viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : Discutir y dialogar sobre la educación, desde los que la llevan a cabo y más allá de los temas de la Reforma Educativa. ¡Muy buenas propuestas!

@ManuelGilAnton : Discutir y dialogar sobre la educación, desde los que la llevan a cabo y más allá de los temas de la Reforma Educativa. ¡Muy buenas propuestas! (via Twitter

What is a special education diploma and how do I know which one I have

Today I was reading on Reddit and heard of this thing called a special education diploma. I have not heard of such a thing. Maybe I did not know about this because my state does not have them. I live in Colorado and graduated with what they called a high school diploma. I attended colleges a bit and am in a apprenticeship. I am wondering because my diploma says I have met rules of my county and met all the requirements for graduation do I have one? For reference my apprenticeship requires a high school diploma. When graduating I actually had far more credits than I needed to graduate. Again just after reading about it I wonder what mine is.

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 02:29PM by elivings1

@EducacionFutura : Las emisoras en las que se suspende la transmisión de contenidos son: XEB 1220 AM; Ciudadana 660 AM; Radio 710 AM; Tropicalísima 1350 AM, en la Ciudad de México; Radio Azul 1560 AM y 99.7 FM, en Lázaro Cárdenas, y La FQ 980 AM y 103.1 FM en Cananea.

@EducacionFutura : Las emisoras en las que se suspende la transmisión de contenidos son: XEB 1220 AM; Ciudadana 660 AM; Radio 710 AM; Tropicalísima 1350 AM, en la Ciudad de México; Radio Azul 1560 AM y 99.7 FM, en Lázaro Cárdenas, y La FQ 980 AM y 103.1 FM en Cananea. (via Twitter

What do you think that is more important for the learning success. Extrinsic or intrinsic motivation?

No text found

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 09:39AM by raulanton

HS Diploma (GA)

I graduated from an online charter school in 2018 that has since been shut down. I only received my transcript but never received my diploma. My transcript doesn't show a date of graduation, but does reflect I received enough credits to graduate in the state of Georgia. Does anyone know who I should contact about this? The shut down charter school left no contact details.

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 01:13AM by kagamaii

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Charter Schools Charged with Stealing $50M from California

Specifically, they claimed they would have a bunch of extracurricular activities that they didn't follow through with on actually organizing.

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 09:21PM by DoubleTFan

@EducacionFutura : Becarios indígenas de la UNAM son reconocidos por investigaciones sobre Cherán y Sierra Norte de Puebla

@EducacionFutura : Becarios indígenas de la UNAM son reconocidos por investigaciones sobre Cherán y Sierra Norte de Puebla (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Cuántas de las capacidades intelectuales se extinguen porque las escuelas no brindan las herramientas para su desarrollo?

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - ¿Cuántas de las capacidades intelectuales se extinguen porque las escuelas no brindan las herramientas para su desarrollo? (via Twitter

5 Powerful Ways to Use Google Drive in Schools

Google is providing free tools that can help schools automate every of their academic and administrative processes. Google Drive is one of such great tools.

Read the attached post to see how your school can profit form Google Drive's outstanding features: 5 Powerful Ways to Use Google Drive in Schools

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 04:36PM by Chisabez78

@EducacionFutura : El cálculo presidencial parece aventurado. Pide a las instituciones “hacer más con menos” en un escenario de recursos muy limitados: Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : El cálculo presidencial parece aventurado. Pide a las instituciones “hacer más con menos” en un escenario de recursos muy limitados: Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Esperamos que la invitación al diálogo que se hace a la CNTE, no se desoriente por expresiones inmoderadas como las de la carta que emitió AMLO: David Calderón

@EducacionFutura : Esperamos que la invitación al diálogo que se hace a la CNTE, no se desoriente por expresiones inmoderadas como las de la carta que emitió AMLO: David Calderón (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La carta presidencial a la CNTE / Un análisis de Jorge Javier Romero

@EducacionFutura : La carta presidencial a la CNTE / Un análisis de Jorge Javier Romero (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Razones prácticas sobre la admisión al servicio docente

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Razones prácticas sobre la admisión al servicio docente (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Reflexión de Roberto Rodríguez sobre la propuesta de cobertura y gratuidad en Educación Superior. No está sencilla ni barata la cuestión.

