. Can somebody help me understand the process and how I can be successful in this endeavour that almost seems like a Herculean task?

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 08:47AM by Hooded_enigma https://ift.tt/3APyURs

college courses for sports writing

What kind of college courses should I take to eventually become a sports writer/journalist

Submitted October 16, 2021 at 05:41AM by The2layer https://ift.tt/3aFHQOZ

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021

Is it normal to feel miserable taking college classes? Is it normal not enjoying college?

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Submitted October 15, 2021 at 10:36PM by Separate-Context2185 https://ift.tt/3aESVQi

The birthday problem

Hello all - I am a teacher in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I wrote this opinion piece about celebrating birthdays in classrooms. This year, the buzz word is Social Emotional Learning, but I’m feeling lately that teaching and parenting are blurring together.

I’m considering pursuing a Masters in Educational Psychology, so any constructive criticism of my writing is welcome and encouraged. I hope you all enjoy!

Submitted October 15, 2021 at 08:22PM by josithemagnificent https://ift.tt/3ng5S9d

Dual degree business and computer science?

I started at business school and my info mgmt track led me to take a comp sci class. I liked it a lot and went on to continue studying comp sci and I’m taking data structs now. I’m a junior and I find comp sci to be way more interesting than business so I want to pursue a degree in comp sci. I’m basically done with my business requirements and all of the remaining classes I have for business are comp sci related (python, data analysis etc). Would it be insane for me to try to pursue a comp sci degree on top of business?

I would be willing to stay in school longer because I realize that business is not as interesting as comp sci. I was just thinking about how if I have to spend the rest of my life in this career it would be worth it to spend an extra year or more in college to get the career that I want.

I know it’s really expensive but I think that the extra time will give me more experience with software and allow me to build better connections in the industry. Otherwise I’m afraid I would be stuck with some boring business career and always regret not getting into the tech industry. Is this completely insane to change my career this late in college or should I just YOLO it?

Submitted October 15, 2021 at 02:50PM by rayjensen https://ift.tt/3vfM6hB

Texas teacher applying in a rural small town

For the first time in 15 years I’m applying for a position, outside my old district in a smaller rural town. I’m coming from a highly ranked elementary GT program, and was wondering if any resume templates work best when applying? I’ve heard the software for applying online responds better to “simple bland” templates, is this true? If so does anyone know of any examples?

Submitted October 15, 2021 at 11:33AM by murhMAIDman https://ift.tt/30x934v

"Texas school leader tells teachers to 'balance' Holocaust books with opposing views"

I'm not a teacher, but one of those closest to me is. We had thought our state a mess, but clearly there's different shades of gray out there.

I'm curious what the education community thinks of this situation in Texas. What is the best way to deal and respond to this situation? Is this occurring elsewhere?

Texas school leader tells teachers to 'balance' Holocaust books with opposing views

Submitted October 15, 2021 at 08:43AM by Ire-Pyre https://ift.tt/3BKPK5j

Any teachers out there able to help me regarding seating arrangement and drawing from evidence-based research? Any help is really appreciated!

I’m a teacher looking at changing my classroom seating layout. I’ve done a bit of research but am struggling to find any scholarly articles or evidence-based research that highlights some of the better ways to position tables and chairs. All I know is that I can’t do rows anymore!

Any help is really appreciated <3

Submitted October 15, 2021 at 01:58AM by MrTeacherAustralia https://ift.tt/3DHf2ln

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021


I’m currently a paraprofessional at an elementary school. I work in a classroom focused on autism. I can’t decide if I want to go to school to be an SLP, special education teacher, or school counselor. I’m sure once I get farther into my education I’ll have more of an idea but I’d like some advice. :) Tell me the pros, cons, stories you have, anything! I know for sure I want to do one of these 3 things. I love working with children, ESPECIALLY the behavioral ones. I love love love one on one interactions & I truly have a passion for this type of career. I am very calm and patient with these kids and my current students absolutely adore me. Not to toot my own horn but I really would say I am excelling where I’m at now. Lmk guys! :)

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 09:44PM by Temporary-Mud8223 https://ift.tt/3mY7XWP

Mastery Learning & Autonomy

I teach 11-12th grade Chemistry and Environmental Science. I have always been one to advocate for student autonomy and the "self-driven learning is the best education" pedagogy, which has lead me to the mastery learning tactic. This year (2.5 months in) I have seen the obvious and expected issue of student negligence and lack of motivation. For those familiar with the mastery learning strategy, how does an instructor turn this attitude around? Is full autonomy strictly out of the equation (i.e. is scaffolding required given the inherent failings of the American education system)? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 09:57PM by Caaarrlll27 https://ift.tt/3mOxDoY

Any tips for tomorrow's aptitude test?

