domingo, 17 de junio de 2018

Donating to organizations for evidence-backed early childhood education/development work

I'm having trouble finding good organizations to donate to. Ideally, I'd like to support research (especially) and implementation of early childhood education/development/welfare programs internationally. I find a number of organizations that seem to be doing cool stuff (American Institutes for Research, High Scope Educational Research Foundation, National Institute for Early Education Research, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood), but to my surprise, none of them seem to be asking for any of my money!

I'd much rather rely on organizational-level expertise in spending resources than, say, picking through sites like DonorsChoose for individual projects to support. No offense of course, just not what I'm looking for.

The only decent option I can find so far is good ol' UNICEF. But I'm sure there must be some smaller, totally rad organizations worthy of support.

Can anyone point me in some good directions, please? Would really appreciate it!

Submitted June 17, 2018 at 03:53AM by le_sacre

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