martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

What would you think of a student union? (coming from a student)

At my school, the administrators make decisions that feel like they're more based on how the school looks from the outside, rather than how it actually functions. Currently, our ASB and Class Councils don't function as much to influence campus policy, but more to plan events like formal and other activities. Individual students can't make much change because when you go to the administrators by yourself, they grill the shit out of you and your ideas.

I got an idea to form a student "union". basically, during meetings, any student can throw out their ideas and grievances with the school that can be reasonably fixed, and then a formal bill is drafted and made into a petition. this petition would then be presented to admin in hopes that multiple students voices together would make a bigger difference than an individual.

I have a lot more ideas to go along with this one, I just wanted to post my main ideas. feel free to ask questions.

What do you guys think of this idea? Is it crazy and stupid? Would you participate in it if one was formed at your school? What are your thoughts?

I am widely open to constructive criticism.

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:51PM by kyle-inator

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