miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024

Looking for perspective, is this appropriate for 4th graders?

My child's 4th grade teacher is very reactionary. For example, a few months ago he locked down the class because he thought there was an active shooter in the building (in a very rural town). It was a false alarm and the system went off by mistake. Many of the teachers realized this and did nothing. He make his students cry and be terrified for an hour, for no reason.

So today...he sent a weird message last night on Class Dojo about a police incident that happened in town. I responded by saying that for the message, but I'd rather talk with my kid about this type of stuff myself, at home. He wrote made that he will dismiss him from class when he talks to the kids about. Basically there was a car chase and the police shot the perp. This is unusual in our town, but it this appropriate to talk with the kids about, and send messages using Class Dojo? It seems rather off to me. I'm the type of person who'd rather just let the teacher do their thing, but this just doesn't feel right to me. FYI, the teacher is in his 60's and retiring at the end of this year.

Looking for perspective!

Submitted January 31, 2024 at 06:34AM by Greenleaf737 https://ift.tt/wpCZEJg

‘Should slavery be legal in Texas?’ Houston ISD seventh graders asked in lesson about 1836 Constitutional Convention

The possible "solutions" listed to answer the question SHOULD SLAVERY BE LEGAL IN TEXAS?: A. Texas should allow slavery—this would satisfy slave holders. B. Texas should outlaw slavery just like Mexico—it is immoral and cruel. Who cares about slaveholders? C. Texas should allow slavery for twenty more years. This way slave holders have time to prepare.

Submitted January 31, 2024 at 05:04AM by Slartiblartfast1 https://ift.tt/RpMV5vg

Emergent Curriculum in a Middle School Setting

Hi folks, are there any books or resources available on doing an Emergent Curriculum in a Middle School or even High School environment? All of the writing I am finding on this is limited to EC and Primary School.

Submitted January 31, 2024 at 01:11AM by loselyconscious https://ift.tt/uLUZJn3

martes, 30 de enero de 2024

lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

School camp funding

What the?

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 11:57PM by Makingmoviez https://ift.tt/gn9Nwiz

Why is the latest generation (Z, millennials) not leaps and bounds ahead of previous ones?

They are growing up with unprecedented access to information and technology that has never been available to humanity - basically, the Internet and smartphones. When I was younger (I'm 41) I would have killed for access to all the incredible learning resources available now...for free, you can basically learn almost anything from the Net.

I'm sort of answering my own question here, but based on my own research and the young people (20ish) I know

- each generation has its own problems (said by the ancient Greeks, so history repeats itself) They are facing an uncertain economy, rising house prices and other things

- you have to KNOW how to use the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation and timesinks like TikTok etc.

- certain things don't change that much...mental illness is still on the rise despite more awareness. Cultures don't change much if at all

- wisdom and maturity are born of life experiences, not school or reading

However I'm just one person and by nature my data is limited.

Interested in hearing other opinions. I believe in sourcing data from multiple sources, not just the news and anecdotal evidence.

Submitted January 30, 2024 at 12:10AM by Paradoxbuilder https://ift.tt/C0gdkEW

i immediately click off when I hear the person who is 'teaching' lag by uttering uhh uhh ehh sounds.

Don't you have any shame? Grown human still lagging acting like you're teaching.

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 10:44AM by Idontknowanameshit https://ift.tt/gwz16W4

Business management and finance course

I’m in the UK. My grandad owns a business which he will need help running/takeover very soon due to illness. I would like to find a course for business management/economics/finance that does not need GCSEs or Alevels to access it. His business is in residential property and forestry ownership and investments. Online would be best to fit around my current job.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 06:43AM by One-Dig-3067 https://ift.tt/7GYxdJK

How can universities and educational institutions better prepare young people for careers in AI, automation, and advanced analytics?

So, you're wondering how schools can get students ready for this whole AI, automation, and fancy analytics thing, right? Buckle up because it's gonna be a wild ride!

First, picture this: ditch the boring old classes where subjects are locked in separate cages. The future needs people who can juggle ideas from different fields like a pro. Imagine an engineer learning ethics from a philosopher to build AI responsibly, or a business whiz using data science to predict the next avocado toast craze. Universities need to break down the walls and let these skills mingle!

Next, coding – it's not just for computer geeks anymore. It's like learning a secret language for talking to technology. Schools can make it a basic skill for everyone, like teaching everyone how to use a smartphone. Basic coding classes across all subjects would let students automate stuff, analyze data, and even build their own apps.

Finally, forget to memorize stuff for a test and never use it again. The AI world is like a chameleon, constantly changing its colors. Schools need to teach students how to learn for life, embrace new challenges, and keep pushing their brains to the limit. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are like super-powered Swiss Army knives that can tackle any obstacle.

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 03:56AM by anaelizaabeth https://ift.tt/GrvoLiF

domingo, 28 de enero de 2024

American National Socialism

I know this is going to be controversial. American Nazism during the 30s and 40s. I'm curious as to the intersections of faith, fascist attitudes and ideologies intertwining. Is there any record of churches or religious leaders being involved? I know in Germany the Lutheran church was forced to support the government. Many stood against it.

Submitted January 28, 2024 at 04:20PM by PhilosophersAppetite https://ift.tt/BK0IaMj

Best YT Playlist for NCERT 11-12 Maths? Not preparing for JEE. Just basics.

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Submitted January 28, 2024 at 01:42PM by ayush0819 https://ift.tt/Ay8POts

Would it be positive if social media companies were to give presentations in schools to educate teenagers about social media issues ?

Hi everyone,
I work for one of the main social media companies (not saying which one), and I have the opportunity to propose a project of my choice and present my idea which could eventually lead to something concrete (lots of if, but still worth trying).
In my role, I am facing on a daily basis the risks social medias put on teenagers and on society in general (social media addiction, loss of attention span capacity, online bullying and sexual harassment, dangerous or self-harm trends, misinformation, exposure to adult and shocking content, scams, and so on).
My idea would consists in organizing, in the name of the social media I am working for, webinars with schools (secondary schools and highschools) in order to provide teenagers insights about some of these risks and contribute to educate them on how to have a more healthy relationship to social medias and to online information in general.

I personally believe that today's teenagers, despite being born with social media (Facebook existing before they were born, gosh I'm old), are atrociously undereducated on risks inherent to social medias. Do you agree ? I also believe that in the matter, social medias companies should have a role and some responsability to take in transparency with the risks assessed by studies.

To all the teachers, educators, and parents out there : would you think that this could be a good idea that could have a positive impact at scale ? If not, why ? Do you eventually see areas of improvement of my ideas ? Or some risks inherent to having social medias making that step themselves ? I'm interested into having a fruitful discussion on the subject!

Submitted January 28, 2024 at 11:51AM by LeBulleur https://ift.tt/eWoT2Bd

Education Program

Currently, I'm an education major doing my classes in elementary education, and I am stuck on how to do long lesson plans and the why I'm doing the lesson plan. I just want to succeed in this major(I have no backup...72% done with the degree & I'm 25 and want to start working already) Is there any tips on how to pass my classes with As and be an effective teacher? I feel like I'm over the major with all the work I have to do. Is there any education job outside of teaching I can get with just my bachelor's alone? Please help, I'm getting discouraged.

Submitted January 28, 2024 at 11:12AM by Haitianbarbie1 https://ift.tt/vxheqIn

sábado, 27 de enero de 2024

Abu Dhabi The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research launched the Emirati Leadership Encyclopedia “Al-Ittihad”, as part of its interest in documenting the intellectual legacy of the Emirati leadership🩷🇦🇪

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Submitted January 27, 2024 at 03:03PM by Gamila_Alzaabi https://ift.tt/4l0nFTM

How to deal with students constantly calling out “whiteness” in my classroom and other subtly discriminatory things

I realize this is incredibly loaded, and there’s no way around this. But I’m a new faculty member and pretty stuck, needing some advice. (I wasn’t sure which subreddit to post this in, so I’m open to suggestions.)

I teach undergrads (who are — due to COVID — behind some years in development as we’re seeing across the education spectrum). It’s a fairly liberal school. I’ve considered myself liberal, but like many people have felt lost in recent years and shifting more towards centrist. I constantly hear students criticizing whiteness in one way or another, when the classrooms are actually full of “white” students. I put quotations around this because I don’t actually know everyone’s background, where they’re from, if they themselves identify as white, etc. I’m what the kids call “white passing” but I’m actually Middle Eastern. I personally think the avenue of centering certain voices (even those historically disadvantaged) and quieting other voices (those seen as less disadvantaged, whether true or not) is a fast track to other forms of damaging hierarchy, and not the way to equity. Dare I say anything like this without risking getting pushed out of the university by horrified 20 year olds. I realize as an educator there is difference between teaching and teaching my opinions. I know the latter is not my job. But I feel responsible for creating a good learning environment where students — no matter their skin color or origin — don’t feel shamed by these kind of anti-white comments (if that’s even the right way to say it). So I’m asking two things of you all:

  1. How to manage this in a liberal 2024 classroom, and…

  2. Personally, are there any resources, authors, podcasts I can go to to find solace in my confusion and struggle (please no recommendation to read White Fragility…). There must be other people that struggle with this that aren’t on either extreme of our political spectrum.

