martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Unfair school suspension?

Today I was suspended from school for two days. The reason was considered a miscellaneous offense, however it was documented as disrespect toward staff. A few days ago I created a spoof account of my school's assistant principal on Twitter. Today I posted an image of the cafeteria along with the message: "Watching these mother***kers eat lunch #IHateMyJob." I posted this as a joke and my buddies decided to share and like it. Later on, the principal found out and suspended me for two days, by hearsay and without any proof it was actually me. Along with my suspension, I was told I would not be able to make up my finals and I would be given a zero on all six. Despite my case, someone about three years ago had done the same thing, but she was given two days after school detention, and she was proven guilty and admitted to creating an account. I am just curious if you all think this is unfair to you all, and if so, then what should I and can I do about it? Thanks!

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 04:12PM by Logan_Sisson

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