@ManuelGilAnton : Reflexión de Roberto Rodríguez sobre la propuesta de cobertura y gratuidad en Educación Superior. No está sencilla ni barata la cuestión. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez @ricardomraphael Qué buenos tiempos... y los de ahora también. Saludos a Alba!

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez @ricardomraphael Qué buenos tiempos... y los de ahora también. Saludos a Alba! (via Twitter

Becoming a teacher

Hello. I am studying a business economics bachelor's degree and need a year more to graduate. I feel I want to become a teacher now. I live in California and all that is needed is a bachelor's degree and a teaching credential. I want to confirm I need to have the bachelor's completed first before going for the teaching credential (in other words, I want to confirm I can't start it right now). If not, would it be possible to earn the credential while teaching or is that not allowed?

So basically, I am looking for guidance to the most efficient path so I don't accidentally waste time. I'm not sure on the specific grade level I wanted to teach yet either, but I was mostly interested in elementary or middle school.

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 05:08AM by Floppingfish1

Note-taking: Paper vs. Computer

I used to rely on computer notes up until halfway through high school, and my grades were good and it was working out. Then halfway through high school, our new supervisor basically told us that computer notes would be the death of education and you wouldn't remember a thing, so I switched.

Now just finishing the first year of uni, I don't have time for handwritten notes anymore with 800 pages worth of information for each module. I think the fear is just drilled into me by this point and I'm scared to make the switch, because I know handwritten improves recall, however computer notes make up for a lot by allowing for revision time.

Thoughts? Opinions? Any research on the topic is very much welcomed.

Submitted May 30, 2019 at 03:57AM by Inegis

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

How do i know if what i solved is correct if no answer key is given?

On this particular math course during the class they give us a sheet of exercises to and we never really finish (it's like 20 exercises), so we take them home. On previous math courses these sheets would have the answers/keys at the end (not the solution, only the final answer), this was super convenient for me because i would go home and solve them all and compare them to know if i was doing it right.

However, now they won't give the final answer at the end of the sheets, only the problems unsolved. and i find myself completely desmotivated to study/practice, and only stay with the examples of what the professor solved in class. I find it pointless to even solve the sheets, how would i know if the final answer i got is right? I might as well be enforcing bad practice in multiple problems leading to multiple mistakes that would go completely unnoticed. No one in class has really asked or said anything about this, so i just assume i'm the "slow" one. I can't use this as an excuse to not learn because there are still people getting excelent grades.

In math courses, how do you approach/deal with this? These Line Integrals case examples cannot be just entered on a calculator, there is analysis and procedure. So how do you know if what you are solving is correct if there are no final answers given?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 03:38PM by Bata_1

Non-believer teachers, is religion and discrimination a problem at your school?

Hi teachers and atheists. I'm a life-long atheist (37 F), parent, and soon-to-be licensed teacher (masters, with previous teaching experience). I grew up in a city with a somewhat diverse population. (I didn't realize at the time how diverse it was). For the last few years I've lived in a rural town. It's technically not even a town, it's so small (population is less than 3000). My kids go to school here and it's a constant battle. I'm a member of FFRF and have contacted them several times about the absurd lack of separation between church and state. They pray at graduation, football games, send home Easter invitations to church functions, and post political opinions on their school facebook page (which I unfortunately feel the need to subscribe to because they also post important information that is otherwise hard to get). I have never meshed with the community here and everyone seems to be christian. Unfortunately, I'm stuck to this area because of my partners job. I can move to another school district, (we own a house here) but I don't know how much better things would be. I know I should just move far away. I want to. But I also think that this is MY community too. I shouldn't have to hide or run away. I NEED to stay to make it better. Sadly, there probably is not enough support locally to make that happen. Long story, but here's my question to teachers and others that work directly with public schools. Is it any better where you are? I don't ever remember having such problems when I was growing up in a town of 45,000. Should I try to get away and risk being the only income, or should I try to stick it out here in this rural hell? What kind of problems do you face in the classroom? Is every teacher in the world super fucking religious?!!