Thanks, and sorry in advance for the chaos this may cause here. I realize there was no perfect way to write this out or to share everything I needed to but I’m hoping it’s enough… I’m just super lost and looking for guidance. I love teaching but these kinds of issues are taking over and making me not love it…

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 02:11PM by PsychiaTree https://ift.tt/OljIrxT

Is MSc in interior design worth it? If yes, please suggest me some universities

I have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering but working on the subject for 2 years made me realise it can be a little blunt (at least at my working place). I see my colleague working projects on interior design and 3D sketch up and I’ve come to find it quite interesting and I would like to progress my studies following that path. Is it worth getting an MSc on interior design and architecture? Is it an occupation with demand? I’m currently being paid the minimum wage which is quite low in my country and it is very hard for me to save for an MSc so I want it to be worth it and not a complete waste of money and effort. If you have gotten an MSc on that subject can you suggest me some universities with not insane tuition fees?

My alternative option which is interesting enough for me but not love, is energy conservation. Any good suggestions are welcome ! 🙏 thank you in advance

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 12:32PM by Eirlithraad https://ift.tt/y4HXeSY

How Google’s AI is Revolutionizing Classroom Learning

my personal and news gathered take on how the googles new ai gonna be infused into education sector check out my personal blog i have written about it.

Ai Tutors And Assistants

AI Tutors and Assistants function as a 24/7 study companion for students. These tools offer help with practice exercises, explanations for complex concepts, and language translations.

  1. Interactive learning with immediate answers to questions.

  2. Adaptive practice sessions designed for student abilities.

read more....and be blunt with ur opinion...

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 03:30AM by jokieeeeee https://ift.tt/T2jK1eX

viernes, 26 de enero de 2024

(Nevada) I have several students in my mandatory economics class that I have to completely modify the content for to below level, yet they still applied for a standard diploma. Can they?

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Submitted January 26, 2024 at 10:13PM by Orion032 https://ift.tt/a9GQE0b

How come the principal didn't fire the teacher?

My brother's teacher through a party because he wasnt in class. He has been furious about it ever since. He reported it to the principal and he reprimanded her.

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 03:42PM by ZealousidealRub5308 https://ift.tt/JRloX9a

What courses do you consider legendary?

what course do you consider as legendary? a course that no one can teach better on their subject?

for example, I consider harward CS50 and MIT 8.01x to be legendary.

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 08:12AM by ElementKZ https://ift.tt/CzxqOUe

How to reduce procrastination as a student?

Firstly, you want to set clear goals for all of your subjects by writing down the exact grades that you want to obtain.

Next, write down all the reasons (5 or more) for you wanting those grades.

Then, read your reasons to yourself everyday. This will help the most when you don't feel like studying.

Next, block your time and prioritize all your important assignments and other activities.

Then, use monthly, daily and or weekly schedules to keep on top of deadlines and to make the most out of each day.

I hope this helps.

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 08:21AM by MichelleCNAugustine https://ift.tt/JCNSkU9

jueves, 25 de enero de 2024

Helpp college

I've passed the CPP (California proficiency program) test. Its equivalent to an high school diploma. I really want to go to a college but I legit don't know how to start. Do I take the SATs? I haven't been to school since junior year and had 0.2 gpa. I don't know how to start, I know I have to take community college. I want to study finance, any help I would greatly appreciate it. 🙏🙏

Submitted January 25, 2024 at 11:49AM by KingSergiov1 https://ift.tt/tlHOShG

What is an Articulation Meeting?

Hi! As the title suggests, what is an articulation meeting namely for sdc teachers? I received an invite from my coordinator but no explanation as to what it entails. Thank you in advance!

Submitted January 25, 2024 at 10:16AM by seortaceathrad https://ift.tt/qL65H3I

Carlyle Group Ventures into Student Loan Market with $415 Million Portfolio Acquisition

Submitted January 25, 2024 at 05:30AM by TheWallStreet_AI https://ift.tt/uJQ8aKW

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

How Salesforce Apex is Transforming Education - A Deep Dive, What do you think?

Hey everyone! I've just published a blog post that explores the role of Salesforce Apex in educational settings. It's a comprehensive guide that covers everything from basic concepts to real-world applications, and best practices for deployment.
I believe this could be a valuable resource for those of you interested in the intersection of education and technology. Feel free to check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Do any of you use Salesforce for education already?

Submitted January 25, 2024 at 12:10AM by sadegoku https://ift.tt/UzOPFst

Seeking resources that can help admin team to design building schedule

I am an ELA supervisor and technology coordinator in a K-12 public school district. District leaders feel like the middle school schedule does not maximize the building resources (personnel, time, etc.). I know that we can just look at other middle school schedules and pick from there, but a few of us would like to map out some options to think about what these changes would mean for students/teachers/numbers.
We use Genesis, but building each of those schedules is too permanent and substantial. Any EdTech tools that can help us to visualize and map schedules? I'm thinking of old school principals with magnets and chalk boards-- is there a 21st century tool that you would recommend for this project?
Looking for a tool that can support designing a new building schedule. Looking for more structured than Google Sheets but less rigid than Genesis.

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 12:20PM by iamnotree https://ift.tt/DVfWpGl

Does a level 2 internship count as education?

I currently do a level 2 course at college and do not like education at all. I’m thinking of doing a level 2 youth work internship at the youth group I volunteer at next year. I’m pretty sure we have to be in education till 18 so does that mean I can’t do it or does an internship count as education? I feel like this is a dumb question

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 11:23AM by Urmumlikesbooks https://ift.tt/1gMXktn

All time favorite books of kids in Gr 2-3

Trying to build a reading library for my 6.5 yr old who reads at Grade 3 level to help feed her curiosity.
What are your kid's all time favorite books at Grade 2-3 level? Can be fiction , non-fiction, science related, anything!

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 06:58AM by Onedayatatime1012 https://ift.tt/VgFS3wo

Why Do we celebrate the International Day of Education?

The International Day of Education is celebrated to recognize the importance of education worldwide and to promote the idea that everyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic background, has the right to quality education. The day aims to raise awareness about education's crucial role in achieving sustainable development, fostering global peace, and reducing inequalities.

By celebrating the International Day of Education, organizations, governments, and individuals seek to highlight the need for inclusive and equitable education opportunities for all. Education is seen as a fundamental human right and a key driver for personal and societal advancement. The day encourages efforts to address educational challenges, improve access to education, and advocate for policies that ensure quality learning experiences for everyone.

Happy International Day of Education! 📚

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 06:13AM by paicconsulting https://ift.tt/hJmzSRF

martes, 23 de enero de 2024

6th form or college?

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Submitted January 23, 2024 at 09:28AM by IloveAdamsandler2009 https://ift.tt/LX1zayA

Re: building writing skills for 6.5 yr old

My 6.5 yr old is writing simple sentences (today is Monday . I went to school today. I had fun because I built a snowman ). She now wants to ‘write a story’. Are there books/ workbooks / apps for gr 1-3 Level or a series that has helped improve your child’s writing skills?

Submitted January 23, 2024 at 07:52AM by Onedayatatime1012 https://ift.tt/A8n1gq6

Pursue a Second Bachelor's or Go Straight to Grad School? (U.S Based)

Location: New York, New YorkDegree: BS in Computer Graphics
(Written by me, edited for grammatical correctness by AI.)

My BS GPA is 2.5, attributed to working full-time and experiencing unstable housing. However, after six years of work, I successfully graduated with the degree five years ago. The initial plan was to work full-time to strengthen my application, but unfortunately, that plan didn't pan out.
In summary, I have a low GPA, a limited work history, and no references due to the short duration of my employment at various places. To enhance my chances of being accepted into a graduate program, I am contemplating pursuing a second BS. This would enable me to strengthen my CV and create a pathway back into the tech industry. layoffs and the increasingly tough market conditions.
In summary, I have a low GPA, a limited work history, and no references due to the short duration of my employment at various places. To enhance my chances of being accepted into a graduate program, I am contemplating pursuing a second BS. This would enable me to strengthen my CV and create a pathway back into the tech industry.
Will someone please spare advice on what the best avenue to "get back on the horse" might be?

