lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022

5 graders are illiterate…

I just graduated from University of Southern California in film production. I went back to my hometown in Chicago to teach 5th grade Creative Media Arts in a predominantly black and brown district.

These kids cannot spell (or read or write) to save their lives, for example, “ocean” “Illinois” “downtown” “sometimes” “nevertheless” “Ashley” “Italy” “because” “ computer” “bridge” they do not know pronunciation…and the words they write out are backwards. I am baffled and completely flabbergasted. Maybe because I come from a very privileged background and went to private school all my life. So I never encountered lack of educational equality and equity.

However, at what age are these children supposed to be RESPONSIBLE for their own education? At some point we are all RESPONSIBLE for our own BRAIN!! I know that sounds harsh but it’s true. Right now they are children. So it’s up to us adults (mainly their parents) to teach them to be literate. But when will they step up? This is just so horrific TO WITNESS!! JUST HORRIBLE!! Watching these kids struggle with words like “BECAUSE”😭😭😭😭 so sad!!

How am I suppose to teach them ANYTHING if they are all illiterate?

I’m suppose to be teaching them photoshop and broadcasting….how am I supposed to do that???

On TOP of that…when I speak BASIC words like “pertain” or “fruition” or “duration” they think I’m speaking GERMAN😭😭

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:20PM by Ashwasherexo

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