lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

Why is the latest generation (Z, millennials) not leaps and bounds ahead of previous ones?

They are growing up with unprecedented access to information and technology that has never been available to humanity - basically, the Internet and smartphones. When I was younger (I'm 41) I would have killed for access to all the incredible learning resources available now...for free, you can basically learn almost anything from the Net.

I'm sort of answering my own question here, but based on my own research and the young people (20ish) I know

- each generation has its own problems (said by the ancient Greeks, so history repeats itself) They are facing an uncertain economy, rising house prices and other things

- you have to KNOW how to use the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation and timesinks like TikTok etc.

- certain things don't change that much...mental illness is still on the rise despite more awareness. Cultures don't change much if at all

- wisdom and maturity are born of life experiences, not school or reading

However I'm just one person and by nature my data is limited.

Interested in hearing other opinions. I believe in sourcing data from multiple sources, not just the news and anecdotal evidence.

Submitted January 30, 2024 at 12:10AM by Paradoxbuilder

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