Submitted January 23, 2024 at 08:14AM by Days_Gone_By https://ift.tt/GHvZLa8

lunes, 22 de enero de 2024

Can you please help me with this, what are the different academic roles within faculties or departments within universities? some examples include head of school, programme coordinator etc.

Is there any resources that lists all the roles?

Submitted January 23, 2024 at 12:00AM by Ok-Interaction-8989 https://ift.tt/e8sqZbP

Teaching Channel Code

Teaching Channel (Learners Edge) Promo Code. Save $75

Promo Code

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 07:29PM by bubbles2918 https://ift.tt/Snx5gId

Question on Fastbridge Reading Scores

My son has scored 546 for his aReading test and a 169 for CBMreading. The description I got was “exceeds target” and I was curious how far it exceeded the target considering he’s only in 3rd grade. He’s always excelled at reading, but when I looked online to see what grade level typically scores those numbers I was confused since I didn’t see the CBMreading numbers on the few charts I found. Last year his teacher said he was at a 6th grade level for reading so curious what it is now based on those scores. I know test scores don’t cover everything but just excited at how well he’s doing so any help is appreciated.

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 05:43PM by Vsoh https://ift.tt/okEKZcd

Is there a Professor of Sociology here?

And if so, would that person be up to answering 14 questions about your career? Graduate student who needs someone to "interview" about the job here, and looking to go into that path herself. I'd really appreciate it. Just need one person. DM me if you're available and I will send the questions to you. Thanks again.

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 04:55PM by TieredTrayTrunk https://ift.tt/1vpbAZR

Should education embrace ai?

Due to the emergence of artificial intelligence, an increasing number of companies are losing millions of dollars. Duolingo, Buzzfeed News, Vice Media, and now Chegg, an online tutoring company, are among those being overwhelmed by AI. Not only are there various AI products, but also a variety of AI educational products have emerged. For example, Grammarly assists students in correcting grammar and structure in their articles, while Asksia helps students tackle challenging subjects. Will AI replace human teachers in the future? More and more students are also relying on AI. I believe AI will soon eliminate most jobs and take over.
In what ways can AI be beneficial in education?

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 12:54AM by HugeExchange6177 https://ift.tt/gPGYQXK

domingo, 21 de enero de 2024

Question for Florida teachers

MORNING ALL! I’m thinking of moving to FL, but had a question for those teachers in the public school system regarding health insurance.

Most districts I see that the employer pays for the employees health insurance and the dependents are not, but my question is:

If for say per pay check the employee only health insurance is 400 dollars but upgrading to a family plan is an extra 500 would the district still pay the employee portion and I’m just responsible for the extra position? Or will I have to pay 900 every pay?


Sorry if this is the wrong sub but the teacher sub wouldn’t let me post to it?

Submitted January 21, 2024 at 06:22AM by Gashley4 https://ift.tt/lvsNVzq

Need your insights with AI in Education!

Hello peoples! I am a year 12 student from Australia currently gathering data for my personal interest project (PIP) that will contribute to my Society and Culture HSC Major and would be incredibly appreciative if you were able to participate in providing your insights of Al in education for my major! The survey is aimed for people currently in an educational environment but am still open to all responses.

Should only take 5+ minutes and is all to do with your take on Artifical Intelligence in Education, while also focusing on the socio-economic factors it could have. I'm also open to any suggestions for the form, as well as your thoughts on my topic!

I truly believe with Artifical Intelligence already becoming a large factor of our lives, it's only a matter of time before Chatbots become the next calculator! (Which were also looked down upon when firstintroduce but is now incorporated into every schools curriculum)

Thank you!

(Needed somewhere to get more responces and am very sorry if this goes against the rules and am more than happy to take down this post)


Submitted January 21, 2024 at 03:37AM by Pinxngu https://ift.tt/iNJkF9d

sábado, 20 de enero de 2024

Resources from the Black Lives Matter at School Curriculum Fair for teaching Black history

Today I attended the DC Area Educators for Social Justice's Black Lives Matter at School Curriculum Fair. I have a whole bunch of resources to share with everybody:

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 01:08PM by Comrade_Rybin https://ift.tt/rLQ0tZ5

Sport in elementary/ middle school in US

Hello. Can someone please explain how school sports work in US? We just moved here and have a 12 year old and an 8 year old. I would like to sign them up for some sport activities through school. How does it work? Is it expensive, who do I ask? Sorry, have no idea and I want my kids to socialize in their age group during weekends. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 11:13AM by Obvious-Childhood478 https://ift.tt/G9aZpSe

Importance of formal education

An uneducated momo Street vendor earns an average of ₹100,000/month, with income stagnating throughout life and limited real estate investments during retirement. In contrast, sagar daryani who is a graduate builds wow momo worth 340 million dollars, highlighting the disparity between educated and uneducated individuals. Even a corporate employee starting with a ₹25,000 salary can eventually earn ₹300,000/month without pursuing entrepreneurship.

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 04:02AM by noitpursid https://ift.tt/RS8AbwJ

Are you a drop out ? If yes then why did you drop out and when?

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Submitted January 20, 2024 at 01:20AM by FishEquivalent5227 https://ift.tt/m7NVOJg

viernes, 19 de enero de 2024

Grades should be relative to an individual

I think it would be more useful to measure progress in a class based on personal progress. That way we would be measuring the skills a student was able to pick up before and after the duration of the course better.

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 12:28PM by spicedmilkduds https://ift.tt/jYBZTAL

Switching kiddo from private to public - 3rd grade

Our kid is just finishing 2nd grade, has combined type ADHD, and is an average performer. They have been in private school since kindergarten for a myriad of reasons. Partially due to life circumstances and the fact we are a fully ND household and pandemic public education was a nightmare of executive function stuff for us as two people managing EMS/Public health jobs during the height of the pandemic. We have since moved and he has stayed at his school, but between the commute/religion stuff/cost, private school is not going to be accessible to us much longer. We also just got "re-districted" after some boundary changes and are in a completely different district than we were when we moved.

I will say that even with challenges I got a good education as did my SO in public school. We've always had reservations about private. Our kiddo is doing well, happy, has friends, and is improving/learning. I don't feel that the curriculum that their private catholic school has is better or more rigorous than most - but they do have more extracurricular opportunities - like music classes, daily PE, and art. Kiddo reads very well and is an avid reader of physical and audio books daily, loves math, and has low support needs for their ADHD (though likely needs a bit more as they are pretty much at the current "support options" available in catholic education).

I'd love to hear from educators or parents who have made similar transitions on how you supported students or your kids. What issues came up? What would you recommend for supports and transition work during the last bit of this year to help prepare our kiddo?

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 08:46AM by RoMo50 https://ift.tt/pKS84tq

Should I do this

I took a bachelor degree in nature and heritage. Then I went to a master degree in conservation biology but I didn't like and ended up dropping out on my master's dissertation. Now I've been looking for masters in my local university and there's one in linguistics: societies and culture and I'm very intrigued about it. I'm just wondering if I complete this master will I be able to do anything with it since I don't have a bachelor on the same subject or close to it?

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 05:23AM by kallipso9 https://ift.tt/cEH7MgK

jueves, 18 de enero de 2024

In your opinion, what role does education play in fostering innovation and creativity in society?

I think subjects that foster innovation and creativity are programming, IT technology, arts, chemistry, biology and physics. Nothing else. All the other subjects just extend our knowledge. They make you knowledgeable but they do not make you creative. On the other hand, programming gives you a lot of opportunities to be creative. You can develop a program, an app or software in several ways that can lead to innovation. Developing IT technology also needs creativity because you need to have an idea of what gadget would be popular and useful.

The ability of painting and music in terms of fostering creativity is not a question. Look at some great masterpieces whether they are piano pieces or paintings. When you learn chemistry, biology or physics, you may question how the world works. You may be interested in a certain, unsolved problem and you may be motivated to find answers. If you embark on this journey, you will contribute to innovation in society.

However, what I can see nowadays is that politics manifests itself more and more often in class. I do not think politics should be present in class because it is all about the propaganda of the current government.In my country, there has been an introduction of course material related to nationalism in the classroom. This is everything but good.

Submitted January 18, 2024 at 11:07PM by greg0525 https://ift.tt/ZJfTph4

Standards Based Grading: A Qualitative Bewildering Mess

I have 2 elementary-aged kids attending a school that uses "SBG" standards-based grading. After spending 30 minutes reviewing their report cards and another 30+ minutes reading Reddit threads and links to SBG, my conclusion is... IT'S A HOT MESS. Why?