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:09AM by old-habit

How (not) to explain anything with metaphor

This post on metaphor and explanation in education makes the point that metaphors are very often used too superficially and that educators would benefit from knowing more about how metaphor-based understanding works.

Ultimately, any metaphor-based explanation can be but a singular event in the continual process of understanding. Metaphors, when used well, can be great instruments for further exploration. But when used poorly, they are but ornaments on an empty box of the vacant mind.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 08:05AM by techczech

Advice Needed: Should I change Biology for Statistics?

So, I'm in 10th grade and went to Science, I picked Chemistry and Biology. I'm quite good at mathematic A, taking A's without much study, I'm also kind of good at chemistry taking B's and C's. But Biology just ruins my overall score completly, I have F's and don't understand what I am doing there, it's too much to learn in a few weeks.

Now I'm going to 11th grade, and my teacher told me that there was an option to switch Chemistry or Biology for a subject of other areas and I was thinking of switching biology to statistics, since most of the bad math students tend to go to those types of classes. However, my mom which was good at math aswell, advised me that it wasn't as easy as I was thinking and that people who like maths tend to suck at statistics. So, what the fuck should I do, I'm supposed to deliver my answer tonight and I don't know what to do.

I somebody has any experience with both please help, ty

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 07:35AM by StrepZ_

@ManuelGilAnton : En torno a la carta del presidente López Obrador:

@ManuelGilAnton : En torno a la carta del presidente López Obrador: (via Twitter

Please take this survey for my final project in AP Lang. Thank you :D

All of your submissions, in my final project, will allow me to present the argument whether a school focuses too much on grades.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 04:37AM by ryannarnoldd

How to start over?

Long story short is my high school experience was a joke. I didn't really have engaging classes, nor did they actually teach half of the time. I have a paper that says I graduated, but as far as I'm concerned I don't even have a basic high school education. I desperately want to better myself but i feel like a few things hinder me from doing so.

1) I'm not very smart and don't retain information well. 2) school and I mix like oil and water. It shoots up my anxiety like no tomorrow. 3) I have chronic anxiety with some episodic depression, it's very difficult to get motivated or stick with it. And 4) going to school is expensive with time and money that I just don't have.

Is there any advice on how to approach my goal?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 02:14AM by MrHawke04

Age limit when it becomes unreasonable to study further

This may sound like a silly question, but I just wanted to know people’s opinions on if they think there’s an “age limit” when one should stop studying.

For context: I started university in 2011, then due to some medical issues, I had to stop in 2014. When I got a little better, I switched degrees and started again in 2017, and if everything goes according to plan, I’ll be graduating next year. I’m currently doing my undergrad in economics right now.

However, I’ve been looking at graduate studies and kind of want to do a masters in economics since a lot of the programs are around 1 year, but I would not be able to afford it until I’ve managed to work a couple years. By my (optimistic plan), I think I’ll be 30 before I can feasibly afford to do a masters degree.

Is 30 too late to try for a masters or does it not matter? I ask because I’m going to be 26 when I graduate and I have some friends who are the same age who are finishing/have finished their masters already, so it feels like I’m always lagging behind.

tl;dr Is 30 too late to try for a masters degree?

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 11:52PM by Trickybuz93

martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

Why do they not teach next to no information on politics in schools?

I would like to know how I find current petitions since I never hear any about any in the small city I live in. How do I find how each polition is voting ? Also how do I find current movements.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 10:57PM by nikkolearcucci

@EducacionFutura : Recuerda que toda la información del XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa la puedes consultar en la página

@EducacionFutura : Recuerda que toda la información del XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa la puedes consultar en la página (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Nueva evaluación magisterial: ¿pan con lo mismo? / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro

@EducacionFutura : Nueva evaluación magisterial: ¿pan con lo mismo? / No te pierdas el análisis de Abelardo Carro (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - De la evaluación al proceso de admisión docente

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - De la evaluación al proceso de admisión docente (via Twitter

Advice needed: Quitting my bachelors degree and pursuing my passion?

