sábado, 30 de octubre de 2021

Work Integrated Learning - Do you think you could build entire school around it?

I've found myself question the effectiveness of the high school system lately (I'm a teacher in the system btw) and I've been thinking about what could be done to make it better.

One of the flaws I see is that it doesn't adequately (I think teachers might do a lot on an individual level, but systemically this is a flaw) prepare students for the future.

I have found that Work Integrated Learning would be something I'd like to see more of at the high school system. Imagine that there is some form of co-op or internship associated with every course that a student takes in high school, rather than just one or two courses (which are always electives).

Do you think this idea would be feasible? What would be some major obstacles or flaws (beyond the legal side and buy-in from employers)?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 08:32AM by ExcellentPartyOnDude https://ift.tt/3pQmerP

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