  1. The old-school method of A, B, C, D F with a numeric % of correctness that correlates to a letter still holds up. Here's the thing, if the kids are "correct" by % on quizzes, tests, some assignments within a subject, the teacher (and parent) understands where a kid is struggling (or not). The cumulative letter grade may not be conclusive about mastery of the subject. But involved parents can understand the grade and if they need more input, they can have a discussion with the teacher.
  2. As a child of the '80s, I received traditional report cards in lower level school 4x a year. High school 2x a year. Lower grade-level schools should be issuing a report quarterly. My SBG matrix display 4 terms, but really report cards are only issued 2x a year. This isn't enough to understand how well a younger child is progressing (or not) throughout the year. Look at the HW, the quizzes, the tests you say!! Guess what, those don't come home from my SBG school either. As a parent, I'm perpetually in the dark (except for parent teacher conferences).
  3. I mentioned it took 30 minutes to go through 2 report cards and it only comes out 2x a year. WHY: There are 53 elements to review in 1 report card. 53!!!!!! That has to be overwhelming for teachers, eyeball-glazing for students and for parents - it's a mess. WHY? >> Yes it is more granular in substancel but what do the numbers "grades" mean? What does it mean???!! Ahh the core issue here.
  4. SBG SCALE is the problem. As someone who designed qualitative research projects with subjective (messy) metrics, I understand the dark heart of this problem well. It's QUANTITATIVE VS QUALITATIVE. When you stray away from numeric hard data, quantitative data... it's all interpretation and individually (in this case teacher or district) definitions (guidelines) for the SAME number. So the same number can indicate different meanings depending on the definition. What does that mean? One teacher's 4 is not the same as another teacher's 4. One teacher's 4 = exceeds grade expectation, another's 4 = it should be almost unachievable, another = the student is doing better than the 3 I issued earlier in the year. Objectively SBG states a 4 = Advanced (my interpretation = beyond grade-level mastery). It's all interpretation.
  5. SBG Scale is too vague. There is no nuance in the scale. As old-school parents we understood the difference between an A, B, or C in terms of the mastery or lack by these letters. SBG is either 4 (advanced, ie. beyond grade-level), 3 (grade-level), 2 (not mastering grade level), 1 totally failing. Your kid is either above average, average, way below average. A 3 level measurement of achievement. The old-school system using + - with letters = 15 levels of measurable achievement that correspond to a mathematical % for objective fairness. Cumulatively it's more objective and accurate reflecting student achievement.
  6. Providing a 3-level metric across 50+ points doesn't do a better job of identifying success or failure of a student's comprehension or changes in achievement. It certainly doesn't do an adequate job of communicating academic achievement to a student. In this metric, you're raising an average kid - will my kid get into MIT being average? Or below-grade level (major troubles here). As for the exceeds grade-average sure, but isn't an A in the current grade "level" good enough? It is bewildering to a parent.

Submitted January 18, 2024 at 07:18PM by ATheeStallion https://ift.tt/Srel3by

Star test reading

I am in 10th grade and I took the Star reading test today. I finished the test and then I started it again for no reason only answered the first 11 out of 35 questions. Then I started it a 3rd time because I didn’t want my 11 question only attempt to be scored and after 14 questions the period end and I paused the test as opposed to stoping it. What should I do? Finish the test at home? Will my first test just be the one that’s scored?

Submitted January 18, 2024 at 12:35PM by Hot_Cod1607 https://ift.tt/HAZKrxM

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024

Survey about the Awareness of the Effects caused by Renewable Energy Sources (18+ Only) -- less than a minute!

Hello! I am a research student researching the awareness of the effects of renewable energy sources. I would really appreciate it if any adults took the time to take my short survey. It would also mean a lot if you could share my link with others. Thank you!

Please message me or comment for link! I am having issues adding link to post.

Submitted January 17, 2024 at 07:38PM by hopeo_ https://ift.tt/mleEyUL

I’m about to be 27yo with 2 degrees. I don’t use either of them and don’t want to. What should I get my masters in?

Hey y’all. I’m really struggling with my next steps. I was pressured by my parents to go to a college I absolutely HATED, ended up getting and AGS there then transferring the rest of my credits to another school. Ended up with a bachelors degree in Pre-Speech language pathology. However, it was covid times so weren’t allowed to participate or view any therapy until RIGHT before we graduated. I realize I didn’t want to do SLP anymore, but by then it was too late and I was too invested so I graduated with an SLP degree anyway. Im good at it, but I don’t enjoy it.

Now I have two degrees that I don’t use at all. I work in a preschool, and while I enjoy it, it’s not a long term career. I’d like to get a masters (that was always my end goal) but I have no idea in what. Im not even sure what I’m eligible for. I feel so, so bad about myself because I got myself into this position.

I’ve taken a year off of pursuing my education to support my husband as he finishes his. He graduates in May and has a job lined up, and he keeps asking me if I’ve decided what I want my next move to be but I just don’t know😭

Any advice is very very welcome, but please be gentle. I’m already beating myself up over this constantly.

Submitted January 17, 2024 at 04:43PM by Hurtthrowawayaccount https://ift.tt/29EU1Do

lying on uni apps/interviews

When uni apps or interviews ask "why" questions, is it better to lie by omission and make something up or come clean with the truth?

An example is a question like "Why are you interested in this major/subject?" to which, if I answer truthfully, I would respond "favourable job prospects". It is obviously not the only reason, however it could be a big factor in what pushed me in this direction.

Would this cause me to be rejected? Do admission officers and interviewers prefer honesty, or would I be deemed "not passionate enough? To what extent should I sugarcoat it? Or, is it better to just completely lie and omit it entirely?

Submitted January 17, 2024 at 03:35PM by meowmochii https://ift.tt/QAtmuVZ

What classes should I take ?

First off sorry if this isn’t the right subreddit to post this. I’m interested in going to school and learning about renting properties for and flipping houses for passive income. Anyone know where I should start looking ? Real estate ? Economics or business ? Thanks!

Submitted January 17, 2024 at 06:30AM by Electrical-Brick499 https://ift.tt/PDXgmV7

martes, 16 de enero de 2024

Why don't Schools just require students to record themselves writing their own paper with OBS?

Why is chat gpt plagiarism still such a big issue when the obvious solution seems to be to have students record their screens while they write the paper if they are doing it on a computer? It will be obvious if they are trying to read it from another device and retype it, because nobody writes an essay like that without redoing and rewriting certain sentences or paragraphs. Are students or schools already doing this?

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 03:27PM by TVboy_ https://ift.tt/2FCmGAd

In demand STEM degrees

Are all STEM degrees in demand? Which are the most desired?

Especially for teaching jobs in schools.

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 02:11PM by Professional-Emu8571 https://ift.tt/obeGXqO

New Research Paper (Open Access) that investigates how poetry can be used to reflect on staff belonging in higher education


Do you agree with the findings?

Is this research helpful?

Is poetry an effective method for qualitative research?

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 08:44AM by calliope_kekule https://ift.tt/C6OPpL0

lunes, 15 de enero de 2024

what’s a good text summarizer?

i tried study fetch for a week but none of my documents would upload and i tried uploading one page at a time, all the pages together, few pages at a time, everything and it never uploaded.

i work better when i can make study guide type things for each of my classes based off the textbook but it takes so much time to do it myself and i lose a lot of time and energy to work on other classes. this may seem stupid but it would make things a lot easier.

i don’t mind if you have to pay but i don’t wanna be paying $30 a month because that’s a lot of money these days, and i would prefer there be a free trial before i have to pay so i can test it out.

any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏

Submitted January 15, 2024 at 09:48AM by 420yeg https://ift.tt/rjgNVGs

Business Administration or IT support?

Hey there! In search of guidance. My place of residence is in Ontario, Canada. I dropped out of the "Electrical Techniques" pre-apprenticeship program last year because I disliked it so much. Looking at IT support or business administration Is there anyone that can offer me advice? Thanks, help is much appreciated.

Submitted January 15, 2024 at 10:29AM by DebateUnique https://ift.tt/9CoBUKZ

Potential Intervention?

Is anyone using the Ascend Smarter Intervention program? "DSI Curriculum" I want some honest takes especially as it applies to secondary students. ascendlearningcenter.com

I teach virtually if that makes a difference to your opinion.

Submitted January 15, 2024 at 08:59AM by Grand-Construction96 https://ift.tt/pvtc4Za

domingo, 14 de enero de 2024

TFA 5 minute mini lesson idea


I'm looking to go into teaching. I want to teach high school ELA. I am trying to think of a concept that would be good to teach for a 5 minute mini lesson. I have to present a lesson to Teach for America and I am trying to think of something good to do in 5 minutes.