Hello everyone

So I received my diploma in engineering in 2018 and I just finished one out of my three years of my bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering. However, I quickly realized that engineering is not the profession for me. I don't enjoy studying it and I don't see myself working as an engineer at all. However, I have been very passionate about medicine and would love to become a physician. Do you think it would be a smart idea to quit by bachelors degree and study medicine or should I suffer through the next two years to get my bachelors then study medicine after that? Any advice is appreciated!

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 03:31PM by Arget54

@EducacionFutura : Esta es la carta que el presidente López Obrador emitió después de su reunión con integrantes de la CNTE

@EducacionFutura : Esta es la carta que el presidente López Obrador emitió después de su reunión con integrantes de la CNTE (via Twitter

Online platform for action research

Is there something similar to Google scholar, JSOR, etc., but specifically for teachers' action research? Or maybe something to help one with AR. Like guidelines, community to discuss AR related topics and so on.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 10:56AM by kintrbr

Special Education Case Law

I am trying to find the case number for a specific education case. The citation for the material I’m looking for says “Iowa State Education Agency, 112 LRP 27514, (2012)”.

When searching for 112 LRP 27514 in Google Scholar or Pacer, I am drawing up empty results.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 09:47AM by Wingless1986

@ManuelGilAnton : La complejidad del cambio en la educación en cada escuela, en cada salón donde se establece el vínculo que hace posible aprender.

@ManuelGilAnton : La complejidad del cambio en la educación en cada escuela, en cada salón donde se establece el vínculo que hace posible aprender. (via Twitter

HS Diploma from a defunct school

My wife is trying to go back to college. She has previously completed 90 credits but after reapplying, the school is requiring a HS diploma. I don't know why they don't have it on file since she's already 90 credits in at the same college but here we are.

The kicker is that my wife was home schooled and got her HS diploma through an umbrella school that no longer exists. At this point, we have no way to get any transcript or diploma and she cannot attend college until this can be produced.

Do we have any options to get the diploma or get around the college rules so she can finally get her degree? Who can we contact? Please help!

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 07:56AM by cdu0103a

@ManuelGilAnton : Es cierto. Hay que pelear para que sea el mismo tiempo que la ley contempla para la madre.

@ManuelGilAnton : Es cierto. Hay que pelear para que sea el mismo tiempo que la ley contempla para la madre. (via Twitter

I'm doing a survey on teachers perspective on technology in classrooms for a project.

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 11:47PM by thelonelyasssasssin

Help with a grade (academic) appeal letter?

Long story short, I had very unexpected health issues resulting in a possible colon cancer diagnosis (im 25, waiting on biopsy results). This currently mystery GI diagnosis pretty much debilitated me and kept me at home in bed majority of the time.. One of my classes required that we attended each lecture, and obviously i had to miss a few days of class either due to an appt or just being violently ill. I kept constant communication with my professors (those who required attendance and also those who did not require) letting them know why I was not in class, as i am not one to ever miss class, i pride myself on my work ethic so missing days really bothered me.

Anyways, the professor who required attendance was impossible to communicate with, usually she just did not respond to my emails that were asking questions trying to keep in the loop with assignments etc etc. I never missed an assignment due date, and i was never late on turning in assignments. So my grade in the class should have been an A.

Grades were posted and i received my first F as a college student. I'm livid as i feel it is completely unfair that solely for my possible cancer diagnosis and serious illness, i was given a failing grade. I'm now in the process of writing an appeal to the dean of that school (as per my school's appeal guidelines). Any advice for how to write a grade appeal letter? Any specific things to make sure i mention/do not say? i appreciate any help, this issue has really gotten to me. Thanks!

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 02:00AM by ac0311

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

Im hopelessly behind in Keystone...

So apparently the keystone school is terribly known for giving insane amounts of work to students. I have 3 months and need to still complete the majority of 4 classes. Its my senior year. Am I screwed or is there any hope left? Any veterans of this scam?