For tomorrow I'll be doing an entrance aptitude test, I have already done a couple and did well enough (IQ, where I got a 119 and a highschool entrance test where I got a 77), but never great. It will be 40 math questions (I'm the most prepared for math, would be surprised if missed two or more) and 30 reading comprehension ones, so any tips about either one would help. I have already done practise tests and did well enough to pass the real one, but I'm nervous and I don't think I'm fully prepared to pass it without trouble (maybe I would give myself like 80% chances or a little more). This test is to get into the best highschool in my country (Costa Rica) and it has been my dream to get there for the last year. Again, any tip or help of any kind would mean a lot.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 07:14PM by Pedro0xd https://ift.tt/3AHPTFA

Seeking a 4th/5th grade education pc app for my kid.

Due to the pandemic, with the school being a bit behind. I’m wanting to supplement my kid’s education and I’m looking for a pc based learning program that is t webbased (require internet) that I can get to help. Any one know of any education apps I can buy for a pc? Thanks for any help…

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 06:33PM by demigodxl https://ift.tt/3AD7HBH

[Need serious opinions] Are Management software(s) really useful for a school?

I'll start by giving some context. I'm a software guy and I recently decided to develop a small ERP solution for a government-aided school (<500 students) for no cost. And now a lot of other schools have been asking for the same. The commercial ERP solutions are pretty straightforward.

So the question I have is, is there a practical benefit for ERP solutions, if so how and why is such a necessity, not an Open-Source Software already?

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 04:46PM by virginpotato https://ift.tt/3DJ1mqg

Lesson plans for middle school art?

I am a substitute teacher for art classes. The previous teacher had zero lesson plans and all she did was give kids pages out of highlights magazines to color & do image search. I will be at the classroom for all of next week & I need to find at least three other lesson plans. I did a Basquiat lesson plan last week for Hispanic Heritage Month and the kids loved it. I’m having trouble finding new things that’s appropriate for 30+ students in middle school classrooms. Any help is truly appreciated. I have all the materials to do a variety of things.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 04:14PM by stardust54321 https://ift.tt/3j4pyLF

MAT Student seeking to interview NY Middle/High school Teachers

Hello, I am a first year Master of Arts in Teaching student at SUNY Empire State College. I have an assignment where I need to interview/survey New York middle school or high school teachers and compare and contrast the responses to report on how teachers handle typical situations inside the classroom. I figured I would reach out to this subreddit in an attempt to reach more teachers than my local area.

Please reach out to me by message if you would be interested. I would post the questions here, but I want these questions answered honestly and would not want responses to be publicized, thus detouring anyone from participating. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 01:51PM by Decrypticshadow https://ift.tt/3lJck98

Help with understanding student fees after Brexit

Hi all, I'm 25 and sadly I was born in England but have live nearly all my live in France.

I really want to go back to school and get a bachelor's degree but I have no idea how it works now that Brexit has happened.

What am I actually able to do now?

I was thinking of going to Uni in Ireland but do I qualify for free EU fees seeing as I'm not a EU national anymore.

From what I can work out studying in the UK, Scotland and Northern Ireland is completly out, I'll be paying the more expensive fees and I won't even qualify for a student loan.

So, how completly screwed am I in being able to acctual get a education.

Before you ask, my French is good enough for work but writing essays is way out my league so continuing my education in France is not really a option.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 08:22AM by IvarTheBloody https://ift.tt/3mNGnf0

Not Good News: U.S. News Announces New Rankings… of Elementary Schools

The original USNWR announcement is here and Inside Higher Ed's coverage (including some commentary) is here.

I know I need to include a submission statement or discussion prompt, but I'm at a loss for words over this.

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 06:53AM by LawAndMortar https://ift.tt/3pgLirV


The number of accounts and mathematical computations are complete. You frequently need to practice accounting topics to grasp them properly. No new topic is accounting. The topic is old and students have more and more enrolled in it throughout time.


Submitted October 14, 2021 at 06:32AM by onlinepaperwriting https://ift.tt/3AAxEli

Looking for writing tool?

Grammarly premium is good but quite expensive.

Whit ProWritingAid you have all the features of Grammarly premium and it is free.


Submitted October 14, 2021 at 03:54AM by Pewdixie https://ift.tt/3j3dhay


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Submitted October 14, 2021 at 04:31AM by Ayyaz1986 https://ift.tt/3lAFHKx

What resources do you like to use for teaching freefall?

Hey guys! I decided to keep making introductory videos that can be used either as introductions or refreshers of various topics in Physics. This time, I tackled freefall, gravity, and acceleration. I threw in some science history, with sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei's experiments, too. I wanted to ask if you consider this kind of resource useful, and if you have any recommendations for other things you like to use when teaching this subject?