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 08:05PM by Middle-Noise2582 https://ift.tt/W6xH3QI

The ESOL law shouldn’t be as strict as it is.

First of all I want to say this, I’m a native English speaker. I was born and raised in the United States. My parents speak another language but, I don’t speak or understand their language at all. Every since I was in kindergarten, I was placed in this program. I wasn’t sure what it was and the impact on me. Over time, I realized how pointless this program is. They define students whose native language is English as “English Learners” but in reality their not. I understand certain children’s native language isn’t English and they need esol services. But why are they putting native speakers in the program just because their parents’ native language isn’t English. They should only put students in the program that ACTUALLY need language support. But instead, they choose to put kids in the program only because their parents speak another language. I feel like this program brings money to districts because there is no way they put so many students in the program that only speak English. I feel like the law need to Exist. But it needs to be less stricter and make more sense.

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 04:40PM by Juice-Hungry https://ift.tt/MHBfCXK

Benefits of Academic enrichment / private tutoring

Hi! My daughter is currently in Year1 (almost 6 years old) in the British Curriculum. We are relatively well-off so we can afford to send her to a very elite school with very affluent families; as such, many kids do tons of private 1on1 tutoring / group enrichment classes such as Kumon, Russian Math, Phonics, Hegaru method and the like, "to get kids ahead".

My daughter does some extra curriculars as well, though non-academic - around 4 hours extra spread across dance, violin and foreign language which she does on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Outside this I don't push her to practice and no other commitment expected. She enjoys these activities and happily goes. Everything is 5-10 min from home so she is free by around 11am. We spend after schools and weekends just hanging around, reading books, organizing playdates with friends, etc.

As teachers, do you notice any benefits to extra private tutoring / academic enrichment? Do these students perform better in class? I wonder if I am holding my kid back if I don't give her the extra boost in Math, Sciences or reading when we can afford to do so.

Thanks for the insights!

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 05:39AM by ObligationRemote2877 https://ift.tt/B6owrmC

Came across a great opportunity for graduated, underrepresented groups to learn STEM through Google!

I was researching for some programs like this and came across a program specifically for underrepresented students. The link for the program details are as follows

Link for program page:


Link for Application page: https://techwise.talentsprint.com/techwise-app.html

Underrepresented groups with a 4 year college degree can application for this 100% scholarship course. Google provides scholarship to every participant and the course is designed by CMU. I've already applied and can't wait for the selection process to commence!

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 04:13AM by sickotter https://ift.tt/PdQMiXf

sábado, 13 de enero de 2024

How can adults get an engaging social science/humanities education for a reasonable price?

Videos like this have convinced me that education is stagnating at best and we're headed towards Idiocracy. Half of American adults can't read at a 6th grade level, and many get their beliefs from TikTok. IMO this is driving the spread of misinformation, extremist groups, and mental health issues.

But what can we do? Even if someone has the time & money for more education, there aren't many humanities classes in community colleges, and it's difficult+expensive to do a bachelor's/master's, especially if you're 40+. For example, I went to college (20 years ago), got my master's, and had a good career, but now I want to study philosophy and re-experience the engaging classroom discussions I had in school. AFAICT, I'd need a 2nd B.A. to do that because I'm definitely not getting into a Philosophy M.A. program with my background, and the only phil class in my community college is an intro course.

I would love to spend an hour a week discussing humanities/social science topics with the guidance of a qualified teacher, but I just don't see any ways to do that. Do you have any ideas?

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 03:34PM by i_know_stuff_so_yeah https://ift.tt/89z6xWp

How can I earn a degree without college ?

Hello newbie here.
I like learning new things and I will be completing my school next year and wanted to ask if I can earn bachelor's and master's degrees by only taking exams and not attending colleges because I am planning to pursue Bachelor's and the Master's in Mathematics but I also have interest in physics, Quantum mechanics, astronomy and many more thing and I educate myself with free resources like books, YouTube and MIT OCW. But I can't figure out if I can earn degrees on the topics that I have learned through self-learning. So is there any way to get a bachelor's degree.

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 02:50PM by atharva-99 https://ift.tt/EAmFaBS

Who Is Sherita Hill Golden? Elon Musk Slams Johns Hopkins DEI Chief For 'Privilege' Newsletter

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 07:48AM by SuggestedQuotes https://ift.tt/H4z8AZi

How can GPA(in the US) be above 4.0?

I don't really understand, google says that 4.0 it's max. GPA score. Please help

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 06:56AM by shino_313 https://ift.tt/7IjawyM

viernes, 12 de enero de 2024

It's not the students. It's You.

There's a chance it's not you but read this.

If it really is the students, then you have the wrong job because kids are going to be kids.

I expect more from adults and receive a lot less. Most of the adults on campus aren't capable of a healthy and polite conversation beyond their personal needs. I don't think I don't even need to mention rhe parents who only show up to complain. Most non instructional staff seem to think that their job is somehow more important than others, even the cafeteria staff. Most often it's not a school, it's a collection of individuals.

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 04:21PM by Sea2Summit-Wolf https://ift.tt/c14mjL6

Liberty University Doctorate Programs

Has anyone heard anything about Liberty University's doctorate program in education? Im thinking of applying as an online option is very appealing.

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 03:16PM by DreamTheater11229 https://ift.tt/TKxleIF

Friends son threatened with expulsion. When she tried to get a referral for alt school, the principal refused.

My friends son has adhd and outbursts and behavioral problems at his new (23-24 school year) school. He served in school suspension today.

The principal has threatened to "kick him (the kid) out" on several occasions. I sent her a link to a local alternative school a few weeks ago. She contacted the alt school today and they told her they need a referral from his current school's principal. The current school's principal told her they wouldn't do the referral because "it costs the district money."

What the hell? She has contacted the superintendent but I'm wondering if there is anything else that can be done. Frankly, she's disgusted and so am I. She's trying to help her son and they've threatened him with expulsion anyway so when she attempts to get him help and out of the current schools hair she's told no???? Because of money??? That can't be right!

Any help would be appreciated

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 01:09PM by MyDamnCoffee https://ift.tt/X1J5WwT

How essential is cultural capital to education ?

So I just had a professor go through my marks and one thing he said at the end is effectively you have to start moving around the students in the class with higher grades. I am by no means a poor student, mostly within the high 60s, not superb but decent for college i guess. It seems though that no matter how hard I try, i just can't seem to go into the next boundary.

The other thing he said though which I found interesting is that he came from a social background where he didn't have the cultural capital needed to fully understand what it was that lecturers were looking for. It wasn't until he became one himself that he finally understood.

It struck me but I understood and wasn't offended by it. I understood what he was saying. There are somethings that intrinsically you won't know what to do because it's never been a part of your socialisation. What compounds that is that I wasn't raised in the country and my parents don't really have the social network that could expose me to certain things.

I'm just feeling a bit stuck on what I'm supposed to do here. The obvious answer is to expand my circle but I don't really have the confidence to put myself in those spaces. I don't see any commonalities between myself and the persons I should model my behaviour on. Ultimately as well, what I see as important to life and what they see as important differ. We also don't do the same activities, and quite frankly I don't even have the money to say that I'll do the activities to atleast say I've done them. So what do I do?

It's concerning because it's not just a college thing, it extends throughout your life. I mean am I supposed to accept that based on the theory, my lack of cultural and by extension social capital will stunt my economic growth for the foreseeable future. Even on the education level is it just a case of accepting that I may never get certain grades because I lack the cultural capital on how to write what's being looked for?

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 06:31AM by B_Butterball18 https://ift.tt/xwy3LJo

jueves, 11 de enero de 2024

What’s truly the best form of education? Traditional, Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Waldorf?

As someone who went through the public education system with undiagnosed ADHD I constantly felt lost in a sea of 30 other kids when I was in school. I went on to become a teacher myself and only taught in private schools with small classes that were a mix of on traditional and project based learning.

Now as a mom, I feel very lost on where to send my child when he’s old enough to attend school.

What is truly the best type of education?