Help me I need to pass highschool this is ridiculous my grades are great

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 08:51PM by Accelerator611

@EducacionFutura : La Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) presentó el calendario escolar para el ciclo 2019-2020, que será único y de 190 días efectivos de clase, para las escuelas públicas y privadas de Educación Básica, incorporadas al Sistema Educativo Nacional.

@EducacionFutura : La Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) presentó el calendario escolar para el ciclo 2019-2020, que será único y de 190 días efectivos de clase, para las escuelas públicas y privadas de Educación Básica, incorporadas al Sistema Educativo Nacional. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : "En estas conversaciones, los negociadores obtuvieron algo, pero dudo que haya sido para bien de la educación" Carlos Ornelas

@EducacionFutura : "En estas conversaciones, los negociadores obtuvieron algo, pero dudo que haya sido para bien de la educación" Carlos Ornelas (via Twitter

High schooler in need of advice

Hello everyone!

I am an American high school student and I’m about to finish my sophomore year. Unfortunately, I struggle with several clinically diagnosed mental illnesses including major depression, PTSD (from an abusive childhood), and most relevant: anxiety related to work/academics and stress from these things. School is the largest contributor to these issues and my guardians and myself have realized that it might be best for me to reduce stress from school as much as possible at least until I can better manage my mental shortcomings.

As a result, I’m in need of advice on what to do next. What alternative options are there for me to finish my high school education? Will getting my GED be detrimental if I plan to pursue higher levels of education? Finally, is it simply best for me to continue with regular high school while trying my best to sort out my own issues?

Thank you!

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 04:43PM by throwaway97220

@EducacionFutura : Leyes secundarias, conflicto y salida / Un texto de Hugo Aboites

@EducacionFutura : Leyes secundarias, conflicto y salida / Un texto de Hugo Aboites (via Twitter

Has a school ever been permanently closed in the UK?

Has there ever been a case where a school was permanently or indefinitely closed in the UK?

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 01:40PM by blueastheocean

@EducacionFutura : #Recursos - 15 prácticas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje

@EducacionFutura : #Recursos - 15 prácticas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - "No renunciaré a la SEP; tengo afinidad a la política de AMLO" señaló el Subsecretario Gilberto Guevara Niebla al cuestionarle sobre los rumores de la presentación de su renuncia

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - "No renunciaré a la SEP; tengo afinidad a la política de AMLO" señaló el Subsecretario Gilberto Guevara Niebla al cuestionarle sobre los rumores de la presentación de su renuncia (via Twitter

How can I revise quickly for exams?

I'm going to have my final exams before graduating in about two weeks and I need to revise all the necessary materials for them. In my country only the grade you get in the finals counts as credit when enrolling in colleges. I have already started my revision,but any tips on how I can make the revision go by faster,would be appreciated. :)

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 09:05AM by Avoiding_Exulansis

Need advise about dropping out of university

Firstly, I come from a poor family from Eastern Europe and my mother and father worked hard for me to get out of the shitty country with no future I lived in and move in Denmark to start studying IT. I enjoy the programme and can see that the education is good but its just not something for me, and now I am faced with the dilemma.I can't tell my parents cause they already spent too much money and I don't want to study a year and a half more to finish my education.I feel like I am fucked and just wanted some advice on how to deal with this situation

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 09:32AM by SadTie0

@EducacionFutura : #RumboaAcapulco2019 - Recuerda que del 18 al 22 de noviembre se realizará en Acapulco, Guerrero, la XV edición del Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa

@EducacionFutura : #RumboaAcapulco2019 - Recuerda que del 18 al 22 de noviembre se realizará en Acapulco, Guerrero, la XV edición del Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa (via Twitter

Get education market research report and current trends in education 2019 | Education Industry Trends

See how the education industry has transformed in the past few years. Get education market research reports giving you details of the market as per your region, niche & budget. Find current trends in education 2019 and much more

