martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

I am a paraeducator and am in need of advice.

I am a one on one paraeducator with a 4th grade student (9 years old) who has behavioral and temperament issues. My student’s father passed away a few months ago. He has not had an easy upbringing and has been surrounded by violence (physically and verbally) within his household. This causes him to lash out in various ways, ranging from tantrums to aggressiveness. This can be toward himself, other students, his teacher, and especially myself. I need advice on how to handle a few things: what do I do when he disobeys/disrespects me, what do I do when he puts his hands on me, and what are some strategies I can use to get him to do his work, pay attention in class, etc. without him becoming aggressive? I want to keep in consideration his circumstances.

All help/advice is greatly appreciated.

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 09:55PM by LumpyAd6905

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