Submitted January 11, 2024 at 06:57PM by princesscorgi2 https://ift.tt/yaAn83h

Need Advice about Coworker/Boss Situation

My current issue that I'm having is that my boss is asking me to have my students continue working with a certain Instructional Aide as I have stopped sending kids to them since an issue we had in October. In fact, neither of us speaks to each other at all. I replied to my principal saying that I would be happy to accept the IA's help but they have not visited my classroom to ask if I require any assistance. They responded that I need to make sure that I schedule time with my kids with them. I don't want to do this for multiple reasons:

  1. I don't trust the IA. The reason I do not speak to them is I have very good reason to believe they talk to others about me and specifically report back to the principal about things I've said or done. We had a confrontation of sorts where I vented my frustrations. I did apologize for my tone and the time and place, but they just believe I've maligned their character. I tried to meet them halfway by apologizing for the way I vented my frustrations but also stating that I felt like they were gossiping about me and gave a couple examples of why I felt that way, but they continued to be upset and said some pretty hurtful things to me.
  2. It's inconvenient as all get out. I not only have to schedule the kids they need to see but also plan and provide the activities and supplies. I prefer IAs who push in to the classroom and help facilitate what I'm already doing instead of pulling kids out of the classroom which causes them to miss instruction.
  3. I think having the kids pulled during my instruction time wouldn't be beneficial as I'd have to catch them up on what they missed which is why I prefer push in.
  4. I have a graduate degree in what I do as well as years of experience in teaching. I would prefer to deliver the lessons myself and have an IA (who has neither experience nor a degree) as support rather than the one providing instruction. To feel confident having this IA teaching my students, I have to teach the IA how to teach my kids.

Also, there's the whole I think my principal is targeting me. They're one of those that stay out of your hair if they like/aren't worried about you. Last year, I passed all my evaluations with flying colors. Same for the first evaluation of this year. Then, we had a disagreement over how I was handling a student situation. I am firm and consistent. My students know if you do X, then Y happens. I try to keep it as logical as possible, but my principal disagreed with me and my bluntness and principles kept me from staying quiet and so I shared my disagreement as politely as I could with them. However, I do believe they were offended.

I was made to feel like a horrible monster who wants to ruin this child's life by giving them a consequence (probably an over-exaggeration on my part but that's how I felt). If I'm such a villain why did the parent brag to the principal about how much better the student likes school this year and is doing better overall compared to how the child was made to feel like a bad kid last year? Kids feel safe with boundaries. They like knowing what is and isn't allowed.

The simple disagreement about how to handle a student consequence snowballed into a whole big thing. Now, I'm being contacted via email about a new issue or concern every few weeks. I almost contacted HR about a parent meeting where I felt I was intentionally being humiliated and belittled in front of a parent.

If I didn't feel like my boss was targeting me (possibly to build a case to not rehire me next year), I would go to my principal and tell them the issues I'm having with the IA and see if they could help moderate a solution. But I don't trust either one of them. I feel this situation is just another area where the principal is trying to gather evidence for their case against me. Honestly, I feel like why should I even try to bend in this area when it's likely I'll get axed anyway? At least I'll have my principles. I may be catastrophizing this whole situation but I dread work each day and not because of the kids (that's the one saving grace - I have an awesome class) but because of the constant nitpicking.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Submitted January 11, 2024 at 05:31PM by SpiritofGarfield https://ift.tt/9uHSUKl

Units of Study - doesn't work for everyone

My reading journey with my youngest child started in kindergarten. He knew snap words, letter sounds, and we worked on phonics at home. He couldn't pick up reading at all. He would guess his way through and use the pictures to help him figure the words out in a book. I know they use cueing as opposed to decoding. I feel like he keeps leaning on the cueing instead of trying to decode words.

I had to purchase a phonics program and my son is improving in his reading, but still struggling with spelling. It's really distressing.

The thing is he doesn't qualify for any kind of intervention. I honestly couldn't imagine a child needing to be any worse than what my son was at the beginning of this year to get services. How did they even get promoted to first grade?

I think the teacher's hands are tied and I don't blame her for his issues. I know she prefers Orton Gillingham. She previously used that method at her last school.

Why are schools so committed to using programs that are not backed by science and research?

I listened to a podcast where a teacher refused to use a curriculum (direct instruction) because she didn't like George W. I understand not liking a president (not a fan of George W. either), but why is education so political? She kept using her previous curriculum even though it was proven ineffective.

I feel like everything is so political these days even when it clearly shouldn't be. Wear a mask - you're a liberal... complain about a curriculum and you're a republican. It's very weird how connected the public schools are to politics and vice versa. It's like the kids who struggle are truly just an afterthought.

Submitted January 11, 2024 at 12:43PM by Sudden-Soup-2553 https://ift.tt/9jgTr06

Is a bachelors degree in Business Administration worth it if I plan on moving abroad?

Title. I plan on starting college at twenty one years of age after a lot of contemplating and saving up and since I come from a third world country with a crippling economy I would want to move abroad (preferably Europe, Australia or even the US? I don't have a fixed destination) once I finish these four years and get my degree so is it worth it studying BA? A friend told me that I should study BBA specialized in Human Resources!

Submitted January 11, 2024 at 06:33AM by umvrmrza https://ift.tt/1cZl6fY

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024

good apps that make learning fun?

apps like duolingo that are preferably free

Submitted January 10, 2024 at 06:25AM by ReplacementSad8972 https://ift.tt/uqoEMiN

Seeking your advice on retaking A/L exam.

Hello everyone,

My apologies if this question is not related to this subreddit. But as this is an entrance exam to university, and you guys are very familiar with my situation I thought I should ask this question in this reddit.


Regrettably, I must admit that I did not perform as well as I had hoped in my A/L exams (Combined maths, physics and chemistry ) due to a combination of poor study habits, procrastination, and being influenced by the wrong company. I take full responsibility for my actions and acknowledge that these were detrimental to my academic progress.

-------------------------------------------------------------------MY DECISION---------------------------------------------------------

After reflecting on my mistakes, I have decided to retake the exams. I am aware that this is a risky decision, and I am seeking your perspective, advice, and insights on this matter.I would greatly appreciate it if you could share any past experiences you've had with other students in similar situations or offer any advice you believe might help me navigate this challenging path. I am committed to making positive changes in my approach to studying and am determined to rectify my mistakes.

-----------------------------------------------------------------MY FUTURE PLANS----------------------------------------------------

I want to become an Engineer, now you must be thinking "if you want to become an engineer and you want to get into a state university, obviously you have to retake the exam. What kind of question is this?"

--------------------------------------------------THE PROBLEMS I AM FACING MENTALLY------------------------------------

I am afraid and doubtful about whether I can achieve 3As. I find it hard to gain confidence and get back to studying while my friends are already doing other things.

I already failed because not studying, what if I work hard this time and get low grades?

My parents/relatives will not believe in me while doing second shy (except for my mom).

Spending another year to correct my mistakes.

I have approximately 9 months to prepare for the next exam. Your guidance and suggestions on effective study strategies and time management would be invaluable. I want to get into a state university so I need 3As. Thank you in advance for your time and support.

Submitted January 10, 2024 at 02:45AM by frostywolf___ https://ift.tt/NcrYaOI

martes, 9 de enero de 2024

California faculty at largest US university system could strike after school officials halt talks

Faculty at California State University could stage a systemwide strike later this month after school officials ended contract negotiations with a unilateral offer of a 5% pay raise, far below what the union is demanding. In offering just 5% effective Jan. 31, university officials said the union’s salary demands were not financially viable and would have resulted in layoffs and other cuts.


Submitted January 10, 2024 at 12:18AM by Franciseli https://ift.tt/awE7itO

Is it too late to start college at 21?

I turned 21 in October and I was dealing with severe social anxiety all these years and it pains me to say this but I spent the previous four years after finishing high school doing literally nothing due to financial and mental reasons.

I found an open university that I want to attend online but I fear that it's too late for me and I will be better off doing something else. It also isn't really good but I guess it's better than nothing.

I plan on pursuing Bachelors in Business Administration and then moving abroad to maybe Australia or Europe. Does this seem like a feasible plan? Some people are telling me I should be better off studying IT. I'm in dire need of advice.

Submitted January 09, 2024 at 09:23AM by umvrmrza https://ift.tt/j8QaEfq

Stem course in textile design

Hi! I was wondering if there are good apparel and textile design courses that come under stem? I saw M.S. in textiles in Thomas Jefferson University in U.S. but not sure how good that is.

Submitted January 09, 2024 at 08:17AM by Classic_donut1 https://ift.tt/1u0xIDp

Remembering Names

So, I just got a job that works in an aftercare setting which has a lot of kids in one room and I'm terrible at remembering names any tips on how to remember? I really want to make a great first impression, not seem nervous and not have to constantly ask someone for their name.

Submitted January 09, 2024 at 04:24AM by vWillowTree https://ift.tt/FZ0EzGM

Learn programming for free, with an eco-responsible touch?


I have been developing an eco-responsible programming learning platform called iTeach for several months, focusing on four core values: interactivity, free nature, ecology, and confidentiality. Today is not the day for advertising, so I won't be sharing any link (unless you are really interested, then you can DM me so I can send you some link to Discord, social networks, or to the website itself). Instead, I'd like to gather some thoughts about such a project.