Submitted May 27, 2019 at 06:35AM by kaviilpate

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

i feel like im unable to learn

the title isn't as specific as id like it to be but oh well

i basically have this problem where i have to read a simple sentence 20+ times to understand it, and even then i forget about it completely seconds after

this has been going on for years but since i'm now in high school this is making my life really hard

i'm gonna talk about the most recent event regarding this problem of mine. so, i have finals coming up and the first subject is ancient greek and we just have to learn some translations of texts in the book. i decided to start studying the translations days before the finals so i could be ready

i started today early morning and i got done like right now, which was about 11 hours of studying in total, no breaks or anything else that could interfere with my focus and concentration

you would think that after THAT much time you'd have learned at least 4-5 texts no problem, maybe more, but no

i finished a whole 1 text which wasn't even considered hard or complicated

most of my friends haven't started studying yet but one has, and he told me that in about 4 or so hours he finished 3 texts and whats more is that he doesnt even know anything about ancient greek at all

this is just one of oh so many examples of this sort of thing happening and i for the life of me cant figure out what am i doing wrong, all my friends seem to be learning stuff much easier than i do even if they have no idea about the subject (also this problem i have doesn't only affect my school life, its just that its much more common there)

ive also noticed i can barely ever focus on my homework, 90% of the time i'd rather just stare at the floor or ceiling than actually study which is also a big problem but i dont think its as concerning anyways

Submitted May 26, 2019 at 03:16PM by SCPGames

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @karene29: Ella es Graciela Chela Medina, el día de ayer acudió a una cita de trabajo en Coyoacán y hasta el momento no se sabe nada de ella, por favor comparte y has circular esta foto lo más pronto posible. Viajaba en un Versa Gris Placas 383ZMK. Ayúdanos a localizarla 🙏🙏🙏

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @karene29: Ella es Graciela Chela Medina, el día de ayer acudió a una cita de trabajo en Coyoacán y hasta el momento no se sabe nada de ella, por favor comparte y has circular esta foto lo más pronto posible. Viajaba en un Versa Gris Placas 383ZMK. Ayúdanos a localizarla 🙏🙏🙏 (via Twitter

English project

Hello, my friend studies in an English department and she has been given a project of researching in English subject. Her subject of research is "impact of learner's personality on learning english as a foreign language at the tertiary level of education". She doesn't use reddit. If any of you got any points on this topic it would be very helpful.

Submitted May 26, 2019 at 09:58AM by Anonymous5707

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @GabsAlcocer: Me ayudan compartiendo? Se dedica a los bienes raíces, salió a mostrar una propiedad en la tarde noche, en Coyoacan y ya no regresó.... compartan por favor! @sanjoseinsurgen @estarc62 @En_laDelValle @JoseAMeadeK @FelipeCalderon @ChilangoCom

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @GabsAlcocer: Me ayudan compartiendo? Se dedica a los bienes raíces, salió a mostrar una propiedad en la tarde noche, en Coyoacan y ya no regresó.... compartan por favor! @sanjoseinsurgen @estarc62 @En_laDelValle @JoseAMeadeK @FelipeCalderon @ChilangoCom (via Twitter

Helping people with difficulty choosing college majors

(posted on r/Showerthoughts as well)

So I had a lot of difficulty with picking majors/classes in college and so have been thinking about a couple of ways to help people. I am wondering about the following potential solutions:

1) Would it be effective for an individual to be exposed to the foundation of every potential major they could have in college, to standardize test them on the basis of their success in learning that foundation, and then incentivize them to pick the things they are good at? Say have a foundation for computer science, computer engineering, sociology, and psychology, see how much a person learns in these subjects compared to other people their age, and see if giving them bigger scholarships based on their best results is predictive of their success later in life? Same could be true for testing in success in entry courses in college as it relates to upper level specialized courses and upper level courses as it relates to graduate school.

2) Is an individual's internet history (even when anonymized and scanned by machines) throughout their childhood predictive of things they are good at later at life?

3) Is difficulty with picking courses a symptom of things like ADHD and Aspergers and should people who have such difficulties be referred for screening for such services?

