domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016

I am a fairly uneducated man. Please help

Here's the long and short of it. Back in school I didn't take advantage of the of the opportunity of the free public schooling that was provided to me. Spent alot of time cutting class to hang with my friends smoke pot and have a few beers playing my guitar etc. Did enough to pass my classes until I ended up dropping out and getting my ged. I'm now 27 and even though I feel that I'm good at some things, manual labor or hands on type work primarily. I can get things down fairly easily once they are shown to me. I feel like I'm a pretty good blue collar working man. What I've run into though is that there is a lot of times I'll be having conversations with people be it friends or strangers and find that I don't know what they are talking about, EX: with the recent elections happening there was alot of talks about the government and different positions and I had to have it explained to me how it worked and the fact that an electoral college exists and what it does. I feel pretty stupid when I have to have things that seem to be pretty simple common knowledge explained to me. If anyone has any knowledge of free resources I could use and maybe even some recommendations for good General things to be educated in? Thank you in advance

Submitted December 04, 2016 at 10:39AM by amazingfox

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