The main courses will go throught web concepts, javascript and react, to allow one to start with no prior knowledge and be able to deploy applications in the end. In addition to designing a platform that is inherently eco-friendly, an entire course will be dedicated to eco-conception, bringing two major positive effects:

⇒ Future-developed applications will be designed with a stronger consideration for ecology.

⇒ Learners can distinguish themselves from other profiles with their still relatively rare knowledge.

The goal I aim to achieve is to gauge the interest that the project can generate and eventually raise funds through a crowdfunding campaign to take this project as far as possible. Having already conducted such a campaign in the past, but for an entirely different field, I know that it is possible to rally support for worthwhile ideas, and I hope that this one will fall into that category for you.

Submitted January 09, 2024 at 02:55AM by Yozamu https://ift.tt/HIBjhlO

lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

An article about spatial thinking in education and in greater society

https://www.esri.com/news/arcwatch/0108/spatial-thinking.html is my article about spatial thinking in education and in greater society; I hope it will be useful to many.

Submitted January 08, 2024 at 11:43AM by geographyforlife https://ift.tt/NiR23Dg

How much education is enough?

I know that education, field, or a person's drive might be subjective—also, the person's current situation, timing, financial situation, etc. But in general(ballpark)- how much education does an individual need in a lifetime- I am asking only USA audiences. This is not counting other little certifications.

Submitted January 08, 2024 at 10:49AM by jumpysan https://ift.tt/qsVmKoi

Study economics or IT

I can't decide what path to take. And it takes so much time and thinking through the day. What can someone do with economics that is enjoyable and not stuck behind a desk and what in IT. Please someone who knows tell me cause i have started going down on my grades cause of this. I feel so unmotivated. Appreciate it, thanks.

Submitted January 08, 2024 at 04:30AM by Afraid-Tangerine-524 https://ift.tt/fzkj3nG

domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Nursery vs Preschool vs Early Childhood Center

(This question mainly applies to the US)

I've noticed that what used to be called nursery schools or preschools are now more often known as Early Childhood Centers. Do these terms actually mean different things?

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 11:34PM by manicpixidreamgirl04 https://ift.tt/4UKq5uN

Intro to Human Resources non Transferable (Psych Major - HR Minor)

I am about to attend a community college just outside of Chicago. I am going to use my elective opportunities to begin preparing for my minor in HR Management. I am very much interested in taking Intro to Human Resource Management alongside Intro To Business. Unfortunately, this is one of two credits in my plan that is nontransferable to the universities I will be applying for, the other is Microsoft Office is Business Applications (Which I think I will take regardless to prepare me for potential internships/admin assistant jobs during my bachelor's studies).
I was hoping I could get some insight on whether or not it would be worth it to take this course to get a feel for the broader topics in HR before moving on to university and declaring a minor. I understand that I may have to undertake a reverse transfer process, which isn't ideal but I think I can handle one additional class during my first semester at uni. I suppose the only alternative for me would be taking a more specialized class at my cc that will transfer. If this route is more advisable, what are some of the topics I will NEED to know stepping into admin ass./intern roles before getting my bachelor's? At present, the business classes I have mapped are: Intro to Business, Intro to Human Resource Management, Microsoft Office in Business Applications & Business Writing.
Unfortunately, my CC doesn't offer any applied/organizational psychology classes, so I need to use up my electives to get exposure to business principles.

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 09:54AM by alprazowho https://ift.tt/qHbnils

Mental Health

Anyone here think we need to do a better job with our mental health programs (SEL) ? Like including that mental health conditions are real medical conditions, and that they are more common than people think. I think it would really help the kids who have a condition (1 in 5 children) to understand that there may be a medical reason for the way they feel, and that it's not all in their heads, so to speak. In particular, I think it would help the silent sufferers to know they aren't alone, and that there are treatments. Also, it might be good for the rest of the children because they would understand what mental conditions are and what they aren't, and in turn, reduce bullying behavior.

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 08:59AM by CureBrainDisease https://ift.tt/9YQsEm8

Drop out and re-apply to another college/university

I'm an international student and I have just finished my first year, first semester of my college. Is it possible to drop-out and re-apply to other universities?

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 05:27AM by Legal-Shape7485 https://ift.tt/UuxT9Mk

Seeking ideas to enhance reading experience

Hello, I work with a book Publishing company specializing in finance and careers but open to other genres. Our goal is not just to provide learning through books but also to assist readers in implementing these concepts in their lives.

We're brainstorming various enhancements, such as explanatory videos by authors, a habit tracker to encourage daily reading, gamification of important concepts, flashcards for quick recall, and even integrating a speaker for a dual reading-listening experience. We're also considering adding scents to enhance the overall reading experience.

I'm seeking more ideas to further improve the reader's experience. Any insights or suggestions based on what enhanced your reading experience would be greatly appreciated!

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 03:52AM by know_thyselff https://ift.tt/HAd9JZl

sábado, 6 de enero de 2024

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis https://ift.tt/d0tuFAJ

Tough day at 1st ed job

In a nutshell, I started a new job and had a great few days and was praised for my performance until I received a challenging assignment with zero instruction-an assignment that required turnover and instruction as it pertained to assisting a sped student

I fell apart inside but maintained composure until the end of the day because I didn’t know how to help the student given no information on student needs (I did ask questions throughout the day and received very little info)

I’m struggling to decide if I need to up and leave or stick it out and give it some time

I don’t want to give up and I know some days are more challenging than others but this one had me rethinking all of it

I feel ashamed that I didn’t perform my best, none of this was brought up by my boss

I called a meeting to discuss not having a proper rundown of tasks for the assignment because I had a challenging time with it and they mentioned that “if I feel I’m not a good fit, that’s okay” but were willing to discuss it

Sounds more like I displayed a weakness and they want me gone

Advice is helpful, I’m feeling crappy so please be kind if you can

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 12:19PM by Tall-Web-4186 https://ift.tt/2tJepaX

Master's program thoughts

Hello, I have a BA in economics and am currently a Real Estate Appraiser. I make decent money and have an extremely flexible schedule and work from home almost exclusively when I'm not out doing inspections of the homes.

I have most of my GI Bill left over and want to use it to get a master's degree. I'm thinking about going for Big Data Analytics at a college nearby that I'd like to attend. The more I look into it, it seems a niche degree that may not open as many doors as i thought initially. I'd like to keep working as an appraiser but would still like the option to leave and do something else if I want to. Does anyone have any other suggestions for a degree that's not extremely math focused but still has a wide range of applications?

I'm extremely research oriented, I love learning about how things work and operate behind the scenes type things, I am proficient at math but it's not my favorite and I would like something that isn't extremely math focused.

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 09:15AM by ArthurMorgan308 https://ift.tt/xdh9GSk

Curren status of higher education

Dept of Education initiates investigation on San Diego State University professor for condemning Hamas attack on Israel.

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 02:23AM by galen2922 https://ift.tt/QKvTXzf

viernes, 5 de enero de 2024

I've been using video games to teach a physical education class this semester for my juniors.

Hey everyone. I often to like to use video games to teach. Some of my students this year are deficient in physical education credits so I thought it could be a cool idea to use video games in order to get them interested in being physically active. I wrote about it here for anyone interested in reading about the games I have been using with them. I also included some pictures.

This is my website Hey Listen Games where I make most of my game based learning curriculum available for free. I hope you all can find something useful.

Submitted January 05, 2024 at 02:57PM by somefuzzypants https://ift.tt/EolXYm3

The Dept. of Education Really Has Only 1 AI Use-Case?!

In the Government Accountability Office’s December 12, 2023 report “Artificial Intelligence: Agencies Have Begun Implementation but Need to Complete Key Requirements,” US Federal government agencies report how many AI use cases that they expect to figure in their work. (Here is the report: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-105980.)

While I am not surprised to find NASA at the top of the list with 390 AI use cases, I was very surprised to see that the Department of Education (ED) has only 1 AI use case that they reported to the GAO.

How is this possible?

Digging deeper into the full text of the GAO report, I saw that some agencies had incomplete or missing reports of AI use cases, so my initial thought was that ED might not be reporting all of their AI use cases. But then I saw that ED’s own inventory (https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocio/technology/ai-inventory/index.html) of AI use cases has only 2 use cases that they will deploy or have deployed: Aidan (a virtual assistant for the Federal Student Aid program that answers users’ financial aid questions) and IPAC (a bot that downloads spreadsheets from the Treasury’s databases, adjusts them to fit the systems of the Department of Education, and uploads them). This is from their most up-to-date inventory, post-GAO report.