Submitted May 26, 2019 at 06:31AM by vissar2g

If I just finished my Gcse and I would like to study law. What can I do next

Im about to finish my Gcse and Just turned 16. I would like to study law but had no previous experience of it. I am not sure where to go next, because my school doesn't offer law gcse and A levels. I will be doing A levels next year and non of them relate to Law. Where should I go next?

Submitted May 26, 2019 at 03:35AM by TIm_Aub

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez Yo ya... buen dia mamá de Alba, buen día hija de Eu. Abrazo

@ManuelGilAnton : @EuNunez Yo ya... buen dia mamá de Alba, buen día hija de Eu. Abrazo (via Twitter

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2019

@EducacionFutura : "Tampoco hay que olvidar que la nueva reforma educativa apenas está comenzando y que la lucha sigue, sigue y sigue, en varios frentes y con distintos modos." Alberto Arnaut

@EducacionFutura : "Tampoco hay que olvidar que la nueva reforma educativa apenas está comenzando y que la lucha sigue, sigue y sigue, en varios frentes y con distintos modos." Alberto Arnaut (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Senado lanza convocatorias para integrar el Organismo para la Mejora Continua de la Educación

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Senado lanza convocatorias para integrar el Organismo para la Mejora Continua de la Educación (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : El asedio a la ciencia / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : El asedio a la ciencia / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Unidad Lerma ha abierto la convocatoria para la Licenciatura en Educación y Tecnologías Digitales

@EducacionFutura : La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Unidad Lerma ha abierto la convocatoria para la Licenciatura en Educación y Tecnologías Digitales (via Twitter

How can your children be successful in life?

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Submitted May 25, 2019 at 09:15AM by sphinxpharaohs

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : @jr_joel_fm Gracias.

@ManuelGilAnton : @jr_joel_fm Gracias. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @jr_joel_fm ¿Cómo puedo escucharlos?

@ManuelGilAnton : @jr_joel_fm ¿Cómo puedo escucharlos? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy valiosa la Feria del Libro en Orizaba. Felicidades

@ManuelGilAnton : Muy valiosa la Feria del Libro en Orizaba. Felicidades (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Adriana Kupijy Vargas Huitrón, alumna de cuarto semestre de Pedagogía de la FES Acatlán de la UNAM, creó una biblioteca comunitaria en la ranchería Tejas, ubicada en el municipio de Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, en la Sierra Mixe de Oaxaca.

@EducacionFutura : Adriana Kupijy Vargas Huitrón, alumna de cuarto semestre de Pedagogía de la FES Acatlán de la UNAM, creó una biblioteca comunitaria en la ranchería Tejas, ubicada en el municipio de Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, en la Sierra Mixe de Oaxaca. (via Twitter

Anyone has course hero account ?

Submitted May 24, 2019 at 04:33PM by linkinpark17

@EducacionFutura : Toda la información sobre el XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa y el V Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Posgrado en Educación puedes consultarla en

@EducacionFutura : Toda la información sobre el XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa y el V Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Posgrado en Educación puedes consultarla en (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Fue un triunfo del magisterio / Un análisis de Alberto Arnaut sobre la recién promulgada reforma educativa

@EducacionFutura : Fue un triunfo del magisterio / Un análisis de Alberto Arnaut sobre la recién promulgada reforma educativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Idóneos o adecuados? / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de @ManuelGilAnton

@EducacionFutura : ¿Idóneos o adecuados? / No te pierdas el nuevo texto de @ManuelGilAnton (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - El próximo 29 de mayo se realizará el Foro de Análisis sobre las Leyes Secundarias de la Nueva Reforma Educativa. Participan Manuel Gil Antón, Marco Fernández, Pedro Flores Crespo, Adela Piña, Arcelia Martínez, entre otros

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - El próximo 29 de mayo se realizará el Foro de Análisis sobre las Leyes Secundarias de la Nueva Reforma Educativa. Participan Manuel Gil Antón, Marco Fernández, Pedro Flores Crespo, Adela Piña, Arcelia Martínez, entre otros (via Twitter