As always, I'm grateful for any ideas and propositions for topics I could cover next. If you can think of some ways to improve what I've done already, I'd love to hear them, too!

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 02:39AM by thereinaset https://ift.tt/2YMcNy6

What resources do you like to use for teaching freefall?

Hey guys! I decided to keep making introductory videos that can be used either as introductions or refreshers of various topics in Physics. This time, I tackled freefall, gravity, and acceleration. I threw in some science history, with sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei's experiments, too. I wanted to ask if you consider this kind of resource useful, and if you have any recommendations for other things you like to use when teaching this subject?

As always, I'm grateful for any ideas and propositions for topics I could cover next. If you can think of some ways to improve what I've done already, I'd love to hear them, too!

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 02:39AM by thereinaset https://ift.tt/3FNxxqr

What resources do you like to use for teaching freefall?

Hey guys! I decided to keep making introductory videos that can be used either as introductions or refreshers of various topics in Physics. This time, I tackled freefall, gravity, and acceleration. I threw in some science history, with sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei's experiments, too. I wanted to ask if you consider this kind of resource useful, and if you have any recommendations for other things you like to use when teaching this subject?

As always, I'm grateful for any ideas and propositions for topics I could cover next. If you can think of some ways to improve what I've done already, I'd love to hear them, too!

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 02:40AM by thereinaset https://ift.tt/3mRHNFj

Degree escalation -- does college ever end?

I see an increasing amount of people, even in their 40s/50s with families and jobs, getting their next degree (usually an MS or above). I'm 26 and a little over halfway done with a BS in CS while I work (I originally got a vocational AAS so I'm quite behind on college), are people just going to have to adapt to constant college from now on? For instance, nursing is a field where the degree has essentially been escalated from an AS to a BSN, with an MSN seemingly required for admin or managemenr roles. Other fields seem to be following suit, although a BS in a STEM field still seems fairly sufficient for most roles.

Are people of both white and blue collars just going to have to accept continuing college throughout their lives? While I love classes and like the progression of college, the reality is that it is a huge time, energy, and money sink. What are your thoughts on whether this is happening or not and any affects it could have?

Submitted October 14, 2021 at 12:43AM by NoEstablishment9989 https://ift.tt/3v8imTE

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021

Motivating 6 year olds in a second language, online, ideas?

In my school, I'm alone. No one ever started grade 1 with EFL kids entirely online while trying to keep up the curriculum. Last August we were spared from lockdowns. This year, we'll spend 5/9 months learning online.
We do what we can in the class as a group, but we have to do some independent practice. You know how it is, the ahead kids answer everything quickly and the others just chime in and follow. I can call on the behind kids, but behind kids are pretty slow and the ahead kids have no patience for it.

I'm using Quizizz to review spelling and vocabulary words. This is the perfect solution for the majority of the class. The most ahead kids love it because they get top scores. The behind kids don't mind it much, because it's a challenge but they can do it and it feels good. It's the kids near the top, who can't quite win, who get mad, and complain.
Our school selected Microsoft Teams, so children can unmute themselves to complain whenever they want. Kids complaining is more infectious than covid...I need to motivate them, but with what?
What are some rewards or tools I can offer to motivate 6-year-olds?
Many of you have been through this in the past, share what you learned the hard way.
I'll pay it forward one day.

Submitted October 13, 2021 at 10:51PM by JumbledPie https://ift.tt/3mQmS5E

Is there a one year Bachelors degree?

I want to get a bachelors degree but I don’t want it to take years.

Submitted October 13, 2021 at 11:14PM by Bluewater432 https://ift.tt/3p19MF6

picking an online college

I'm looking to get my associates degree in information technology. I want to get this degree online only. I have a bachelors in communication currently. My question is how about picking the right college to go to. Alot of people say watch out for purdue global university because they bought Kaplan and there for profit. I feel like each school I look up has issues and I just want a good education.

Submitted October 13, 2021 at 09:27PM by Witty-Instruction-12 https://ift.tt/30py55z

Anyway I can convince my teacher to change my grade?

We’ve had 2 tests so far in my Psychology class. I did pretty good on the first test (85%) but apparently majority of the class did much worse. Because of this, my teacher made a deal: if you get a score higher on the second test, your overall test grade becomes that grade.

I did pretty bad on the second one (64%) and want to change it. My argument so far is: I am getting punished for actually studying/working hard on the first test when others didn’t, and that the “deal” is drastic enough where the reverse should also be true. How should I confront my teacher about this without sounding like an a**hole?

Submitted October 13, 2021 at 07:18PM by Tiptip55 https://ift.tt/3v7B1Pz