Yet again, I ask: that’s all?! Yikes!

You might think that I am being unfair. After all, ED’s Office of Educational Technology has engaged seriously with AI, even releasing a report on AI and the “Future of Teaching and Learning” with some excellent insights and recommendations back in May 2023 (https://www2.ed.gov/documents/ai-report/ai-report.pdf).

Given ED’s mission, you would think that there would be more potential AI use cases that they would be reporting on. In fact, you might think that ED should be incorporating AI heavily in their work.

For instance, I immediately can think of three broad kinds (and there are countless others):

  • Data analytics AI use cases, where ED teams use AI tools to better analyze and represent the copious data they have at their fingertips;
  • Research analysis AI use cases, where ED teams use analogs or implementations of BERT (like the famed SciBERT) to develop education-specific language models of the educational research in their role influencing curricular recommendations; and
  • Distance education pedagogy AI use cases, where ED teams analyze ways that AI tools can improve outcomes of students in distance education programs by simulating some of the benefits of in-person education (e.g., personalization).

But maybe I am mistaken or maybe I have an incomplete picture of ED’s engagement with AI. So, I have reached out to the aforementioned Office of Educational Technology to see if they have any insight into this surprising report, and I will report back as soon as I get more information.

In the meantime, do you all have any insight into this issue? Why would ED be so far behind on AI use case exploration, even taking into account COVID-related delays and obstacles?

[This post is modified from a newsletter piece of mine: https://automated.beehiiv.com/p/us-dept-education-ai-use-case.]

Submitted January 05, 2024 at 07:09AM by professorgc https://ift.tt/GfNBOmr

AI Tools that interact with the UK/British education system

Hi all,

Does anyone have any suggestions for AI tools that generate lesson slides/activities, but with more of a basis with the British / UK education system or national curriculum? I find a lot of the ones I've found online have an American twist to them.

The best one I've found so far is almanack.ai, if anyone else would like to give it a try.

Submitted January 05, 2024 at 05:09AM by Orinoco_ https://ift.tt/yJTrFMH

jueves, 4 de enero de 2024

Maybe somebody can check this paper for plagiarism too

Scaling the Ivy Wall: the Jewish and Asian American Experience in Harvard Admissions

Submitted January 04, 2024 at 02:26PM by ted-clubber-lang https://ift.tt/zeRaolb

How to find my IEP Ontario canada

Hey, I've had a iep in public school as well as highschool, I graduated a number of years ago (2012) and now I am trying to access my IEP for a college course. Anyone know how to go about getting that information for the counsellor here on my campus.

Submitted January 04, 2024 at 10:56AM by TwopackShugar https://ift.tt/bBkEmhK

What are the rules of using a poem without quotations (Block quotes) in MLA style?

No text found

Submitted January 04, 2024 at 04:34AM by blxxomd https://ift.tt/aIH87Al

miércoles, 3 de enero de 2024

Apex vs Canvas?

I don't know if you guys would know but last year my school used Apex Learning and I could basically cheat on all my classes and my plan was for this semester to finish it in less than a week so I could graduate early and attend the summer semester at college since it starts earlier than when my high school finishes but I noticed that on the portal that my Apex classes are still the same and say finished but there is this new app called Canvas that says I have classes loaded but haven't started yet so I'm really worried I'll have to very slowly complete things at the pace my teachers want and I won't be able to attend the summer semester plus I basically cheat on the college readiness math class because it did a horrible job teaching it so theres no way I can finish the second semester of it if I can't cheat. What do I do? Is Canvas also self paced? (edited)

Submitted January 04, 2024 at 12:29AM by Legitimate_Boat6921 https://ift.tt/Jtjw9DH

Pretend play questionnaire (3-5 mins)

Hii I am conducting research on pretend play in childhood for one of my modules. I am looking for students who have younger siblings, students who have children or students that work with children.

If any of this applies to you please partake in my survey it won't take you longer then 3 minutes! It is mainly closed questions.

Thank you and happy new year 🎊🩷


(This links purpose is to take you to google forms to fill out a survey on the benefit of pretend play in childhood)

Submitted January 03, 2024 at 01:46AM by PopularBake3825 https://ift.tt/2rsQXlh

extra certificates for interview

what should i do to have extra certificates so that i can show it in interviews for college

Submitted January 03, 2024 at 01:30AM by Pure-Woodpecker7549 https://ift.tt/oyKHMpQ

martes, 2 de enero de 2024

would it be worth it to tell a teacher that i’m feeling depressed?

i’m an 18 y/o senior in high school and have had mental health struggles my whole life. things this year have been worse than they’ve ever been before and getting through each school day is a challenge. i do my school work okay, though not has well as i have in past years. i have severe social anxiety and have nobody in school that i regularly talk to. i don’t get lunch, but either nobody notices or they just don’t care. i am also seeing a therapist (though i haven’t seen them in a few weeks due to scheduling conflicts)

i just wanted to know if there was any benefit to letting a teacher know what im feeling, or if it would help at all

Submitted January 02, 2024 at 09:20AM by brookeb725 https://ift.tt/z1W0npd

Education milestone by age?

I’m wondering, does there exist a general frame work of education milestone by age? For example, my 4yo knows her ABC’s, but if I throw her random letters, she’s not able to identify them. On the other hand, we started playing with the idea of addition, and if I ask her what is 2+2 with flash cards of animals, she’s able to count them and conclude the answer is 4.

I’d like to continue ‘play-learning’ with her on a regular basis, but want a bit of structure and idea of where she should be.

Is there anything I can reference

Submitted January 02, 2024 at 06:34AM by mrdlau https://ift.tt/iCtbvkw

Do teacher have to take responsibility to stupid actions of kids (any age ) ? If they injury themselves , etc ? Why?

No text found

Submitted January 02, 2024 at 05:02AM by Fffgfggfffffff https://ift.tt/h084Lmp

My view of the state of education today. This was removed from another sub.

I have seen and had classmates who had no buisness being there, and in my opinion, and many others, dont have the capability to be qualified to do anything of use in their chosen field. This climate of "tolerance, equity and equality... " has lowered the quality of university education to a ridicuolous degree. Places on the university, schollarships and funding, are being given to students on account of their race, religion, immigrant status, etc., which in turn leaves a better image of the university in this particular pathological ideology we live in, and grants them greater funds and feints progress. The sad truth is that many of those students wouldnt have been able to get in the courses and universities any other way and they have taken the place of students who were really on top of their chosen subject matter. What happens is, you have many students lagging behind considerably, the climate of tolerance demands that the coursework follows their tempo and level of complexity, leaving the smarter students bored out of their minds and simply undereducated, compared to their abilities. I know the about the saying that its better to be the stupidest person in the room, than the smartest, but there are so many people getting qualified and doing their job poorly, it is just sad.

Submitted January 02, 2024 at 03:27AM by tikhal96 https://ift.tt/NPYn6zF

lunes, 1 de enero de 2024

How do you guys work full time and go to school full time?

I’m currently trying to figure out how I can make this happen. I’m 24 years old, and have been in school since out of high school, currently in school for my bachelors. I am currently working part time, and I’ve always been able maintain work, school, and my social life. However, lately I’ve felt stuck. I want to be able to move out with my partner desperately. I’ve been with him since high school, we’ve been together 7 years, and I’m ready to start my life with him, work towards our goal of marriage and a place. We both work and go to school and so we never see each other during semesters, and living together, we’d at least have the comfort and happiness of being able to see each other after our responsibilities. I’ve been applying to jobs that are full time 30+ hours a week, and I’ve never worked full time while in school full time, and I’m extremely stressed out that I will fail and/or drop classes, or fall behind in work, on top of completely deleting my social life, and just overall being miserable. I value my free time and my people, and the thought of not having any of that, solely to be able to live is daunting. I want to live with my person, begin our life, but I don’t know how to be happy working full time, school full time, and not being able to have time to just be. The job I’m currently working towards also requires a commute for me currently, which adds even more time to my day of not me time. On top of getting ready for work in the mornings, etc. Those little things add up. If anyone has done it, how? And did you end up running into these issues at all?

Submitted January 01, 2024 at 11:32AM by Phoenixfly28 https://ift.tt/VG8AJMF

Education double check ~ No Child Left Behind

Help! Dementia scares me! I can not remember how I was taught the contraction 'we're' and now I am getting mixed signals!

¿We're = We Are ¿We're = We were

¡I promise I am college educated.

lifeoftarzan #memorycheck #educationcheck

Submitted January 01, 2024 at 06:55AM by Profpoptart414 https://ift.tt/g4nyeuw