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

@EducacionFutura : "No son iguales las políticas de Bolsonario, Macri y López Obrador. Pero coinciden en un punto: el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología no es prioridad" Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : "No son iguales las políticas de Bolsonario, Macri y López Obrador. Pero coinciden en un punto: el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología no es prioridad" Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Estrategia de Normales / Un análisis de David Calderón de Mexicanos Primero

@EducacionFutura : Estrategia de Normales / Un análisis de David Calderón de Mexicanos Primero (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Los propósitos son claros y loables: bienestar, inclusión, igualdad, búsqueda de paz y justicia. Las herramientas que define para alcanzarlos, sin embargo, no apuntan a lo estratégico; al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo le falla lo programático: Carlos Ornelas

@EducacionFutura : Los propósitos son claros y loables: bienestar, inclusión, igualdad, búsqueda de paz y justicia. Las herramientas que define para alcanzarlos, sin embargo, no apuntan a lo estratégico; al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo le falla lo programático: Carlos Ornelas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Ese sujeto lejano llamado maestro / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez

@EducacionFutura : Ese sujeto lejano llamado maestro / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Llama la atención que, quien encabeza en este momento la DGESPE, estuvo durante tres años con el gobierno que tanto lastimó y ofendió al magisterio: Abelardo Carro

@EducacionFutura : Llama la atención que, quien encabeza en este momento la DGESPE, estuvo durante tres años con el gobierno que tanto lastimó y ofendió al magisterio: Abelardo Carro (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Accesibilidad: tarea pendiente de la Escuela Mexicana

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Accesibilidad: tarea pendiente de la Escuela Mexicana (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - El Senado de la República ha lanzado las convocatorias para integrar la Junta Directiva y el Consejo Técnico del Organismo para la Mejora Continua de la Educación, el cual sustituirá al INEE.

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - El Senado de la República ha lanzado las convocatorias para integrar la Junta Directiva y el Consejo Técnico del Organismo para la Mejora Continua de la Educación, el cual sustituirá al INEE. (via Twitter

Possible rigging of my schools election?

I decided to run for my Class Presidency, and gathered a massive portion of my grade to vote for me. It was obvious that I had the majority based on audience reaction and previous unofficial polls my colleagues conducted. Suspicious Circumstance: The microphone shut down in the middle of my speech, and was just fine during my competitors[I was second to go up out of everyone] One of the people that worked with the electronics in my school told me that they change the batteries every time they need to be used. The faculty and upperclassmen councils do not like the fact that I ran, since they believe me to be incompetent and running as a joke. Should I ask for a recount? What should I do??

Submitted May 23, 2019 at 01:03PM by WellIHaveNoIdeas

@EducacionFutura : Urge garantizar los derechos profesionales docentes / No te pierdas el análisis de Jennifer L. O'Donoghue

@EducacionFutura : Urge garantizar los derechos profesionales docentes / No te pierdas el análisis de Jennifer L. O'Donoghue (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Será esa la única razón? Ha lugar a dudas.

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Será esa la única razón? Ha lugar a dudas. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Lo que se logra con esa palabra hoy tan rara: ahínco. Felicidades

@ManuelGilAnton : Lo que se logra con esa palabra hoy tan rara: ahínco. Felicidades (via Twitter

Tips, Strategies, psychology tricks & the likes for incoming senior high/college

I need advices! Help me, kind folks! I am absolutely nervous but mostly excited! Thank you in advance!

Submitted May 23, 2019 at 08:43AM by burntpeachpie

Tips, Strategies, psychology tricks & the likes for incoming senior high/college

I need advices! Help me, kind folks! I am absolutely nervous but mostly excited! Thank you in advance!

Submitted May 23, 2019 at 08:21AM by burntpeachpie

@ManuelGilAnton : @enbj67 No sé, Juan José. Procuro Averiguar y te aviso.

@ManuelGilAnton : @enbj67 No sé, Juan José. Procuro Averiguar y te aviso. (via Twitter

7 Top Ways Students are Benefiting from Digital Literacy Integration

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Submitted May 23, 2019 at 03:39AM by Chisabez78

@EducacionFutura : SEP: mover al elefante / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez

@EducacionFutura : SEP: mover al elefante / Un análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez (via Twitter